







1:1 从前在胡兹地方,有一个人名叫约伯,为人十全十美,生性正直,敬畏天主,远离邪恶。
1:2 他生了七个儿子,三个女儿。
1:3 家畜有七千只羊,三千骆驼,五百对牛,五百母驴,且有很多仆人。此人是当时东方人民中最伟大的人物。
1:4 他的每个儿子,按日轮流在家中设宴,且派人邀请他们的三个姊妹来一同宴饮。
1:5 及至宴饮的日子轮流一周,约伯总是派人召集他们来圣洁他们,清早起来照子女的数目,献上全燔祭品说:「恐怕我的儿子犯了罪,心中诅咒了天主。」约伯常常如此行事。

1:6 有一天,天主的众子都来侍立在上主面前,撒殚也夹在他们当中。
1:7 上主问撒殚说:「你从那里来﹖」撒殚回答上主说:「我走遍了世界,周游了各地回来。」
1:8 上主对撒殚说:「你曾留心注意到我的仆人约伯没有﹖因为世上没有一个象他那样十全十美,生性正直,敬畏天主,远避邪恶的人。」
1:9 撒殚回答上主说:「约伯那里是无缘无故敬畏天主的呢﹖
1:10 你不是四面保护他、他的家庭和他所有的一切么﹖并且凡是他亲手做的,你都降福了;你使他的牲畜在地上繁殖增多。
1:11 但是你若伸手打击他所有的一切,他必定当面诅咒你。」
1:12 上主对撒殚说:「看,他所有的一切,都随你处理,只是不要伸手加害他的身体。」撒殚遂离开天主走了。

1:13 有一天,他的儿子同他的女儿,正在长兄家里欢宴饮酒的时候,
1:14 有个带信的人跑来向约伯说:「牛正在耕田,母驴在一旁吃草的时候,
1:15 舍巴人突然闯来将牲口抢了去,用刀将那些仆人杀了,只有我一人逃脱,来向你报告。」
1:16 这人还在报告时,另一个人跑来说:「天主的火由天降下,将羊群和仆人都烧死了,只有我一人逃脱,来向你报告。」
1:17 这人还在报告时,另一个人跑来说:「加色丁人分成三队闯入骆驼群,将骆驼抢走了,用刀将仆人杀了,只有我一人逃脱,来向你报告。」
1:18 这人还在报告时,另一个人跑来说:「你的儿女正在长兄家宴饮的时候,
1:19 忽然从旷野那边吹来一阵飓风,刮倒了房屋的四角,压死了你的孩子,只有我一人幸免,来向你报告。」
1:20 约伯就起来,撕裂了自己的外氅,剃去头发,俯伏在地叩拜,
1:21 说「我赤身脱离母胎,也要赤身归去;上主赐的,上主收回。愿上主的名常受到赞美!」
1:22 就这一切事而论,约伯并没有犯罪,也没有说抱怨天主的话。




2:1 又有一天,天主的众子都前来侍立在上主面前,撒殚也夹在他们当中,侍立在上主面前。
2:2 上主向撒殚说:「你从那里来﹖」撒殚回答上主说:「我走遍了世界,周游了各地回来。」
2:3 上主对撒殚说:「你曾留心注意到我的仆人约伯吗﹖世上没有一个象他那样十全十美,生性正直,敬畏天主,远避邪恶的人。你虽然激动我加害他,无端叫他倾家荡产,但他依然保持自己的完善。」
2:4 撒殚回答上主说:「那只不过是以皮换皮罢了!人都肯舍弃所有,去保全自己的性命。
2:5 但是,你若伸手打击他的骨和肉,他必定当面诅咒你。」
2:6 上主向撒殚说:「看,任你处置他,只要保全他的性命。」
2:7 撒殚从上主那里出来,就使约伯从足踵到头顶都长了毒疮。
2:8 约伯坐在灰土堆中,用瓦片刮身。
2:9 他的妻子向他说:「你还保持你的完善吗﹖你倒不如诅咒天主,死了算了!」
2:10 约伯向她说:「你说话,真象一个胡涂女人!难道我们只由天主那里接受恩惠,而不接受灾祸吗﹖」就这一切事而论,约伯没有犯失言的过错。

2:11 约伯的三位朋友,特曼人厄里法次、叔亚人彼耳达得、纳阿玛人左法尔,听说他遭遇了灾祸,就各从本地起程,来到一起,去慰问他、劝勉他,
2:12 他们从远处举目一望,已认不得他,就放声大哭,撕破了自己的外衣,把灰扬起,落在自己头上。
2:13 他们于是同他在灰土中,坐了七天七夜,因见他受苦太大,没有人敢向他说一句话。




3:1 此后约伯开口诅咒自己的生日。
3:2 约伯开始说:
3:3 愿我诞生的那日消逝,愿报告「怀了男胎」的那夜灭亡。
3:4 愿那日成为黑暗,愿天主从上面不再寻觅它,再没有光烛照它。
3:5 愿黑暗和阴影玷污它,浓云遮盖它,白昼失光的晦暗惊吓它。
3:6 愿那夜常为黑暗所制,不让它列入年岁中,不让它算在月分里。
3:7 愿那夜孤寂茕独,毫无欢呼之声
3:8 愿那诅咒白日者,有术召唤海怪者,前来诅咒那夜。
3:9 愿晨星昏暗,期待光明而光明不至,也不见晨光熹微,
3:10 因为它没有关闭我母胎之门,遮住我眼前的愁苦。

3:11 我为何一出母胎没有立即死去﹖为何我一离母腹没有断气﹖
3:12 为何两膝接住我﹖为何两乳哺养我﹖
3:13 不然现今我早已卧下安睡了,早已永眠获得安息了,
3:14 与那些为自己建陵墓的国王和百官,
3:15 与那些金银满堂的王侯同眠;
3:16 或者象隐没的流产儿,象未见光明的婴孩;
3:17 在那里恶人停止作乱,在那里劳悴者得享安宁;
3:18 囚徒相安无事,再不闻督工的呼叱声,
3:19 在那里大小平等,奴隶脱离主人。

3:20 为何赐不幸者以光明,赐心中忧苦者以生命﹖
3:21 这些人渴望死,而死不至;寻求死亡胜于宝藏,
3:22 见到坟墓,感觉欢乐,且喜乐达于极点!
3:23 人的道路,既如此渺茫,天主为何赐给他生命,又把他包围﹖
3:24 叹息成了我的食物,不停哀叹有如流水。
3:25 我所畏惧的,偏偏临于我身;我所害怕的,却迎面而来。
3:26 我没有安宁,也没有平静,得不到休息,却只有烦恼。





4:1 特曼人厄里法次开始说:
4:2 人若和你讲话,你能忍受吗﹖但谁又能忍住不说﹖
4:3 看,你曾劝戒过许多人,坚固过软弱无能的人;
4:4 你的话扶起了跌倒的人,坚固了膝弱无力的人;
4:5 但是现今灾祸一临于你,你就萎靡不振;一接触你,你就沮丧失意。
4:6 你敬畏天主之情,岂不是你的依靠﹖你完善的行为,岂不是你的希望﹖
4:7 请想:那有无辜者丧亡﹖那有正直者消逝﹖
4:8 照我所见:那播种邪恶的,必收邪恶;散布毒害的,必收毒害。
4:9 天主一嘘气,他们即灭亡;一发怒气,他们即消失。
4:10 狮吼豹嗥完全止息,幼狮的牙齿也被打碎;
4:11 壮狮因缺猎物而灭绝,牝狮幼子各自东西离散。

4:12 我窃听到一句话,我耳听见细语声。
4:13 当人沉睡时,夜梦多幻象;
4:14 我恐怖战栗,全身骨头发抖。
4:15 寒风掠过我面,使我毛发悚然。
4:16 他停立不动,但我不能辨其形状;我面前出现形影,我听见细微的声音:
4:17 人岂能在天主前自以为义﹖在造他者前,自以为洁﹖
4:18 看,他的仆役,他还不信;他的使者,他还归罪,
4:19 何况那以泥屋为居所,以尘土为基础的人!他们为人践踏,有如蠹虫;
4:20 晨昏间即化为齑粉,永远消亡而无人回顾。
4:21 幕索已自断,他们就因缺少智慧而死亡﹖




5:1 任你呼求,看有谁答应你﹖诸圣者中,看你转向那一位﹖
5:2 的确,忧愤杀死愚人,怒火使痴者丧生。
5:3 我知道:愚人一根深蒂固,他的居所即被诅咒;
5:4 他的子女,无人支持,在城门前被践踏,无人救护。
5:5 他们收获的,饥饿者来吃;且将剩余的,抢去储存;他们的财富,为口渴者喝尽。
5:6 因为灾祸不是由土中而来,忧患不是由地中而生;
5:7 而是人自寻苦恼,如雏鹰自会飞翔。

5:8 如果是我,我必投奔天主,向天主陈诉我的案情。
5:9 他所作的大事,高深莫测;他所行的奇事,不可胜数:
5:10 他使雨落在地上,引水滋润郊田;
5:11 使卑微的人高升,使受苦的人获得救助;
5:12 粉碎狡猾人的计谋,使他们的作为一无所成;
5:13 以智者的计谋捕捉智者,使奸猾人的策划即时成空;
5:14 他们白日遇到黑暗,正午摸索如在夜间;
5:15 他搭救被剥削者脱离人口,挽救穷人摆脱强暴的手。
5:16 如此,贫苦的人获得希望,邪恶将闭口无言。

5:17 的确,天主所惩戒的人是有福的:全能者的训戒,你不可忽视。
5:18 因为他打伤了,而又包扎伤口;他击碎了,而又亲手治疗。
5:19 你六次遭难,他次次拯救;到第七次,灾难不会临于你。
5:20 饥馑中,他必救你不死;战争中,必使你得免刀剑。
5:21 唇枪舌剑,你必能躲藏;大难来临,你不必张惶;
5:22 对大难和饥荒,你可置之一笑;对地上的野兽,也不用惊惶。
5:23 你将与田野的顽石立约,旷野的猛兽必与你和好。
5:24 你将见到你的帐幕平安无恙,察看羊栏时,一无所失。
5:25 你将确知子孙繁昌,你的苗裔犹如田野青草。
5:26 你必高年才葬于墓,好象麦捆准时收藏。
5:27 看,这是我们所观察的真理,你若细听,自会获益良多。




6:1 约伯回答说:
6:2 恨不得有人衡量衡量我的痛苦,把我所受的灾祸一起放在天秤上!
6:3 它们重过海岸的沙粒,难怪我出言冒失。
6:4 因为全能者的箭射中了我,我的心灵喝尽它们的毒汁,天主的恐吓列阵攻击我。
6:5 野驴有青草,难道还嘶叫﹖牛对着草料,难道还吼鸣﹖
6:6 淡而无盐的食物,岂能下咽﹖蛋白能有什么滋味﹖
6:7 这使我厌恶的食物,我实不愿沾唇。
6:8 惟愿我的祈求实现,愿天主满全我的希望!
6:9 愿天主击毁我,松手使我消灭!
6:10 这样,我仍有安慰,在凄惨的痛苦中,仍然喜悦,因为我没有违犯圣者的教训。
6:11 我有什么力量使我期待,有什么结局使我拖延生命﹖
6:12 我的力量岂有岩石之坚﹖我的肉身岂是铜制的﹖
6:13 在我内还能找到什么作援助﹖任何扶助岂不都远离了我﹖

6:14 谁不怜悯自己的友人,就是放弃了敬畏天主之心。
6:15 我的兄弟们诡诈有如溪水,有如水过即干的河床。
6:16 溪水因结冰而混浊,其上盖有积雪;
6:17 季节一温暖,溪水即涸竭,天气一炎热,河床枯干。
6:18 商队离开大道,走入荒野,因而命丧。
6:19 特玛的商队观望,舍巴的客旅期待,
6:20 但他们的希望落了空,不管到了那里,必狼狈不堪。
6:21 现今你们待我也是一样:看见了我,就惊惶失措。
6:22 难道我说过:「请送我礼物!把你们的财产送我一分﹖
6:23 救我摆脱仇人的权势,赎我脱离残暴者的掌握﹖」
6:24 请教训我!我必静听。我有什么错,请指示我!
6:25 正义的言词是多么甘美!但你们的责斥是指摘什么﹖
6:26 你们岂能只在言词上吹毛求疵﹖以绝望者的话当耳边风﹖
6:27 你们只想对孤儿掷骰下注,以你们的朋友作商品。
6:28 现今请你们注视我,在你们注视之下,我决不说谎。
6:29 请你们再想一下,不要不公平;请你们三思,我的正义仍然存在!
6:30 我的唇舌上岂有不义﹖我的口腔难道不辨邪正﹖




7:1 人生在世,岂不象服兵役﹖人的岁月,岂不象佣工的时日﹖
7:2 有如奴工切望阴凉,佣工期待工资:
7:3 这样,我也只有承受失意的岁月,为我注定的苦痛长夜。
7:4 我卧下时说:「几时天亮﹖」我起来时又说:「何时到黑夜﹖」我整夜辗转反侧,直到天亮。
7:5 我的肉身以蛆虫与泥皮为衣,我的皮肤破裂流脓。
7:6 我的日月速于织梭,也因无希望而中断。
7:7 请你记住:我的生命无非是一口气,我的眼再也见不到幸福。
7:8 注目于我的,再也见不到我;你的眼看我时、我已不在了。
7:9 他去了,好象云消雾散;下到阴府的,再也不得上来,
7:10 不再回家,本乡也不认识他。
7:11 为此,我不能再闭口不言,我要吐露我心灵的忧愁,陈述我灵魂的苦楚。

7:12 我岂是海洋或海怪﹖你竟派遣警卫把守我。
7:13 我若想:「我的床榻会宽慰我,我的卧铺会减轻我的痛苦。」
7:14 你就以噩梦扰乱我,以异象惊吓我。
7:15 我的心灵宁愿窒息,宁死不愿受此痛苦。
7:16 我已筋疲力尽,活不下去。任凭我去罢!因为我的日月仅是一口气。
7:17 人算什么,你竟如此显扬他,将他置诸心头,
7:18 天天早晨看护他,时刻不断考察他﹖
7:19 你到何时才不注视我,而让我轻松咽一下唾沫﹖
7:20 监察人者啊!我犯罪与你何干﹖为何叫我当你的箭靶,使我成为你的重?t
7:21 为何你不肯容忍我的过错,宽赦我的罪恶﹖不久我将卧在尘土中,任你寻找我,我已不在了。




8:1 叔亚人彼耳达得发言说:
8:2 这些话你要讲到几时﹖你口中的话象狂风要到何时﹖
8:3 天主岂能违背公道﹖全能者岂能屈枉正义﹖
8:4 若你的子女得罪了他,他必将他们交于罪过的权势下。
8:5 你若急切寻觅天主,哀求全能者;
8:6 你若纯洁正直,他必亲来守护你,恢复你正义的居所。
8:7 你起初虽然微小,今后必要兴隆强大。

8:8 请你查问上一代,细想祖先的经验;
8:9 因为我们由昨日才有,本来一无所知;我们在世上的日月,好似白驹。
8:10 他们必训诫你,指教你,向你说出内心的话:
8:11 蒲草不在池沼内,怎能长大﹖芦苇没有水,怎会生长﹖
8:12 在茁壮中,尚未砍下,已先百草而枯萎。
8:13 凡忘记天主的,他的末路也是这样:恶人的希望必化为泡影。
8:14 他的依靠好似游丝,他的凭借有如蛛网。
8:15 他倚恃自己的家,但家却站立不住;他要依附自己的住所,住所却不能久存。
8:16 它在日光下秀绿青葱,枝蔓爬满了园囿,
8:17 根盘据石堆,缠绕石屋上。
8:18 若有人从原处把它拔除,那地必否认说:「我未曾见过它。」
8:19 看,它要腐烂在路上,从地上而另有出生。
8:20 天主决不弃舍完善的人,也决不支持恶人的势力。
8:21 你的口角必再洋溢着喜悦,你的唇边必再充满欢笑。
8:22 憎恨你的必蒙受羞辱,恶人的帐幕必化为乌有。




9:1 约伯答复说:
9:2 我确实知道事情是这样,但人怎能同天主讲理﹖
9:3 人若愿意同天主辩论,千个问题中,谁也回答不出一个。
9:4 他心中明智,力量强大,谁能对抗他,而保平安﹖
9:5 他可移山,山却不知;他一发怒,山即翻转;
9:6 他振摇大地,使之脱离原处,地柱随之摇撼;
9:7 他一下令,太阳即不升起,星辰即封闭不动;
9:8 惟有他展开天空,步行海波之上;
9:9 他创造了北斗和参宿,昂星及南极星辰;
9:10 他所作的大事,不可胜数。
9:11 他由我身旁经过,我却没有看见;他走过去,我仍没有发觉。
9:12 他若抢夺,谁能阻挡﹖谁能问他说:「你作什么﹖」
9:13 天主一愤怒,决不收回。为虎作伥的,必屈伏在他以下。

9:14 如此我怎敢回答,我怎敢措辞与他抗辩﹖
9:15 纵然有理,也不敢回答,唯有哀求我的判官开恩。
9:16 我向他呼求,纵然他答应我,我仍不相信他会听我的呼声。
9:17 他为了一根头发而折磨我,无故增加我的创伤;
9:18 致使我不能喘一口气,使我饱尝苦辛。
9:19 论力量,他强而有力;论审判,谁能将他传来﹖
9:20 我虽自以为正义,他的口却判定我有罪;我虽自觉无辜,他却声明我有偏差。
9:21 我是无辜的吗?我自己也不知道!我厌恶我的生命!

9:22 因此我说:都是一样。善人恶人,他一概灭绝。
9:23 若天灾突然降下使人猝死,他便嘲笑无罪者的绝望。
9:24 大地落在恶人的手里,蒙蔽判官脸面的,不是他,是谁呢﹖
9:25 我的日月过去比跑信的还快;疾走而过,无福乐可享。
9:26 急急驶过,似芦苇船,如骤降攫食的鹰。
9:27 我若决意忘掉我的哀怨,改变愁容,表示愉快;
9:28 但一想到我的痛苦,我就恐怖。我知道你决不以我为无辜。
9:29 我若是有罪,又何苦白费心血﹖
9:30 我即便用雪洗我身,用碱水洗我手,
9:31 你却把我浸在泥坑内,甚至我的衣服都憎恶我。
9:32 因为他不象我是个人,使我能答复他,或让我们同去听审。
9:33 在我们中间没有仲裁,可按手在我们两造之间。
9:34 但愿他的棍杖远离我,他的威严不要恐吓我,
9:35 我好能讲话而不害怕;但是如今我并非如此。




10:1 我实在厌恶我的生活,我要任意苦诉我的怨情,倾吐我心中的酸苦。
10:2 我要对天主说:不要定我的罪!请告诉我:你为何与我作对﹖
10:3 你对亲手所造的,加以虐待和厌弃,却显扬恶人的计划,为你岂有好处﹖
10:4 你岂有肉眼,或者也象人一样观看吗﹖
10:5 你的日月岂象人的日月﹖你的年岁岂象人的年岁﹖
10:6 你竟考查我的邪恶,追究我的罪过。
10:7 其实你知道我并没有罪过,也知道无人能拯救我脱离你的掌握。
10:8 你亲手形成了我,创造了我;此后你又转念想消灭我。
10:9 求你记忆:你造我时就象搏泥,难道还使我归于泥土﹖
10:10 你不是将我象奶倒出,使我凝结象一块奶饼﹖
10:11 用皮和肉作我的衣服,用骨和筋编织了我全身﹖
10:12 是你将我生命的恩惠赐给了我,细心照顾维持了我的气息。

10:13 这些事早已藏在你心中,我知道你久有此意:
10:14 你监视我,看我是否犯罪;如果我有罪;你决不放过。
10:15 我若有罪,我就有祸了!我若正义,也不敢抬头,因为我已备尝凌辱,吃尽苦头。
10:16 我若抬头,你就象狮子追捕我,向我表现你的奇能,
10:17 重新袭击我,加倍对我泄怒。调遣新军攻击我。
10:18 你为何叫我出离母胎﹖不如我那时断气,无人见我,
10:19 就好象从未有过我一样,一出母胎即被送入坟墓。
10:20 我生存的日月不是很少吗﹖你且放开我罢!
10:21 趁我去而不返,到冥暗死影之地,幽黑混沌之地,
10:22 即光明也是黑暗之地以前,让我自在一下罢!




11:1 纳阿玛人左法尔发言说:
11:2 难道喋喋不休,就不需要答复﹖难道多嘴多舌的人,就自然有理﹖
11:3 你的空谈,岂能叫人缄默﹖你如此谩骂,难道无人使你羞愧﹖
11:4 你说过:「我的品行是纯洁的,我在你眼中是清白的。」
11:5 但愿天主讲话,开口答复你!
11:6 将智慧的秘密,——即那难以理解的事——启示给你,那么你便知道,天主向你算罪债。

11:7 你岂能探究天主的奥秘,或洞悉全能者的完美﹖
11:8 完美高于诸天,你能作什么﹖深于阴府,你能知道什么﹖
11:9 其量长过大地,阔于海洋。
11:10 天主若经过,谁能扣留他﹖他若下了逮捕令,谁能阻挡他﹖
11:11 他洞悉人的虚伪,明察人的罪行,且无不注意。
11:12 如此,愚蠢者才可获得智慧,野性驴驹才能变为驯良。

11:13 你若居心正直,向他伸开你的双手;
11:14 你若将手中的罪恶除掉,不容不义留在你的帐幕内;
11:15 那么你定能仰首无愧,一定站立稳定,一无所惧;
11:16 你必能忘却痛苦,纵然想起,也必似水流去;
11:17 你的寿命如日中之光华,纵有阴暗也,必仍如晨曦。
11:18 因有希望,你才感觉安全;因有保护,你才坦然躺卧;
11:19 你躺卧,无人敢来扰乱你,反而有多人来奉承你。
11:20 然而恶人的双眼必要憔悴,他们安身之所全必毁坏,他们的希望只在吐出最后一口气。




12:1 约伯回答说:
12:2 的确,只有你们是有知识的子民;那么,你们一死,智慧也与你们一同丧亡!
12:3 其实,我和你们有同样的心理,我并不亚于你们!谁不知道这些事﹖
12:4 我这呼吁天主而蒙应允的人,却被他的友人所嘲笑,无辜的义人却成了笑柄。
12:5 幸运的人心想:遭难的人应受蔑视,失足的人应再予以打击。
12:6 但是,强盗的帐幕竟能安全,触怒天主的人,以势力为神的人却享平安。
12:7 请你询问走兽,它们也会开导你;询问天上的飞鸟,它们也会告诉你;
12:8 地上的爬虫也会教训你,海中的鱼族也会给你说明。
12:9 它们中有谁不知道:是天主的手创造了这一切﹖
12:10 因为一切活物的生魂,一切血肉之人的灵魂,都握在他手中。

12:11 耳朵不是为明辨言语,口腔不是为辨尝食物吗﹖
12:12 白发老人是有智慧的,年纪大者是有见识的;
12:13 但智慧和能力同在天主内,智慧与见识是天主所有。
12:14 他若拆毁,人不能再建;他若拘禁,人不得开释。
12:15 他若制水,水便干涸;他若放水,水便冲毁大地。
12:16 力量与才能,为他所有;受骗者与骗人者,都属于他。
12:17 他使谋士胡涂,使判官愚蠢;
12:18 他解除君王所系的玉带,将绳索捆在他们的腰间;
12:19 他使司祭赤足而行,推倒掌握大权者;
12:20 夺去忠贞者的辩才,剥去年老者的理智:
12:21 使贵人备受侮辱,使勇士的腰带松弛;
12:22 使隐秘的事由暗处彰显,使黑暗进入光明;
12:23 使邦国兴起而又灭亡,使民族强大而又消散;
12:24 剥去国君的理智,使他们漂泊于无路的荒野,
12:25 在无光的黑暗中摸索,踉跄得犹如醉汉。




13:1 的确,这一切我亲眼见过,我亲耳听过,是我熟悉的事。
13:2 你们所知道的,我也知道,我并不亚于你们。
13:3 但是,我愿同全能者交谈,愿与天主辩论,
13:4 因为你们都是谎言的捏造者,全是无用的医生。
13:5 恨不得你们闭口不言!这样才算聪明。
13:6 请你们听我的怨诉,留意我口中的辩论!
13:7 你们想以诡诈来为天主辩护,以谎言来为他说理﹖
13:8 难道你们想偏袒天主,有意为他辩护吗﹖
13:9 他揭穿了你们,难道为你们有益﹖难道你们能欺骗他如人之欺骗人﹖
13:10 你们若假意偏袒,他必严厉斥责你们。
13:11 他的尊严能不使你们恐怖﹖他的威吓能不落在你们身上﹖
13:12 你们的古谚都是些腐朽之谈,你们的答辩都是些泥制的盾牌。

13:13 你们且住口,让我来发言:不要管我有什么遭遇。
13:14 我已将我的肉放在我牙齿中,已将我的性命放在我手中;
13:15 即使他杀我,我仍希望在他面前表白我的行为。
13:16 这样对我还有救,因为恶人不敢到他面前。
13:17 你们要细听我的话,侧耳静听我的解释。
13:18 我今呈上我的案件,确知我自己有理。
13:19 谁若与我争辩,我就住口,情愿死去。

13:20 惟有二事,你切莫向我作,我就不回避你:
13:21 请将你的手由我身上撤回,莫让你的威严恐吓我。
13:22 那时你若召唤,我必回答;或者我说,你回答我。
13:23 我的错误罪过,究竟有多少﹖让我认识我的过犯和罪过。
13:24 你为何遮掩你的面容,将我视作你的仇人﹖
13:25 难道你要喝走被风吹落的树叶,要追逐已枯干的草屑﹖
13:26 以致你写下要我受苦的判词,使我承当我青年时的罪过。
13:27 以致你把我的脚缚在木桩上,窥察我的一切行动,追究我的足迹,又为我的脚步划定界限。
13:28 我已如腐烂的朽木,又如虫蛀蚀的衣服。




14:1 妇女所生的人,寿命不长,却饱尝烦恼。
14:2 他象花生出,瞬息凋谢;飞驰如影,从不停留。
14:3 这样的人,岂配你睁眼注视﹖传他到你面前受审﹖
14:4 谁能使洁净出于不洁﹖没有一人!
14:5 他的时日既已注定,他的岁数既由你掌管,他决不能越过你定下的期限:
14:6 请你别看他,让他安息,好象佣工度过自己的日期。

14:7 若是一棵树被砍伐了,仍有希望生出新芽,嫩枝丛出不穷。
14:8 它的根虽老于地下,枝干纵枯死地上,
14:9 但一有水气,立即生芽,好似幼苗发出枝叶。
14:10 但是人一死,立即僵卧;人一断气,他究竟在何处﹖
14:11 海水能干涸,江河能枯竭;
14:12 但是,人一僵卧,不再起立,直到天不存在,仍不苏醒,仍不能由睡眠中苏醒。
14:13 唯愿你将我藏于阴府,将我隐藏,直到你熄怒;愿你给我定一期限,终于想起我。
14:14 人若死了,岂能再生﹖我在整个从军之日,我期待,直到换班的时期到来。
14:15 你若呼唤我,我必回答你:你对你手所造的,必有所怀念。
14:16 你现今既数了我的脚步,不必再监察我的罪过。
14:17 请把我的罪过封闭在囊中,涤净我的一切过犯。
14:18 但是,山岳能崩裂离析,磐石能由原处挪移,
14:19 流水能穿过石头,骤雨能冲出泥沙:你也照样消灭了人的希望。
14:20 你时常攻击他,使他消逝;改变他的容貌,遣他离去。
14:21 此后,他的儿子受尊荣与否,他也不知;他们受轻贱与否,他也不觉。
14:22 他只觉自己肉身的痛苦,他的心灵只为自己悲哀。





15:1 特曼人厄里法次又发言说:
15:2 智者岂能以虚言作答﹖岂能以东风果腹﹖
15:3 岂能以无益的废话,无济于事的言词来辩护﹖
15:4 不但如此,而且你还废除了敬畏天主之情,断绝了在他面前的默祷。
15:5 其实,是你的罪恶教导你说话,叫你的口舌诡辩。
15:6 定你罪的,是你的口而不是我,是你的口唇作证控告你。
15:7 你岂是第一个出生的人﹖在山岳未有之前,你岂已诞生﹖
15:8 难道你听见了天主的机密,把持着智慧﹖
15:9 有什么事,只有你知,而我们不知;只有你明了,而我们不明了﹖
15:10 我们之中也有白头老人,年纪比你父亲还大。
15:11 天主的安慰,和向你说的温和的话,你以为还太少吗﹖
15:12 你为何让你的感情控制着你﹖你的眼为何冒火,
15:13 竟向天主发怒,开口说出这样的话﹖
15:14 人算什么而敢自称洁净,妇女所生的敢自称正直﹖
15:15 他连自己的圣者,还不信赖;在他眼中,连苍天也不纯洁,
15:16 何况一个堕落可憎,饮恶如水的人。

15:17 我要告诉你,你且听我说;我要说明我的经验,
15:18 即贤哲所传授──受之于祖先,一点也不隐瞒的事:
15:19 这地方原只赐给了他们,尚无一个外方人从他们中间经过?ぉ?
20 恶人一生饱受苦恼,寿数已给暴君限定;
15:21 恐怖之声常在他耳中,平静时匪徒也来侵扰。
15:22 他不相信还能脱离黑暗,自觉注定遭受刀祸,
15:23 被抛弃作兀鹰的食物,明知大难已临头。
15:24 黑暗的日子使他恐怖,困苦艰难跟随着他,好象准备厮杀的君王。
15:25 因为他曾伸手反抗过天主,向全能者傲慢逞强过;
15:26 伸直颈项,持坚厚的盾牌突击过天主。
15:27 他的脸堆满了脂肪,他的腰间积满了肥肉。
15:28 他住在荒凉的城内,住在无人居留,行将化为废墟的屋中。
15:29 他不能富有,所有的财富也不能久存,也决不能向地下生根。
15:30 他脱离不了黑暗,火焰要灼干他的嫩芽,暴风要吹去他的花朵。
15:31 别依恃枝桠已长大,应知这都是空虚;
15:32 未到时日,已经凋谢,枝叶再不发绿。
15:33 有如葡萄未熟即被打下,橄榄开花即被摇落,
15:34 因为恶人的家室必要绝嗣,火要烧尽受贿者的帐幕。
15:35 他们所怀的是邪恶,所生的是罪孽;心胸怀念的,无非是欺诈。




16:1 约伯回答说:
16:2 象这样的话,我听了许多;你们的安慰反使人烦恼。
16:3 这些风凉话何时了﹖或者有什么事迫你非说不可﹖
16:4 若是你们处在我的境遇中,我也会说象你们所说的话,也会花言巧语讥笑你们,向你们摇头。
16:5 我也会以口舌宽慰你们,摇唇鼓舌来减轻你们的痛苦。

16:6 我若讲话,痛苦并不停止;我若闭口不言,难道痛苦就离开我﹖
16:7 现今天主的确叫我厌倦,使我每个亲人都远离了我;
16:8 使我憔悴,以指证我;使我消瘦,当面非难我。
16:9 他在愤怒中撕裂我,窘迫我,向我咬牙切齿;我仇人锋利的眼睛常盯着我。
16:10 他们张开大口想吞噬我,责骂着打我的面颊,一起拥上前来攻击我。
16:11 天主将我交于不义之人,将我丢在恶人手中。
16:12 我原来安宁,他却折磨我,抓住我的脖子,粉碎我,又拿我当作他的箭靶。
16:13 他的箭矢四面射击我,射穿我的腰,毫不留情,使我的胆倾流于地。
16:14 他将我撕裂粉碎,有如武士向我跑来。
16:15 我缝麻衣包裹我的皮肤,使我额角插入尘土。
16:16 我的脸因哭泣发红,我睫眉间满是暗影;
16:17 我的手虽没有行过残暴的事,而我的祈祷,又往往纯正。

16:18 地啊!不要掩盖我的血。愿我的呼声无休息的余地!
16:19 看啊!连现今在天上有我的见证,在高处有我的中保。
16:20 我的哀号上彻于天,在天主前我的双目流泪不止。
16:21 惟愿人与天主之间有一中人,犹如人与人之间一样!
16:22 因为我的年数将尽,快要走上那条一去不返的路途。




17:1 我的气息已断,寿命已尽,而且坟墓已为我做好。
17:2 我岂不是成了笑骂的对象﹖我的眼睛岂不是在酸苦中过夜﹖
17:3 求你将我的抵押放在你那里!谁还敢与我击掌作?t
17:4 因为你蒙蔽了他们的心,不叫他们明白,他们才不敢举起手来。
17:5 人请自己的朋友分享所有,但自己的子女却饿的眼目花昏。
17:6 我成了人民取笑的资料,人人在我脸上可吐唾沫。
17:7 我的眼睛因愁闷而昏花,我的肢体消失有如荫影。
17:8 正直人因此而惊异,无罪者愤起攻击恶人。
17:9 义人坚持自己的道,手净的人倍增勇气。
17:10 你们众人,请你们再回来,但在你们中我找不到一个智者。

17:11 我的时日已过去,我志所谋,我心所爱,都已落空。
17:12 他们将黑夜变为白天,使光明靠近黑暗;
17:13 若是我还有希望,即以阴府为我的家;在幽暗之处,铺设我的床榻。
17:14 我对墓穴说:你作我父!对蛆虫说:你作我母,我妹!
17:15 我的希望究在何处﹖我的幸福,有谁注意﹖
17:16 这一切只有和我一同降入阴府,一同安息在灰尘中。




18:1 叔亚人彼耳达得发言说:
18:2 你到何时才停止讲话﹖你且留心,也让我们说几句话。
18:3 你为何以我们为走兽,视我们为畜牲﹖
18:4 因了你的愤怒,你必粉身碎骨!为了你,难道大地要被遗弃,盘石要转离原处﹖

18:5 恶人的光必要熄灭,他的火炎必不发亮。
18:6 他帐幕内的光必变暗淡,悬在上面的灯必要熄灭。
18:7 他强健的脚步要踌躇不前,他的计谋必使自己颠仆。
18:8 因为他的脚要走入罗网,徘徊于陷阱之上。
18:9 圈套要缠住他的脚跟,樊要拘禁他。
18:10 绊住他的绳索埋藏在地下,捉他的陷阱暗设在途中。
18:11 恐怖由四周来恐吓他,在他脚后紧紧跟踪他。
18:12 饥饿常陪伴着他,灾祸不离他身旁。
18:13 疾病腐蚀他的皮肤,死亡的长子耗尽他的肢体。
18:14 他必由所仰仗的帐幕中被拖出,被引到可怕的君王面前。
18:15 魑魅要住在他的帐幕中,硫磺散布在他的居所之上。
18:16 他下面的根要枯干,他上面的枝叶要凋谢。
18:17 他的纪念必由地上消灭,他的名字必不传于街市。
18:18 他将由光明被驱入黑暗,他将从世上被赶走。
18:19 他在本族中无子无孙,在他寄居之地没有留下一人。
18:20 他的末日,西方人都为之惊讶,东方人都为之恐怖。
18:21 的确,这就是恶人的结局,这就是不认识天主者的境遇。




19:1 约伯回答说:
19:2 你们叫我的心悲伤,说话苦恼我,要到何时﹖
19:3 你们侮辱我,已有十次之多,苛待我却不知羞愧。
19:4 我若实在错了,错自由我承当。
19:5 如果你们真要对我自夸,证明我的丑恶,
19:6 你们应当知道:是天主虐待了我,是他用自己的罗网围困了我。
19:7 我若高呼说:「残暴,」但得不到答复;我大声呼冤,却没有正义。
19:8 他拦住我的去路,使我不得过去,使黑暗笼罩着我的路途。
19:9 他夺去了我的光荣,摘下了我头上的冠冕;
19:10 他四面打击我,使我逝去;拔除我的希望,犹如拔树。
19:11 他对我怒火如焚,拿我当作他的仇敌。
19:12 他的军队一齐开来,修好道路攻击我,围着我的帐幕扎营。

19:13 他使我的弟兄离弃我,使我的知己疏远我。
19:14 邻人和相识者都不见了,寄居我家的人都忘了我。
19:15 我的婢女拿我当作外人,视我如同陌生人。
19:16 我呼唤仆人,他不回答;我必须亲口央求他。
19:17 我的气味使妻子憎厌我,我的儿女视我作臭物。
19:18 连孩子们也轻慢我,我一起来,他们就凌辱我。
19:19 我的知交密友都憎恶我,我所爱的人也变脸反对我。
19:20 我的骨头紧贴着皮,我很侥幸还保留牙床。
19:21 我的朋友,你们可怜可怜我!因为天主的手打伤了我。
19:22 你们为何如同天主一样逼迫我,吃了我的肉而还不知足呢﹖

19:23 惟愿我的话都记录下来,都刻在铜板上;
19:24 用铁凿刻在铅版上,永远凿在盘石上。
19:25 我确实知道为我伸冤者还活着,我的辩护人要在地上起立。
19:26 我的皮肤虽由我身上脱落,但我仍要看见天主;
19:27 要看见他站在我这一方,我亲眼要看见他,并非他人;我的五内在我内好不憔悴。
19:28 如果你们说:「我们怎能难为他﹖怎能在他身上寻到这事的根由﹖」
19:29 你们应当害怕刀剑,因为报复罪恶的是刀剑;如此你们终于知道有一个审判者。




20:1 纳阿玛人左法尔答复说:
20:2 因我的思潮起伏,叫我答复,为此我内心十分急躁。
20:3 斥责辱骂我的话,我已听到,我的理智催迫我答复。
20:4 你岂不知道,自古以来,自从世上有人以来,
20:5 恶人的欢欣决不久长,无信者的喜乐瞬息即逝﹖
20:6 他的躯干虽高顶苍天,他的头颅虽触及云端,
20:7 但他必象幻象,永归无有;见过他的人必说:「他那里去了﹖」
20:8 他又象梦境消散,无迹可寻;又象夜梦,逃去无踪。
20:9 见过他的眼,再也见不到他;他的住所,再也不认识他。
20:10 他的儿子要赔偿穷人的损害,他要亲手把财物交还。
20:11 他的骨骸虽富有魄力,但要同他一起卧于尘埃。
20:12 邪恶在他口中虽觉甘甜,藏在他的舌下,
20:13 他虽爱惜不舍,久含在鄂间;
20:14 但那食物在他腹中要起变化,在他五内要变成蝮蛇的毒汁。
20:15 他并吞的财富,必要吐出,天主必使之由他腹中呕出。
20:16 他原吸入了蝮蛇的毒汁,毒蛇的舌头必将他杀死。
20:17 他不得观赏油流如溪,也看不到那流蜜流奶的小河。
20:18 他劳力所得,应该退还,不得吞下;赚来的财富,不得享用。
20:19 因为它压榨了穷人,使他们无依;强占了人的房屋,而不自建。
20:20 因为他口腹之欲总不知足,他所喜爱之物,也救不了他。
20:21 没有什么能逃脱他的吞噬,为此,他的幸福决不久长。
20:22 他财产富足时,他却不免忧虑,各种困苦齐集他身。
20:23 当他肚腹饱满时,天主的怒火突然降到,箭如雨点射在他身上。
20:24 他逃避过铁器,铜矢必将他射穿。
20:25 一箭由他的脊背穿透,光亮的箭矢由他的胆囊穿出,死亡的恐怖已落在他身上。
20:26 层层黑暗留作他的宝藏,非人燃起的火要焚烧他,吞尽留在他帐幕的人。
20:27 天要彰显他的罪恶,地也起来攻击他。
20:28 洪水冲走他的住宅,在天主义怒之日要全被冲去。
20:29 这是恶人由天主所应得的一份,是天主为他所注定的产业。




21:1 约伯回答说:
21:2 你们且听一听我的话!这也算是你们给我的安慰。
21:3 请让我发言,我说完后,任你们笑骂。
21:4 我岂是抱怨人﹖我失了忍耐,难道没有理由﹖
21:5 你们注意听我,必要吃惊,且要用手堵住口。
21:6 甚至我一回想,我就恐怖,全身战栗。

21:7 恶人为何享受高寿而势力强大﹖
21:8 他们在世时,子孙昌盛,亲眼看见子子孙孙。
21:9 他们的住宅平安,无所畏惧,天主的棍杖也不加在他们身上。
21:10 他们的公牛交尾,无不成功;母牛产子,决无流产。
21:11 他们使孩子跑出象羊群,子女跳跃如麋鹿。
21:12 他们伴着手鼓与竖琴歌唱,随着笛声欢呼。
21:13 他们幸福地度过天年,平安地降入阴府。
21:14 但他们曾向天主说:「离开我们!我们不愿知道你的道路。
21:15 全能者是谁,竟叫我们事奉他﹖我们祈求他有什么好处﹖」
21:16 看啊!他们的幸福,岂不在他们掌握中﹖恶人的思想岂不离他很远﹖
21:17 恶人的灯有多少次熄灭过﹖灾祸有多少次降在他们身上﹖天主何尝因忿怒而消灭他们﹖
21:18 使他们好象被风吹的碎秸﹖好象被暴风卷去的糠秕﹖
21:19 难道天主要向他的儿子讨罪债﹖其实应向他本人报复,叫他觉悟!
21:20 叫他亲眼看见自己的毁灭,亲自饮下全能者的义怒之杯。
21:21 他既逝去,他本人的岁月已绝,他的家庭对他还有什么关系﹖

21:22 天主既审判天上者,人岂能教给他什么智识﹖
21:23 有人死在极其昌盛之中,享尽了平安幸福。
21:24 他的腰部充满脂肪,他的骨髓润泽丰盈;
21:25 但有人却死在心灵酸苦中,一生从未享过福乐;
21:26 他们却一同卧于尘土,为蛆虫所掩盖。

21:27 我确知你们的思想,以及对我所筹划的阴谋。
21:28 你们要问:「霸王的家在那里﹖恶人住的帐幕在何处﹖」
21:29 你们怎么不问过路的人﹖难道你们不承认他们的证据﹖
21:30 「恶人在毁灭之日不受害,在愤怒之日反免祸。」
21:31 他的动作,谁敢当面指摘﹖他的行为,谁能报复﹖
21:32 他最后被抬入坟地,亲自守护自己的墓冢。
21:33 谷中的土壤,他感觉甘美;众人都跟他而去,但在他前面的人,更不可胜数。
21:34 你们为何说空话来安慰我﹖你们的答话显然只是欺诈!





22:1 特曼人厄里法次接着说:
22:2 人于天主能有什么益处﹖明智人只能于一己有益。
22:3 纵然你公正,对全能者能有什么好处﹖纵然你品行齐全,对天主有什么利益﹖
22:4 他岂能因你敬畏而责斥你,拉你来听审﹖
22:5 岂不是因为你罪恶多端,罪过无穷﹖
22:6 因为你无理地强取了你兄弟的抵押,剥去了人的衣服,使之赤裸;
22:7 口渴的人,你没有给他水喝;饥饿的人,你没有给他饭吃;
22:8 让强有力的人占有土地,让尊贵体面的人住在其中;
22:9 却使寡妇空手而归,折断孤儿的手臂;
22:10 因此罗网要四面围困你,恐吓突降,使你惊惶。
22:11 光明变成黑暗,使你毫无所见;洪水漫漫,将你淹没。
22:12 天主岂不是居于高天﹖看,最高的星辰何其高远﹖
22:13 你曾说过:「天主知道什么﹖他岂能透过黑云施行审判﹖
22:14 云彩遮蔽着他,使他看不到什么,而他只在天边周围游行。」
22:15 你岂要固守恶人所蹈的故辙﹖
22:16 尚未到时,他们已被攫去,大水冲去了他们的基础。
22:17 他们曾向天主说:「离开我们!全能者能为我们作什么﹖」
22:18 他原来是以福利充满了他们的家,可是恶人的思想离他很远。
22:19 义人见了就欢乐,无罪者也讥笑他们说:「
22:20 的确,他们的财富已被消灭,他门所剩余的皆被火焚毁。」

22:21 请你与他亲善和好,藉此你的幸福必得恢复。
22:22 请你领受他口中的教训,将他的话存在心中。
22:23 如果你归向全能者,你必兴起;你若使邪恶离开你的帐幕,
22:24 视金子如尘埃,视敖非尔金如溪石,
22:25 全能者必作为你的金锭,作为你的银堆。
22:26 那时你必以全能者为喜乐,你将仰望天主的慈颜。
22:27 那时你祈求他,他必应允你;你可向他还你的誓愿。
22:28 你决定的事,事必成就;光明要照耀你的道路,
22:29 因为他压伏骄傲的人,拯救低首下心的人。
22:30 他必解救无罪的人;你若手中清廉,你必获救。




23:1 约伯回答说:
23:2 直到今天,我还是反抗哀诉,他沉重的手掌,使我不得不呻吟。
23:3 惟愿我知道怎样能寻到天主,能达到他的宝座前,
23:4 好将我的案情向他陈诉,因为我口中满了证词!
23:5 唯愿我知道他答复我的话,明了他向我说什么!
23:6 他岂能靠强力同我争辩﹖决不,他必留神听我。
23:7 如此,他会分辨出同他争论的是个正直人,也许我可永久不再受裁判!
23:8 可是我往东行,他不在那里;我往西行,也找不到他;
23:9 往北找,也看不见他;往南去,也见不到他。
23:10 他洞悉我所有的进退。他若试验我,我必如纯金出现。
23:11 我的脚紧随着他的足迹,谨守他的道,总没有偏离。
23:12 他所发的命令,我总没有违背;他口中的训言,我常保存在心中。
23:13 但他所决定的,谁能变更﹖他所乐意的,必要实行。
23:14 他所注定的,必要完成;类似的事,还有很多。
23:15 因此,为了他,我很惊慌,一想起来就害怕。
23:16 天主使我的心沮丧,全能者使我恐怖。
23:17 因为我虽面临黑暗,幽暗虽遮盖我的面,我仍不丧气。




24:1 全能者为何不划定自己的期限﹖忠于他的人为何看不到他的日子﹖
24:2 恶人挪移地界,抢去羊群自去牧放;
24:3 赶走孤儿的驴,拿去寡妇的牛作抵押;
24:4 迫使穷人离开正路,使境内的贫民隐藏不露。
24:5 看啊!他们象旷野的野驴,出来寻觅食物;他们纵使到晚操作,却找不到养子女的食物。
24:6 夜间遂到田间去收割,到恶人的葡萄园中去摘取。
24:7 赤身过宿,无衣蔽体;严寒之时,没有铺盖。
24:8 在山中为暴雨淋透,因无处避身,只有紧抱着磐石。
24:9 另有些人将孤儿从母怀中抢去,拿穷人的乳儿作抵押,
24:10 致使他们无衣赤身行走,枵腹担荷麦捆;
24:11 在石槽中榨油、踩酒,反受口渴之苦。
24:12 临死者的呻吟,声闻城外;负伤者呼求救援,天主却不理会他们的哀求。
24:13 另有些人反抗光明,不认识光明的道路,更不走光明的途径。
24:14 凶手黎明即起,去杀害困苦和贫穷的人,夜间去作盗贼。
24:15 奸夫的眼盼望黄昏,他心里说:「没有眼可看见我!」就用面巾将自己的脸遮蔽起来。
24:16 窃贼夜间挖穿屋墙,白日将自己关起,不愿看见光明,
24:17 因为早晨对这班人有如死影,他们已熟悉了黑暗的恐怖。
24:18 他们轻如水萍,随波逐流,地上的家业已被诅咒,榨酒者不再走入他们的葡萄园。
24:19 亢旱酷暑怎样吸尽雪水,阴府也怎样将罪犯吸去。
24:20 怀孕他的要忘掉他,蛆虫要腐蚀他,人不再记念他,邪恶如树一般被人砍倒。
24:21 他欺压了不生育的石女,没有善待寡妇。
24:22 然而天主将以威力把持强暴,他必兴起,使他们不能保存生命。
24:23 虽暂时让他们平安休息,但他的双眼却正监视着他们的行径。
24:24 他居于高位,不久即不见了;他必丧亡,有如咸草;他必被剪去,犹如麦穗。
24:25 是否如此﹖谁能证明我说谎,谁能以我的话为荒诞﹖




25:1 叔亚人彼耳达得发言说:
25:2 权能和威严为他所有,他在高天缔造和平。
25:3 他的队伍,岂可胜数﹖他的光明升起,谁不蒙受照耀﹖
25:4 人在天主面前,怎能自以为义﹖妇人所生的,怎能自称洁净﹖
25:5 在他眼中,月亮都不明亮,星辰也不皎洁,
25:6 何况象虫的人,象蛆的人子!




26:1 约伯回答说:
26:2 无能为力的人,你怎样援助了他﹖无力的手臂,你怎样支持了他﹖
26:3 你给无知的人出过什么主意,表现了你多少的智慧﹖
26:4 你说这些话是指教谁﹖从你心里发出的是谁的精神﹖

26:5 幽魂在地下打颤,海底与居于海底的,惊恐不已。
26:6 阴府在他前面显露,死域也无所遮掩。
26:7 他将北极伸张到太虚,将大地悬于虚无之上。
26:8 他将水包在他的云中,托水的云却不破裂。
26:9 他遮蔽了满月的面貌,使他的云彩散布其上。
26:10 在水面上他划了一圆圈,当作光明与黑暗的分界。
26:11 支天的柱子震动,因他的呵叱而战栗。
26:12 他以威力使海洋动荡,以明智制伏了海怪。
26:13 他一嘘气,天气清朗;他亲手戳穿了飞龙。
26:14 看啊!这只是他行动的边端,我们所听到的只是些细微的事!他轰轰烈烈的作为,有谁能明了﹖




27:1 约伯继续他的言论说:
27:2 我指着那剥夺我权利的天主起誓,指着使我心灵苦痛的全能者起誓:
27:3 几时我还有气息,我鼻中尚有天主赋予的生气,
27:4 我的口唇决不说谎言,我的舌头决不讲虚话。
27:5 若叫我说你们有理,那决辨不到;到我断气,我决不放弃我的纯正。
27:6 我坚持我的正义,决不罢休;对于已往的生活,我问心无愧。
27:7 惟愿恨我的人,遭恶人的命运;起来攻击我的人,遭罪犯的处分。
27:8 恶人呼吁时,有何期待﹖当他向天主举起灵魂时,有何希望﹖
27:9 灾难临到他身上时,天主岂能听他的呼求﹖
27:10 他岂是以全能者为喜乐,时时祈求天主﹖
27:11 我要将天主的作为教导你们;对全能者的意旨,我决不隐瞒。
27:12 其实,这一切你们都熟悉,但为何还这样崇尚空谈﹖纳阿玛人左法尔就说:
27:13 看,这是天主给恶人定的命运,是强暴者由全能者所承受的产业:
27:14 他的子女虽众多,都必死于刀下;他的后代子孙,不得饱食。
27:15 剩余的人,为瘟疫所葬送;他们的遗孀,不举哀吊丧。
27:16 他虽积蓄金银,多如尘沙;备制衣服,多如土堆;
27:17 他固然预备,义人来穿着,无辜者要分取他们的金银。
27:18 他建造的房屋有如雀巢,又如守望者搭的茅舍。
27:19 他睡眠时,虽称富足,但睁开眼时,已一无所有。
27:20 白天有恐怖侵袭,黑夜有飓风将他卷去。
27:21 东风将他们吹走,由他们的居处将他拔除。
27:22 众人毫不怜悯拿他当作箭靶,力求逃避攻击他的手。
27:23 人人都对他鼓掌称庆,所到之处,莫不嗤之以鼻。




28:1 银有出产之地,金有冶炼之所。
28:2 铁由土中掘出,铜自石中镕炼。
28:3 人给黑暗制定了界限,探讨幽暗阴晦的坚石,挖至地层深处。
28:4 在无人居住之处开凿矿穴,上面过路的人,也想不到他们远离人间,身悬半空,摇摆不定。
28:5 地上出产食粮,地下有火翻腾。
28:6 那里的石头尽是碧玉,其中还藏有金沙。
28:7 矿中的幽径,猛禽不知,鹰眼未见。
28:8 野兽未践踏,猛狮未经过。
28:9 人伸手击打燧石,山基为之动摇。
28:10 在岩石中开凿隧道,所有珍宝尽入眼帘。
28:11 探察江河之源流,使宝藏尽显露。
28:12 但是智慧出自何处?哪里是明智所在﹖

28:13 智慧的道路,人不认识,在众生界寻不到她。
28:14 深渊说:「她不在我这里。」海洋说:「她不与我同域。」
28:15 她非重金所能购买,也不能称量银子作她的代价。
28:16 敖非尔金不能与她较量,宝石和碧玉也不能与她相比。
28:17 黄金与琉璃不能与她同列,纯金的器皿也不能与她交换。
28:18 珊瑚与水晶都不足论,取得智慧胜过取得珍珠。
28:19 雇士的黄玉不足与她相比,纯金也不能与她较量。
28:20 究竟智慧由何处而来,那里是明智所在﹖
28:21 众生的眼目未曾见过,天空的飞鸟也未发觉。
28:22 「毁灭」与「死亡」都说:「我们只风闻过她的声望。」
28:23 惟独天主认识她的道路,惟有他知道她的在所。
28:24 因为惟有他观察地极,俯视天下的一切。
28:25 当他划定风的重量,规定水的定量,
28:26 厘定下雨的季节,规定雷电的路线时,
28:27 他已见了她,估量了她,立定了她,考察了她。
28:28 然后对人说:「看,敬畏上主,就是智慧;远离邪恶,就是明智。」





29:1 约伯继续他的言论说:
29:2 谁能赐我似以往的岁月,象以往天主护守我的时日﹖
29:3 那时他的灯,光照在我头上,藉他的光明,我走过黑暗。
29:4 惟愿我如壮年时日,那时天主护佑我的帐幕;
29:5 全能者与我相偕,我的子女环绕着我;
29:6 那时我以奶油洗脚,崖石流油成河。
29:7 当我走出城门,在市井设我座位之时,
29:8 少年人看见我都回避,老年人都起身站立;
29:9 王侯停止讲话,用手堵住自己的口;
29:10 首领不敢出声,舌头紧贴上颚。
29:11 倾耳听我的,都称赞我;定眼看我的,都给我作证。
29:12 因为我援助了呼救的穷人,和无依无靠的孤儿。
29:13 那受丧亡之痛的人称谢我,我使寡妇的心欢乐。
29:14 我披上正义,正义就衣饰我;我的公正,犹如我的长袍和冠冕。
29:15 我作了盲人的眼,跛者的脚。
29:16 我成了穷人之父,我调查过素不相识者的案件。
29:17 我打碎恶人的燎牙,由他牙齿间拔夺他的猎物。
29:18 我心想:我必寿终正寝,我的寿数必如尘沙。
29:19 我的根蔓延到水边,夜间甘露落在我的枝叶上。
29:20 我的荣耀不断更新,我的弓在手中日新月异。
29:21 听我讲话的人,屏息等待,静听我的指教。
29:22 我讲话之后,无人再敢讲话,我的话象水珠滴落在他们身上。
29:23 他们期待我如望甘霖,张着大口如渴盼晚雨。
29:24 我向他们微笑,他们不敢相信;我和善的面容,他们必不放过。
29:25 我为他们选择了道路,身居前导,如立在军中的君王;我引领他们到那里,他们就让我引导。




30:1 但现今年纪小于我的人,都嘲笑我;这些人的父亲,我都不屑于列在守我羊群的狗中。
30:2 他们的精力已经丧失,他们手臂的力量,对我还有何用﹖
30:3 他们因贫乏和饥馑而消瘦,咀嚼旷野里的草根,以及荒山野岭所生的荆棘。
30:4 他们由丛莽中采取咸菜,以杜松根做自己的食物。
30:5 人将他们由人群中逐出,在他们后面喊叫有如追贼;
30:6 他们只得避居于深谷,住在山洞和岩穴中;
30:7 在荆棘丛中哀叹,在葛藤下畏缩。
30:8 这些人都是流氓的后代,无名氏的子孙,由本乡驱逐出境的人。
30:9 但现今我竟成了他们的歌谣,做了他们的话柄。
30:10 他们因憎恶我而远离我,竟任意向我脸上吐唾沫。
30:11 这个解开了自己的缰绳以攻击我,那个由自己面上除掉了辔头。
30:12 下流之辈在我右边起来,向我投掷石头,筑成一条使我丧亡的路。
30:13 他们破坏了我的道路,使我跌仆,却没有人阻止他们。
30:14 他们由宽大的缺口进入,辗转于废墟之中。
30:15 恐怖临于我身,我的尊荣就如被风吹散,我的救恩就逝去如浮云。

30:16 现今我的心神已颓废,忧患的日子不放松我。
30:17 夜间痛苦刺透我骨,我的脉络都不得安息。
30:18 天主以大力抓住我的衣服,握紧我长衣的领口,
30:19 将我投入泥中,使我变成灰土。
30:20 天主啊!我向你呼号,你不回答我;我立起来,你也不理睬我。
30:21 你对我变成了暴君,用你有力的手迫害我。
30:22 你将我提起,乘风而去,使我在狂风中飘摇不定。
30:23 我知道你要导我于死亡,到众生聚集的家乡。
30:24 若穷人遇到不幸向我求救,我岂不伸手去援助他﹖
30:25 他人遭难,我岂不与他一同流泪﹖人穷乏,我的心岂不也忧愁﹖
30:26 我希望幸福,来的却是灾祸;我期待光明,黑暗反而来临。
30:27 我内心烦恼不安,痛苦的日子常临于我。
30:28 我忧闷而行,无人安慰我,我在集会中起立只有喊冤。
30:29 我成了豺狼的兄弟,驼鸟的伴侣。
30:30 我的皮肤变黑,我的骨头因热灼发烧,
30:31 我的琴瑟奏出哀歌,我的箫笛发出哭声。




31:1 我同我的眼立了约,决不注视处女。
31:2 天主由上所注定的一分是什么﹖全能者由高处所给的产业是什么﹖
31:3 岂不是为恶人注定了丧亡,为作孽的人注定了灾殃﹖
31:4 他岂不监视我的行径,计算我的脚步﹖
31:5 我若与虚伪同行,我的脚若趋向诡诈,
31:6 愿天主以公正的天平秤量我,他必知道我的纯正。
31:7 我的脚步如果离开了正道,我的心如果随从了眼目之所见,我的手若持有不洁,
31:8 那么,我种的,情愿让别人来吃;我栽的,情愿让别人拔出。
31:9 我的心如果为妇女所迷,我如果曾在邻人门口暗候,
31:10 就让我的妻子给人推磨,让别人与她同寝。
31:11 因为这是淫行,是应受严刑的罪恶;
31:12 是一种焚烧至毁灭的火,烧尽我全部产业的火。

31:13 当我的仆婢与我争执时,我若轻视我仆我婢的权利,
31:14 天主起来时,我可怎么办呢﹖他若追问,我可怎样回答﹖
31:15 在母胎造成我的,不是也造了他﹖在母胎形成我们的,不是只有他一个﹖
31:16 我何时曾拒绝了穷苦人的渴望,我何时曾使寡妇的眼目颓丧﹖
31:17 我何时独自吃食物,而没有与孤儿共享﹖
31:18 因为天主自我幼年,就象父亲教养了我;自我出了母胎,就引导了我。
31:19 如果我见了无衣蔽体的乞丐,无遮盖的穷人,
31:20 如果他的心没有向我道谢,没有以我的羊毛获得温暖,
31:21 如果我在城门口见有支持我者,就举手攻击孤儿,
31:22 那么,让我的肩由胛骨脱落,我的胳膊由肘处折断!
31:23 因为天主的惩罚使我惊骇,在他的威严前,我站立不住。

31:24 我何尝以黄金为依靠,对纯金说过:「你是我的靠山﹖」
31:25 我何尝因财产丰富,手赚的多而喜乐过﹖
31:26 我何时见太阳照耀,月亮皎洁运行,
31:27 我的心遂暗中受到迷惑,我的口遂亲手送吻﹖
31:28 这也是应受严罚的罪过,因为我背弃了至高的天主。
31:29 我何时庆幸恨我者遭殃,见他遭遇不幸而得意﹖
31:30 其实,我没有容我的口腔犯罪,诅咒过他的性命。
31:31 我帐幕内的人是否他们说过:「某人没有吃饱主人给的肉﹖」
31:32 外方人从来没在露天地睡过,我的门常为旅客敞开。
31:33 我岂象凡人一样,掩饰过我的过犯,把罪恶隐藏在胸中﹖
31:34 我岂怕群众的流言﹖亲族的轻谩?岂能使我不敢作声,杜门不出﹖
31:35 谁能给我一个听我申诉的人,这是我最后的话:愿全能者答复我!我的对方所写的状词,
31:36 我要把它背在我肩上,编成我的冠冕。
31:37 我要使他数清我脚步,我要象个王侯一样走向他面前,向他一一陈述我的行为。--约伯的话至此为止。
31:38 我的田地若控告我,犁沟若一同哀诉,
31:39 我若吃田中的产物而不付代价,或叫地主心灵悲伤,
31:40 愿此地不再长小麦而长荆棘,不长大麦而长恶草。






32:1 因为约伯自以为义,那三个友人就不再回答他。
32:2 那时,有个布次兰族的人,巴辣革耳的儿子厄里乌,由于约伯在天主前自视为义人,便大为愤怒;
32:3 同时也对约伯的三个友人大为震怒,因为他们找不到适当的答复,因此显得天主不公。
32:4 厄里乌先等他们同约伯讲完话,因为他们都比他年老。
32:5 他一见他们三人无话可说,遂大为愤怒。
32:6 于是布次人巴辣革耳的儿子厄里乌发言说:


32:7 我心想:「老人应先发言,年高者应教人认识智慧。」
32:8 但人本来都具有灵性,全能者的气息赋与人聪明;
32:9 并不是年高者就有智慧,老年人就通晓正义。
32:10 故此我请你们且听我说,我也要表示我的见解。
32:11 直到如今,我等待你们讲话,静听你们的理论,等待你们寻出适当的言词;
32:12 但现今我已明白看出,你们中没一个能驳倒约伯,能回答他的话的。
32:13 你们不要说:「我们寻到了智慧!只有天主可说服他,人却不能。」
32:14 我决不这样辩论,也决不以你们说的话答复他。

32:15 他们已心乱,不能再回答,且已穷于辞令。
32:16 他们已不再讲话了,他们已停止,不再答话了,我还等什么﹖
32:17 现在我要开始讲我的一段话,表示出我的见解。
32:18 因为我觉着充满了要说的话,内心催迫着我。
32:19 看啊!我内心象寻觅出口酒,象要爆裂的新酒囊。
32:20 我一说出,必觉轻松,我定要开口发言。
32:21 我决不顾情面,也决不奉承人。
32:22 因为我不会奉承,不然,造我者必立即将我消灭。




33:1 约伯,请你且听我的话,侧耳静听我说的一切。
33:2 请看,我已开口,舌头已在口腔内发言。
33:3 我的的口要说出真知的话,我的唇舌要清楚说明。
33:4 天主的神造了我,全能者的气息使我生活。
33:5 你如果能够,就回答我,请准备好,来对抗我。
33:6 看,我与你在天主前都是一样,我也是用泥土造成的。
33:7 所以我的威吓不会使你恐怖,我的手也不会重压在你身上。
33:8 你所说的,我已耳闻,听到了你所说的话:「
33:9 我本纯洁无罪,清白无瑕。
33:10 但天主却在我身上找错,视我为他的对头;
33:11 他把我的脚缚在木桩上,窥察我的一切行动。」

33:12 我答复你说:你这话说的不对,因为天主远超世人。
33:13 他既不答复你说的一切话,你为何还同他争辩﹖
33:14 原来天主用一种方法向人讲话,人若不理会,他再用另一种方法:
33:15 天主有时借梦和夜间的异象,当人躺在床上沉睡的时候,
33:16 开启人的听觉,用异象惊吓他,
33:17 使人脱离恶念,使人铲除骄傲,
33:18 阻拦他陷于阴府,救他的性命脱离沟壑。
33:19 天主也有时惩罚人在床上受痛苦,使他的骨头不断地战栗,
33:20 以致他讨厌食物,他的心厌恶美味。
33:21 他身上的肉已消逝不见,他深藏的骨头,已开始外露。
33:22 他的灵魂已临近墓穴,他的生命已接近死亡之所。
33:23 一千天使中,若有一个在他身傍,作他的代言人,提醒人应行的义务,
33:24 而怜悯他,为他转求说:「求你拯救他免陷于阴府,因为我已找到赎他性命的赎金。」
33:25 他的肉身比少年人的肉身必更健美,他必恢复他的青春岁月。
33:26 他祈求天主,必获得悦纳。他必欢然得见天主的仪容,天主也必恢复此人的正义。
33:27 那时,他将在人前重述所经历的事说:「我犯了罪,颠倒了是非,但他没有照我的罪罚我。
33:28 他救了我性命脱离沟壑,使我生活重见光明。」
33:29 看,这全是天主接二连三对人所做的事,
33:30 挽救他脱离阴府,重见重生之光。
33:31 约伯啊!请留神倾听,静静地听我说话!
33:32 你若有话说,请即回复我,你尽管说,因为我愿听你的理。
33:33 若没有话,且听我说,静听我要教给你的智慧。




34:1 厄里乌接着说:
34:2 你们智慧人,请听我言;你们明白人,请侧耳听我。
34:3 原来耳朵是为辨别言语,有如口腔是为辨尝食物。
34:4 让我们来检讨一下谁为正义,让我们看看何者为善。
34:5 约伯说过:「我是无罪的,但我的理,却为天主夺去。
34:6 我虽无罪无辜,却成了说谎者;我虽未行不义,却受了不可医治的创伤。」
34:7 那有一人象约伯,肆口漫骂如饮水﹖
34:8 他岂不是与作恶的人结伙,同坏人交结来往﹖
34:9 他岂不是说过:「尽心悦乐天主,为人能有什么好处﹖」

34:10 为此,你们心地明白的人,请听我说,天主决不行恶,全能者决无不义!
34:11 他必照人的行为报答他,按他的品行对待他。
34:12 天主绝对不能作恶,全能者绝对不能颠倒是非。
34:13 谁委派他掌管大地,谁任命他治理普世﹖
34:14 他若将自己的神魂收回,将气息复归于自己,
34:15 凡有血肉的人必立时气绝,世人都要归于尘土。
34:16 若你聪明,请听这事,侧耳倾听我的话。
34:17 憎恨正义的,岂能掌权﹖而你竟敢定那至公义者的罪﹖
34:18 他能称君王为歹徒,能称官吏为坏人。
34:19 他对权贵不顾情面,亦不重富轻贫,因为都是他一手造成。

34:20 他们猝然在半夜死去,贵族能立即气绝逝世;他铲除权贵者,毫不费力,无须人手。
34:21 因为他双眼监视人的道路,观察他的脚步。
34:22 没有黑暗,也没有阴影,可将作恶的人掩蔽。
34:23 天主不给人指定时间,到他前去受审。
34:24 他粉碎有权势者,无须审察,即刻能派定别人代替他们。
34:25 他原知道他们的行为,一夜之间将他们推翻消灭。
34:26 在众目昭彰之下,鞭打他们有如罪犯。
34:27 因为他们远离了他,不明了他一切的道路,
34:28 致使穷人的哀号上达于他,使他听到了受苦者的哀求。
34:29 他若安息,谁敢骚扰﹖他若掩面,谁敢窥视﹖他对国对人都予以监视,
34:30 使凡欺压人民的,不得为王。
34:31 如果恶人向天主说:「我受了欺骗,以后不再作恶。
34:32 我所看不透的,求你指教我;若我作了孽,以后不敢再做。」
34:33 他施行报应,岂应随你的心意﹖或者你岂能拒绝不受﹖决定的是你,而不是我!你若知道,尽管说罢!
34:34 但是心地聪明,具有智慧,且听我说话的人,必要对我说:
34:35 「约伯所讲的话毫无知识,他的话全不明智。」
34:36 为此,约伯还要受彻底的究察,因为他的答复好似与恶人无异,
34:37 因为他罪上又加反叛,当着我们拍手,讲出许多相反天主的话。




35:1 厄里乌又接着说:
35:2 你说过:「我在天主前是正义的。」你想这话合理吗﹖
35:3 你还说过:「这与你何干﹖我若犯罪,我对你做了什么﹖」
35:4 我今答复你,以及和你在一起的友人。
35:5 请你仰视上天,且要静观,细看高于你的白云。
35:6 你若犯罪,为他有什么害处﹖你若作恶多端,又能加害他什么﹖
35:7 如果你为人正义,为他又有何益﹖或者他由你手中获得什么﹖
35:8 你的恶行只能加害与你类似的人,你的正义也只能有益于人子。
35:9 人因受暴虐过甚,必要哀号;因受强权的压迫,必要呼吁。
35:10 但是没有人说:「那造成我们,使人夜间欢唱,
35:11 使我们比地上的走兽更聪明,使我们比天上的飞鸟更有智慧的天主在那里﹖」
35:12 他们虽呼喊,天主却不答应,是因为恶人傲慢。
35:13 他们空喊白叫,天主决不俯听,全能者决不垂视。
35:14 何况你说过:「你看不见他;但你的案件已放在他面前,你应等待他!」
35:15 你还说过:「他没有发怒施罚,似乎不很理会罪过。」
35:16 的确,约伯开口尽说空话;由于无知,说了许多妄言。




36:1 厄里乌又接着说:
36:2 你且等一会,容我教导你,因为为天主,我还有些话要说。
36:3 我要将我所知的推至深远,将正义归于我的造主。
36:4 的确,我的话正确无伪,知识全备的人尽在你身旁。
36:5 的确,天主宽宏大量,决不藐视任何人,并且有广大的同情心。
36:6 他决不容许恶人生存,却给穷苦人伸冤;
36:7 他也不剥夺义人的权利。他使君王永坐在宝座上,但是他们却骄矜自大;
36:8 故此,当他们一旦被锁链束缚,被痛苦的绳索所捆住,
36:9 天主就向他们指明他们的恶行,和他们所夸耀的过犯,
36:10 开启他们的耳朵,以听训戒,嘱咐他们离开邪恶。
36:11 如果他们服从顺命,便能幸福地度过岁月,便能安乐享受天年。
36:12 如果不服从,必经历沟壑,由于自己无知而死去。
36:13 心术败坏的人,愤怒填胸,纵被囚禁,仍不呼求救助;
36:14 他们必早年夭折,丧命如男倡。
36:15 所以天主借痛苦拯救受难的人,以患难开启他们的耳鼓。

36:16 他也要救你摆脱灾难,领你到广阔自由之地,在你桌上将摆满肥馔美味;
36:17 无如你判断与恶人完全一样,那么惩罚和定案必集于你身。
36:18 小心!不要让忿怒引你肆口谩骂,也不要为重罚让你离弃正道。
36:19 你的哀号和你所有的力量,岂能使你摆脱患难﹖
36:20 不要希望黑夜,那是人民到自己由本地被劫去的时候。
36:21 小心!别倾向不义,因为这正是你遭难的真正原因。

36:22 天主的能力确实伟大,那有象他那样的主宰﹖
36:23 谁能规定他的道路,谁敢说:你行的不对﹖
36:24 你应记住要赞颂他的工程,这是人们应歌咏的。
36:25 人人都能观赏,都能从远处仰望:
36:26 天主何其伟大,我们不能理解!他的岁数,无法考究。
36:27 他汲取水滴,使水气化为雨露,
36:28 雨即从云中倾盆而降,沛然落在众人身上。
36:29 但谁能明了云彩怎样散布,天幕中怎样发出隆隆之声﹖
36:30 他将云雾展开,遮盖了群山山顶。
36:31 他借此养育万民,赐给他们丰富的食粮。
36:32 他掌中握着电光,对准目标发射出去。
36:33 雷霆报告他的来临,他的怒火要烧尽邪恶。




37:1 为此我心战栗,跳离它的原位。
37:2 你们且细听天主的怒吼声,听那从他口中发出的巨响。
37:3 他令闪电炫耀天下,使之照射地极;
37:4 接着是雷声隆隆,那是天主威严之声;他的巨声一响,没有什么能够阻止。
37:5 天主每以巨响施行奇事,做出我们莫测的事。
37:6 他命令雪说:「落在大地上!」对暴雨说:「倾盆而降!」
37:7 人人都停止活动,为叫人知道,这是他的作为。
37:8 野兽逃回洞穴,卧于自己的窝中。
37:9 暴风来自南极密宫,严寒出自极北之地。
37:10 天主嘘气成冰,使大水凝成一片。
37:11 他使云雾满涵湿气,使闪光穿过乌云。
37:12 雷电照他的指示旋转,全照他的命令实行于地面,
37:13 或为惩罚大地,或为施行恩惠。

37:14 约伯啊!你且侧耳细听这事,立着沉思天主的奇事!
37:15 你岂能知道天主怎样发命,怎样使云中电光闪烁﹖
37:16 云怎样浮动,全知者的奇妙化工,你岂能明白﹖
37:17 当南风吹起,大地镇静时,你的衣服岂不是发暖﹖
37:18 你岂能同他展开苍天,使它坚固如铸成的铜镜﹖
37:19 我们昏愚,不能讲话,请教训我们怎样答复他。
37:20 我说话时,能给他讲述些什么新事﹖世人说话后,岂算是告诉他一项新闻﹖
37:21 现今看不见为云遮蔽的光明,除非等到风过天晴。
37:22 金光来自北方,天主的四周有威严可怕的异光。
37:23 全能者是我们不可接近的,他的能力和正义,高超绝伦;他主宰正义,决不欺压。
37:24 所以人应敬畏他;但那心中自以为聪慧的,他却不眷顾。





38:1 上主由旋风中向约伯发言说:
38:2 用无知的话,使我的计划模糊不明的是谁﹖
38:3 你要象勇士束好你的腰,我要问你,你要请指教我!

38:4 我奠定大地的基础时,你在那里﹖你若明知,尽管说罢!
38:5 你知道是谁制定了地的度量,是谁在地上拉了准绳﹖
38:6 地的基础置在何处,是谁立了它的角石﹖
38:7 当时星辰一起歌咏,天主的众子同声欢呼!
38:8 海水汹涌如出母胎时,是谁用门将海关闭﹖
38:9 是我用云彩作海的衣裳,用浓雾作海的襁褓。
38:10 是我给海划定了界限,设立了门和闩,
38:11 并下令说:「你到此为止,不得越过;你的狂潮到此为止。」
38:12 你有生之日,何尝给晨光出过命令,又何尝使曙光知道它之所在﹖
38:13 何尝使光握紧大地四角,将恶人从那里抖出去﹖
38:14 曙光改变大地,如在胶泥上盖印;使万物出现,如着锦衣;
38:15 撤去恶人的光明,折断高举的手。
38:16 你曾否造访过海的源头,漫游深渊的底处﹖
38:17 死亡的门你发现过吗﹖你见过死影之门吗﹖
38:18 你知道大地的广阔吗﹖你若全知道,就请你说罢!

38:19 赴光明之所的路是那一条,黑暗的住处在那里﹖
38:20 你知道如何引导它们到自己的境域,领它们回到自己居所的道路上吗﹖
38:21 你该知道,因为你那时已诞生,而你的年数真浩繁。
38:22 你到过雪库,见过雹仓吗﹖
38:23 那是我为降灾之时,为战争之日所存放的。
38:24 云雾由那条路散开,东风由那条路倾泻大地﹖
38:25 谁为暴雨启开闸门,谁为雷电指示道路,
38:26 好使雨落在无人之境,降在无人的荒野,
38:27 为润泽荒野干旱之地,好使原野绿草生长﹖
38:28 雨有父亲吗﹖谁生了露珠﹖
38:29 冰出自谁的胎﹖天上的霜是谁生的﹖
38:30 水怎样凝结如石﹖深渊的表面怎样固结﹖
38:31 你岂能栓住昂宿的纽结,解开参星的绳索﹖
38:32 你岂能使晨星按时升出,引导北斗和它的星群﹖
38:33 你岂知道天体的定律,实施天律管治大地﹖
38:34 你岂能使你的声音上达云霄,使雨水沛然降在你处﹖
38:35 你能否一发令,闪电就发出,且向你说:「我们在这里﹖」
38:36 谁将聪明给与鹳鸟,将智慧赋予雄鸡﹖
38:37 当土壤坚固,泥块凝结之时,
38:38 谁能凭智力数清云彩,能倾倒天上的水囊﹖
38:39 你是否能为牝狮猎取食物,满足幼狮的食欲﹖

38:40 当狮子伏于洞穴,卧于丛林埋伏的时候,
38:41 当雏鸦无食,往还飞翔,向天主哀鸣的时候,谁能为乌鸦备食﹖




39:1 你岂知道岩穴中野羊的产期,观察牝鹿怎样生产﹖
39:2 你岂能计算它们怀孕的月分,预知它们生产的日期﹖
39:3 它们伏下产子之后,产痛立即过去。
39:4 幼雏健壮,在原野中长大;它们一离去,即不再复返。

39:5 谁使野驴任意游荡,谁解去悍驴的绳缰﹖
39:6 原来是我叫它以原野为家,以盐地为居所。
39:7 它耻笑城市的吵闹,听不到赶牲者的呵叱。
39:8 它以群山峻岭作自己的牧场,寻觅各种青草。
39:9 野牛岂肯为你服役,在你槽边过宿﹖
39:10 你岂能以绳索系住它的颈项,叫它随你耕田﹖
39:11 你岂能依靠它的大力,任凭它去作你的工作﹖
39:12 你岂能靠它将麦捆运回,聚集在你的禾场上﹖

39:13 驼鸟的翅翼活泼,它的翼翎和羽毛岂表示慈爱﹖
39:14 他将卵弃留在地,让沙土去温暖;
39:15 它不想人脚能踏碎,野兽能践坏。
39:16 它苛待雏鸟,若非己出,虽徒受痛苦,也毫不关心。
39:17 因为天主使它缺乏智识也没有赐它悟性。
39:18 但几时它振翼奔驰,就要讪笑骏马和骑士。

39:19 马的力量,是你所赐﹖它颈上的长鬃,是你所披﹖
39:20 你岂能使它跳跃如蚱蜢﹖它雄壮的长嘶,实在使人胆寒。
39:21 它在谷中欢跃奔驰,勇往直前,冲锋迎敌。
39:22 它嗤笑胆怯,一无所惧;交锋之时,从不退缩。
39:23 它背上的箭袋震震作响,枪矛闪烁发光。
39:24 它一闻号角,即不停蹄,急躁狂怒,不断啃地。
39:25 每次号角一鸣,它必发出嘶声,由远处已闻到战争的气息,将领的号令和士卒的呐喊。

39:26 鹰展翅振翼南飞,岂是由于你的智慧﹖
39:27 兀鹰腾空,营巢峭壁,岂是出于你的命令﹖
39:28 它在山崖居住过宿,在峭峰尖上有它的堡垒;
39:29 由那里窥伺猎物,双眼注视远方。
39:30 它的幼雏舔食鲜血。那里有尸体,它就在那里。




40:1 上主又接着问约伯说:
40:2 好辩之士,岂能同全能者辩论﹖非难天主的,请答复这一切!
40:3 约伯回答上主说:
40:4 「看,我这么卑贱,我能回答什么﹖只好用手掩口。
40:5 我说过一次,再不敢重复;我再说一次:我不敢再说什么!」



40:6 上主由旋风中回答约伯说:
40:7 你要象勇士束好腰,我要问你,请你指教我。
40:8 你岂能推翻我的评断,归罪于我,而自以为有理﹖
40:9 你的手臂岂能同天主的相比﹖你的声音,那能象他的作雷鸣﹖
40:10 请你以尊贵和高雅作你的点缀,以光华美丽作你的衣裳;
40:11 爆发你的烈怒,贬抑一切高傲的人;
40:12 视察一切傲慢的人,加以制服,就地粉碎一切恶人;
40:13 将他们一同埋在土中,把他们都关在黑暗中!
40:14 如果你能这样作,我也要称赞你,因为你的右手救护了你。

40:15 且看河马,它同你都是我造成的,它象牛一样吃草。
40:16 看它的精力全在它两腰,它的力量在腹部的肌肉;
40:17 它挺起尾巴象株香柏,它大腿上的筋交织在一起;
40:18 它的脊骨好似铜管,它的骨骸有如铁杠。
40:19 它是天主的杰作,造了它主宰它的同僚。
40:20 群山供给它食物,百兽在那里同它游乐。
40:21 它卧在莲叶之下,躺在沼泽和芦苇深处;
40:22 莲叶的荫影遮蔽着它,溪边的杨柳掩护着它。
40:23 河水涨溢,它毫不战栗;约旦河涨到它口边,它仍安宁。
40:24 谁能在它目前捕捉它,或以木橛穿透它的鼻孔﹖

40:25 你岂能以鱼钩钩上鳄鱼﹖以绳索缚住它的舌头﹖
40:26 你岂能以鼻圈穿过它的鼻子,以钩子刺透它的腮骨﹖
40:27 它岂能再三向你哀求,向你说甜言蜜语﹖
40:28 它岂能同你订立盟约,使自己永作你的奴隶﹖
40:29 你岂能玩弄它象玩弄小鸟,将它缚着作你女儿的玩物﹖
40:30 结伙的渔人不是想在它身上谋利,将它售与商人﹖
40:31 你岂能以长矛穿透它的皮,以鱼叉刺透它的头颅﹖
40:32 将你的手放在它身上罢!若你想到恶斗,决不敢再开始。






41:1 看,人的希望落了空,并且一见它就吓坏了。
41:2 没有一个勇敢的人敢触犯它,有谁还敢站立在它前面呢﹖
41:3 谁攻击它,而能安全无恙﹖普天之下没有一人!
41:4 论它的四体百肢,我不能缄默;论它的力量,我要说:没有可与它相比的。
41:5 谁能揭开它的外衣,谁能穿透它双层的鳞甲﹖
41:6 谁敢启开它嘴的双扉﹖它四周的牙齿,令人战栗。
41:7 它的脊背排排盾甲,好象为石印所密封。
41:8 鳞甲片片相连,气也透不进去:
41:9 互相联结,黏在一起不相分离。
41:10 它的喷嚏发出白光,眼睛象旭日闪动。
41:11 火把从它口中喷出,火花四射。
41:12 烟从它鼻孔冒出,宛如燃烧沸腾的锅炉。
41:13 它的气息可点燃煤炭,火焰由它口中射出。
41:14 它的力量集中在它的颈上,在它前面,恐怖跳跃开道。
41:15 它的肌肉互相连结,紧贴它身,坚不可动。
41:16 它的心坚如石块,硬如磨盘。
41:17 它一起立,壮士战栗,惊慌失措。
41:18 人若想捕捉它,刀、枪、箭、戟都是徒然。
41:19 它视铁如草芥,视铜若朽木。
41:20 弓矢不能使它遁逃;机石打在它好似碎屑。
41:21 它视棍棒象麦秸,对飞来的标枪冷笑。
41:22 它腹下有尖锐瓦片,它行路有如耙碾地。
41:23 它使深渊沸腾有如沸鼎,使海洋变成一个香炉。
41:24 它游过之路发出银光,令人以为海洋飘舞白发。
41:25 世上没有可与它相比的,它生性所惧。
41:26 它卑视所有的巨兽,它在猛兽中称王。




42:1 约伯回答上主说:
42:2 我知道你事事都能,你所有的计划,没有不实现的。
42:3 是我以无智的话,使你的计划模糊不明;是我说了无知的话,说了那些超越我智力的话。
42:4 请你听我发言;我求你指教我。
42:5 以前我只听见了人说有关你的事,现今我亲眼见了你。
42:6 为此,我收回我所说过的话,坐在灰尘中自忏自悔。
42:7 上主对约伯说完这些话,就对特曼人厄里法次说:「我应向你和你的两个友人发怒,因为你们讲论我,不如我仆约伯讲论的正确。
42:8 现在你们要牵七头公牛,和七只公羊到我仆约伯那里,叫他为你们奉献全燔祭,也叫他为你们祈祷,因为我要看他的情面,不惩罚你们的糊涂,因为你们讲论我,不如我仆约伯讲的正确。」
42:9 于是,特曼人厄里法次、叔亚人彼耳达得、纳阿玛人左法尔去依照上主所吩咐的作了;上主就看了约伯的情面,饶恕了他们。
42:10 约伯为他的朋友祈祷之后,上主就恢复了约伯原有的状况,还照约伯以前所有的,加倍地赐给了他。
42:11 约伯的兄弟和姐妹,并以前相识的人都来看望他,在他家中同他一起用饭;对于上主降于他的一切灾祸,都向他表示同情,安慰他;每人还赠给他一枚金币和一个金戒指。
42:12 上主赐给约伯以后的福分,远胜过以前所有的;他拥有一万四千只羊,六千匹骆驼,一千对牛,一千头母驴。
42:13 他又生了七个儿子和三个女儿。
42:14 他给长女起名叫耶米玛,次女叫刻漆雅,三女叫刻楞哈普客。
42:15 那地方的女子没有比约伯的女儿更美丽的;她们的父亲也使她们和兄弟们一样分得了一分产业。
42:16 以后,约伯又活了一百四十岁,见了他的儿子、孙子,直到第四代。
42:17 约伯寿高年老,尽享天年,而后遂与世长辞。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB JOB Chapter 1




Satan tests Job

1:1 There was once a man in the land of Uz[*a] called Job: a sound and honest man who feared God and shunned evil.

1:2 Seven sons and three daughters were born to him.

1:3 And he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred she-donkeys, and many servants besides. This man was indeed a man of mark among all the people of the East.[*b]

1:4 It was the custom of his sons to hold banquets in each other’s houses, one after the other, and to send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

1:5 Once each series of banquets was over, Job would send for them to come and be purified, and at dawn on the following day he would offer a holocaust for each of them. ‘Perhaps’ Job would say ‘my sons have sinned and in their hearts affronted God.’ So that was what he used to do after each series.

1:6 One day the Sons of God[*c] came to attend on Yahweh, and among them was Satan.

1:7 So Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Where have you been?’ ‘Round the earth, ‘he answered ‘roaming about.’

1:8 So Yahweh asked him, ‘Did you notice my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth: a sound and honest man who fears God and shuns evil.’

1:9 ‘Yes,’ Satan said ‘but Job is not God-fearing for nothing, is he?

1:10 Have you not put a wall round him and his house and all his domain? You have blessed all he undertakes, and his flocks throng the countryside.

1:11 But stretch out your hand and lay a finger on his possessions: I warrant you, he will curse you to your face.’

1:12 ‘Very well,’ Yahweh said to Satan ‘all he has is in your power. But keep your hands off his person.’ So Satan left the presence of Yahweh.

1:13 On the day when Job’s sons and daughters were at their meal and drinking wine at their eldest brother’s house,

1:14 a messenger came to Job. ‘Your oxen’ he said ‘were at the plough, with the donkeys grazing at their side,

1:15 when the Sabaeans[*d] swept down on them and carried them off. Your servants they put to the sword: I alone escaped to tell you.’

1:16 He had not finished speaking when another messenger arrived. ‘The fire of God’ he said ‘has fallen from the heavens and burnt up all your sheep, and your shepherds too: I alone escaped to tell you.’

1:17 He had not finished speaking when another messenger arrived. ‘The Chaldaeans,’ he said ‘three bands of them, have raided your camels and made off with them. Your servants they put to the sword: I alone escaped to tell you.’

1:18 He had not finished speaking when another messenger arrived. ‘Your sons and daughters’ he said ‘were at their meal and drinking wine at their eldest brother’s house,

1:19 when suddenly from the wilderness a gale sprang up, and it battered all four corners of the house which fell in on the young people. They are dead: I alone escaped to tell you.’

1:20 Job rose and tore his gown and shaved his head.[*e] Then falling to the ground he worshipped

1:21 and said: ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I shall return. Yahweh gave, Yahweh has taken back. Blessed be the name of Yahweh!’

1:22 In all this misfortune Job committed no sin nor offered any insult to God.


JB JOB Chapter 2


2:1 Once again the Sons of God came to attend on Yahweh, and among them was Satan.

2:2 So Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Where have you been?’ ‘Round the earth’, he answered ‘roaming about.’

2:3 So Yahweh asked him, ‘Did you notice my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth: a sound and honest man who fears God and shuns evil. His life continues blameless as ever; in vain you provoked me to ruin him.’

2:4 ‘Skin for skin!’ Satan replied. ‘A man will give away all he has to save his life.

2:5 But stretch out your hand and lay a finger on his bone and flesh; I warrant you, he will curse you to your face.’

2:6 ‘Very well,’ Yahweh said to Satan ‘he is in your power. But spare his life.’

2:7 So Satan left the presence of Yahweh. He struck Job down with malignant ulcers from the sole of his foot to the top of his head.

2:8 Job took a piece of pot to scrape himself, and went and sat in the ashpit.

2:9 Then his wife said to him, ‘Do you now still mean to persist in your blamelessness? Curse God, and die.’

2:10 ‘That is how foolish women talk’ Job replied. ‘If we take happiness from God’s hand, must we not take sorrow too?’ And in all this misfortune Job uttered no sinful word.

2:11 The news of all the disasters that had fallen on Job came to the ears of three of his friends. Each of them set out from home – Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Shuah and Zophar of Naamath[*a] – and by common consent they decided to go and offer him sympathy and consolation.

2:12 Looking at him from a distance, they could not recognise him; they wept aloud and tore their garments and threw dust over their heads.

2:13 They sat there on the ground beside him for seven days and seven nights. To Job they spoke never a word, so sad a sight he made.


JB JOB Chapter 3






Job curses the day of his birth

3:1 In the end it was Job who broke the silence and cursed the day of his birth.

3:2 This is what he said:

3:3 May the day perish when I was born, and the night that told of a boy conceived.

3:4 May that day be darkness, may God on high have no thought for it, may no light shine on it.

3:5 May murk and deep shadow claim it for their own, clouds hang over it, eclipse swoop down on it.

3:6 Yes, let the dark lay hold of it, to the days of the year let it not be joined, into the reckoning of months not find its way.

3:7 May that night be dismal, no shout of joy come near it.

3:8 Let them curse it who curse the day, who are prepared to rouse Leviathan.[*a]

3:9 Dark be the stars of its morning, let it wait in vain for light and never see the opening eyes of dawn.

3:10 Since it would not shut the doors of the womb on me to hide sorrow from my eyes.

3:11 Why did I not die new-born, not perish as I left the womb?

3:12 Why were there two knees to receive me, two breasts for me to suck?

3:13 Had there not been, I should now be lying in peace, wrapped in a restful slumber,

3:14 with the kings and high viziers of earth who build themselves vast vaults,

3:15 or with princes who have gold to spare and houses crammed with silver.

3:16 Or put away like a still-born child that never came to be, like unborn babes that never see the light.

3:17 Down there,[*b] bad men bustle no more, there the weary rest.

3:18 Prisoners, all left in peace, hear no more the shouts of the gaoler.

3:19 Down there, high and low are all one, and the slave is free of his master.

3:20 Why give light to a man of grief? Why give life to those bitter of heart,

3:21 who long for a death that never comes, and hunt for it more than for a buried treasure?

3:23 They would be glad to see the grave-mound and shout with joy if they reached the tomb.

3:24 Why make this gift of light to a man who does not see his way, whom God baulks on every side?

3:25 My only food is sighs, and my groans pour out like water.

3:26 Whatever I fear comes true, whatever I dread befalls me.

3:27 For me, there is no calm, no peace; my torments banish rest.


JB JOB Chapter 4


Confidence in God

4:1 Eliphaz of Teman spoke next. He said:

4:2 If one should address a word to you, will you endure it? Yet who can keep silent?

4:3 Many another, once, you schooled, giving strength to feeble hands;

4:4 your words set right whoever wavered, and strengthened every failing knee.

4:5 And now your turn has come, and you lose patience too; now it touches you, and you are overwhelmed.

4:6 Does not your piety give you confidence, your blameless life not give you hope?

4:7 Can you recall a guiltless man that perished, or have you ever seen good men brought to nothing?

4:8 I speak of what I know: those who plough iniquity and sow the seeds of grief reap a harvest of the same kind.

4:9 A breath from God will bring them to destruction, a blast of his anger will wipe them out.

4:10 The lion’s roar, his savage growls, like the fangs of lion cubs are broken off.

4:11 For lack of prey the lion dies at last, and the whelps of his lioness are scattered.

4:12 Now, I have had a secret revelation, a whisper has come to my ears.

4:13 At the hour when dreams master the mind, and slumber lies heavy on man,

4:14 a shiver of horror ran through me, and my bones quaked with fear.

4:15 A breath slid over my face, the hairs of my body bristled.

4:16 Someone stood there – I could not see his face, but the form remained before me. Silence – and then I heard a Voice,

4:17 ‘Was ever any man found blameless in the presence of God, or faultless in the presence of his Maker?

4:18 In his own servants, God puts no trust, and even with his angels he has fault to find.

4:19 What then of those who live in houses of clay, who are founded on dust? They are crushed as easily as a moth,

4:20 one day is enough to grind them to powder. They vanish for ever, and no one remembers them.

4:21 Their tent-peg is snatched from them, and they die for lack of wisdom.’


JB JOB Chapter 5


5:1 Make your appeal then. Will you find an answer? To which of the Holy Ones will you turn?

5:2 Resentment kills the senseless, and anger brings death to the fool.

5:3 I myself have seen how such a one took root, until a swift curse fell on his House.

5:4 His sons at a single blow lose their prop and stay, ruined at the gate[*a] with no one to defend them;

5:5 their harvest goes to feed the hungry, God snatches it from their mouths, and thirsty men hanker after their goods.

5:6 Grief does not grow out of the earth, nor sorrow spring from the ground.

5:7 It is man who breeds trouble for himself as surely as eagles fly to the height.

5:8 If I were as you are, I should appeal to God, and lay my case before him.

5:9 His works are great, past all reckoning, marvels, beyond all counting.

5:10 He sends down rain to the earth, pours down water on the field.

5:11 If his will is to rescue the downcast, or raise the afflicted to the heights of joy,

5:12 he wrecks the plans of the artful, and brings to naught their intrigues.

5:13 He traps the crafty in the snare of their own shrewdness, turns subtle counsellors to idiots.

5:14 In daylight they come against darkness, and grope their way as if noon were night.

5:15 He rescues the bankrupt from their jaws, and the poor man from the hands of the violent.

5:16 Thus the wretched can hope again and wickedness must shut its mouth.

5:17 Happy indeed the man whom God corrects! Then do not refuse this lesson from Shaddai.[*b]

5:18 For he who wounds is he who soothes the sore, and the hand that hurts is the hand that heals.

5:19 Six times he will deliver you from sorrow, and the seventh, evil shall not touch you.

5:20 In time of famine, he will save you from death, and in wartime from the stroke of the sword.

5:21 You shall be safe from the lash of the tongue, and see the approach of the brigand without fear.

5:22 You shall laugh at drought and frost, and have no fear of the beasts of the earth.

5:23 You shall have a pact with the stones of the field, and live in amity with wild beasts.

5:24 You shall find your tent secure, and your sheepfold untouched when you come.

5:25 You shall see your descendants multiply, your offspring grow like the grass in the fields.

5:26 In ripe age you shall go to the grave, like a wheatsheaf stacked in due season.

5:27 All this, we have observed: it is true. Heed it, and do so to your profit.


JB JOB Chapter 6


Only the sufferer knows his own grief

6:1 Job spoke next. He said:

6:2 If only my misery could be weighed, and all my ills be put on the scales!

6:3 But they outweigh the sands of the seas: what wonder then if my words are wild?

6:4 The arrows of Shaddai stick fast in me, my spirit absorbs their poison, God’s terrors stand against me in array.

6:5 Does a wild donkey bray when it finds soft grass, or an ox ever low when its fodder is in reach?

6:6 Can tasteless food be taken without salt, or is there flavour in the white of an egg?

6:7 The very dishes which I cannot stomach, these are my diet in my sickness.

6:8 Oh may my prayer find fulfilment, may God grant me my hope!

6:9 May it please God to crush me, to give his hand free play and do away with me!

6:10 This thought, at least, would give me comfort (a thrill of joy in unrelenting pain), that I had not denied the Holy One’s decrees.

6:11 But have I the strength to go on waiting? What use is life to me, when doomed to certain death?

6:12 Is mine the strength of stone, or is my flesh bronze?

6:13 Can any power be found within myself, has not all help deserted me?

6:14 Grudge pity to a neighbour, and you forsake the fear of Shaddai.

6:15 My brothers have been fickle as a torrent, as the course of a seasonal stream.

6:16 Ice is the food of their dark waters, they swell with the thawing of the snow;

6:17 but in the hot season they dry up, with summer’s heat they vanish.

6:18 Caravans leave the trail to find them, go deep into desert, and are lost.

6:19 The caravans of Tema look to them, and on them Sheba’s convoys build their hopes.

6:20 Their trust proves vain, they reach them only to be thwarted.

6:21 So, at this time, do you behave to me: one sight of me, and then you flee in fright.

6:22 Have I said to you, ‘Give me this or that, bribe someone for me at your own cost,

6:23 snatch me from the clutches of an enemy, or ransom me from a tyrant’s hand’?

6:24 Put me right, and I will say no more; show me where I have been at fault.

6:25 Fair comment can be borne without resentment, but what is the basis for your strictures?

6:26 Do you think mere words deserve censure, desperate speech that the wind blows away?

6:27 Soon you will be casting lots for an orphan, and selling your friend at bargain prices!

6:28 Come, I beg you, look at me: as man to man, I will not lie.

6:29 Relent, and grant me justice; relent, my case is not yet tried.

6:30 Is falsehood to be found on my lips? Cannot my palate tell the taste of misfortune?


JB JOB Chapter 7


7:1 Is not man’s life on earth nothing more than pressed service, his time no better than hired drudgery?

7:2 Like the slave, sighing for the shade, or the workman with no thought but his wages,

7:3 months of delusion I have assigned to me, nothing for my own but nights of grief.

7:4 Lying in bed I wonder, ‘When will it be day?’ Risen I think, ‘How slowly evening comes!’ Restlessly I fret till twilight falls.

7:5 Vermin cover my flesh, and loathsome scabs; my skin is cracked and oozes pus.

7:6 Swifter than a weaver’s shuttle my days have passed, and vanished, leaving no hope behind.

7:7 Remember that my life is but a breath, and that my eyes will never again see joy.

7:8 The eye that once saw me will look on me no more, your eyes will turn my way, and I shall not be there.

7:9 As a cloud dissolves and is gone, so he who goes down to Sheol never ascends again.

7:10 He never comes home again, and his house knows him no more.

7:11 No wonder then if I cannot keep silence; in the anguish of my spirit I must speak, lament in the bitterness of my soul.

7:12 Am I the Sea, or the Wild Sea Beast,[*a] that you should keep me under watch and guard?

7:13 If I say, ‘My bed will comfort me, my couch will soothe my pain’,

7:14 you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions.

7:15 Strangling I would welcome rather, and death itself, than these my sufferings.

7:16 I waste away, my life is not unending; leave me then, for my days are but a breath.

7:17 What is man that you should make so much of him, subjecting him to your scrutiny,

7:18 that morning after morning you should examine him and at every instant test him?

7:19 Will you never take your eyes off me long enough for me to swallow my spittle?

7:20 Suppose I have sinned, what have I done to you, you tireless watcher of mankind? Why do you choose me as your target? Why should I be a burden to you?

7:21 Can you not tolerate my sin, nor overlook my fault? It will not be long before I lie in earth; then you will look for me, but I shall be no more.


JB JOB Chapter 8


The unswerving course of God’s justice

8:1 Bildad of Shuah spoke next. He said:

8:2 Is there no end to these words of yours, to your long-winded blustering?

8:3 Can God deflect the course of right or Shaddai falsify justice?

8:4 If your sons sinned against him, they have paid for their sins;

8:6a so you too, if so pure and honest,

8:5 must now seek God, plead with Shaddai.

8:6b Without delay he will restore his favour to you, will see that the good man’s house is rebuilt.

8:7 Your former state will seem to you as nothing beside your new prosperity.

8:8 Question the generation that has passed, meditate on the experience of its fathers.

8:9 We sons of yesterday know nothing; our life on earth passes like a shadow.

8:10 But they will teach you, they will tell you, and these are the words they will speak from the heart,

8:11 ‘Does papyrus flourish, except in marshes? Without water, can the rushes grow?

8:12 Pluck them even at their freshest: fastest of all plants they wither.

8:13 Such is the fate of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless man.

8:14 His trust is only a thread, his assurance a spider’s web.

8:15 Let him lean on his house; it will not stand firm; cling to it, it will not hold.

8:16 Like some lush plant in the sunlight, he sprouted his early shoots over the garden;

8:17 but his roots were twined in a heap of stones, he drew his life among the rocks.

8:18 Snatch him from his bed, and it denies it ever saw him.

8:19 Now he rots on the roadside, and from that soil spring others.

8:20 Believe me, God neither spurns a stainless man, nor lends his aid to the evil.

8:21 Once again your cheeks will fill with laughter, from your lips will break a cry of joy.

8:22 Your enemies shall be covered with shame, and the tent of the wicked folk shall vanish.’


JB JOB Chapter 9


God’s justice is above all law

9:1 Job spoke next. He said:

9:2 Indeed, I know it is as you say: how can man be in the right against God?

9:3 If any were so rash as to challenge him for reasons, one in a thousand would be more than they could answer.

9:4 His heart is wise, and his strength is great: who then can successfully defy him?

9:5 He moves the mountains, though they do not know it; he throws them down when he is angry.

9:6 He shakes the earth, and moves it from its place, making all its pillars tremble.

9:7 The sun, at his command, forbears to rise, and on the stars he sets a seal.

9:8 He and no other stretched out the skies, and trampled the Sea’s tall waves.

9:9 The Bear, Orion too, are of his making, the Pleiades and the Mansions of the South.

9:10 His works are great, beyond all reckoning, his marvels, past all counting.

9:11 Were he to pass me, I should not see him, nor detect his stealthy movement.

9:12 Were he to snatch a prize, who could prevent him, or dare to say, ‘What are you doing?’

9:13 God never goes back on his anger, Rahab’s minions still lie at his feet.[*a]

9:14 How dare I plead my cause, then, or choose arguments against him?

9:15 Suppose I am in the right, what use is my defence? For he whom I must sue is judge as well.

9:16 If he deigned to answer my citation, could I be sure that he would listen to my voice?

9:17 He, who for one hair crushes me, who, for no reason, wounds and wounds again,

9:18 leaving me not a moment to draw breath, with so much bitterness he fills me.

9:19 Shall I try force? Look how strong he is! Or go to court? But who will summon him?

9:20 Though I think myself right, his mouth may condemn me; though I count myself innocent, it may declare me a hypocrite.

9:21 But am I innocent after all? Not even I know that, and, as for my life, I find it hateful.

9:22 It is all one, and this I dare to say: innocent and guilty, he destroys all alike.

9:23 When a sudden deadly scourge descends, he laughs at the plight of the innocent.

9:24 When a country falls into a tyrant’s hand, it is he who blindfolds the judges. Or if not he, who else?

9:25 My days run hurrying by, seeing no happiness in their flight,

9:26 skimming along like a reed canoe, or the flight of an eagle after its prey.

9:27 If I resolve to stifle my moans, change countenance, and wear a smiling face,

9:28 fear comes over me, at the thought of all I suffer, for such, I know, is not your treatment of the innocent.

9:29 And if I am guilty, why should I put myself to useless trouble?

9:30 No use to wash myself with snow, or bleach my hands pure white;

9:31 for you will plunge me in dung until my very clothes recoil from me.

9:32 Yes, I am man, and he is not; and so no argument, no suit between the two of us is possible.

9:33 There is no arbiter between us, to lay his hand on both,

9:34 to stay his rod from me, or keep away his daunting terrors.

9:35 Nonetheless, I shall speak, not fearing him: I do not see myself like that at all.


JB JOB Chapter 10


10:1 Since I have lost all taste for life, I will give free rein to my complaints; I shall let my embittered soul speak out.

10:2 I shall say to God, ‘Do not condemn me, but tell me the reason for your assault.

10:3 Is it right for you to injure me, cheapening the work of your own hands and abetting the schemes of the wicked?

10:4 Have you got human eyes, do you see as mankind sees?

10:5 Is your life mortal like man’s, do your years pass as men’s days pass?

10:6 You, who inquire into my fault, and investigate my sins,

10:7 you know very well that I am innocent, and that no one can rescue me from your hand.

10:8 Your own hands shaped me, modelled me; and would you now have second thoughts and destroy me?

10:9 You modelled me remember, as clay is modelled, and would you reduce me now to dust?

10:10 Did you not pour me out like milk, and curdle me then like cheese;[*a]

10:11 clothe me with skin and flesh, and weave me of bone and sinew?

10:12 And then you endowed me with life, watched each breath of mine with tender care.

10:13 Yet, after all, you were dissembling; biding your time, I know,

10:14 to mark if I should sin and to let no fault of mine go uncensured.

10:15 Woe to me, if I am guilty if I am innocent, I dare not lift my head, so wholly abject, so drunk with pain am I.

10:16 And if I make a stand, like a lion you hunt me down, adding to the tale of your triumphs.

10:17 You attack, and attack me again, with stroke on stroke of your fury, relentlessly your fresh troops assail me.

10:18 ‘Why did you bring me out of the womb? I should have perished then, unseen by any eye,

10:19 a being that had never been, to be carried from womb to grave.

10:20 The days of my life are few enough: turn your eyes away, leave me a little joy,

10:21 before I go to the place of no return, the land of murk and deep shadow,

10:22 where dimness and disorder hold sway, and light itself is like the dead of night.’


JB JOB Chapter 11


Job must acknowledge God’s wisdom

11:1 Zophar of Naamath spoke next. He said:

11:2 Is babbling to go without an answer? Is wordiness in man a proof of right?

11:3 Do you think your talking strikes men dumb, will you jeer with no one to refute you?

11:4 These were your words, ‘My way of life is faultless, and all your eyes I am free from blame’.

11:5 But if God had a mind to speak, to open his lips and give you answer,

11:6 were he to show you the secrets of wisdom which put all cleverness to shame – you would know it is for sin he calls you to account.

11:7 Can you claim to grasp the mystery of God, to understand the perfection of Shaddai?

11:8 It is higher than the heavens: what can you do? It is deeper than Sheol: what can you know?

11:9 Its length is longer than the earth, its breadth is broader than the sea.

11:10 If he passes, who can stop him, or make him yield once he has seized?

11:11 For he detects the worthlessness in man, he sees iniquity and marks it well.

11:12 And so the idiot grows wise, thus a young wild donkey grows tame.

11:13 Come, you must set your heart right, stretch out your hands to him.

11:14 Renounce the iniquity that stains your hands, let no injustice live within your tents.

11:15 Then you may face the world in innocence, unwavering and free from fear.

11:16 You will forget your sufferings, remember them as waters that have passed away.

11:17 Your life, more radiant than the noonday, will make a dawn of darkness.

11:18 Full of hope, you will live secure, dwelling well and safely guarded.

11:19 No one will dare disturb you, and many a man will seek your favour.

11:20 But the wicked will look round with weary eyes, and finding no escape, the only hope they have is life’s last breath.


JB JOB Chapter 12


God’s wisdom is best seen in the dreadful works of his omnipotence

12:1 Job spoke next. He said:

12:2 Doubtless, you are the voice of the people, and when you die, wisdom will die with you!

12:3 I can reflect as deeply as ever you can, I am no way inferior to you. And who, for that matter, has not observed as much?

12:4 A man becomes a laughing-stock to his friends if he cries to God and expects an answer. The blameless innocent incurs only mockery.

12:5 ‘Add insult to injury,’ think the prosperous ‘strike the man now that he is staggering!’

12:6 And yet, the tents of brigands are left in peace, and those who challenge God live in safety, and make a god of their two fists!

12:7 If you would learn more, ask the cattle, seek information from the birds of the air.

12:8 The creeping things of earth will give you lessons, and the fishes of the sea will tell you all.

12:9 There is not one such creature but will know this state of things is all of God’s own making.

12:10 He holds in his power the soul of every living thing, and the breath of each man’s body.

12:11 The ear is a judge of speeches, is it not, just as the palate can tell one food from another?

12:12 Wisdom is found in the old, and discretion comes with great age.

12:13 But in him there is wisdom, and power too, and decision no less than discretion.

12:14 What he destroys, none can rebuild; whom he imprisons, none can release.

12:15 Is there a drought? He has checked the waters. Do these play havoc with the earth? He has let them loose

12:16 In him is strength, in him resourcefulness, beguiler and beguiled alike are both his slaves

12:17 He robs the country’s counsellors of their wits, turns judges into fools.

12:18 His hands untie the belt of kings, and bind a rope around their loins.

12:19 He makes priests walk barefoot, and overthrows the powers that are established.

12:20 He strikes the cleverest speakers dumb, and robs old men of their discretion.

12:21 He pours contempt on the nobly born, and unties the girdle of the strong

12:22 He robs the depths of their darkness, brings deep shadow to the light.

12:23 He builds a nation up, then strikes it down, or makes a people grow, and then destroys it.

12:24 He strips a country’s leaders of their judgement, and leaves them to wander in a trackless waste,

12:25 to grope about in unlit darkness, and totter like a man in liquor.


JB JOB Chapter 13


13:1 I have seen all this with my own eyes, heard with my own ears, and understood.

13:2 Whatever you know, I know too; I am no way inferior to you.

13:3 But my words are intended for Shaddai; I mean to remonstrate with God.

13:4 As for you, you are only charlatans, physicians in your own estimation.

13:5 I wish someone would teach you to be quiet – the only wisdom that becomes you!

13:6 Kindly listen to my accusation, pay attention to the pleading of my lips.

13:7 Will you plead God’s defence with prevarication, his case in terms that ring false?

13:8 Will you be partial in his favour, and act as his advocates?

13:9 For you to meet his scrutiny, would this be well? Can he be duped as men are duped?

13:10 Harsh rebuke you would receive from him for your covert partiality.

13:11 Does his majesty not affright you, dread of him not fall on you?

13:12 Your old maxims are proverbs of ash, your retorts, retorts of clay.

13:13 Silence! Now I will do the talking, whatever may befall me.

13:14 I put my flesh between my teeth, I take my life in my hands.

13:15 Let him kill me if he will; I have no other hope than to justify my conduct in his eyes.

13:16 This very boldness gives promise of my release, since no godless man would dare appear before him.

13:17 Listen carefully to my words, and lend your ears to what I have to say.

13:18 You shall see, I will proceed by due form of law, persuaded, as I am, that I am guiltless.

13:19 Who comes against me with an accusation? Let him come! I am ready to be silenced and to die.

13:20 But grant me these two favours: if not, I shall not dare to confront you.

13:21 Take your hand away, which lies so heavy on me, no longer make me cower from your terror.

13:22 Then arraign me, and I will reply; or rather, I will speak and you shall answer me.

13:23 How many faults and crimes have I committed? What law have I transgressed, or in what have I offended?

13:24 Why do you hide your face and look on me as your enemy?

13:25 Will you intimidate a wind-blown leaf, will you chase the dried-up chaff;

13:26 you list bitter accusations against me, taxing me with the faults of my youth,

13:27 after putting my feet in the stocks, watching my every step, and measuring my footprints;

13:28 while my life is crumbling like rotten wood, or a moth-eaten garment.


JB JOB Chapter 14


14:1 Man, born of woman, has a short life yet has his fill of sorrow.

14:2 He blossoms, and he withers, like a flower; fleeting as a shadow, transient.

14:3 And is this what you deign to turn your gaze on, him that you would bring before you to be judged?

14:4 Who can bring the clean out of the unclean? No man alive!

14:5 Since man’s days are measured out, since his tale of months depends on you, since you assign him bounds he cannot pass,

14:6 turn your eyes from him, leave him alone, like a hired drudge, to finish his day.

14:7 There is always hope for a tree: when felled, it can start its life again; its shoots continue to sprout.

14:8 Its roots may be decayed in the earth, its stump withering in the soil,

14:9 but let it scent the water, and it buds, and puts out branches like a plant new set.

14:10 But man? He dies, and lifeless he remains; man breathes his last, and then where is he?

14:11 The waters of the seas may disappear, all the rivers may run dry or drain away;

14:12 but man, once in his resting place, will never rise again. The heavens will wear away before he wakes before he rises from his sleep.

14:13 If only you would hide me in Sheol, and shelter me there until your anger is past, fixing a certain day for calling me to mind –

14:14 for once a man is dead can he come back to life? day after day of my service I would wait for my relief to come.

14:15 Then you would call, and I should answer, you would want to see the work of your hands once more.

14:16 Now you count every step I take, but then you would cease to spy on my sins;

14:17 you would seal up my crime in a bag, and whiten my fault over.

14:18 But no! Soon or late the mountain falls, the rock moves from its place,

14:19 water wears away the stones, the cloudburst erodes the soil; just so do you destroy man’s hope.

14:20 You crush him once for all, and he is gone; you mar him, and then you bid him go.

14:21 Let his sons achieve honour, he does not know of it, humiliation, he gives it not a thought.

14:22 He feels no pain for anything but his own body, makes no lament, save for his own life.


JB JOB Chapter 15




Job’s own words condemn him

15:1 Eliphaz of Teman spoke next. He said:

15:2 Does a wise man answer with airy reasonings, or feed himself on an east wind?

15:3 Does he defend himself with empty talk and ineffectual wordiness?

15:4 You do worse: you flout piety, you repudiate meditation in God’s presence.

15:5 A guilty conscience prompts your words, you adopt the language of the cunning.

15:6 Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; your own lips bear witness against you.

15:7 Are you the first-born of the human race, brought into the world before the hills?

15:8 Have you been a listener at God’s council, or established a monopoly of wisdom?

15:9 What knowledge have you that we have not, what understanding that is not ours too?

15:10 A grey-haired man, and an ancient, are of our number; these have seen more summers than your father.

15:11 Do you scorn the comfort that God gives, and the moderation we have used in speaking?

15:12 See how passion carries you away! How evil you look,

15:13 when you thus loose your anger on God and utter speeches such as these!

15:14 How can any man be clean? Born of woman, can he ever be good?

15:15 In his own Holy Ones God puts no trust, and the heavens themselves are not, in his eyes, clean.

15:16 Then how much less this hateful, corrupt thing, mankind, that drinks iniquity like water!

15:17 Listen to me, I have a lesson for you: I will tell you of my own experience,

15:18 and of the teaching of the sages, those faithful guardians of the tradition of their fathers,

15:19 to whom alone the land was given, with never a foreigner to mix with them.

15:20 The life of the wicked is unceasing torment, the years allotted to the tyrant are numbered.

15:21 The danger signal ever echoes in his ear, in the midst of peace the marauder swoops on him.

15:22 He has no hope of fleeing from the darkness, but knows that he is destined for the sword,

15:23 marked down as meat for the vulture. He knows that his ruin is at hand.

15:24 The hour of darkness makes him terrified; distress and anguish close in on him, as though some king were mounting an attack.

15:25 He raised his hand against God, he ventured to defy Shaddai.

15:26 Blindly he bore down on him from behind his massive shield.

15:27 His face had grown full and fat, and his thighs too heavy with flesh.

15:28 He had taken possession of ruined towns and made his dwelling in deserted houses.

15:29 But all his careful building will go once more to ruin; not for him increase of wealth, his riches will not last, no longer will he cast his shadow over the land.

15:30 A flame will wither up his tender buds; the wind will carry off his blossom.

15:31 But he should not trust in his great stature, if he would not trust in vain.

15:32 His boughs will wither before their time, and his branches never again be green.

15:33 Like a vine he will let his unripe clusters fall, like an olive shed his blossom.

15:34 Ah yes, the sinner’s brood is barren, and fire consumes the tents of the venal.

15:35 Conceive mischief, and you breed disaster, and carry in yourself deceitfulness.’


JB JOB Chapter 16


The injustice of man and the justice of God

16:1 Job spoke next. He said:

16:2 How often have I heard all this before! What sorry comforters you are!

16:3 Is there never to be an end of airy words? What a plague your need to have the last word is!

16:4 I too could talk like you, were your soul in the plight of mine. I too could overwhelm you with sermons, I could shake my head over you,

16:5 and speak words of encouragement, until my lips grew tired.

16:6 But, while I am speaking, my suffering remains; and when I am not, do I suffer any the less?

16:7 And now ill-will drives me to distraction,

16:8 and a whole host molests me, rising, like some witness for the prosecution, to utter slander to my very face.

16:9 In tearing fury it pursues me, with gnashing teeth. My enemies whet their eyes on me,

16:10 and open gaping jaws. Their insults strike like slaps in the face, and all set on me together.

16:11 Yes, God has handed me over to the godless, and cast me into the hands of the wicked.

16:12 I lived at peace, until he shattered me, taking me by the neck to dash me to pieces. He has made me a target for his archery,

16:13 shooting his arrows at me from every side. Pitiless, through the loins he pierces me, and scatters my gall on the ground.

16:14 Breach after breach he drives through me, bearing down on me like a warrior.

16:15 I have sewn sackcloth over my skin and rubbed my brow in the dust.

16:16 My face is red with tears, and a veil of shadow hangs on my eyelids.

16:17 This notwithstanding, my hands are free of violence,

16:18 and my prayer is undefiled. Cover not my blood, O earth,[*a] afford my cry no place to rest.

16:19 Henceforth I have a witness in heaven, my defender is there in the height.

16:20 My own lament is my advocate with God, while my tears flow before him.

16:21 Let this plead for me as I stand before God, as a man will plead for his fellows.

16:22 For the years of my life are numbered, and I shall soon take the road of no return.


JB JOB Chapter 17


17:1 My breath grows weak, and the gravediggers are gathering for me.

17:2 I am the butt of mockers, and all my waking hours I brood on their spitefulness.

17:3 You yourself must take my own guarantee, since no one cares to clap his hand on mine.[*a]

17:4 For you have shut their hearts to reason, and not a hand is lifted.

17:5 Like a man who invites his friends to share his property while the eyes of his own sons languish,

17:6 I have become a byword among the people, and a creature on whose face to spit.

17:7 My eyes grow dim with grief, and my limbs wear away like a shadow.

17:8 At this, honest men are shocked,[*b] and the guiltless man rails against the godless;

17:9 just men grow more settled in their ways, those whose hands are clean add strength to strength.

17:10 Come, then, all of you: set on me once more! I shall not find a single sage among you.

17:11 My days have passed, far otherwise than I had planned, and every fibre of my heart is broken.

17:12 Night, they say, makes room for day, and light is near at hand to chase the darkness.

17:13 All I look forward to is dwelling in Sheol, and making my bed in the dark.

17:14 I tell the tomb, ‘You are my father’, and call the worm my mother and my sister.

17:15 Where then is my hope? Who can see any happiness for me?

17:16 Will these come down with me to Sheol, or sink with me into the dust?


JB JOB Chapter 18


Anger is powerless against the course of justice

18:1 Bildad of Shuah spoke next. He said:

18:2 Will you never learn to check such words? Do you think we shall be slow to speak?

18:3 Why do you regard us as beasts, look on us as dumb animals?

18:4 Tear yourself to pieces if you will, but the world, for all your rage, will not turn to desert, the rocks will not shift from their places.

18:5 The wicked man’s light must certainly be put out, his brilliant flame cease to shine.

18:6 In his tent the light is dimmed, the lamp that shone on him is snuffed.

18:7 His vigorous stride grows cramped, his own cunning brings him down.

18:8 For into the net his own feet carry him, he walks among the snares.

18:9 A spring grips him by the heel, a trap snaps shut, and he is caught.

18:10 Hidden in the earth is a noose to snare him, pitfalls lie across his path.

18:11 Terrors attack him on every side, and follow behind him step for step.

18:12 Hunger becomes his companion, by his side Disaster stands.

18:13 Disease devours his flesh, Death’s First-Born[*a] gnaws his limbs.

18:14 He is torn from the shelter of his tent, and dragged before the King of Terrors.

18:15 The Lilith[*b] makes her home under his roof, while people scatter brimstone on his holding.

18:16 His roots grow withered below, and his branches are blasted above.

18:17 His memory fades from the land, his name is forgotten in his homeland.

18:18 Driven from light into darkness, he is an exile from the earth,

18:19 without issue or posterity among his own people, none to live on where he has lived.

18:20 His tragic end appals the West, and fills the East with terror.

18:21 A fate like his awaits every sinful house, the home of every man who knows not God.


JB JOB Chapter 19


Faith at its height in desertion by God and man

19:1 Job spoke next. He said:

19:2 Will you never stop tormenting me, and shattering me with speeches?

19:3 Ten times, no less, you have insulted me, ill-treating me without a trace of shame.

19:4 Suppose that I have gone astray, suppose I am even yet in error:

19:5 it is still true, though you think you have the upper hand of me and feel that you have proved my guilt,

19:6 that God, you must know, is my oppressor, and his is the net that closes round me.

19:7 If I protest against such violence, there is no reply; if I appeal against it, judgement is never given.

19:8 He has built a wall across my path which I cannot pass, and covered my way with darkness.

19:9 He has stolen my honour away, and taken the crown from my head.

19:10 On every side he breaks through my defences, and I succumb. As a man a shrub, so he uproots my hope.

19:11 His anger flares against me, and he counts me as his enemy.

19:12 His troops have come in force, they have mounted their attack against me, laid siege to my tent.

19:13 My brothers stand aloof from me, and my relations take care to avoid me.

19:14 My kindred and my friends have all gone away, and the guests in my house have forgotten me.

19:15 The serving maids look on me as a foreigner, a stranger, never seen before.

19:16 My servant does not answer when I call him, I am reduced to entreating him.

19:17 To my wife my breath is unbearable, for my own brothers I am a thing corrupt.

19:18 Even the children look down on me, ever ready with a jibe when I appear.

19:19 All my dearest friends recoil from me in horror: those I loved best have turned against me.

19:20 Beneath my skin, my flesh begins to rot, and my bones stick out like teeth.

19:21 Pity me, pity me, you, my friends, for the hand of God has struck me.

19:22 Why do you hound me down like God, will you never have enough of my flesh?

19:23 Ah, would that these words of mine were written down, inscribed on some monument

19:24 with iron chisel and engraving tool, cut into the rock for ever.

19:25 This I know: that my Avenger[*a] lives, and he, the Last, will take his stand on earth.

19:26 After my awaking, he will set me close to him, and from my flesh I shall look on God.

19:27 He whom I shall see will take my part: these eyes will gaze on him and find him not aloof. My heart within me sinks…

19:28 You, then, that mutter, ‘How shall we track him down, what pretext shall we find against him?’

19:29 may well fear the sword on your own account. There is an anger stirred to flame by evil deeds; you will learn that there is indeed a judgement.


JB JOB Chapter 20


The course of justice admits of no exception

20:1 Zophar of Naamath spoke next. He said:

20:2 To this my thoughts are eager to reply: no wonder if I am possessed by impatience.

20:3 I found these admonitions little to my taste, but my spirit whispers to me how to answer them.

20:4 Do you not know, that since time began and man was set on the earth,

20:5 the triumph of the wicked has always been brief ,and the sinner’s gladness has never lasted long?

20:6 Towering to the sky he may have been, with head touching the clouds;

20:7 but he vanishes, like a phantom, once for all, while those who saw him now ask, ‘Where is he?’

20:8 Like a dream that leaves no trace he takes his flight, like a vision in the night he flies away.

20:9 The eye that looked on him will never see him more, his house nevermore sets eyes on him.

20:10 His sons must recoup his victims, and his children pay back his riches.

20:11 With the vigour of youth his bones were filled, now it lies in the dust with him.

20:12 Evil was sweet to his mouth, he hid it beneath his tongue;

20:13 unwilling to let it go, he let it linger on his palate.

20:14 Such food goes bad in his belly, working inside him like the poison of a viper.

20:15 Now he must bring up all the wealth that he has swallowed, God makes him disgorge it.

20:16 He sucked ‘poison of vipers’: and the tongue of the adder kills him.

20:17 He will know no more of streams that run with oil, or the torrents of honey and cream.

20:18 Gone that glad face at the sight of his gains, those comfortable looks when business was thriving.

20:19 Since he once destroyed the huts of poor men, and stole other’s houses when he should have built his own,

20:20 since his avarice could never be satisfied, now his hoarding will not save him;

20:21 since there was nothing ever escaped his greed, now his prosperity will not last.

20:22 His abundance at its full, want seizes him, misery descends on him in all its force.

20:23 On him God looses all his burning wrath, hurling against his flesh a hail of arrows.

20:24 No use to run away from the iron armoury, for the bow of bronze will shoot him through.

20:25 Out through his back an arrow sticks, from his gall a shining point. An arsenal of terrors falls on him,

20:26 and all that is dark lies in ambush for him. A fire unlit by man devours him, and consumes what is left in his tent.

20:27 The heavens lay bare his iniquity, the earth takes its stand against him.

20:28 A flood sweeps his house away, and carries it off in the Day of Wrath.

20:29 Such is the fate God allots to the wicked, such his inheritance assigned by God.


JB JOB Chapter 21


Facts give the lie

21:1 Job spoke next. He said:

21:2 Listen, only listen to my words; this is the consolation you can offer me.

21:3 Let me have my say; you may jeer when I have spoken.

21:4 Do you think I bear a grudge against man? Have I no reason to be out of patience?

21:5 Hear what I have to say, and you will be dumbfounded, will place your hands over your mouths.

21:6 I myself am appalled at the very thought, and my flesh begins to shudder.

21:7 Why do the wicked still live on, their power increasing with their age?

21:8 They see their posterity ensured, and their offspring grow before their eyes.

21:9 The peace of their houses has nothing to fear, the rod that God wields is not for them.

21:10 No mishap with their bulls at breeding-time, nor miscarriage with their cows at calving.

21:11 They let their infants frisk like lambs, their children dance like deer.

21:12 They sing to the tambourine and the lyre, and rejoice to the sound of the flute.

21:13 They end their lives in happiness and go down in peace to Sheol.

21:14 Yet these were the ones who said to God, ‘Go away! We do not choose to learn your ways.

21:15 What is the point of our serving Shaddai? What profit should we get from praying to him?’

21:16 Is it not true, they held their fortune in their own two hands, and in their counsels, left no room for God?

21:17 Do we often see a wicked man’s light put out, or disaster overtaking him, or all his goods destroyed by the wrath of God?

21:18 How often do we see him harassed like a straw before the wind, or swept off like chaff before a gale?

21:19 God, you say, reserves the man’s punishment for his children. No! Let him bear the penalty himself, and suffer under it!

21:20 Let him see his ruin with his own eyes, and himself drink the anger of Shaddai.

21:21 When he has gone, how can the fortunes of his House affect him, when the number of his months is cut off?

21:22 But who can give lessons in wisdom to God, to him who is judge of those on high?

21:23 And again: one man dies in the fullness of his strength, in all possible happiness and ease,

21:24 with his thighs all heavy with fat, and the marrow of his bones undried.

21:25 Another dies with bitterness in his heart, never having tasted happiness.

21:26 Together now they lie in the dust with worms for covering.

21:27 I know well what is in your mind, the spiteful thoughts you entertain about me.

21:28 ‘What has become of the great lord’s house,’ you say ‘where is the tent where the wicked lived?’

21:29 Have you never asked those that have travelled, or have you misunderstood the tale they told,

21:30 ‘The wicked man is spared for the day of disaster, and carried off in the day of wrath’?

21:31 But who is there then to accuse him to his face for his deeds, and pay him back for what he has done,

21:32 when he is on his way to his burial, when men are watching at his grave.

21:33 The clods of the valley are laid gently on him, and a whole procession walks behind him.

21:34 So what sense is there in your empty consolation? What nonsense are your answers!


JB JOB Chapter 22




God punishes only to vindicate justice

22:1 Eliphaz of Teman spoke next. He said:

22:2 Can a man be of any use to God, when even the wise man’s wisdom is of use only to himself

22:3 Does Shaddai derive any benefit from your integrity, or profit from your blameless conduct?

22:4 Would he punish you for your piety, and hale you off to judgement?

22:5 No, rather for your manifold wickednesses, for your unending iniquities!

22:6 You have exacted needless pledges from your brothers, and men go naked now through your despoiling;

22:7 you have grudged water to the thirsty man, and refused bread to the hungry;

22:8 you have narrowed the lands of the poor man down to nothing to set your crony in his place,

22:9 sent widows away empty-handed and crushed the arms of orphans.

22:10 No wonder, then, if snares are all around you, or sudden terrors make you afraid.

22:11 Light has turned to darkness and it blinds you, and a flood of water overwhelms you.

22:12 Does not God live at the height of heaven, and see the zenith of the stars?

22:13 Because he is far above, you said, ‘What does God know? Can he peer through the shadowed darkness?’

22:14 The clouds, to him, are an impenetrable veil, and he prowls on the rim of the heavens.

22:15 And will you still follow the ancient trail trodden by the wicked?

22:16 Those men who were borne off before their time, with rivers swamping their foundations,

22:17 because they said to God, ‘Go away! What can Shaddai do to us?’

22:18 Yet he himself had filled their houses with good things, while these wicked men shut him out of their counsels.

22:19 At the sight of their ruin, good men rejoice, and the innocent deride them:

22:20 ‘See how their greatness is brought to nothing! See how their wealth has perished in the flames!’

22:21 Well then! Make peace with him, be reconciled, and all your happiness will be restored to you.

22:22 Welcome the teaching from his lips, and keep his words close to your heart.

22:23 If you return, humbled, to Shaddai and drive all injustice from your tents,

22:24 if you reckon gold as dust and Ophir as the pebbles of the torrent,

22:25 then you will find Shaddai worth bars of gold or silver piled in heaps.

22:26 Then Shaddai will be all your delight, and you will lift your face to God.

22:27 You will pray, and he will hear; you will have good reason to fulfil your vows.

22:28 Whatever you undertake will go well, and light will shine on your path;

22:29 for he that casts down the boasting of the braggart is he that saves the man of downcast eyes.

22:30 If a man is innocent, he will bring him freedom, and freedom for you if your hands are kept unstained.


JB JOB Chapter 23


God is far off, and evil is victorious

23:1 Job spoke next. He said:

23:2 My lament is still rebellious, that heavy hand of his drags groans from me.

23:3 If only I knew how to reach him, or how to travel to his dwelling!

23:4 I should set out my case to him, my mouth would not want for arguments.

23:5 Then I could learn his defence, every word of it, taking note of everything he said to me.

23:6 Would he use all his strength in this debate with me? No, he would have to give me a hearing.

23:7 He would see he was contending with an honest man, and I should surely win my case.

23:8 If I go eastward, he is not there; or westward – still I cannot see him.

23:9 If I seek him in the north, he is not to be found, invisible still when I turn to the south.

23:10 And yet he knows of every step I take! Let him test me in the crucible: I shall come out pure gold.

23:11 My footsteps have followed close in his, I have walked in his way without swerving;

23:12 I have kept every commandment of his lips, cherishing the words from his mouth in my breast.

23:13 But once he has decided, who can change his mind? Whatever he plans, he carries out.

23:14 No doubt, then, but he will carry out my sentence, like so many other decrees that he has made.

23:15 That is why I am full of fear before him, and the more I think, the greater grows my dread of him.

23:16 God has made my heart sink, Shaddai has filled me with fear.

23:17 For darkness hides me from him, and the gloom veils his presence from me.


JB JOB Chapter 24


24:1 Why has not Shaddai his own store of times, and why do his faithful never see his Days?[*a]

24:2 The wicked move boundary-marks away, they carry off flock and shepherd.

24:3 Some drive away the orphan’s donkey, and take the widow’s ox for a security.

24:4 Beggars, now, avoid the roads, and all the poor of the land must go into hiding.

24:5 Like wild donkeys in the desert, they go out, driven by the hunger of their children, to seek food on the barren steppes.

24:6 They must do the harvesting in the scoundrel’s field, they must do the picking in the vineyards of the wicked.

24:10 They go about naked, lacking clothes, and starving while they carry the sheaves.

24:11 They have no stones for pressing oil, they tread the winepresses, yet they are parched with thirst.

24:7 They spend the night naked, lacking clothes, with no covering against the cold.

24:8 Mountain rainstorms cut them through, shelterless, they hug the rocks.

24:9 Fatherless children are robbed of their lands, and poor men have their cloaks seized as security.

24:12 From the towns come the groans of the dying and the gasp of wounded men crying for help. Yet God remains deaf to their appeal!

24:13 Others of them hate the light, know nothing of its ways, avoid its paths.

24:14 When all is dark the murderer leaves his bed to kill the poor and needy. All night long prowls the thief,

24:16a breaking into houses while the darkness lasts.

24:15 The eye of the adulterer watches for twilight, ‘No one will see me’ he mutters as he masks his face.

24:16b In the daytime they go into hiding, these folk who have no love for the light.

24:17 For all of them, morning is their darkest hour, because they know its terrors.

24:25 Is this not so? Who can prove me a liar or show that my words have no substance?


JB JOB Chapter 25


A hymn to God’s omnipotence

25:1 Bildad of Shuah spoke next. He said:

25:2 What sovereignty, what awe, is his who keeps the peace in his heights!

25:3 Can anyone number his armies, or boast of having escaped his ambushes?

25:4 Could any man ever think himself innocent, when confronted by God? Born of woman, how could he ever be clean?

25:5 The very moon lacks brightness, and the stars are unclean as he sees them.

25:6 What, then, of man, maggot that he is, the son of man, a worm?


JB JOB Chapter 26


26:5 The Shades tremble beneath the earth; the waters and their denizens are afraid.

26:6 Before his eyes, Sheol is bare, Perdition[*a] itself is uncovered.

26:7 He it was who spread the North[*b] above the void, and poised the earth on nothingness.

26:8 He fastens up the waters in his clouds- the mists do not tear apart under their weight.

26:9 He covers the face of the moon at the full, his mist he spreads over it.

26:10 He has traced a ring on the surface of the waters, at the boundary between light and dark.

26:11 The pillars of the heavens tremble, they are struck with wonder when he threatens them.

26:12 With his power he calmed the Sea, with his wisdom struck Rahab down.

26:13 His breath made the heavens luminous, his hand transfixed the Fleeing Serpent.

26:14 All this but skirts the ways he treads, a whispered echo is all that we hear of him. But who could comprehend the thunder of his power?


Bildad’s words are empty

26:1 Job spoke next. He said:

26:2 To one so weak, what a help you are, for the arm that is powerless, what a rescuer!

26:3 What excellent advice you give the unlearned, never at a loss for a helpful suggestion!

26:4 But who are they aimed at, these speeches of yours, and what spirit is this that comes out of you?


JB JOB Chapter 27


Job reaffirms his innocence while acknowledging God’s power

27:1 And Job continued his solemn discourse. He said:

27:2 I swear by the living God who denies me justice, by Shaddai who has turned my life sour,

27:3 that as long as a shred of life is left in me, and the breath of God breathes in my nostrils,

27:4 my lips shall never speak untruth, nor any lie be found on my tongue.

27:5 Far from ever admitting you to be in the right: I will maintain my innocence to my dying day.

27:6 I take my stand on my integrity, I will not stir: my conscience gives me no cause to blush for my life.

27:7 May my enemy meet a criminal’s end, and my opponent suffer with the guilty.

27:8 For what hope, after all, has the godless when he prays, and raises his soul to God?

27:9 Is God likely to hear his cries when disaster descends on him?

27:10 Did he make Shaddai all his delight, calling on him at every turn?

27:11 No: I am showing you how God’s power works, making no secret of Shaddai’s designs.

27:12 And if you all had understood them for yourselves, you would not have wasted your breath in empty words.


The speech of Zophar: the accursed

27:13 Here is the fate that God has in store for the wicked, and the inheritance with which Shaddai endows the man of violence.

27:14 A sword awaits his sons, however many they may be, and their children after them will go unfed.

27:15 Plague will bury those he leaves behind him, and their widows will have no chance to mourn them.

27:16 He may collect silver like dust, and gather fine clothes like clay.

27:17 Let him gather! Some good man will wear them, while his silver is shared among the innocent.

27:18 He has built himself a spider’s web, made himself a watchman’s shack.

27:19 He goes to bed a rich man, but never again: he wakes to find not a penny left.

27:20 Terrors attack him in broad daylight, and at night a whirlwind sweeps him off.

27:21 An east wind picks him up and drags him away, snatching him up from his homestead.

27:22 Pitilessly he is turned into a target, and forced to flee from the hands that menace him.

27:23 His downfall is greeted with applause, and hissing meets him on every side.

27:24:18acb Headlong he flees from the daylight, he shrinks from the road which runs on the heights. The lands of his home are under a curse,

27:24:19 for heat and drought dry up the waters and scorch what is left of his corn.

27:24:20 The womb that shaped him forgets him and his name is recalled no longer.

27:24:21 Thus wickedness is blasted as a tree is struck. He used to be harsh to the barren, childless woman, and show no kindness to the widow.

27:24:22 But he who lays mighty hold on tyrants rises up to take away that life which seemed secure.

27:24:23 He let him build his hopes on false security, but kept his eyes on every step he took.

27:24:24 The man had his time of glory, now he vanishes, drooping like a mallow plucked from its bed, and withering like an ear of corn.


JB JOB Chapter 28




Wisdom is beyond man’s reach

28:1 Silver has its mines, and gold a place for refining.

28:2 Iron is extracted from the earth, the smelted rocks yield copper.

28:3 Man makes an end of darkness when he pierces to the uttermost depths the black and lightless rock.

28:4 Mines the lamp-folk dig in places where there is no foothold, and hang suspended far from mankind.

28:5 That earth from which bread comes is ravaged underground by fire.

28:6 Down there, the rocks are set with sapphires, full of spangles of gold.

28:7 Down there is a path unknown to birds of prey, unseen by the eye of any vulture;

28:8 a path not trodden by tile lordly beasts, where no lion ever walked.

28:9 Man attacks its flinty sides, upturning mountains by their roots,

28:10 driving tunnels through the rocks, on the watch for anything precious.

28:11 He explores the sources of rivers,[*a] and brings to daylight secrets that were hidden.

28:12 But tell me, where does wisdom come from? Where is understanding to be found?

28:13 The road to it is still unknown to man, not to be found in the land of the living.

28:14 ‘It is not in me’ says the Abyss; ‘Nor here’ replies the Sea.

28:15 It cannot be bought with solid gold, not paid for with any weight of silver,

28:16 nor be priced by the standard of the gold of Ophir, or of precious onyx or sapphire.

28:17 No gold, no glass can match it in value, nor for a fine gold vase can it be bartered.

28:18 Nor is there need to mention coral, nor crystal; beside wisdom pearls are not worth the fishing.

28:19 Topaz from Cush is worthless in comparison, and gold, even refined, is valueless.

28:20 But tell me, where does wisdom come from? Where is understanding to be found?

28:21 It is outside the knowledge of every living thing, hidden from the birds in the sky.

28:22 Perdition and Death can only say, ‘We have heard reports of it’.

28:23 God alone has traced its path and found out where it lives.

28:24 (For he sees to the ends of the earth, and observes all that lies under heaven.)

28:25 When he willed to give weight to the wind and measured out the waters with a gauge,

28:26 when he made the laws and rules for the rain and mapped a route for thunderclaps to follow,

28:27 then he had it in sight, and cast its worth, assessed it, fathomed it.

28:28 And he said to man, ‘Wisdom? It is fear of the Lord. Understanding? – avoidance of evil.’


JB JOB Chapter 29




Job’s lament and final defence


  1. His former happiness

29:1 And Job continued his solemn discourse. He said:

29:2 Who will bring back to me the months that have gone, and the days when God was my guardian,

29:3 when his lamp shone over my head, and his light was my guide in the darkness?

29:4 Shall I ever see my autumn days again when God hedged round my tent;

29:5 when Shaddai dwelt with me, and my children were around me;

29:6 when my feet were plunged in cream, and streams of oil poured from the rocks?

29:7 When I went out to the gate of the city, when I took my seat in the square,

29:8 as soon as I appeared, the young men stepped aside, while the older men rose to their feet.

29:9 Men of note interrupted their speeches, and put their fingers on their lips;

29:10 the voices of rulers were silenced, and their tongues stayed still in their mouths.

29:21 They waited anxiously to hear me, and listened in silence to what I had to say.

29:22 When I paused, there was no rejoinder, and my words dropped on them, one by one.

29:23 They waited for me, as men wait for rain, open-mouthed, as if to catch the year’s last showers.

29:24 If I smiled at them, it was too good to be true, they watched my face for the least sign of favour.

29:25 In a lordly style, I told them which course to take, and like a king amid his armies, I led them where I chose.

29:11 My praises echoed in every ear, and never an eye but smiled on me;

29:12 because I freed the poor man when he called, and the orphan who had no one to help him.

29:13 When men were dying, I it was who had their blessing; if widows’ hearts rejoiced, that was my doing.

29:14 I had dressed myself in righteousness like a garment; justice, for me, was cloak and turban.

29:15 I was eyes for the blind, and feet for the lame.

29:16 Who but I was father of the poor?

29:17 The stranger’s case had a hearing from me. I used to break the fangs of wicked men, and snatch their prey from between their jaws.

29:18 So I thought to myself, ‘I shall die in honour, my days like a palm tree’s for number.

29:19 My roots thrust out to the water, my leaves freshened by the falling dew at night.

29:20 My reputation will never fade, and the bow in my hands will gain new strength.’


JB JOB Chapter 30


  1. His present misery

30:1 And now I am the laughing-stock of my juniors, the young people, whose fathers I did not consider fit to put with the dogs that looked after my flock.

30:2 The strength of their hands would have been useless to me, enfeebled as they were, worn out by want and hunger.

30:3 They used to gnaw the roots, of desert plants, and brambles from abandoned ruins;

30:4 and plucked mallow, and brushwood leaves, making their meals off roots of broom.

30:5 Outlawed from the society of men, who, as against thieves, raised hue and cry against them,

30:6 they made their dwellings on ravines’ steep sides, in caves or clefts in the rock.

30:7 You could hear them wailing from the bushes, as they huddled together in the thistles.

30:8 Their children are as worthless a brood as they were, nameless people, outcasts of society.

30:9 And these are the ones that now sing ballads about me, and make me the talk of the town!

30:10 To them I am loathsome, they stand aloof from me, do not scruple to spit in my face.

30:11 Because he has unbent my bow and chastened me they cast the bridle from their mouth.

30:12 That brood of theirs rises to right of me, stones are their weapons, and they take threatening strides towards me.

30:13 They have cut me off from all escape, there is no one to check their attack.

30:14 They move in, as though through a wide breach, and I am crushed beneath the rubble.

30:15 Terrors turn to meet me, my confidence is blown away as if by the wind; my hope of safety passes like a cloud.

30:16 And now the life in me trickles away, days of grief have gripped me.

30:17 At night-time, sickness saps my bones, I am gnawed by wounds that never sleep.

30:18 With immense power it has caught me by the clothes, clutching at the collar of my coat.

30:19 It has thrown me into the mud where I am no better than dust and ashes.

30:20 I cry to you, and you give me no answer; I stand before you, but you take no notice.

30:21 You have grown cruel in your dealings with me, your hand lies on me, heavy and hostile.

30:22 You carry me up to ride the wind, tossing me about in a tempest.

30:23 I know it is to death that you are taking me, the common meeting place of all that lives.

30:24 Yet have I ever laid a hand on the poor when they cried out for justice in calamity?

30:25 Have I not wept for all whose life is hard, felt pity for the penniless?

30:26 I hoped for happiness, but sorrow came; I looked for light, but there was darkness.

30:27 My stomach seethes, is never still, for every day brings further suffering.

30:28 Sombre I go, yet no one comforts me, and if I rise in the council, I rise to weep.

30:29 I have become the jackal’s brother and the ostrich’s companion

30:30 My skin has turned black on me, my bones are burnt with fever.

30:31 My harp is tuned to funeral wails, my flute to the voice of mourners.


JB JOB Chapter 31


Job’s apologia[*a]

31:1 I made a pact with my eyes, not to linger on any virgin.

31:2 Now, what shares does God deal out on high, what lots does Shaddai assign from heaven,

31:3 If not disaster for the wicked, and calamities for the iniquitous?

31:4 But surely he sees how I behave, does he not count all my steps?

31:5 Have I been a fellow traveller with falsehood, or hastened my steps towards deceit?

31:6 If he weighs me on honest scales, being God, he cannot fail to see my innocence.

31:7 If my feet have wandered from the rightful path, or if my eyes have led my heart astray, or if my hands are smirched with any stain,

31:8 let another eat what I have sown, and let my young shoots all be rooted out.

31:9 If I ever lost my heart to any woman, or lurked at my neighbour’s door,

31:10 let my wife grind corn that is not mine, let her sleep between others’ sheets.

31:11 For I should have committed a sin of lust, a crime punishable by the law,

31:12 and should have lit a fire burning till Perdition, which would have devoured all my harvesting.

31:13 If ever I have infringed the rights of slave or maidservant in legal actions against me –

31:14 what shall I do, when God stands up? What shall I say, when he holds his assize?

31:15 They, no less than I, were created in the womb by the one same God who shaped us all within our mothers.

31:38 If my land calls down vengeance on my head and every furrow runs with tears,

31:39 if without payment I have eaten fruit grown on it or given those who toiled there cause to groan,

31:40a let brambles grow where once was wheat, and foul weeds where barley thrived.

31:16 Have I been insensible to poor men’s needs, or let a widow’s eyes grow dim?

31:17 Or taken my share of bread alone, not giving a share to the orphan?

31:18 I, whom God has fostered father-like, from childhood, and guided since I left my mother’s womb.

31:19 Have I ever seen a wretch in need of clothing, or a beggar going naked,

31:20 without his having cause to bless me from his heart, as he felt the warmth of the fleece from my lambs?

31:21 Have I raised my hand against the guiltless, presuming on my credit at the gate?

31:22 If so, then let my shoulder fall from its socket, my arm be shattered at the joint.

31:23 God’s terror would indeed descend on me; how could I hold my ground before his majesty?

31:24 Have I put all my trust in gold, from finest gold sought my security?

31:25 Have I ever gloated over my great wealth, or the riches that my hands have won?

31:26 Or has the sight of the sun in its glory, or the glow of the moon as it walked the sky,

31:27 stolen my heart, so that my hand blew them a secret kiss?

31:28 That too would be a criminal offence, to have denied the supreme God.

31:29 Have I taken pleasure in my enemies’ misfortunes, or made merry when disaster overtook them,

31:30 I who allowed my tongue to do no wrong, by cursing them or vowing them to death?

31:31 The people of my tent, did they not say, ‘Is there a man he has not filled with meat?’

31:32 No stranger ever had to sleep outside, my door was always open to the traveller.

31:33 Have I ever hidden my sins from men, keeping my iniquity secret in my breast?

31:34 Have I ever stood so in fear of common gossip, or so dreaded any family’s contempt, that I have been reduced to silence, not venturing out of doors?

31:35 Who can get me a hearing from God? I have had my say, from A to Z; now let Shaddai answer me. When my adversary has drafted his writ against me

31:36 I shall wear it on my shoulder, and bind it round my head like a royal turban.

31:37 I will give him an account of every step of my life, and go as boldly as a prince to meet him.

31:40b End of the words of Job.


JB JOB Chapter 32




Elihu joins the discussion

32:1 These three men said no more to Job, because he was convinced of his innocence.

32:2 But another man was infuriated – Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite, of the clan of Ram. He fumed with rage against Job for thinking that he was right and God was wrong;

32:3 and he was equally angry with the three friends for giving up the argument and thus admitting that God could be unjust.

32:4 While they were speaking, Elihu had held himself back, because they were older than he was;

32:5 but when he saw that the three men had not another word to say in answer, his anger burst out.

32:6 Thus Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite spoke next. He said:



I am still young, and you are old, so I was shy, afraid, to tell you what I know. I told myself,

32:7 ‘Old age should speak, advancing years will utter wisdom’.

32:8 But now I know that it is a breath in man, the inspiration of Shaddai, that gives discernment.

32:9 Great age does not give wisdom, nor longevity sound judgement.

32:10 And so I ask you for a hearing; now it is my turn to tell what I know.

32:11 There was a time when I hoped for much from your speeches: I gave your reasonings a ready hearing, and watched you choose your words.

32:12 I gave you all my attention, and I can say that no one gave Job the lie, not one of you disproved his statements.

32:13 So do not dare to say that you have found wisdom, or that your teaching is from God not man.

32:14 I am not going to follow the same line of argument; my reply to Job will be couched in different terms.

32:15 They have been nonplussed, baffled for an answer, words have failed them.

32:16 I have been waiting. Since they are silent, and have abandoned all efforts to reply,

32:17 now I will have my say, my turn has come to say what I know.

32:18 For I am filled with words, choked by the rush of them within me.

32:19 I have a feeling in my heart like new wine seeking a vent, and bursting a brand-new wineskin.

32:20 Nothing will bring relief but speech, I will open my mouth and give my answer.

32:21 I shall not show any partiality towards anyone, nor heap on any fulsome flatteries.

32:22 I have no skill in flattery, my creator would soon silence me otherwise.


JB JOB Chapter 33


Job’s presumption

33:1 Now, Job, be kind enough to listen to my words, and attend to all I have to say.

33:2 Now as I open my mouth, and my tongue shapes words against my palate,

33:3 my heart shall utter sayings full of wisdom, and my lips speak the honest truth.

33:5 Refute me, if you can. Prepare your ground to oppose me.

33:6 See, I am your fellow man, not a god; like you, I was fashioned out of clay.

33:4 God’s breath it was that made me, the breathing of Shaddai that gave me life.

33:7 Thus, no fear of me need disturb you, my hand will not lie heavy over you.

33:8 How could you say in my hearing – for the sound of your words did not escape me –

33:9 ‘I am clean, and sinless, I am pure, free of all fault.

33:10 Yet he is inventing grievances against me, and imagining me his enemy.

33:11 He puts me in the stocks, he watches my every step’?

33:12 In saying so, I tell you, you are wrong: God does not fit man’s measure.

33:13 Why do you rail at him for not replying to you, word for word?

33:14 God speaks first in one way, and then in another, but no one notices.

33:15 He speaks by dreams, and visions that come in the night, when slumber comes on mankind, and men are all asleep in bed.

33:16 Then it is he whispers in the ear of man, or may frighten him with fearful sights,

33:17 to turn him away from evil-doing, and make an end of his pride;

33:18 to save his soul from the pit and his life from the pathway to Sheol.

33:19 With suffering, too, he corrects man on his sick-bed, when his bones keep trembling with palsy;

33:20 when his whole self is revolted by food, and his appetite spurns dainties;

33:21 when his flesh rots as you watch it, and his bare bones begin to show;

33:22 when his soul is drawing near to the pit, and his life to the dwelling of the dead.

33:23 Then there is an Angel by his side, a Mediator, chosen out of thousands, to remind a man where his duty lies,

33:24 to take pity on him and to say, ‘Release him from descent into the pit, for I have found a ransom for his life’;

33:25 his flesh recovers the bloom of its youth, he lives again as he did when he was young.

33:26 He prays to God who has restored him to favour, and comes, in happiness, to see his face. He publishes far and wide the news of his vindication,

33:27 singing before his fellow men this hymn of praise, ‘I sinned and left the path of right, but God has not punished me as my sin deserved.

33:28 He has spared my soul from going down into the pit, and is allowing my life to continue in the light.’

33:29 All this God does again and yet again for man,

33:30 rescuing his soul from the pit, and letting the light of life shine bright on him.

33:31 Job, give me your attention, listen well; keep silence: I have more to say.

33:32 If you have anything to say, refute me, speak out, for I would gladly recognise your innocence.

33:33 If you have not, then listen: keep silence, while I teach you wisdom.


JB JOB Chapter 34


The three Sages have failed to justify God

34:1 Elihu continued his speech. He said:

34:2 You men of wisdom, listen to my words: lend me your ears, you learned men.

34:3 The ear is a judge of speeches, just as the palate can tell one food from another.

34:4 Let us discover together where justice lies, and settle among us what is best.

34:5 Now Job has said, ‘I am in the right, and God refuses to grant me justice.

34:6 The judge who judges me is ill-disposed, and though I have not sinned, my wounds are past all cure.’

34:7 Are there many men like Job, who drink scurrility like water,

34:8 who keep company with evil-doers, and march in step with the wicked?

34:9 Did he not say it was useless for man to try to please God?

34:10 Listen then to me, like intelligent men. So far is God removed from wickedness, and Shaddai from injustice,

34:11 that he requites a man for what he does, treating each one as his way of life deserves.

34:12 God never does wrong, do not doubt that! Shaddai does not deflect the course of right.

34:13 It is not as if someone else had given him the earth in trust, or confided the whole universe to his care.

34:14 Were he to recall his breath, to draw his breathing back into himself,

34:15 things of flesh would perish all together, and man would return to dust.

34:16 If you have any intelligence, listen to this, and lend your ear to what I have to say.

34:17 Could an enemy of justice ever govern? Would you dare condemn the Just One, the Almighty,

34:18 who can tell kings that they are good for nothing, and treat noblemen like criminals,

34:19 who shows no partiality to princes and makes no distinction between the rich and the poor, all alike being made by his own hands?

34:20 They die, they are gone in an instant, great though they are, they perish in the dead of night: it costs him no effort to remove a tyrant.

34:21 His eyes, you see, keep watch on all men’s ways, and he observes their every step.

34:22 Not darkness, nor the deepest shadow, can hide the wrong-doer.

34:23 He serves no writ on men summoning them to appear before God’s court:

34:24 he smashes great men’s power without enquiry and sets up others in their places.

34:25 He knows well enough what they are about, and one fine night he throws them down for men to trample on.

34:26 He strikes them down for their wickedness, and makes them prisoners for all to see.

34:27 You may say, ‘They have so turned from him, and ignored his ways,

34:28 that the poor have cried out to him against them and the wailing of the humble has assailed his ears,

34:29 Yet he is unmoved, and nothing can touch him; he hides his face and nobody can see him’. But nonetheless he does take pity on nations and on men,

34:30 freeing the godless man from the meshes of distress.

34:31 If such a man says to God, ‘I was led astray, I will sin no more.

34:32 If I did wrong, tell me about it, if I have been unjust, I will be so no more –

34:33 in such a case, do you think he ought to punish him, you who reject his decisions? Since it is you who make this choice, not I, let us all share your knowledge!

34:34 But this is what all sensible folk will say, and any wise man among my hearers,

34:35 ‘There is no wisdom in Job’s speech, his words lack sense.

34:36 Put him unsparingly to the proof since his retorts are the same as those that the wicked make.

34:37 For to sin he adds rebellion, calling justice into question in our midst and heaping abuse on God.’


JB JOB Chapter 35


God is not indifferent to what happens on earth

35:1 Elihu continued his speech. He said:

35:2 Do you presume to maintain that you are in the right, to insist on your innocence before God,

35:3 even to ask him, ‘How does it affect you, what harm has it done you if I have sinned?’

35:4 Well then, this is how I will answer you, and your friends as well.

35:5 Look up at the skies, look at them well, and see how high the clouds are above you.

35:6 If you sin, what do you achieve against him? If you heap up crimes, what is the injury you do him?

35:7 If you are just, what do you give him, what benefit does he receive at your hands?

35:8 Your fellow men are the ones to suffer from your crimes, humanity is the gainer if you are good.

35:9 When people groan under the weight of oppression, or cry out under the tyranny of the mighty,

35:10 no one thinks to ask, ‘Where is God, my maker, who makes glad songs ring out at dead of night,

35:11 who makes us cleverer than the earth’s wild beasts, wiser than the birds in the sky?’

35:12 Then they cry aloud, but he does not answer because of man’s base pride.

35:13 How idle to maintain that God is deaf, that Shaddai notices nothing!

35:14 You even claim, ‘He does not see me: my cause is exposed before him, and yet I wait and wait’.

35:15 Or even, ‘His anger never punishes, he does not seem to know of men’s rebellion’.

35:16 Hence when Job opens his mouth, it is for idle talk: his spate of words comes out of ignorance.


JB JOB Chapter 36


The real meaning of Job’s sufferings

36:1 Elihu went on speaking. He said:

36:2 Be patient with me a little longer while I explain, for I have more to say on God’s behalf.

36:3 I will range far afield for my arguments to prove my Maker just.

36:4 What I say contains no fallacies, I assure you, you see before you an enlightened man.

36:5 God does not spurn the blameless man

36:6 or let the sinner live on in all his power. He accords justice to the poor,

36:7 and upholds the good man’s rights. When he raises kings to thrones, if they grow proud of their unending sway,

36:8 then he fetters them with chains, binding them in the bondage of distress.

36:9 He shows them all that they have done, and all the sins of pride they have committed.

36:10 He whispers a message in their ears, urging them to amend themselves.

36:11 If they listen and do as he says, their days end in happiness, and their closing years are full of ease.

36:12 If not, then a thunderbolt destroys them, and death comes on them unawares.

36:13 Yes the stubborn who cherish anger, and when he shackles them, do not ask for help:

36:14 they die in their youth, or lead a life despised by all.

36:15 The wretched, however, he saves by their very wretchedness, and uses distress to open their eyes.

36:16 For you, no less, he plans relief from sorrow. Once you lived in luxury unbounded, with rich food piled high on your table.

36:17 But you did not execute justice on the wicked, you cheated orphaned children of their rights.

36:18 In future beware of being led astray by riches, or corrupted by fat bribes.

36:19 Prosecute the rich, not merely the penniless; strong-armed men as well as those who are powerless.

36:20 Do not trample on those you do not know to install your relations in their place.

36:21 Avoid any tendency to wrong-doing, for such has been the true cause of your trials.


A hymn to God’s wisdom and omnipotence

36:22 Look, by reason of his power God is supreme, what teacher can be compared with him?

36:23 Who has ever told him which course to take, or dared to say to him, ‘You have done wrong’?

36:24 Turn your mind rather to praising his works, a theme that many men have sung:

36:25 a sight that everyone can see, that man may gaze on from afar.

36:26 Yes, the greatness of God exceeds our knowledge, the number of his years is past computing.

36:27 He it is who keeps the raindrops back, dissolving the showers into mist,

36:28 which otherwise the clouds would spill in floods over all mankind.

36:31 Thanks to them he nourishes the nations with generous gifts of food.

36:29 And who can fathom how he spreads the clouds, or why such crashes thunder from his tent?

36:30 He spreads out the mist, wrapping it about him, and covers the tops of the mountains.

36:32 He gathers up the lightning in his hands, choosing the mark it is to reach;

36:33 his thunder gives warning of its coming: wrath overtakes iniquity.


JB JOB Chapter 37


37:1 At this my own heart quakes, and leaps from its place.

37:2 Listen, oh listen, to the blast of his voice and the sound that blares from his mouth.

37:3 He hurls his lightning below the span of heaven, it strikes to the very ends of the earth.

37:4 After it comes the roar of his voice, the peal of God’s majestic thunder. He does not check his thunderbolts until his voice resounds no more.

37:5 No doubt of it, but God reveals wonders, and does great deeds that we cannot understand.

37:6 When he says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’ or tells the rain to pour down in torrents,

37:7 he brings all men’s strivings to a standstill so that each must acknowledge his hand at work.

37:8 All the beasts go back to their dens, taking shelter in their lairs.

37:9 The storm wind comes from the Mansion of the South, and the north winds usher in the cold.

37:10 God breathes, and the ice is there, the surface of the waters freezes over.

37:11 He weighs the clouds down with moisture, and the storm clouds radiate his lightning.

37:12 He himself guides their wheeling motion directing all their seasonal changes: they carry out his orders to the letter all over his inhabited world.

37:13 Whether for punishing earth’s peoples or for a work of mercy, he despatches them.

37:14 Listen to all this Job: no backsliding now! Meditate on God’s wonders.

37:15 Can you tell how God controls them or how his clouds make the lightning flash?

37:16 Can you tell how he holds the clouds in balance: a miracle of consummate skill?

37:17 When your clothes are hot to your body and the earth lies still under the south wind,

37:18 can you help him to spread the vault of heaven, or temper that mirror of cast metal?

37:19 Tell me what to say to him: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

37:20 Can my words carry weight with him? Do man’s commands reach his ears?

37:21 There are times when the light vanishes behind darkening clouds; then comes the wind, sweeping them away,

37:22 and brightness spreads from the north. God is clothed in fearful splendour:

37:23 he, Shaddai, is far beyond our reach. Supreme in power, in equity, excelling in justice, yet no oppressor –

37:24 no wonder that men fear him, and thoughtful men hold him in awe.


JB JOB Chapter 38






Job must bow to the creator’s wisdom

38:1 Then from the heart of the tempest Yahweh gave Job his answer. He said:

38:2 Who is this obscuring my designs with his empty-headed words?

38:3 Brace yourself like a fighter; now it is my turn to ask questions and yours to inform me.

38:4 Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations? Tell me, since you are so well-informed!

38:5 Who decided the dimensions of it, do you know? Or who stretched the measuring line across it?

38:6 What supports its pillars at their bases? Who laid its cornerstone

38:7 when all the stars of the morning were singing with joy, and the Sons of God in chorus were chanting praise?

38:8 Who pent up the sea behind closed doors when it leapt tumultuous out of the womb,

38:9 when I wrapped it in a robe of mist and made black clouds its swaddling bands;

38:10 when I marked the bounds it was not to cross and made it fast with a bolted gate?

38:11 Come thus far, I said, and no farther: here your proud waves shall break.

38:12 Have you ever in your life given orders to the morning or sent the dawn to its post,

38:13 telling it to grasp the earth by its edges and shake the wicked out of it,

38:14 when it changes the earth[*a] to sealing clay and dyes it as a man dyes clothes;

38:15 stealing the light from wicked men[*b] and breaking the arm raised to strike?

38:16 Have you journeyed all the way to the sources of the sea, or walked where the Abyss is deepest?

38:17 Have you been shown the gates of Death or met the janitors of Shadowland?

38:18 Have you an inkling of the extent of the earth? Tell me all about it if you have!

38:19 Which is the way to the light and where does darkness live?

38:20 You could show them the way to their proper places, or put them on the path to where they live!

38:21 If you know all this, you must have been born with them, you must be very old by now!

38:22 Have you ever visited the place where snow is kept, or seen where the hail is stored up.

38:23 which I keep for times of stress, for days of battle and war.

38:24 From which direction does the lightning fork when it scatters sparks over the earth?

38:25 Who carves a channel for the downpour, and hacks a way for the rolling thunder,

38:26 so that rain  may fall on lands where no one lives, and the deserts void of human dwelling,

38:27 giving drink to the lonely wastes and making grass spring where everything was dry?

38:28 Has the rain a father? Who begets the dewdrops?

38:29 What womb brings forth the ice, and gives birth to the frost of heaven,

38:30 when the waters grow hard as stone and the surface of the deep congeals?

38:31 Can you fasten the harness of the Pleiades, or untie Orion’s bands?

38:32 Can you guide the morning star season by season and show the Bear and its cubs which way to go?

38:33 Have you grasped the celestial laws? Could you make their writ run on the earth?

38:34 Can your voice carry as far as the clouds and make the pent-up waters do your bidding?

38:35 Will lightning flashes come at your command and answer, ‘Here we are’?

38:36 Who gave the ibis wisdom and endowed the cock with foreknowledge?[*c]

38:37 Whose skill details every cloud and tilts the flasks of heaven

38:38 until the soil cakes into a solid. mass and clods of earth cohere together?

38:39 Do you find a prey for the lioness and satisfy the hunger of her whelps

38:40 when they crouch in their dens and lurk in their lairs?

38:41 Who makes provision for the raven when his squabs cry out to God and crane their necks in hunger?


JB JOB Chapter 39


39:1 Do you know how mountain goats give birth, or have you ever watched the hinds in labour?

39:2 How many months do they carry their young? At what time do they give birth?

39:3 They crouch to drop their young, and let their burdens fall in the open desert;

39:4 and when the calves have grown and gathered strength they leave them, never to return.

39:5 Who gave the wild donkey his freedom, and untied the rope from his proud neck?

39:6 I have given him the desert as a home, the salt plains as his own habitat.

39:7 He scorns the turmoil of the town there are no shouts from a driver for him to listen for.

39:8 The mountains are the pastures that he ranges in quest of any type of green blade or leaf.

39:9 Is the wild ox willing to serve you or spend a night beside your manger?

39:10 If you tie a rope round his neck will he harrow the furrows for you?

39:11 Can you rely on his massive strength and leave him to do your heavy work?

39:12 Can you depend on him to come home carrying your grain to your threshing-floor?

39:13 Can the wing of the ostrich be compared with the plumage of the stork or falcon?

39:14 She leaves her eggs on the ground with only earth to warm them;

39:15 forgetting that a foot may tread on them or a wild beast may crush them.

39:16 Cruel to her chicks as if they were not hers, little she cares if her labour goes for nothing.

39:17 God, you see, has made her unwise, and given her no share of common sense.

39:18 Yet, if she bestirs herself to use her height, she can make fools of horse and rider too.

39:19 Are you the one who makes the horse so brave and covers his neck with flowing hair?

39:20 Do you make him leap like a grasshopper? His proud neighing spreads terror far and wide.

39:21 Exultantly he paws the soil of the valley, and prances eagerly to meet the clash of arms.

39:22 He laughs at fear; he is afraid of nothing, he recoils before no sword.

39:23 On his back the quiver rattles, the flashing spear and javelin.

39:24 Quivering with impatience, he eats up the miles; when the trumpet sounds, there is no holding him.

39:25 At each trumpet blast he shouts ‘Hurrah!’ He scents the battle from afar, hearing the thundering of chiefs, the shouting.

39:26 Does the hawk take flight on your advice when he spreads his wings to travel south?

39:27 Does the eagle soar at your command to make her eyrie in the heights?

39:28 She spends her nights among the crags with an unclimbed peak as her redoubt

39:29 from which she watches for prey, fixing it with her far-ranging eye.

39:30 She feeds her young on blood: wherever men fall dying, there she is.


JB JOB Chapter 40


40:1 Then Yahweh turned to Job, and he said:

40:2 Is Shaddai’s opponent willing to give in? Has God’s critic thought up an answer?

40:3 Job replied to Yahweh:

40:4 My words have been frivolous: what can I reply? I had better lay my finger on my lips.

40:5 I have spoken once… I will not speak again; more than once… I will add nothing.




God is master of the forces of evil

40:6 Yahweh gave his answer from the heart of the tempest

40:7 Brace yourself like a fighter, now it is my turn to ask questions and yours to inform me.

40:8 Do you really want to reverse my judgement, and put me in the wrong to put yourself in the right?

40:9 Has your arm the strength of God’s, can your voice thunder as loud?

40:10 If so, assume your dignity, your state, robe yourself in majesty and splendour.

40:11 Let the spate of your anger flow free; humiliate the haughty at a glance!

40:12 Cast one look at the proud and bring them low, strike down the wicked where they stand.

40:13 Bury the lot of them in the ground, shut them, silent-faced, in the dungeon.

40:14 I myself will be the first to acknowledge that your own right hand can assure your triumph.



40:15 Now think of Behemoth; he eats greenstuff like the ox.

40:16 But what strength he has in his loins, what power in his stomach muscles!

40:17 His tail is as stiff as a cedar, the sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.

40:18 His vertebrae are bronze tubing, his bones as hard as hammered iron.

40:19 He is the masterpiece of all God’s work, but his Maker threatened him with the sword,

40:20 forbidding him the mountain regions where all the wild beasts have their playground.

40:21 So he lies beneath the lotus, and hides among the reeds in the swamps.

40:22 The leaves of the lotus give him shade, the willows by the stream shelter him.

40:23 Should the river overflow on him, why should he worry? A Jordan could pour down his throat without his caring.

40:24 So who is going to catch him by the eyes or drive a peg through his nostrils?



40:25 Leviathan, too! Can you catch him with a fish-hook or run a line round his tongue?

40:26 Can you put a ring through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook?

40:27 Will he plead and plead with you, will he coax you with smooth words?

40:28 Will he strike a bargain with you to become your slave for life?

40:29 Will you make a pet of him, like a bird, keep him on a lead to amuse your maids?

40:30 Is he to be sold by the fishing guild and then retailed by merchants?

40:31 Riddle his hide with darts? Prod his head with a harpoon?

40:32 You have only to lay a finger on him never to forget the struggle or risk it again!


JB JOB Chapter 41


41:1 Any hopes you might have would prove vain, for the mere sight of him would stagger you.

41:2 When roused, he grows ferocious, no one can face him in a fight.

41:3 Who can attack him with impunity? No one beneath all heaven.

41:4 Next I will talk of his limbs and describe his matchless strength.

41:5 Who can unloose the front of his coat or pierce the double armour of his breastplate?

41:6 Who dare open the gates of his mouth? Terror dwells in those rows of teeth!

41:7 His back is like rows of shields, sealed with a seal of stone,

41:8 touching each other so close that not a breath could pass between;

41:9 sticking to one another to make an indivisible whole.

41:10 When he sneezes, light leaps forth, his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.

41:11 From his mouth come fiery torches, sparks of fire fly out of it.

41:12 His nostrils belch smoke like a cauldron boiling on the fire.

41:13 His breath could kindle coals, so hot a flame issues from his mouth.

41:14 Strength has made a home in his neck, fear leaps before him as he goes.

41:17 When he stands up, the waves themselves take fright, the billows of the sea retreat.

41:15 The folds of his flesh stick together, firmly set in it, immovable.

41:16 His heart is as hard as rock unyielding as a millstone.

41:18 Sword may strike him, but cannot pierce him; no more can spear, javelin or lance.

41:19 Iron means no more to him than straw, nor bronze than rotten wood.

41:20 The arrow does not make him run, sling stones he treats as wisps of hay.

41:21 A club strikes him like a reed, he laughs at the whirring javelin.

41:22 He has sharp potsherds underneath, and moves across the slime like a harrow.

41:23 He churns the depths into a seething cauldron, he makes the sea fume like a scent burner.

41:24 Behind him he leaves a glittering wake-a white fleece seems to float on the deeps.

41:25 He has no equal on earth, being created without fear.

41:26 He looks the haughtiest in the eye; of all the sons of pride he is the king.


JB JOB Chapter 42


Job’s final answer

42:1 This was the answer Job gave to Yahweh:

42:2 I know that you are all-powerful: what you conceive, you can perform.

42:3 I am the man who obscured your designs with my empty-headed words. I have been holding forth on matters I cannot understand, on marvels beyond me and my knowledge.

42:4 (Listen, I have more to say, now it is my turn to ask questions and yours to inform me.)

42:5 I knew you then only by hearsay; but now, having seen you with my own eyes,

42:6 I retract all I have said, and in dust and ashes I repent.




Yahweh rebukes the three Sages

42:7 When Yahweh had said all this to Job, he turned to Eliphaz of Teman. ‘I burn with anger against you and your two friends’ he said ‘for not speaking truthfully about me as my servant Job has done.

42:8 So now find Seven bullocks and seven rams, and take them back with you to my servant Job and offer a holocaust for yourselves, while Job, my servant, offers prayers for you. I will listen to him with favour and excuse your folly in not speaking of me properly as your servant Job has done’

42:9 Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Shuah and Zophar of Naamath went away to do as Yahweh had ordered, and Yahweh listened to Job with favour.


Yahweh restores Job’s fortunes

42:10 Yahweh restored Job’s fortunes, because he had prayed for his friends. More than that, Yahweh gave him double what he had before.

42:11 And all his brothers and all his sisters and all his friends of former times came to see him and sat down at table with him. They showed him every sympathy, and comforted him for all the evils Yahweh had inflicted on him. Each of them gave him a silver coin, and each a gold ring.

42:12 Yahweh blessed Job’s new fortune even more than his first one. He came to own fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand she-donkeys.

42:13 He had seven sons and three daughters;

42:14 his first daughter he called ‘Turtledove’, the second ‘Cassia’ and the third ‘Mascara’.

42:15 Throughout the land there were no women as beautiful as the daughters of Job. And their father gave them inheritance rights like their brothers.

42:16 After his trials, Job lived on until he was a hundred and forty years old, and saw his children and his children’s children up to the fourth generation.

42:17 Then Job died, an old man and full of days.


END OF JB JOB [42 Chapters].



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