若望三书-3 John








1:1 我长老致书给可爱的加约,就是我在真理内所爱的。
1:2 亲爱的,祝你诸事顺利,并祝你健康,就如你的灵魂常顺利一样。


1:3 有些弟兄来,证明你在真理内,就是说你怎样在真理内生活,我很高兴。
1:4 我听说我的孩子们在真理内生活,我没有比这再大的喜乐了。
1:5 亲爱的,凡你对弟兄,尤其对旅客所行的,都是真信徒的行为。
1:6 他们在教会前证明了你的爱德。你若以相称天主的态度,帮助他们走上旅途,就是做了善事,
1:7 因为他们出发是为主的名字,并没有从外教人接受什麽;
1:8 所以我们应当款待这样的人,为叫我们成为与真理合作的人。

1:9 我给教会写过信,但是那在他们中间爱作首领的狄约勒斐,却不承认我们。
1:10 为此,我若来到,必要指摘他所行的事,就是他用恶言恶语诽谤我们的事;但这为他还不够:他自己不款待弟兄们,连那愿意款待的,他也加以阻止,甚而将他们逐出教会。
1:11 亲爱的,你不要效法恶,但要效法善:那行善的是出於天主,那作恶的是没有见过天主。
1:12 众人和真理本身都给德默特琉作证,我们自己也给他作证,而你也知道我们所作的证是真实的。


1:13 我本来有许多事要写给你,但是我不愿意以笔墨给你写;
1:14 只希望快见到你,我们好亲口面谈。
1:15 祝你平安!朋友都问候你。请你也一一问候各位朋友。



BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB 3 JOHN Chapter 1



1:1 From the Elder: greetings to my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth.

1:2 My dear friend, I hope everything is going happily with you and that you are as well physically as you are spiritually.

1:3 It was a great joy to me when some brothers came and told of your faithfulness to the truth, and of your life in the truth.

1:4 It is always my greatest joy to hear that my children are living according to the truth.

1:5 My friend, you have done faithful work in looking after these brothers, even though they were complete strangers to you.

1:6 They are a proof to the whole Church of your charity and it would be a very good thing if you could help them on their journey in a way that God would approve.

1:7 It was entirely for the sake of the name that they set out, without depending on the pagans for anything;

1:8 it is our duty to welcome men of this sort and contribute our share to their work for the truth.


Beware of the example of Diotrephes

1:9 I have written a note for the members of the church, but Diotrephes, who seems to enjoy being in charge of it, refuses to accept us.

1:10 So if I come, I shall tell everyone how he has behaved, and about the wicked accusations he has been circulating against us. As if that were not enough, he not only refuses to welcome our brothers, but prevents the other people who would have liked to from doing it, and expels them from the church.

1:11 My dear friend, never follow such a bad example, but keep following the good one; anyone who does what is right is a child of God, but the person who does what is wrong has never seen God.


Commendation of Demetrius

1:12 Demetrius has been approved by everyone, and indeed by the truth itself. We too will vouch for him and you know that our testimony is true.



1:13 There were several things I had to tell you but I would rather not trust them to pen and ink.

1:14 However, I hope to see you soon and talk to you personally.

1:15 Peace be with you; greetings from your friends; greet each of our friends by name.


END OF JB 3 JOHN [1 Chapter].


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