1:1 以色列王达味之子撒罗满的箴言:
1:2 是为教人学习智慧和规律,叫人明了哲言,
1:3 接受明智的教训--仁义、公平和正直,
1:4 使无知者获得聪明,使年少者获得知识和慎重,
1:5 使智慧者听了,增加学识;使明达人听了,汲取智谋,
1:6 好能明了箴言和譬喻,明了智者的言论和他们的隐语。
1:7 敬畏上主是智慧的肇基;只有愚昧人蔑视智慧和规律。
1:8 我儿,你应听你父亲的教训,不要拒绝你母亲的指教,
1:9 因为这就是你头上的冠冕,你颈上的珠链。
1:10 我儿,如果恶人勾引你,你不要听从;
1:11 如果他们说:「来跟我们去暗算某人,无故地陷害无辜。
1:12 我们要象阴府一样活活地吞下他们,把他们整个吞下去,有如堕入深坑里的人;
1:13 这样,我们必获得各种珍宝,以赃物充满我们的房屋。
1:14 你将与我们平分秋色,我们将共有同一钱囊。」
1:15 我儿,你不要与他们同流合污,该使你的脚远离他们的道路,
1:16 因为他们双脚趋向凶恶,急于倾流人血。
1:17 在一切飞鸟眼前,张设罗网,尽属徒然。
1:18 其实,他们不外是自流己血,自害己命。
1:19 这就是谋财害命者的末路:他必要送掉自己的性命。
1:20 智慧在街上吶喊,在通衢发出呼声;
1:21 在热闹的街头呼唤,在城门和市区发表言论:
1:22 「无知的人,你们喜爱无知;轻狂的人,你们乐意轻狂;愚昧的人,你们憎恨知识,要到何时呢﹖
1:23 你们应回心听我的劝告。看,我要向你们倾吐我的心意,使你们了解我的言词。
1:24 但是,我呼唤了,你们竟予以拒绝;我伸出了手,谁也没有理会。
1:25 你们既蔑视了我的劝告,没有接受我的忠言;
1:26 因此,你们遭遇不幸时,我也付之一笑;灾难临到你们身上时,我也一笑置之。
1:27 当灾难如暴风似的袭击你们,祸害如旋风似的卷去你们,困苦忧患来侵袭你们时,我也置之不顾。
1:28 那时,他们呼求我,我必不答应:他们寻找我,必寻不着我;
1:29 因为他们憎恨知识,没有拣选敬畏上主,
1:30 没有接受我的劝告,且轻视了我的一切规谏。
1:31 所以他们必要自食其果,饱尝独断独行的滋味。
1:32 的确,无知者的执迷不悟杀害了自己;愚昧人的漠不关心断送了自己。
1:33 但是,那听从我的,必得安居,不怕灾祸,安享太平。
2:1 我儿,你若接受我的话,把我的诫命存在心中,
2:2 侧耳细听智慧,专心寻求睿智;
2:3 你若呼求明哲,扬声召寻睿智;
2:4 你若寻求她如寻求银子,搜索她如搜索宝藏,
2:5 你必能领悟什么是敬畏上主,也能明白什么是认识天主。
2:6 因为,恩赐智慧的是上主,知识和睿智都出自他的口。
2:7 他给正直人保留了救援,又是行止成全者的护盾。
2:8 他护守正直人的行径,他保卫虔诚者的道路;
2:9 这样,你必能明了仁义和公平,明了正直和一切向善的道路。
2:10 如果智慧进入了你的心,智识成了你的喜乐,
2:11 慎思就必监护你,睿智也必防守你,
2:12 使你远离邪道,远离言词荒谬的人:
2:13 即那些离弃正道,走上黑暗之途,
2:14 喜爱行恶,在邪恶中喜乐的人。
2:15 他们的道路弯曲不直,他们的行径邪辟不正。
2:16 智慧将救你脱离淫妇,脱离甘言蜜语的娼妓。
2:17 她离弃了少年时的良友,忘记了她的天主的盟约;
2:18 为此,她的家属趋向死亡,她的行径通往黄泉;
2:19 凡行近她的人,没有一个返回,再不会走上生路。
2:20 为此,你应走善人的道路,持守义人的行径,
2:21 因为只有正直的人才能住在地上,只有成全的人方得在那里居留。
2:22 但是,作恶的人必由地上铲除,违法的人必由其中拔除。
3:1 我儿,不要忘了我的法律,该诚心恪守我的诫命,
3:2 因为这样能使你延年益寿,也能增加你的康宁。
3:3 不要让慈祥和忠实离弃你,要将她们系在你的颈上,刻在你的心版上;
3:4 这样,你在天主和世人面前,必获得宠幸和恩爱。
3:5 你应全心信赖上主,总不要依赖自己的聪明;
3:6 应步步体会上主,他必修平你的行径。
3:7 不要自作聪明,应敬畏上主,远避邪恶;
3:8 如此,你的身体必会康健,你的骨骼也会舒适。
3:9 应以你的财物和一切初熟之物,去尊崇上主;
3:10 这样,你的仓廪必充满粮食,你的榨酒池必盈溢新酒。
3:11 我儿,不要轻视上主的惩戒,也不要厌恶他的谴责,
3:12 因为上主谴责他所爱的,有如父亲谴责他的爱子。
3:13 寻得智慧和获取睿智的人是有福的,
3:14 因为赚得智慧胜于赚得银钱;智慧的果实胜于纯金。
3:15 智慧比珍珠还要宝贵;凡你所贪求的,都不足以与她伦比。
3:16 在她右边是延年益寿,在她左边是富贵荣华。
3:17 她的道路是康乐之道,她的行径是一片安宁。
3:18 她为掌握她的人,是一株生命树;凡坚持她的,必将纳福。
3:19 上主以智慧奠定了大地,以睿智坚定了高天;
3:20 赖他的智识,深渊才裂口喷水,云彩才降下甘露。
3:21 我儿,你应保持明智和慎重,不要让她们离开你的视线:
3:22 二者应是你心灵的生命,是你颈项的华饰;
3:23 这样,你走路必感安全,你的脚不致绊倒。
3:24 你若坐下,必无所恐惧;你若躺下,必睡得甘甜。
3:25 你决不怕骤然而来的恐怖,也不怕恶人突然而至的摧残,
3:26 因为上主将要护佑你,使你的脚远离陷阱。
3:27 你若有能力作到,不要拒绝向有求于你的人行善;
3:28 如果你能即刻作到,不要对你的近人说:「去!明天再来,我才给你。」
3:29 几时你的近人安心与你居住,你不应暗算他。
3:30 若他人没有加害你,你不应与他无端争辩。
3:31 不要羡慕强暴的人,更不要选择他的任何行径,
3:32 因为上主厌恶乖戾的人,挚爱正直的人。
3:33 上主诅咒恶人的住宅,降福义人的寓所。
3:34 上主嘲弄好愚弄的人,却宠爱谦卑的人。
3:35 智慧的人必承受尊荣,愚昧的人必蒙受羞辱。
4:1 孩子,你们要听父亲的教训,专心学习明智,
4:2 因为我把好教训授给你们,你们不要拋弃我的规劝。
4:3 我也曾在父亲面前作过孝子,在我母亲膝下是唯一的娇儿。
4:4 我父曾训诲我说:你应留心牢记我的话,遵守我的命令,好使你生存;
4:5 你应紧握智慧,握住明智,不要忘记,也不要离弃我口中的教训:
4:6 你若不舍弃她,她必护佑你;你若喜爱她,她必看顾你。
4:7 首先应争取的是智慧,因此你应寻求智慧,应牺牲一切去争取明智。
4:8 你若显扬智慧,智慧也必显扬你;你若怀抱她,她也必光荣你:
4:9 将华冠加在你的头上,将荣冕赐给你。
4:10 我儿,你若听取我的训言,你必延年益寿。
4:11 我要教给你智慧的道路,引你走上正直的途径:
4:12 这样,你若行走,你的脚决不会受阻碍;即便你奔驰,也决不致颠仆。
4:13 你要坚持教训,切勿把她拋弃;你应保存她,因为她是你的生命。
4:14 恶人的道路,你不要进去;坏人的途径,你不要踏入;
4:15 反应躲避,不经其上;远远离去,绕道他往。
4:16 因为他们不作恶,不能入睡;不使人跌倒,就要失眠。
4:17 他们吃的是邪恶的饼,饮的是暴虐的酒。
4:18 但是,义人的途径,象黎明的曙光,越来越明亮,直至成日中;
4:19 恶人的道路,却宛如幽暗,他们不知道,要跌在何处。
4:20 我儿,你要注意我的训言,侧耳倾听我的教导;
4:21 不要让她离开你的视线,却要牢记在心中。
4:22 因为,凡找着她的,必获得生命;他整个身躯,必获得健康。
4:23 在一切之上,你要谨守你的心,因为生命是由此而生。
4:24 你应摒绝口舌的欺诈,远避唇舌的乖谬。
4:25 你的眼睛应向前直视,你的视线应向前集中。
4:26 你要修平你脚下的行径,要巩固你一切的路途。
4:27 你断不可左倾右依,务使你的脚远离邪恶。
5:1 我儿,你应注意我的智慧,侧耳倾听我的见解,
5:2 为使你保持审慎的态度,使你的口唇能固守知识。
5:3 因为淫妇的口,滴流甜蜜;她的嘴唇,比油还滑;
5:4 但是,与她相处的结果,却苦若苦艾,刺心有如双刃的利剑。
5:5 她的双脚陷入死境,她的脚步直趋阴府。
5:6 她不走生命的坦途;她的脚步,踌躇不定,不知所往。
5:7 现在,我儿,你要听从我,不要拋弃我口中的教训:
5:8 你应使你的道路远离她,不要走近她的家门,
5:9 免得将你的精力,葬送给别人;将你的岁月,委弃给无赖;
5:10 免得你的财产为他人享受,你的辛劳裨益于人家;
5:11 免得终期来临,当你的肉躯和身体精力耗尽时,你只有叹息,
5:12 说:「唉!为什么我憎恶了教训,为什么我的心藐视了规劝﹖
5:13 为什么我没有听从师长的劝告,没有侧耳倾听教训我的人﹖
5:14 在集会和会众中,我几乎陷于浩劫。」
5:15 你当饮你自己池里的水,喝你井里的活泉。
5:16 你的泉水岂可外溢,成为街头的流水﹖
5:17 其实都应全归于你,不得让外人与你共享。
5:18 你的泉源理应受降福;你应由你少年时的妻子取乐。
5:19 她宛如可爱的母鹿,妩媚的母羚;她的酥胸应常使你畅怀,她的爱情应不断使你陶醉。
5:20 我儿,你为什么要迷恋外妇,拥抱别人妻室的胸怀﹖
5:21 上主的眼目时常监视人的道路,不断审察他的一切行径。
5:22 恶人必被自己的邪恶所缠扰,必为自己罪恶的罗网所捕获。
5:23 他必因不听教训而丧命,必因自己过度的愚昧而沦亡。
6:1 我儿,你如果为你的朋友作保,或为外人击掌;
6:2 你如果为你口中说的话所连累,为你口中的言词所束缚,
6:3 那么,我儿,你既然已陷在你友人的手中,你就该逃脱,该这样做:火速前去,央求你的友人,
6:4 不要合上眼睛睡觉,也不要垂下眼睑假寐,
6:5 应急速解救自己,如羚羊挣脱罗网,飞鸟逃脱猎人的圈套。
6:6 懒汉,你去看看蚂蚁,观察它的作风,便可得些智识:
6:7 它没有领袖,没有监督,没有君王,
6:8 但在夏天却知准备食粮,在秋收时积贮养料。
6:9 懒汉,你要睡到几时,你几时才睡醒﹖「
6:10 再睡片刻,再假寐片刻,再抱臂躺卧片刻!」
6:11 这样贫穷就要如同窃贼,困乏也要如同武士,向你侵袭。
6:12 无赖与恶徒,行事满口欺诈;
6:13 他以眼传神,以脚示意,以手指东画西。
6:14 他存心不良,常蓄意惹事生非。
6:15 为此,他的丧亡必突然来临,霎时间全被毁灭,无法挽救。
6:16 上主憎恨的事,共有六件,连他心里最厌恶的事,共有七件:
6:17 傲慢的眼睛,撒谎的舌头,流无辜者血的手,
6:18 策划阴谋的心,疾趋行恶的脚,
6:19 说谎的假见证,和在兄弟间搬弄事非的人。
6:20 我儿,应坚守你父亲的命令,不要放弃你母亲的教训;
6:21 应将二者常刻在你心中,系在你的颈项上。
6:22 她们在你行路时引领你,在你躺卧时看护你;在你醒来时与你交谈。
6:23 因为父命是盏灯,母教是光明,严格的劝告是生命的道路,
6:24 使你远避恶意的女人,离开淫妇阿谀的言词,
6:25 不让你的心贪恋她的美色,不让她的秋波迷惑你,
6:26 因为娼妓所求的只是一块饼,有夫之妇却猎取宝贵的生命。
6:27 人岂能怀中藏火,而不烧毁自己的衣服﹖
6:28 人岂能在火炭上行走,而不灼伤自己的脚﹖
6:29 与他人妻子通奸的人就是这样:凡接近她的,必难免受罚。
6:30 盗贼若因饥饿行窃以果腹,人都不鄙视他;
6:31 但若被擒获了,他仍须七倍偿还,交出家中所有的财物。
6:32 与妇人通奸的人,实属愚眛,他这样做,却是毁灭自己。
6:33 他必遭受可耻的打击,并且他的耻辱,永不得拭去,
6:34 因为妒火能激怒男人,使他在报复时,决不留情;
6:35 任何的赔偿,他都不理睬;即便你多送礼品,他也不肯罢休。
7:1 我儿,你要持守我的训言,把我的诫命藏在心中;
7:2 你要遵守我的诫命,好叫你得以生存;应恪守我的教训,象保护你眼中的瞳人。
7:3 应将我的诫命系在指间,刻在心上;
7:4 应对智慧说:「你是我的姊妹,」并应称睿智为你的女友,
7:5 好能保护你远避奸妇,即那甜言蜜语的淫妇。
7:6 我曾由我家的窗口,透过窗格往外观看,
7:7 分明看见在愚昧人中,在少年人中,有一个无知的少年,
7:8 沿着淫妇屋角的街道经过,向她的住宅走去,
7:9 那时正是黄昏,日已西沉,已入黝黑深夜。
7:10 看,有一个女人向他迎面而来──她身穿妓装,存心不轨;
7:11 她健谈好荡,不能停留家中:
7:12 一会在街头,一会在市场,在每个角落上兜搭──
7:13 她遂上前拥抱那少年,与他接吻,嬉皮笑脸对他说:「
7:14 我原许过愿,要献和平祭,今日才得偿还我许的愿。
7:15 所以我走了出来,好能与你相遇;我急切寻找你,可好现在我见到了你。
7:16 我的床榻已铺设了绒毯,放上了埃及的线绣卧单;
7:17 又用没药、芦荟和肉桂熏了我的睡床。
7:18 来让我们通宵达旦,饱享爱情;让我们在欢爱中尽情取乐,
7:19 因为我的丈夫现不在家,他已出外远行,
7:20 随身带了钱囊,不到月圆不归家。」
7:21 淫妇用许多花言巧语笼络他,以谄言媚语勾引他。
7:22 少年遂跟她去了,好象一只引入屠场的公牛,又象一只自陷圈套的牡鹿,
7:23 直至箭矢射穿他的心肝;他还象一只跳入罗网的小鸟,不知这与他的性命有关。
7:24 现在,孩子!你们应听从我,留意我口中的训示:
7:25 不要让你的心倾向她的道路,不要误入她的迷途,
7:26 因为她使许多人倒地身亡,连最强健的,都作了她的牺牲。
7:27 她的家是通往阴府的大道,是引入死境的斜坡。
8:1 智慧不是在呼唤,明智不是在发出她的呼声吗﹖
8:2 她站在高岗上,站在通衢大道上,
8:3 她在城门口,在城入口处大声喊说:
8:4 人呀!我在向你们呼唤,我在对人子发出呼声:
8:5 幼稚的人,你们应学习机智;愚昧的人,你们应学习聪明。
8:6 你们且听,因为我要讲论卓绝的事,开口述说正直的事。
8:7 的确,我的口只畅谈真理,我厌恶虚诈的唇舌。
8:8 凡我口述的,无不正直,毫无歪曲或乖辟。
8:9 我的话为明白的人是诚实的,为有智识的人是正确的。
8:10 你们应听取我的教训,而不要银子;应汲取智识,而不取纯金;
8:11 因为智慧胜过任何珍珠,任何可贪恋的事都不能与她伦比。
8:12 我──智慧──与机智同居,拥有知识和见识。
8:13 敬畏上主,就是憎恨邪恶傲慢骄横,邪恶的行径和欺诈的口舌,我都憎恶。
8:14 机谋才智,属我所有;聪明勇敢,亦属于我。
8:15 借着我,君王执政,元首秉公行义;
8:16 借着我,统治者统治,王侯治理邦土。
8:17 我爱那爱我的人;凡寻求我的,必找着我。
8:18 富贵荣誉,恒产正义,都属我有。
8:19 我的果实,胜过黄金纯金;我的出产,比净银还要宝贵。
8:20 我走在正义的路上,走在公平的路上,
8:21 使爱我者获得产业,充满他们的宝库。
8:22 上主自始即拿我作他行动的起始,作他作为的开端:
8:23 大地还没有形成以前,远自太古,从无始我已被立;
8:24 深渊还没有存在,水泉还没有涌出以前,我已受生;
8:25 山岳还没有奠定,丘陵还没有存在以前,我已受生。
8:26 那时,上主还没有创造大地、原野、和世上土壤的原质;
8:27 当他建立高天时,我已在场;当他在深渊之上划出穹苍时,
8:28 当他上使穹苍稳立,下使渊源固定时,
8:29 当他为沧海划定界限,令水不要越境,给大地奠定基础时,
8:30 我已在他身旁,充作技师。那时,我天天是他的喜悦,不断在他前欢跃,
8:31 欢跃于尘寰之间,乐与世人共处。
8:32 那么,我儿,你们且听我:遵循我道路的人是有福的。
8:33 你们该听从教训,做一智慧人,不要把她拋弃。
8:34 凡听从我言,天天在我门前守候,在我门框旁侍立的人,是有福的。
8:35 因为谁找到我,便是找到生命,他必由上主获得恩宠。
8:36 但是那得罪我的,等于伤害自己;凡憎恨我的,即是爱死亡。
9:1 智慧建造了房舍,雕琢了七根石柱,
9:2 宰杀了牲畜,配制了美酒,铺设了饭桌,
9:3 派出自己的使女,在城市高处吶喊:「
9:4 谁是无知的,请转身到这里来!」她对愚钝的人说:
9:5 「你们来,吃我的食粮,饮我配制的酒!
9:6 你们应放弃无知,好使你们得以生存,并在明智的道路上迈进。」
9:7 谁矫正轻狂的人,只有自招羞辱;谁责斥邪恶的人,只有自找凌辱。
9:8 你不要责斥轻狂的人,免得他恨你;却要责斥明智的人,他必会爱你。
9:9 你若指教明智的人,他必更明智;你若教训正义的人,他必更有见识。
9:10 敬畏上主是智慧的肇基;认识至圣者就是睿智。
9:11 借着我,你的岁月才可增多,你的寿命才可延长。
9:12 你若有智慧,你必蒙受其惠;你若是轻狂也只有自食其果。
9:13 愚昧太太,浮燥愚蠢,一无所知。
9:14 她坐在自家门前,坐在城内高处的座位上,
9:15 向一往直前的路人喊说:「
9:16 谁是无知的,请转身到这里来!」她向愚钝的人说:「
9:17 偷来的水,更香甜;背地吃的饼更有味。」
9:18 他却不知冥域正在那里,她的客人都在阴府的深处。
10:1 智慧的儿子使父亲喜乐;愚昧的儿子,使母亲忧愁。
10:2 不义之财,毫无益处;惟有正义,救人脱免死亡。
10:3 上主不忍义人受饥,却使恶人大失所望。
10:4 游手好闲,使人贫穷;勤奋工作,使人富有。
10:5 夏季贮蓄的,是明智的孩童;秋收酣睡的是无耻的儿子。
10:6 上主的降福在义人头上,灾祸却使恶人哑口无言。
10:7 义人受人怀念降福,恶人却必身败名裂。
10:8 心灵智慧的人,必接受命令;饶舌的愚妄的人,必自招丧亡。
10:9 走正路的,行路稳妥;走邪路的,终必败露。
10:10 暗中挤眼的人,必引人烦恼;坦然规劝的人,必促进和平。
10:11 义人的口,是生命的泉源;恶人的口,是残暴的渊薮。
10:12 仇恨引起争端,爱情遮掩一切过失。
10:13 有见识的口唇上,可找着智慧;棍杖只是为打缺乏智慧者的脊背。
10:14 智慧的人,隐讳自己的学问;愚昧人的口,招致逼近的丧亡。
10:15 富人的财富,是他自己的坚城;穷人的零落,却是他们的贫乏。
10:16 义人的薪金,用以维持生活;恶人的收入,却只用来犯罪。
10:17 谁遵守劝告,必走向生命之路;谁轻视规劝,必自误入迷途。
10:18 撒谎的唇舌,必暗藏仇恨;散播谣言的,必是愚昧人。
10:19 多言难免无过,明智的人必约束自己的唇舌。
10:20 义人的舌,贵若纯金;恶人的心,贱似草芥。
10:21 义人的唇舌教育群众,愚人必因缺乏心智而死亡。
10:22 使人致富的,是上主的降福;营营的辛劳,却无补于事。
10:23 愚昧人乐于作恶,明哲人乐于求智。
10:24 恶人畏惧的,反向他侵袭;义人的希望,终获得应允。
10:25 暴风雨一过,恶人不复存在;义人却根深蒂固。
10:26 懒汉之于派遣他的人,就如醋之于牙,烟之于目。
10:27 敬畏上主,将延年益寿;恶人的岁月,必要短缩。
10:28 义人的期待,终归是喜乐;恶人的希望,终归是失望。
10:29 上主的道路,是正人君子的保障;为作恶的人,却是灭亡。
10:30 义人永不会动摇,恶人决不会久留地上。
10:31 义人的口,散播智慧;邪恶的舌,必被铲除。
10:32 义人的唇,常吐雅言;恶人的口,只说邪恶。
11:1 上主深恶假秤,却喜爱法码准确。
11:2 傲慢来到,耻辱随后而至;智慧只与谦逊人相处。
11:3 正直的人,以正义为领导;背义的人,必为邪恶所毁灭。
11:4 在上主盛怒之日,财富毫无用途;只有正义,能救人免于死亡。
11:5 完人的正义,为他修平道路;恶人必因自己的邪恶而颠仆。
11:6 正直的人,将因自己的正义而获救;奸诈的人,反为自己的恶计所连累。
11:7 恶人一死,他的希望尽成泡影;同样,奸匪的期待也全然消失。
11:8 义人得免患难,恶人反来顶替。
11:9 假善人以口舌,伤害自己的近人;义人因有知识,却得以保全。
11:10 几时义人幸运,全城欢腾;几时恶人灭亡,欢声四起。
11:11 义人的降福,使城市兴隆;恶人的口舌,使城市倾覆。
11:12 嘲弄自己朋友的人,毫无识趣;有见识的人,必沉默寡言。
11:13 往来传话的人,必泄露秘密;心地诚朴的人,方能不露实情。
11:14 人民缺乏领导,势必衰弱;人民的得救,正在于谋士众多。
11:15 为外人作保的,必自讨苦吃;厌恶作保的,必自享安全。
11:16 淑德的妇女,必为丈夫取得光荣;恼恨正义的妇女,正是一耻辱的宝座;懒散的人失落自己的财物,勤谨的人反取得财富。
11:17 为人慈善,是造福己身;残酷的人,反自伤己命。
11:18 恶人所赚得的工资,是空虚的;播种正义者的报酬,才是真实的。
11:19 恒行正义,必走向生命;追求邪恶,必自趋丧亡。
11:20 上主憎恶心邪的人,喜悦举止无瑕的人。
11:21 恶人始终不能逃避惩罚,义人的后裔必获得拯救。
11:22 女人美丽而不精明,犹如套在猪鼻上的金环。
11:23 义人的心愿必获善报;恶人的希望终归破灭。
11:24 有人慷慨好施,反更富有;有人过于吝啬,反更贫穷。
11:25 慈善为怀的人,必得富裕;施惠于人的人,必蒙施惠。
11:26 屯积粮食的人,必受人民咀咒;降福却降在卖粮食者的头上。
11:27 慕求美善的,必求得恩宠;追求邪恶的,邪恶必临其身。
11:28 信赖自己财富的人,必至衰落;义人却茂盛有如绿叶。
11:29 危害自己家庭的,必承受虚幻;愚昧的人,必作心智者的奴隶。
11:30 义人的果实是生命树,智慧的人能夺取人心。
11:31 看义人在地上还遭受报复,恶人和罪人更将如何﹖
12:1 喜爱受教的人,必喜爱智慧;憎恨规劝的人,真是糊涂。
12:2 善心的人,必得上主喜悦;心术邪恶的人,必受降罚。
12:3 没有人作恶而能稳立,唯有义人的根基永不动摇。
12:4 贤能的妻子,是她丈夫的冠冕;无耻的妻子,宛如丈夫骨中的腐蚀。
12:5 义人思念公正,恶人计划诡谲。
12:6 恶人的言谈,是流血的陷阱;义人的口舌,设法搭救他人。
12:7 恶人一旦倾覆,便不复存在;义人的家室,却得以久存。
12:8 人凭自己的识见,获得赞美;但心地邪辟的人,必受轻视。
12:9 一个自给自足的平民,比爱排场而缺食的人,更为可贵。
12:10 义人珍惜禽兽的生命,恶人的心肠残忍刻薄。
12:11 自耕其地的人,必得饱食;追求虚幻的人,实属愚昧。
12:12 邪恶的想望,是恶人的罗网;义人的根基,却永不动摇。
12:13 恶人失口,自寻苦恼;义人却能幸免受累。
12:14 人必饱尝自己口舌的果实,必按自己的行为获得报应。
12:15 愚昧的人,常以为自己的道路正直;但明智的人,却常听从劝告。
12:16 愚昧的人,立时显出自己的愤怒;机智的人,却忍辱而不外露。
12:17 吐露真情,是彰显正义;作假见证,是自欺欺人。
12:18 出言不慎,有如利刃伤人;智者的口,却常疗愈他人。
12:19 讲实话的唇舌,永垂不朽;说谎话的舌头,瞬息即逝。
12:20 图谋恶事的,心怀欺诈;策划和平的,必得喜乐。
12:21 义人常无往不利,恶人却备受灾殃。
12:22 欺诈的唇舌,为上主所深恶;行事诚实的,才为他所中悦。
12:23 机智的人,使自己的才学深藏不露;心中愚昧的人,只会彰显自己的愚蠢。
12:24 勤劳的手,必要掌权;懒慢的手,只有服役。
12:25 忧郁使人心消沉,良言使人心快活。
12:26 义人给自己的友伴指示道路,恶人的行动却引人误入歧途。
12:27 懒惰的人,无米为炊;勤劳的人,腰缠万贯。
12:28 正义的路,导向生命;邪恶的路,引人丧亡。
13:1 智慧之子,听从父亲的教训;轻狂的人,不听任何人规劝。
13:2 义人必饱尝自己口舌的果实,恶人的欲望只有饱食强暴。
13:3 谨口慎言,方能自保性命;信口开河,终必自取灭亡。
13:4 懒人虽常盼望,却一无所得;勤劳的人,却常如愿以偿。
13:5 义人憎恶谎言,恶人令人可憎可恶。
13:6 正义保卫行为正直的人,邪恶却使罪人灭亡。
13:7 有人自充富人,其实一贫如洗;有人佯作穷人,其实腰缠万贯。
13:8 富人的钱财只是性命的赎价,穷人却没有这样的威胁。
13:9 义人的光明,必要高升;恶人的灯火,势必熄灭。
13:10 傲慢只有引起争端,虚心受教的人才有智慧。
13:11 傥来之物,容易消逝;经久积存,日渐增多。
13:12 希望迟不兑现,令人心神烦恼;愿望获得满足,是株生命树。
13:13 谁轻视法令,必遭灭亡;谁敬畏诫命,必得安全。
13:14 智慧人的教训是生命的泉源,人可赖以脱免死亡的罗网。
13:15 明哲的规劝,使人蒙恩,残暴人的举止,粗鲁蛮横。
13:16 精明的人,常按理智行事;愚昧的人,只自夸其糊涂。
13:17 奸妄的使者,使人陷于灾祸;忠诚的使者,给人带来安和。
13:18 拒绝规劝的,必遭贫苦羞辱;接受惩戒的,反要受人尊敬。
13:19 愿望获得满足,能使心灵愉快;远离邪恶,却为愚昧人所深恶。
13:20 与智慧人往来,可成智慧人;与愚昧人作伴,必受其连累。
13:21 恶运追踪罪人,义人却得善报。
13:22 善人为子子孙孙留下产业,罪人的财富是为义人积蓄。
13:23 穷人开垦的田地,生产大量食物;谁若缺乏正义,定不免于灭亡。
13:24 不肯使用棍杖的人,实是恨自己的儿子;真爱儿子的人,必时加以惩罚。
13:25 义人必得饱食,恶人无以果腹。
14:1 智慧的妇女,足以兴家;愚昧的妇女,亲手将家拆毁。
14:2 履行正路的人,敬畏上主;爱走曲径的人,轻视上主。
14:3 愚昧人口中,有傲慢的根苗;智慧人的唇舌,是自己的保障。
14:4 没有耕牛,没有五谷;耕牛愈雄壮,收获愈丰富。
14:5 忠实的证人,决不说谎;虚伪的证人,谎言连篇。
14:6 轻狂人求智,只属徒然;明智人求知,却很容易。
14:7 你应远离愚昧的人,由他口中决得不到明哲。
14:8 明智人的智慧,在于审察自己的行径;愚昧人的昏愚,在于自欺欺人。
14:9 罪孽住在愚昧人中,恩爱与正直人为伍。
14:10 心头的愁苦,唯有自己知;心中的喜乐,他人无分享。
14:11 邪辟人的家庭,必遭破坏;正直人的帐幕,却要兴隆。
14:12 有些道路,看来正直;走到尽头,却是死路。
14:13 连在欢笑中,心亦有感伤;欢笑的结局,往往是痛苦。
14:14 变心的人,必自尝其果;良善的人,必得其善报。
14:15 幼稚的人,有话必信;明智的人,步步谨慎。
14:16 智慧人戒避邪恶,愚昧人骄矜自负。
14:17 易怒的人,做事昏愚;慎思的人,事事含忍。
14:18 愚昧的人,以愚昧为基业;明智的人,以知识为冠冕。
14:19 歹徒将伏在善人面前,恶人将跪在义人门前。
14:20 贫穷的人,为亲朋所厌;富贵的人,则高朋满座。
14:21 藐视近人,便是犯罪;怜悯苦人,才是有福。
14:22 阴谋邪恶的人,岂非走入歧途﹖策划行善的人,必获慈惠忠诚。
14:23 一切劳苦皆有利益;只有闲谈,引人贫穷。
14:24 智慧人的冠冕,是他们的机智;愚昧人的冠冕,是他们的糊涂。
14:25 忠实的见证,救人性命;作假证的人,危害他人。
14:26 敬畏上主,是稳固的靠山;为他的子孙,也是个避难所。
14:27 敬畏上主,是生命的泉源,使人脱免死亡的罗网。
14:28 人民众多,是君王的光荣;庶民缺少,是王侯的没落。
14:29 缓于发怒的人,必甚有见识;脾气暴躁的人,必大显愚昧。
14:30 心平气和,使身体康健;心怀嫉忌,使骨骸腐蚀。
14:31 欺压穷人的,就是凌辱他的造主;怜恤苦人的,就是尊敬他的造主。
14:32 恶人因自己的邪恶,必被毁灭;义人因自己的正义,有所凭借。
14:33 智慧居于哲人的心中,愚人的怀中一无所见。
14:34 正义能以兴邦立国,罪恶却使人民衰落。
14:35 明哲的臣仆,蒙受君王的宠幸;无用的臣仆,必遭君王的盛怒。
15:1 温和的回答,平息忿怒;激昂的言语,使人动怒。
15:2 智慧者的舌,广传智慧;愚昧人的口,吐露愚昧。
15:3 上主的眼目,处处都在;善人和恶人,他都监视。
15:4 抚慰的言辞,有如生命树;刻薄的言语,能刺伤人心。
15:5 愚蠢的人,轻视父亲的管教;遵守规劝的,为人必精明。
15:6 在义人家里,财产丰富;恶人的收入,必遭毁灭。
15:7 智慧人的唇,散播智识;愚昧人的心,实不可靠。
15:8 上主厌恶恶人的祭献,却喜悦正直人的祈祷。
15:9 上主厌恶恶人的道路,却喜爱追求正义的人。
15:10 离弃正道的,必遭严罚;憎恨规劝的,只有死亡。
15:11 阴府和冥域,都明摆在上主面前,何况世人的心怀!
15:12 轻狂者不爱受人指责,也不愿与智慧人往来。
15:13 心中愉快,使面容焕发;心中悲伤,使精神颓丧。
15:14 明达人的心,寻求智识;愚昧人的口,饱食昏愚。
15:15 心情忧伤的,日日困坐愁城;心胸畅快的,时时如享喜宴。
15:16 少有财宝而敬畏上主,胜于富有财宝而诸多烦恼。
15:17 有情吃蔬菜,胜于无情食肥牛。
15:18 易怒的人,常引起争端;含忍的人,却平息争论。
15:19 懒惰人的道路,有如荆棘篱笆;正直人的行径,却是康庄大道。
15:20 智慧的儿子,是父亲的喜乐;只有愚昧人,轻视自己的母亲。
15:21 无知的人,以愚昧为乐;明智的人,却直道而行。
15:22 缺乏考虑,计划必要失败;谋士众多,策略方克有成。
15:23 应对得当,自觉快慰;言语适时,何其舒畅!
15:24 生命之路使明智人向上,为此他能避免向下的阴府。
15:25 上主将拆毁骄傲人的房屋,却要坚定寡妇的地界。
15:26 邪恶的阴谋,为上主所憎恶;温良的言语,却为他所喜悦。
15:27 贪求财货的,困扰自己的家庭;憎恶馈赠的,生活必能安定。
15:28 义人的心,只默思善事;恶人的口,只吐露恶语。
15:29 上主远离恶人,却俯听义人的祈祷。
15:30 晶莹的目光,使人心旷神怡;美好的讯息,使人筋骨壮健。
15:31 喜听有益生命劝戒的人,必得列于智慧人中。
15:32 避免教导的,是作贱自己;听从规劝的,必获得机智。
15:33 敬畏上主,是智慧的导师;谦卑自下,是荣耀的先声。
16:1 内心策划在于人,应允却在于上主。
16:2 对自己的行为,人都自觉无瑕;但审察心灵的,却是上主。
16:3 将你的作为委托于上主,这样你的计划必会成功。
16:4 上主所造的各有其用意,连恶人也有不幸的一日。
16:5 居心傲慢的,上主必厌恶;这一类的人,逃不掉惩罚。
16:6 藉慈善忠诚,可补赎罪过;藉敬畏上主,可避免罪恶。
16:7 世人的行径,若中悦上主,他必使仇敌,再与他和好。
16:8 收入少而守正义,胜于进款多而行不义。
16:9 人心里都策划自己的行径;但他的步伐却由上主支配。
16:10 神明的断语,出自君王口;他口下判断,必不致差错。
16:11 天秤和称盘,属上主所有;囊中的法码,全由他制定。
16:12 君王最厌恶的是作恶,因为王位赖正义而立。
16:13 正义的唇舌,为君王所喜悦;说话正直者,为君王所爱戴。
16:14 君王的震怒,是死讯的使者;但是智慧人,能平息王怒。
16:15 君王容光焕发,人即可活命;君王的恩泽,有如春云时雨。
16:16 获得智慧,胜于获得黄金;获得智识,胜于获得白银。
16:17 正直人的行径远离邪恶,谨守行为的人必确保生命。
16:18 骄横是灭亡的先声,傲慢是陨落的前导。
16:19 谦下与贫民共处,胜于与骄傲人分赃。
16:20 细听劝言的,必将受益;信赖上主的,真是有福。
16:21 有慧心的人,被称为哲人;温和的口吻,更具说服力。
16:22 为有智识的人,智识是生命的泉源;然而糊涂愚昧,却是愚昧人的惩罚。
16:23 智慧人的心,使自己的嘴灵巧,使自己的唇舌,更具说服力。
16:24 亲切的言语,有如蜂蜜,使心灵愉快,使筋骨舒畅。
16:25 有些道路,看来正直;走到尽头,却是死路。
16:26 工人的胃口,催他劳作;工人的口腹,迫他工作。
16:27 无赖之徒,图谋邪恶;他的嘴上,似有火烧。
16:28 乖戾的人,撒播争端;告密的人,离间友情。
16:29 强横的人,诱惑朋友;引他走入不正之徒。
16:30 谁紧闭眼睛,是在策划阴谋;谁紧咬口唇,邪恶业已完成。
16:31 皓首白发,是尊荣的冠冕;只在正义的道上,方可获得。
16:32 有涵养的人,胜于勇士;克服自己的人,胜于克城的人。
16:33 人尽可在怀中抽签,但决断却在乎上主。
17:1 干饼一张而平安共食,胜于满屋佳肴而互相争吵。
17:2 聪明的仆人必能管治任性的儿子,且可与弟兄们共分产业。
17:3 锅炼银,炉炼金,上主炼人心。
17:4 奸诈的人,爱听胡言乱语;说谎的人,轻信是非长短。
17:5 嘲笑穷人的是凌辱他的造主;幸灾乐祸的,必不能脱免惩罚。
17:6 孙儿是老人的冠冕,父亲是儿女的光荣。
17:7 优雅的言词,不适宜于愚人;虚伪的狂语,更不宜于君王。
17:8 贿赂在馈赠者眼中,有如宝石;不论他要转向何方,无往不利。
17:9 掩饰他人的过错,可获得友爱;屡念旧日的过恶,则离间友谊。
17:10 对明智人一句指责,胜过对愚昧人百次杖击。
17:11 暴徒只求叛乱,但有残酷使者,奉命前来对付。
17:12 宁愿遇见失掉幼子的母熊,不愿逢着正在发狂的愚人。
17:13 谁以怨报德,灾祸必不离开他的家。
17:14 争论的开端,如水之破堤;在激辩之前,应极加制止。
17:15 宣判罪人无罪,判定义人有罪:二者同为上主所憎恶。
17:16 愚昧的人,既没有头脑,手执金钱买智慧,又何益之有﹖
17:17 朋友平时常相爱,唯在患难中见兄弟。
17:18 常为人击掌作保,实是个无知之徒。
17:19 好争辩的人,实喜爱罪过;高举门户的,必自趋灭亡。
17:20 谁存心欺诈,不会得幸福;谁搬弄是非,必陷于灾祸。
17:21 生糊涂孩子的,只有悲哀;糊涂人的父亲,毫无乐趣。
17:22 愉快的心,是良好的治疗;神志忧郁,能使筋骨枯萎。
17:23 恶人在大衣下受贿赂,是为颠倒正义的判词。
17:24 精明的人,常面向智慧;愚者的眼,向地极呆望,
17:25 愚昧的儿子,是他父亲的痛苦,是他生母的忧伤。
17:26 科罚无辜,已属不当;杖责君子,更属不义。
17:27 智者必沉默寡言,达人必心神镇定。
17:28 愚人不发言,亦可充作智者;若谨口慎言,亦可视为哲人。
18:1 与众寡合的,只求私意;对任何指教,都表忿恨。
18:2 愚昧的人不喜爱受教,只爱显露自己的心意。
18:3 邪恶一来,轻视随到;侮辱也随无耻而至。
18:4 哲人口中的言语有如深水,又如汹涌的溪流,生命的泉源。
18:5 在判案时,徇恶人之私,加害于义人,实属不公。
18:6 愚人的唇舌,常引起争端;愚人的口舌,常自招责打。
18:7 愚人的舌,使自己丧亡;他的嘴唇,是害己的陷阱。
18:8 进谗者的话,如可口美味,能深深透入肺腑的深处。
18:9 懒于操劳的人,是败子的弟兄。
18:10 上主的名号,是坚固保垒;义人投入内,必得享安全。
18:11 富人的财产,是他的坚城;在他意想中,象座高墙。
18:12 心傲是灭亡的前导,心谦是光荣的前驱。
18:13 未听而先答,真昏愚可耻。
18:14 刚毅的精神,能忍受病苦;若精神萎靡,有谁能支持﹖
18:15 明智人的心,必获得学问;智慧人的耳,必探求知识。
18:16 礼物能给人大开门路,引人晋谒权贵。
18:17 先诉理者似有理,对手来时再审断。
18:18 抽签可以使争端平息,也能调解权贵的纠纷。
18:19 兄弟若不和,比坚城还难攻克;他们的争辩,有如碉堡的门闩。
18:20 人必以口中果实充满肚腹,必饱尝自己唇舌的出产。
18:21 死亡和生命,全在乎唇舌;放纵唇舌的,必自食其果。
18:22 谁觅得了贤妻,便觅得了幸福,得了上主恩眷。
18:23 贫穷的人哀恳乞怜;富贵的人厉声以对。
18:24 交朋友过多,必会有损害;但有些朋友,远胜亲兄弟。
19:1 穷而行为正直,胜于富而唇舌欺诈。
19:2 热诚无谋,诚不可取;步伐匆忙,难免失足。
19:3 人因愚蠢自毁前途;他的心反迁怒上主。
19:4 财富招来许多朋友,穷人却为亲朋所弃。
19:5 作假见证的人,难免受罚;撒播谎言的人,势必难逃。
19:6 大方的人,人人奉承;好施的人,人都谄媚。
19:7 人穷兄弟恨,朋友更远离;谁追求空言,是捕风捉影。
19:8 获得明哲的,必爱惜自己;珍惜明智的,必觅得幸福。
19:9 作假见证的人,难免受罚;撒播谎言的人,自趋灭亡。
19:10 安逸的生活,不适于愚人;奴隶管君主,更是不相宜。
19:11 明智的人,缓于发怒,宽恕愆尤,引以为荣。
19:12 君主的盛怒,有如狮子的怒吼;君王的恩惠,有如草上的朝露。
19:13 愚昧的儿子,是父亲的灾祸;吵闹的女人,有如屋顶漏水。
19:14 房屋与钱财,是父母的遗产;贤明的妻子,是上主的恩赐。
19:15 懒慢怠惰,使人沉睡;闲荡的人,必要挨饿。
19:16 恪守上主诫命的,可保全生命;轻视上主道路的,必自趋丧亡。
19:17 向穷人施舍,是借贷于上主;对他的功德,上主必要报答。
19:18 尚有希望时,应惩罚儿子;但不可存心置他于死地。
19:19 易怒的人,应当受罚:你越宽容,他越乖戾。
19:20 你应听取劝告,接受教训,使你今后成个明智的人。
19:21 人在心中尽可策划多端,实现的却是上主的计划。
19:22 慷慨为人有利,穷汉胜过骗子。
19:23 敬畏上主,使人得生命,满怀敬畏,必无殃无祸。
19:24 懒惰人伸手到食盘,却懒于送回到口边。
19:25 你若杖责轻狂人,幼稚者将变明智;你只谴责明智者,他即更明了义理。
19:26 苛待父亲,迫走母亲的,实是卑贱可耻的儿子。
19:27 我儿,你停止听取教训,就是远离智慧的训言。
19:28 邪曲的见证,戏笑公义;恶人们的嘴,吞食不义。
19:29 体刑是为轻狂人而设,鞭笞是为愚人背而备。
20:1 清酒令人轻狂,醇酒使人发疯;凡沉溺于酒的,必不是明智人。
20:2 君王的震怒,有如狮子的咆哮;触怒他的,危害自己的性命。
20:3 平息争端,是人的光荣;凡是愚人,都喜爱争论。
20:4 懒惰人一寒冷,便不耕作;收获之时,他必一无所获。
20:5 人心的谋略,有如深水,唯有聪明人,才能汲取。
20:6 自命为仁者,比比皆是;但有谁找到忠贞的人﹖
20:7 正义的人,必然为人正直;他的后代子孙,必然有福。
20:8 君王高坐在判座上,所有邪恶一目了然。
20:9 有谁能说:「我保持了心灵的洁净,我是纯洁无罪的﹖」
20:10 不同的衡量,不同的升斗:二者皆为上主同样厌恶。
20:11 孩童的行为,洁净正直与否,由他的举动便可认出。
20:12 能听的耳朵,能看的眼睛:二者皆为上主所造。
20:13 不要贪睡眠,免得你受穷;两眼睁开,才能得饱食。
20:14 顾客常说:「不好,不好!」但一离去,赞不绝口。
20:15 虽有大批黄金宝石,但最宝贵的,还是明智的唇舌。
20:16 谁为外方人作保,拿去他的衣服;谁为异邦人作保,以他本人作质。
20:17 骗来的食物颇觉香甜,事后口中却满是砂砾。
20:18 运筹帷幄,必先要商讨;进行战事,必该凭智谋。
20:19 游荡闲谈的,必泄露秘密;张口饶舌的,别与他交结。
20:20 凡是辱骂自己父母的人,他的灯必在幽暗中熄灭。
20:21 起初容易得来的财物,最后也不会得到降福。
20:22 你切不可说:「我以恶报恶;」应信赖上主,他必拯救你。
20:23 不同的衡量,为上主所恶;不同的天秤,实属不道德。
20:24 世人的脚步,由上主支配;人那能了解自己的道路﹖
20:25 人若冒然说「圣,」许愿后才反省,这是自投罗网。
20:26 智慧的君王簸扬恶人,且用车轮来压轧他们。
20:27 人的神魂是上主的灯,探照肺腑的一切隐密。
20:28 仁爱和忠诚,是君王的保障;他的宝座,是赖慈爱而支撑。
20:29 少年人的光荣,在于他们的魄力;老年人的荣耀,在于他们的白发。
20:30 见伤的鞭打能清除邪恶,杖击能触及肺腑的深处。
21:1 君王的心在上主手里,有如水流,可随意转移。
21:2 人对自己的行为,都自觉正直;但审察人心的,却是上主。
21:3 秉公行义,比献祭献更悦上主。
21:4 傲慢的眼睛,骄矜的心灵,恶人的炫耀,无非是罪恶。
21:5 熟思的人,必足以致富;草率的人,必贫困缠身。
21:6 以谎言伪语骗得的财宝,是浮云轻烟,死亡的罗网。
21:7 恶人的暴戾,必殃及自身,因他们不肯去履行正义。
21:8 恶人的道路,歪曲邪辟;正人的行为,正直适中。
21:9 宁愿住在屋顶的一角,不愿与吵妇同居一室。
21:10 恶人的心灵,只求邪恶;对自己友伴,毫不关怀。
21:11 轻狂人遭受处罚,幼稚者将得明智;智慧人接受教训,更增加自己知识。
21:12 正义的上主监视恶人的家,且使恶人都陷于灾祸。
21:13 谁对穷人的哀求,充耳不闻,他呼求时,也不会得到应允。
21:14 暗中相送的馈赠,可平息忿怒;投入怀中的礼物,可平息狂怒。
21:15 秉公行义,能叫义人喜乐;但为作恶的人,却是恐惧。
21:16 凡远离明智道路的人,必居于幽灵的集会中。
21:17 贪爱享乐的人,必遭受穷困;喜爱酒油的人,必不会致富。
21:18 恶人必将为义人作赎金,败类也将替君子作代价。
21:19 与好争易怒的女人同居,倒不如独自住在旷野里。
21:20 珍贵的宝藏和油,积藏在智者家里;但糊涂愚昧的人,却将之消耗净尽。
21:21 追求正义和仁慈的人,必将获得生命与尊荣。
21:22 智者必登上勇士的城邑,攻破城邑所凭倚的保垒。
21:23 谁谨守自己的口舌,心灵必能免受烦恼。
21:24 高傲的人名叫「狂人」,他行事必极端蛮横。
21:25 怠惰人的手不肯操作,必为他的愿望所扼杀。
21:26 贪婪的人,终日贪婪;正义的人,广施不吝。
21:27 恶人的祭献,已是可憎;若怀恶而献,更将如何﹖
21:28 作假见证的人,必要灭亡;但善于听的人,才可常言。
21:29 邪恶的人,常装腔作势;正直的人,却举止检点。
21:30 任何智慧、才略或计谋,都不能与上主相对抗。
21:31 招兵买马,是为作战之日;但是胜利,却由上主指使。
22:1 信誉比多财可取,敬仰必金银可贵。2
22:2 富人与穷人彼此相遇,二者皆为上主所造。
22:3 精明人遇见灾祸,即行隐避;无知者反向前走,自招损害。
22:4 谦卑的赏报,是敬畏上主,是享有财富、尊荣和生命。
22:5 恶者的路上,满布荆棘罗网;洁身自爱的人,必能远而避之。
22:6 你教导孩童应行的道路,待他老年时也不会离弃。
22:7 富人宰割穷人,债主奴役债户。
22:8 播种邪恶的,必收获灾祸;他辛苦工作,必全属徒然。
22:9 目光慈祥的,必蒙受降福,因他将食粮,施舍给狂人。
22:10 赶走了狂人,就除了争执;争讼与侮辱,亦相继止息。
22:11 纯洁的心灵,是上主所爱;优雅的唇舌,是君王所悦。
22:12 上主的眼目,常卫护知识;败类的言论,必加以毁灭。
22:13 只有懒人说:「外面有狮子,在街市之中,我会被吞噬。」
22:14 淫妇的口,实是个深坑;上主恼怒的,必堕入其中。
22:15 孩童心中藏愚昧,只有戒尺能驱逐。
22:16 欺压穷人,是使他致富;馈赠富者,是使他贫穷。
22:17 你应当倾听智者的训言,应专心致意领会我的知识。
22:18 你若细心存想,常在口中诵念,必会令你喜悦。
22:19 为使你的信赖全托于上主,我今日特将道路指示给你。
22:20 关于教诲和知识,我岂未多次写过;
22:21 使你认识真言实理,答复前来问你的人﹖
22:22 你不可因为人穷而剥削穷人,亦不可在城门口欺压弱小;
22:23 因为他们的案件,上主必予以辩护;凡剥夺他们的人,上主必讨其生命。
22:24 易怒的人,不可与他交结,暴躁的人,不要与他往来,
22:25 免得你沾染他的恶习,甘冒丧失性命的危险。
22:26 不要为别人击掌,不要为债务作保;
22:27 免得你没有什么偿还时,连你的床榻也被人夺走。
22:28 祖先立定的旧界,你不要加以移动。
22:29 你曾见过办事能干的人吗﹖他必侍立在君王面前,决不侍立在庸人面前。
23:1 几时你与首长坐席,应记着,在你面前的是谁。
23:2 你若过于贪食,应在咽喉上,放上一把刀。
23:3 休要羡慕他的珍馐,因那是骗人的食品。
23:4 不要辛苦企求致富,反应放弃这种企图。
23:5 你一向之注目,即不再存在了:它会生出翅膀,如鹰向天飞去。
23:6 不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味,
23:7 因为他原是只顾自己的人,他口头虽对你说「请吃请喝!」但他的心中并不与你友善;
23:8 你吃下的那口食物,还得吐出;你婉转悦耳的言辞,尽属枉费。
23:9 不要与愚人交耳接谈,因他必轻视你的高见。
23:10 不要移动孀妇的地界,不要侵占孤儿的田地;
23:11 因为他们的辩护者是大能的,他必为他们的案件与你争辩。
23:12 你应专心接受教训,倾耳细听益智之言。
23:13 对孩童不可忽略惩戒;用棍打他,他不致死去。
23:14 你用棍杖打他,是救他的灵魂免下阴府。
23:15 我儿,你若心怀智慧,我也诚心喜乐;
23:16 你的唇舌若谈吐正义的事,我的五衷也必会踊跃欢欣。
23:17 心里不要羡慕罪人,却要日日敬畏上主;
23:18 这样你的将来必然顺利,你的希望绝不落空。
23:19 我儿,你要听话,作个明智人;且要引领你的心走上正道。
23:20 贪嗜酒肉的人,不可与之来往;
23:21 因为嗜酒贪食的人,必陷于穷困;贪懒好睡的人,必衣着褴褛。
23:22 对生养你的父亲,应当听从;对你年迈的母亲,不可轻视。
23:23 应获取真理,不可出卖,还有智慧、训诲和见识。
23:24 义人的父亲,必欣然喜乐;生育慧子的,必为此欢腾。
23:25 应使你的父亲因你而喜悦,应使你的生母因你而快乐。
23:26 我儿,将你的心交给我,注目于我的道路:
23:27 妓女是一个深坑,淫妇是一个陷阱;
23:28 她潜伏着,实如强盗,使人世间,增添奸夫。
23:29 是谁将哀鸣,是谁将悲叹﹖是谁将争吵,是谁将抱怨﹖是谁将无故受伤,是谁将双目赤红﹖
23:30 是那流连于醉乡,去搜求醇酒的人。
23:31 你不要注视酒色怎样红,在杯中怎样闪耀,饮下去怎样痛快!
23:32 终究它要咬人如蛇,刺人如虺。
23:33 那时,你的眼要见到奇景,你的心要吐出狂语。
23:34 你宛如躺在海中心,睡在桅杆顶。「
23:35 人打我,我不痛,人捶我,我不觉;我何时苏醒,好再去寻醉!」
24:1 你不要妒忌作恶的人,不要希求与他们共处;
24:2 因为他们的心灵,只图谋不轨;他们的嘴唇,只讲论是非。
24:3 因着智慧,家庭得以兴建;因着明智,家庭得以稳定。
24:4 各种珍奇可爱的宝物,因着智识可储藏满室。
24:5 智慧人胜于壮士,明智人强于勇士;
24:6 因为作战须有智谋,胜利在于谋士众多。
24:7 为愚昧的人,智慧太高妙;他在城门口,只好不开口。
24:8 筹划作恶的人,可称为阴险家。
24:9 愚人的计谋只是罪恶;狂妄的人为人所憎恶。
24:10 你若萎靡不振,到灾难的日子,必然气竭力尽。
24:11 被带去受死的人,你应拯救他;行将被杀戮的人,你要挽救他。
24:12 或许你要说:「看!我全不知道!」难道那权衡人心的能不明了﹖难道监察你心灵的能不知道﹖他必按每人的作为还报每人。
24:13 我儿,你要吃蜜,因为蜜好;蜂房的蜜,香甜可口。
24:14 对你的灵魂,智慧也是这样:你找得了她,必有好前途;你所希望的,决不会落空。
24:15 恶人对义人的家,不要图谋不轨;对他的住所,不要加以破坏;
24:16 因为义人虽七次跌倒,仍然要起来;但是恶人一失足,必陷祸患中。
24:17 你的仇人跌倒,且不要高兴;他若失足摔倒,且不要心喜;
24:18 免得上主看见而不快,因而撤消对他的忿怒。
24:19 对作恶的人,你不要动怒;对乖戾之徒,也不必嫉妒;
24:20 因为恶人终没有好前途,恶人的灯必要熄灭。
24:21 我儿,上主和君王,你都要敬畏;对他们二者,皆不可触怒;
24:22 因为他们的惩罚可突然而至;他们的摧残,有谁能知晓﹖
24:23 以下是智者的箴言:在判案时,顾及情面,就不公平。
24:24 谁对恶人说:「你是正义的。」人民必骂他,百姓必恨他。
24:25 按公道加罚的,必事事顺遂;美好的降福,必临于其身。
24:26 应答适宜的人,宛如与人接吻。
24:27 你要先在外经营好事业,在田间将工作准备停当,然后才可建立你的家室。
24:28 不要轻易作证,反对你的近人;也不要以你的口舌,欺骗他人。
24:29 不可说:「人怎样待我,我怎样待人;照人之所行,我予以还报。」
24:30 我走过懒惰人的田地,经过愚昧人的葡萄园:
24:31 看,到处是荆棘,满地是蒺黎,石墙也倒了!
24:32 我看了,便心下自思;我见了,取得了教训:
24:33 「再睡片刻,再假寐片刻,再抱臂躺卧片刻」──
24:34 这样,贫穷就要如同窃贼,困乏也要如同武士,向你侵袭。
25:1 以下也是撒罗满的箴言,由犹大王希则克雅的人所搜集:
25:2 将事隐蔽,是天主的光荣;清察事实,是君王的光荣。
25:3 天有多高,地有多厚,王有何心,不可测量。
25:4 若将银渣除去净尽,银匠必会造出银器;
25:5 若将君王前的恶人除掉,王座即可因正义而稳立。
25:6 你在君王前不可炫耀,不可占有权贵的座位;
25:7 因为人对你说「请上座!」比在贵前受抑更好。
25:8 你眼若有所见,不可冒然诉讼;人若使你难堪,你将何以善后﹖
25:9 与你的近人,可自决争端;他人的秘密,切不可泄漏;
25:10 免得人听见了而讥笑你,使你的声誉一败涂地。
25:11 一句简单话,若说得适当,有如银盘中,放上金苹果。
25:12 明智的劝戒,对受教的人,无异于金环,或纯金美饰。
25:13 忠诚的使者,对遣他的人,有如秋收时,吹来的凉风,使他主人的心感到愉快。
25:14 许诺而不实践的人,只好似无雨的风云。
25:15 容忍可以折服公侯,柔语能以粉碎硬骨。
25:16 你找到蜂蜜,应按食量吃;怕吃的过多,反要吐出来。
25:17 邻舍的住家,你应少踏入;怕他讨厌你,反而憎恨你。
25:18 作假见证陷害邻舍的人,无异是铁锤、刀剑和利箭。
25:19 在患难之日,信赖无信用的人,有如信赖蛀坏的牙,脱节的脚。
25:20 对忧伤的心灵咏唱诗歌,无异在伤口处倒上酸醋。
25:21 若仇人饿了,你要给他吃;若是他渴了,应给他水喝:
25:22 这是将火炭堆在他头上,上主也必要因此还报你。
25:23 北风带来时雨;谗言易惹怒容。
25:24 宁愿住在屋顶的一角,不愿与吵妇同居一室。
25:25 来自远方的喜信,无异口渴获清泉。
25:26 义人如在恶人面前失足,无异弄混的水泉,弄浊的水井。
25:27 吃蜂蜜过多,有损无益;过于求光荣,反而受累。
25:28 人若不控制自己的脾气,就如一座无墙无防的城市。
26:1 有如夏日下雪,秋收降雨,不合时令;同样愚昧的人获得光荣,亦不适宜。
26:2 有如麻雀逃走,燕子飞去:无端的咒骂,也一去无踪。
26:3 马需要皮鞭,驴需要辔头,愚昧人的脊背需要棍棒。
26:4 回答愚昧人,别照样愚昧,免得你也象他一样;
26:5 回答愚昧人,有时应愚昧,免得他自以为聪明。
26:6 派遣愚昧人,去作传话人,是自断己足,是自寻苦恼。
26:7 犹如跛子的脚虚悬无力,箴言在愚人口中也是如此。
26:8 将光荣体面授给愚昧人,无异将宝石投在石堆里。
26:9 箴言在愚人口中,犹如荆棘在醉汉手中。
26:10 雇用愚人或过路人的人,无异射伤众人的弓手。
26:11 愚人一再重复他的愚行,犹如狗再吃它呕吐之物。
26:12 你是否见过自作聪明的人﹖寄望于愚人必寄望于他更好。
26:13 懒惰人常说:「路上有猛狮,街市有壮狮。」
26:14 懒人在床榻上辗转,犹如门扇在枢纽上旋转。
26:15 懒人伸手在盘中取食,送到口边也感到辛苦。
26:16 懒惰人自视为聪明,远胜过七个善于应对的人。
26:17 干涉与己无关的争端,有如抓过路狗的尾巴。
26:18 谁骗了人而后说:「我只开玩笑!」
26:19 犹如狂人投掷火把、利箭和死亡。
26:20 没有木柴,火即熄灭;没有谗言,争端即息。
26:21 谁惹事生非,挑拨争端,是在火炭上加炭,火柴上加柴。
26:22 进谗者的话,如可口美味,能深深透入肺腑的深处。
26:23 口蜜腹剑的人,有如涂上银的陶器。
26:24 怀恨他人的,善措词掩饰;但在他心底,却藏有阴险。
26:25 谁声调过柔,你不要相信;因在他心中,藏有七种恶。
26:26 仇恨虽可以诡计来掩饰,但在集会中险恶必败露。
26:27 挖掘陷阱的必自陷其中,滚转石头的必为石所压。
26:28 撒谎的唇舌,必痛恨真理;谄媚的嘴脸,必制造丧亡。
27:1 不要为明日自夸,因为你不知今天能发生什么。
27:2 只应让人赞美你,你不应开口自夸;赞你的该是他人,不该是你的唇舌。
27:3 石头重,沙砾沉,愚人的忿怒,比二者都沉重。
27:4 愤怒固然残酷,暴怒更是猛烈;可是面对妒恨,有谁能够抵受﹖
27:5 公开的责斥,胜于暗中的溺爱。
27:6 友人的抨击是忠诚,仇人的拥吻是欺骗。
27:7 人若吃饱了,蜂蜜也厌恶;若肚子饥饿,苦物也甘甜。
27:8 离家飘泊的游子,有如无巢可归的雀鸟。
27:9 香油和香料,能畅快人心;朋友的劝勉,能抚慰人灵。
27:10 你的知心朋友,你父亲的至交,你切不可离弃;在你忧患的时日,不要进兄弟的家。靠近的邻舍,胜于远地的兄弟。
27:11 我儿,作个智慧人,使我心高兴,好叫我回答笑骂我的人。
27:12 精明人遇见灾祸,即行隐避;无知者反向前走,自招损害。
27:13 谁为外方人作保,拿出他的衣服;谁为异族人作保,以他本人作质。
27:14 清晨向人高声降福,就等于向他人诅咒。
27:15 豪雨的时日,滴漏不已:好吵的女人,也是如此;
27:16 谁愿意拦阻她,无异拦阻狂风,又好似右手抓油。
27:17 朋友互相砥砺,有如以铁锉铁。
27:18 看守无花果树的,必食其果;护守自己主人的,必受器重。
27:19 人心不同,犹如其面。
27:20 阴府和冥域,总填不满;世人的眼睛,从不满足。
27:21 锅炼银,炉炼金,谄媚炼人心。
27:22 你尽可在臼中将愚人舂碎,但他的昏愚却永不能铲除。
27:23 对你羊群的情况,应加注意;对你的家畜,应常留心照料;
27:24 因为钱财并不能永存,宝藏也不能永留万代。
27:25 割去了干草,青草又丛生;山间的野草,也收集起来;
27:26 那时羔羊供你衣料,山羊供你地价,
27:27 羊奶足以养你,维持你的家庭,养活你的婢女。
28:1 恶人无人追踪,仍然窜逃;义人安然自得,有如雄狮。
28:2 由于国家的罪,领袖时有更迭;惟赖明哲之士,邦国方能久存。
28:3 欺压弱小的恶霸,有如冲没谷粮的暴雨。
28:4 违法的人,称扬败类;守法的人,与之为敌。
28:5 作恶的人,不明了正义;寻求上主的,却全洞识。
28:6 为人正直的穷人,胜于行为邪辟的富人。
28:7 遵守法律的,是智慧之子;交结荡子的,是取辱己父。
28:8 谁放贷取利增加己产,是为怜恤贫乏者积蓄。
28:9 对于法律,人若充耳不闻,他的祈祷,也为上主所恶。
28:10 勾引正直的人走上邪路的,必落在自己所掘的坑内;但正直的人仍能继承幸福。
28:11 富贵的人,自认为有智慧,聪明的穷人一眼即看穿。
28:12 义人获胜,群情欢腾;恶霸当道,人人走避。
28:13 文过饰非的,必不会顺利;认错悔改的,将蒙受怜悯。
28:14 常戒慎的人,必蒙降福;心硬如铁者,必遭灾祸。
28:15 暴君欺凌贫穷弱小,有如咆哮怒狮,饥饿野熊。
28:16 无知的昏君,必横行霸道;憎恨贪婪的,将延年益寿。
28:17 身负血债者,虽逃至死地,也无人搭救。
28:18 行走正路的,必安然无恙;爱走曲径的,必堕入陷阱。
28:19 自耕其地的,必常得饱食;追求虚幻的,必饱尝贫苦。
28:20 忠诚笃实的人,将满渥福祉;急于致富的人,将难免无过。
28:21 顾及人的情面,原非一件好事;但为一片面包,人却陷身不义。
28:22 眼睛贪婪的人,匆匆急于致富;岂知贫乏穷困,即将临于其身!
28:23 责斥他人的,终比奉承的,更得人爱戴。
28:24 向自己父母行窃,却说「这并不是罪,」与强盗是同路人。
28:25 贪得无厌的人,必引起争端;信赖上主的人,必心安理得。
28:26 自恃聪明的,实是糊涂人;行事智慧的,必安全无恙。
28:27 乐施济贫的,决不会匮乏;视若无睹的,必饱受咒骂。
28:28 恶霸当道,人人走避;恶霸灭亡,义人兴旺。
29:1 人若屡受谴责,仍然顽固,他必突然丧亡,无法挽救。
29:2 义人执政,人民喜庆;恶人专权,人民叹息。
29:3 喜爱智慧的,使父亲喜悦;寻花问柳的,必倾家荡产。
29:4 君王秉公行义,必将兴邦;但若暴敛横征,必将丧邦。
29:5 对自己的友伴阿谀的人,是在他脚下张设罗网。
29:6 作恶的人,满路绊索;正义的人,载欣载奔。
29:7 义人关注穷人的案情,但是恶人却毫不知情。
29:8 轻狂的人,煽动城市作乱;明智的人,设法挽回狂澜。
29:9 智愚争辩,或怒或笑,终无结果。
29:10 嗜杀的人,常憎恨正人君子;正直的人,却关怀他的性命。
29:11 愚人忿怒,必尽情发泄;明智的人,必自知抑制。
29:12 作首长的,如听信谗言,他的臣仆,必尽属小人。
29:13 穷人与压迫者彼此相遇,二者皆由主获得光明。
29:14 君王如秉公审判穷人,他的宝座必永久稳立。
29:15 杖责与惩戒,赐予人智慧;娇纵的孩子,使母亲受辱。
29:16 恶人掌权,罪恶随之增多;正义的人,必亲见其崩溃。
29:17 惩戒你的儿子,他必使你安心,令你心旷神怡。
29:18 神视缺乏时,人民必放纵;遵守法律的,才蒙受降福。
29:19 要纠正奴才,不宜用言语;即使他明白,他仍不服从。
29:20 你是否见过信口开河的人﹖寄望于愚人胜于寄望于他。
29:21 对奴才自幼加以娇养,他日后终必反仆为主。
29:22 易怒的人,极易引起纷争;性急的人,必犯很多过错。
29:23 骄傲自大,使人屈辱;虚心谦下,使人受荣。
29:24 谁与盗贼合伙,实是痛恨自己;他虽听见诅咒,却不敢发一言。
29:25 对人畏惧,必陷入羁绊;信赖上主,必获得安全。
29:26 许多人寻求王侯的慈惠,但每人的判决出自上主。
29:27 为非作歹的人,为义人所憎恶;行为正直的人,为恶人所憎恶。
30:1 玛萨人雅刻之子阿古尔的格言,即他给依提耳、给依提耳和乌加耳的断语:
30:2 我比谁都愚蠢,没有人的才智。
30:3 我从来没有学得智慧,致能通晓圣者的知识。
30:4 谁曾上升过天而又降下﹖谁能将风收集在手中﹖谁能将水聚集在大衣内﹖谁为这大地立定了边界﹖他叫什么名字﹖其子姓甚名谁﹖你知道吗﹖
30:5 天主的每一句话,都是经火精炼的;凡托庇于他的人,他必要作其护盾。
30:6 对他所说的话,不可加添什么;免得他指责你,证明你在说谎。
30:7 我求你两件事,在我未死以前,请不要拒绝我:
30:8 令虚伪和欺诈远离我,贫乏或富裕勿赐与我,只供予我必需的食粮,
30:9 免得我吃饱了,背叛你说:「谁是上主﹖」或是过于贫乏,因而行窃,加辱我天主的名。
30:10 别在主人前,诽谤他的奴仆,怕他咒骂你,你就不免受罚。
30:11 有一种人,咒骂父亲;自己母亲,也不降福。
30:12 有一种人,自视清高;自身污秽,却不洗涤。
30:13 有一种人,眼睛傲慢,目空一切。
30:14 有一种人,牙如利剑,齿如快刀,地上弱小,人间贫民,吞食一空。
30:15 水蛭有两个女儿,常说「给我!给我!」不知足的东西,共有三样,总不说「够了」的,共有四样:
30:16 即阴府、荒胎、总饮不足水的地,和总不说「够了」的火。
30:17 谁嘲笑父亲,或轻视年老的母亲,愿他的眼睛,被谷中的乌鸦啄去,为小鹰所食。
30:18 令我称奇的事,共有三样,连我不明了的,共有四样:
30:19 即鹰在天空飞翔的道,蛇在岩石爬行的道,船在海中航行的道,以及男女交合之道。
30:20 淫妇的作风是这样:她吃了后,抹抹口说:「我并没有为非作歹。」
30:21 使地战栗的事,共有三样,连不可容忍的,共有四样:
30:22 即奴隶为王,愚人饱食,
30:23 丑女出嫁,婢女当家。
30:24 地上的小动物中,有四种极其聪明:
30:25 蚂蚁是无力的一群,却在夏日储备食粮;
30:26 岩狸是无能的一群,却在岩石中筑巢穴;
30:27 蝗虫虽然没有君王,却知一齐列队出发;
30:28 壁虎能用手来捕捉,却经常出入于皇宫。
30:29 举止昂然之物,共有三样,连威仪赫赫的,共有四样:
30:30 即兽中称雄的狮子,面临一切从不退缩;
30:31 独步鸡群中的雄鸡,开头领队的公山羊,和检阅人民的君王。
30:32 你一时糊涂,高举了自己,当你反省时,应以手掩口;
30:33 因为搅动乳汁,可出奶油;用力扭鼻,可流鲜血;激起愤怒,必生争端。
31:1 玛萨的君王肋慕耳的格言,是他母亲教给他的:
31:2 我儿!我的亲生儿!我的长子肋慕耳!我许愿所得的孩子!我可给你说些什么﹖
31:3 你不要将你的精力,为女人而消耗;也不要为君王的宫女,白费你的血气。
31:4 肋慕耳!清酒不宜于君王,醇酒不宜于公侯,
31:5 免得在酒兴之余,轻易将法律忘掉,颠倒穷人的是非。
31:6 应将醇酒给与哀恸欲绝的人,应将清酒给与心灵痛楚的人,
31:7 好叫他们喝了,完全忘掉自己的贫乏,不再记忆自己的忧苦。
31:8 你应为哑吧开口,为被弃的人辩护;
31:9 你应开口秉公行审,应为贫苦弱小辩护。
31:10 贤淑的妇女,有谁能找到﹖她本身价值,远胜过珠宝。
31:11 她的丈夫对她衷心信赖,一切所需从来不会缺少。
31:12 她一生岁月,只叫他幸福,不给他烦恼。
31:13 她弄来羊毛细麻,愉快地亲手劳作。
31:14 她宛如一只商船,由远处运来食粮。
31:15 天还未明,她已起身,为给家人分配食物,给婢女们分派家务。
31:16 她看中一块田地,就将它买了来,以双手所得的收入,栽植了葡萄园。
31:17 她以勇力束腰,增强自己臂力。
31:18 她发觉自己经营生利,她的灯盏夜间仍不熄灭。
31:19 她手执纺锤,手指旋转纱锭。
31:20 对贫苦的人,她随手赒济;对无靠的人,她伸手扶助。
31:21 为自己的家人,她不害怕风雪,因为全家上下,都穿双料衣裳。
31:22 她为自己做了华丽的铺盖,身穿的是细麻和紫锦的衣裳。
31:23 她的丈夫与当地长老同席,在城门口深为众人所认识。
31:24 她纺织纱布予以出售,又制造腰带卖与商贾。
31:25 刚毅和尊严是她的服饰,一念及将来便笑容满面。
31:26 她一开口即倾吐智慧,舌上常有仁慈的训诲。
31:27 她不断督察家务,从不白吃闲饭。
31:28 她的子女起来向她降福,她的丈夫对她赞不绝口:「
31:29 贤淑的女子很多,唯有你超群群出众。」
31:30 姿色是虚幻,美丽是泡影;敬畏上主的女人,才堪当受人赞美。
31:31 愿她享受她双手操劳的成果!愿她的事业在城门口使她受赞扬!
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
Title and purpose of the book
1:1 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
1:2 for learning what wisdom and discipline are, for understanding words of deep meaning,
1:3 for acquiring an enlightened attitude of mind-virtue, justice and fair-dealing;
1:4 for teaching sound judgement to the ignorant, and knowledge and sense to the young;
1:6 for perceiving the meaning of proverbs and obscure sayings, the sayings of the sages and their riddles.
1:5 Let the wise listen and he will learn yet more, and the man of discernment will acquire the art of guidance.
1:7 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge; fools spurn wisdom and discipline.
The sage speaks: avoid bad company
1:8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction, do not reject your mother’s teaching:
1:9 they will be a crown of grace for your head, a circlet for your neck.
1:10 My son, if sinners try to seduce you, do not give way.
1:11 If they say, ‘Come with us: there is blood to be had if we lie in wait for it, if we plan an ambush for the innocent;
1:12 we can swallow them alive, like Sheol, alive and whole like those who go down to the Pit.
1:13 We shall find treasures of every sort, we shall fill our houses with plunder;
1:14 throw in your lot with us: one purse between us all.’
1:15 My son, do not follow them in their way, keep your steps out of their path
1:16 (for their feet hasten to evil, they are quick to shed blood);
1:17 the net is always spread in vain if the bird is watching.
1:18 It is for their own blood these men lie in wait, their own selves they lie in ambush for.
1:19 To this come all men who are after dishonest gain, which robs of their lives all those who take it for their own.
Wisdom speaks: a warning to the heedless
1:20 Wisdom calls aloud in the streets, she raises her voice in the public squares;
1:21 she calls out at the street corners, she delivers her message at the city gates,
1:22 ‘You ignorant people, how much longer will you cling to your ignorance? How much longer will mockers revel in their mocking and fools hold knowledge contemptible?
1:23 Pay attention to my warning: now I will pour out my heart to you, and tell you what I have to say.
1:24 Since I have called and you have refused me, since I have beckoned and no one has taken notice,
1:25 since you have ignored all my advice and rejected all my warnings,
1:26 I, for my part, will laugh at your distress, I will jeer at you when calamity comes,
1:27 when calamity bears down on you like a storm and your distress like a whirlwind, when disaster and anguish bear down on you.
1:28 Then they shall call to me, but I will not answer, they shall seek me eagerly and shall not find me.
1:29 They despised knowledge, they had no love for the fear of Yahweh,
1:30 they would take no advice from me, and spurned all my warnings:
1:31 so they must eat the fruits of their own courses, and choke themselves with their own scheming.
1:32 For the errors of the ignorant lead to their death, and the complacency of fools works their own ruin;
1:33 but whoever listens to me may live secure, he will have quiet, fearing no mischance.’
Wisdom, a safeguard against bad company
2:1 My son, you take my words to heart, if you set store by my commandments,
2:2 tuning your ear to wisdom, and applying your heart to truth:
2:3 yes, if your plea is for clear perception, if you cry out for discernment,
2:4 if you look for it as if it were silver, and search for it as for buried treasure,
2:5 you will then understand what the fear of Yahweh is, and discover the knowledge of God.
2:6 For Yahweh himself is giver of wisdom, from his mouth issue knowledge and discernment.
2:7 He keeps his help for honest men, he is the shield of those whose ways are honourable;
2:8 he stands guard over the paths of justice, he keeps watch on the way of his devoted ones.
2:9 Then you will understand what virtue is, justice, and fair dealing, all paths that lead to happiness.
2:10 When wisdom comes into your heart and knowledge is a delight to you,
2:11 then prudence will be there to watch over you, and discernment be your guardian
2:12 to keep you from the way that is evil, from the man whose speech is deceitful,
2:13 from those who leave the paths of honesty to walk the roads of darkness:
2:14 men who find their joy in doing wrong, and their delight in deceitfulness,
2:15 whose tracks are twisted, and the paths that they tread crooked.
2:16 Keeping you also from the alien woman, from the stranger, with her wheedling words;
2:17 she has left the partner of her younger days, she has forgotten the covenant of God;
2:18 towards death her house is declining, down to the Shades her paths go.
2:19 Of those who go to her not one returns, they never regain the paths of life.
2:20 So you will pursue the way of good men, persisting in the paths of the virtuous.
2:21 For the land will be for honest men to live in the innocent will have it for their home;
2:22 while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless rooted out of it.
How to acquire wisdom
3:1 My son, do not forget my teaching, let your heart keep my principles,
3:2 for these will give you lengthier days, longer years of life, and greater happiness.
3:3 Let kindliness and loyalty never leave you: tie them round your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
3:4 So shall you enjoy favour and good repute in the sight of God and man.
3:5 Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh, put no faith in your own perception;
3:6 in every course you take, have him in mind: he will see that your paths are smooth.
3:7 Do not think of yourself as wise, fear Yahweh and turn your back on evil:
3:8 health-giving, this, to your body, relief to your bones.
3:9 Honour Yahweh with what goods you have and with the first-fruits of all your returns;
3:10 then your barns will be filled with wheat, your vats overflowing with new wine.
3:11 My son, do not scorn correction from Yahweh, do not resent his rebuke;
3:12 for Yahweh reproves the man he loves, as a father checks a well-loved son.
The joys of wisdom
3:13 Happy the man who discovers wisdom, the man who gains discernment:
3:14 gaining her is more rewarding than silver, more profitable than gold.
3:15 She is beyond the price of pearls, nothing you could covet is her equal.
3:16 In her right hand is length of days; in her left hand, riches and honour.
3:17 Her ways are delightful ways, her paths all lead to contentment.
3:18 She is a tree of life for those who hold her fast, those who cling to her live happy lives.
3:19 By wisdom, Yahweh set the earth on its foundations, by discernment, he fixed the heavens firm.
3:20 Through his knowledge the depths were carved out, and the clouds rain down the dew.
3:21 My son, hold to sound judgement and to prudence, do not let them out of your sight;
3:22 they will prove the life of your soul, an ornament round your neck.
3:23 You will go on your way in safety, your feet will not stumble.
3:24 When you sit down, you will not be afraid, when you lie down, sweet will be your sleep.
3:25 Have no fear of sudden terror or of assault from wicked men,
3:26 since Yahweh will be your guarantor, he will keep your steps from the snare.
3:27 Do not refuse a kindness to anyone who begs it, if it is in your power to perform it.
3:28 Do not say to your neighbour, ‘Go away! Come another time! I will give it you tomorrow’, if you can do it now.
3:29 Do not plot harm against your neighbour as he lives unsuspecting next door.
3:30 Do not pick a groundless quarrel with a man who has done you no harm.
3:31 Do not emulate the man of violence, never model your conduct on his;
3:32 for the wilful wrong-doer is abhorrent to Yahweh, who confides only in honest men.
3:33 Yahweh’s curse lies on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the virtuous.
3:34 He mocks those who mock, but accords his favour to the humble.
3:35 Honour is the portion of the wise, all that fools inherit is disgrace.
On choosing wisdom
4:1 Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention, and learn what clear perception is.
4:2 What I am commending to you is sound doctrine: do not discard my teaching.
4:3 I too was once a son with a father, in my mother’s eyes a tender child, unique.
4:4 This was what he used to teach me, ‘Let your heart treasure what I have to say, keep my principles and you shall live;
4:5 acquire wisdom, acquire perception, never forget her, never deviate from my words.
4:6 Do not desert her, she will keep you safe, love her, she will watch over you.
4:7 The beginning of wisdom? The acquisition of wisdom; at the cost of all you have, acquire perception.
4:8 Hold her close, and she will make you great; embrace her, and she will be your pride;
4:9 she will set a crown of grace on your head, present you with a glorious diadem.’
4:10 Listen, my son, take my words to heart and the years of your life shall be multiplied.
4:11 I have educated you in the ways of wisdom, I have guided you along the paths of honesty.
4:12 As you walk, your going will be unhindered, as you run, you will not stumble.
4:13 Hold fast to discipline, never let her go, keep your eyes on her, she is your life.
4:14 Never set your foot on the path of the wicked, do not walk the way that the evil go.
4:15 Avoid it, do not take it, turn your back on it, pass it by.
4:16 For they cannot sleep unless they have first done wrong, they miss their sleep if they have not brought someone down;
4:17 wickedness is the bread they eat, and violence the wine they drink.
4:18 The path of the virtuous is like the light of dawn, its brightness growing to the fullness of day;
4:19 the way of the wicked is as dark as night, they cannot tell what it is they stumble over.
4:20 My son, pay attention to my words, listen carefully to the words I say;
4:21 do not let them out of your sight, keep them deep in your heart.
4:22 They are life to those who grasp them, health for the entire body.
4:23 More than all else, keep watch over your heart, since here are the wellsprings of life.
4:24 Turn your back on the mouth that misleads, keep your distance from lips that deceive.
4:25 Let your eyes be fixed ahead, your gaze be straight before you.
4:26 Let the path you tread be level and all your ways made firm.
4:27 Turn neither to right nor to left, keep your foot clear of evil.-
Flight from the seductress. Where the wise man’s love should be
5:1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen carefully to what I know,
5:2 and so have prudence and knowledge to protect you; these will keep a guard on your lips.
5:3 Take no notice of a loose-living woman, for the lips of this alien drip with honey, her words are smoother than oil,
5:4 but their outcome is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
5:5 Her feet go down to death, her steps lead down to Sheol;
5:6 far from following the path of life, her ways are undirected, irresponsible.
5:7 And now, my son, listen to me, never deviate from what I say:
5:8 set your course as far from her as possible, go nowhere near the door of her house,
5:9 or you will surrender your honour to others, your years to one who has no pity,
5:10 and strangers will batten on your property, your labours going to some alien house,
5:11 and, at your ending, when body and flesh are consumed, you will groan
5:12 and exclaim, ‘Alas, I hated discipline, my heart spurned all correction;
5:13 I would not hear the voice of my masters, I would not listen to those who tried to teach me.
5:14 Now I am all but reduced to the depths of misery, in the presence of the whole community.’
5:15 Drink the water from your own cistern, fresh water from your own well.[*a]
5:16 Do not let your fountains flow to waste elsewhere, nor your streams in the public streets.
5:17 Let them be for yourself alone, not for strangers at the same time.
5:18 And may your fountain-head be blessed! Find joy with the wife you married in your youth,
5:19 fair as a hind, graceful as a fawn. Let hers be the company you keep, hers the breasts that ever fill you with delight, hers the love that ever holds you captive.
5:20 Why be seduced, my son, by an alien woman, and fondle the breast of a woman who is a stranger?
5:21 For the eyes of Yahweh observe a man’s ways and survey all his paths.
5:22 The wicked man is snared in his own misdeeds, is caught in the meshes of his own sin.
5:23 For want of discipline, he dies, and is lost through his own excessive folly.
On surety rashly offered
6:1 My son, if you have gone surety for your neighbour, if you have guaranteed the bond of a stranger,
6:2 if you have committed yourself with your own lips, if through words of yours you have been entrapped,
6:3 do this, my son, to extricate yourself-since you have put yourself in the power of your neighbour: go, go quickly, and plead with your neighbour,
6:4 give your eyes no sleep, your eyelids no rest,
6:5 break free like a gazelle from the trap, like a bird from the snare.
The idler and the ant
6:6 Idler, go to the ant; ponder her ways and grow wise:
6:7 no one gives her orders, no overseer, no master,
6:8 yet all through the summer she makes sure of her food, and gathers her supplies at harvest time.
6:9 How long do you intend to lie there, idler? When are you going to rise from your sleep?
6:10 A little sleep, a little drowsiness, a little folding of the arms to take life easier,
6:11 and like a vagrant, poverty is at your elbow and, like a beggar, want.
Portrait of a scoundrel
6:12 A scoundrel, a vicious man, he goes with a leer on his lips,
6:13 winking his eye, shuffling his foot, beckoning with his finger.
6:14 Deceit in his heart, always scheming evil, he sows dissension.
6:15 Disaster will overtake him sharply for this, suddenly, irretrievably, his fall will come.
Seven things hateful to God
6:16 There are six things that Yahweh hates, seven that his soul abhors:
6:17 a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
6:18 a heart that weaves wicked plots, feet that hurry to do evil,
6:19 a false witness who lies with every breath,[*a] man who sows dissension among brothers.
More fatherly advice
6:20 Keep your father’s principle, my son, do not spurn your mother’s teaching.
6:21 Bind them ever to your heart, tie them round your neck.
6:22 When you walk, these will guide you, when you lie down, watch over you, when you wake, talk with you.
6:23 For this principle is a lamp, this teaching is a light; correction and discipline are the way to life,
6:24 preserving you from the woman subject to a husband, from the smooth tongue of the woman who is a stranger.
6:25 Do not covet her beauty in your heart or let her captivate you with the play of her eyes;
6:26 a harlot can be bought for a hunk of bread, but the adulteress is aiming to catch a precious life.
6:27 Can a man hug fire to his breast without setting his clothes alight?
6:28 Can a man walk on red-hot coals without burning his feet?
6:29 So it is the man who consorts with his neighbour’s wife: no one who touches her will go unpunished.
6:30 Men attach small blame to the thief who in hunger steals to fill his belly;
6:31 though, once caught, he must pay back sevenfold, and has to hand over all his family resources.
6:32 But the adulterer has no sense; act like him, and court your own destruction.
6:33 All he gets is blows and insults, and disgrace that will not be blotted out.
6:34 For jealousy inflames the husband who will show no mercy when the day comes for revenge,
6:35 he will not consider any compensation, lavish what gifts you may, he will not be placated.
7:1 My son, keep my words, and treasure my principles,
7:2 keep my principles and you will live, keep my teaching as the apple of your eye.
7:3 Bind these to your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart.
7:4 To Wisdom say, ‘My sister!’ Call Perception your dearest friend,
7:5 to preserve you from the alien woman, from the stranger, with her wheedling words.
7:6 From the window of her house she looked out on the street,
7:7 to see if among the men, young and callow, there was one young man who had no sense at all.
7:8 And now he passes down the lane, and comes near her corner, reaching the path to her house
7:9 at twilight when day is declining, at dead of night and in the dark.
7:10 But look, the woman comes to meet him, dressed like a harlot, wrapped in a veil.
7:11 She is loud and brazen; her feet cannot rest at home.
7:12 Now in the street, now in the square, she is on the look-out at every corner.
7:13 She catches hold of him, she kisses him, the bold-faced creature says to him,
7:14 ‘I had to offer sacrifices: I discharged my vows today,
7:15 that is why I came out to meet you, to look for you, and now I have found you.
7:16 I have made my bed gay with quilts, spread the best Egyptian sheets,
7:17 I have sprinkled my bed with myrrh, with aloes and with cinnamon.
7:18 Come, let us drink deep of love until the morning, and abandon ourselves to delight.
7:19 For my husband is not at home, he has gone on a very long journey,
7:20 taking his moneybags with him; he will not be back until the moon is full.’
7:21 With her persistent coaxing she entices him, draws him on with her seductive patter.
7:22 Bemused, he follows her like an ox being led to the slaughter, like a stag caught in a noose,
7:23 till he is pierced to the liver by an arrow, like a bird darting into a snare not knowing its life is at stake.
7:24 And now, my son listen to me, pay attention to the words I have to say:
7:25 do not let your heart stray into her ways, or wander into her paths;
7:26 she has done so many to death; and the strongest have all been her victims.
7:27 Her house is the way to Sheol, the descent to the courts of death.
Wisdom again personified
8:1 Does Wisdom not call meanwhile? Does Discernment not lift up her voice?
8:2 On the hilltop, on the road, at the crossways, she takes her stand;
8:3 beside the gates of the city, at the approaches to the gates she cries aloud,
8:4 ‘O men! I am calling to you; my cry goes out to the sons of men.
8:5 You ignorant ones! Study discretion; and you fools, come to your senses!
8:6 Listen, I have serious things to tell you, from my lips come honest words.
8:7 My mouth proclaims the truth, wickedness is hateful to my lips.
8:8 All the words I say are right, nothing twisted in them, nothing false,
8:9 all straightforward to him who understands, honest to those who know what knowledge means.
8:10 Accept my discipline rather than silver, knowledge in preference to pure gold.
8:11 For wisdom is more precious than pearls, and nothing else is so worthy of desire.
Wisdom sings her own praises. Wisdom, the guide of kings
8:12 ‘I, Wisdom, am mistress of discretion, the inventor of lucidity of thought.
8:14 Good advice and sound judgement belong to me, perception to me, strength to me.
8:13 (To fear Yahweh is to hate evil.) I hate pride and arrogance, wicked behaviour and a lying mouth.
8:17 I love those who love me; those who seek me eagerly shall find me.
8:15 By me monarchs rule and princes issue just laws;
8:16 by me rulers govern, and the great impose justice on the world.
8:18 With me are riches and honour, lasting wealth and justice.
8:19 The fruit I give is better than gold, even the finest, the return I make is better than pure silver.
8:20 I walk in the way of virtue, in the paths of justice,
8:21 enriching those who love me, filling their treasuries.
Wisdom as creator
8:22 ‘Yahweh created me when his purpose first unfolded, before the oldest of his works.
8:23 From everlasting I was firmly set, from the beginning, before earth came into being.
8:24 The deep[*a] was not, when I was born, there were no springs to gush with water.
8:25 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I came to birth;
8:26 before he made the earth, the countryside, or the first grains of the world’s dust.
8:27 When he fixed the heavens firm, I was there, when he drew a ring on the surface of the deep,
8:28 when he thickened the clouds above, when he fixed fast the springs of the deep,
8:29 when he assigned the sea its boundaries-and the waters will not invade the shore-when he laid down the foundations of the earth,
8:30 I was by his side, a master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence,
8:31 at play everywhere in his world, delighting to be with the sons of men.
The great invitation
8:32a And now, my sons, listen to me;
8:33 listen to instruction and learn to be wise, do not ignore it.
8:32b Happy those who keep my ways!
8:34 Happy the man who listens to me, who day after day watches at my gates to guard the portals.
8:35 For the man who finds me finds life, he will win favour from Yahweh;
8:36 but he who does injury to me does hurt to his own soul, all who hate me are in love with death.’
Wisdom as hostess
9:1 Wisdom has built herself a house, she has erected her seven pillars,
9:2 she has slaughtered her beasts, prepared her wine, she has laid her table.
9:3 She has despatched her maidservants and proclaimed from the city’s heights:
9:4 ‘Who is ignorant? Let him step this way.’ To the fool she says,
9:5 ‘Come and eat my bread, drink the wine I have prepared!
9:6 Leave your folly and you will live, walk in the ways of perception.’
Against cynics
9:7 Correct a mocker and you make an enemy; rebuke a wicked man, you get insult in return.
9:8 Do not rebuke the mocker, he will only hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you for it.
9:9 Be open with the wise, he grows wiser still, teach a virtuous man, he will learn yet more.
9:10 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom; the knowledge of the Holy One-perception indeed!
9:11 For days are multiplied by me and years of life increased.
9:12 Are you wise? It is to your advantage. A mocker? The burden is yours alone.
Dame Folly apes Wisdom
9:13 Dame Folly acts on impulse, is childish and knows nothing.
9:14 She sits at the door of her house, on a throne commanding the city,
9:15 inviting the passers-by as they pass on their lawful occasions,
9:16 ‘Who is ignorant? Let him step this way.’ To the fool she says,
9:17 ‘Stolen waters are sweet, and bread tastes better when eaten in secret’.
9:18 The fellow does not realise that here the Shades are gathered, that her guests are heading for the valleys of Sheol.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 10
10:1 The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son is his father’s joy, a foolish son his mother’s grief.
10:2 Treasures wickedly come by give no benefit, but right conduct brings delivery from death.
10:3 Yahweh does not leave the virtuous man hungry, but he thwarts the greed of the wicked.
10:4 The slack hand brings poverty, but the diligent hand brings wealth.
10:5 Gathering in summer is the mark of the prudent, sleeping at harvest is the sign of the shameless.
10:6 The blessings of Yahweh are on the head of the virtuous man, premature mourning stops the mouths of the wicked.
10:7 The virtuous man is remembered with blessings, the wicked man’s name rots away.
10:8 The heart that is wise is obedient to instruction, the gabbling fool is heading for ruin.
10:9 He walks secure whose ways are honourable, but he who follows crooked ways is soon discovered.
10:10 A wink of the eye, and a man makes trouble, a bold rebuke, and a man makes peace.
10:11 The mouth of the virtuous man is a life-giving fountain, violence lurks in the mouth of the wicked.
10:12 Hatred provokes disputes, love covers over all offences.
10:13 On the lips of a discerning man is wisdom found, on the back of a fool, the stick.
10:14 Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool makes ruin imminent.
10:15 The rich man’s wealth is his stronghold, poverty is the poor man’s undoing.
10:16 The virtuous man’s wage affords him life, but destruction is all the wicked man earns.
10:17 The path of life is to abide by discipline, and he who ignores correction goes astray.
10:18 The lips of just men silence hatred, he who voices slander is a fool.
10:19 A flood of words is never without its fault, he who has his lips controlled is a prudent man.
10:20 The virtuous man’s tongue is purest silver, the heart of the wicked is of trumpery value.
10:21 The lips of the virtuous man nourish a multitude, but fools die in poverty.
10:22 The blessing of Yahweh is what brings riches, to this hard toil has nothing to add.
10:23 The joy of the fool lies in doing wrong, but the joy of the man of discernment in acquiring wisdom.
10:24 What the wicked man fears overtakes him, what the virtuous desires comes to him as a present.
10:25 When the storm is over, the wicked man is no more, but the virtuous stands firm for ever.
10:26 As vinegar to the teeth, smoke to the eyes, so the sluggard to the one who sends him.
10:27 The fear of Yahweh adds length to life, the years of the wicked will be cut short.
10:28 The hope of virtuous men is all joy, the expectations of the wicked are frustrated.
10:29 Yahweh is a stronghold for the man of honest life, for evildoers nothing but ruin.
10:30 The virtuous man will never be moved from his own place, but the land will offer no home for the wicked.
10:31 The mouth of the virtuous man utters wisdom, the deceitful tongue shall be torn out.
10:32 The lips of the virtuous man drip with kindness, the mouth of the wicked with deceit.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 11
11:1 A false balance is abhorrent to Yahweh, a just weight is pleasing to him.
11:2 Pride comes first, disgrace comes after; with the humble is wisdom found.
11:3 Honest men have their own honesty for guidance, treacherous men are ruined by their own perfidy.
11:4 In the day of wrath riches will be of no advantage, but virtuous conduct delivers from death.
11:5 The virtues of the blameless man smooth the way before him, the wicked man founders in his own wickedness.
11:6 Their virtuous conduct sets honest men free, treacherous men are imprisoned by their own desires.
11:7 The hope of the wicked perishes with death, the expectation of the godless is frustrated.
11:8 The virtuous man escapes misfortune, the wicked man incurs it instead.
11:9 Through his mouth the godless man is the ruin of his neighbour, but by knowledge the virtuous are safeguarded.
11:10 When virtuous men prosper the city rejoices, there are glad cries, too, when the wicked are ruined.
11:11 A city is raised on the blessing of honest men, and demolished by the mouth of the wicked.
11:12 Who scoffs at his neighbour is a fool; the man of discernment holds his tongue.
11:13 A tittle-tattler lets secrets out, a trustworthy man keeps things hidden.
11:14 For want of guidance a people fails, safety lies in many advisers.
11:15 He who goes bail for a stranger will rue it, the man who hates going surety is safe.
11:16 A gracious woman brings honour to her husband, she who has no love for justice is dishonour enthroned. The indolent lack resources, men of enterprise grow rich.
11:17 The generous man is his own benefactor, a cruel man injures his own flesh.
11:18 The livelihood won by the wicked is illusory, he who sows virtue reaps a solid reward.
11:19 A virtuous man may count on life, the pursuer of evil on death.
11:20 Men of depraved heart are abhorrent to Yahweh, dear to him, those whose ways are blameless.
11:21 Be sure of it, a wicked man will not go unpunished, but the race of the virtuous will come to no harm.
11:22 A golden ring in the snout of a pig is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
11:23 The desire of the virtuous ends in happiness, the hope of the wicked is in vain.
11:24 One is extravagant, yet his riches grow, another excessively mean, but only grows the poorer.
11:25 The generous soul will prosper, he who waters, will be watered.
11:26 The people’s curse is on the man who hoards the wheat, a blessing on him who sells it.
11:27 He who strives after good is striving after favour, he who looks for evil will have evil come to him.
11:28 He who trusts in riches will have his fall, the virtuous will flourish like the leaves.
11:29 He who misgoverns his house inherits the wind, and the fool becomes slave to the wise.
11:30 From fruits of virtue grows a tree of life; the wicked are carried off before their time.
11:31 If here on earth the virtuous man gets his due, how much more the wicked, how much the sinner!
JB PROVERBS Chapter 12
12:1 He who loves discipline, loves knowledge, stupid is the man who hates correction.
12:2 The good man wins the favour of Yahweh, but he condemns the man who is a schemer.
12:3 No man is made secure by wickedness, but nothing shakes the roots of virtuous men.
12:4 A good wife, her husband’s crown, a shameless wife, a cancer in his bones.
12:5 The plans of virtuous men are honest, the intrigues of the wicked are nothing if not deceit.
12:6 The words of wicked men are snares to shed blood, but honest men have an answer and elude them.
12:7 Once thrown down, the wicked are no more, but the house of virtuous men stands firm.
12:8 The praise of a man is in proportion to his prudence, men of depraved heart are held in contempt.
12:9 Better a common man who does his own work than one who plays the lord and goes short of bread.
12:10 The virtuous man looks after the lives of his beasts, but the wicked man’s heart is ruthless.
12:11 He who tills his land shall have bread and to spare, he who chases fantasies has no sense.
12:12 The desires of the godless are sickly, the roots of the devout are firmly set.
12:13 His own lips are to blame when the wicked man is entrapped, the virtuous man finds his own way out of misfortune.
12:14 When a man is filled with good things, it is the fruit of his own words, each man’s labour brings its own return.
12:15 In the eyes of a fool the way he goes is right, the wise man listens to advice.
12:16 The fool shows his displeasure straight away, the discreet man overlooks the insult.
12:17 To tell the truth is to further justice, a false witness is nothing but deceit.
12:18 There are some whose thoughtless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
12:19 Lips that tell the truth abide firm for ever, the tongue that lies lasts only for a moment.
12:20 Bitterness is in the heart of the schemer, joy with those who give counsels of peace.
12:21 No harm can come to the virtuous man, but the wicked have their fill of troubles.
12:22 Lips that lie are abhorrent to Yahweh; dear to him those who speak the truth.
12:23 The man of discretion keeps his knowledge hidden, the heart of fools proclaims their folly.
12:24 For the diligent hand, authority; for the slack hand, forced labour.
12:25 Worry makes a man’s heart heavy, a kindly word makes it glad.
12:26 An impartial arbiter is his own best friend; the way of the wicked leads them astray.
12:27 The idle man has no game to roast: diligence is a man’s most precious possession.
12:28 Life lies along the path of virtue, the way of the vicious leads to death.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 13
13:1 A wise son loves discipline, a mocker will not listen to reproof.
13:2 When a man has good things to eat, it is the fruit of his own words, but the appetite of the treacherous feeds on violence.
13:3 He keeps his life who guards his mouth, he who talks too much is lost.
13:4 The idler yearns, but there is no food for him; hard workers get their fill.
13:5 The virtuous man hates lying words, but the wicked man slanders and defames.
13:6 Virtue preserves the man of honest life, wickedness proves the ruin of the sinner.
13:7 There are some who, on nothing, pretend to be rich, some, with great wealth, pretend to be poor.
13:8 A man’s wealth may ransom his life, but the poor man sees no threat.
13:9 The light of virtuous men burns bright, the lamp of the wicked goes out.
13:10 Insolence breeds disputes; with the humble is wisdom found.
13:11 A sudden fortune will dwindle away, he grows rich who accumulates little by little.
13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
13:13 He who despises the word will destroy himself, he who respects the commandment will be safe.
13:14 The wise man’s teaching is a life-giving fountain, for eluding the snares of death.
13:15 Intelligent prudence secures favour, the way of the treacherous is hard.
13:16 Every man of discretion acts by the light of knowledge, the fool parades his folly.
13:17 A malicious messenger means a fall into misfortune, a trusty envoy heals.
13:18 For the man who rejects discipline: poverty and disgrace; for the man who accepts correction: honour.
13:19 Desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul; fools are loth to turn from evil.
13:20 Make the wise your companions and you grow wise yourself; make fools your friends and suffer for it.
13:21 Misfortune dogs the sinner; good fortune rewards the virtuous.
13:22 The good man bequeaths his heritage to his children’s children, the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the virtuous.
13:23 The poor man’s fallow yields food in plenty; there are some who perish when justice fails.
13:24 The man who fails to use the stick hates his son; the man who is free with his correction loves him.
13:25 The virtuous man eats to his heart’s content, the belly of the wicked goes empty.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 14
14:1 Wisdom builds herself a house; with her own hands Folly pulls it down.
14:2 He whose course is honest fears Yahweh, he whose paths are crooked scorns him.
14:3 The fool’s mouth contains a rod of pride, the wise man’s lips watch over him.
14:4 No oxen, no cattle-feed; stout ox, rich crop.
14:5 The truthful witness tells no lies, the false witness lies with every breath.
14:6 In vain the mocker looks for wisdom, knowledge comes easy to the discerning man.
14:7 Keep well clear of the fool, you will not find wise lips there.
14:8 To the man of discretion, wisdom means a watch on his own conduct, but the folly of fools is delusion.
14:9 God mocks the wicked, he shows favour to honest men.
14:10 The heart knows its own grief best, nor can a stranger share its joy.
14:11 The house of the wicked shall be destroyed, the tent of honest men will stand firm.
14:12 There is a way that some think right, but it leads in the end to death.
14:13 Even in laughter the heart finds sadness, and joy makes way for sorrow.
14:14 The unstable heart is satisfied with its own ways, the good man with his own hard work.
14:15 The simpleton believes what he is told, the man of discretion watches how he treads.
14:16 The wise man sees evil coming and avoids it, the fool is rash and presumptuous.
14:17 A quick-tempered man commits rash acts, the prudent man will be long-suffering.
14:18 Simpletons have folly for their portion, men of discretion knowledge for their crown.
14:19 The evil bow down before the good, the wicked, at the gates of the virtuous.
14:20 The poor man is detestable even to his neighbour, but the rich man has friends and to spare.
14:21 He who looks down on his neighbour sins, blessed is he who takes pity on the poor.
14:22 To be a schemer, is this not evil? Lay worthy plans, and kindliness and loyalty await you.
14:23 Hard work always yields its profit, idle talk brings only want.
14:24 Sound judgement is the crown of the wise, folly the diadem of fools.
14:25 A truthful witness is a saver of lives, he who utters lies is an impostor.
14:26 Fear of Yahweh gives good grounds for confidence, in him his children find a refuge.
14:27 The fear of Yahweh is a life-giving spring, for eluding the snares of death.
14:28 A king’s majesty shows in the numbers of his people, with few to rule, a prince is ruined.
14:29 The equable man is full of discernment, the hasty is more than foolish.
14:30 The life of the body is a tranquil heart, but envy is a cancer in the bones.
14:31 To oppress the poor is to insult his creator, to be kind to the needy is to honour him.
14:32 The wicked man is overthrown by his own malice, the virtuous finds shelter in his integrity.
14:33 In the hearts of discerning men wisdom makes her home, within the fool she has no place at all.
14:34 Virtue makes a nation great, by sin whole races are disgraced.
14:35 A clever servant enjoys the favour of the king, he uses his shrewdness to avoid disgrace.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 15
15:1 A mild answer turns away wrath, sharp words stir up anger.
15:2 The tongue of wise men distils knowledge, the mouth of fools spews folly.
15:3 The eyes of Yahweh are everywhere: observing the evil and the good.
15:4 The tongue that soothes is a tree of life; the barbed tongue, a breaker of hearts.
15:5 He who spurns his father’s discipline is a fool, he who accepts correction is discreet.
15:6 In the house of the virtuous there is no lack of treasure, the earnings of the wicked are fraught with anxiety.
15:7 Wise men’s lips keep guard on knowledge, not so the heart of fools.
15:8 The sacrifice of the wicked is abhorrent to Yahweh, dear to him is the prayer of honest men.
15:9 The conduct of the wicked is abhorrent to Yahweh, but he loves the man who makes virtue his goal.
15:10 Correction is severe for him who leaves the way; he who hates being reprimanded will die.
15:11 Sheol and Perdition lie open to Yahweh; how much more the hearts of mankind!
15:12 The mocker does not care to be reprimanded, he will not choose the wise for his companions.
15:13 Glad heart means happy face, where the heart is sad the spirit is broken.
15:14 The heart of the discerning makes knowledge its search, the mouth of fools feeds on folly.
15:15 For the sorrowing every day is evil, for the joyous heart it is festival always.
15:16 Better to have little and with it fear of Yahweh than to have treasure and with it anxiety.
15:17 Better a dish of herbs when love is there than a fattened ox and hatred to go with it.
15:18 The hot-headed man provokes disputes, the equable man allays dissension.
15:19 The way of the lazy is strewn with thorns, the path of the industrious is a broad highway.
15:20 A wise son is his father’s joy, a foolish man despises his mother.
15:21 Folly appeals to a man with no sense, the man of discernment goes straight forward.
15:22 Without deliberation plans come to nothing, where counsellors are many plans succeed.
15:23 When a man has a ready answer he has joy too: how satisfying is the apt reply!
15:24 The upward path to life is for the wise man, that he may avoid Sheol below.
15:25 Yahweh pulls down the house of the proud, but he keeps the widow’s boundaries intact.
15:26 Wicked scheming is abhorrent to Yahweh, but words that are kind are pure.
15:27 He who seeks dishonest gain brings trouble on his house, he who hates bribes shall have life.
15:28 The heart of the virtuous man contemplates kind actions, the mouth of wicked men spews out malice.
15:29 Yahweh stands far from the wicked, but he listens to the prayers of the virtuous.
15:30 A kindly glance gives joy to the heart, good news lends strength to the bones.
15:31 The ear attentive to wholesome correction finds itself at home in the company of the wise.
15:32 He who rejects discipline despises his own self; he who listens to correction wins discernment.
15:33 The fear of Yahweh is a school of wisdom, humility goes before honour.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 16
16:1 Man’s heart makes the plans, Yahweh gives the answer.
16:2 A man’s conduct may strike him as pure, Yahweh, however, weighs the motives.
16:3 Commend what you do to Yahweh, and your plans will find achievement.
16:4 Yahweh made everything for its own purpose, yes, even the wicked for the day of disaster.
16:5 The arrogant heart is abhorrent to Yahweh, be sure it will not go unpunished.
16:6 By kindliness and loyalty atonement is made for sin; with the fear of Yahweh goes avoidance of evil.
16:7 Let Yahweh be pleased with a man’s way of life and he makes his very enemies into friends.
16:8 Better have little and with it virtue, than great revenues and no right to them.
16:9 A man’s heart plans out his way but it is Yahweh who makes his steps secure.
16:10 The lips of the king utter oracles, he does not err when he speaks in judgement.
16:11 To Yahweh belong the balance and scales, all the weights in the bag are of his making.
16:12 Evil-doing is abhorrent to kings, since virtue is the throne’s foundation.
16:13 Virtuous lips are welcome to a king, he loves a man of honest words.
16:14 The king’s wrath is the herald of death, but a wise man will appease it.
16:15 When the king’s face brightens it spells life, his favour is like the rain in spring.
16:16 Better gain wisdom than gold, choose discernment rather than silver.
16:17 To turn from evil is the way of honest men; he keeps his life safe who watches where he goes.
16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
16:19 Better be humble among the lowly than share the booty with the proud.
16:20 He who listens closely to the word shall find happiness; he who puts his trust in Yahweh is blessed.
16:21 He whose heart is wise is proclaimed discerning; sweetness of speech makes words the more persuasive.
16:22 Shrewdness is a fountain of life for its possessor, the folly of fools is their own punishment.
16:23 The wise man’s heart lends shrewdness to his mouth and makes his words more persuasive.
16:24 Kindly words are sweet to the taste, wholesome to the body.
16:25 There is a way that some think right, but it leads in the end to death.
16:26 A worker’s appetite works on his behalf, his hungry mouth drives him on.
16:27 A scoundrel digs deep for mischief-making, on his lips is a fire that scorches.
16:28 A troublemaker sows strife, a talebearer divides friend from friend.
16:29 A violent man lures his neighbour astray and leads him by a way that is not good.
16:30 He who closes his eyes meditates mischief; he who purses his lips has already done wrong.
16:31 White hairs are a crown of honour, they are found in the paths of virtue.
16:32 Better an equable man than a hero, a man master of himself than one who takes a city.
16:33 On the breast the lot is drawn,[*a] from Yahweh the decision comes.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 17
17:1 Better a dry crust and with it peace than a house where feast and dispute go together.
17:2 Where the son is profligate the shrewd slave is master, with the other brothers, he will share the inheritance.
17:3 A crucible for silver, a furnace for gold, but Yahweh for the testing of hearts!
17:4 An evil-doer pays attention to malicious lips, a liar listens to a slanderous tongue.
17:5 To mock the poor is to insult his creator, he who laughs at distress shall not go unpunished.
17:6 The crown of the aged is their children’s children; the children’s glory is their father.
17:7 Fine words do not become the foolish, false words become a prince still less.
17:8 A gift works like a talisman for him who gives it: he prospers whichever way he turns.
17:9 He who covers an offence promotes love, he who raises the matter again divides friends.
17:10 On a man of discernment a reproof makes more impression than a hundred strokes on a fool.
17:11 The wicked man thinks of nothing but rebellion, hence a cruel messenger will be sent against him.
17:12 Rather come on a bear robbed of her cubs than on a fool in his folly.
17:13 He who returns evil for good will not rid his house of evil.
17:14 As well loose a flood as initiate legal proceedings; break off before the dispute begins.
17:15 To absolve the guilty and condemn the virtuous, both alike are abhorrent to Yahweh.
17:16 What good is money in a foolish hand? To purchase wisdom, when he has no sense?
17:17 A friend is a friend at all times, it is for adversity that a brother is born.
17:18 He lacks sense who offers guarantees and goes surety for his neighbour.
17:19 He who has a taste for dispute has a taste for blows, the man of haughty speech courts destruction.
17:20 The contrary heart does not find happiness, the deceitful tongue falls into distress.
17:21 He who begets a stupid son begets him to his sorrow, the father of a fool knows no joy.
17:22 A glad heart is excellent medicine, a spirit depressed wastes the bones away.
17:23 Under cover of the cloak a venal man takes the gift to pervert the course of justice.
17:24 The man of discernment has wisdom there before him, but the eyes of the fool range to the ends of the earth.
17:25 A foolish son is his father’s sorrow, and the grief of her who gave him birth.
17:26 To fine the innocent is not right, to strike the noble is still worse.
17:27 A man who can control his tongue has knowledge, a man of discernment keeps his temper cool.
17:28 If a fool can hold his tongue, even he can pass for wise, and pass for clever if he keeps his lips tight shut.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 18
18:1 Who lives by himself follows his own whim, is angered by advice of any kind.
18:2 The fool has no love for reflection but only for airing his opinion.
18:3 When wickedness comes, contempt comes too, and, with disgrace, dishonour.
18:4 Deep waters, such are the words of man: a swelling torrent, a fountain of life.
18:5 It is not good to show partiality for the wicked and so to deprive the virtuous when giving judgement.
18:6 The lips of the fool draw him into arguments and his mouth pleads for a beating.
18:7 The mouth of the fool works his own ruin, his lips are a snare for his own life.
18:8 The words of a talebearer are tasty morsels that go right down into the belly.
18:9 The man who is idle at work is blood-brother to the destroyer.
18:10 The name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the virtuous man runs to it and is secure.
18:11 The rich man’s wealth is his stronghold, a high wall, as he supposes.
18:12 The human heart is haughty until destruction comes, humility goes before honour.
18:13 To retort without first listening is folly to work one’s own confusion.
18:14 Sickness the spirit of man can endure, but when the spirit is broken, who can bear this?
18:15 The heart of the discerning gains in knowledge, the ear of the wise man searches for knowledge.
18:16 A present opens every door for you and wins you access to the great.
18:17 The first to plead is adjudged to be right, in comes his opponent, then the trial begins.
18:18 The lot puts an end to disputes and decides between men of power.
18:19 Brother helped by brother is a fortress, friends are like the bars of a keep.
18:20 When a man’s stomach is full, it is the fruit of his own mouth, it is the yield of his lips that fills him.
18:21 Death and life are in the gift of the tongue, those who indulge it must eat the fruit it yields.
18:22 Who finds a wife finds happiness, receiving a mark of favour from Yahweh.
18:23 The poor man’s language is entreaty, the rich man’s answer harshness.
18:24 There are friends who lead one to ruin, others are closer than a brother
JB PROVERBS Chapter 19
19:1 Better a poor man living an honest life than the adept at double-talk who is a fool.
19:2 Where reflection is wanting, zeal is not good; he who goes too quickly misses his way.
19:3 It is man’s folly that spoils his fortunes, yet it is against Yahweh that his heart rages.
19:4 Wealth multiplies friends, but the one friend the poor man has is taken from him!
19:5 The false witness will not go unpunished, the man who utters lies will not go free.
19:6 The generous man has many to court his favour, to one who gives, everyone is friend.
19:7 The poor man’s brothers hate him, every one; his friends-how much the more do they desert him. He goes in search of words, but there are none to be had.
19:8 He who obtains wisdom works his own good, he who cares about discernment finds happiness.
19:9 The false witness shall not go unpunished, the man who utters lies will meet his end.
19:10 It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury, still less for a slave to govern princes.
19:11 A man’s shrewdness shows in equanimity, his self-respect in overlooking an offence.
19:12 Like the roaring of a lion, the anger of a king, but like dew on the grass his favour.
19:13 A foolish son is the ruin of his father, a woman’s scolding is like a dripping gutter.
19:14 From fathers comes inheritance of house and wealth, from Yahweh a wife who is discreet.
19:15 Idleness lulls a man to sleep, the feckless soul will go hungry.
19:16 He who keeps the commandment is keeper of himself, but he who despises the word shall die.
19:17 The man who is kind to the poor lends to Yahweh: he will repay him for what he has done.
19:18 All the while there is hope, chastise your son, but do not set out to destroy him altogether.
19:19 A violent man lays himself open to a penalty; spare him, and you aggravate your own misfortune.
19:20 Listen to advice, accept correction, to be the wiser in the time to come.
19:21 Plans multiply in the human heart, but the purpose of Yahweh stands firm,
19:22 A man’s attraction lies in his kindness, better a poor man than a liar.
19:23 The fear of Yahweh leads to life, a man has food and shelter, and no evil to fear.
19:24 Into the dish the idler dips his hand, but bring it back to his mouth he cannot.
19:25 Strike a mocker and the ignorant will be more wary, correct a man of discernment and he will listen to reason.
19:26 He who dispossesses his father and drives out his mother is a son as shameless as depraved.
19:27 Give up listening to instruction, my son, and ignoring what knowledge has to say.
19:28 A witness of bad character holds justice in contempt; the mouth of the wicked gorges on iniquity.
19:29 The stick was created for mockers, and beating for the backs of fools.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 20
20:1 Wine is reckless, strong drink quarrelsome; unwise is he whom it seduces.
20:2 Like the roaring of a lion the fury of a king; whoever provokes his anger wrongs his own life.
20:3 It is to a man’s honour if he avoids quarrels, but fools never exercise self-control.
20:4 Autumn is over but the idler does not plough, at harvest time he looks-nothing there!
20:5 Deep in water are the purposes in human hearts, the discerning man has only to draw them out.
20:6 Many describe themselves as kindly men, but who can find a man really to be trusted?
20:7 A virtuous man whose ways are blameless-happy his children after him!
20:8 A king enthroned on the judgement seat with one look scatters all that is evil.
20:9 What man can say, ‘I have cleansed my heart, I am purified of my sin’?
20:10 One weight here, another there; here one measure, there another: both alike are abhorrent to Yahweh.
20:11 Even at play a child reveals whether his actions will be pure and right.
20:12 Ear that hears, eye that sees, Yahweh has made both of these.
20:13 Do not love sleep or you will know poverty; keep your eyes open and have bread and to spare.
20:14 ‘No good, no good!’ says the buyer, but he goes off congratulating himself.
20:15 There is gold, and profusion of pearls, but lips that speak of knowledge, that is the priceless ornament.
20:16 Take the man’s clothes! He has gone surety for a stranger. Seize him to the profit of persons unknown!
20:17 A man finds bread sweet when it is got by fraud, but later his mouth is full of grit.
20:18 Weigh your plans in consultation, with sound guidance wage your war.
20:19 The bearer of gossip lets out secrets; have nothing to do with chatterers.
20:20 Whoever curses father or mother in blackest darkness shall have his lamp snuffed out.
20:21 Property quickly come by at first will not be blessed in the end.
20:22 Do not say, ‘I will repay evil’; put your hope in Yahweh and he will keep you safe.
20:23 One weight here, another there: this is abhorrent to Yahweh, false scales are not good.
20:24 Yahweh guides a man’s steps: how could man discern the way he goes?
20:25 A man is trapped when he shouts ‘Dedicated!’ and only begins to reflect after the vow.
20:26 A wise king winnows the wicked, and makes their spite recoil on themselves.
20:27 Man’s spirit is the lamp of Yahweh, searching his deepest self.
20:28 Kindness and loyalty mount guard over the king, his throne is founded on kindness.
20:29 The glory of the young is their strength, the dignity of the old, grey hairs.
20:30 Wounding strokes are good medicine for evil, blows bring healing to the deepest self.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 21
21:1 Like flowing water is the heart of the king in the hand of Yahweh, who turns it where he pleases
21:2 A man’s conduct may strike him as upright, Yahweh, however, weighs the heart.
21:3 To act virtuously and with justice is more pleasing to Yahweh than sacrifice.
21:4 Haughty eye, proud heart, lamp of the wicked, nothing but sin.
21:5 The hardworking man is thoughtful, and all is gain; too much haste, and all that comes of it is want.
21:6 To make a fortune with the help of a lying tongue, such the idle fantasy of those who look for death.
21:7 The marauding of the wicked entraps them through their refusal to do what is right.
21:8 The way of the felon is devious, the conduct of the innocent straightforward.
21:9 Better the corner of a loft to live in than a house shared with a scolding woman.
21:10 The wicked man’s soul is intent on evil, he looks on his neighbour with dislike.
21:11 When a mocker is punished, the ignorant man grows wiser, when a wise man is instructed he acquires more knowledge.
21:12 The Just One watches the house of the wicked: he hurls the wicked to destruction.
21:13 He who shuts his ear to the poor man’s cry shall himself plead and not be heard.
21:14 Anger is mollified by a covert gift, raging fury by a bribe under cover of the cloak.
21:15 For the virtuous man it is a joy to execute justice, but it brings dismay to evil-doers.
21:16 The man who strays from the way of prudence will rest where the Shades gather round him.
21:17 Pleasure-lovers stay poor, he will not grow rich who loves wine and good living.
21:18 The wicked man is the price to be paid for the virtuous, the deceiver for the upright.
21:19 Better to live in a desert land than with a scolding and irritable woman.
21:20 If in a wise man’s dwelling there is precious treasure and oil, the fool will gobble it up.
21:21 He who pursues virtue and kindness shall find life and honour too.
21:22 The wise man can scale a citadel of warriors and throw down the rampart it trusted in.
21:23 He who keeps watch over his mouth and his tongue preserves himself from disaster.
21:24 Arrogant, haughty, his name is ‘Mocker’ overweening pride marks his behaviour.
21:25 The idler’s desires are the death of him, since his hands will do no work.
21:26 The godless is forever coveting, the virtuous man gives without ever refusing.
21:27 The sacrifice of wicked men is abhorrent, above all when they offer for bad motives.
21:28 The false witness will meet his doom, but the speech of the obedient will always be heard.
21:29 The wicked man assumes an air of confidence, the honest man gives his own conduct careful thought.
21:30 Neither wisdom, nor prudence, nor advice, can stand in Yahweh’s presence.
21:31 The horse is caparisoned for the day of battle, but to Yahweh the victory belongs.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 22
22:1 A good name is more desirable than great wealth, the respect of others is better than silver or gold.
22:2 Rich and poor are found together, Yahweh has made them all.
22:3 The discreet man sees danger and takes shelter, the ignorant go forward and pay for it.
22:4 The reward of humility is the fear of Yahweh, riches, honour and life.
22:5 Thorns and snares line the path of the wilful, he who values his life will keep his distance.
22:6 Instruct a child in the way he should go, and when he grows old he will not leave it.
22:7 The rich man lords it over the poor, the borrower is the lender’s slave.
22:8 He who sows injustice reaps disaster, and the rod of his anger falls on himself.
22:9 A blessing awaits the man who is kindly, since he shares his bread with the poor.
22:10 Expel the mocker and strife goes too, dispute and abuse die down.
22:11 Yahweh loves the pure in heart, friend to the king is the man of gracious speech.
22:12 The eyes of Yahweh see knowledge safe preserved, but he confounds the words of liars.
22:13 ‘There is a lion outside,’ says the idler ‘I shall be killed in the street!’
22:14 The mouth of alien women is a deep pit, into it falls the man whom Yahweh detests.
22:15 Innate in the heart of a child is folly, judicious beating will rid him of it.
22:16 Oppress the poor and you enrich him, give to the rich and you make him poor.
22:17 Sayings of the sages. Give ear to my words and apply your heart to knowing them;
22:18 for it will be a delight to keep them deep within you to have them all ready on your lips.
22:19 So that your trust may be in Yahweh, today I propose to make your way known to you.
22:20 Have I not written for you thirty chapters[*a] of advice and knowledge,
22:21 for you to be able to expound the truth and with sound words to answer those who question you?
22:22 Because a man is poor, do not therefore cheat him, nor, at the city gate,[*b] oppress anybody in affliction;
22:23 for Yahweh takes up their cause, and extorts the life of their extortioners.
22:24 Make friends with no man who gives way to anger, make no hasty-tempered man a companion of yours,
22:25 for fear you learn from his behaviour and in this risk the loss of your own life.
22:26 Do not be one of those who go guarantor, who go surety for debts:
22:27 if you have no means of paying you will find your bed taken from under you.
22:28 Do not displace the ancient landmark, set by your ancestors.
22:29 You see some man sharp at business? He will come to serve kings. Not for him the service of obscure people.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 23
23:1 If you take your seat at a great man’s table, take careful note of what you have before you;
23:2 put a knife to your throat if you are prone to gluttony.
23:3 Do not crave his choice food, for it is doubtful nourishment.
23:4 Do not weary yourself with getting rich, and have nothing to do with dishonest gain.
23:5 You fix your gaze on this, and it is there no longer, for it is able to sprout wings like an eagle that flies off to the sky.
23:6 Do not dine with a niggardly man, do not crave his choice food.
23:7 It would be like a tempest in his throat.’Eat and drink’, he tells you, but his heart is not in it.
23:8 You will spit out what little you have eaten and find your compliments wasted.
23:9 Do not waste words on a fool, he will not appreciate the shrewdness of your remarks.
23:10 Do not displace the ancient landmark or encroach on orphans’ lands,
23:11 for he who avenges them is strong and will take up their cause against you.
23:12 Apply your heart to discipline, and your ears to words that are wise.
23:13 Do not be chary of correcting a child, a stroke of the cane is not likely to kill him.
23:14 A stroke of the cane and you save him from Sheol.
23:15 My son, if your heart is wise, then my own heart is glad,
23:16 and my inmost self rejoices when from your lips come honest words.
23:17 Do not let your heart be envious of sinners but be steady every day in the fear of Yahweh;
23:18 for there is a morrow, and your hope will not be nullified.
23:19 Listen, my son, and learn to be wise, and guide your heart in the way…
23:20 Do not be one of those forever tippling wine nor one of those who gorge themselves with meat;
23:21 for the drunkard and glutton impoverish themselves, and a drowsy head makes a wearer of rags.
23:22 Listen to your father who begot you, do not despise your mother in her old age.
23:23 Truth you must purchase, never sell; this is wisdom, discipline, and discernment.
23:24 The father of the virtuous man will rejoice indeed, he who fathers a wise man will have joy of it.
23:25 May you be the joy of your father, the gladness of her who bore you!
23:26 My son, attend to me, keep your eyes fixed on my advice:
23:27 a harlot is a deep pit, a narrow well, the woman who is a stranger.
23:28 Yes, like a robber she is on the watch and many are the men she dupes.
23:29 For whom is everybody’s pity and everyone’s contempt, for whom is strife reserved, for whom dissatisfaction, for whom blows struck from all sides, for whom the clouded eye?
23:30 For those who linger over wine too long, ever on the look-out for the well-blended wine.
23:31 Never relish how red it is, this wine, how sparkling in the cup, how smooth its flow.
23:32 In the end its bite is like a serpent’s, its sting as sharp as an adder’s.
23:33 Your eyes wilt see strange things, distorted words will come from your heart.
23:34 You will be like one sleeping in mid-ocean, like one asleep at the mast-head.
23:35 ‘Struck me, have they? But I’m not hurt. Beaten me? I don’t feel anything. When shall I wake up?… I’ll ask for more of it!’
JB PROVERBS Chapter 24
24:1 Do not be envious of wicked men or wish for their company,
24:2 for their hearts are scheming violence, their lips talking of mischief.
24:3 By wisdom a house is built, by discernment the foundation is laid;
24:4 by knowledge its storerooms filled with riches of every kind, rare and desirable.
24:5 Better the wise man than the strong, the man with knowledge than the brawny fellow;
24:6 for war is won by sound thinking and victory rests in having many counsellors.
24:7 Wisdom is coral[*a] to the fool: at the city gate he does not open his mouth.
24:8 The man intent on evil-doing is called a rank intriguer.
24:9 The foolish scheme nothing but sin, the mocker is abhorrent to men.
24:10 If you lose heart, when adversity comes your strength will only be weakness.
24:11 Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those who are being dragged to the slaughter.
24:12 Will you object, ‘But look, we did not know’? Has he who weighs the heart no understanding, he who scans your soul no knowledge? He himself will repay a man as his deeds deserve.
24:13 Eat honey, my son, since it is good; honey that drips from the comb is sweet to the taste:
24:14 and such is knowledge of wisdom for your soul: find it, and there will be a morrow, and your hope will not be in vain.
24:15 Do not lurk, wicked man, round the virtuous man’s dwelling, do not despoil his house.
24:16 For though the virtuous man falls seven times, he stands up again; the wicked are the ones who stumble in adversity.
24:17 Should your enemy fall, do not rejoice, when he stumbles do not let your heart exult;
24:18 for fear that at the sight Yahweh will be displeased and turn his anger away from him.
24:19 Do not be indignant about the wicked, do not be envious of evil men,
24:20 since there is no morrow for the wicked man; the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out
24:21 Fear Yahweh, my son, and fear the king; do not rebel against either of them;
24:22 for suddenly their vengeance will arise, and then who knows what ruin both of them will send?
24:23 The following are also taken from the sages: To show partiality in judgement is not good.
24:24 The man who says, ‘You are innocent’ to the guilty; the peoples will have only curses for him, and the nations horror;
24:25 but those who deal out punishment have cause for satisfaction, on them a blessing rests.
24:26 He who returns an honest answer plants a kiss on the lips.
24:27 On the open ground, plan what you have to do, make your preparation in the field;
then you may go and build your house.
24:28 Do not bear witness lightly against your neighbour, nor with your lips deceive.
24:29 Do not say, ‘I will treat him as he has treated me; I will repay each man as he deserves.’
24:30 By the idler’s field I was passing, by the vineyard of a man who had no sense,
24:31 there it all lay, deep in thorns, entirely overgrown with nettles, and its stone wall broken down.
24:32 And as I gazed I pondered, I drew this lesson from the sight,
24:33 ‘A little sleep, a little drowsiness, a little folding of the arms to take life more easily,
24:34 and like a vagrant, poverty is at your elbow and, like a beggar, want’.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 25
25:1 The following also are proverbs of Solomon transcribed by Hezekiah, king of Judah.
25:2 To conceal a matter, this is the glory of God, to sift it thoroughly, the glory of kings.
25:3 High though the heavens are, deep the earth, there is no fathoming the heart of kings.
25:4 From silver remove the dross and it emerges wholly purified;
25:5 from the king’s presence remove the wicked and on virtue his throne is founded.
25:6 In the presence of the king do not give yourself airs, do not put yourself where the great are standing;
25:7 better to be invited, ‘Come up here’ than be humiliated in the presence of the prince. What your eyes have witnessed
25:8 do not come out with too quickly at the trial, for what are you to do at the end should your neighbour confute you?
25:9 Have the quarrel out with your neighbour, but do not disclose another’s secret,
25:10 or someone, hearing, will reproach you with it, and so you lose your reputation.
25:11 Like apples of gold in a silver setting is a word that is aptly spoken.
25:12 A golden ring, an ornament of finest gold, is a wise rebuke to an attentive ear.
25:13 The coolness of snow in harvest time, such is the trusty messenger to those who send him: he revives the soul of his master.
25:14 Clouds and gusts and yet no rain such is the man whose promises are princely but never kept.
25:15 With patience a judge may be cajoled: a soft tongue breaks bones.
25:16 Eat to your satisfaction what honey you may find, but not to excess or you will bring it up again.
25:17 Do not set foot too often in your neighbour’s house, for fear he tires of you and comes to hate you.
25:18 A mace, a sword, a keen arrow, such is the man who bears false witness against his neighbour.
25:19 Decaying tooth, lame foot, such is the fickle man when trusted in time of trouble.
25:20 As well take off your coat in bitter weather. It is to treat a wound with vinegar to sing songs to a sorrowing heart.
25:21 If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat; if thirsty, something to drink.
25:22 By this you heap red-hot coals on his head, and Yahweh will reward you.
25:23 The rain is born of the north wind, the ravaged face of a backbiting tongue.
25:24 Better the corner of a loft to live in than a house shared with a scolding woman.
25:25 Cold water to a thirsty throat: such is good news from a distant land.
25:26 A churned up spring, a fountain fouled: such is the virtuous man trembling before the wicked
25:27 It is not good to eat too much honey, or to be taken in by fawning words.
25:28 An open town, and without defences: such is the man lacking self-control.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 26
26:1 Snow no more befits the summer, or rain the harvest-time, than honours befit a fool.
26:2 As the sparrow escapes, and the swallow flies away, so the undeserved curse will never hit its mark.
26:3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and for the backs of fools, the stick.
26:4 Do not answer a fool in the terms of his folly for fear you grow like him yourself.
26:5 Answer a fool in the terms of his folly for fear he imagines himself wise.
26:6 … He drinks a bitter draught who sends a message by a fool.
26:7 Unreliable as a lame man’s legs: so is a proverb in the mouth of fools.
26:8 Like fixing a stone tight in the sling, so is giving honours to a fool.
26:9 A thorn branch in a drunkard’s hand: such is a proverb in the mouth of fools.
26:10 An archer wounding all who pass: such is the man who employs a fool.
26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool reverts to his folly.
26:12 You see some man who thinks himself wise? More hope for a fool than for him!
26:13 ‘There is a lion in the street,’ says the idler, ‘a lion in the square!’
26:14 The door turns on its hinges, the idler, on his bed.
26:15 Into the dish the idler dips his hand but is too tired to bring it back to his mouth.
26:16 The idler thinks himself wiser than seven men who answer with discretion.
26:17 Like catching a stray dog by the tail, so is interfering in the quarrels of others.
26:18 Like a madman hurling firebrands, arrows and death,
26:19 so is the man who lies to his neighbour and then says, ‘It was all a joke’.
26:20 No wood, and the fire goes out; no talebearer, and quarrelling dies down.
26:21 Charcoal for live embers, wood for fire, for kindling strife a quarrelsome man.
26:22 The words of a talebearer are tasty morsels that go right down into the belly.
26:23 A glaze applied to an earthen pot: such are smooth lips and wicked heart.
26:24 Where hatred is there are dissembling lips, but deep within lies treachery;
26:25 do not trust him if the man be fair of speech, since in his heart lurk seven abominations.
26:26 Hatred may well disguise itself with guile, only to unmask its spite before the community.
26:27 The man who digs a pit falls into it, the stone comes back on him that rolls it.
26:28 The lying tongue hates the truth, the fawning mouth brings ruin.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 27
27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, since you do not know what today will bring forth.
27:2 Let the other man praise you, but not your own mouth. A stranger, but not your lips.
27:3 Heaviness of stone, weight of sand, heavier than both: annoyance from a fool.
27:4 Cruelty of wrath, surge of anger. But jealousy, who can withstand that?
27:5 Better open reproof than voiceless love.
27:6 From one who loves, wounds are well-intentioned; from one who hates, kisses are ominous.
27:7 The gorged throat revolts at honey, the hungry throat finds all bitterness sweet.
27:8 Like a bird that strays from its nest, so is the man who strays from where he belongs.
27:9 Fragrant oil gladdens the heart, friendship’s sweetness comforts the soul.
27:10 Do not abandon friend, or father’s friend; when trouble comes, do not go running to your brother’s house. Better a friend near than a brother far away.
27:11 Learn to be wise, my son, and gladden my heart, that I may have an answer for the man who insults me.
27:12 The discreet man sees danger and takes shelter, the ignorant go forward and pay for it.
27:13 Take the man’s clothes! He has gone surety for a stranger. Seize him to the profit of persons unknown!
27:14 He who at dawn loudly blesses his neighbour is accounted to curse.
27:15 The steady dripping of a gutter on a rainy day and a scolding woman are alike.
27:16 Whoever can restrain her, can restrain the wind, and with his right hand grasp oil.
27:17 Iron is made the finer by iron, a man is refined by contact with his neighbour.
27:18 He who tends the fig tree eats its figs, he who looks after his master shall be honoured.
27:19 As no two faces are ever alike, unlike, too, are the hearts of men.
27:20 Sheol and Perdition are never satisfied, nor are the eyes of man ever satisfied.
27:21 A crucible for silver, a furnace for gold, a man for testing the words of flatterers.
27:22 Pound the fool in a mortar as you may, you will not separate him from his folly.
27:23 Know your flocks’ condition well, take good care of your herds;
27:24 since riches do not last for ever, wealth is not handed down from age to age.
27:25 The grass once gone, the aftergrowth appearing, the hay gathered in from the mountains,
27:26 you should have lambs to clothe you, goats to pay for your fields,
27:27 goat’s milk sufficient to feed you, and to provide for your serving girls.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 28
28:1 The wicked man flees when no one is after him, the virtuous man is bold as a lion.
28:2 The fault lies with the headstrong when quarrels flare up, the discreet man quenches them.
28:3 A wicked man who oppresses the poor: here is a devastating rain-and farewell, bread!
28:4 Those who forsake the law have a good word for the wicked, those who observe the law have no time for such.
28:5 The wicked do not know what justice means, those who fear Yahweh understand everything.
28:6 Better a poor man living an honest life than a man of devious ways, rich though he be.
28:7 A discerning son is he who keeps the Law; an associate of profligates brings shame on his father.
28:8 He who increases his wealth by usury and interest amasses it for someone else who will bestow it on the poor.
28:9 He who turns his ear away from listening to the Law, his prayer is an abomination.
28:10 He who seduces honest men to evil ways will fall into his own pit. Blameless men are the heirs to happiness.
28:11 The rich man may think himself wise, but a poor man with sense will unmask him.
28:12 When the virtuous triumph, there is great rejoicing; when the wicked are in the ascendant, men take cover.
28:13 He who conceals his faults will not prosper, he who confesses and renounces them will find mercy.
28:14 Happy the man who is never without fear, he who hardens his heart will fall into distress.
28:15 A roaring lion, a hungry bear, such is the bad ruler of a poor people.
28:16 A prince lacking sense is rich in rapacity, he who hates avarice will lengthen his days.
28:17 A man wanted for murder will be a fugitive until death. Do not lay hands on him.
28:18 He who lives an honest life will be safe, he who wavers between two ways falls down in one of them.
28:19 He who tills his land shall have bread and to spare, he who chases fantasies, poverty in plenty.
28:20 A trustworthy man will be overwhelmed with blessings, but he who tries to get rich quickly will not go unpunished.
28:21 It is not good to show partiality, but men will do wrong for a mouthful of bread.
28:22 He chases after wealth, the man of greedy eye, not knowing that want is overtaking him.
28:23 He who reproves another will enjoy more favour in the end than the flatterer.
28:24 He who robs his father (and his mother) saying, ‘No wrong here!’ is comrade for a brigand.
28:25 The covetous man provokes disputes, he who trusts in Yahweh shall prosper.
28:26 He who trusts his own promptings is a fool, he whose ways are wise will be safe.
28:27 He who gives to the poor shall never want, he who closes his eyes to them will bear many a curse.
28:28 When the wicked are in the ascendant, men take cover, but when they perish, virtuous men multiply.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 29
29:1 The man often rebuked but stubborn still: suddenly, irretrievably, his fall will come.
29:2 When virtuous men are in power, the people are joyful, when the wicked rule, the people groan.
29:3 The lover of Wisdom makes his father glad, but the patron of harlots fritters his wealth away.
29:4 A king gives a country stability by justice, an extortioner brings it to ruin.
29:5 The man who flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet.
29:6 Under the feet of the wicked man there is a snare, but the virtuous runs on rejoicing.
29:7 The virtuous man is concerned for the rights of the poor, the wicked knows no such concern.
29:8 Scoffers set cities in a ferment, but wise men moderate anger.
29:9 Let a wise man argue with a fool, be he angry or good-humoured he will not gain his end.
29:10 Men of blood hate the blameless man, but honest men cherish his life.
29:11 The fool comes out with all his angry feelings, but the wise man subdues and restrains them.
29:12 When a ruler listens to false reports, all his ministers will be scoundrels.
29:13 Poor man and usurer are found together, Yahweh gives light to the eyes of both.
29:14 The king who judges the poor with equity sees his throne set firm for ever.
29:15 The stick and the reprimand bestow wisdom, a child left to himself brings shame on his mother.
29:16 When the wicked are in power, sin multiplies, but the virtuous shall witness their downfall.
29:17 Correct your son, and he will give you peace of mind; he will delight your soul.
29:18 Where there is no vision the people get out of hand; blessed are they who keep the Precept.[*a]
29:19 Not by words is a slave corrected: even if he understands, he will take no notice.
29:20 You see some man too ready of speech? More hope for a fool than for him.
29:21 If a man’s slave is pampered from childhood, he will prove ungrateful in the end.
29:22 A bad-tempered man provokes disputes, a man prone to anger is a great cause of sin.
29:23 A man’s pride brings him humiliation, he who humbles himself will win honour.
29:24 Complicity with thieves and a wrong to oneself: to hear the curse[*b] and make no disclosure.
29:25 To be afraid of men is a snare, he who puts his trust in Yahweh is secure.
29:26 Many a man seeks a ruler’s favour, but the rights of each come from Yahweh.
29:27 Abhorrent to the virtuous is the sinful man, abhorrent to the wicked is the man of honour.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 30
30:1 The sayings of Agur son of Jakeh, of Massa. Oracle of this man for Ithiel, for Ithiel and for Ucal.[*a]
30:2 Surely I must be the most stupid of men, bereft of human intelligence,
30:3 I have not learnt wisdom, and I lack the knowledge of the Holy Ones.
30:4 Who has mounted to the heavens, then descended? Who has gathered the wind in the clasp of his hand? Who has wrapped the waters in his cloak? Who has set all the ends of the earth firm? What is his name, or the name of his son, if you know it?
30:5 Every word of God is unalloyed, he is the shield of those who take refuge in him.
30:6 To his words make no addition, lest he reprove you and know you for a fraud.
30:7 Two things I beg of you, do not grudge me them before I die:
30:8 keep falsehood and lies far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches, grant me only my share of bread to eat,
30:9 for fear that surrounded by plenty, I should fall away and say, ‘Yahweh-who is Yahweh?’ or else, in destitution, take to stealing and profane the name of my God.
30:10 Do not denounce a slave to his master, lest he curse you, and you suffer for it.
30:11 There is a breed of man who curses his father and does not bless his mother;
30:12 a breed that, laying claim to purity, has yet not been cleansed of its filth;
30:13 a breed haughty of eye, with disdain in every glance;
30:14 a breed with swords for teeth, with knives for jaws, with which to devour the poor and rid the earth of them, to devour the needy and rid mankind of them.
30:15 The leech has two daughters: ‘Give, give!’ their cry. There are three insatiable things, four, indeed, that never say, ‘Enough!’
30:16 Sheol, the barren womb, earth which can never have its fill of water, fire which never says, ‘Enough!’
30:17 The eye which looks jeeringly on a father, and scornfully on an ageing mother, shall be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, and eaten by the vultures.
30:18 There are three things beyond my comprehension, four, indeed, that I do not understand:
30:19 the way of an eagle through the skies, the way of a snake over the rock, the way of a ship in mid-ocean, the way of a man with a girl.
30:20 This is how the adulteress behaves: when she has eaten, she wipes her mouth clean and says, ‘I have done nothing wrong’.
30:21 There are three things at which the earth trembles, four, indeed, which it cannot endure:
30:22 a slave become king, a churlish man full-fed,
30:23 a jilted girl wed at last, a maid supplanting mistress.
30:24 There are four creatures little on the earth, though wisest of the wise:
30:25 the ants, a race with no strength, yet in the summer they make sure of their food;
30:26 the rock rabbits, a race with no defences, yet they make their home in the rocks;
30:27 the locusts, these have no king, and yet they all march in good order;
30:28 the lizard which you can catch in your hand, yet it frequents the palaces of kings.
30:29 There are three things of stately tread, four, indeed, of stately bearing:
30:30 the lion, bravest of beasts, he will draw back from nothing;
30:31 the cock that proudly struts among the hens, the he-goat, leader of the flock, and the king when he harangues his people.
30:32 If you have been foolish enough to fly into a passion and now have second thoughts, lay your hand on your lips.
30:33 For by churning the milk you produce butter, by wringing the nose you produce blood, and by whipping up anger you produce strife.
JB PROVERBS Chapter 31
31:1 The sayings of Lemuel king of Massa,[*a] taught him by his mother:
31:2 What, my son! What, son of my womb! What, son of my vows!
31:3 Do not spend all your energy on women, nor your loins on these destroyers of kings.
31:4 Not for kings, O Lemuel, not for kings the drinking of wine, not for princes to love strong drink,
31:5 for fear that in liquor they forget what they have decreed and override the rights of all in distress.
31:6 Procure strong drink for a man about to perish, wine for the heart that is full of bitterness:
31:7 let him drink and forget his misfortune, and remember his misery no more.
31:8 Speak, yourself, on behalf of the dumb, on behalf of all the unwanted;
31:9 speak, yourself, pronounce a just verdict, uphold the rights of the poor, of the needy.
31:10 A perfect wife-who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls.
31:11 Her husband’s heart has confidence in her, from her he will derive no little profit.
31:12 Advantage and not hurt she brings him all the days of her life.
31:13 She is always busy with wool and with flax, she does her work with eager hands.
31:14 She is like a merchant vessel bringing her food from far away.
31:15 She gets up while it is still dark giving her household their food, giving orders to her serving girls.
31:16 She sets her mind on a field, then she buys it; with what her hands have earned she plants a vineyard.
31:17 She puts her back into her work and shows how strong her arms can be.
31:18 She finds her labour well worth while; her lamp does not go out at night.
31:19 She sets her hands to the distaff, her fingers grasp the spindle.
31:20 She holds out her hand to the poor, she opens her arms to the needy.
31:21 Snow may come, she has no fears for her household, with all her servants warmly clothed
31:22 She makes her own quilts, she is dressed in fine linen and purple
31:23 Her husband is respected at the city gates, taking his seat among the elders of the land.
31:24 She weaves linen sheets and sells them, she supplies the merchant with sashes
31:25 She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.
31:26 When she opens her mouth, she does so wisely; on her tongue is kindly instruction.
31:27 She keeps good watch on the conduct of her household, no bread of idleness for her
31:28 Her sons stand up and proclaim her blessed, her husband too, sings her praises:
31:29 ‘Many women have done admirable things, but you surpass them all!’
31:30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty; the woman who is wise is the one to praise
31:31 Give her a share in what her hands have worked for, and let her works tell her praises at the city gates.
END OF JB PROVERBS [31 Chapters].