1:1 上主的仆人梅瑟死了以后,上主对农的儿子,梅瑟的待从若苏厄说:
1:2 「我的的仆人梅瑟死了,你现在起来,和全体百姓过约但河,往我赐给他们,即以色列子民的地方去。
1:3 凡你们的脚踏过的地方,照我对梅瑟说的,我必赐给你们;
1:4 从旷野直到黎巴嫩,由大河,即幼发拉的河,赫特人的全境,直到大海日落之地,都是你们的领土。
1:5 你有生之日,没有人能抵抗你;过去我怎样和梅瑟同在,也要怎样和你同在,决不离开你,决不舍弃你。
1:6 你应勇敢果断,因为你必须使这百姓,占领我曾向他们祖先起誓赐给他们作产业的地方。
1:7 你只须勇敢,坚决果断,不偏左右,谨守奉行我仆人梅瑟所吩咐你的一切训示,好使你无往不利。
1:8 这部法律书总不要离开你的口,你要日夜默思,好叫你能谨守奉行其中所记载的一切;这样,你做事必能顺利,必能成功。
1:9 我不是吩咐了你,你应勇敢果断吗﹖所以你不要害怕,也不要胆怯,因为你无论到那里,上主你的天主必与你同在。」
1:10 以后若苏厄向百姓的官长下令说:
1:11 「你们应走遍全营,吩咐百姓说:你们应准备食物,因为还有三天,就要过这约但河,去占领上主你们的天主赐与你们作产业的土地。
1:12 若苏厄又对勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人说:
1:13 「你们应记起上主的仆人梅瑟吩咐你们的事。他说过:上主你们的天主将这地赐给你们,使你们获得安居,
1:14 你们的妇孺和牲畜,可留在梅瑟在约但河东赐你们的地方;但你们中所有的英勇战士,都应武装起来,在你们弟兄前过河,协助他们,
1:15 直到上主使你们的弟兄,像你们一样,占领了上主你们的天主,赐给他们作为产业的地方,获得了安居,然后你们方可回到你们所得作为产业的地方,即上主的仆人梅瑟在约但河东,日出之地,赐予你们的地方。
1:16 他们回答若苏厄说:「凡你命令我们的,我们必都照办;凡你派我们去的地方,我们一定去。
1:17 我们在一切事上怎样服从了梅瑟,也怎样服从你;惟愿上主你的天主与你同在,如与梅瑟同在一样。
1:18 无论谁违背你的命令,不服从你吩咐他的一切训示,必处死刑。但你应该勇敢果断。」
2:1 农的儿子若苏厄由史廷暗中派出两个人作侦探说:「你们去察看那地和耶里哥!」他们就去了,来到一个名叫辣哈布的妓女家中,就住在那里。
2:2 有人报告耶里哥王说:「夜间有两个以色列人到了这里,侦探这地方。」
2:3 耶里哥王遂派人到辣哈布那里说:「将那来到你家中的两个人交出来,因为他们是来侦探这地方的。」
2:4 但是那女人预先将那两个人藏起来,就这样回答说:「那两个人的确来过我这里,但他们是从那里来的,我却不知道。
2:5 天黑快关城门时,他们两人出去了;往那里去了,我也不知道。你们快去追赶,也许还可赶上他们。」
2:6 原来她叫那两个人上了屋顶,藏在她屋顶上堆积的麻楷内。
2:7 来问的人便沿着约但河,直向渡口去追赶;追赶的人一出去,城门就关了。
2:8 他们还没有睡,那女人就上到屋顶,
2:9 对他们二人说:「我知道上主已将这地方交给了你们;你们真叫我们害怕,此地所有的居民,对你们都恐惧不已。
2:10 因为我们听说,你们出埃及时,上主怎样使红海在你们面前干涸;你们又怎样对待了约但河东岸的两个阿摩黎王,即息红和敖格,将他们完全消灭。
2:11 我们听了,心都冷了,没有一人再有勇气来对抗你们,因为上主你们的天主,就是上天下地的天主。
2:12 现在请你们指着上主对我起誓,我既然恩待了你们,你们也要恩待我的父家,请给我们一个安全的保证,
2:13 使我的父母、兄弟、姊妹和他们所有的一切人,都能生存,救我们的性命免于死亡。」
2:14 他们二人回答她说:「如果妳不泄漏我们的约定,我们愿拿性命为你们担保;当上主将这地方交给我们时,我们必慈善忠厚地对妳。」
2:15 那女人于是用绳子将他们二人由窗户缒下去,因为她的房屋是在城墙上,她也住在城墙上。
2:16 她又对他们说:「你们要往山中去,免得追赶的人遇见你们。你们在那里躲藏三天,等追赶的人回来,然后再上道。」
2:17 他们二人对她说:「如果你不这样作,你叫我们所起的誓,我们将不负责:
2:18 就是当我们再到这地方时,你应将这根朱红线系在妳缒下我们的窗户上,并且叫妳的父母、兄弟和妳父亲全家人口,都聚集在妳这屋内。
2:19 谁若走出妳的屋门,他的血应由他自己承当,我们不负责任;但凡同妳在屋内的,如有人下手加害他,他的血将由我们承当。
2:20 但是你若泄漏了我们的约定,那么,妳叫我们所起的誓,我们便不负责。」
2:21 她回答说:「就照你们说的做罢!」于是打发他们二人走了。他们走后,她遂把那根朱红线系在她的窗户上。
2:22 他们出去,到了山上,在那里住了三天,直到追赶的人回去。追赶的人一路寻找他们,结果没有找到。
2:23 他们二人转身,由山上下来,渡过了约但河,回到农的儿子若苏厄那里,将他们所遇见的事,一一报告给他。
2:24 他们对若苏厄说:「上主实在已将那整个地域交在我们手中,因为那地方的居民对我们都十分恐惧。」
3:1 若苏厄清早起来,同所有的以色列子民由史廷出发,来到了约但河,住在那里,等候过河。
3:2 过了三天,官长走遍全营,
3:3 吩咐百姓说:「你们一看见上主你们天主的约柜,和抬约柜的肋未人,你们便由你们所住的地方起身,跟着它走,
3:4 好使你们知道你们应走的路,因为这条路你们从来没有走过。但在你们与约柜之间,应相隔二千肘,不可走近约柜。」
3:5 若苏厄对百姓说:「你们应该自洁,因为上主明天要在你们中间行神迹。
3:6 若苏厄又吩咐司祭说:「你们抬起约柜,在百姓前过河。」他们遂抬起约柜,走在百姓前面。
3:7 上主对若苏厄说:「今天我要开始在众以色列眼前显扬你,使他们知道,我要与你同在,有如我过去我与梅瑟同在一样。
3:8 你吩咐抬约柜的司祭说:「你们一到约但河的水边,就停在约但河边。」
3:9 若苏厄又吩咐以色列子民说:「你们前来静听上主你们天主的话。」
3:10 若苏厄遂说:「你们由此可知道,永生的天主是在你们中间,衪必由你们面前,将客纳罕人、赫特人、希威人、培黎齐人、基尔加士人、阿摩黎人和耶步斯人赶走。
3:11 看,大地主宰的约柜要在你们前面渡过约但河。
3:12 现在,你们应从以色列支派中,挑选十二人,每支派一人。
3:13 当抬大地的主宰上主约柜的司祭的脚掌,一踏入约但河的水,约但河的水就必中断,由上流下的水要停,像一道堤。
3:14 当百姓起程离开帐幕要过约但河时,司祭抬着约柜,走在百姓的前面。
3:15 当抬约柜的司祭到了约但河,他们的脚一踏入水边,──原来约但河在整个收割期间,水常涨至河岸──
3:16 水就停住了:由上流下的水像一道堤,停在很远的地方,远至匝尔堂附近的阿当城;往下流入阿辣巴海,即盐海的水,已全退去;于是百姓在耶里哥对面过了河。
3:17 当全以色列人在旱地上渡过时,抬上主约柜的司祭稳立在约但河中的旱地上,直到全民众都渡过约但河。
4:1 众百姓一过了约但河,上主就吩咐若苏厄说:
4:2 「你该由百姓中,挑选十二人,每支派一人,
4:3 命令他们说:你们要从这里,从约但河中,由司祭的脚站立的地方,取十二块石头,带到你们今夜住宿的地方去。」
4:4 若苏厄于是将他由以色列子民中选定的十二人,每支派一人召了来,
4:5 对他们说:「你们由上主你们天主的约柜面前走过,到约但河中心,依照以色列子民支派的数目,各取一块石头,放在肩上,
4:6 在你们中间作为记念;日后你们的子孙问起你们:这些石头有什么意思﹖
4:7 你们要告诉他们说:约但河的水,在上主约柜前曾一度中断,正在约柜过约但河时,约但河的水便中断了,这些石头,为以色列子民将作永远的记念。
4:8 以色列子民就照若苏厄所吩咐的作了;依上主对若苏厄所说的,按照以色列子民支派的数目,由约但河中心取了十二块石头,搬到他们扎营的地方,把石头放在那里。
4:9 若苏厄又在约但河中心,抬约柜的司祭的脚站立的地方,竖立了十二块石头,这些石头直到今天,还留在那里。
4:10 抬约柜的司祭站在约但河中央,直至上主命令若苏厄告诉百姓的一切事,全照梅瑟吩咐若苏厄的办完了,百姓才赶快过去。
4:11 众百姓过了河以后,上主的约柜和司祭才过去,仍走在百姓的前面。
4:12 勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人,依照梅瑟对他们所吩咐的,武装起来,在以色列子民前首先过去;
4:13 约有四万武装部队由上主面前走过,向耶里哥平原进发,准备作战。
4:14 那一天,上主在众以色列面前,显扬了若苏厄;在他有生之日,百姓敬重他如敬重梅瑟一样。
4:15 上主吩咐若苏厄说:
4:16 「你命令抬约柜的司祭,由约但河里上来。」
4:17 若苏厄便吩咐司祭说:「你们由约但河里上来。」
4:18 抬上主约柜的司祭由约但河一上来,他们的脚一着旱地,约但河的水即刻流回原处,如同先前一样,涨到两岸。
4:19 正月初十,百姓由约但河上来以后,在耶里哥东边的基耳加耳扎了营。
4:20 若苏厄将从约但河取来的那十二块石头,立在基耳加耳;
4:21 然后吩咐以色列子民说:「日后你们的子孙,若问他们的父老说:这些石头有什么意思﹖
4:22 你们就告诉你们的子孙说:以色列曾在这旱地上过了这约但河,
4:23 因为上主你们的天主,曾在你们的面前使约但河水干涸,直到你们都过了河,正如上主你们的天主,在我们面前使红海干涸,直到我们都过了海一样,
4:24 为叫地上万民认识上主的手如何强而有力,为叫你们从此时常敬畏上主,你们的天主。」
5:1 住在约但河西岸所有的阿摩黎人的王子,和所有靠近海滨的客纳罕人的王子,一听见上主使约但河水在以色列子民面前干涸了,直到他们都过了河,无不胆战心惊,面对以色列子民,个个吓得魂不附体。
5:2 那时上主对若苏厄说:「你应制造火石刀,再给以色列子民行割损。」
5:3 若苏厄就制造了火石刀,在阿辣罗特山丘给以色列子民行了割损。
5:4 若苏厄行割损的原因,是因为由埃及出来的众百姓,所有能作战的男子,出埃及后,都死在旷野的路上。
5:5 出离埃及的百姓,都受过割损,但在离开埃及以后,生于旷野路途的百姓,都没有受过割损。
5:6 以色列子民在旷野里漂泊了四十年,直到全民众,即出离埃及能作战的男子都去了世,因为他们没有听从上主的话,所以上主曾向他们起誓,决不许他们看到上主向他们的祖先起誓,要赐给我们的那流奶流蜜的地方。
5:7 但为接替他们,上主兴起了他们的子孙,若苏厄就给他们行了割损,──他们仍有包皮,因为他们在路上没有受过割损。
5:8 民众全受了割损以后,便往在营中,直到痊愈。
5:9 上主于是对若苏厄说:「今天我由你们身上割去了埃及的耻辱。」因此,那地方直到今天叫作基耳加耳。
5:10 以色列子民在基耳加耳扎了营;正月十四日晚上,在耶里哥平原举行了逾越节。
5:11 逾越节次日,他们吃了当地的出产,即在那一天,吃了无酵饼和烤的麦子。
5:12 他们吃了当地的出产的次日,「玛纳」就停止了。以色列子民既没有了「玛纳」,那年就以客纳罕地的出产为生。
5:13 当若苏厄走近耶里哥时,举目一望,看见一个人立在他前面,手持脱鞘的刀。若苏厄走到那人面前问他说:「你是我们的人,还是我们仇敌的人﹖」
5:14 那人回答说:「不,我是上主军旅的元帅,刚来到这里。」若苏厄便俯伏至地,向他下拜说:「我主有什么事要指示自己的仆人呢﹖」
5:15 上主军旅的元帅对若苏厄说:「将你脚上鞋脱下,因为你站的地方是圣地。」若苏厄便照着做了。
6:1 耶里哥城门紧紧关闭,无人出入,以防以色列子民。
6:2 上主对若苏厄说:「看!我已将耶里哥和城中的王子,精锐的战士,都交在你手中。
6:3 你们所有的战士要围绕这城转一遭,这样转六天。
6:4 七位司祭要带着七个羊角号,在约柜前面行走;但第七天,要围绕城转七遭,并且司祭要吹号角。
6:5 当羊号角吹起长声时,你们听见了号角的响声时,众百姓应当高声喊叫;那时城墙必要坍塌,百姓个个要往前直冲。」
6:6 农的儿子若苏厄将司祭召来,对他们说:「你们应抬着约柜,七位司祭带着七个羊角号,走在上主约柜的前面。」
6:7 然后,又对百姓说:「你们要前去围着城转,先锋队要走在上主约柜的前面。」
6:8 若苏厄对百姓说完话以后,那七位带着七个羊角号的司祭,走在上主前面,吹着号角,上主的约柜跟在他们后面。
6:9 先锋队走在吹号角的司祭前面,后卫随着约柜,一面走,一面吹号角。
6:10 若苏厄向百姓下令说:「你们不可叫喊,不可叫人听到你们的声音,连一句话也不可出口,直到我给你们说:「叫喊」那天,你们才可叫喊。
6:11 这样上主的约柜围城转了一遭后,众人就回到营中,在营中过夜。
6:12 若苏厄清早起来,司祭又抬起上主的约柜,
6:13 七位司祭带了七个羊号角,走在上主约柜前面,一面走,一面吹号角;先锋队走在他们前面,后卫随在上主约柜后面,一面走,一面吹号角。
6:14 第二天他们围城转了一遭后,又回到营中;他们这样行了六天。
6:15 到了第七天,早晨黎明时,他们起来,照样围城转了七遭。惟独这一天围城转了七遭。
6:16 到了第七遭,司祭们吹起了号角,若苏厄吩咐百姓说:「你们叫喊,因为上主已将这城交给了你们。
6:17 这城和城中所有的一切,都应全完毁灭,归于上主,只有妓女辣哈布和她家中的人口可以生存,因为她隐藏了我们所派的使者。
6:18 但你们要小心,不可私自取用这些应毁灭之物,免得你们贪心,窃取应毁灭之物,使以色列全营遭受诅咒,陷于不幸。
6:19 至于所有的金银,以及铜铁的器皿,都应奉献给上主,归入上主的府库。」
6:20 百姓于是叫喊,号声四起;百姓一听到了号角声,放声大叫,城墙便坍塌了;百姓遂上了城,个个向前直冲,攻陷了那城。
6:21 将城中所有的一切,不论男女老幼,牛羊驴马,都用利剑杀尽。
6:22 若苏厄吩咐侦探这地的两个人说:「你们到那妓女家里去,照你们对她起的誓,将那女人和她所有的家人,从那里领出来。」
6:23 那两个年轻侦探就去将辣哈布和她的父母、兄弟和她所有的家人,并她所有的亲戚,都领了出来,安置在以色列营外。
6:24 此后众人将城和城中所有的一切都用火烧了;惟独把金银以及铜铁的器皿,送入上主居所的府库中。
6:25 至于妓女辣哈布与她父家,并她所有的家人,若苏厄使之生存,直到今天,她还住在以色列人中,因为她隐藏了若苏厄派去侦探耶里哥的两个使者。
6:26 那时若苏厄起誓说:「凡着手重建这耶里哥城的人,在上主面前是可咒骂的。他奠基时必丧失长子,按门时必丧失幼儿。」
6:27 上主与若苏厄同在,他的名声传遍了那一带地方。
7:1 以色列子民在应毁灭之物上犯了罪;那是因为犹大支派中,则辣黑的曾孙,匝贝狄的孙子,加尔米的儿子阿干,取了应毁灭之物,上主对以色列子民发了大怒。
7:2 若苏厄从耶里哥派人到哈依去,──这城位于贝特耳东方贝特阿文附近──吩咐他们说:「你们上去,侦察那地。」那些人便上去侦察了哈衣。
7:3 他们回来对若苏厄说:「不需要众百姓都上去,只派两三千人去攻打哈依就够了,不必劳动全体百姓,因为他们人数不多。」
7:4 这样百姓中约有三千人上去攻打哈依,不料他们由哈依人面前逃跑了。
7:5 哈依人出击,杀了他们约有三十六人,从城门前追击他们,直追到舍巴陵,在斜坡上又杀败了他们,因此百姓的勇气像水一样消散了。
7:6 若苏厄撕破自己的衣服,和以色列的长老,在上主约柜前俯伏在地,一直到晚上,各在头上撒上灰土。
7:7 若苏厄说:「唉,我主上主!你为什么领这百姓渡过约但河,是为将我们交于阿摩黎人手中,让我们消灭吗﹖巴不得我们住在约但河那边倒好!
7:8 唉我主!以色列人既然由敌人前转身逃跑,我还说什么呢﹖
7:9 当客纳罕人和这地方所有的居民听说这事,必来围攻我们,从地上将我们的名字抹去,那时你对你的大名要怎样办呢?」
7:10 上主对若苏厄说:「起来,为什么老是伏在地上﹖
7:11 以色列犯了罪,违背了我在盟约上给他们规定的,取了应毁灭之物,又偷又骗,并将应毁灭之物放在自己行囊里。
7:12 以色列所以扺挡不了敌人,由敌人前转身逃跑,是因为他们成了当诅咒的,除非你们将那应毁灭之物,由你们中间除掉,我不再与你们同在。
7:13 起来,叫百姓圣洁自己,吩咐他们说:你们明天要圣洁自己,因为上主以色列的天主这样说:以色列!你们中间有应毁灭之物,除非将应毁灭之物,由你们中间除掉,你们决抵挡不住敌人。
7:14 所以明早你们应按支派前来。上主使那支派中签,这支派的宗族都应前来;上主使那宗族中签,这家族的宗族都应前来;上主使那家室中签,这家的男子应一个一个地前来。
7:15 若藏有应毁灭之物的人中了签,他和他所有的一切都应用火焚烧,因为他违犯了上主的约定,在以色列中间做了胡涂的事。」
7:16 若苏厄清早起来,命以色列按着支派一一前来,犹大支派中了签。
7:17 他叫犹大支派前来,则辣黑宗族中了签;遂叫则辣黑宗族前来,匝贝狄家室中了签;
7:18 此后,又叫他的家室前来,叫男丁一个一个地前来,阿干中了签──阿干是加尔米的儿子,加尔米是匝贝狄的儿子,匝贝狄是则辣黑的儿子,属犹大支派。
7:19 若苏厄遂对阿干说:「我儿,你应归光荣于上主,以色列的天主,向衪认罪。请告诉我,你作了什么事,不要隐瞒我。」
7:20 阿干回答若苏厄说:「我实在得罪了上主,以色列的天主。我是如此这般作的;
7:21 我在战利品中,见了一件美丽的史纳尔外氅,二百「协刻耳」银子,一条重五十「协刻耳」的金条,我因贪爱便拿走了,现在藏在我帐幕中的地下,银子在这些东西下面。」
7:22 若苏厄即刻派差役跑到他帐幕里面,果然那些东西在他帐幕内藏着,银子在下面。
7:23 差役便从帐幕里拿出来,带到若苏厄和所有以色列子民那里,摆在上主面前。
7:24 若苏厄和所有以色列人,将则辣黑的曾孙阿干和那银子、外氅、金条,并他的子女、牛、驴、羊、帐幕,以及他所有的一切,都带到阿苛尔山谷。
7:25 若苏厄说:「你为什么给我们招来祸患﹖今天上主必要叫你遭祸。」以色列民众于是用石头将他砸死。众人用石头砸死他们以后,将一切用火烧了。
7:26 以后,又在阿干身上堆上了一大堆石头,这堆石头一直存到今日;上主于是撤回了盛怒。因此那地方直到今日叫做阿苛尔山谷。
8:1 以后上主对若苏厄说:「你不要害怕,不要胆怯,只管率领所有的军民,前去进攻哈依城。看,我已将哈依王,他的百姓、城池和土地,都交在你手中。
8:2 你要对待哈依城和哈依王,如同对待耶里哥和耶里哥王一样;只有城中的战利品和牲畜,你们可据为己有。你应在城后面,设下攻城的伏兵。」
8:3 若苏厄于是与所有的军民起身前去进攻哈依城。若苏厄选了三万精兵,派他们黑夜出发,
8:4 吩咐他们说:「你们要注意,在城那边,即在城后面埋伏下,不可离城太远,个个都要戒备;
8:5 我和我率领的人,向城推进;当他们像前次一样出来迎击我们时,我们就由他们面前逃走,
8:6 他们一定出来追赶我们。我们将他们诱出城来,他们必说:这些人像前次一样,又由我们面前逃走了。我们就由他们面前逃走。
8:7 那时你们应从埋伏的地方出来,占领城市,上主你们的天主必将这城交在你们手中。
8:8 你们一占领了城,就放火烧城,全照上主的话执行。你们应注意我吩咐你们的事。」
8:9 若苏厄就打发他们去了。他们便开到埋伏的地方,停在贝特耳和哈依之间,在哈依西面。那一夜若苏厄便在百姓中间过了夜。
8:10 若苏厄清早起来,点齐军民;然后和以色列的长老,在军人前头向哈依城进发。
8:11 跟随他的所有军人也都一齐进发,迫近城下,在哈依北面扎了营。原来在他和哈依中间隔着一个山谷。
8:12 若苏厄调了约五千人,令他们埋伏在贝特耳和哈依之间,即在哈依西面。
8:13 这样城北的军民和城西的伏兵,都严阵以待。当夜若苏厄就在谷中过了夜。
8:14 哈依王一见这情形,便和全城的人急忙起来,到了面对阿辣巴的山坡,要和以色列人交战,但他没有料到城后面还有伏兵。
8:15 若苏厄和以色列人在他们面前诈败,沿着往旷野的路奔逃,
8:16 城中的人尽被征调,在后追赶。当他们追赶若苏厄时,都被诱出城来;
8:17 在哈依和贝特耳没有留下一个人不出来追赶以色列人的。他们拋下敞开的城门,都去追赶以色列人。
8:18 这时上主对若苏厄说:「将你手中的短剑指向哈依城,因为我即将这城交于你手中。」若苏厄便将手中的短剑指向哈依城。
8:19 他一伸手,伏兵即由埋伏的地方奋起,冲进城中,将城占领,急速放火烧城。
8:20 哈依人回头,看见城内浓烟冲天,都没有了往前后逃跑的力量,因为此时向旷野奔逃的以色列人,忽然转过身来还击追赶自己的哈依人。
8:21 若苏厄和全以色列见伏兵已夺了城,城内烟气上腾,便转身回来击杀哈依人。
8:22 伏兵也由城中出来夹击,哈依人便被包围在以色列人中间,前后受敌;以色列人将他们完全杀尽,没有留下一个,也没有逃走一个。
8:23 他们生摛了哈依王,把他解到若苏厄面前。
8:24 以色列人在旷野的平原上,杀尽了追赶自己的一切哈依居民,哈依人全都死于刀下;以后,全以色列人又回到哈依,杀尽城中的人。
8:25 那天被杀的人,男女共计一万二千,都是哈依人。
8:26 若苏厄在没有杀尽哈依的一切居民前,一直没有收回自己手中所持的短剑。
8:27 惟有城中的牲畜和财物,以色列人依照上主吩咐若苏厄的话,据为己有。
8:28 然后若苏厄焚毁哈依城,使之永远成为废墟,时至今日,仍是一片荒凉;
8:29 又将哈依王悬在树上,直到黄昏;日落时,若苏厄令人将他的死尸从树上卸下,丢在城门口,在他身上又堆了一大堆石头,直存到今日。
8:30 那时,若苏厄在厄巴耳山,为上主以色列的天主,筑了一座祭坛;
8:31 全照上主的仆人梅瑟向以色列子民所吩咐的,全照梅瑟法律书上所记载的,用没有动过铁器的整块石头,筑了一座祭坛,在上面向上主献了全燔祭,祭杀了和平祭牺牲。
8:32 若苏厄又在那里将梅瑟当着以色列子民的面所写的法律,刻在石头上。
8:33 以色列全体民众和他们的长老、领袖、判官,连侨居的人和土生的人,一半向着革黎斤山,一半向着厄巴耳山,正如上主的仆人梅瑟,当初为祝福以色列百姓所命令的。
8:34 以后若苏厄将法律上祝福和诅咒的一切话,全照法律书上所记载的,宣读了一遍。
8:35 凡梅瑟所吩咐的一切话,若苏厄在以色列全会众前,连妇孺和寄居在他们中的外侨在内,没有一句不向他们宣读的。
9:1 约但河西,住在山地和平原并沿大海一带直到黎巴嫩山的众王子,即赫特人、阿摩黎人、客纳罕人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人,听见了这些事,
9:2 就联合起来,同心协力对抗若苏厄和以色列人。
9:3 基贝红居民听说若苏厄对耶里哥和哈依所行的事,
9:4 便设诡计带着行粮上路,将一些旧布袋和破裂缝补的旧酒囊驮在驴上;
9:5 脚上穿著补过的破鞋,身上穿著褴褛的衣服;所带的食物,又干又碎,
9:6 来到基耳加耳营中见若苏厄;对他和以色列人说:「我们是远方来的,现在请你们与我们立约。」
9:7 以色列对这些希威人说:「你们也许是我们附近的居民,我们怎能同你们立约﹖」
9:8 他们回答若苏厄说:「我们是你的仆人。」若苏厄问他们说:「你们是什么人﹖是从那里来的﹖」
9:9 他们答说:「你的仆人们是因为听了上主你们天主的名声,由极远的地方来的,因为我们听见人谈及衪的声望,和衪在埃及所行的一切,
9:10 以及衪对住在约但河东的两个阿摩黎王:即赫市朋王息红和阿市塔洛特的巴商王敖格所行的一切。
9:11 为此,我们的长老和我们本地的居民,对我们说:你们手中带些路上用的食物,去迎接以色列人;对他们说:我们是你们的仆人,现在请你们与我们立约。
9:12 看,这就是我们的食物,我们从家中带出来,要到你们这里来的那天还热,看,现在又干又碎;
9:13 这就是我们的酒囊,才盛酒的时候还新,看,现在都破裂了;这是我们的衣服和鞋,为了路途遥远,都穿烂了。」
9:14 以色列的首领便取了些他们的行粮,并没有请求上主的谕示;
9:15 若苏厄便与他们修好,与他们立了约,让他们生存,会众的首领也向他们起了誓。
9:16 但是,与他们立约后过了三天,以色列人就听说,他们是住在自己附近的居民。
9:17 以色列子民于是动身,第三天便到了他们的城市:就是基贝红、革非辣、贝洛特和克黎雅特耶阿陵。
9:18 但以色列子民没有击杀他们,因为会众的首领指着上主,以色列的天主,对他们起过誓;但全会众都对他们的首领不满。
9:19 众首领对全会众说:「我们既已指着上主以色列的天主对他们起誓,那么我们决不能加害他们,
9:20 只有这样做,就是让他们生存下去,免得因我们对他们所起的誓,为我们招来上主的义怒。」
9:21 首领又对民众说:「让他们生存下去,但他们应为全会众劈柴挑水。」全会众便遵照首领的话而行。
9:22 若苏厄将基贝红人召来,对他们说:「你们为什么欺骗我们说:我们离你们很远,其实你们就住在我们附近﹖
9:23 从此你们应受诅咒,你们中间,决不断要有人在我天主的殿内,做劈柴挑水的劳役。」
9:24 他们回答若苏厄说:「你的仆人们确实听说:上主你的天主,曾吩咐衪的仆人梅瑟,要把这整块土地赐给你们,并在你们面前,将这地方上的一切居民消灭;我们见你们前来,我们实在为我们的生命担忧,所以才做了这事。
9:25 现在,我们都在你手里,你以为怎样好,怎样对,就怎样对待我们罢!」
9:26 若苏厄就这样对待了他们:将他们由以色列人手中救出,不让人加害他们。
9:27 当天就派定他们在上主选定的地方,为会众,为上主的祭坛,劈柴挑水,直到今日。
10:1 当耶路撒冷王阿多尼责德克听说若苏厄攻占了哈依,完全予以毁灭,对待哈依和哈依王如对待耶里哥和耶里哥王一样;又听说基贝红居民已与以色列媾和,可住在他们中间,
10:2 大为震惊,因为基贝红是座大城,像座京城,比哈依还大,城中的人又都勇敢。
10:3 耶路撒冷王阿多尼责德克遂打发使者去见赫贝龙王曷罕、雅尔慕特王丕兰、拉基士王雅非亚和厄革隆王德彼尔说:
10:4 「请你们前来援助我,攻打基贝红,因为这城已与若苏厄和以色列人媾和。」
10:5 那五个阿摩黎王,即耶路撒冷王、赫贝龙王、雅尔慕特王、拉基士王和厄革隆王联合起来,率领他们所有的军队上去包围了基贝红,合力进攻。
10:6 基贝红即派人到基耳加耳营中见若苏厄说:「你不要袖手不顾你的仆人,请快上来援救,扶助我们,因为住在山地的众阿摩黎王都联合起来攻击我们。」
10:7 若苏厄遂亲率他的一切军民,和所有的精兵,从基耳加耳上去了。
10:8 上主对若苏厄说:「你不要怕他们,因为我已将他们交在你手中,没有一人能抵抗你。」
10:9 若苏厄由基耳加耳出发,整夜行军,出其不意,突然向他们进攻。
10:10 上主使他们在以色列人前大为混乱,以色列人在基贝红将他们完全击败,随后在往贝特曷龙的上坡路上追赶他们,击杀他们直到阿则卡,直到玛刻达。
10:11 当他们逃避以色列人,来到贝特曷龙下坡时,上主从天上降下冰雹,落在他们身上,直落到阿则卡,死伤无数;为冰雹砸死的人,比以色列用刀杀死的还多。
10:12 上主将阿摩黎人交于以色列子民的那一天,若苏厄当着以色列人的面对上主说:「太阳!停在基贝红!月亮!停在阿雅隆谷!」
10:13 太阳果然停住,月亮站住不动,直到百姓报复了自己的仇敌。这事岂不是记载在「义士书」上了吗﹖太阳停在空中,未急速下落,约有一整天。
10:14 以前或以后,从来没有一天像这天一样。上主这样俯听了人的呼声,因为是上主在为以色列人作战。
10:15 此后,若苏厄和所有跟随他的以色列人,回了基耳加耳营。
10:16 至于那五个逃脱的王子,藏在玛刻达山洞里,
10:17 有人来通知若苏厄说:「那五个王子已被发现,藏在玛刻达山洞里。」
10:18 若苏厄吩咐说:「你们把几块大石滚到洞口,派人看守。
10:19 你们不可停下来,要去追赶敌人,切断他们的后路,不容他们逃入城中,因为上主你们的天主,已将他们交在你们手中。」
10:20 若苏厄和以色列子民杀得他们惨败,几乎将他们全部消灭,只剩下一些逃脱的人进入了坚城。
10:21 军民都平安无恙地回到玛克达营见若苏厄。以后没有人再敢侮辱以色列子民。
10:22 那时若苏厄说:「你们去打开洞口,把五个王子从洞里拉出来,带到我这里来。」
10:23 人就去,将那五个王子,就是耶路撒冷王、赫贝龙王、雅尔慕特王、拉基士王和厄革隆王,从洞里拉出,带到他面前,
10:24 当人们把那些王子带到若苏厄面前时,若苏厄将所有的以色列人召来,对那些与他同去作战的军长说:「你们前来,将脚踏在这些王子的脖子上!」他们就前来,将脚踏在那些王子的脖子上。
10:25 若苏厄对他们说:「你们不要害怕,不要沮丧,只要勇敢果断,因为上主必要这样对待你们所征服的一切仇人。」
10:26 随后,若苏厄将那五个王子杀死,将他们悬在五棵树上,直悬至晚上。
10:27 到太阳快落时候,若苏厄命人将他们由树上放下来,丢在他们藏过的山洞里,用大石头塞住洞口;那些大石至今尚在。
10:28 若苏厄当天就占领了玛刻达,并用利剑击杀了那城和城中的王子,并将城中的一切生灵完全毁灭,一个也没有留下;他对待玛刻达王如对待耶里哥王一样。
10:29 若苏厄和跟随他的众以色列人,由玛刻达往里贝纳推进,攻打里贝纳。
10:30 上主也将这城和城中的王子交在以色列人手中;他们用利剑击杀了城和城中的一切生灵,一个也没有留下;他对待这城中的王子,如对待耶里哥王一样。
10:31 若苏厄和跟随他的众以色列人,又从里贝纳往拉基士推进,围攻拉基士,
10:32 上主将拉基士也交在以色列人手中。第二天若苏厄就攻取了拉基士,用利剑击杀了那城和城中的一切生灵,全如对待里贝纳一样。
10:33 那时革则尔王曷兰上来援救拉基士,若苏厄也将他和他的人民杀尽,一个也没有留下。
10:34 此后,若苏厄和跟随他的众以色列人,由拉基士往厄革隆推进,围攻厄革隆。
10:35 当天就攻下了那城,并在那天用利剑杀尽了那城和城中的一切生灵,全如对待拉基士一样。
10:36 此后,若苏厄和跟随他的众以色列人,从厄革隆上到赫贝龙,攻打那城;
10:37 占领后,用利剑击杀了那城和城中的王子,以及属于他的一切城邑和城邑中的一切生灵,一个也没有留下;将那城和城中的一切生灵完全消灭,全如对待厄革隆一样。
10:38 此后,若苏厄和跟随他的众以色列人,转身向德彼尔推进,攻打那城,
10:39 获得了那城和那城的王子,以及属德彼尔的一切城邑后,用利剑击杀了他们,将这些城内的一切生灵完全毁灭,一个也没有留下;对待德彼尔城和城中的王子,有如对待赫贝龙和赫贝龙的王子一样,又如对待里贝纳和里贝纳王子一样。
10:40 若苏厄征服了那一带地方包括山地、乃革布、平原、山坡和那些地方的王子;并照上主以色列的天主的命令,消灭了所有的生灵,一个也没有留下,
10:41 由卡德士巴尔乃亚起,直到迦萨,以及哥笙全境,直到基贝红。
10:42 若苏厄这次出征,能获取所有的王子和他们的土地,是因为上主以色列的天主在为以色列人作战。
10:43 以后,若苏厄和所有跟随他的以色列人,回到基耳加耳营。
11:1 哈祚尔王雅宾一听见这事,便派人去见玛冬王约巴布,史默龙王,阿革沙夫王,
11:2 和住在北方山区,基乃勒特南方平原低地,和西方的多尔高原诸王;
11:3 又去见东西各地的客纳罕人、阿摩黎人、希威人、培黎齐人,以及住在山区的耶步斯人,和赫尔孟山麓米兹帕地方的赫特人。
11:4 他们都带领自己所有的军队出发,人数多如海边的沙粒,还有很多的马队和车辆。
11:5 这些王子都会合一起,来到默龙水边扎营,要同以色列人交战。
11:6 上主对若苏厄说:「在这些人面前,你不要害怕,因为明天这时,我必要使他们全在以色列人面前被杀;你要砍断他们的马蹄筋,火烧他们的车辆。」
11:7 若苏厄遂率领自己的军民突至默龙水旁,向他们进攻。
11:8 上主将他们交在以色列人手中,以色列人击杀他们,往西直追到大漆冬和米斯勒佛特玛殷,往东直追到米兹帕山谷,将他们杀得没有剩下一个。
11:9 若苏厄便照上主指示他的,对待了他们,砍断了他们的马蹄筋,火烧了他们的车辆。
11:10 若苏厄班师回来时,夺取了哈祚尔,用刀斩了哈祚尔王?ぉぴ垂穸郧笆钦庑┩豕亩汲恰?
11 又将城内的一切生灵,用刀杀死,完全予以毁灭,没有留下一个生灵,以后放火烧了哈祚尔城。
11:12 若苏厄夺取了那些王子的一切城邑,生擒那些王子,将王子用刀杀死,将城池完全予以毁灭,全照上主的仆人梅瑟所吩咐的。
11:13 至于那些处于土丘上的城市,除哈祚尔外,以色列人都没有焚毁:若苏厄只烧了哈祚尔。
11:14 那些城中所有的财物和牲畜,以色列人都抢了来,归为己有:所有的人都用刀杀死,完全予以毁灭,没有留下一个生灵。
11:15 上主怎样吩咐衪的仆人梅瑟,梅瑟也怎样吩咐了若苏厄,若苏厄也就怎样办了。凡上主吩咐梅瑟的事,若苏厄没有不照办的。
11:16 这样,若苏厄占领了那整个地区:包括山地,整个南方,哥笙全境,平原,阿辣巴原野,以色列山地和附近平原,
11:17 由上色依尔去的哈拉克山起,一直到赫尔孟山麓,黎巴嫩山谷间的巴尔加得:各城的王子都被生摛,都被杀死。
11:18 若苏厄同这些王子交战,时日颇为长久,
11:19 因为除住在基贝红的希威人外,没有一座城愿与以色列子民媾和,都是以色列人用武力攻取的。
11:20 原来这是上主的意思,叫他们心硬,来与以色列人交战,好使他们遭受无情的毁灭,彻底的破坏,正如上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。
11:21 以后若苏厄出兵,消灭了赫贝龙、德彼尔、阿纳布山地、犹大山地和以色列山地所有的阿纳克人,毁灭了他们和他们所有的城市。
11:22 这样,以色列子民境内,没有剩下一个阿纳克人,只在迦萨、加特和阿市多得还有。
11:23 若苏厄占领了那整个地区,全如上主对梅瑟所说的;若苏厄遂将这地区按照以色列支派分给他们作产业。以后国内升平,再无战事。
12:1 以色列子民在约但河东岸所占领的地区,是自阿尔农谷直到赫尔孟山和东边的全阿辣巴。以下是他们所征服的地区的王子:
12:2 一个是住在赫市朋的阿摩黎王息红;他管辖的地区,是从阿尔农谷旁的阿洛厄尔起,包括山谷中心,基肋阿得的一半,直到位于阿孟子民的边界雅波克河;
12:3 东边有阿辣巴,上至基乃勒特海,下至阿辣巴海,即盐海;东到贝特耶史摩特,南到丕斯加山麓。
12:4 另一个是巴商王敖格,他原是勒法因的遗民,住在阿市塔洛特和厄德勒。
12:5 他统治赫尔孟山区,撒耳加和巴商全境,直到革叔尔人和玛阿加人的边界,以及另一半基肋阿得直到赫市朋王息红的边界。
12:6 上主的仆人梅瑟和以色列子民征服了他们,上主的仆人梅瑟遂将地分给了勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派,作为产业。
12:7 以下是若苏厄和以色列子民,在约但河西岸,从黎巴嫩山谷的巴耳加得起,直到上色依尔去的哈拉克山,所征服的地区的王子:──若苏厄将这地,照以色列各支派分给了他们作产业:
12:8 即赫特人、阿摩黎人、客纳罕人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人所住的山区、平原、阿辣巴、山坡、旷野和乃革布──
12:9 耶里哥王一个,贝特耳附近的哈依王一个,
12:10 耶路撒冷王一个,赫贝龙王一个,
12:11 雅尔慕特王一个,拉基士王一个,
12:12 厄革隆王一个,革则尔王一个,
12:13 德彼尔王一个,革德尔王一个,
12:14 曷尔玛王一个,阿辣得王一个,
12:15 里贝纳王一个,阿杜蓝王一个,
12:16 玛刻达王一个,贝特耳王一个,
12:17 塔普亚王一个,赫费尔王一个,
12:18 阿费克王一个,拉沙龙王一个,
12:19 玛冬王一个,哈祚尔王一个,
12:20 史默龙王一个,阿革沙夫王一个,
12:21 塔纳客王一个,默基多王一个,
12:22 刻德士王一个,加尔默耳的约刻乃罕王一个,
12:23 多尔山岗的多尔王一个,加里肋亚的异族王一个,
13:1 若苏厄年纪已老,上主对他说:「你年纪已老,但还有广大的地区应当占领。
13:2 还应占领的地区:是培肋舍特人的整个地区,和革叔尔人的全境;
13:3 由埃及东方的史曷尔,到北方的厄刻龙的边界,这是属客纳罕人的地区;那五个培肋舍特酋长所管辖的迦萨人、阿市多得人、阿市刻隆人、加特人和厄刻龙人的地区,以及南方的阿威人地区;
13:4 还有客纳罕人的全境,即由漆冬人的阿辣,直到阿费克,而后直到阿摩黎人的边界地区;
13:5 还有革巴耳人的地区,及东方的整个黎巴嫩区,由赫尔孟山麓的巴耳加得,直到哈玛特关口。
13:6 从黎巴嫩直到西方的米斯勒佛特玛殷,所有住在山地的居民,所有的漆冬人,我必从以色列子民面前,把他们赶走。你只管照我指示你的,将这地抽签分给以色列人作为产业。
13:7 现在你要这地方分给九支派和默纳协半支派作为产业。」
13:8 默纳协另半支派和勒乌本并加得二支派,已经得了梅瑟在约但河东岸分给他们的产业;按上主的仆人梅瑟分给他们的产业,
13:9 是从阿尔农谷旁的阿洛厄尔起,包括谷中的城邑,全默德巴高原,直到狄朋;
13:10 还有在赫市朋为王的阿摩黎人王息红所有的城市,直到阿孟子民的边疆;
13:11 还有基肋阿得和革叔尔人与玛阿加人的领土,以及全赫尔孟山,全巴商,一直到撒耳加;
13:12 又巴商王敖格的全国领土,他原是勒法因人最后的遗族,在阿市塔洛特和厄德勒为王。这些地方的人,都被梅瑟击败赶走了。
13:13 以色列子民却没有赶走革叔尔人和玛阿加人,因此革叔尔人和玛阿加人直到现在仍住在以色列人中间。
13:14 惟独肋未支派没有分得产业,因为上主以色列的天主自己是他们的产业,有如上主对他们所说的。
13:15 梅瑟给勒乌本支派,按照他们的家族,分了一份产业。
13:16 他们的地区,是从阿尔农谷旁的阿洛厄尔,包括中谷的城邑,直到默德巴整个高原。
13:17 赫市朋和在这高原所有的城市:狄朋、巴摩特巴尔、贝特巴尔默红、
13:18 雅哈兹、刻德摩特、默法阿特、
13:19 克黎雅塔因、息贝玛、山中盆地的责勒特沙哈尔、
13:20 贝特培敖尔、丕斯加山坡、贝特耶史摩特、
13:21 高原上各城市,和在赫市朋为王的阿摩黎人王息红的整个国土。梅瑟曾杀了息红和住在那地方上的息红藩属,米德扬的酋长:厄威、勒耿、族尔、胡尔和勒巴。
13:22 以色列子民杀这些人时,也用刀杀了贝敖尔的儿子巴郎术士。
13:23 勒乌本子孙的地区以约但河为界:以上是勒乌本子孙按照家族,分得作为产业的城市和所属的村镇。
13:24 梅瑟按照他们的家族,给加得支派,给加得子孙,分得了一份产业。
13:25 他们的地区是雅则尔,基肋阿得所有的城邑和阿孟人的一半土地,直到辣巴对面的阿洛厄尔;
13:26 又从赫市朋直到辣玛特米兹帕和贝托宁、从玛哈纳殷到罗德巴尔的边境;
13:27 还有谷中盆地的贝特哈兰、贝特尼默辣、稣苛特、匝丰、赫市朋王息红国中的其余土地;以约但河为界,沿约但河东岸直到基乃勒特海的顶端:
13:28 以上是加得子孙按照家族,分得作为产业的城市和所属的村镇。
13:29 梅瑟也给默纳协半支派,给默纳协半支派子孙,按照他们的家族,分了一份产业。
13:30 他们的地区是起自玛哈纳殷,包括全部巴商,即巴商王敖格的全部国土,巴商境内属雅依尔的各村庄,共六十村庄;
13:31 还有基肋阿得的一半和敖格在巴商的都城阿市塔洛特和厄德勒:以上地区按照家族,分给了默纳协的儿子玛基尔的子孙,即玛基尔的一半子孙。
13:32 以上是梅瑟在约但河东岸,耶里哥面对摩阿布旷野里,所划分的产业。
13:33 至于肋未支派,梅瑟没有给他们分配产业,因为上主以色列的天主自己是他们的产业,有如上主对他们所说的。
14:1 以下是以色列子民在客纳罕地所得的产业,那是司祭厄肋阿匝尔和农的儿子若苏厄,以及以色列子民各支派的族长给他们划分的,
14:2 按照上主借梅瑟吩咐的,以抽签方式将土地分给了九个半支派,
14:3 因为梅瑟在约但河东,已将产业分给了另两个支派;在他们中只没有给肋未人分配产业。
14:4 实际上,若瑟的子孙形成了两个支派,即默纳协和厄弗辣因。虽没有分配给肋未人产业,却给了他们一些城市作住所,和城郊的草地,为牧放他们的牲畜和羊群。
14:5 上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,以色列子民便怎样进行划分土地。
14:6 犹大的子孙来到基耳加耳见若苏厄时,刻纳次族耶孚乃的儿子加肋布对若苏厄说:「上主在卡德士巴尔乃亚,关于你和我对天主的人梅瑟所说的话,你是知道的。
14:7 当上主的仆人梅瑟从卡德士巴尔乃亚,派我去侦探这地方时,我正十四岁,我全按我的良心回报了衪。
14:8 当与我一同上去的弟兄们使百姓丧气时,我始终服从了上主我的天主。
14:9 那天梅瑟曾起誓说:凡你的脚所踏过的地方,必定永久归于你和你的子孙作为产业,因为你始终服从了上主我的天主。
14:10 现在你看,自从上主对梅瑟说了这话,上主便照所应许的,使我又活了四十五年,经过了以色列人在旷野漂流的时期,现在我已是八十五岁的人了。
14:11 但我现在还很强壮,如梅瑟派我去的那天一样;不拘是打仗或是出入行动,我现在的力量和那时完全一样。
14:12 现在,请你将上主那天所许下的这山地赐给我,因为那天你也曾亲自听过这话。固然,那里有阿纳克人,城池又大又坚固,或许上主会与我同在,照上主所应许的,我能将他们赶走。」
14:13 若苏厄就祝福了他,将赫贝龙给了耶孚乃的儿子加肋布作为产业。
14:14 因此赫贝龙直到今日仍为刻纳次族人耶孚乃的儿子加肋布的产业,因为他始终服从了上主以色列的天主。
14:15 赫贝龙以前名叫克黎雅特阿尔巴,阿尔巴原是阿纳克人中的一个伟人。以后国内升平,再无战事。
15:1 犹大支派的子孙按照家族,抽签分得的土地是在极南部,以厄东边境为界,南至亲旷野。
15:2 南方的边界起自盐海顶端,即海湾南端,
15:3 沿阿刻辣宾山坡之南,经亲旷野,上至卡德士巴尔乃亚之南,再由此经过赫兹龙,上至阿达尔,再绕过卡尔卡,
15:4 穿过阿兹孟直到埃及小河,而后廷至大海:以上是他们南方的边界。
15:5 东方的边界是自盐海直到约但河口;北方的边界是起自约但河口的海湾,
15:6 上至贝特曷革拉,经过贝特阿拉巴北部,上至勒乌本人波罕的盘石;
15:7 再由此上至德彼尔,沿阿苛尔山谷,往北转向位于谷南的阿杜明山坡对面的革里罗特,再经舍默士水泉,直到洛革耳泉。
15:8 以后再由此沿本希农山谷而上,直达耶步斯,即耶路撒冷的南侧,再上至俯视本希农山谷西方的山顶,这山位于勒法因平原的北端。
15:9 再由这山顶转向乃费托亚水泉,直到厄斐龙山,然后转向巴阿拉,──即克黎雅特耶阿陵。
15:10 再从巴阿拉向西折向色依尔山,绕过耶阿陵即革撒隆山脊北部,下至贝特舍默士,经过提默纳,
15:11 直至厄刻龙山脊北部,再绕过史加龙,经巴阿拉山,直到雅贝乃耳,最后至海为止。
15:12 西方的边界以大海海滨为界:以上是犹大子孙按照家族所分得的地区四周的边界。
15:13 若苏厄遵照上主的吩咐,将犹大子孙中的一部分土地,即克黎雅特阿尔巴,分给了耶孚乃的儿子加肋布。阿尔巴是阿纳克的祖先,阿尔巴即是赫贝龙。
15:14 加肋布从那里赶走了阿纳克的三个子孙:舍瑟、阿希曼和塔耳买;他们是阿纳克的后代。
15:15 加肋布又从那里上去,攻打了德彼尔居民?ぉさ卤硕郧敖锌死柩盘厣讯?
16 加肋布说:「谁能征服或拿下克黎雅特色费尔,我便将我的女儿阿革撒给他为妻。」
15:17 加肋布的弟兄,刻纳次的儿子敖特尼耳夺下了那城,加肋布便将自己的女儿阿革撒给他为妻。
15:18 阿革撒快过门的时候,丈夫劝她向她的父亲要求一块田地。阿革撒一下驴,加肋布便向她说:「你要什么﹖」
15:19 阿革撒答说:「请你给我一件礼物;你既把我安置于南方的旱地,求你也将水泉给我。」她的父亲就把上泉和下泉赐给了她。
15:20 以下是犹大支派子孙,按照家族分得的产业:
15:21 犹大支派子孙在乃革布与厄东交界的城市,有卡贝责耳、阿辣得、雅古尔、
15:22 克纳狄摩纳、阿尔阿辣。
15:23 刻德士、哈祚尔、依特南、
15:24 齐弗、特冷、贝阿罗特、
15:25 哈祚尔哈达大、克黎约特赫兹龙──即哈祚尔、
15:26 阿曼、舍玛、摩拉达、
15:27 哈匝尔加达、赫士孟、贝特培肋特、
15:28 哈匝尔叔阿耳、贝尔舍巴及所属村镇、
15:29 巴阿拉、依因、厄曾、
15:30 厄耳托拉得、革息耳、曷尔玛、
15:31 漆刻拉格、玛德玛纳、桑森纳、
15:32 肋巴敖特、史耳新和恩黎孟:共计二十九座城和及所属村镇。
15:33 在盆地有厄市陶耳、祚辣、阿市纳、
15:34 匝诺亚、恩加宁、塔普亚、厄南、
15:35 雅尔慕特、阿杜蓝、索苛、阿则卡、
15:36 沙阿辣因、阿狄塔殷、革德辣及革德洛塔殷:共计十四座城和所属村镇。
15:37 责南、哈达沙、米革达耳加得、
15:38 狄耳罕、米兹培、约刻特耳、
15:39 拉基士、波兹卡特、厄革隆。
15:40 加朋、拉赫玛斯、基特里士、
15:41 革德洛特、贝特达贡、纳阿玛、玛刻达:共计十六座城和所属村镇。
15:42 里贝纳、厄特尔、阿商、
15:43 依弗达、阿市纳、乃漆布、
15:44 刻依拉、阿革齐布、玛勒沙:共计九座城和所属村镇;
15:45 尚有厄刻龙和所属城镇。
15:46 还有从厄刻龙到海,所有靠近阿市多得的城邑和所属村镇。
15:47 阿市多得和所属城镇,迦萨和所属城镇,直到埃及小河;并以大海为界
15:48 在山地有沙米尔,雅提尔、索苛、
15:49 达纳、克黎雅特色费尔,即德彼尔、
15:50 阿纳布、厄市特摩、阿宁、
15:51 哥笙、曷隆和基罗:共计十一座城所属村镇。
15:52 阿辣布、杜玛、厄商、
15:53 雅农、贝特塔普亚、阿费克、
15:54 胡默达、克黎雅特阿尔巴,即赫贝龙和漆敖尔:共计九座城和所属村镇。
15:55 玛红、加尔默尔、齐弗、犹他、
15:56 依次勒耳、刻约德罕、匝诺亚、
15:57 卡因、基贝亚、提默纳:共计十座城和所属村镇。
15:58 哈耳胡耳、贝特族尔、革多尔、
15:59 玛阿辣特、贝特阿诺特、厄耳特孔:共计六座城和所属村镇。特科亚、厄弗辣大即白冷、培敖尔、厄堂、谷隆、塔堂、索勒、加伦、加林、贝特尔、玛纳:共计十一座城和所属村镇。
15:60 尚有克黎雅特巴尔即克黎雅特耶阿陵和阿辣巴两座城,和所属村镇。
15:61 在旷野有贝特阿辣巴、米丁、色加加、
15:62 尼贝商、盐城和恩革狄:共计六座城和所属村镇。
15:63 至于住在耶路撒冷的耶步斯人,犹大人不能将他们赶走,因此耶步斯人直到今日,仍同犹大人一起住在耶路撒冷。
16:1 若瑟的子孙抽签分得的土地,从耶里哥对面的约但河起,到耶里哥东面的水源,沿着旷野,由耶里哥向上到贝特尔山区,
16:2 再由贝特耳路次,沿着阿尔基人的边境,延至阿塔洛特。
16:3 然后向西下至雅费肋提人的境界,直到下贝特曷龙的边境,以迄于革则尔,直达于海。
16:4 这是若瑟的儿子默纳协和厄弗辣因分得的产业。
16:5 以下是厄弗辣因子孙按照家族分得的土地:他们产业的边界,东面是阿塔洛特阿达尔,直到上贝特曷龙,
16:6 直达于海。北端是米革默塔特,由此向东转向塔纳特史罗,越过雅诺亚东部,
16:7 再由雅诺亚下至阿塔洛特和纳阿辣,经耶里哥直达约但河。
16:8 又从塔普亚往西到卡纳谷,直达于海:以上是厄弗辣因子孙按照家族分得的产业。
16:9 此外,属默纳协子孙的产业中,还有给厄弗辣因子孙保留的城市──城市和所属的村镇。
16:10 但是他们未能将住在革则尔的客纳罕人赶走,因此客纳罕人直到今日还住在厄弗辣因人中间,充当苦役。
17:1 默纳协是若瑟的长子,他的支派抽签分得了一份土地。默纳协的长子,基肋阿得的父亲玛基尔,因为是个战士,分得了基肋阿得和巴商。
17:2 默纳协的其余子孙,按照家族也各得了一份:有阿彼厄责尔的子孙,赫肋克的子孙,阿斯黎耳的子孙,舍根的子孙,赫斐尔的子孙,舍米达的子孙:这些人按照家族,都是若瑟之子默纳协后代的男丁。
17:3 但是默纳协的玄孙,玛基尔的曾孙,基肋阿得的孙子,赫斐尔的儿子,责罗斐哈得没有儿子,只有女儿,他的女儿名叫玛赫拉、诺阿、曷革拉、米耳加和提尔匝。
17:4 她们来到司祭厄肋阿匝尔和农的儿子若苏厄、并首领们面前说:「上主曾吩咐过梅瑟,在我们弟兄们中,也分给我们一份产业。」若苏厄遂照上主所吩咐的,使她们在伯叔中间,也分得了一份产业。
17:5 这样,除约但河东的基肋阿得和巴商二地外,尚有十分归属于默纳协,
17:6 因为默纳协的孙女,在默纳协的孙子中也获得了产业;不过基肋阿得地属于默纳协其余的子孙。
17:7 默纳协的地界,是从阿协尔起,到舍根对面的米革默塔特,再折向南,直达雅史布和恩塔普亚。
17:8 塔普亚地归默纳协,但默纳协边界上的塔普亚城,却属厄弗辣因子孙。
17:9 边界由此向下伸至卡纳谷;谷南的城市属厄弗辣因,是厄弗辣因在默纳协城市所有的城市。默纳协的境界是由谷北,直到大海。
17:10 南面属厄弗辣因,北面属默纳协,以海为界;北接阿协尔,东邻依撒加尔。
17:11 默纳协在依撒加尔和阿协尔境内,有贝特商和所属村镇;依贝肋罕和所属村镇,多尔居民和所属村镇,还有恩多尔居民和所属村镇,塔纳客居民和所属村镇,默基多居民和所属村镇,共三区。
17:12 但是默纳协子孙未能将这些城中的土人赶走,因此客纳罕人仍然居住在这地区内。
17:13 当以色列子民强盛以后,迫使客纳罕人做苦工,却没有将他们完全赶走。
17:14 若瑟的子孙对若苏厄说:「上主这样降福我们,我们又是人数最多的一族,你为什么只叫我们抽一签,分一份土地作产业呢﹖」
17:15 若苏厄对他们说:「如果你们人数众多,厄弗辣因山地为你们太狭小,可上培黎齐人和勒法因人的地方去,砍伐森林中的树木。」
17:16 若瑟的子孙回答说:「这山区为我们仍不够,何况住在盆地,即住在贝特商和所属村镇,以及住在依次勒耳盆地的一切客纳罕人,都拥有铁车。」
17:17 若苏厄对若瑟家,即对厄弗辣因和默纳协人说:「你们人数众多,势力强大,不能只抽一签,
17:18 因此,山地也应归于你们;那里虽是森林,尽可砍伐,开辟的土地自然归于你们。客纳罕人虽然拥有铁车,势力强大,但你们必能将他们赶走。」
18:1 这地方既然已被征服,以色列子民的全会众就都聚集到史罗,在那里竖起了会幕。
18:2 以色列子民中,还有七个支派没有分得产业。
18:3 若苏厄对以色列子民说:「你们迟迟不去,承受上主你们祖先的天主赐与你们的土地,要到什么时候呢﹖
18:4 你们应由每支派推选三人,我好派他们去走遍全境,按照各支派应得的产业,画成图样,然后回来见我。
18:5 他们应将那地分成七份,犹大保有自己在南方的土地,若瑟家族保有自己在北方的土地。
18:6 你们应将这地划成七份,把图样带来见我,使我好在这里,于上主我们的天主面前,为你们抽签。
18:7 肋未人在你们中间不应有产业,因为上主司祭的品位,就是他们的产业。至于加得、勒乌本和默纳协半个支派,在约但河东岸已分得了产业,那是上主的仆人梅瑟分给他们的。」
18:8 这些人准备出发时,若苏厄吩咐这些去绘图的人说:「你们去走遍这地,画成图样,然后回来见我,我要在史罗于上主面前为你们抽签。」
18:9 这些人就去走遍全境,将所有城市分成七分,写在书册上,回到史罗营中呈给若苏厄。
18:10 若苏厄便在史罗于上主面前,为他们抽签,在那里按照他们的分法,将地分给了以色列子民。
18:11 本雅明支派按他们的家族,抽签分得的产业,是在犹大子孙和若瑟子孙中间。
18:12 北面的边界起自约但河,沿耶里哥北面的山坡往上,至西面山地,直达贝特阿文旷野;
18:13 再由此经路次,沿路次即贝特耳南山坡下,下至阿塔洛特阿达尔,与在下贝特曷龙南部的山相接,
18:14 西面的边界由此转弯,折往南方,由贝特曷龙对面的山向南折,直达犹大人的克黎雅特巴尔,即克黎雅特耶阿陵城:这是西界。
18:15 南界是从克黎雅特耶阿陵的边界起,向加斤伸展,直达乃费托亚水泉;
18:16 由此往下直达位于勒法因平原北部,本希农山谷对面的山角;然后往下,经希农山谷,下至耶步斯人山腰南部,直达洛革耳泉;
18:17 由此转北,出舍默士水泉,直至阿杜明山坡对面的革里罗特,再下至勒乌本人波罕的盘石;
18:18 由此经贝特阿辣巴对面山腰的北部,直下到阿辣巴,
18:19 再经贝特曷革拉山脊向北,止于盐海北端,约但河南口:这是南界。
18:20 东边以约但河为界:以上是本雅明子孙,按照家族,分得土地的四面边界。
18:21 本雅明支派子孙按照家族,分得的城市:有耶里哥、贝特曷革拉、厄默客刻漆兹、
18:22 贝特阿辣巴、责玛辣因、贝特耳、
18:23 阿威、帕辣、敖斐辣、
18:24 革法尔阿摩尼、敖弗尼和革巴:共计十二座城和所属村镇。
18:25 基贝红、辣玛、贝洛特、
18:26 米兹培、革非辣摩匝勒耿、
18:27 依尔培耳、塔辣拉、
18:28 责拉、厄肋夫、耶步斯即耶路撒冷、基贝亚和克黎雅特耶阿陵:共计十四座城和所属村镇:以上是本雅明的子孙,按照家族分得的产业。
19:1 西默盎,即西默盎支派子孙,按照家族得了第二签,他们的土地是在犹大子孙的产业内。
19:2 他们分得的产业:是贝尔舍巴、舍玛、摩拉达、
19:3 哈匝尔叔阿耳、巴拉、厄曾、
19:4 厄尔托拉得、贝突耳、曷尔玛、
19:5 漆刻拉格、贝特玛尔加波特、哈匝尔稣撒、
19:6 贝特肋巴敖特和沙鲁恒:共计十三座城和所属村镇;
19:7 阿殷、黎孟、厄特尔和阿商:共计四座城和所属村镇;
19:8 尚有这些城市四周所有的村镇,直到巴阿拉特贝尔即乃革布的辣玛:以上是西默盎支派子孙,按照家族分得的产业。
19:9 西默盎子孙的产业,取自犹大子孙的土地,是因为犹大子孙分得的地区,过于广大,因此西默盎子孙在他们的境内,分得了产业。
19:10 则步隆子孙,按照家族,得了第三签,他们领域的界限直达沙杜得。
19:11 由此西上,直达玛尔阿拉,路经达巴舍特和约刻乃罕前面的小河,
19:12 再由沙杜得向东转向日出之地,直到基斯罗特大博尔,经多贝辣特,直上至雅非亚;
19:13 由此折东,经加特赫费尔,至依塔卡亲,出黎孟直达乃阿;
19:14 再由此北上,转向哈纳通,直达依费塔赫耳山谷。
19:15 境内有 卡塔特、纳哈拉耳、史默龙、依德阿拉和贝特肋恒:共计十二座城和所属村镇。
19:16 这些城和村镇是则步隆子孙按照家族,分得的产业。
19:17 依撒加尔,即依撒加尔子孙,按照家族,得了第四签。
19:18 他们的领域是:依次勒耳、革稣罗特、叔能、
19:19 哈法辣殷、史雍、阿纳哈辣特、
19:20 多贝辣特、克史雍、厄贝兹、
19:21 勒默特、恩加宁、恩哈达、贝特帕责兹。
19:22 边界上还有大博尔、沙哈漆玛、贝特舍默士、直达约但河:共计十六座城和所属村镇。
19:23 这些城和所属村镇,是依撒加尔支派子孙,按照家族分得的产业。
19:24 阿协尔支派子孙,按照家族,得了第五签。
19:25 他们得的领域是:赫耳卡特、哈里、贝腾、阿革沙弗、
19:26 阿拉默肋客、阿玛得、米沙耳;西至加尔默耳和里贝纳特河,
19:27 然后转向东方,直达贝特达贡与则步隆和北方的依费塔赫耳山谷相接;再经贝特厄默克和乃耶耳,至加步耳北部;
19:28 再经阿贝冬、勒曷布、哈孟、卡纳、直达漆冬大城,
19:29 由此转向辣玛直至左尔坚城,再转向辣玛,直达于海。此外尚有玛哈肋布、阿革齐布、
19:30 阿苛、阿费克和勒曷布:共计二十二座城和所属村镇。
19:31 这些城和村镇,是阿协尔支派子孙,按照家族分得的产业。
19:32 纳斐塔里,即纳斐塔里支派子孙,按照家族,得了第六签。
19:33 他们的边界,是起自赫肋弗和匝纳宁橡树,经阿达米乃刻布和雅贝乃耳,直到拉孔,迄于约但河。
19:34 西方边界,由阿次诺特大博尔,直达胡科克,南接则步隆,西接阿协尔。东方以约但河为界。
19:35 设防的城市有漆丁、责尔、哈玛特、辣卡特、基乃勒特、
19:36 阿达玛、辣玛、哈祚尔、
19:37 卡德士、厄德勒、恩哈祚尔、
19:38 依郎、米革达肋耳、曷楞、贝特阿纳特和贝特舍默士:共计十九座城和所属村镇。
19:39 这些城和村镇,是纳斐塔里支派子孙,按照家族分得的产业。
19:40 丹支派子孙,按照家族,得了第七签。
19:41 他们分得的领域是:祚辣、厄市陶耳、依尔舍默士、
19:42 沙阿拉宾、阿雅隆、依特拉、
19:43 厄隆、提默纳、厄刻龙、
19:44 厄耳特刻、基贝通、巴拉特、
19:45 耶胡得、贝乃贝辣克、加特黎孟、
19:46 默雅尔孔、辣孔和约培对面的地区。
19:47 但是这地区为丹的子孙过于窄狭,因而丹的子孙上去攻占了肋笙,屠杀了城中的人民,据为己有,住在那里,以他们祖先丹的名字,称肋笙为丹。
19:48 这些城和村镇,是丹支派子孙按照家族分得的产业。
19:49 以色列子民,依照界限分完了产业以后,又在他们中间,分给了农的儿子若苏厄一分产业。
19:50 他们照上主的吩咐,将若苏厄要求的城市,即厄弗辣因山地的提默纳特色辣黑给了他;若苏厄便重建了那城,住在那里。
19:51 以上是司祭厄肋阿匝尔和农的儿子若苏厄,以及以色列子民各支派的族长,在史罗会幕门口,于上主面前,抽签划分土地的记述;分地的事,就这样完成了。
20:1 上主训示若苏厄说:
20:2 「你应告诉以色列子民说:他们应照我借梅瑟向你们所提及的,指定一些避难城,
20:3 好使无心误杀人的,能逃到那里去。这些城市作为你们逃避报血仇者的地方
20:4 那误杀人的,只要逃往这些城中的一座,立于城门口,将自己的事,报告给这城的长老听;长老就该将他接入城中,给他地方,让他住在他们中间。
20:5 如果报血仇者追来了,长老不可将他交于报血仇者手中,因为他杀人原是出于无心,素无仇恨。
20:6 杀人者应住在这城内,直到他在会众面前出庭受审,直到现任的大司祭去世之后,方可回到本城本家,即由之逃出城市。」
20:7 以色列人于是在纳斐塔里山区,指定了加里肋亚的刻德士;在厄弗辣因山区指定了舍根;在犹大山区指定了克黎雅特阿尔巴,即赫贝龙;
20:8 在约但河东岸,耶里哥东面,在旷野高原里,勒乌本支派内指定了贝责尔;在加得支派内,指定了基肋阿得的辣摩特;在默纳协支派内,指定了巴商的哥蓝。
20:9 以上是为所有的以色列人和寄居他们中间的外方人指定的城市,使凡误杀人的,能逃往那里去,在他未出庭受会众审判以前,不致死在报血仇者的手里。
21:1 肋未人各家长来见司祭厄肋阿匝尔和农的儿子若苏厄,以及以色列子民的族长,
21:2 在客纳罕地的史罗对他们说:「上主曾借梅瑟吩咐过,要给我们一些城市居住,一些郊区为牧放我们的牲畜。」
21:3 以色列子民于是按照上主的吩咐,由自己的产业中,将以下的城市和郊区分给了肋未人。肋未人,属大司祭亚郎的子孙,
21:4 刻哈特家族由犹大支派、西默盎支派和本雅明支派的地域中抽得了十三座城。
21:5 刻哈特其他子孙,按家族由厄弗辣因支派,丹支派和默纳协半支派,抽得了十座城。
21:6 革尔雄的子孙,按照家族,由依撒加尔支派、阿协尔支派、纳斐塔里支派和由巴商的默纳协半支派,抽得了十三座城。
21:7 默辣黎的子孙,按照家族,由勒乌本支派、加得支派和则步隆支派,抽得了十二座城。
21:8 以色列子民按照上主借梅瑟所吩咐的,将这些城和城郊,以抽签方式分给了肋未人。
21:9 由犹大支派和西默盎支派,分给了他们下列各城:
21:10 肋未人,亚郎的子孙,刻哈特家族应抽第一签。
21:11 他们分得了犹大山区克黎雅特阿尔巴和四周城郊──阿尔巴原是阿纳克的祖先,克黎雅特阿尔巴,即是赫贝龙──
21:12 但已割给耶孚乃的儿子加肋布作产业的田地和村庄却不在内。
21:13 司祭亚郎的子孙分得了给误杀人者作避难城的赫贝龙和城郊,里贝纳和城郊,
21:14 此外,尚有雅提尔和城郊,厄市特摩和城郊,
21:15 曷隆和城郊,德彼尔和城郊,
21:16 阿商和城郊犹他和城郊,贝特舍默士和城郊,由这两支派共分得了九座城。
21:17 由本雅明支派,尚分得了基贝红和城郊,革巴和城郊,
21:18 阿纳托特和城郊,阿耳孟和城郊:共计四座城。
21:19 亚郎的子孙司祭们共分得了十三座城和所属城郊。
21:20 肋未人刻哈特家族,即刻哈特其余的子孙,由厄弗辣因支派抽得了一些城市。
21:21 他们分得了厄弗辣因山区,给误杀人者作避难城的舍根和城郊,革则尔和城郊,
21:22 克贝匝殷和城郊,贝特曷隆和城郊:共计四座城;
21:23 由丹支派分得了厄耳特刻和城郊,基贝通和城郊,
21:24 阿雅隆和城郊,加特黎孟和城郊:共计四座城;
21:25 由默纳协半支派分得了塔纳客和城郊,依贝耳罕和城郊,共计两座城。
21:26 刻哈特家族其余的子孙,共分得了十座城和所属城郊。
21:27 肋未家族的革尔雄子孙由默纳协半支派,分得了在巴商给误杀人者作避难城的哥蓝和城郊,阿市塔洛城和城郊:共计两座城;
21:28 由依撒加尔支派,分得了克史雍和城郊,多贝辣特和城郊,
21:29 雅尔慕特和城郊,恩加宁和城郊,共计四座城;
21:30 由阿协尔支派分得了米沙尔和城郊,阿贝冬和城郊,
21:31 赫耳卡特和城郊,勒曷布和城郊:共计四座城;
21:32 由纳斐塔里支派,分得了在加里肋亚给误杀人者作避难城的刻德士和城郊,哈摩特多尔和城郊,卡尔堂和城郊:共计三座城。
21:33 革尔雄人按照家族,共分得了十三座城和所属城郊。
21:34 其余的肋未人,即默辣黎子孙的家族,由则步隆支派分得了约刻乃罕和城郊,卡尔达和城郊,
21:35 黎孟和城郊,纳哈拉耳和城郊:共计四座城;
21:36 在约但河东,由勒乌本支派分得了位于旷野高原内,给误杀人者作避难城的贝责尔和城郊,雅哈兹和城郊,
21:37 刻德摩特和城郊,默法阿特和城郊:共计四座城;
21:38 由加得支派,分得了在基肋阿得给误杀人者作避难城的辣摩特和城郊,玛哈纳殷和城郊,
21:39 赫市朋和城郊,雅则尔和城郊:共计四座城。
21:40 其余的肋未人家族,即默辣黎的子孙,按照家族,共抽得了十二座城。
21:41 肋未人由以色列子民的产业中,共分得了四十八座城和所属城郊。
21:42 这些城包括全城和城四郊;每座城都是这样。
21:43 上主这样将誓许给他们祖先的整个地区,赐给了以色列人;他们占领之后,便住在那里。
21:44 上主又使他们四境安宁,全如衪向他们的祖先所誓许的;他们的一切仇敌,没有能对抗他们的,因为上主将他们所有的仇敌,都交在他们手中了。
21:45 上主向以色列家应许赐福的话,没有一句落空,全部应验了。
22:1 那时若苏厄将勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人召来,
22:2 对他们说:「上主的仆人梅瑟吩咐你们的一切,你们都遵守了,在我吩咐你们的一切事上,你们也都听从了我的话。
22:3 这许多日子,你们从来没有离开你们的弟兄,直到今天,忠信遵守了上主你们天主的命令。
22:4 现在上主我们的天主,照衪所应许的,使你们的弟兄获得了安居,你们现在可返回自己的帐幕,回到上主的仆人梅瑟在约但河东,赐给你们为产业的地方去,
22:5 只要你们谨慎遵守上主的仆人梅瑟吩咐你们的诫命和法律:爱慕上主你们的天主,遵行衪的一切道路,谨守衪的诫命,全心全灵归属上主,服事上主。」
22:6 若苏厄于是祝福了他们,打发他们回去;他们就返回了自己的帐幕?ぉ?
7 梅瑟在巴商已分给了默纳协半支派土地。至于另半个支派,若苏厄在约但河西,在他们的弟兄中,也分给了他们土地,──此外,当若苏厄打发他们回帐幕的时候,祝福了他们,
22:8 向他们说:「现在你们带着这许多财物、牛、羊、金银、铜铁,和大批衣服回到自己的帐幕,也要将你们由敌人夺得的财物,分给你们的弟兄!」
22:9 勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人,于是从客纳罕地的史罗起身,离开以色列人,回到自己得为产业的基肋阿得,即上主借梅瑟吩咐给他们作为产业的地方。
22:10 当勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人,来到属客纳罕地的约但河附近地区时,在约但河边筑了一座祭坛,一座高大可观的祭坛。
22:11 以色列人听见说:「看,勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人,在属客纳罕地的约但河附近地区,以色列子民境内,筑了一座祭坛。」
22:12 以色列子民一听说这事,全会众便聚集在史罗,要去作战攻打他们。
22:13 以色列子民便委派厄肋阿匝尔的儿子丕乃哈斯司祭,到基肋阿得地方去见勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派人,
22:14 和他同去的尚有十位首领,每支派一个,他们都是以色列各家族的族长。
22:15 他们来到基肋阿得地方,见勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派人,向他们说:
22:16 「上主的全会众这样说:你们相反以色列的天主,犯这不忠信的罪,有什么意思﹖为什么你们今天离开上主,另建立祭坛,公开背叛上主﹖
22:17 以前敬拜培敖尔的罪过为我们还不够吗﹖为了那个罪过,灾祸降于上主的会众,直到今天,我们还没洗净。
22:18 看你们今天又要离开上主,你们今天违背上主,明天衪必向以色列全会众发怒。
22:19 如果你们认为所得的地方不洁,可以回到上主的地方,上主帐幕的所在地,住在我们中间;决不可违背上主,激怒我们,在上主我们的天主祭坛以外,为自己另筑祭坛。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 1
The summons to enter the Promised Land
1:1 When Moses the servant of Yahweh was dead,[*a] Yahweh spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ adjutant. He said,
1:2 ‘Moses my servant is dead; rise – it is time – and cross the Jordan here, you and all this people with you, into the land which I am giving the sons of Israel.
1:3 Every place you tread with the soles of your feet I shall give you as I declared to Moses that I would.
1:4 From the wilderness and Lebanon to the great river Euphrates and to the Great Sea
westwards, this shall be your territory.[*b]
1:5 As long as you live, no one shall be able to stand in your way; I will be with you as I was with Moses; I will not leave you or desert you.
Faithfulness to the Law is a condition of God’s aid
1:6 ‘Be strong and stand firm, for you are the man to give this people possession of the land that I swore to their fathers I should give to them.
1:7 Only be strong and stand firm and be careful to keep all the Law which my servant Moses laid on you. Never swerve from this to right or left, and then you will be happy in all you do.
1:8 Have the book of this law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may carefully keep everything that is written in it. Then you will prosper in your dealings, then you will have success.
1:9 Have I not told you: Be strong and stand firm? Be fearless then, be confident, for go where you will, Yahweh your God is with you.
Aid from the tribes beyond the Jordan
1:10 Then Joshua gave the officers of the people this order:
1:11 ‘Go through the camp and say to the people, “Get provisions ready, for in three days you will cross the Jordan here and go on to take possession of the land which Yahweh your God is giving you as your very own”‘.
1:12 Then to the Reubenites and Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joshua said,
1:13 ‘Remember what Yahweh’s servant Moses told you, “Yahweh your God, granting you a place to find rest, has given you this land”.
1:14 Your wives, your little ones and your cattle may remain in the land that Moses gave you beyond the Jordan. But all you who are fighting men must go over with your weapons in front of your brothers and fight with them
1:15 till Yahweh grants rest, to your brothers and you alike, when they too have taken possession of the land that Yahweh your God is giving them. Then you may go back again to the land that is yours to hold, which Yahweh’s servant Moses gave you eastwards beyond the Jordan.’
1:16 Then they answered Joshua, ‘We will do all that you have told us, and wherever you send us we will go.
1:17 We obeyed Moses in all things, and now we will obey you. Only may Yahweh your God be with you as he was with Moses!
1:18 If anyone rebels against your direction and does not obey whatever orders you lay on him, let him be put to death. Only be strong and stand firm.’
JB JOSHUA Chapter 2
Joshua’s spies at Jericho
2:1 Joshua son of Nun sent out two spies secretly from Shittim.[*a] He said, ‘Go out and explore the country at Jericho’. They went, and they entered the house of a harlot called Rahab; there they lodged.
2:2 Word of this was brought to the king of Jericho, ‘Take notice, some men from the Israelites have come here tonight to reconnoitre the country’.
2:3 Then the king of Jericho sent a message to Rahab, ‘Send out the men who came to you and are lodging in your house, for they have come to reconnoitre the whole country’.
2:4 But the woman took the two men and hid them; and she answered, ‘True, the men came to me, but I did not know where they came from.
2:5 When the city gate was about to be closed at nightfall, the men went out and I cannot say where they went. Follow them quickly, you may still overtake them.’
2:6 She had taken them up to the roof and hidden them under stalks of flax she had heaped up there.
2:7 The king’s men pursued them towards the Jordan, as far as the fords, and the gate was shut once the pursuers had gone through.
The pact between Rahab and the spies
2:8 The others had not yet lain down when Rahab came up to them on the roof.
2:9 She said to them, ‘I know that Yahweh has given you this land, that we ourselves are afraid of you and that all who live in this territory have been seized with terror at your approach;
2:10 for we have heard how Yahweh dried up the Sea of Reeds before you when you came out of Egypt and what you did with the two Amorite kings across the Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you put under the ban.
2:11 When we heard this, our hearts failed us, and no courage is left in any of us to stand up to you, because Yahweh your God is God both in heaven above and on earth beneath.
2:12 Swear to me now by Yahweh, then, since I myself have shown you kindness, that you too will show kindness to the people of my father’s house, and will give me a sure sign of this;
2:13 that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters and all who belong to them, and will preserve us from death.’
2:14 Then the men answered her, ‘If we do not, it is we, not you, who will deserve to die, unless you tell of our agreement. When Yahweh has given us the land, we will deal with you kindly and faithfully.’
2:15 Rahab let them down from the window by a rope, for her house was against the city wall and she lived inside the wall itself.
2:16 She said, ‘You must make for the hills, to escape your pursuers. Hide there for three days till the pursuers have returned, and then go on your way.’
2:17 The men answered, ‘We for our part will be free of the oath you made us swear, except on these conditions.
2:18 When we enter your land you must use this sign: you must tie this scarlet cord to the window from which you let us down, and you must gather with you in your house your father and mother and brothers and all your family.
2:19 If anybody passes through the doors of your house to go out, his blood shall be on his own head and we are not to blame; but the blood of all who stay with you in the house shall be on our heads if a hand is laid on any of them.
2:20 If you make this talk of ours known, we shall be free of the oath that you made us swear.’
2:21 She replied, ‘Let it be as you say’. She let them go, and they left. Then she tied the scarlet cord to the window. [*b]
The spies return
2:22 They left her and made for the hills. They stayed there for three days, till the pursuers had returned, having scoured the countryside without finding them.
2:23 Then the two men came down again from the hills, crossed the river and came to Joshua son of Nun; and they told him all that had happened to them.
2:24 They said to Joshua, ‘Yahweh has delivered the whole country into our hands, and its inhabitants all tremble already at the thought of us’.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 3
Before the crossing
3:1 Early in the morning, Joshua struck camp and set out from Shittim with all the Israelites. They reached the Jordan and camped there before they crossed.
3:2 Three days later, the officers went through the camp
3:3 and gave the people these instructions, ‘When you see the ark of the covenant of Yahweh your God and the levitical priests carrying it, you must leave the place where you are standing and follow the ark,
3:4b so that you know which way to take; you have never gone this way before.
3:4a Between you and the ark, however, keep a distance of some thousand cubits;[*a] do not go near it.’
3:5 Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because tomorrow Yahweh Will work wonders among you’
3:6 Then he said to the priests ‘Take up the ark of the covenant, and cross at the head of the people’. They took up the ark of the covenant and moved to the front of the people.
The final instructions
3:7 Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘This very day I will begin to make you a great man in the eyes of all Israel, to let them be sure that I am going to be with you even as I was with Moses.
3:8 As for you, give this order to the priests carrying the ark of the covenant: “When you have reached the brink of the waters of the Jordan, you are to stand still in the Jordan itself”.
3:9 Then Joshua said to the Israelites, ‘Come closer and hear the words of Yahweh your God’.
3:10 Joshua said, ‘By this you shall know that a living God is with you and without a doubt will expel the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Hivite, the Perizzite, the Girgashite, the Amorite and the Jebusite.
3:11 Look, the ark of Yahweh, the Lord of the whole earth, is about to cross the Jordan at your head.
3:12 ‘Choose twelve men at once from the tribes of Israel, one man from each tribe.
3:13 ‘As soon as the priests with the ark of Yahweh, the Lord of the whole earth, have set their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the upper waters of the Jordan flowing down will be stopped in their course and stand still in one mass.’
The river crossed
3:14 Accordingly, when the people struck camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carried the ark of the covenant in front of the people.
3:15 As soon as the bearers of the ark reached the Jordan and the feet of the priests who carried it touched the waters (the Jordan overflows the whole length of its banks throughout the harvest season)
3:16 the upper waters stood still and made one heap over a wide space – from Adam to the fortress of Zarethan – while those flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah, that is, the Salt Sea, stopped running altogether. The people crossed opposite Jericho.
3:17 The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of Yahweh stood still on dry ground in mid-Jordan, and all Israel continued to cross dry-shod till the whole nation had finished its crossing of the river.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 4
The twelve memorial stones
4:1 When the whole nation had finished crossing the Jordan, Yahweh spoke to Joshua,
4:2 ‘Choose out twelve men from the people, one man from each tribe,
4:3 and give them this command: “Take from here, from mid-Jordan, twelve stones; carry them with you and set them down in the camp where you pass the night”‘.
4:4 Joshua called the twelve men he had marked out among the Israelites, one man for each tribe,
4:5 and told them, ‘Pass on before the ark of Yahweh your God into mid-Jordan, and each of you take one stone on his shoulder, matching the number of the tribes of Israel,
4:6 to make a memorial of this in your midst; for when in days to come your children ask you, “What do these stones mean for you?”,
4:7 you will tell them, “The waters of the Jordan separated in front of the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, and when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the river vanished. These stones are an everlasting reminder of this to the Israelites.”‘
4:8 The Israelites did as Joshua told them; they took twelve stones from mid-Jordan to match the number of the tribes of Israel, as Yahweh had told Joshua; they carried them over to the camp and set them down there.
4:9 Then Joshua set up twelve stones in mid-Jordan in the spot where the feet of the priests who carried the ark had rested; they are there even now[*a].
The crossing ends
4:10 The priests carrying the ark stood still in mid-Jordan until everything was done that Yahweh had directed Joshua to tell the people, all as Moses had instructed Joshua; and the people hurried across.
4:11 When they were all over, the ark of Yahweh then crossed, with the priests at the head of the people.
4:12 The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh crossed over armed in front of the Israelites, as Moses had ordered them.
4:13 They were some forty thousand warriors in arms, and they crossed before Yahweh, ready for battle, towards the plain of Jericho.
4:14 That day Yahweh made Joshua great in the sight of all Israel, and they honoured him as they had honoured Moses as long as he lived.
4:15 Yahweh said to Joshua
4:16 ‘Tell the priests carrying the ark of the testimony to come up from the Jordan”,
4:17 And Joshua commanded the priests: ‘Come up from the Jordan!’
4:18 Now when the priests carrying the ark of the covenant of Yahweh came up from the Jordan, their feet had no sooner touched the bank than the waters of the Jordan returned to their bed and ran on overflowing as before.
Gilgal is reached
4:19 It was the tenth day of the first month when the people came up from the Jordan and made their camp at Gilgal, east of Jericho.
4:20 As for the twelve stones that had been taken from the Jordan, Joshua set them up at Gilgal.
4:21 Then he said to the Israelites, ‘When your children in days to come ask their fathers, “What is the meaning of these stones?”
4:22 tell them this, “You see the Jordan. Israel crossed over it dry-shod,
4:23 because Yahweh your God dried up the waters of the Jordan in front of you until you had crossed, just as Yahweh your God had done with the Sea of Reeds, which he dried up before us till we had crossed it;
4:24 so that all the peoples of the earth may recognise how mighty the hand of Yahweh is, and that you yourselves may always stand in awe of Yahweh your God.”‘
JB JOSHUA Chapter 5
The peoples west of the Jordan are terrified
5:1 When all the kings of the Amorites in the country west of Jordan and all the kings of the Canaanites in the coastal region heard that Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed it, their hearts grew faint and their spirit failed them as the Israelites drew near.
The Hebrews are circumcised at Gilgal
5:2 At this time Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Make knives of flint and circumcise the Israelites again’.
5:3 Joshua made knives of flint and circumcised the Israelites on the Hill of Foreskins.
5:4 The reason why Joshua circumcised them was this. All the males of the people who had come out of Egypt of age to bear arms had died in the wilderness on their journey after leaving Egypt.
5:5 Now all the people who came out had been circumcised; but those who had been born in the wilderness – in the journey through it when Egypt was left behind – none of these had been circumcised,
5:6 because for forty years the Israelites travelled through the wilderness, until all the nation had died out, that is, the men who had come out of Egypt of age to bear arms; they had not obeyed the voice of Yahweh, and Yahweh had sworn to them never to let them see the land that he had sworn to our fathers to give us, a land where milk and honey flow.
5:7 But in place of these he set their sons, and these it was that Joshua circumcised, for they were uncircumcised, since they could not be circumcised on the journey.
5:8 When the circumcising of the whole nation was over, they stayed to rest in the camp till they were well again;
5:9 and Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Today I have taken the shame of Egypt away from you’. Hence that place has been called Gilgal until now.[*a]
The Passover kept
5:10 The Israelites pitched their camp at Gilgal and kept the Passover there on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening in the plain of Jericho.
5:11 On the morrow of the Passover they tasted the produce of that country, unleavened bread and roasted ears of corn, that same day.
5:12 From that time, from their first eating of the produce of that country, the manna stopped falling. And having manna no longer, the Israelites fed from that year onwards on what the land of Canaan yielded.
Prelude: a theophany
5:13 When Joshua was near Jericho, he raised his eyes and saw a man standing there before him, grasping a naked sword. Joshua walked towards him and said to him, ‘Are you with us or with our enemies?’
5:14 He answered, ‘No, I am captain of the army of Yahweh, and now I come…’ Joshua fell on his face to the ground and worshipped him and said, ‘What are my Lord’s commands to his servant?’
5:15 The captain of the army of Yahweh answered Joshua, ‘Take your sandals off your feet, for the place you are standing on is holy’. And Joshua obeyed.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 6
The taking of Jericho[*a]
6:1 Now Jericho had been carefully barricaded against the Israelites; no one came out, no one went in.
6:2 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Now I am delivering Jericho and its king into your hands. All you fighters,
6:3 valiant warriors, will march round the town and make the circuit once, and for six days you will do the same thing.
6:4 (But seven priests will carry seven trumpets in front of the ark.) On the seventh day you will go seven times round the town (and the priests will blow their trumpets).
6:5 when the ram’s horn rings out (when you hear the sound of the trumpet), the whole people must utter a mighty war cry and the town wall will collapse then and there; then the people can storm the town, each man going straight ahead.’
6:6 Joshua son of Nun (called the priests and said to them, ‘Take up the ark of the covenant, and seven priests are to carry seven trumpets of ram’s horn in front of the ark of Yahweh’.
6:7 He) said to the people, ‘Forward! March round the town (and let the vanguard march before the ark of Yahweh).’
6:8 All was done as Joshua ordered the people. (Seven priests carrying the seven trumpets of ram’s horn in front of Yahweh moved onwards and blew their trumpets; the ark of the covenant of Yahweh came behind them,
6:9 the vanguard marched in front of the priests with their trumpets, the rearguard followed behind the ark; the men marched, the trumpets sounded.)
6:10 Joshua had given the people the following order: ‘Do not shout, do not utter even a word; let nothing be heard from you till the day when I say: Raise the war cry. Then you are to shout.’
6:11 (At Joshua’s command, the ark of Yahweh went round the town and made the circuit once; then they returned to the camp and spent the night there.)
6:12 Joshua rose early (and the priests took up the ark of Yahweh.
6:13 Bearing the seven ram’s horn trumpets, the seven priests walked before the ark of Yahweh sounding their trumpets as they went, while the vanguard marched before them and the rearguard behind the ark of Yahweh, and the march went on to the sound of the trumpet.)
6:14 They marched once round the town (on the second day) and returned to the camp, and so on for six days.
6:15 On the seventh day they rose at dawn and marched seven times round the town in the same manner. Only on that day did they march round seven times.
6:16 At the seventh time (the priests blew their trumpets and) Joshua said to the people, ‘Raise the war cry, because Yahweh has given the town into your hands.
Jericho placed under the ban
6:17 ‘The town and everything inside it must be set apart for Yahweh under a ban; only the life of Rahab the harlot is to be spared, with all who are in her house, since she hid the messengers we sent.
6:18 But beware of the ban yourselves; do not be covetous and take anything that is under the ban; that would lay the whole camp of Israel open to the same ban and bring disaster on it.
6:19 All the silver and all the gold, all the things of bronze and things of iron are consecrated to Yahweh and must be put into his treasury.’
6:20 The people shouted, the trumpets sounded. When they heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a mighty war cry and the wall collapsed then and there. At once the people stormed the town, every man going straight ahead; and they captured the town.
6:21 They enforced the ban on everything in the town: men and women, young and old, even the oxen and sheep and donkeys, massacring them all.
Rahab’s house preserved
6:22 Joshua said to the two men who had reconnoitred the country, ‘Go into the harlot’s house, and bring out the woman with all who belong to her, so as to keep your oath to her’.
6:23 The young men who had been spies went in and brought out Rahab and her father and mother and brothers and all who belonged to her. They brought out all her clansmen too and set them in safety outside the camp of Israel.
6:24 They burned the town and all within it except the silver and gold and things of bronze and iron; these they put into the treasury of Yahweh’s house.
6:25 But Rahab the harlot, her father’s household and all who belonged to her, these Joshua spared. She has dwelt among Israel until now, because she concealed the messengers Joshua sent to reconnoitre Jericho.
A curse upon Jericho’s restorer
6:26 At that time Joshua made them take this oath before Yahweh: ‘Cursed be any man who comes forth and builds this town up again! On his eldest son he shall lay its foundations, on his youngest set up its gates.’
6:27 Yahweh was with Joshua, and Joshua’s fame spread all through the country.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 7
The ban defied
7:1 But the sons of Israel incurred guilt by violating the ban. Achan son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, laid his hands on something that fell under the ban, and the anger of Yahweh flared out against the Israelites.
The sacrilege punished by a repulse at Ai
7:2 Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai,[*a] east of Bethel; his command was: ‘Go up and reconnoitre the country’. The men went up and reconnoitred Ai.
7:3 They came back to Joshua and said, ‘There is no need for all the people to go up; let some two or three thousand men go and attack Ai. Spare the whole people such a toil; the enemy are not many.’
7:4 Some three thousand men of the people marched up to Ai, but broke before the townsmen.
7:5 These killed some thirty-six of them and drove the men back from the town gate to Shebarim; there on the slope they made havoc of them. Then the people lost heart and their courage melted away.
Joshua’s prayer
7:6 Joshua tore his garments and prostrated himself before the ark of Yahweh till nightfall; the elders of Israel did as he did, and all poured dust on their heads.
7:7 And Joshua said, ‘Alas, Lord Yahweh, why did you bring this nation across the Jordan only to deliver us into the power of the Amorite and destroy us?
7:8 I wish we had won a place to live in on the other side of the Jordan! Forgive me, Lord, but what can I say, now that Israel has turned its back on the enemy?
7:9 The Canaanites will hear of it, and all the inhabitants of the country; they will unite against us to wipe our name off the face of the earth. What are you going to do for your great name?’
Yahweh’s answer
7:10 Yahweh answered Joshua, ‘Stand up! Why are you lying prostrate like this?
7:11 Israel has sinned; they have violated the covenant I ordained for them. Yes, they have taken what was under the ban, stolen and hidden it and put it into their baggage.
7:12 That is why the sons of Israel cannot stand up to their foes; why they have turned their backs on their enemies, because they have come under the ban themselves. I will be with you no longer unless you remove what is under the ban from among you.
7:13 ‘Rise and call the people together and say to them, “Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because Yahweh the God of Israel declares: The ban is now among you, Israel; you can never stand up to your enemies until you take what is under the ban from among you.”
7:14 In the morning therefore you will come forward tribe by tribe, and then the tribe that Yahweh marks out by lot will come forward clan by clan, and the clan that Yahweh marks out by lot will come forward family by family, and the family that Yahweh marks out by lot will come forward man by man.
7:15 And then the man taken with the thing that is banned is to be delivered over to the fire, he and all that belongs to him, because he has violated the covenant with Yahweh and committed an infamy in Israel.’
The culprit brought to light and punished
7:16 Joshua rose early; he made Israel come forward tribe by tribe, and the lot marked out the tribe of Judah.
7:17 He called up to him the clans of Judah, and the lot marked out the clan of Zerah. He called up the clan of Zerah, family by family, and Zabdi was marked out.
7:18 Then Joshua called up the family of Zabdi, man by man, and it was Achan son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, who was chosen by the lot.
7:19 Then Joshua said to Achan, ‘My son, give glory to Yahweh the God of Israel, and pay him homage; tell me what you have done and hide nothing from me’.
7:20 Achan answered Joshua, ‘Yes, I am the man who has sinned against Yahweh the God of Israel, and this is what I have done.
7:21 When I saw among the spoil a fine robe from Shinar and two hundred shekels of silver and an ingot of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them. They are hidden there in the ground inside my tent, and the silver is underneath.’
7:22 Joshua sent out messengers; they ran to the tent, and the robe was indeed hidden inside the tent, and the silver was underneath.
7:23 They took everything from inside the tent and brought it to Joshua and the elders of Israel and laid it out before Yahweh.
7:24 Then Joshua took Achan son of Zerah, with the silver and the robe and the ingot of gold and led him up to the Vale of Achor – and with him his sons and daughters, his oxen and donkeys and sheep, his tent and everything that belonged to him. All Israel went with him.
7:25 Joshua said, ‘Why did you bring evil on us? May Yahweh bring evil on you today!’ And all Israel stoned him.
7:26 A great cairn was reared over him,[*b] which is still there today. Then Yahweh ceased from his burning anger. It was then that the place was given the name, the Vale of Achor,[*c] which it is still called now.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 8
The command given to Joshua
8:1 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Be fearless now, and be confident. Take all your fighting men with you, and march out against Ai. I will put into your power the king of Ai, his people, his town and his territory.
8:2 You are to do with Ai and its king as you did with Jericho and its king. As regards booty, you may take the goods and the cattle no more. Take up a concealed position against the city, to the rear of it.
Joshua’s stratagem
8:3 Joshua prepared to march against Ai with all the fighting men. He chose thirty thousand men from among the bravest and sent them out by night
8:4 after giving them these instructions, ‘Listen! You are to take up a concealed position against the town, but at the rear not far from the town, and mind you all keep alert!
8:5 I and all the people with me will go forward till we are near the town, and when the people of Ai come out against us as they did the first time, we will run before them.
8:6 Then they will follow close behind us, and we shall draw them away from the town, because they will think, “They are running from us as they did last time”.
8:7 Then you will rise from your concealed position and seize the town; Yahweh your God will deliver it into your hands.
8:8 When you have captured the town, set fire to it. These orders must be carried out. See to it! The orders come from me.’
8:9 Joshua sent them off, and they made their way to the concealed position, at a point between Bethel and Ai, to the west of Ai. Joshua spent the night among the people,
8:10 then, rising early next day, mustered the people and marched on Ai; he and the elders of Israel marched at the head of the people.
8:11 All the warriors with him marched up towards the front of the town; they pitched camp north of Ai, with the ravine between Joshua and the town.
8:12 He took some five thousand men and concealed these between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the town.
8:13 The people pitched their camp north of the town, while the concealed position lay to the west. Joshua spent that night in the valley itself.
The battle of Ai
8:14 When the king of Ai saw how things lay, he and all his people hurried out to engage Israel on the slope facing the Arabah; he did not know that an ambush had been laid against him to the rear of the town.
8:15 Joshua and all Israel with him let themselves be driven back, taking flight towards the wilderness.
8:16 All the people who were in the town followed them in loud pursuit, and in pursuing Joshua they left the town itself unguarded.
8:17 Not a man was left behind in Ai, all had gone out in pursuit of Israel; and in pursuing Israel they left the town undefended.
8:18 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Point the javelin in your hand at Ai; for I am about to put the town in your power’. Then Joshua pointed the javelin in his hand towards the town.
8:19 No sooner had he stretched out his hand than the men in ambush rose quickly from their position, ran forward and entered the town; they captured it and quickly set it on fire.
Disaster for the people of Ai
8:20 When the men of Ai looked back, they saw smoke rising from the town into the sky. None of them had the chance to run one way rather than another, for the people fleeing towards the wilderness turned back on their pursuers.
8:21 For when Joshua and all Israel saw that the town had been seized by the men in ambush, and saw the smoke rising from the town into the sky, they turned round and attacked the men of Ai.
8:22 The others came out from the town to engage them, so that the men of Ai found themselves surrounded by Israelites, some on this side and some on that. These set about them till not one was alive and none left to flee;
8:23 but the king of Ai was captured alive, and brought to Joshua.
8:24 When Israel had finished killing all the inhabitants of Ai in the open ground and where they followed them into the wilderness, and when all to a man had fallen by the edge of the sword, all Israel returned to Ai and slaughtered all its people.
8:25 The number of those who fell that day, men and women together, was twelve thousand, all people of Ai.
The ban; the destruction of the town
8:26 Joshua did not draw back the hand with which he had pointed the javelin until he had dealt with all the dwellers in Ai as with men under a ban.
8:27 For booty, Israel took only the cattle and the spoils of the town, according to the order Yahweh had given to Joshua.
8:28 Then Joshua burned Ai, making it a ruin for evermore, a desolate place even today.
8:29 He hanged the king of Ai from a tree till evening; but at sunset Joshua ordered his body to be taken down from the tree. It was then thrown down at the entrance to the town gate and a great cairn was reared over it; and that is still there today.
The altar of undressed stones
8:30 Then Joshua built an altar to Yahweh the God of Israel on Mount Ebal,
8:31 as Moses, Yahweh’s servant, had ordered the sons of Israel, as is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, ‘an altar of undressed stones that no iron tool has ever worked’. On this they offered holocausts to Yahweh and offered communion sacrifices as well.
The reading of the Law
8:32 There Joshua wrote on the stones a copy of the Law which Moses had written for the Israelites.
8:33 Then, on both sides of the ark, and facing the levitical priests who carried the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, all Israel with their elders and scribes and judges – strangers as well as Israelites born – all took their places, half of them in front of Mount Gerizim and half in front of Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of Yahweh had ordered originally for the blessing of the people of Israel.
8:34 After this, Joshua read all the words of the Law – the blessing and the cursing – exactly as it stands written in the Book of the Law.
8:35 Of every word laid down by Moses there was not one left unread by Joshua in the presence of the full assembly of Israel, with the women and children there, and the strangers living among the people.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 9
A coalition against Israel
9:1 Hearing these things, all the kings on this side of the Jordan, in the highlands and in the lowlands, all along the coast of the Great Sea towards Lebanon, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites,
9:2 formed an alliance to fight together against Joshua and Israel.
The ruse of the Gibeonites[*a]
9:3 When the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai,
9:4 they decided to resort to trickery. They set out provided with supplies, having loaded their donkeys with old sacks and with old wineskins that had burst and been sewn up again.
9:5 The sandals on their feet were worn out and patched, the garments they wore were threadbare. The bread they took with them to eat was all dry and crumbling.
9:6 They came to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal, and speaking to him and the men of Israel, they said, ‘We come from a distant country, so make a treaty with us’.
9:7 The men of Israel answered these Hivites, ‘It may be that you live in our neighbourhood; how then can we make a treaty with you?’
9:8 They answered Joshua, ‘We are your servants’. But Joshua asked them, ‘Who are you and where do you come from?’
9:9 They answered, ‘Your servants have come from a country very far away, because of the fame of Yahweh your God; for we have heard of him and all that he has done in Egypt
9:10 and all that he has done to the two Amorite kings whose realm was beyond the Jordan, Sihon the king of Heshbon and Og the king of Bashan who lived at Ashtaroth.
9:11 Then our elders and all the people of our country said to us, “Take provisions with you for the journey; go to meet them and say to them: We are your servants; so make a treaty with us”.
9:12 Here is our bread; it was warm when we took it from home for our journey the day we set out to come to you, and now you see it is dry and crumbling.
9:13 These wineskins were new when we filled them; you see they have burst; and our clothes and sandals are all worn out from travelling such a long way.’
9:14 The leaders partook of the provisions they offered and did not consult the oracle of Yahweh.
9:15 Joshua granted them peace and made a treaty with them guaranteeing their lives, and the leaders of the community ratified it by oath.
9:16 Now it so happened that three days after the treaty had been made, it became known that they were a neighbouring people whose home was in the midst of Israel.
9:17 The Israelites set out from the camp and came to their towns, which were Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth and Kiriath-jearim.
9:18 The Israelites did not attack them because the leaders of the community had sworn to them by Yahweh the God of Israel, but the community grumbled at the leaders.
The Gibeonites’ place in the community
9:19 All the leaders declared in full assembly, ‘Since we have sworn an oath to them by Yahweh the God of Israel, we cannot touch them.
9:20 This is what we will do with them: we will let them live, lest otherwise we bring the wrath on ourselves because of the oath we swore to them.’
9:21 The leaders went on, ‘Let them live, but let them be wood-cutters and water-carriers in the service of the whole community’. The community did as the leaders had said.
9:22 Joshua sent for the Gibeonites and asked them, ‘Why did you trick us with those words, “We live very far away”, when in fact you live right among us?
9:23 From now you are accursed, and you shall never cease being serfs, wood-cutters and water-carriers in the house of my God.’
9:24 They answered Joshua, ‘We did it because your servants had become convinced that Yahweh your God had ordered Moses his servant to give you this whole country and destroy all its inhabitants before you; also because, as you advanced on us, we were extremely afraid that you would kill us. That was why we did this.
9:25 Now, see, we are in your power; do with us whatever you think right and good.
9:26 What he did with them was this. He saved them from the hands of the Israelites, and they did not kill them.
9:27 But from that day forward, Joshua made them wood-cutters and water-carriers for the community, and bound them, down to the present day, to wait on Yahweh’s altar wherever Yahweh might choose.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 10
Five kings make war on Gibeon
10:1 Now it happened that Adoni-zedek the king of Jerusalem was told that Joshua had conquered Ai and put the town under a ban, dealing with Ai and its king as he had dealt earlier with Jericho and its king; and also that the inhabitants of Gibeon had made their peace with Israel and entered their community.
10:2 There was consternation at this, since Gibeon was as important a town as one of the royal towns themselves, and larger than Ai, while all its citizens were fighting men.
10:3 Then Adoni-zedek the king of Jerusalem sent word to Hoham the king of Hebron, Piram the king of Jarmuth, Japhia the king of Lachish and Debir the king of Eglon,
10:4 ‘Join me and help me to conquer Gibeon, because it has made peace with Joshua and the Israelites’
10:5 The five Amorite kings joined forces and set off together, that is, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish and the king of Eglon, they and all their armies with them; they besieged Gibeon and attacked it.
Joshua comes to the rescue of Gibeon
10:6 The men of Gibeon sent word to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal, ‘Do not desert your servants; come up here quickly to save us and help us, because all the Amorite kings living in the mountains have allied themselves against us’.
10:7 Joshua came up from Gilgal in person, bringing all the fighting men and all the bravest of his army with him.
10:8 Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Do not be afraid of these men; I have delivered them into your power; not one of them will be able to stand against you.’
10:9 Having marched from Gilgal throughout the night, Joshua caught them unawares.
Aid from on high
10:10 Yahweh drove them headlong before Israel, defeating them completely at Gibeon; furthermore, he pursued them towards the descent of Beth-horon and harassed them as far as Azekah, and as far as Makkedah
10:11 And as they fled from Israel down the descent of Beth-horon, Yahweh hurled huge hailstones from heaven on them all the way to Azekah, which killed them. More of them died under the hailstones than at the edge of Israel’s sword.
10:12 Then Joshua spoke to Yahweh, the same day that Yahweh delivered the Amorites to the Israelites. Joshua declaimed:[*b] ‘Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and, moon, you also, over the Vale of Aijalon’.
10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon halted, till the people had vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of the Just?[*c] The sun stood still in the middle of the sky and delayed its setting for almost a whole day.
10:14 There was never a day like that before or since, when Yahweh obeyed the voice of a man, for Yahweh was fighting for Israel.
10:15 Then Joshua, and all Israel with him, returned to the camp at Gilgal.[*d]
The five kings in the cave at Makkedah
10:16 As for those five kings, they had fled and hidden in the cave of Makkedah,
10:17 and news of this was brought to Joshua. ‘The five kings’ the message ran ‘have been found hiding in the cave at Makkedah.’
10:18 Joshua answered, ‘Roll great stones to the mouth of the cave and post men there to keep guard.
10:19 And you, do not stay there idle; pursue the enemy, cut off their line of retreat and do not let them enter their towns, for Yahweh your God has put them in your power.’
10:20 When Joshua and the sons of Israel had routed them completely and were near to slaughtering the last of them, the survivors who had escaped alive took refuge in their fortresses.
10:21 The people came back to Joshua’s camp at Makkedah; they were all safe and sound, and no one dared to attempt anything against the Israelites.
10:22 Then Joshua said, ‘Clear the mouth of the cave, and bring the five kings out to me’.
10:23 They did so, bringing him the five kings from the cave; the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish and the king of Eglon.
10:24 When these kings had been brought to him, Joshua assembled all the men of Israel and said to the officers of the men of war who had fought with him, ‘Come forward and put your feet on the necks of these kings!’ They came forward and put their feet on their necks.
10:25 ‘Do not be afraid; have confidence,’ Joshua went on ‘be resolute, for this is how Yahweh shall deal with all the enemies you fight.’
10:26 With this Joshua struck and killed them and had them hanged on five trees; they hung there till evening.
10:27 At the hour of sunset Joshua gave his order; they were taken down from the trees and thrown into the cave where they had been hiding. Great stones were laid at the mouth of the cave, and these are still there today.
The conquest of the southern towns of Canaan
10:28 The same day, Joshua took Makkedah, striking the town and its king with the edge of the sword; he delivered them over to the ban, with every living creature there, and let no one escape; and he treated the king of Makkedah as he had treated the king of Jericho.
10:29 Joshua, and all Israel with him, went on from Makkedah to Libnah and attacked it.
10:30 This, too, with its king, Yahweh gave into the power of Israel; and Israel struck every living creature there with the edge of the sword, and left none alive, and treated its king like the king of Jericho.
10:31 Joshua, and all Israel with him, went on from Libnah to Lachish, and besieged it and attacked it.
10:32 Yahweh gave Lachish into the power of Israel and Israel took it on the second day and struck it and every living creature there with the edge of the sword, as they had treated Libnah.
10:33 Then Horam the king of Gezer marched up to help Lachish, but Joshua struck him and his people down until not one was left alive.
10:34 Joshua, and all Israel with him, went on from Lachish to Eglon. They besieged it and attacked it.
10:35 They took it the same day and struck it with the edge of the sword. Every living creature there he delivered over to the ban that day, as he had treated Lachish.
10:36 Joshua, and all Israel with him, went on up from Eglon to Hebron. They attacked it,
10:37 took it and struck it with the edge of the sword, with its king, all the places belonging to it and every living creature in it. As he had treated Eglon, so here, he left not a man alive. He delivered it over to the ban, with every living creature in it.
10:38 Joshua, and all Israel with him, turned aside to Debir and attacked it.
10:39 He took it and its king and all the places belonging to it; they struck them with the edge of the sword, and every living creature there they delivered over to the ban. He left none alive. As he had treated Hebron, as he had treated Libnah and its king, so he treated Debir and its king.
The southern conquests recapitulated
10:40 Thus Joshua subdued the whole land: the highlands, the Negeb, the lowlands, the hillsides, and all the kings in them. He left not a man alive and delivered every single soul over to the ban, as Yahweh the God of Israel had commanded.
10:41 Joshua conquered them from Kadesh-barnea to Gaza, and the whole region of Goshen as far as Gibeon.
10:42 All these kings and their kingdoms Joshua mastered in one campaign, because Yahweh the God of Israel fought for Israel.
10:43 And then Joshua, and all Israel with him, returned to the camp at Gilgal.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 11
A coalition of northern kings
11:1 When Jabin the king of Hazor heard these things, he sent word of them to Jobab the king of Madon, to the king of Shimron, the king of Achshaph
11:2 and the kings in the northern highlands and in the valley south of Chinneroth and those of the lowlands and the hillsides of Dor westwards.
11:3 Eastwards and westwards lived the Canaanite; in the highlands the Amorite and Hivite and Perizzite and Jebusite; under Hermon the Hittite, in the land of Mizpah.
11:4 They set out with all their troops, a horde as countless as the sands of the sea, with innumerable horses and chariots.
The victory at Merom
11:5 These kings, having all agreed on a meeting place, came and encamped near one another at the waters of Merom, to fight against Israel.
11:6 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, ‘Have no fear of these men, for by this time tomorrow Israel shall see them all cut to pieces; you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots’.
11:7 Joshua and all his warriors caught them unawares by the waters of Merom and fell on them.
11:8 Yahweh delivered them into the power of Israel, who defeated them and pursued them to Sidon the Great and to Misrephoth-maim westwards and to the Vale of Mizpah eastwards; Israel harried them till not one was left to escape.
11:9 Joshua treated them as Yahweh had ordered; he hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots.
The capture of Hazor and of the other northern towns
11:10 Joshua then came back and captured Hazor, putting its king to the sword. Hazor in earlier days was the capital of all these kingdoms.
11:11 And they put to the sword every living creature there, because of the ban. Not a soul was left there, and lastly Hazor was burned.
11:12 Joshua conquered all these royal cities and their kings and struck them with the edge of the sword because of the ban, as Moses the servant of Yahweh had ordered.
11:13 Yet of all these towns standing on their mounds Israel burned none, apart from Hazor which Joshua gave to the flames.
11:14 As for the spoils of these towns and the cattle, the Israelites took them for themselves. But they struck all the human beings with the edge of the sword, and wiped them all out; they did not leave one living soul.
The orders of Moses carried out by Joshua
11:15 What Yahweh had ordered his servant Moses, Moses in turn had ordered Joshua, and Joshua carried it out, leaving nothing unaccomplished that Yahweh had ordered Moses.
11:16 Thus Joshua mastered the whole country: the highlands, the whole Negeb and the whole land of Goshen, the lowlands, the Arabah, the highlands and the lowlands of Israel.
11:17 From Mount Halak, which rises towards Seir, to Baal-gad in the Yale of Lebanon below Mount Hermon, he captured all their kings, struck them down and slaughtered them.
11:18 For many a day Joshua had made war on all these kings;
11:19 no city had made peace with the Israelites except the Hivites who lived at Gibeon; all the rest they conquered in battle.
11:20 For Yahweh had ordained that the hearts of these men should be stubborn enough to fight against Israel, so that they might be mercilessly delivered over to the ban and be wiped out, as Yahweh had ordered Moses.[*a]
The Anakim wiped out
11:21 Then Joshua came and wiped out the Anakim from the highlands, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, from all the highlands of Judah and all the highlands of Israel; he delivered them and their towns over to the ban.
11:22 No more Anakim were left in Israelite territory except at Gaza, Gath and Ashdod.
11:23 Joshua mastered the whole country, just as Yahweh had told Moses, and he gave it to Israel as an inheritance according to their division by tribes. And the country had rest from war.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 12
The kings conquered east of the Jordan
12:1 These are the kings of the country whom the Israelites conquered and despoiled of their kingdoms, beyond Jordan eastwards, from the wadi Arnon to the mountain country of Hermon, with all the Arabah eastwards:
12:2 Sihon the king of the Amorites who lived at Heshbon ruled from Aroer on the edge of the gorge of the Arnon (and with this went the bed of the gorge) over half of Gilead to the wadi Jabbok, the boundary of the Ammonites,
12:3 and eastwards over the Arabah to the Sea of Chinneroth on the one side, and to the Sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, towards Beth-jeshimoth where you come to the foothills of Pisgah on the south.
12:4 Og, the king of Bashan, one of the last of the Rephaim, who lived at Ashtaroth and Edrei,
12:5 ruled over Mount Hermon and over Salecah, and over the whole of Bashan as far as the boundary of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and over half of Gilead to the boundary of Sihon the king of Heshbon.
12:6 Moses, the servant of Yahweh, and with him the Israelites, had conquered these kings, and Moses, the servant of Yahweh, had given their possessions to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
The kings conquered west of the Jordan
12:7 And these are the kings of the country whom Joshua and the Israelites conquered westwards of the Jordan, from Baal-gad in the Vale of Lebanon to Mount Halak rising towards Seir, and Joshua allotted their inheritance to the tribes of Israel according to their divisions:
12:8 in the highlands and lowlands, in the Arabah and on the hillsides, in the wilderness and the Negeb: in the territories of Hittite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite and Jebusite:
12:9 the king of Jericho, one; the king of Ai near Bethel, one;
12:10 the king of Jerusalem, one; the king of Hebron, one;
12:11 the king of Jarmuth, one; the king of Lachish, one;
12:12 the king of Eglon, one; the king of Gezer, one;
12:13 the king of Debir, one; the king of Geder, one;
12:14 the king of Hormah, one; the king of Arad, one;
12:15 the king of Libnah, one; the king of Adullam, one;
12:16 the king of Makkedah, one; the king of Bethel, one;
12:17 the king of Tappuah, one; the king of Hepher, one;
12:18 the king of Aphek, one; the king of Sharon, one;
12:19 the king of Madon, one; the king of Hazor, one;
12:20 the king of Symoon, one; the king of Achshaph, one;
12:21 the king of Taanach, one; the king of Megiddo, one;
12:22 the king of Kedesh, one; the king of Jokneam in Carmel, one;
12:23 the king of Dor on the hillsides of Dor, one; the king of Goum in Galilee, one;
12:24 the king of Tirzah, one; Total number of all these kings: thirty-one.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 13
Lands remaining unconquered
13:1 Now Joshua had grown old and advanced in years. Yahweh said to him, ‘You are old now and advanced in years, yet much of the country still remains to be subdued.
13:2 This is the country remaining: ‘All the regions of the Philistines[*a] and the whole country of the Geshurites;
13:3 from the Shihor, east of Egypt, to the boundary of Ekron northwards, the land is counted as Canaanite. (The five chiefs of the Philistines are those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron; the Avvites are in
13:4 the south.) The whole country of the Canaanites from Arah, which the Sidonians hold, to Aphekah and the boundary of the Amorites,
13:5 and then the country of the Gebalites with all Lebanon eastwards from Baal-gad at the foot of Mount Hermon to the Pass of Hamath.
13:6 All who live in the highlands from Lebanon to Misrephoth-maim westwards – all the Sidonians – I myself will drive out before the Israelites. In the meantime, share out the land by lot among the Israelites as I have ordered you.
13:7 The time has come to divide this land among the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasseh: from the Jordan to the Great Sea westwards you shall give it to them; the Great Sea will mark their boundary.’
A general survey
13:8 As for the other half-tribe of Manasseh, this and the Reubenites and Gadites had already received the allotted inheritance given them by Moses beyond the Jordan eastwards; Moses the servant of Yahweh had then assigned them
13:9 the country onward from Aroer, which lies on the edge of the wadi Arnon, and from the town within the gorge itself; all the tableland from Medeba to Dibon;
13:10 all the towns of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had reigned in Heshbon, to the boundary of the Ammonites.
13:11 Then Gilead and the territory of the Geshurites and Maacathites with all the highlands of Hermon and with the whole of Bashan, including Salecah;
13:12 and in Bashan the whole kingdom of Og, who had reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei and was the last survivor of the Rephaim. Moses had conquered and dispossessed these two kings.
13:13 But the Israelites did not dispossess the Geshurites or the Maacathites, and therefore Geshur and Maacah even now still form part of Israel.
13:14 To the tribe of Levi alone no inheritance was given; Yahweh the God of Israel was their inheritance, as he had told them.
The tribe of Reuben
13:15 Moses had given the tribe of the sons of Reuben a portion according to their clans.
13:16 Thus the land they received stretched from Aroer, on the edge of the wadi Arnon, and the town within the gorge itself, and all the tableland up to Medeba,
13:17 and Heshbon and all the towns on the tableland: Dibon, Bamoth-baal, Beth-baal-meon,
13:18 Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath,
13:19 Kiriathaim, Sibmah and Zereth-shahar in the highlands of Gor;
13:20 Beth-peor, the slopes of Pisgah, Beth-jeshimoth,
13:21 all the towns on the tableland and the whole kingdom of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon; he had been defeated by Moses, and with him the princes of Midian, Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba, vassals of Sihon who used to live in this country.
13:22 As for Balaam son of Beor, the soothsayer, the Israelites had put him to the sword with others they had slaughtered.
13:23 Thus the land of the Reubenites stretched to the Jordan. This was the inheritance of the sons of Reuben according to their clans, with the towns and their outlying villages.
The tribe of Gad
13:24 Moses had given the tribe of Gad, the sons of Gad, a portion according to their clans.
13:25 The land they received was Jazer, all the towns of Gilead, half the country of the Ammonites as far as Aroer facing Rabbah,
13:26 and from Heshbon to Ramath-mizpeh and Betonim, and from Mahanaim as far as the territory of Lo-debar,
13:27 and lastly, in the valley: Beth-haram, Beth-nimrah, Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon the king of Heshbon. The Jordan was their boundary to the lower end of the Sea of Chinnereth, on the eastern side of the Jordan.
13:28 This was the inheritance of the sons of Gad according to their clans, with the towns and their outlying villages.
The half-tribe of Manasseh
13:29 Moses had given the half-tribe of the sons of Manasseh a portion according to their clans.
13:30 The land they received stretched from Mahanaim right through Bashan, with the whole kingdom of Og the king of Bashan and all the Encampments of Jair in Bashan, sixty towns.
13:31 Half of Gilead, with Ashtaroth and Edrei, the royal cities of Og in Bashan, were allotted to the sons of Machir son of Manasseh, to half of the sons of Machir according to their clans.
13:32 This was the apportioning made by Moses in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan and facing Jericho eastwards.
13:33 But to the tribe of Levi Moses had given no inheritance; Yahweh the God of Israel is their inheritance, as he has told them.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 14
14:1 These are the portions that the Israelites received as an inheritance in the land of Canaan, assigned to them by Eleazar the priest and by Joshua son of Nun and by the heads of the families of the tribes of Israel.
14:2 They made the apportionment by lot, as Yahweh had ordered through Moses for the nine tribes and the half-tribe.
14:3 Moses had given the two-and-a-half tribes beyond the Jordan their own inheritance but had given the Levites no inheritance among them
14:4 The sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. No portion in the land was given the Levites except certain towns to live in, with the pasture lands adjoining for their cattle and property.
14:5 In apportioning the land, the Israelites did as Yahweh had ordered Moses to do.
The portion of Caleb
14:6 Certain sons of Judah came to Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, ‘You know what Yahweh said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh-barnea concerning you and me.
14:7 I was forty years old when Moses the servant of Yahweh sent me from Kadesh-barnea to reconnoitre this country, and of this I most faithfully made report to him.
14:8 But the brothers who had gone up with me discouraged the people, whereas I myself did the whole will of Yahweh my God.
14:9 That day Moses swore this oath, “Be sure of this, that the land your foot has trodden shall be an inheritance for you and your children for ever, because you have done the whole will of Yahweh my God”.
14:10 From then till now, Yahweh has kept me alive in accordance with his promise. It is forty-five years since Yahweh made this promise to Moses (it was while Israel was journeying through the wilderness), and now I am eighty-five years old.
14:11 Today I am still as strong as the day when Moses sent me out on that errand; for fighting, for going and coming, I am as strong now as then.
14:12 It is time you gave me the highlands that Yahweh promised me then. You heard then how it was peopled by the Anakim and how its towns were great and strong. If Yahweh is with me, I shall drive them out as Yahweh said.’
14:13 Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as an inheritance.
14:14 And hence Hebron down to the present day has remained the possession of Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, because he did the whole will of Yahweh the God of Israel.
14:15 The name of Hebron in earlier times was Kiriath-arba. Arba had been the greatest man of the Anakim. And the country had rest from war.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 15
The tribe of Judah
15:1 The portion falling to the tribe of the sons of Judah according to their clans was near the boundary of Edom, from the wilderness of Zin to Kadesh south-westwards.
15:2 Their southern boundary began at the end of the Salt Sea, at the bay that faces south;
15:3 it proceeded south of the Ascent of Akrabbim, crossed through Zin and up to the south of Kadesh-barnea, passed Hezron, went up to Addar and from there turned to Karka,
15:4 skirted Azmon, came out at the wadi of Egypt and ended at the sea. This will be your southern boundary.
15:5 Eastwards, the boundary was the Salt Sea as far as the mouth of the Jordan. The boundary to the north began at the bay at the mouth of the Jordan.
15:6 This boundary went up to Beth-hoglah, passed along north of Beth-arabah and reached the Stone of Bohan son of Reuben.
15:7 The boundary went up to Debir from the Vale of Achor and turned towards the circle of stones opposite the Ascent of Adummim, south of the wadi; the boundary went on to the waters of En-shemesh and ended at En-rogel.
15:8 Then it went on up the wadi Ben-hinnom, coming from the south to the flank of the Jebusite, that is to say Jerusalem, and climbed to the crest of the mountain barring the wadi Hinnom, westward and at the northern end of the plain of Rephaim.
15:9 From the mountain top the boundary bent towards the source of the Waters of Nephtoah, passed from there towards Mount Ephron and then turned towards Baalah, that is to say, Kiriath-jearim.
15:10 From Baalah the boundary bent westwards to the mountain country of Seir, skirted the northern slope of Mount Jearim, that is to say Chesalon, went down to Beth-shemesh and through Timnah,
15:11 reached the north side of Ekron, turned towards Shikkeron, passed by the Hill of Baalah, then on to Jabneel, and ended at the sea.
15:12 The western boundary was the Great Sea itself. This was the boundary that enclosed the lands assigned to the clans of the sons of Judah.
The Calebites occupy the territory of Hebron
15:13 Caleb son of Jephunneh was given a portion among the sons of Judah in accordance with the order given by Yahweh to Joshua. Joshua gave him Kiriath-arba,[*a] the chief city of the Anakim, which is now Hebron.
15:14 Caleb drove the three sons of Anak out of it: Sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai, descended from Anak.
15:15 From there he marched up against the inhabitants of Debir, the name of which was once Kiriath-sepher.
15:16 Then Caleb said, ‘To the man who conquers and captures Kiriath-sepher, I will give my daughter Achsah to wife’.
15:17 The man who captured it was Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s brother; Caleb gave him his daughter Achsah to wife.
15:18 When she came to her husband, he urged her to ask her father for a field. Then she jumped down from her donkey, and Caleb asked her, ‘What do you want?’
15:19 She answered, ‘Grant me a favour; since you have banished me to the wilderness of the Negeb, at least grant me some springs of water’. So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.
15:20 This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Judah according to their clans.
Names of places possessed by the tribe of Judah
15:21 These are the furthermost towns of the tribe of the sons of Judah, towards the boundary of Edom in the Negeb: Kabzeel, Eder, Jagur,
15:22 Kinah, Dimon, Adadah,
15:23 Kedesh, Hazor, Ithnan,
15:24 Ziph, Telem, Bealoth,
15:25 Hazor-hadattah, Kerioth-hezron (that is to say, Hazor),
15:26 Amam, Shema, Moladah,
15:27 Hazar-gaddah, Heshmon, Beth-pelet,
15:28 Hazar-shual, Beersheba, Biziothiah,
15:29 Baalah, Iim, Ezem,
15:30 Eltolad, Chesil, Hormah,
15:31 Ziklag, Madmannah, Sansannah,
15:32 Lebaoth, Shilhim, En-rimmon. In all, twenty-nine towns, with their outlying villages.
15:33 In the lowlands: Eshtaol, Zorah, Ashnah,
15:34 Zanoah, En-gannim, Tappuah, Enam,
15:35 Jarmuth, Adullam, Socoh, Azekah,
15:36 Shaaraim, Adithaim, Gederah, Gederothaim; fourteen towns with their villages.
15:37 Zenan, Hadashah, Migdal-gad,
15:38 Dilean, Mizpeh, Joktheel,
15:39 Lachish, Bozkath, Eglon,
15:40 Cabbon, Lahmas, Chitlish,
15:41 Gederoth, Beth-dagon, Naamah, Makkedah: sixteen towns with their villages.
15:42 Libnah, Ether, Ashan,
15:43 Iphtah, Ashnah, Nezib,
15:44 Keilah, Achzib, Mareshah: nine towns with their villages.
15:45 Ekron, with its towns and outlying villages.
15:46 From Ekron to the sea, everything to the side of Ashdod, with its villages.
15:47 Ashdod with its towns and outlying villages; Gaza with its towns and outlying villages as far as the wadi of Egypt; the Great Sea marks the boundary.
15:48 In the highlands: Shamir, Jattir, Socoh,
15:49 Dannah, Kiriath-sannah, which is now Debir,
15:50 Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim,
15:51 Goshen, Holon, Giloh: eleven towns with their villages.
15:52 Arab, Dumah, Eshan,
15:53 Janum, Beth-tappuah, Aphekah,
15:54 Humtah, Kiriath-arba, which is now Hebron, Zior: nine towns with their villages.
15:55 Maon, Carmel, Ziph, Juttah,
15:56 Jezreel, Jokdeam, Zanoah,
15:57 Kain, Gibeah, Timnah: ten towns with their villages.
15:58 Halhul, Beth-zur, Gedor,
15:59 Maarath, Beth-anoth, Eltekon: six towns with their villages. Tekoa, Ephrathah, which is now Bethlehem, Peor, Etam, Kulon, Tatam, Sores, Carem, Gallim, Bether, Manach: eleven towns with their villages.
15:60 Kiriath-baal, which is now Kiriath-jearim, and Rabbah: two towns with their villages.
15:61 In the wilderness: Beth-arabah, Middin, Secacah,
15:62 Nibshan, the City of Salt and Engedi: six towns with their villages.
15:63 But the sons of Judah could not drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem; the Jebusites lived in Jerusalem side by side with the sons of Judah, as they still do today.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 16
The tribe of Ephraim
16:1 The portion awarded by lot to the sons of Joseph stretched from the Jordan opposite Jericho eastwards. From Jericho onwards the boundary climbed the highlands to the wilderness of Bethel;
16:2 it left Bethel-luz and went on towards the boundary of the Archites at Ataroth;
16:3 then passed downwards and westwards to the boundary of the Japhletites as far as the border of Lower Beth-horon, as far as Gezer, and from there it reached the sea.
16:4 This was the inheritance of the sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim.
16:5 As regards the territory of the sons of Ephraim according to their clans, the boundary of their inheritance to the east was Ataroth-addar as far as Upper Beth-horon,
16:6 and it ended at the sea . . . Michmethath to the north; and the boundary turned east to Tanaath-shiloh and ran beyond it on the east to Janoah;
16:7 it went down from Janoah to Ataroth and Naarah, then touched Jericho and ended at the Jordan.
16:8 From Tappuah the boundary went westwards to the wadi Kanah and ended at the sea. This was the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim according to their clans,
16:9 as well as the towns set apart for the Ephraimites inside the inheritance of the sons of Manasseh, all those towns and their villages.
16:10 The Canaanites living in Gezer were not driven out; they have remained in Ephraim to the present day, but are obliged to do forced labour.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 17
The tribe of Manasseh
17:1 A portion was awarded by lot to Manasseh, because he was Joseph’s first-born son. To Machir, Manasseh’s eldest son and father of Gilead, there fell, as was right for a fighting man, the country of Gilead and Bashan.
17:2 And portions were also given to Manasseh’s other sons, according to their clans: to the sons of Abiezer, the sons of Helek, the sons of Asriel, the sons of Shechem, the sons of Hepher, the sons of Shemida: these were the clans of the male children of Manasseh son of Joseph.
17:3 Zelophehad son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, had no sons, only daughters, whose names are these: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah.
17:4 These came to the priest Eleazar and to Joshua the son of Nun and to the leaders, and said, ‘Yahweh ordered Moses to give us an inheritance among our brothers’. According to Yahweh’s order, therefore, they were given an inheritance among the brothers of their father.
17:5 In this way there fell to Manasseh ten portions besides the country of Gilead and Bashan which lies across the Jordan,
17:6 since Manasseh’s daughters received an inheritance as well as his sons. The country of Gilead itself belonged to Manasseh’s other sons.
17:7 The boundary of Manasseh was, on the side of Asher, Michmethath, which is opposite Shechem, and thence continued
17:8 to the right to Jashib at the spring of Tappuah. The territory of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh, but Tappuah on Manasseh’s border belonged to the sons of Ephraim.
17:9 The boundary passed down to the wadi Kanah (south of the wadi were the Ephraimite towns, besides those which Ephraim had among the towns of Manasseh, the territory of Manasseh being north of the wadi), and it ended at the sea.
17:10 Southwards Ephraim, northwards Manasseh, both bounded by the sea; they touched Asher to the north and Issachar to the east.
17:11 In Issachar and in Asher; Manasseh had Beth-shean and its dependent towns, Ibleam and its dependent towns, the inhabitants of Dor and En-dor and their dependent towns, the inhabitants of Taanach and Megiddo and their dependent towns, and a third of the Nepheth.
17:12 But because the sons of Manasseh could not take possession of these towns, the Canaanites managed to hold their own in the country.
17:13 However, when the Israelites became stronger, they put the Canaanites to forced labour, though they never drove them out.
The sons of Joseph occupy forest country
17:14 The House of Joseph spoke thus to Joshua, ‘Why have you given me for inheritance only one share, only one portion, when my people are many because Yahweh has so blessed me?’
17:15 Joshua answered, ‘If your people are so many, go up to the woodland region and clear yourselves the forest of the country of the Perizzites and the Rephaim, since the highlands of Ephraim are too small for you’.
17:16 The sons of Joseph answered, ‘The highlands are not enough for us, and what is more, all the Canaanites living in the plain have iron chariots, and so have those in Beth-shean and its dependent towns, and those in the plain of Jezreel’.
17:17 Joshua said to the House of Joseph, to Ephraim and Manasseh, ‘You are a large population and one of great strength; you shall not have one share only
17:18 but a mountain shall be yours; it is covered with woods, but you must clear it, and its boundaries shall be yours, since you cannot drive out the Canaanite because of his iron chariots and his superior strength’.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 18
The land survey for the seven other tribes
18:1 The whole community of the Israelites assembled at Shiloh, and the Tent of Meeting was set up there; the whole country was now subdued and at their disposal.
18:2 But among the Israelites there were still seven tribes left which had not received their inheritance.
18:3 Then Joshua said to them, ‘How much more time will you waste before taking possession of the land which Yahweh the God of your fathers has given to you?
18:4 Choose three men from each tribe, for me to send up and down the country so that they can make a survey with a view to its apportioning, and then come back to me.
18:5 They must divide the land into seven portions. Judah will remain in his territory to the south, and those of the House of Joseph will remain in their territory to the north.
18:6 You are to survey the land in seven sections and bring your findings to me here, so that I can cast lots for you before Yahweh our God.
18:7 For the Levites have no portion with the rest of you; the priesthood of Yahweh is to be their inheritance; and Gad and Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan eastwards, as Moses, Yahweh’s servant, gave it to them.’
18:8 The men set off. To those who were to survey the country Joshua gave this order: ‘Off you go, survey and map the whole country, and then come back here to me; I shall cast lots for you before Yahweh at Shiloh’.
18:9 So the men left, and went up and down the country, making a sevenfold list in writing of all the towns and bringing it back to Joshua in the camp at Shiloh.
18:10 Joshua cast lots for them before Yahweh at Shiloh, and there Joshua apportioned the land among the Israelites according to their groupings.
The tribe of Benjamin
18:11 One portion fell to the tribe of the sons of Benjamin according to their clans: their territory lay, as it proved, between that of the sons of Judah and the sons of Joseph.
18:12 Their northern boundary began at the Jordan, climbed to the northern flank of Jericho, rose through the highlands westwards and ended at the wilderness of Beth-aven.
18:13 Thence it continued towards Luz, southwards to the flank of Luz, which is now Bethel; then downwards to Ataroth-addar, on the mountain south of Lower Beth-horon.
18:14 The boundary curved, and on the western side turned southward, from the mountain that faces Beth-horon from the south and ended at Kiriath-baal, which is now Kiriath-jearim, a city of the sons of Judah. This was the western side.
18:15 On the south side the boundary ran from the edge of Kiriath-jearim towards Gasin, emerged by the waters of the spring of Nephtoah,
18:16 continued to the skirts of the mountain facing the Vale of Ben-hinnom, north of the plain of the Rephaim, then down into the Vale of Hinnom, south of the flank of the Jebusite and reaching En-rogel.
18:17a It then curved northwards, going on to En-shemesh; it came out at the circles of stones facing the Ascent of Adummim,
18:18 then went on to Cheteph in sight of the Arabah and down to the Arabah and
18:17b the Stone of Bohan son of Reuben,
18:19 then reached the flank of Beth-hoglah to the north. The boundary stopped at the northern bay of the Salt Sea, at the southern end of the Jordan. This was the southern border.
18:20 The Jordan itself was the eastern border. Such was the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin, with the boundaries defining it.
The towns of Benjamin
18:21 The towns of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin, according to their clans, were Jericho, Beth-hoglah, Emek-keziz;
18:22 Beth-arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel;
18:23 Avvim, Parah, Ophrah;
18:24 Chephar-ammoni, Ophni, Geba: twelve towns and their villages.
18:25 Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth;
18:26 Mizpeh, Chephirah, Mozah;
18:27 Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah;
18:28 Zela Haeleph, Jerusalem, Gibeah and Kiriath: fourteen towns with their villages. This was the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin, according to their clans.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 19
The tribe of Simeon
19:1 The second portion awarded by lot came to Simeon, the tribe of the sons of Simeon, according to their clans their inheritance was encircled by the inheritance of the sons of Judah.
19:2 For their portion they had Beersheba, Shema, Moladah;
19:3 Hazar-shual, Balah, Ezem;
19:4 Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah;
19:5 Ziklag, Beth-marcaboth, Hazar-susah;
19:6 Beth-lebaoth and Sharuhen: thirteen towns and their villages;
19:7 Ain, Rimmon, Ether and Ashan: four towns and their villages.
19:8 With these go all the villages lying outside these towns as far as Baalath-beer, Ramah of the Negeb. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Simeon according to their clans.
19:9 The inheritance of the sons of Simeon was taken out of the portion of the sons of Judah, because the share of the sons of Judah was too large for them; this is why it was within the inheritance of the sons of Judah that the sons of Simeon were given theirs.
The tribe of Zebulun
19:10 The third portion fell to the sons of Zebulun according to their clans; the territory of their inheritance reached as far as Sarid;
19:11 their boundary climbed westwards to Maraalah, touching Dabbesheth first and then the wadi facing Jokneam.
19:12 But eastwards and towards the sunrise the boundary went from Sarid to the boundary of Chisloth-tabor, then towards Dobrath and upwards to Japhia.
19:13 Thence it went on, eastwards and towards the sunrise, to Gath-hepher and Ittah-kazin; it came out at Rimmon and turned towards Neah.
19:14 Then northwards the boundary bent towards Hannathon and ended at the plain of Iphtahel.
19:15 Besides this, there were Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Iralah and Bethlehem: twelve towns with their villages.
19:16 This was the inheritance of the sons of Zebulun according to their clans: these towns and their villages.
The tribe of Issachar
19:17 The fourth portion came to Issachar, to the sons of Issachar, according to their clans.
19:18 Their territory reached to Jezreel and included Chesulloth and Shunem;
19:19 Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath;
19:20 Dobrath, Kishion, Ebez;
19:21 Remeth and En-gannim, En-haddah and Beth-pazzez.
19:22 Their boundary touched Tabor and Shahazimah and Beth-shemesh, and ended at the Jordan: sixteen towns with their villages.
19:23 This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Issachar, according to their clans: the towns with their villages.
The tribe of Asher
19:24 The fifth portion came to the tribe of the sons of Asher, according to their clans.
19:25 Within their territory were Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph,
19:26 Allam-melech, Amad and Mishal; on the west it touched Carmel and the streams of the Libnath;
19:27 on the other side it went eastwards to Beth-dagon, touching Zebulun and the Vale of Iphtahel northwards, then Beth-emek and Neiel beyond; it ended at Cabul. To the north it took in
19:28 Abdon, Rehob, Hammon and Kanah as far as Sidon the Great.
19:29 The boundary then turned back towards Ramah and onto the stronghold of Tyre and Hosah, and ended at the sea. Mahalab, Achzib,
19:30 Acco, Aphek, Rehob: twenty-two towns with their villages.
19:31 This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Asher, according to their clans; these towns with their villages.
The tribe of Naphtali
19:32 To the sons of Naphtali came the sixth portion, to the sons of Naphtali according to their clans.
19:33 Their territory went from Heleph and the Oak of Zanaannim to Adami-negeb, to Jabneel as far as Lakkum, and ended at the Jordan.
19:34 The westward boundary ran to Aznoth-tabor and thence passed on to Hukkok, touching Zebulun southwards, Asher westwards and the Jordan east-wards.
19:35 The fortified towns were Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Chinnereth;
19:36 Adamah, Ramah, Hazor;
19:37 Kedesh, Edrei, En-hazor;
19:38 Yiron, Migdalel, Horem, Beth-anath, Beth-shemesh: nineteen towns with their villages.
19:39 This was the inheritance of the sons of Naphtali according to their clans; the towns with their villages.
The tribe of Dan[*a]
19:40 To the tribe of the sons of Dan came the seventh portion according to their clans.
19:41 Within the territory of their inheritance were Zorah, Eshtaol, Irshemesh;
19:42 Sha-alabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah;
19:43 Elon, Timnah, Ekron,
19:44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath;
19:45 Jehud, Bene-berak, Gath-rimmon;
19:46 Me-jarkon and Rakkon with the territory facing Joppa.
19:47 But the territory of the sons of Dan resisted them; and therefore the sons of Dan went up and attacked Leshem and captured it and put it to the sword. Having seized the town they settled in it, and changed the name of Leshem to Dan after Dan their ancestor.
19:48 This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Dan, according to their clans: these towns with their villages.
19:49 So ended the drawing of lots for the country and the apportioning of it.
19:50 And the Israelites gave Joshua son of Nun an inheritance among them;
19:50 at the command of Yahweh, they gave him the city he had asked for, Timnath-serah in the highlands of Ephraim; he rebuilt the city and settled there.
19:51 These are the inheritances which Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the heads of each family apportioned by lot among the tribes of Israel at Shiloh, in Yahweh’s presence, at the door of the Tent of Meeting; and thus the apportioning of the land was finished.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 20
The cities of refuge
20:1 Yahweh said to Joshua,
20:2 ‘Speak to the Israelites and say to them, “Choose the cities of refuge of which I spoke to you through Moses,
20:3 towns where a man who has killed accidentally, unwittingly, may find sanctuary; they are to be your refuge from the avenger of blood.
20:4 The man who has killed may seek sanctuary in one of these towns; he must stop at the entrance of the town gate and explain his case to the elders of the place. They shall let him enter the town and assign him a place to live with them.
20:5 If he is pursued by the avenger of blood, they are not to give him up to him, since he has killed his neighbour unwittingly, with no long-cherished hatred against him.
20:6 The man who has killed must remain in that town until he has appeared for judgement before the community, until the death of the high priest then in office. Only then may the man who has killed go back to his own town and his own house, to the town from which he has fled.”‘
20:7 For this purpose they designated Kedesh in Galilee, in the highlands of Naphtali, Shechem in the highlands of Ephraim, and Kiriath-arba, which is now Hebron, in the highlands of Judah.
20:8 Across the Jordan and on the east facing Jericho, in the wilderness on the tableland, they chose Bezer of the tribe of Reuben, Ramoth-gilead of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan of the tribe of Manasseh.
20:9 These were the towns marked out for all the Israelites and for the stranger living among them, so that any man might find sanctuary there if he had killed accidentally, and might escape the hand of the avenger of blood until he had appeared for judgement before the community.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 21
The levitical cities
21:1 Then the heads of families among the Levites came to Eleazar the priest and to Joshua son of Nun and the heads of families of the tribes of Israel –
21:2 they were then at Shiloh in the land of Canaan. They said to them, ‘Yahweh ordered through Moses that we should be given towns to live in, with the adjoining pasture lands for our cattle’.
21:3 So because of Yahweh’s order the Israelites gave the Levites these towns from their inheritance, and with them the adjoining pasture lands.
21:4 Lots were cast for the clans of the Kohathites. To the Levites, the sons of Aaron the priest, fell thirteen towns from the tribes of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin;
21:5 the other sons of Kohath received, clan by
21:6 clan, ten towns from the tribes of Ephraim, Dan, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. To the sons of Gershon, clan by clan, fell thirteen towns from the tribes of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali and the half-tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
21:7 To the sons of Merari, clan by clan, fell twelve towns from the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Zebulun.
21:8 These towns and the adjoining pasture land, the Israelites gave by lot to the Levites, as Yahweh had ordered through Moses.
The portion of the Kohathites
21:9 From the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Simeon they gave the towns named below;
21:10 this was the portion of the sons of Aaron from the clans of the Kohathites, of the sons of Levi; for theirs was the first portion.
21:11 They gave them Kiriath-arba, the chief city of the Anakim, which is now Hebron, in the highlands of Judah, with the pasture lands round it.
21:12 But the fields and villages of this town they gave into the possession of Caleb son of Jephunneh as his property.
21:13 To the sons of Aaron the priest they gave Hebron, the city of refuge for men who had killed, and the adjoining pasture lands; also Libnah with its pasture lands,
21:14 and Jattir, Eshtemoa,
21:15 Holon, Debir,
21:16 Ashan, Juttah and Beth-shemesh, each with its pasture lands: nine towns taken from these two tribes.
21:17 From the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon and Geba with their pasture lands,
21:18 and Anathoth and Almon with theirs: four towns.
21:19 The towns of the priests, the sons of Aaron, were thirteen towns in all, with their pasture lands.
21:20 To the clans of the sons of Kohath, to the remaining Levites of the sons of Kohath, the lot assigned towns belonging to the tribe of Ephraim.
21:21 They were given the city of refuge, Shechem, with its pasture lands, in the highlands of Ephraim, together with Gezer,
21:22 Kibzaim and Beth-horon, each with its pasture lands: four towns.
21:23 From the tribe of Dan, Elteke, Gibbethon,
21:24 Aijalon and Gath-rimmon with their pasture lands: four towns.
21:25 From the half-tribe of Manasseh, Taanach and Jibleam with their pasture lands: two towns. In all: ten towns with their pasture lands for the remaining clans of the sons of Kohath.
The portion of the sons of Gershon
21:27 To the sons of Gershon who were of levitical clans were given the city of refuge Golan in Bashan and also Ashtaroth, each with its pasture lands: two towns, both from the half-tribe of Manasseh.
21:28 From the tribe of Issachar, Kishion, Dobrath,
21:29 Jarmuth and En-gannim, each with its pasture lands: four towns.
21:30 From the tribe of Asher, Mishal, Abdon,
21:31 Helkath and Rehob, each with its pasture lands: four towns.
21:32 From the tribe of Naphtali, Kedesh the city of refuge in Galilee, Hammoth-dor and Rakkath, each with its pasture lands: three towns.
21:33 The towns for the Gershonites according to their clans were thirteen towns in all with their pasture lands.
The portion of the sons of Merari
21:34 To the clans of the sons of Merari, the remainder of the Levites, fell four towns with their pasture lands from the tribe of Zebulun, Jokneam, Kartah,
21:35 Rimmon and Nahalal;
21:36 from beyond the Jordan and from the tribe of Reuben, the city of refuge Bezer in the wilderness on the tableland, Jahaz,
21:37 Kedemoth and Mephaath, each with its pasture lands: four towns;
21:38 from the tribe of Gad the city of refuge Ramoth-gilead, Mahanaim,
21:39 Heshbon and Jazer, each with its pasture lands: four towns.
21:40 The towns allotted clan by clan to the sons of Merari, to the remainder of the levitical clans, were twelve towns in all.
21:41 The towns thus granted to the Levites in Israelite territory were in all forty-eight, with their pasture lands.
21:42 For all these towns, the town itself and the pasture land round it went together. This was true of every town named.
The end of the apportioning
21:43 So it was that Yahweh gave the Israelites all the land he had sworn to give their fathers. They took possession of it and settled there.
21:44 Yahweh granted them peace on all their frontiers just as he had sworn to their fathers, and of all their enemies not one had managed to stand against them. Yahweh had given all their enemies into their hands.
21:45 Of all the promises that Yahweh had made to the House of Israel, not one failed; all were fulfilled.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 22
The tribes from across the Jordan are sent home
22:1 Then Joshua summoned the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh
22:2 and said to them, ‘You have faithfully observed all that Moses the servant of Yahweh ordered you, and whenever I have given you an order you have obeyed me.
22:3 Despite the fact that the campaign has lasted such a very long time, you have never deserted your brothers; at every point you have obeyed the orders of Yahweh your God.
22:4 Now that Yahweh your God has granted your brothers the rest he promised them, go back to your tents, to the land given into your possession by Moses the servant of Yahweh, beyond the Jordan.
22:5 But take great care to practise the commandments and the Law which Moses the servant of Yahweh gave you: love Yahweh your God, follow his paths always, keep his commandments, be loyal to him and serve him with all your heart and soul.’
22:6 Joshua blessed them and sent them away; they went home to their tents.
22:7 Moses had given a territory in Bashan to one half of the tribe of Manasseh; to the other half Joshua gave another among their brothers on the west bank of the Jordan. As Joshua sent them home to their tents he blessed them
22:8 and said to them, ‘You are going back to your tents with great wealth, with cattle in plenty, with silver and gold, bronze and iron and great quantities of clothing; share these spoils of your enemies with your brothers’.
An altar is built beside the Jordan
22:9 The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh went home again; they left the Israelites at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, and made their way back to the land of Gilead, the territory which belonged to them and where they had settled in accordance with the order of Yahweh given through Moses.
22:10 When they came to the circles of stones at the Jordan which are in Canaanite territory, the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh built an altar there beside the Jordan, an imposing altar of great size.
22:11 This came to the ears of the Israelites. ‘See,’ the word went round ‘the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh have built this altar facing the land of Canaan near the circles of stones at the Jordan, beyond the territory of the Israelites.’
22:12 At this news, the whole community of the children of Israel mustered at Shiloh, ready to march against them and make war on them.
The eastern tribes rebuked
22:13 The Israelites sent the priest Phinehas son of Eleazar to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, in the land of Gilead,
22:14 and with him ten leading men, one leader and head of his family from each tribe in Israel; every one of them was head of his family among the clans of Israel.
22:15 When they came to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh in the land of Gilead, this is what they said to them:
22:16 ‘This is our message to you from the whole community of Yahweh: What do you mean by this treachery committed against the God of Israel? Why turn aside from Yahweh today, building yourselves an altar, an act of rebellion today against Yahweh himself?
22:17 ‘Was the sin at Peor not enough, the sin from which we are not cleansed even now, in spite of the plague that ravaged the whole community of Yahweh?
22:18 Since then, you have stopped following Yahweh today, since you set yourselves in revolt against him today, tomorrow his anger will be roused against the whole community of Israel.
22:19 Do you think your territory is unclean? Then cross over into the territory of Yahweh, where his tabernacle is, and choose a home among us. But do not rebel against Yahweh or make us accomplices in rebellion by building an altar to vie with the altar of Yahweh our God.
22:20 When Achan son of Zerah betrayed his trust in the matter of the ban, did not the wrath come down on the whole community of Israel, although he was only one man? Did he not have to die for his sin?’
The tribes from across the Jordan clear their name
22:21 The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh spoke in their turn and answered the heads of the clans of Israel:
22:22 ‘The God of gods, Yahweh, the God of gods, Yahweh well knows, and let Israel know it too: if there has been defiance or treachery on our part against Yahweh, let him not save us today;
22:23 or if we have built an altar to turn away from Yahweh and offer holocaust and oblation and communion sacrifice on it, let Yahweh punish us for it!
22:24 The truth is, we acted from fear and for this reason: one day your children might say to ours, “What link have you with Yahweh the God of Israel?
22:25 Has not Yahweh set the boundary of the Jordan between us and you, you sons of Reuben and sons of Gad? You have no share in Yahweh.” Thus your children might be the cause of stopping ours from paying reverence to Yahweh.
22:26 ‘So we said to each other, “Let us build this altar, not for holocausts or other sacrifices
22:27 but as a witness between us and you and among our descendants after us, proving that we do indeed worship Yahweh with our holocausts, our victims and our communion sacrifices in his presence. So that one day your children will not be able to say to ours: You have no share in Yahweh.
22:28 But if ever it were to happen that they said such a thing to us or to our descendants in the future, we should say to them: Look at this structure, Yahweh’s altar, made by our ancestors not for holocausts or other sacrifices but as a witness between us and you.”
22:29 We have no intention of defying Yahweh or turning away from serving him today by building an altar for holocausts or oblations or sacrifices to vie with the altar of Yahweh our God that stands before his tabernacle!’
Peace restored
22:30 When Phinehas the priest, the leaders of the community and the heads of the clans of Israel who were with him heard the words spoken by the sons of Gad and of Reuben and of Manasseh, they approved of them.
22:31 Then the priest Phinehas son of Eleazar said to the sons of Reuben and sons of Gad and sons of Manasseh, ‘Now we clearly see that Yahweh is among us, because you have not committed any treachery against him; this means you have saved the children of Israel from the punishment of Yahweh’.
22:32 The priest Phinehas son of Eleazar and the leaders left the Reubenites and the Gadites and returned from the land of Gilead to the land of Canaan and the Israelites, to whom they brought back this answer.
22:33 The Israelites were pleased to hear this; they gave thanks to God and spoke no more of marching against them and making war and ravaging the country where the sons of Reuben and of Gad had settled.
22:34 The Reubenites and the Gadites named the altar. . ., ‘Because’ they said ‘it will be a witness between us that Yahweh is God’.
JB JOSHUA Chapter 23
Joshua sums up his work
23:1 Long after Yahweh had given Israel rest from all the enemies round them – Joshua was old now, far advanced in years –
23:2 Joshua summoned all Israel, their elders, chief men, judges and scribes, and said to them, ‘I myself am old, far advanced in years;
23:3 you for your part have witnessed all that Yahweh your God has done to all these nations before your eyes; Yahweh your God himself has fought for you.
23:4 Now as an inheritance for your tribes, I have apportioned you by lot the peoples who still remain to be conquered, no less than those that I have wiped out between the Jordan and the Great Sea in the west.
23:5 Yahweh your God will himself drive them out before you; he will cast them out before you and you will take possession of their country as Yahweh your God promised you.
A rule of life among foreign peoples
23:6 ‘Therefore stand firm to keep and fulfil all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, never turning aside from it to right or left,
23:7 never mingling with the peoples who are still left beside you. Do not utter the names of their gods, do not swear by them, do not serve them and do not bow down before them.
23:8 No; you must be loyal to Yahweh your God as you have been till now.
23:9 Because of this, Yahweh has driven out great and powerful nations before you, and no one so far has been able to resist you.
23:10 One man of you could rout a thousand of them, because Yahweh your God himself fought for you as he had promised you.
23:11 Be very careful, as you value your life, to love Yahweh your God.
23:12 ‘But if you prove faithless, if you make friends with the remnant of those peoples who are still left beside you, if you form kinships with them and intermarry,
23:13 then know for certain that Yahweh your God will no longer drive these peoples before you; instead, they will be a snare and a pitfall for you, a scourge to your sides and thorns in your eyes, till you vanish from this good land which Yahweh your God has given you.
23:14 ‘And now today I must go the way of all the earth. Acknowledge with all your heart and soul that of all the promises of good that Yahweh your God has made you, not one has failed: all have been fulfilled, and not one has failed.
23:15 ‘But just as every promise of good made to you by Yahweh your God has been fulfilled for you, so also will Yahweh fulfil against you all his threats of evil, even to driving you out of the good land that Yahweh your God has given you.
23:16 ‘For if you violate the covenant which Yahweh your God has demanded of you, if you go and serve other gods and bow down before them, then Yahweh’s anger will be roused against you and you will quickly vanish from the good land that he has given you.’
JB JOSHUA Chapter 24
Israel’s vocation set forth once more
24:1 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem; then he called the elders, leaders, judges and scribes of Israel, and they presented themselves before God.
24:2 Then Joshua said to all the people: ‘Yahweh the God of Israel says this, “In ancient days your ancestors lived beyond the River – such was Terah the father of Abraham and of Nahor – and they served other gods.
24:3 Then I brought your father Abraham from beyond the River and led him through all the land of Canaan. I increased his descendants and gave him Isaac.
24:4 To Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. To Esau I gave the mountain country of Seir as his possession. Jacob and his sons went down into Egypt.
24:5 Then I sent Moses and Aaron and plagued Egypt with the wonders that I worked there. So I brought you out of it.
24:6 I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, and you came to the Sea; the Egyptians pursued your ancestors with chariots and horsemen as far as the Sea of Reeds.
24:7 There they called to Yahweh, and he spread a thick fog between you and the Egyptians, and made the sea go back on them and cover them. You saw with your own eyes the things I did in Egypt. Then for a long time you lived in the wilderness,
24:8 until I brought you into the land of the Amorites who lived beyond the Jordan; they made war on you and I gave them into your hands; you took possession of their country because I destroyed them before you.
24:9 Next, Balak son of Zippor the king of Moab arose to make war on Israel, and sent for Balaam son of Beor to come and curse you.
24:10 But I would not listen to Balaam; instead, he had to bless you, and I saved you from his hand.
24:11 “When you crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho, those who held Jericho fought against you, as did the Amorites and Perizzites, the Canaanites, Hittites, Girgashites, Hivites and Jebusites, but I put them all into your power.
24:12 I sent out hornets in front of you, which drove the two Amorite kings before you; this was not the work of your sword or your bow.
24:13 I gave you a land where you never toiled, you live in towns you never built; you eat now from vineyards and olivegroves you never planted.”
Israel chooses Yahweh
24:14 ‘So now, fear Yahweh and serve him perfectly and sincerely; put away the gods that your ancestors served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve Yahweh.
24:15 But if you will not serve Yahweh, choose today whom you wish to serve, whether the gods that your ancestors served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are now living. As for me and my House, we will serve Yahweh.’
24:16 The people answered, ‘We have no intention of deserting Yahweh and serving other gods!
24:17 Was it not Yahweh our God who brought us and our ancestors out of the land of Egypt, the house of slavery, who worked those great wonders before our eyes and preserved us all along the way we travelled and among all the peoples through whom we journeyed?
24:18 What is more, Yahweh drove all those peoples out before us, as well as the Amorites who used to live in this country. We too will serve Yahweh, for he is our God.’
24:19 Then Joshua said to the people, ‘You cannot serve Yahweh, because he is a holy God, he is a jealous God who will not forgive your transgressions or your sins.
24:20 If you desert Yahweh to follow alien gods he in turn will afflict and destroy you after the goodness he has shown you.’
24:21 The people answered Joshua, ‘No; it is Yahweh we wish to serve’.
24:22 Then Joshua said to the people, ‘You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen Yahweh, to serve him’. They answered, ‘We are witnesses’.
24:23 ‘Then cast away the alien gods among you and give your hearts to Yahweh the God of Israel!’
24:24 The people answered Joshua, ‘It is Yahweh our God we choose to serve; it is his voice that we will obey’.
The covenant at Shechem
24:25 That day, Joshua made a covenant for the people; he laid down a statute and ordinance for them at Shechem.
24:26 Joshua wrote these words in the Book of the Law of God. Then he took a great stone and set it up there, under the oak in the sanctuary of Yahweh,
24:27 and Joshua said to all the people, ‘See! This stone shall be a witness against us because it has heard all the words that Yahweh has spoken to us: it shall be a witness against you in case you deny your God.’
24:28 Then Joshua sent the people away, and each returned to his own inheritance.
The death of Joshua
24:29 After these things Joshua son of Nun, the servant of Yahweh, died; he was a hundred and ten years old.
24:30 They buried him on the estate he had received for inheritance, at Timnath-serah which lies in the highlands of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash.
24:31 Israel served Yahweh throughout the lifetime of Joshua and the lifetime of those elders who outlived Joshua and had known all the deeds that Yahweh had done for the sake of Israel.
The bones of Joseph. The death of Eleazar
24:32 The bones of Joseph, which the sons of Israel had brought from Egypt, were buried at Shechem in the portion of ground that Jacob had bought for a hundred pieces of money from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, which had become the inheritance of the sons of Joseph.
24:33 Then Eleazar son of Aaron died and was buried at Gibeah, the town of his son Phinehas, which had been given him in the highlands of Ephraim.
END OF JB JOSHUA [24 Chapters].