1:1 关于尼尼微的神谕,厄耳科士人纳鸿的神视录:
1:2 上主是嫉恶和复仇的天主;上主要复仇,且愤恕填胸;上主必对敌人复仇,必向仇人泄怒。
1:3 上主虽缓于发怒,但能力伟大,衪决不全然免罚;衪的行程是在狂风暴雨中,云彩是衪脚下的尘埃。
1:4 衪一呵叱海洋,海洋即枯竭,众河流也为之干涸,巴商与加尔默耳于是枯槁,黎巴嫩的花卉也随之凋谢。
1:5 山岳在衪面前震荡,丘陵动摇;大地寰宇及其中所有的居民,在衪面前莫不战栗。
1:6 谁能抵得住衪的怒气﹖谁能忍受得住衪的烈怒﹖衪的愤怒如火冒出,连盘石也要在衪面前破碎。
1:7 上主原是良善的,是患难之日的避难所,衪必照顾依赖衪的人;
1:8 在洪流汜滥时,衪必拯救他们;但对衪的敌人,衪必予以毁灭,将衪的仇人驱入黑暗。
1:9 尼尼微,你们对上主有什么图谋﹖衪必完全予以毁灭,不必二次降灾。
1:10 他们像缠结的荆棘[又像大醉的豪饮者,]必如干楷全被烧尽。
1:11 是由你中间出现了那妄想反抗上主,图谋恶计的人。
1:12 上主这样说:「虽然他们装备齐全而且众多,但仍然要被铲除,归于乌有。我虽然磨难了你,我必不再磨难你。
1:13 现在我必由你身上打断他的轭,打碎你的锁链。
1:14 尼尼微,上主已对你下了命令:你的名字不再传于后世;我要把雕像铸像由你神庙内除去,并使你的坟墓成为辱骂的对象。」
2:1 看,那传报福音,宣布和平者的脚已站在山上!犹大,举行你的庆节,偿还你的誓愿吧!因为那恶者不会再由你中间经过,他已全然消灭。
2:2 因为上主要恢复雅各伯的葡萄园,也要恢复以色列的葡萄园,因为劫掠者抢掠了他们,且破坏了他们的葡萄蔓。
2:3 尼尼微,有个破坏者上来攻击你,你应把守堡垒,防守要道,朿紧你的腰,集中你的全力!
2:4 他勇士的盾牌是赤红的,战士穿的衣服是深红的;在他整装待发之日,战车闪烁如火,骑士疾驰如飞。
2:5 战车在大路上奔驰,在广场上疾驶,形状有如火炬,疾行有如闪电。
2:6 亚述王召集了他的精锐,而他们却在行军时颠仆;急忙跑近城堡,但高楯已竖起。
2:7 河闸打开了,皇宫大为震惊。
2:8 漆布裸体被掳去,她的使女们呻吟如鸽,各自搥胸。
2:9 尼尼微好似一个水池,池水汹涌流出,虽出有人喊:「止住!止住!」但无一人回顾。
2:10 「你们抢夺银子,抢夺金子!」有无尽的宝藏,有无数的珍器。
2:11 抢掠、洗劫、蹂躏!人心沮丧,两膝打颤,双腰发抖,面无血色。
2:12 狮子穴,幼狮洞,今在何处﹖哪里原是雄狮、母狮和幼狮出入之所,无人敢惊扰它们!
2:13 雄狮曾为幼狮撕裂猎物,为母狮扼死野兽,将猎物塞满它的洞穴,将掠物充塞它的窟穴。
2:14 看,我必攻击你!──万君上主的断语──我要在浓烟中烧毁你的洞穴,使刀剑吞噬你的幼狮,由地上扫除你的掠物,令人再也听不到你使者的声音。
3:1 祸哉!血债的城,满城欺诈,处处劫掠,抢夺不息。
3:2 听皮鞭飕飕,车轮隆隆,战马奔驰,战车疾驶,
3:3 骑士跃马,刀剑晃亮,枪矛闪辉,被杀者众,死者成堆,尸体无边,人人为尸体绊倒:
3:4 这都是因那娇艳妖冶的淫妇,行妖术的女巫的许多淫行所致。她以淫荡欺骗了列邦,用妖术迷惑了万民。
3:5 看,我必攻击你,──万军上主的断语──我必将你的衣裙掀到你的脸上,使万民见到你的裸体,使列邦看到你的耻辱:
3:6 我必要将粪溺拋在你身上侮辱你,使你成为鉴戒。
3:7 凡看见你的,必逃避你说:「尼尼微终于毁灭了!」谁会向你表同情﹖我从哪里能找到安慰她的人﹖
3:8 你那里能胜过那位于尼罗河上,四面环水的诺阿孟?她有海为屏障,有水为垣墙;
3:9 雇士和埃及是她的力量,力大无穷;普特和利比亚是她的助手;
3:10 但是她也被掳去,充当俘虏,她的婴儿也在各街头被摔死,人抽签分配她的贵族,用铁链缚住她的缙绅。
3:11 你也要这样被攻破而消失,你也要找一个安全处为逃避仇敌。
3:12 你的一切堡垒好象早熟的无花果树,人一摇动,就落在食者的口里。
3:13 看哪!在你中间的百姓都是妇女,你境内的门已为你的敌人敞开,火已烧毁了你的门闩。
3:14 你应吸水防备围困,应巩固你的堡垒,踏黏土,踩胶泥,紧握砖型。
3:15 火要在那里烧灭你,刀剑要歼灭你,[把你吞食有如蚱蜢。]你尽可增多你的人数有如蚱蜢,多如飞蝗;
3:16 增加你的商贾,多过天上的星辰!──蚱蜢一脱壳就飞去了。
3:17 你的守卫正如蝗虫,你的官吏正像一群蚱蜢;冷天蛰伏在墙上,但太阳一升起,就飞去了,没有人知道它们究在何处。
3:18 亚述王!你的牧者已酣睡,你的贵族已永眠,你的人民已散在各山上,无人再能聚集。
3:19 你的创痍无法治疗,你的创伤是致命伤。凡听到你这消息的,都朝你鼓掌,因为有谁没有时常受过你的虐待?
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
JB NAHUM Chapter 1
1:1 Oracle on Nineveh. Book of the vision of Nahum of Elkosh.
Psalm. The wrath of Yahweh
1:2 Yahweh is a jealous and vengeful God, Yahweh avenges, he is full of wrath; Yahweh takes vengeance on his foes, he stores up fury for his enemies.
1:3 Yahweh is slow to anger but immense in power. Most surely Yahweh will not leave the guilty unpunished.
In storm and whirlwind he takes his way, the clouds are the dust stirred up by his feet.
1:4 He rebukes the sea and drains it, he dries up all the rivers.
… Bashan and Carmel wither, the green of Lebanon fades.
1:5 The mountains tremble before him, the hills reel;
the earth collapses before him, the world and all who live in it.
1:6 His fury – who can withstand it? Who can endure his burning wrath?
His anger pours out like fire and the rocks break to pieces before him.
1:7 Yahweh is good; he is a stronghold in the day of distress;
he calls to mind those who trust in him
1:8 when the flood overtakes them.
Those who defy him he will destroy utterly, he will pursue his foes into the darkness.
Prophecies addressed alternately to Judah and Nineveh
to Judah
1:9 How do you imagine Yahweh? He it is who utterly destroys: oppression will not lift its head a second time.
1:10 They will be consumed like a thicket of thorns, like dry straw, utterly.
to Assyria
1:11 From you has sprung one who plots evil against Yahweh, a man with the mind of Belial.[*a]
to Judah
1:12 Yahweh says this: Equipped and many though they be, they are going to be cut down, annihilated. Though I have disciplined you, I will discipline you no more.
1:13 And now I am going to break that yoke of his that weighs you down, and I will burst your chains.
to the king of Nineveh
1:14 For you, here is Yahweh’s decree: There will be no more offspring to bear your name; from the temple of your gods I mean to take away the carved and the cast image, and I intend to make your tomb an object of shame.
JB NAHUM Chapter 2
to Judah
2:1 See, over the mountains the messenger hurries! ‘Peace!’ he proclaims. Judah, celebrate your feasts, carry out your vows, for Belial will never pass through you again; he is utterly annihilated.
2:3 Yes, Yahweh is restoring the vineyard of Jacob and the vineyard of Israel. For the plunderers had plundered them, they had broken off their branches.
The assault
2:2 A destroyer advances against you. Mount guard on the rampart, watch the road, tuck up your cloaks; muster all your forces.
2:4 The shields of his fighting men show red, his warriors are dressed in scarlet; all the steel of the chariots flashes as they are thrown into battle; the horsemen are impatient for action;
2:5 the chariots storm through the streets, they hurtle across the squares; they look like blazing flames, like lightning they dash to and fro.
2:6 The picked troops are called out; the columns clash, they hurl themselves against the rampart, the mantelet is already in place.
2:7 The gates that give on the river are opened, in the palace all is panic.
2:8 The Lady[*a] is carried off, taken into exile, her handmaids raise the dirge, with sighs like the moaning of doves, and beat their breasts.
2:9 Nineveh is like a pool whose waters are draining away. ‘Stop! Stop!’ But no one turns back.
2:10 ‘Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold!’ There are endless treasures, tons of valuables.
2:11 Raid and ravage and ruin! Heart fails and knees give way, fear is in the loins of all and every face grows pale.
The Lion of Assyria threatened
2:12 Where is the lions’ den, the cave of the lion’s whelps? When the lion made his foray the lioness stayed behind, the lion’s cubs too; and no one molested them.
2:13 The lion clawed enough for his whelps, and tore up prey for his lionesses; he filled his caves with his spoil, and his dens with the prey.
2:14 I am here! Look to yourself! – It is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks. I mean to send your chariots up in smoke; the sword shall devour your lion’s whelps. I will wipe the earth clean of your plunder, the voice of your envoys shall be heard no more.
JB NAHUM Chapter 3
Nineveh threatened for its crimes
3:1 Woe to the city soaked in blood, full of lies, stuffed with booty, whose plunderings know no end!
3:2 The crack of the whip! The rumble of wheels! Galloping horse, jolting chariot,
3:3 charging cavalry, flash of swords, gleam of spears… a mass of wounded, hosts of dead, countless corpses; they stumble over the dead.
3:4 So much for all the whore’s debauchery, for that wonderful beauty, for that cunning witch who enslaved nations by her debauchery and tribes by her spells.
3:5 I am here! Look to yourself! It is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks. I mean to lift your skirts as high as your face and show your nakedness to nations, your shame to kingdoms.
3:6 I am going to pelt you with filth, shame you, make you a public show.
3:7 And all who look on you will turn their backs on you and say, ‘Nineveh is a ruin’. Could anyone pity her? Where can I find anyone to comfort her?
The lesson of Thebes
3:8 Are you mightier than No-amon[* ]who had her throne beside the river, who had the sea for outer wall, the waters for rampart?
3:9 Her strength was Ethiopia, Egypt too; she had no boundaries. Men of Put and the Libyans were her auxiliaries.
3:10 And yet she was forced into exile, she went into captivity; her little ones, too, were dashed to pieces at every crossroad; lots were drawn for her nobles, all her great men were loaded with chains.
3:11 You too will be encircled, you will be overwhelmed; you too will have to search for a refuge from the enemy.
Nineveh’s preparations useless
3:12 Your fortresses are all fig trees laden with early-ripening figs: shake, and they fall into any mouth that wants to eat them.
3:13 Look at your people: your inhabitants are women. The gates of your country stand wide open to the foe; fire has burnt up your locking beams.
3:14 Draw water for the siege, strengthen your bulwarks, tread the mud, tread down the clay, set your hand to the brick mould.
3:15 There the fire will burn you up, the sword will cut you down.
The locusts fly away
Increase like the locust, increase like the grasshopper;
3:16a multiply your traders to exceed the stars of heaven;
3:17a your guards are like grasshoppers, your scribes like a cloud of insects. They settle on the walls when the day is cold. The sun appears,
3:16b and the locusts spread their wings; they fly away,
3:17b they are gone, no one knows where.
A funeral lament
3:18 Are your shepherds asleep, then, king of Assyria? Your picked troops slumber, your people are scattered on the mountains with no one to rally them.
3:19 There is no remedy for your wound, your injury is past healing. All who hear the news of you clap their hands at your downfall. For who has not felt your unrelenting cruelty?
END OF JB NAHUM [3 Chapters].