1:1 在阿孟的儿子约史亚为犹大王的时日,上主的话传给希则克雅的玄孙,阿达里雅的曾孙,革达里雅的孙子,雇史的儿子索福尼亚。
1:2 我必要由地面上扫除一切──上主的断语──
1:3 我要扫除人和兽,我要扫除天空的鸟和海中的鱼;我必使作恶的人倒毙,并由地面上铲除世人──上主的断语。
1:4 我要伸手惩罚犹大和耶路撒冷所有的居民,我要由这地方铲除巴耳的记念和僧侣〖司祭〗的名字,
1:5 铲除那在露台上敬拜天象和那敬拜上主而又指米耳公起誓的人,
1:6 铲除那背离上主,不寻觅上主,不求问上主的人。
1:7 在我主上主面前要肃静,因为上主的日子临近了!上主备辨了祭宴,祝福了他邀请的人。
1:8 在祭宴日内,我要惩罚公侯和王室,以及一切穿外邦衣服的人。
1:9 在那一天,我要惩罚一切跳过门槛,和使自己主人家充满残暴欺诈的人。
1:10 在那一天──上主的断语──必有喊声发自鱼门,必有哀号出自新区,必有利害的崩溃来自山陵。
1:11 居于盆地的居民,你们应哀号!因为一切商人都已被消灭,一切秤量银子的人己被铲除。
1:12 那时,我必提上灯,搜索耶路撒冷,惩罚那躺卧在酒槽上,心下自谓:「上主不赏善,也不罚恶」的人。
1:13 他们的财物必遭掳掠;他们的家园必成废墟;他们建筑房屋,却不得居住;他们种植葡萄园,却不得酒饮。
1:14 上主伟大的日子临近了,临近了,且来的很快。哀哉!上主的日子是苦的,连壮士那时也要哀号。
1:15 那天是愤怒的一天,困苦艰难的一天,破坏摧残的一天,昏暗幽冥的一天,乌云阴霾的一天;
1:16 是向坚城、碉堡吹号鸣角的一天!
1:17 我要使人苦恼,使他们行路有如瞎子,因为他们得罪了上主;他们的血流出有如尘土,他们的尸体有如粪土。
1:18 连他们的金银财宝也不能救拔他们!在上主愤恨的日子,整个大地必要为他的妒火所吞灭,因为他要向地上的一切居民,执行彻底而又可怕的毁灭。
2:1 没
2:2 有廉耻的民族!在你们尚未像糠秕一朝被吹散之前,在上主的怒火尚未来到你们身上,在上主忿怒的日子尚未来到你们身上以前,你们聚首检讨吧!
2:3 地上所有遵守他法律的卑微人!你们应求上主,你们要寻求公义,要寻求谦和,也许你们在上主忿怒的日子能藏身免祸。
2:4 因为茄萨将被拋弃,阿市刻隆将成荒野;阿市多得必在极盛时被人驱逐,阿刻隆必被铲除。
2:5 祸哉!沿海地带的居民,革勒提民族!看,这是上主攻击你们的话:培肋舍特地!我要贬抑你,把你毁灭得再无居民!
2:6 沿海地带必将成为牧人的牧场,羊群的栏栈。
2:7 沿海地带必将归于犹大家的遗民;他们将沿着海滨放羊,晚上歇息在阿市刻隆的栈房,因为上主他们的天主必看顾他们,转变他们的境遇。
2:8 我听到了摩阿布的辱骂,阿孟子民的诋诟;他们辱骂了我的百姓,欺凌了我的领域。
2:9 为此,我指着我的生命起誓──万军的上主,以色列天主的断语:摩阿布必要像索多玛,哈孟子民必要像哈摩辣,变为荆棘丛、盐堆、荒野,直到永远。我百姓的遗民要劫掠他们,我民族的残余,要占领他们的产业。
2:10 这事要临到他们身上,是由于他们的傲慢,因为他们辱骂欺凌了万军上主的百姓。
2:11 上主必要威严地显示给他们,因为他要消灭地上的一切神只;那时异邦各笆岛屿,各从自己的地方朝拜他。
2:12 连你们雇士人,也要为我的刀剑所刺透。
2:13 他还要向北方伸出自己的手,为消灭亚述,使尼尼微化为荒地,像沙漠一样干旱。
2:14 牲畜和洼地所有的走兽必要息卧其中,鹈鸪和鵁鶄也栖宿在她的柱头间,鸱枭在窗上啼叫,乌鸦停门槛上,因为人剥去了她以香柏做的装饰:
2:15 这就是那享乐安居,心想「只有我,没有别人」的城市!她如何竟成了荒野,成了野兽的栖所!凡由她那里经过的人,莫不嗤笑摇手。
3:1 祸哉!那叛逆、污秽,而残暴的城市!
3:2 她从不听呼声,又不接受教训;不依赖上主,也不亲近她的天主。
3:3 她的王侯在她中间,是些咆哮的狮子;她的判官是夜间的豺狼,什么也不留到天明。
3:4 她的先知都是些轻浮欺诈之徒,她的司祭亵渎圣物,违犯法律。
3:5 但上主在她中间是正义的,从不行不义;他每天早晨施行审判,有如不消散的光明,他全不认识可耻的邪恶。
3:6 我曾消灭了异民,他们的碉堡已化为废墟;我使他们的街道荒凉得无人往来,他们的城市毁坏得不留一人,没有一个居民。
3:7 我原想:「她必要敬畏我,接受教训;凡我加于她的惩罚,必不致由她眼前消失。」但他们反加速使自己一切的行为堕落。
3:8 为此,你们等待我──上主的断语──等到我起来作证的一天,因为我已决定聚集万民,召集列国,在他们身上倾泄我的忿怒和我所有的怒火:全地必要为我的妒火所吞灭。
3:9 那时,我要使万民的口唇纯洁,好能称呼上主的名号,同心协力服事上主。
3:10 钦崇我的人,[即我所分散的集团]要从雇士河那边给我贡献祭品。
3:11 在那一天,你决不再因你反抗我的一切作为而羞惭,因为那时我必由你中间驱逐你那些骄矜自夸的人,使你不再在我的圣山上自夸;
3:12 但我必在你中间留下谦逊和贫苦的百姓,他们必依赖上主的名号。
3:13 以色列的遗民不再行邪恶,也不再说谎言;在他们的口里再也找不到欺诈的舌头;的确,他们或是牧放,或是休息,没有人来恐吓。
3:14 熙雍女子,你应欢乐!以色列,你应欢呼!耶路撒冷女子,你应全心高兴喜乐!
3:15 上主已撤销了对你的定案,扫除了你的仇敌;以色列的君王──上主,在你中间,你再不会遇见灾祸!
3:16 在那一天,人必对耶路撒冷说:「熙雍,你不用害怕,不要双手低垂!
3:17 上主你的天主,在你中间,他是一位施救的勇士,他必为你喜不自胜,对你重温他的爱情,且因你欢跃喜乐,
3:18 有如在庆节之日。我必消灭打搫你的人,使你不再受羞辱。
3:19 看哪!在那时,我必要了结一切迫害你的人,我必要拯救瘸腿的,聚集漂流的;我必使他们在各地所受的羞辱,化为称赞和荣誉。
3:20 那时,我必要召你们回来;那时,我必要聚集你们;当我要在你们的面前转变你们的命运时,我必使你们在普世万民中,获得荣誉和称赞──上主说。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
1:1 The word of Yahweh that was addressed to Zephaniah son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the reign of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah.
Prelude: judgement on all creation
1:2 I mean to sweep away everything off the face of the earth – it is Yahweh who speaks.
1:3 I mean to sweep away men and beasts, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, I mean to send the wicked staggering, and wipe man off the face of the earth – it is Yahweh who speaks.
Against the worship of alien gods
1:4 I am going to raise my hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and from this place I will wipe out Baal, to the very last vestige of him, even to the name of his spurious priests,
1:5 those who prostrate themselves on the roofs before the array of heaven, those who prostrate themselves before Yahweh but swear by Milcom,[*a]
1:6 those who turn aside from Yahweh, who do not seek Yahweh, who will not bother with him.
1:7 Silence before the Lord Yahweh! For the day of Yahweh is near. Yes, Yahweh has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.
Against the dignitaries of the court[*b]
1:8 On the day of Yahweh’s sacrifice, I will punish the ministers, the royal princes, and all those who dress themselves in foreign style.
1:9 On that day I mean to punish all those who are near the throne, those who fill the palace of their lord with violence and deceit.
Against the merchants of Jerusalem
1:10 On that day – it is Yahweh who speaks – a shout will be raised from the Fish Gate, from the new town, howls, from the hills, a great uproar.
1:11 Men of the Mortar, howl! For the whole brood of Canaan[*c] has been destroyed, the weighers of silver are all wiped out.
Against unbelievers
1:12 When that time comes I will search Jerusalem by torchlight, and punish the men who are stagnating on their lees, those who say in their hearts, ‘Yahweh has no power for good or for evil’.
1:13 Then their wealth will be given up to looting, their households to plundering. They built houses, did they? They will not live in them. They planted vineyards, did they? They will not drink their wine.
The day of Yahweh
1:14 The great day of Yahweh is near, near, and coming with all speed. How bitter the sound of the day of Yahweh, the day when the warrior shouts his cry of war.
1:15 A day of wrath, that day, a day of distress and agony, a day of ruin and of devastation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of cloud and blackness,
1:16 a day of trumpet blast and battle cry against fortified town and high corner-tower.
1:17 I am going to bring such distress on men that they will grope like the blind (because they have sinned against Yahweh); their blood will be scattered like dust, their corpses like dung.
1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold will have any power to save them. On the day of the anger of Yahweh, in the fire of his jealousy, all the earth will be consumed. For he means to destroy, yes, to make an end of all the inhabitants of the earth.
Conclusion: a call to conversion
2:1 ………………. nation without desire,
2:2 before you are driven like chaff that is blown away in a day, before there descends on you the fierce anger of Yahweh (before there descends on you the day of the anger of Yahweh).
2:3 Seek Yahweh, all you, the humble of the earth, who obey his commands. Seek integrity, seek humility: you may perhaps find shelter on the day of the anger of Yahweh.
The enemy to the west: the Philistines
2:4 Yes, Gaza is going to be reduced to desert, Ashkelon to waste. Ashdod will be stormed in broad daylight, and Ekron rooted out.
2:5 Woe to the members of the Confederacy of the Sea, to the nation of the Cherethites! This is the word of Yahweh against you: I mean to bring you down, land of the Philistines, I am going to ruin you, empty you of inhabitants;
2:6 and you will be reduced to pasture land, to grazing grounds for the shepherds, to folds for the sheep.
2:7 It will be included in the property of the remnant of the House of Judah; they will lead flocks there to pasture; among the houses of Ashkelon they will rest at evening; for Yahweh their God is going to deal kindly with them and restore their fortunes.
The enemies to the east: Moab and Ammon
2:8 I have heard the taunts of Moab and the insults of the sons of Ammon as they laughed at my people, and boasted of their own domains.
2:9 For this, as I live – it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks, the God of Israel – Moab shall become like Sodom and the sons of Ammon like Gomorrah: a realm of nettles, a heap of salt, a desolation for ever. What is left of my people will plunder them, those of my nation who survive will take their heritage.
2:10 This will be the price of their pride, of their taunts, of their boasts against the people of Yahweh Sabaoth.
2:11 Full of terror will Yahweh be for them. When he has utterly destroyed all the gods of the earth, the nations will prostrate themselves before him, each on its own soil, all the islands of the nations.
The enemy to the south: Ethiopia[*a]
2:12 And as for you, Ethiopians: They will be run through with my sword.
The enemy to the north: Assyria
2:13 He is going to raise his hand against the north and bring Assyria down in ruins; he will make Nineveh a waste, dry as the desert.
2:14 In the middle of her the flocks will rest; all the beasts of the valley, even the pelican and the heron will roost round her cornices at night; the owl will hoot at the window and the raven croak on the doorstep. …………………..
2:15 Is this the joyful city, so confident on her throne, who said in her heart, ‘Here am I, with none to equal me’? What a ruin she is now, a lair for beasts! All those who pass by her whistle and shake their fists.
Against the leaders of the people
3:1 Trouble is coming to the rebellious, the defiled, the tyrannical city!
3:2 She would never listen to the call, would never learn the lesson; she has never trusted in Yahweh, never drawn near to her God.
3:3 The leaders she harbours are roaring lions, her judges, wolves at evening that have had nothing to gnaw that morning;
3:4 her prophets are braggarts, they are impostors; her priests profane the holy things, they do violence to the Law.
3:5 Yahweh is in her, he is just and honourable; he never does wrong; morning by morning he makes his law known, each dawn unfailingly; he knows no injustice.
The pagans punished
3:6 I have wiped out nations, their corner-towers lie in ruins; I have emptied their streets, no one walks there; their towns have been sacked: no one left there, no more inhabitants.
3:7 ‘At least,’ I used to say ‘you will fear me now, you will learn the lesson; she cannot lose sight of the many times I have punished her.’ But no, it only made them more anxious to see that all they did was corrupt.
3:8 Therefore, expect me – it is Yahweh who speaks – on the day I stand up to make my accusation; for I am determined to gather the nations, to assemble the kingdoms, and to pour out my fury on you, the whole heat of my anger.
Conversion of the pagans
3:9 Yes, I will then give the peoples lips that are clean, so that all may invoke the name of Yahweh and serve him under the same yoke.
3:10 From beyond the banks of the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants will bring me offerings.
The humble remnant of Israel
3:11 When that day comes you need feel no shame for all the misdeeds you have committed against me, for I will remove your proud boasters from your midst; and you will cease to strut on my holy mountain.
3:12 In your midst I will leave a humble and lowly people,
3:13 and those who are left in Israel will seek refuge in the name of Yahweh. They will do no wrong, will tell no lies; and the perjured tongue will no longer be found in their mouths. But they will be able to graze and rest with no one to disturb them.
Psalms of joy in Zion
3:14 Shout for joy, daughter of Zion, Israel, shout aloud! Rejoice, exult with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem!
3:15 Yahweh has repealed your sentence; he has driven your enemies away. Yahweh, the king of Israel, is in your midst; you have no more evil to fear.
3:16 When that day comes, word will come to Jerusalem: Zion, have no fear, do not let your hands fall limp.
3:17 Yahweh your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you by his love; he will dance with shouts of joy for you
3:18 as on a day of festival.
Return of the exiles
I have taken away your misfortune, no longer need you bear the disgrace of it.
3:19 I am taking action here and now against your oppressors. When that time comes I will rescue the lame, and gather the strays, and I will win them praise and renown when I restore their fortunes.
3:20 When that times comes, I will be your guide, when that time comes, I will gather you in; I will give you praise and renown among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes under your own eyes, says Yahweh.