1:1 达理阿二年八月,上主的话传给依多的孙子,贝勒基雅的儿子匝加利亚先知说:
1:2 「上主曾对你们的祖先大发愤怒;
1:3 但是如今你应对他们说:「万军的上主这样说:你们归向我罢!──万军上主的断语──我必转向你们,万军的上主说。
1:4 你们不要如同你们的祖先;以前的先知曾对你们宣告说:说:万军的上主这样说:你们转身离开你们的邪道,和你们的恶行罢!但是他们不听,也不理会我──上主的断语。
1:5 你们的祖先在哪里﹖先知难道能永远生存﹖
1:6 但是我吩咐我的仆人先知们所传的话和定案,岂不是临到你们的祖先身上了吗﹖致使他们翻悔说:万军的上主真按照衪的决定,并按照我们的行径和作为对待了我们。
第一个神视 上主的骑士
1:7 达理阿二年十一月,即「舍巴特」月二十四日,上主的话传给依多的孙子,贝勒基雅的儿子匝加利亚先知说:
1:8 夜间我看见一个人骑着栗色的马,立在盆地的长春树中间,他后面尚有栗色、杂色和白色的马。
1:9 我遂问:「我主,这是什么意思﹖」那与我谈话的使者对我说:「我要给你解释这有什么意义。」
1:10 但那站在长春树中间的人却答说:「这些是上主派遗巡视大地的。」
1:11 他们答复那站在长春树中间的上主的使者说:「我们已经巡视了大地,见全地都安宁平靖。」
1:12 上主的使者说:「万军的上主!你拒绝怜恤耶路撒冷和犹大城邑,要到何时呢﹖你向他们发怒,至今已经七十年了!」
1:13 上主就用鼓舞慰藉的话答复了那与我谈话的使者。
1:14 那与我谈话的使者便对我说:「你要宣布说:万军的上主这样说:我仍要以极度的热情爱耶路撒冷和熙雍;
1:15 但我极脑怒那些傲慢的异民,因为我对我的百姓稍一发怒,他们便大加虐待。
1:16 为此上主这样说:我要再以慈悲对待耶路撒冷,我的殿宇必要在其中重建来──万军上主的断语──绳墨必要再拉在耶路撒冷上。
1:17 你要再宣布说:万军的上主这样说:我的城邑必再充满幸福,上主必再怜恤熙雍,再拣选耶路撒冷。」
第二个神视 四只角和四个工匠
2:1 我又举目观看,望见有四只角。
2:2 我问那与我谈话的使者说:「这是什么意思﹖」他回答我说:「这就是驱散了犹大、以色列和耶路撒冷的角。」
2:3 此后上主使我看见四个工匠。
2:4 我问说:「这些人来做什么﹖」他答说:「那些角驱散了犹大,以致没有人敢抬头,这些人来是为恐吓那些角,为了打掉异民的角。因为他们曾对犹大地举起角来驱散了她。」
第三个神视 手拿绳墨的人
2:5 我又举目观看,望见有一个人手里拿着绳墨。
2:6 我问他说:「你往哪里去﹖」他回答我说:「我要去测量耶路撒冷,看她有多宽多长。」
2:7 正当那与我谈话的使者出来时,另一位使者出来迎上他,
2:8 对他说:「你跑去告诉那青年人说:耶路撒冷将成为无边际的区域,因为其中的人畜太多了!
2:9 至于我,我要作她四周的火墙,──上主的断语──作他中间的荣耀!」
2:10 快!快!你们快从北地逃跑──上主的断语,因为我要从天下四方聚集你们──上主的断语。
2:11 住在巴比伦的熙雍,快!快逃避,
2:12 因为那为显示自己的光荣,派遗我来的万军的上主,对那些劫掠你们的异民──因为凡触动你们的,就是触动他的眼珠──这样说:
2:13 看,我只要在他们身上一挥动我的手,他们便要成为自己奴仆的掠物;如此,你们便知道:是万军的上主派遣了我。
2:14 熙雍女子,欢呼喜乐罢!因为我要来住在你中间──上主的断语。
2:15 在那一天,有许多民族要归依上主,要成为衪的百姓,并住在你们中间;这样你们便知道:是万军的上主派遗了我到你们这里来。
2:16 上主必在圣地内占据犹大作为自己的产业,衪仍要拣选耶路撒冷。
2:17 凡有血肉的,在上主面前应肃静!因为他已由他的圣所起身。
第四个神视 撒殚控告耶叔亚大司祭
3:1 以后上主使我看见大司祭耶叔亚,站在上主的使者面前,同时撒殚站在耶叔亚右边控告他。
3:2 上主的使者对撒殚说:「惟愿上主责斥你,撒殚!惟愿拣选耶路撒冷的上主责斥你。这不是由火中抽出来的一根木柴吗﹖﹖」
3:3 那时耶叔亚身穿污秽的衣服,站在使者的面前。
3:4 使者就吩咐那些立在他面前的说:「脱去他身上污秽的衣服!」以后向他说:「看,我已脱去了你的罪过,给你穿上华丽的礼服。」
3:5 随后接着吩咐说:「在他头上缠上一条洁净的头巾!」他们就在他头上缠上了一条洁净的头巾,给他穿上了洁净的礼服。那时,上主的使者,站在旁边。
3:6 上主的使者便劝诫耶叔亚说:「
3:7 万军的上主这样说:如果你遵行我的道路,谨守我的法令,你便可以管理我的家,看守我的庭院;我必要使你在这些侍立者中,自由出入。」
3:8 所以,大司祭耶叔亚,你且听着:你和坐在你面前的同伴都是作预兆的人。看,我必要使我的仆人「苖芽」生出。
3:9 看,这是我在耶叔亚面前安置的石头,在这惟一的石头上有七只眼睛;看!我要亲自在石上刻上题名──万军上主的断语──并且要在那一天除去地上的罪恶。
3:10 在那一天──万军上主的断语──你们必要互相邀请自己的邻里,到葡萄树和无花果树下。
第五个神视 金灯台和两棵橄榄树
4:1 那与我谈话的使者又来唤醒我,如唤醒梦中人一样;
4:2 他问我说:「你看见了什么﹖」我回答说:「我看见,啊!一座纯金的灯台,顶上有一个油壶和七盏灯,顶端那七盏灯具有七条导管。
4:3 而灯台两旁有两棵橄榄树,一左一右。
4:4 我便问那与我谈话的使者说:「我主,这是什么意思﹖」
4:5 那与我谈话的使者回答我说:「你不知道这是什么意思吗﹖」我说:「我主,不知道。」
4:6 他向我说:「
4:10 这七盏灯就是那遍察全地的上主的眼睛,」
4:11 我又问他说:「这灯台左右的两棵橄榄树是什么意思﹖」
4:12 我再问他说:「这两根经两个金管流出黄金色油的橄榄树枝,是什么意思﹖」
4:13 他对我说:「你不知道这是什么意思吗﹖」我回答说:「我主,不知道。」
4:14 他说:「这是侍立在全地的主宰面前的两位受傅者。」
4:15 这是上主关于则鲁巴贝耳所说的话:不是藉权势,不是藉能力,而是藉我的神能──万军的上主说。
4:16 大山啊!你算得什么﹖在则鲁巴贝耳面前,你必化为平地!他要在「好啊!好啊!」的欢呼声中搬出角石。
4:17 上主的话传给我说:
4:18 则鲁巴贝耳的手奠定了这殿宇的基础,他的手也要完成这工程:这样你们便知道:是万军的上主派遣了我到你们这里来。
4:19 因为谁敢为了事业开端的微小,就轻视这一天呢﹖当他们看到则鲁巴贝耳手中拿出笠石时,就要高兴喜乐了。
第六个神视 飞卷
5:1 我又举目观望,望见有一飞卷。
5:2 他问我说:「你看见了什么﹖」我说:「我见一本飞卷,长二十肘,宽十肘。」
5:3 他对我说:「这是向全地面散发的诅咒:凡偷窃的,必要按这卷所记载的被除掉;凡起假誓的,也必要按这卷所记载的被除掉。
5:4 我要发出这诅咒──万军上主的断语──它必进入盗贼的家和指着我名起假誓的家,住在那人家中,将这家,连它的木枓和石头一并毁灭。」
第七个神视 坐在厄法中的女人
5:5 那与我谈话的使者又出来对我说:「你要举目观看这出来的是什么﹖」
5:6 我反问说:「那是什么﹖」他回答说:「这出来的是『厄法』。」他又说:「这表示人在全地上的罪恶。」
5:7 看,铅盖揭开了,在『厄法』当中坐中着一个女人。
5:8 他于是说:「这是罪恶。」遂把她再装在『厄法』里,把铅盖盖在『厄法』的口上。
5:9 我又举目观看,见有两个女人出现,有风吹动她们的翅膀──她们的翅膀好象鹤鸟的翅膀──她们的将『厄法』提到天地之间。
5:10 我遂对那与我谈话的使者说:「她们将『厄法』带到哪里去﹖」
5:11 他回答我说:「要往史纳尔地去,建造一座房屋;房屋一落成,就把它安置在那里。」
第八个神视 四辆马车
6:1 我再举目观望,看,有四辆马车由两山间出来;这两座山都是铜山。
6:2 第一辆车套着栗色的马,第二辆车套着黑色的马,
6:3 第三辆车套着白色的马,第四辆车套着杂色的马,都很雄壮。
6:4 我问那我谈话的使者说:「我主,这是什么意思﹖」
6:5 使者答应我说:「这些是侍立在全地的主宰之前,而今向丌下四出发的:
6:6 那套着黑马的,向北方出发,白马则跟在后面出发,杂色的向南方出发。」
6:7 这些雄壮的马出来,切愿在地上往来巡逻。他于是说:「你们去,在地上巡逻吧!」它们就在地上巡逻。
6:8 以后,他呼唤我,对我说:「你看,向北方出发的,己在北方平息了上主的怒气。」
6:9 上主的话又传给我说:
6:10 「你该由归来的俘虏手中,即由赫耳特、托彼雅和耶达雅的手中取些礼物,就在今天,到巴比伦回来的责法尼雅的儿子约史雅的家里去。
6:11 你要拿银子和金子,做一顶冠冕,戴在大司祭约匝达克的儿子耶叔亚的头上,
6:12 然后对他说:万军的上主这样说:看,有一个人名叫「苗芽」,他自动萌芽,他要建筑上主的殿宇。
6:13 是要建筑上主的殿,是他要承受尊荣,坐在宝座上执政;并且有一位司祭立在他右边,他们二人之间必和平相处。
6:14 这顶冠冕要存在上主的殿内,作为赫尔待、托彼雅、耶达雅和责法尼雅的儿子约史雅的记念。
6:15 远方的人必来共同建筑上主的殿;如此,你们便知道:是万军的上主派遗了我到你们这里来。如果你们真听从上主你们天主的声音,这事必要实现。」
7:1 达理阿王四年九月,即「基色娄」月四日,上主的话传给匝加利亚。
7:2 由贝特耳派遣了君王的官员撒辣责尔和他的侍从去向上主请示,
7:3 去问万军上主殿里的司祭和先知们说:我是否在五月里仍要哭泣和斋戒,像我多年以来所作的一样﹖」
7:4 那时万军上主的话传给我说:
7:5 「你向国内全体民众和司祭们说:你们在五月和七月斋戒哭泣,至今已七十年了,岂是为了我而斋戒吗﹖
7:6 你们几时吃喝,岂不是为你们自己吃,为你们自己喝吗﹖
7:7 难道你们不知道,当耶路撒冷还有人安居,她四周的城邑,南部和平原也有人居住时,上主藉古先知们所宣布的训令吗﹖」
7:8 那时,上主有话传给匝加利亚说:
7:9 「万军的上主这样说:你们应照公正裁判,以仁义和友爱彼此相待;
7:10 不可欺压寡妇和孤儿,外方人和贫穷人;不可心中图谋恶事陷害人。
7:11 但是你们不肯听从,硬着颈项,充耳不闻。
7:12 他们使自己的心硬如金刚石,不听从法律,和万军的上主以自己的神感动古先知们所发表的训令,为此,万军的上主曾大发愤怒。
7:13 那么,就如我呼唤时,他们不肯听;同样他们呼喊时,我也不肯听──万军的上主说──
7:14 因此,我把他们驱散到他们所不认识的各民族中,以致在他们去后,国土荒废,无人住来;他们竟使美好的土地变成了一片荒野。」
8:1 又有万军上主的话:
8:2 万军的上主这样说:「我以极度的挚爱,爱着熙雍,为了她我发了很大的妒恨。
8:3 上主这样说:我要返回熙雍,住在耶路撒冷;耶路撒冷将称为『忠城』,万军上主的山将称为『圣山』。」
8:4 万军的上主这样说:「将有老夫老妇坐在耶路撒冷各街市上,每人因年高老迈,手中扶着拐杖;
8:5 城里街市上,都要满了男女儿童,在街市上游戏。
8:6 万军的上主这样说:到那些时日,这事在这百姓的遗民眼中是件奇事,难道在我眼中也是件奇事吗﹖──万军上主的断语。
8:7 万军的上主这样说:看,我要由日出之地和日落之地救回我的百姓;
8:8 我要本着忠实和正义,领他们回来,住在耶路撒冷;他们要作我的百姓,我要作他们的天主」。
8:9 万军的上主这样说:「当建筑万军的上主殿,奠基的时日,你们由先知口中听见这话的人,应加强你们的手臂。
8:10 既使在这些日子以前,人得不到工资,牲畜也没有报酬,出入的人因了仇敌都得不到平安,因为我曾使人互相攻击;
8:11 但是现今我对待这百姓的遗民,决不像住日一样──万军上主的断语。
8:12 因为我要散播和平;葡萄树必结果实,土地必有出产,苍天必降甘露;我必要使这百姓的遗民获得这一切。
8:13 犹大家和以色列家,昔日你们在异民中怎样成为可诅咒的,将来我也要照样拯救你们,使你们受人祝福;你们不要害怕,应加强你们的手臂!
8:14 因为万军的上主这样说:就如你们的祖先惹我发怒的时候,我曾决意惩罚你们──万军的上主说──而毫不动情;
8:15 照样,在这些日子里,我也要决意善待耶路撒冷和犹大家;你们不要害怕!
8:16 你们应该遵行的训令是:彼此谈话要诚实,在城门口应作公正与和平的裁判;
8:17 不可心中图谋恶事,彼此相害,也不可喜欢发假誓,因为这一切都是我所憎恶的──上主的断语。」
8:18 万军上主的话传给我说:
8:19 「万军的上主这样说:四月的斋戒、五月的斋戒、七月的斋戒和十月的斋戒,为犹大家将变为愉快和喜乐以及欢跃的佳节;但你们应爱好忠实与和平」。
8:20 万军的上主这样说:「还有许多民族和各大城市的居民要前来;
8:21 一城的居民到另一城去,向该城的居民说:我们快去恳求上主开恩,去寻求万军的上主!──我也同去。」
8:22 将有许多民族和强盛的国民,来到耶路撒冷寻求万军的上主,恳求上主开恩。
8:23 万军的上主这样说:「在那日子里,十个说异国方言的人将抓住一个犹太人的衣服说:我们要同你们一起去,因为我们听说天主与你们在一起」。
9:1 神谕:上主的话临于哈得辣客地,停在大马士革,因为阿兰的眼珠也像以色列的各支派一样,是属于上主的。
9:2 哈玛特也要属于衪的版图,还有极其明智的漆冬。
9:3 提洛为自己建筑了碉堡,堆积的银子多如尘土,金子像街市上的泥土。
9:4 看,吾主必要占据她,把她的财富拋入海中;她必为火所吞灭。
9:5 阿市克隆见了,必要害怕;迦萨也要极度战憟,厄刻龙也是如此,因为她依赖的,遭受了羞辱。迦萨的君王必要丧亡,阿市刻隆没有人居住。
9:6 阿市多得必为杂种所居住。当我这样消除了培肋舍特人的傲慢,
9:7 由他的口中除去带血的祭肉,从他的牙齿间除去可憎的祭物之后,他的遗民也必要归属于我们的天主,有如犹大中的一个家族;厄刻龙也必像耶步斯人。
9:8 我要为我的家自作营寨,防御往来的人,不再让残暴者由他们中间经过,因为如今我要亲眼防守。
9:9 熙雍女子,你应尽量喜乐!耶路撒冷女子,你应该欢呼!看,你的君王到你这里来,他是正义的,胜利的,谦逊的,骑在驴上,骑在驴驹上。
9:10 他由厄弗辣因铲除战车,从耶路撒冷除掉战马,作战的弓箭也要被消灭;衪要向万民宣布和平,衪的权柄由这海到那海,从大河直到地极。
9:11 你,熙雍女子!因了你盟约的血,我要从无水地牢中释放你的俘虏。
9:12 怀着希望的俘虏,必要回到你这里。熙雍女子!我必双倍偿还你在充军之日所遭受的一切,
9:13 因为我要以犹大作我张开的弓,以厄弗辣因作我弓上的箭。熙雍!我要鼓动你的子民,使你有如勇士的剑,为攻击雅汪子民。
9:14 上主必要在他们上面出现,像闪电一般射出衪的箭;吾主上主必要吹起号角,乘着南方的旋风前来。
9:15 万军的上主必保卫他们,使他们前进,践踏石的人;他们必要喝他们的血,有如喝酒;饱享鲜血,有如祭坛的四角。
9:16 到那一天,上主他们的天主,必要拯救他们,要牧放他的百姓,有如牧放羊群;他们将如王冠上的宝石,在他的地上闪烁。
9:17 那时,此地是多么幸福,多么美丽!五榖滋养少男,新酒培育处女。
10:1 到春雨的时节,你们应向上主求雨,上主必兴起雷电,降下倾盆大雨,赐人食粮,使田间生出青草,
10:2 因为「忒辣芬」所讲的只是谎言,占卜者所见的只是虚幻,所报告的只是幻梦,只会以空言安慰人;为此,民众流离失所,有如没有牧者的羊群。
10:3 我的怒火必要向牧人发作,我必要惩罚公山羊,因为万军的上主将要看顾自己的羊群──犹大家,使他们有如自己战埸上的骏马。
10:4 角石是出于衪,幕椿是出于衪,战弓是出于衪,而且所有的首领也是出于衪。
10:5 他们全如勇士,在战埸上践踏敌人,有如践踏街上的泥泞;他们必要得胜,因为上主与他们同在;骑马的人反要惭愧!
10:6 我要使犹大家强健盛,使若瑟家胜利;我要使他们复兴,因为我怜悯了他们,他们必好象我从未放逐过他们一样:因为我是上主他们的天主,我必要应允他们。
10:7 厄弗辣因人要如勇士,他们的心必像饮了酒那样喜乐;他们的子孙见了也要喜乐,他们的心必欢乐于上主。
10:8 我要向他们吹哨,聚集他们,因为我解救了他们;他们的人数众多,必如昔日一样。
10:9 我虽曾将他们分散到各异民中,但他们在远方仍怀念着我,养大自己的儿子,然后归来。
10:10 我要从埃及地领他们回来,由亚述聚集他们,领他们到基肋阿得地和黎巴嫩,但此地为他们仍然不够。
10:11 他们要渡过埃及海,击打海中的波浪,使河底干涸;亚述的高傲必要受挫,埃及的权仗必被夺去。
10:12 他们的力量全在于上主,他们必以他的名号为自己的光荣──上主的断语。
11:1 黎巴嫩!打开你的门,让火来吞灭你的香柏!
11:2 松树,哀号吧!因为香柏已被伐倒,高大者已被摧毁;巴商的橡树,哀号吧!因为不可深入的树林全已倒下。
11:3 听,牧人在哀号,因为他们的的光荣己被破坏;听,幼狮在咆哮,因为约旦的豪华已遭摧毁。
11:4 上主,我的天主这样说:「你要牧放这待宰的羊群!
11:5 那些购买它们来宰杀的,以为无过;那卖出他们的的还说;上主应受赞美,因为我成了富翁!那牧放它们的,毫不怜惜它们。
11:6 我也决不再怜恤这地上的居民──上主的断语;看,我要将每个人交在他的的牧人手中.和他的君王手中,让他们毁灭这地,我决不由他们手中抢救。
11:7 这样我就代替卖羊人牧放待宰的羊群。我取了两根棍杖:一根我称它为「爱护」,一根我叫它作「联合」;我这样牧放了羊群。
11:8 在一个月内,我竟废除了三个牧人;终于我的心神也厌烦了羊群,而他们的心也厌恶我。
11:9 我于是说:我不愿再牧放你们:那要死的,就让他死去;那要丧亡的,就让他丧亡;那劓剩下的,就让他们彼此吞食。
11:10 以后,我就拿起我的棍杖「爱护」,把它折断,藉以废除我与众百姓所结的盟约。
11:11 盟约便在那一天废除了;于是那些注视我的羊贩子,便都知道这是上主的话。
11:12 以后,我对他们说:如果你们看着好,就给我工资,不然,就算了。他们于是衡量了三十两银子作我的工资。
11:13 那时上主对我说:「你把他们对我所估计的高价投入宝内!我就是拿了那三十两银子,投入上主殿内宝库里
11:14 然后,我又折断我的另一根棍杖「联合」,藉以废除犹大与以色列间的手足情谊。
11:15 上主又对我说:「你再为你取一套愚昧牧人的服装,
11:16 因为.看,我将在地上兴起一个牧人:那丧失的,他不去寻找;那迷途的,他不去搜索;那受伤的,他不去医治;那病弱的,他不去扶持;却要择肥而食,并且剥去它们的蹄子。
11:17 祸哉!那拋弃羊群的愚昧牧人!愿刀剑落在他的臂膊和他的右眼上!愿他的臂膊枯槁!愿他的右眼完全失明!
12:1 神谕:上主论以色列的话:展开苍天,奠定大地,在人体内造化人灵的上主的断语:
12:2 看,我要使耶路撒冷成为四周万民的醉杯;在耶路撒冷城被围困时,犹大也必如此。
12:3 在那一天,我必使耶路撒冷成为一切民族的举重石;凡欲举起它的,必受重伤。地上所有的民族,都要聚集起来攻击它。
12:4 在那一天,──上主的断语──我要以惊慌打击一切战马,以疯狂打击骑兵;但对犹大家,我却要睁开我的双眼;我要以盲目打击万民所有的战马。
12:5 那时,犹大的族长心里必要说:耶路撒冷居民的力量全在乎万军的上主,他们的天主。
12:6 在那一天,我必要使犹大的族长好象木柴中的火盆,有如草堆中的火把;他们必左右吞灭四周所有的民族;但耶路撒冷必仍安居在自己的原处。
12:7 上主首先要使犹大的家族胜利,免得达味家的光荣和耶路撒冷居民的光荣超过犹大。
12:8 在那一天,上主必要保卫耶路撒冷的居民,使他们中的衰弱者,在那一天有如达味,而达味家在他们眼前却有如神,有如上主的使者。
12:9 在那一天,我必设法消灭一切来攻打耶路撒冷的异民。
12:10 我要对达味家和耶路撒冷的居民倾注怜悯和哀祷的神,他们要瞻望他们所刺透的那一位:哀悼他如哀悼独生子,痛哭他像痛哭长子。
12:11 在那一天,在耶路撒冷必要大举哀悼,有如在默基多平原中的哈达得黎孟的哀悼。
12:12 全国将要哀悼,各家各族,成一伙,达味家的家族一伙,他们的女人一伙;纳堂家的家族一伙,
12:13 肋未家的家族一伙,他们的女人一伙;史米家族一伙,他们的女人一伙;
12:14 其余所有的家族,各家各族合成一伙,他们的女人一伙。
13:1 在那一天,为达味家和耶路撒冷的居民将开放一个水泉,为洗涤罪过和不洁。
13:2 在那一天──万军上主的断语──我要由地上铲除一切偶像的名号,不再为人所记念;并且我还要将假先知们和不洁的神由地上灭绝。
13:3 将来,如果有人还要冒充先知,生养他的父母必要对他说:你不能生存,因为你藉上主的名字说了谎话。生养他的父母就在他说妙语时,要把他刺死。
13:4 在那一天,每个假先知,在他说妙语时,必因自己的神视感到羞惭;他们必不再穿毛外氅,去行欺骗;
13:5 他反要说:我不是先知,我是一个种田的人,因为我自幼就以务农为业。
13:6 若有人问他说:怎么在你两手上有这些伤痕﹖他要答说:那是我在爱我的人家里所受的伤。
13:7 刀剑,起来攻击我的牧人,攻击那作我同伴的人──万军上主断语。打击牧人,羊群就要四散,然而我要向那弱小的羊伸出我的手。
13:8 将来在全国──上主的断语──三分之二必被铲除而死去,其中只留下三分之一。
13:9 我要使这三分之一经过火炼,炼净他们如同炼净银子,试验他们如同试验金子。他们必要呼号我的名字我也必要俯听他们;我要说:「这是我的百姓。」他们每人也要说:「上主是我的天主」。
14:1 看,属上主的日子要来到,那时,人们要在你们中间分取你们的掠物。
14:2 我要聚集众异民来与耶路撒冷交战;城池必被占领,住宅必遭洗劫,妇女必被强奸,城中半数人要被掳去;但剩下的人民必不会由城中消灭,
14:3 那时,上主必要出来,像他昔日在战争之日作战一样,与这些异民交战。
14:4 在那一天,他的脚要站在耶路撒冷对面,即东边的橄榄山上;橄榄山必由中间裂开,由东至西形成一条很大的山谷,其中一半山向北挪移,另一半即向南移动。
14:5 希农山谷从哥亚一直到阿匝尔必要被填平,如在犹大王乌齐亚的时日,因地震曾被填平一样;那时上主我的天主以及众圣者,必与衪一同降来。
14:6 在那一天,没有炎热,也没有寒冷和冰霜。
14:7 那将是独特的一天,只有上主知道的一天,没有白天黑夜,夜间仍有光明。
14:8 在那一天,必有活水从耶路撒冷流出,一半流往东海,一半流往西海;冬夏川流不息。
14:9 上主必做普世的君王;在那一天,只有惟一的上主,只有衪惟一的圣名。
14:10 到那一天,由革巴直到耶路撒冷南部的黎孟,整个地面都要变成平原,而耶路撒冷仍耸立在原处;从本雅明门到旧门,即角门,由哈纳乃耳到君王的榨酒池,
14:11 仍有人居住;其中再没有毁灭,人们将安居在耶路撒冷。
14:12 这是上主要用来打击那些凡进攻耶路撒冷的民族的灾难:他们的双脚还直立时,他们的肉就已经腐烂;他们的眼珠就已经在眼窝里腐烂;他们的舌头就已经在口里腐烂。
14:13 到那一天,在他们们中必有来自上主的一场大混乱:一人抓住另一人的手,彼此动手打斗。
14:14 连犹大也要在耶路撒冷作战,四周一切异民的财物都必被聚集起来:金子、银子、衣服,多得不可胜数。
14:15 同样,战马、骡子、骆驼、驴和在营盘内所有的牲畜,都必遭受与这灾祸同样的灾祸。
14:16 凡曾来进攻耶路撒冷的民族中尚存的人民,必将年年上来朝拜君王,万军的上主,举行帐棚节。
14:17 但是,凡地上各民族中,有不上耶路撒冷来朝拜君王,万军上主的,为他们就没有雨露。
14:18 如果埃及民族不上来参加,那么上主打击那不上来举行帐棚节的民族的灾祸,必要落在他们身上:
14:19 这是埃及和凡不上来举行帐棚节的民族所要遭受的惩罚。
14:20 在那一天,马铃上也要刻着「祝圣与上主」;上主殿里的锅,也将像祭坛前的洒血盆那样神圣;
14:21 而且在耶路撒冷和犹大所有的锅,都是祝圣与万军的上主的;凡愿献祭的人,必用这些锅来煮祭肉。到那一天,在万军的上主的殿里,必再没有一个商人。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
A summons to conversion
1:1 In the second year of Darius, in the eighth month[*a] the word of Yahweh was addressed to the prophet Zechariah (son of Berechiah),[*b] son of Iddo, as follows,
1:3 ‘Cry out to the remnant of this people and say to them, “Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Return to me, and I will return to you, says YahwehSabaoth.
1:4 Do not be like your ancestors, to whom the prophets in the past cried: Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Turn back from your evil ways and evil deeds. But – it is Yahweh who speaks – they would not listen or pay attention to me.
1:5 Where are your ancestors now? Are those prophets still alive?
1:6a Did not my words and my orders, with which I charged my servants the prophets, overtake your ancestors?
1:2 Yahweh was stirred to anger against your ancestors.” ‘
1:6b This reduced them to such confusion that they said, ‘Yahweh Sabaoth has treated us as he resolved to do, and as our ways and deeds deserved.’
First vision: the horsemen
1:7 On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month (the month of Shebat), in the second year of Darius,[*c] the word of Yahweh was addressed to the prophet Zechariah (son of Berechiah), son of Iddo, as follows,
1:8 ‘I saw a vision during the night. It was this: a man was standing among the deep-rooted myrtles; behind him were horses, red and sorrel and black and white.
1:9 I said: What are these, my lord? (And the angel who was talking to me said, “I will explain to you what they are”.)
1:10 The man standing among the myrtles answered, “They are those whom Yahweh has sent to patrol throughout the world”.
1:11 They then spoke to the angel of Yahweh standing among the myrtles; they said, “We have been patrolling the world, and see, the whole world is at peace and rest”.
1:12 The angel of Yahweh then spoke and said, “Yahweh Sabaoth, how long will you wait before taking pity on Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, on which you have inflicted your anger for the past seventy years?”
1:13 Yahweh then replied with very consoling words to the angel who was talking to me.
1:14 The angel who was talking to me then said to me, “Make this proclamation: Yahweh Sabaoth says this: I feel most jealous love for Jerusalem and Zion,
1:15 but very bitter anger against is the proud nations; for my part I was only a little angry, but they have overstepped all limits.
1:16 Yahweh, then, says this. I turn again in compassion to Jerusalem; my Temple there shall be rebuilt – it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks – and the measuring line will be stretched over Jerusalem.
1:17 Make this proclamation too: Yahweh Sabaoth says this: My cities are once more going to be very prosperous. Yahweh will again take pity on Zion, again make Jerusalem his very own.”‘
Second vision: the horns and the smiths
2:1 Then, raising my eyes, I saw a vision. It was this: there were four horns.
2:2 I said to the angel who was talking to me, ‘What are these horns, my lord?’ He said to me, ‘These are the horns which have scattered Judah (Israel) and Jerusalem’.
2:3 Yahweh then showed me four smiths.
2:4 And I said, ‘What are these coming to do?’ He said to me, ‘(Those are the horns which have so scattered Judah that no one has dared to raise his head; but) these have come to lay them low (to strike down the horns of the nations who lifted their hands against the land of Judah, in order to scatter it)’.
Third vision: the measurer
2:5 Then, raising my eyes, I saw a vision. It was this: there was a man with a measuring line in his hand.
2:6 I asked him, ‘Where are you going?’ He said, ‘To measure Jerusalem, to find out her breadth and her length’.
2:7 and then, while the angel who was talking to me stood still, another angel came forward to meet him.
2:8 He said to him, ‘Run, and tell that young man this, “Jerusalem is to remain unwalled, because of the great number of men and cattle there will be in her.
2:9 But I – it is Yahweh who speaks – I will be a wall of fire for her all round her, and I will be her glory in the midst of her.”‘
Two exhortations to the exiles
2:10 Up, up, and leave the land of the North (it is Yahweh who speaks)!(For to the four winds of heaven I have scattered you – it is Yahweh who speaks.)
2:11 Zion, up! Dweller in Babylon, flee!
2:12 For Yahweh Sabaoth says this (he whose glory has sent me here) as regards the nations who despoiled you (for whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye):
2:13 See now, I raise my hand over them, for them to be plunder for their slaves. (And you will know that Yahweh Sabaoth has sent me.)
2:14 Sing, rejoice, daughter of Zion; for I am coming to dwell in the middle of you – it is Yahweh who speaks.
2:15 Many nations will join Yahweh, on that day; they will become his people. (But he will remain among you, and you will know that YahwehSabaoth has sent me to you.)
2:16 But Yahweh will hold Judah as his portion in the Holy Land, and again make Jerusalem his very own.
2:17 Let all mankind be silent before Yahweh! For he is awaking and is coming from his holy dwelling.
Fourth vision: the investiture of Joshua
3:1 He[*a] showed me Joshua the high priest, standing before the angel of Yahweh, with Satan standing on his right to accuse him.
3:2 The angel of Yahweh said to Satan, ‘May Yahweh rebuke you, Satan, may Yahweh rebuke you, he who has made Jerusalem his very own. Is not this man a brand snatched from the fire?'[*b]
3:3 Now Joshua was dressed in dirty clothes[*c] as he stood before the angel of Yahweh.
3:4a The angel said these words to those who stood before him, ‘Take off his dirty clothes and clothe him in splendid robes of state,
3:5 and put a clean turban on his head’. They clothed him in splendid robes of state and put a clean turban on his head.[*d] The angel of Yahweh was standing there and said to him,
3:4b ‘Look, I have taken away your iniquity from you’.
3:6 The angel of Yahweh then proclaimed to Joshua:
3:7 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this, “If you walk in my ways and keep my ordinances, you shall govern my house, you shall watch over my courts, and I will give you free access among those who stand here.
3:9a For this is the stone which I am placing before Joshua; on this single stone there are seven eyes; and I myself intend to cut the inscription on it – it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks.
The coming of the ‘Branch’
3:8 “Now listen, High Priest Joshua, you and the friends who sit before you – for you are men of good omen. I now mean to raise my servant Branch,
3:9b and I intend to put aside the iniquity of this land in a single day.
3:10 On that day-it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks-you will entertain each other under your vine and fig tree.”
Fifth vision: the lamp-stand and the olive trees
4:1 The angel who was talking to me came back and roused me as a man is roused from his sleep.
4:2 And he asked me, ‘What can you see?’ I answered, ‘As I look, this is what I see: there is a lamp-stand entirely of gold with a bowl at the top of it; seven lamps are on the lamp-stand, and seven lips for the lamps on it.
4:3 By it are two olive trees, one to the right of it and one to the left.’
4:4 Speaking again, I said to the angel who was talking to me, ‘What do those things mean, my lord?’
4:5 The angel who was talking to me replied, ‘Do you not know what these things mean?’ I said, ‘No, my lord’.
4:6a He then gave me this answer,
4:10b ‘These seven are the eyes of Yahweh; they cover the whole world’.
4:11 In reply to this I asked him, ‘What is the meaning of these two olive trees, to the right
and to the left of the lamp-stand?’
4:12 (Speaking again, I asked him, ‘What is the meaning of the two olive branches pouring the oil through the two golden pipes?’)
4:13 He replied, ‘Do you not know what these things mean?’ I said, ‘No, my lord’.
4:14 He said, ‘These are the two anointed ones who stand before the Lord of the whole world.[*a]
Three sayings about Zerubbabel
4:6b ‘This is the word of Yahweh with regard to Zerubbabel, “Not by might and not by power, but by my spirit, says Yahweh Sabaoth.
4:7 “What are you, you great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, be a plain! He will pull out the keystone to shouts of: Blessings on it, blessings on it!”‘
4:8 The word of Yahweh was addressed to me as follows,
4:9 ‘The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this Temple; his hands will finish it. (And you will learn that Yahweh Sabaoth has sent me to you.)
4:10a A day for little things, no doubt, but who would dare despise it? People will rejoice when they see the chosen stone in the hands ofZerubbabel.’
Sixth vision: the flying scroll
5:1 Again I raised my eyes, and this is what I saw: a flying scroll.
5:2 The angel who was talking to me said, ‘What can you see?’ I replied, ‘I can see a flying scroll; it is twenty cubits long and ten cubits broad’.
5:3 He then said to me, ‘This is the Curse sweeping across the face of the whole country. According to what it says, every thief will be banished; according to what it says, everyone who swears falsely by my name will be banished.
5:4 I am going to let it loose – it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks – to enter the house of the thief and the house of anyone who swears falsely by my name, to settle in his house and to consume it, timber, stone and all.’
Seventh vision: the woman in the bushel
5:5 The angel who was talking to me came forward and said to me, ‘Raise your eyes, and see what this is, moving forward’.
5:6 I said, ‘What is it?’ He said, ‘This is a bushel moving forward’. He went on, ‘This is their iniquity throughout the country’.
5:7 At this, a disc of lead was raised, and I saw a Woman sitting inside the bushel.
5:8 He said, ‘This is Wickedness’. And he forced her back into the bushel and closed its mouth with the mass of lead.
5:9 I raised my eyes, and this is what I saw: two women appearing. The wind caught their wings – they had wings like a stork’s; they raised the bushel midway between earth and heaven.
5:10 I then said to the angel who was talking to me, ‘Where are they taking the bushel?’
5:11 He replied, ‘They mean to build a temple for it in the land of Shinar, and to make a plinth on which to place it’.[*a]
Eighth vision: the chariots
6:1 Again I raised my eyes, and this is what I saw: four chariots coming out between the two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze.
6:2 The first chariot had red horses, the second chariot had black horses,
6:3 the third chariot had white horses and the fourth chariot had (vigorous) piebald horses.
6:4 I asked the angel who was talking to me, I said, ‘What is the meaning of these, my lord?’
6:5 The angel answered, ‘These are going out to the four winds of heaven after standing before the Lord of the whole world.
6:6 The red horses are going out to the country of the East; the black horses are going out to the country of the North; the white are going out to the country of the West and the piebald are going out to the country of the South.’
6:7 They came out vigorously, eager to patrol the world. He said to them, ‘Go and patrol the world’. And they patrolled the world.
6:8 He called me and said to me, ‘See, those going northward is will make the spirit of Yahweh descend on the country of the North.[*a]
6:15 And those who are far away will come and rebuild the sanctuary of Yahweh. (And you will learn that Yahweh Sabaoth has sent me to you.) (This will happen if you listen carefully to the voice of Yahweh your God.)’
The votive crown
6:9 And the word of Yahweh was addressed to me as follows,
6:10 ‘Take the offerings of the captives,[*b] of Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, and go to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah, who has arrived from Babylon.
6:11 Take the silver and gold, make a crown and set it on the head of Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest.[*c]
6:12 And say this to him, “Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Here is a man whose name is Branch; where he is, there will be a branching out (and he will rebuild the sanctuary of Yahweh).
6:13 It is he who is going to rebuild the sanctuary of Yahweh. It is he who is going to wear the royal insignia. He will sit on his throne as ruler. And a priest shall be at his right hand. Perfect peace will reign between these two;
6:14 while the crown will be a glorious memorial to Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, and to Josiah, son of Zephaniah, in the sanctuary of Yahweh.”‘
A question on fasting
7:1 In the fourth year of King Darius (the word of Yahweh was addressed to Zechariah), on the fourth day of the ninth month[*a] (the month ofChislev),
7:2 Bethel sent Sharezer and his men to entreat the favour of Yahweh
7:3 and to say to the priests in the Temple of Yahweh Sabaoth, and to his prophets, ‘Ought I to go on mourning and fasting in the fifth month as I have been doing for so many years past?'[*b]
The nation’s past surveyed
7:4 Then the word of Yahweh Sabaoth was addressed to me as follows,
7:5 ‘Say to all the people of the country, and to the priests, “While you have been fasting and mourning in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it for my sake you fasted so rigorously?
7:6 And when you were eating and drinking, were not you the eaters and you the drinkers?
7:7 Do you not know the words which Yahweh proclaimed through the prophets in the past, when Jerusalem was inhabited and secure, with her surrounding towns, and when the Negeb and the Lowlands were inhabited?
7:8 (The word of Yahweh was addressed to Zechariah as follows:
7:9 Yahweh Sabaoth says this.) He said: Apply the law fairly, and practise kindness and compassion towards each other.
7:10 Do not oppress the widow and the orphan, the settler and the poor man, and do not secretly plan evil against one another.
7:11 But they would not pay attention; they turned a petulant shoulder; they stopped their ears rather than hear;
7:12 they made their hearts adamant rather than listen to the teaching and the words that Yahweh Sabaoth had sent by his spirit through the prophets in the past. This aroused great anger on the part of Yahweh Sabaoth.
7:13 And this is what happened, since he kept calling them and they would not listen (similarly they will call and I shall not listen, says YahwehSabaoth):
7:14 he scattered them throughout nations unknown to them; hence the country was reduced to desolation behind them, and no one came or went. They turned a land of delights into a desert.”‘
A prospect of messianic salvation
8:1 The word of Yahweh Sabaoth was addressed to me as follows:
8:2 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. I am burning with jealousy for Zion, with great anger for her sake.
8:3 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. I am coming back to Zion and shall dwell in the middle of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be called Faithful City and the mountain of Yahweh Sabaoth, the Holy Mountain.
8:4 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. Old men and old women will again sit down in the squares of Jerusalem; every one of them staff in hand because of their great age.
8:5 And the squares of the city will be full of boys and girls playing in the squares.
8:6 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. If this seems a miracle to the remnant of this people (in those days), will it seem one to me? It is Yahweh Sabaothwho speaks.
8:7 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. Now I am going to save my people from the countries of the East and from the countries of the West.
8:8 I will bring them back to live inside Jerusalem. They shall be my people and I will be their God in faithfulness and integrity.
8:9 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. Let your hands be strong, you who here and now listen to these words from the mouths of the prophets who have been prophesying since the day when the Temple of Yahweh Sabaoth had its foundation laid for the rebuilding of the sanctuary.
8:10 For before the present day men were not paid their wages and nothing was paid for the animals either; and because of the enemy there was no security for a man to go about his business; I had set every man against everyone else.
8:11 But now, with the remnant of this people, I am not as I was in the past. It is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks.
8:12 For I mean to spread peace everywhere; the vine will give its fruit, the earth its increase, and heaven its dew. I am going to bestow all these blessings on the remnant of this people.
8:13 Just as once you were a curse among the nations, you House of Judah (and House of Israel), so I mean to save you for you to become a blessing. Do not be afraid; let your hands be strong.
8:14 For Yahweh Sabaoth says this. Just as I once resolved to inflict evil on you when your ancestors provoked me-says Yahweh Sabaoth-and as I did not then relent,
8:15 So now I have another purpose, and I intend in the present day to confer benefits on Jerusalem and on the House of Judah. Do not be afraid.
8:16 ‘These are the things that you must do. Speak the truth to one another; let the judgements at your gates be such as conduce to peace;
8:17 do not secretly plot evil against one another; do not love false oaths; since all this is what I hate. It is Yahweh who speaks.’
The answer to the question on fasting
8:18 The word of Yahweh Sabaoth was addressed to me as follows:
8:19 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. The fast of the fourth month, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth are to become gladness and happiness and days of joyful feasting for the House of Judah.[*a] But love the truth and peace!
A prospect of messianic salvation
8:20 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. There will be other peoples yet, and citizens of great cities.
8:21 And the inhabitants of one city will go to the next and say, “Come, let us go and entreat the favour of Yahweh, and seek Yahweh Sabaoth; I am going myself”
8:22 And many peoples and great nations will come to seek Yahweh Sabaoth in Jerusalem and to entreat the favour of Yahweh.
8:23 ‘Yahweh Sabaoth says this. In those days, ten men of nations of every language will take a Jew by the sleeve and say, “We want to go with you, since we have learnt that God is with you”.’
9:1 An oracle.
The new promised land[*a]
Yahweh has passed through the land of Hadrach and Damascus is his dwelling place; for the cities of Aram belong to Yahweh no less than all the tribes of Israel;
9:2 Hamath too, which borders on it, (Tyre) and Sidon also, despite her acumen.
9:3 Tyre has built herself a rampart, has heaped up silver like dust and gold like the dirt of the streets.
9:4 And now the Lord is going to take possession of her; he will topple her power into the sea; she herself will be consumed by fire.
9:5 Seeing this, Ashkelon will be terrified, and Gaza be seized with trembling, so will Ekron, at the ruin of her prospects; the king will vanish from Gaza and Ashkelon remain unpeopled,
9:6 but the bastard[*b] will live in Ashdod! I mean to destroy the arrogance of the Philistine;
9:7 I intend to take his blood out of his mouth and his abomination from between his teeth.[*c] He too will become a remnant for our God and be like a family in Judah: Ekron shall be like the Jebusite.[*d]
9:8 Near my house I will take my stand like a watchman on guard against prowlers; the tyrant shall pass their way no more, because I have now taken notice of its distress.
The Messiah
9:9 Rejoice heart and soul, daughter of Zion! Shout with gladness, daughter of Jerusalem! See now, your king comes to you; he is victorious, he is triumphant, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
9:10 He will banish chariots from Ephraim and horses from Jerusalem; the bow of war will be banished. He will proclaim peace for the nations. His empire shall stretch from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.
The restoration of Israel
9:11 As for you, because of the blood of your covenant I am sending back your prisoners from the pit (in which there is no water).
9:12 To you, daughter of Zion, the hopeful captives will return. In compensation for your days of banishment I will give you back double.
9:13 For I bend my bow; it is Judah; I make Ephraim its arrow. I am going to brandish your children, Zion, (against your children, Javan);[*e] I mean to make you like the sword of a hero.
9:14 Yahweh will appear above them and his arrow will flash out like lightning. (The Lord) Yahweh will sound the trumpet and advance in the storms of the south.
9:15 Yahweh (Sabaoth) will protect them! They will trample sling stones underfoot, they will drink blood like wine, they will be soaked in it like the horns of an altar.
9:16 Yahweh their God will give them victory when that day comes;
he will pasture his people like a flock (like the flashing jewels of a diadem) on his land.
9:17 What joy and what beauty shall be theirs! Corn will make the young men flourish, and sweet wine the maidens.
Faithfulness to Yahweh
10:1 Ask Yahweh for rain at the time of the spring rains. For it is Yahweh who sends the lightning and gives the showers of rain; he gives bread to man, and grass to the cattle.
10:2 Because the teraphim utter futile words and the diviners have lying visions[*a] and publish empty dreams and voice misleading nonsense, naturally the people stray like sheep; they wander because they have no shepherd.
Israel’s deliverance and return
10:3 ‘My anger burns against the shepherds, and I mean to punish the he-goats.’ Yes, Yahweh (Sabaoth) will take care of his flock (the House of Judah), he will make it his proud steed (in battle).
10:4 From him will issue Cornerstone and Tent-peg,[*b] from him the Bow of battle, from him all the Leaders. Together
10:5 they will be like heroes trampling the dirt of the streets (in battle); they will fight, since Yahweh is with them, and the riders of horses will be thrown into confusion.
10:6 And I will make the House of Judah mighty, and the House of Joseph victorious. I am going to restore them, because I have taken pity on them, and they shall be as though I had never cast them off (for I am Yahweh their God and I mean to answer their prayer).
10:7 Ephraim will be like a hero. Their hearts will be cheered as though by wine. Their sons will look on this in gladness, their hearts will exult in Yahweh.
10:8 I am going to whistle to them and gather them in (for I have redeemed them);
they will be as numerous as they used to be.
10:9 I have scattered them among the peoples but from far away they will remember me (they will teach their sons, and these will return).
10:10 I mean to bring them back from the land of Egypt, and gather them from Assyria; I shall lead them into the land of Gilead (and Lebanon), and even that will not be large enough for them.
10:11 They will pass through the sea of Egypt (and he will strike the waves on the sea); all the depths of the Nile will be dried up. The arrogance of Assyria will be cast down and the sceptre of Egypt be taken away.
10:12 Their strength will be in Yahweh; in his name they will glory: it is Yahweh who speaks.
11:1 Open your gateways, Lebanon, and let the fire burn down your cedars.
11:2 (Wail, cypress, for felled is the cedar, the mighty ones have been brought low!) Wail, oaks of Bashan, for the impenetrable forest has been felled!
11:3 The wailing of the shepherds is heard; their glorious pastures have been ruined. The roaring of the young lions is heard; the thickets of the Jordan have been laid waste.
The two shepherds
11:4 This is how Yahweh spoke to me, ‘Pasture the sheep bred for slaughter,
11:5 whose buyers kill them and go unpunished, whose sellers say of them, “Blessed be Yahweh; now I am rich!” and their shepherds handle[*a] them without kindness.
11:6 (For no longer am I going to show kindness to the inhabitants of the world – it is Yahweh who speaks. But instead I mean to hand over every man to the next, and to his king. They shall devastate the world and I will not deliver them from their hands.)’
11:7 Then I began to pasture these sheep bred for slaughter for the sheepdealers. I took two staves: one I called Goodwill, the other Union. And so I began to pasture the sheep.
11:8 I dismissed the three shepherds in one month.[*b] But I began to dislike the sheep, and they equally detested me.
11:9 I then said, ‘I am going to pasture you no longer; let those that wish to die, die; let those that wish to perish, perish; and let those that are left devour each other’s flesh!’ .
11:10 I then took my staff, Goodwill, and broke it in half, to break the covenant Yahweh had made with all the peoples.[*c]
11:11 When it was broken, that day the dealers, who were watching me, realised that this had been a word of Yahweh.
11:12 I then said to them, ‘If you think it right, give me my wages; if not, never mind’. And they weighed out my wages: thirty shekels of silver.[*d]
11:13 But Yahweh told me, ‘Throw it into the treasury, this princely sum at which they have valued me’. Taking the thirty shekels of silver, I threw them into the Temple of Yahweh, into the treasury.
11:14 I then broke my second staff, Union, in half, to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.[*e]
11:15 Next, Yahweh said to me, ‘Now take the gear of an incompetent shepherd.
11:16 For I am now going to raise an incompetent shepherd in this country. He will not bother about the lost; he will not look for the stray; he will not heal the wounded; he will not support the weary; but he will only eat the flesh of the fat beasts and tear off their hoofs.
11:17 ‘Trouble is coming to the worthless shepherd who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm wither entirely, may his eye be totally blinded!’
The deliverance and restoration of Jerusalem
12:1 An oracle. The word of Yahweh about Israel. It is Yahweh who speaks, I who spread out the heaven and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him:
12:2 ‘Look, I am going to make Jerusalem an intoxicating cup to all the surrounding peoples…
12:3 ‘When that day comes, I mean to make Jerusalem a stone to be lifted by all the peoples; all who try to lift it will hurt themselves severely. (And all the nations of the earth will mass against her.)
12:4 When that day comes – it is Yahweh who speaks – l intend to strike all the horses with confusion and their riders with madness. (But on the House of Judah I will open my eyes.) And I will strike all the horses of the peoples with blindness.
12:5 Then the clans of Judah will say in their hearts, “Strength for the citizens of Jerusalem is in Yahweh Sabaoth their God”.
12:6 When that day comes I mean to make the clans of Judah like a brazier burning in a pile of wood, like a flaming torch in stubble; and they will consume the peoples round them to right and left. And Jerusalem shall stand firm in her place.
12:7 Yahweh will save the tents of Judah first to forestall the arrogance of the House of David and the arrogance of the citizens of Jerusalem from rising to the detriment of Judah.
12:8 When that day comes, Yahweh will spread his protection over the citizens of Jerusalem; the one among them who was about to fall will be like David on that day, and the House of David will be like God (like the angel of Yahweh) at their head.
12:9 ‘When that day comes, I shall set myself to destroy all the nations who advance against Jerusalem.
12:10 But over the House of David and the citizens of Jerusalem I will pour out a spirit of kindness and prayer. They will look on the one whom they have pierced; they will mourn for him as for an only son, and weep for him as people weep for a first-born child.
12:11 When that day comes, there will be great mourning in Judah, like the mourning of Hadad-rimmon in the plain of Megiddo.
12:12 And the country will mourn clan by clan; the clan of the House of David apart, with their wives by themselves;
12:13 the clan of the House of Nathan apart, with their wives by themselves; the clan of the House of Levi apart, with their wives by themselves; the clan of Shimei apart, with their wives by themselves.
12:14 All the clans that remain, clan by clan, with their wives by themselves.
13:1 When that day comes, a fountain will be opened for the House of David and the citizens of Jerusalem, for sin and impurity.
13:2 When that day comes – it is Yahweh (Sabaoth) who speaks – I am going to root out the names of the idols from the country, and they shall never be mentioned again; and I will also rid the country of the prophets, and of the spirit of impurity.
13:3 If anyone still wants to prophesy, his father and the mother who gave him birth shall say to him, “You have no right to live, since you utter lies in the name of Yahweh”. And while he is prophesying, his father and the mother who gave him birth shall run him through.
13:4 When that day comes, every prophet shall be ashamed of his prophetic vision; they will no longer put on their hair cloaks to utter their lies,
13:5 but they will all say, “I am no prophet. I am a peasant; the land has been my living ever since I was a boy.”
13:6 And if anyone asks him, “Then what are these wounds on your body?” he will reply, “These I received in the house of my friends”.
Invocation to the sword; the new people
13:7 ‘Awake, sword, against my shepherd and against the man who is my companion – it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks. I am going to strike the shepherd so that the sheep may be scattered, and I will turn my hand against the weak.
13:8 And it will happen throughout this territory – it is Yahweh who speaks – that two-thirds in it will be cut off (‘will be killed’) and the remaining third will be left.
13:9 I will lead that third into the fire, and refine them as silver is refined, test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name and I shall listen; and I shall say: These are my people; and each will say, “Yahweh is my God!”‘
The eschatological battle; the splendour of Jerusalem
14:1 See, day is coming for Yahweh when the spoils taken from you will be divided among you.
14:2 Yahweh will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for battle. The city will be taken, the houses plundered, the women ravished. Half the city will go into captivity, but the remnant of the people will not be cut off from the city.
14:3 Then Yahweh will take the field; he will fight against these nations as he fights in the day of battle.
14:4 On that day, his feet will rest on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem from the east. The Mount of Olives will be split in half from east to west, forming a huge gorge; half the Mount will recede northwards, the other half southwards.
14:5 And the Vale of Hinnom will be filled up from Goah to Jasol; it will be blocked as it was by the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yahweh your God will come, and all the holy ones with him.
14:6 When that day comes, there will be no more cold, no more frost.
14:7 It will be a day of wonder-Yahweh knows it-with no alternation of day and night; in the evening it will be light.
14:8 When that day comes, running waters will issue from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea, half of them to the western sea; they will flow summer and winter.
14:9 And Yahweh will be king of the whole world. When that day comes, Yahweh will be unique and his name unique.
14:10 The entire country will be transformed into plain, from Geba to Rimmon in the Negeb. And Jerusalem will be raised higher, though still in the same place; from the Gate of Benjamin to the site of the First Gate, that is to say to the Gate of the Corner and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepress,
14:11 people will make their homes. The ban will be lifted; Jerusalem will be safe to live in.
14:12 And this is the plague with which Yahweh will strike all the nations who have fought against Jerusalem; their flesh will moulder while they are still standing on their feet; their eyes will rot in their sockets; their tongues will rot in their mouths.
14:15 And such will be the plague on the horses and mules, camels and donkeys, and all the animals to be found in that camp. When that day comes, a great terror will fall on them from Yahweh; each man will grab his neighbour’s hand and they will hit out at each other.
14:14 Even Judah will fight against Jerusalem. The wealth of all the surrounding nations will be heaped together: gold, silver, clothing, in vast quantity.
14:16 All who survive of all the nations that have marched against Jerusalem will go up year by year to worship the King, Yahweh Sabaoth, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles.
14:17 Should one of the races of the world fail to go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Yahweh Sabaoth, there will be no rain for that one.
14:18 Should the race of Egypt fail to go up and pay its visit, on it will fall the plague which Yahweh will inflict on each one of those nations that fail to go up to keep the feast of Tabernacles.
14:19 Such shall be the punishment for Egypt and for all the nations that fail to go up to keep the feast of Tabernacles.
14:20 When that day comes, the horse bells will be inscribed with the words, ‘Sacred to Yahweh’, and in the Temple of Yahweh the very cooking pots will be as fine as the sprinkling bowls at the altar.
14:21 And every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall become sacred to Yahweh Sabaoth; all who want to offer sacrifice will come and help themselves from them for their cooking; there will be no more traders in the Temple of Yahweh Sabaoth, when that day comes.
END OF JB ZACHARIAH [14 Chapters].