三编 撒罗满建造圣殿(1-9)
1:1 达味的儿子撒罗满渐渐巩固了自己的王位,上主,他的天主常与他同在,使他非常伟大。
1:2 撒罗满命令全以色列,即千夫长、百夫长、判官,以及全以色列的首领和族长集合,
1:3 然后同全会众往基贝红高丘去,因为那里有上主的仆人梅瑟,在旷野里所做的天主的会幕。
1:4 但是,天主的约柜,达味已由克黎雅特耶阿陵运到所预备的地方,因为他在耶路撒冷为约柜搭了一个帐幕。
1:5 胡尔的孙子,乌黎的儿子贝匝肋耳所制的铜坛,也在那里,即在上主的会幕前。撒罗满与会众便去求问上主。
1:6 撒罗满上到会幕前的铜坛上,在上主面前,献了一千牺牲,作为全燔祭。
1:7 那天夜里天主显示给撒罗满,对他说:「你不拘求什么,我必要给你!」
1:8 撒罗满对天主说:「你曾对我父亲达味大施仁慈,使我继他为王。
1:9 上主,天主!现在唯愿你向我父达味应许的话得以实现,因为你已立了我为王,治理一个多如地上尘沙的民族。
1:10 现在,求你赐我智慧和聪明,好使我能在这民族面前出入,因为谁能统治你这样大的一个民族﹖」
1:11 天主对撒罗满说:「你既有此心愿,没有求富贵、财宝、光荣,也没有要求你敌人的性命,也没有要求长寿,只为自己求智慧和聪明,好能治理我的民族,即我使你为王所管理的民族;
1:12 为此,智慧和聪明已赐予了你,但我还愿将富贵财宝和光荣赐予你,你是你以前的君王从没有过,你以后也不会再有的。」
1:13 以后撒罗满由基贝红高丘,由会幕前回了耶路撒冷,治理以色列。
1:14 撒罗满调集了战车和骑兵,计战车一千四百辆,骑兵一万二千名,使他们驻守屯车城,或在耶路撒冷君王左右。
1:15 君王在耶路撒冷积存的金银多如石块,香柏木多如平原的桑树。
1:16 撒罗满所养的马,都是来自慕兹黎和科厄,是君王的商人依照定价由科厄买来的。
1:17 他们由慕兹黎运来的车,每辆值遗六百「协刻耳;」马,每匹值银一百五十「协刻耳。」同样,赫特诸王和阿兰诸无所有的车马,也都是经这些商人的手运来的。
1:18 撒罗满决定为上主的名建造圣殿,为自己修筑王宫。
2:1 撒罗满点派了七万人作运夫,八万人在山上凿石,三千六百人作监工。
2:2 撒罗满遣使向提洛王希兰说:「有如你怎样对待了我父达味,给他运来了香柏木,建造他居住的宫殿,也请你如此对待我。
2:3 我现今要为上主我的天主的名,建造一座圣殿,奉献给他,在他面前焚烧芬芳的香料,永远献上供饼,每日早晚、安息日、月朔,以及上主我们天主的节日,奉献全燔祭:这为以色列人是永久的事。
2:4 我建造的殿宇必须广大,因为我们的天主大于诸神。
2:5 然而,谁有能力为他建造一座殿宇﹖天与诸天之天,尚容不下他。我是谁,竟能为他建造殿宇﹖不过只是为在他面前焚香罢了!
2:6 现在,请你给我派一位技师来,他要精于金、银、铜、铁,以及紫红、朱红、蓝线等工作;并且还应会各种雕刻,好与我父达味在犹大和耶路撒冷所准备的技术人员一同工作。
2:7 请你由黎巴嫩给我运香柏、松柏和檀香木来,因为我知道你的仆人善于砍伐黎巴嫩的木材;我的仆人将与你的仆人一同工作。
2:8 他们要为我大量预备木料,因为我要建造的殿宇极其广大。
2:9 至于你那些伐木砍树的仆人,我必供给他们食粮,小麦二万「苛尔,」大麦二万「苛尔,」酒两万「巴特,」油两万「巴特。」
2:10 提洛王希兰回信给撒罗满说:「上主由于爱慕自己的百姓,所以立你作了他们的君王。」
2:11 希兰又说:「创造天地的上主以色列的天主应受赞美!因为他赐给了达味王一个智慧的儿子,聪明机敏,可为上主建造殿宇,为自己修筑王宫。
2:12 我现在打发一个具有智慧和才学的人去,他名叫胡兰阿彼,
2:13 是一丹支派女人的儿子,他父亲是提洛人,他精于金、银、铜、铁、石、木紫色、红色、蓝色、细麻,以及朱红线各种工作,善于各样的雕刻,又能设计各种托于他的技工。这人可与你的技师和你父亲我主达味的技师,一同工作。
2:14 我主谈及的小麦、大麦、油和酒,请即运来分配给仆人。
2:15 我们必照你所需要的,在黎巴嫩砍伐树木,编成木筏,由海上运到约培;以后你运到耶路撒冷。
2:16 撒罗满按照他父亲达味所统计过的数目,又统计了住在以色列境内的一切外方人,共计十五万三千六百人,
2:17 委派其中的七万人作运夫,八万人在山上凿石,三千六百人作监工,督促人民工作。
3:1 撒罗满在耶路撒冷,即在他父亲达味看见异像的摩黎雅山上,在耶步斯人敖尔难的禾场上,达味所准备的地方,兴工建造上主的圣殿。
3:2 撒罗满在即位后第四年二月兴工建造。
3:3 撒罗满为建造天主圣殿的基地,按照古尺度计算:长六十肘,宽二十肘。
3:4 门廊的长度与圣殿的宽度相等,即二十肘,高二十肘,里面全贴上纯金。
3:5 大殿里面先盖上一层木板,再贴上纯金,上面雕刻上棕树和花环;
3:6 又以宝石点缀圣殿,甚是华丽;金子都是帕尔瓦因金。
3:7 正殿、栋梁、门限、墙壁,以及门扇,都贴上金子,墙上刻有革鲁宾。
3:8 以后,建造了至圣所,长度与圣殿的宽度相等,即二十肘,宽度也是二十肘;内部贴了六百「塔冷通」纯金。
3:9 钉子重五十「协刻耳」金子;连楼阁也贴上了金子。
3:10 在至圣所内,以刻工刻了两个革鲁宾,外面包上了黄金;
3:11 革鲁宾的翅膀,共长二十肘:这边革鲁宾的一个翅膀长五肘,伸至这边殿墙;另一个翅膀也长五肘,与另一个革鲁宾的翅膀相接连。
3:12 这一个革鲁宾的一个翅膀,也长五肘,伸至那边殿墙;另一个翅膀也长五肘,与前一个革鲁宾的翅膀相接连。
3:13 两个革鲁宾的翅膀都伸开,共长二十肘;他们双足站立,面向圣殿。
3:14 又用蓝线、紫线、朱红线和细麻,作了一帐幔,上面绣上革鲁宾。
3:15 他又在殿前造了两根柱子,共长三十肘;每根柱子顶上有柱帽,高五肘。
3:16 又做了类似项链的花环,置于柱头上;又做了一百个石榴,悬在花环上。
3:17 把这两根柱子立在殿前,一左一右:右边的叫雅津,左边的叫波阿次。
4:1 以后,他制了一座铜坛,长二十肘,宽二十肘,高十肘。
4:2 又铸了一个铜海,从这边到那边直径十肘,作圆形,高五肘,圆周三十肘。
4:3 铜海边缘下四周围,围绕着匏瓜形的装饰品,每肘十个,分两行,匏瓜与铜海是同时铸成的。
4:4 有十二只铜牛驮着铜海:三只向北,三只向西,三只向南,三只向东;铜海安放在铜牛背上,牛尾朝里。
4:5 铜海厚一掌,边如杯边,形似百合花,可容三千「巴特。」
4:6 他又制了十个铜盆:五个安置在右边,五个安置在左边,作为洗涤之用,洗涤作全燔祭的物品;但铜海只可为司祭作洗涤之用。
4:7 又照所规定的式样制了十个金灯台,放在殿内:右边五个,左边五个。
4:8 又制了十张桌子,放在殿内:右边五张,左边五张。又造了一百个金碗。
4:9 又造了司祭院与大院以及院门,门包上铜,
4:10 他把铜海放在右边东南角。
4:11 胡兰也制了锅、铲和盘。胡兰为撒罗满王作了一切应为上主的殿所作的工作:
4:12 两根柱子,两个柱顶上的球形柱头,两个纲子,─遮盖柱顶上两个球形的柱头,
4:13 两个纲子上的四百个石榴,─每个纲子有两行石榴,以遮盖柱顶上两个球形柱头,
4:14 十个盆座及座上的十个铜盆,
4:15 一个铜海及下面十二只铜牛,
4:16 锅、铲、钩,以及一切用具:这一切都是胡兰阿彼用光滑的铜,给撒罗满王为上主的殿所制造的,
4:17 是王在约但平原,于稣苛特与匝尔堂之间,用胶泥模铸成的。
4:18 撒罗满所制的这一切器皿,实在众多;所用的铜,重量无法计算。
4:19 以后,撒罗满又制造了上主殿内的一切用具:金坛和供饼的桌子,
4:20 灯台和依照规例应在内殿前点的灯盏,都是用纯金制成的;
4:21 还有花蕊、灯盏和烛剪,都是用金,即纯金制成的;
4:22 还有刀、碗盘和火盘,都是纯金的。殿宇的门,即进入至圣所内里的门,以及圣殿,即正殿的门,也都是金的。
5:1 撒罗满为上主的殿所作的一切工作完成了以后,遂将他父亲达味所奉献的礼品,金银和所有的器具运上来,存放在天主殿宇的府库里。
5:2 那时,撒罗满召集以色列的长老,各支派的首领和以色列子民各家族长,到耶路撒冷,将上主的约柜从达味城,即熙雍运上来。
5:3 以色列人于是在七月的节日,都聚集到君王那里。
5:4 以色列所有的长老一来到,肋未人便抬起约柜,
5:5 将约柜和会幕,以及会幕内所有的圣器都抬上来;抬运的都是司祭和肋未人。
5:6 撒罗满王和聚集在他那里的以色列全会众,在约柜前宰杀了牛羊,多得无法计算,不可胜数。
5:7 司祭们将上主的约柜抬到殿的内部,即至圣所内,放在革鲁宾的翅膀下,那早已预备的地方。
5:8 革鲁宾伸开翅膀遮在约柜的所在之上,所以革鲁宾在上面正遮着约柜和抬柜的扛杆。
5:9 这扛杆很长,扛头从内殿前的圣所里可以看见,在殿外却看不见;直到今天还在那里。
5:10 约柜内除了两块石版,没有别的东西:这是以色列子民出埃及后,上主与他们立约时,梅瑟在曷勒布山放在里面的。
5:11 当司祭从圣所出来时,─因为所有在场的司祭都自洁过,未分班次,
5:12 全体歌唱的肋未人,阿撒夫、赫曼、耶杜通,和他们的儿子以及他们同族的弟兄,一律穿著细麻的衣服,站在祭坛的东面,击钹、鼓瑟、弹琴;同他们在一起的,尚有一百二十位司祭吹号筒,─
5:13 吹号筒的和歌唱的人都同声同调赞美上主。当他们配合号筒,铙钹和各种乐器,高声赞美上主说:「因为他是圣善的,因为他的仁慈永远常存」时,云彩充满了圣殿,即上主的殿,
5:14 致使司祭由于云彩不能继续奉职,因为上主的光荣充满了天主的殿。
6:1 当时撒罗满说:「上主曾决定:要住在幽暗之中;
6:2 我却为你建筑了一座居所,作为你永久的住处」。
6:3 撒罗满转过脸来,祝福了以色列全会众;以色列全会众都站着,
6:4 撒罗满说:「上主,以色列的天主,应受赞美!他亲口对我父亲达味应许过,也亲手完成了说:
6:5 自从我领我的百姓出离埃及地的那天起,没有在以色列各支派中,选择一城,为建造一座作我名下的殿,也没有拣选一个人作领袖,管理我的百姓以色列。
6:6 可是,我选择了耶路撒冷作为安置我名之处,拣选了达味管理我的百姓以色列。
6:7 我父亲达味原有意为上主以色列天主的名建造一座殿,
6:8 但上主却对我父亲达味说:你有意为我的名建造一座殿,你这番心意固然很好,
6:9 但不是你要建造这殿,而是你亲生的儿子,他要为我的名建造这殿。
6:10 现在上主实现了他所说的话,使我来继承了我父亲达味,坐上了以色列的宝座,正如上主所预许的;我也为上主以色列天主的名建造了这座殿,
6:11 将约柜安放在里面;约柜内有上主与以色列子民所立约的约版。」
6:12 以后,撒罗满当着以色列全会众的面,站在上主的祭坛前,伸开双手,─
6:13 因为撒罗满制造了一座铜台,长五肘,宽五肘,高三肘,安置在庭院中央,他立在上面,当着以色列全会众的面,屈膝跪拜,举起双手向天,─
6:14 说「上主,以色列的天主!上天下地,没有一个神可与你相比。你对那些一心在你面前行走的仆人,常是遵守信约,表示慈爱。
6:15 你对你仆人,我父亲达味所应许的,你都履行了;你亲口应许的,你也亲手成就了,正如今天一样。
6:16 上主,以色列的天主!你曾说:只要你的子孙谨守他们的道路,按照我的法律行走,如你在我面前行走一样,你决断不了在我前坐以色列王位的人;现在求你实践你对你仆人,我父亲达味所说的话罢!
6:17 上主,以色列的天主,现在求你使你向你仆人达味所应许过的话,予以实现罢!
6:18 天主实在与人住在地上吗﹖看,天和天上的天,尚且容不下你,何况我所建造的这座殿宇呢!
6:19 上主,我的天主,请垂允你仆人的祈祷和恳求!俯听你仆人在你面前所发的呼号和祈祷!
6:20 愿你的眼睛昼夜垂视这座殿,看顾你所说,你要安置你名的地方;求你垂听你仆人向这地方所行的祈祷!
6:21 愿你垂听你仆人与你百姓以色列向这地方所发的哀祷!求你从天上,由你的居所,予以垂听,垂听和宽恕!
6:22 若有人得罪了自己的邻人,被迫以咒词起誓,而来到这殿内,在你祭坛前起誓,
6:23 求你由天上垂听受理,为你的仆人伸冤:惩治恶人,照他所行的,报应在他头上;宣告义人无罪,照他的正义酬报他!
6:24 如果你的百姓以色列,因为得罪了你,在敌人面前被击败;他们如果回心转意称颂你的名,在这殿内向你祈祷恳求,
6:25 愿你从天上予以垂听,宽恕你百姓以色列的罪,领他们回到你赐给他们并他们祖先的地方!
6:26 几时他们犯罪得罪了你,天空闭塞不雨,你惩罚了他们;他们如果向这地方祈祷,称颂你的名,远离罪过,
6:27 求你从天上垂听,赦免你仆人及你百姓以色列的罪,指给他们应走的正路,使雨降在你赐予你百姓作为基业的地上。
6:28 如果此地发生饥馑、瘟疫,五谷枯萎生霉,或遭受蝗虫或蚂蚱,或有敌人犯境围困门下,或不拘遭受什么灾祸疾病,
6:29 你的百姓以色列,个人或团体,如果感觉内疚和痛苦,而向这殿伸开双手祈祷哀求,
6:30 愿你从天上,你的居所,予以俯听宽恕,照每人的一切行为,予以赏报,因为你认识每个人的心,─唯有你认识人子的心,
6:31 使他们在你赐予我们祖先的地上,一生一世敬畏你,在你的道路上行走!
6:32 至于那不属你百姓以色列的外方人,为了你的大名,你有力的手及伸开的臂,自远方来,在这殿内祈祷,
6:33 愿你从天上,你的居所垂听,按照外方人所请求于你的去行!这样,可使地上万民都认识你的名,敬畏你,如同你的百姓以色列一样;使他们知道我所建造的这殿,是属于你的名下。
6:34 你的人民,如果在你派遣他们走的路上与敌人交战,而他们向你所拣选的这城,向我为你的名所建造的这殿,祈求你,
6:35 愿你从天上俯听他们的祈祷和哀求,维护他们的正义!
6:36 如果他们犯罪得罪你,─因为没有不犯罪的人,─你向他们发怒,将他们交于仇敌,让敌人将他们掳到远方或近处。
6:37 他们若在被掳往的地方,回心转意,在充军之地,恳求你说:我们犯了罪,我们作了恶,做了背理的事;
6:38 如果他们在被掳充军之地,全心全意归向你,向你赐给他们祖先的地方,向你所拣选的这城,向我为你的名所建造的这殿祈祷,
6:39 愿你从天上,你的居所,垂听他们的祈祷和恳求,维护他们的正义,宽恕得罪你的百姓!
6:40 现在,我的天主,愿你的眼睛睁着,侧耳谛听在这地方所行的祈祷!
6:41 现在,上主天主,愿你起来,愿你与你那大能的约柜进入你安息之所!上主天主,愿你的司祭身披救援,愿你的圣徒在幸福中欢乐!
6:42 上主天主,求你不要摒弃你的受傅者,记念你赐予你仆人达味的慈爱!
7:1 撒罗满祈祷完了,有火从天上降下,焚烧了全燔祭和其它的牺牲;上主的荣耀充满了圣殿。
7:2 由于上主的荣耀充满了上主的殿,司祭不能进入上主的殿。
7:3 所有的以色列子民看见有火降下,上主的荣耀充满了圣殿,便俯伏在石铺的地上,叩拜称颂上主说:「因为他是圣善的,因为他的仁慈永远常存。」
7:4 君王和众百姓在上主面前祭杀了牺牲。
7:5 撒罗满王那时祭杀了二万二千头牛,十二万只羊;这样君王和全百姓为上主的圣殿行了奉献礼。
7:6 司祭各站在自己的岗位上,肋未人拿着达味王所制的上主的乐器,奏「因为他的仁慈永远常存」称颂上主的歌;这赞美歌是达味令他们唱的;司祭们面对着他们吹号筒,同时全以色列人都站立不动。
7:7 撒罗满祝圣了上主殿前的内院,在那里,献了全燔祭与和平祭的脂油,因为他制造的铜坛容不下那么多全燔祭、素祭和脂油。
7:8 那时,撒罗满举行庆节七天之久,所有由哈玛特渡口到埃及小河的以色列百姓,都与他在一起,实是一大集会。
7:9 第八天又举行了盛大的集会,如此举行献坛礼七天,过节七天。
7:10 七月二十三日,君王遣散了民众。他们因上主对达味、撒罗满和他的百姓以色列所施的恩惠,都满怀欢乐,回了自己的帐幕。
7:11 撒罗满完成了上主的殿和王宫,凡撒罗满心中要在上主的殿和自己的宫内所作的,都顺利完成了。
7:12 夜间上主显示给撒罗满,对他说:「我已听了你的祈祷,我也为我拣选了这地方作为祭祀的大殿。
7:13 我如果使天闭塞不雨,或使蝗虫吞吃这地,或使瘟疫在我百姓中间流行,
7:14 这称为我名下的百姓,如果谦逊祈祷,寻求我的面,远离自己的恶行,我必从天上俯听,宽恕他们的罪过,使他们的土地复原。
7:15 自今以后,我必睁眼垂顾,侧耳谛听在此处发出的祈祷。
7:16 现今我已选择这殿,予以祝圣,使我的名永远在这殿中;我的眼和我的心,也时时留在那里。
7:17 至于你,如果你在我面前行走,像你父亲达味那样行走,遵行我吩咐你的一切,恪守我的法律和典章,
7:18 我必巩固你的王位,一如我应许你父亲达味所说:你的子孙中,决断不了有人作以色列的统治者。
7:19 但是,如果你们远离我,离弃我在你们前所颁布的法律和诫命,而去服侍敬拜别的神,
7:20 我必将你们从我赐予你们的地上根除,且要拋弃这座为我名而祝圣的殿,毫不顾惜,使它成为万民的笑谈和话柄。
7:21 这殿虽然宏大,凡经过的人必将惊愕说:上主为什么这样对待了这地方和这座殿﹖
7:22 人必回答说:是因为他们离弃了领他们出离埃及地的上主,他们祖先的天主,而归依、崇拜、服侍了别的神;为此,上主使这一切灾祸临到他们身上。」
8:1 撒罗满建造上主的殿和自己的王宫历时二十年;二十年过后,
8:2 撒罗满又重建了希兰还给他的城邑,令以色列子民住在那里。
8:3 此后,撒罗满到了哈玛特祚巴,征服了那地。
8:4 又修建了在旷野里的塔德摩尔,在哈玛特四周修筑了储藏城。
8:5 又修筑了上贝特曷龙和下贝特曷龙,作为有墙有门有闩的设防城。
8:6 又建筑了巴阿拉特和所属于撒罗满的储藏城,以及一切屯车城和骑兵城;凡撒罗满愿意在耶路撒冷、黎巴嫩以及他所管辖的境内所要建设的,都已建设了。
8:7 至于其余的人民,即那些不属以色列的赫特人、阿摩黎人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人,
8:8 以色列子民没有消灭,而他们凡留在此地的子孙,撒罗满都征来充作苦役,直到今天仍是如此。
8:9 撒罗满并没有使以色列子民为他的工作担任苦役,因为他们是他的战士、将官、战车长和骑兵长。
8:10 撒罗满的监察官,共有二百五十人,监管百姓。
8:11 撒罗满又将法郎的女儿,从达味城搬到为她建筑的宫中,因为他说:「连我的妻子,也不可住在以色列王达味的宫中,因为上主约柜所到的地方是圣地。」
8:12 那时,撒罗满在上主的祭坛上,即他在门廊前所筑的祭坛上,向上主献了全燔祭;
8:13 并按梅瑟的吩咐,在安息日、新月和每年的三个节期:无酵节、七七节和帐棚节,奉献每日应献的祭品。
8:14 它又照他父亲达味的规定,为司祭派定了班次,各尽其职;又规定了肋未人的任务,令他们负责赞颂;照每日的定例,在司祭前服务;又派定了门丁,按照他们的班次守卫各门,因为天主的人达味是如此命令的。
8:15 君王对司祭和肋未人所吩咐的任何职务,以及管理府库的事,他们都没有违抗。
8:16 由上主的殿奠基之日起,以迄完成,撒罗满的一切工作完备无缺;上主的殿于是告成。
8:17 此后,撒罗满往厄东地,到了滨海的厄兹雍革贝尔及厄拉特。
8:18 希兰派遣自己的臣仆给他送来了船只和善于航海的人;他们与撒罗满的仆人同往敖非尔去,从那里装载了黄金四百五十「塔冷通,」运到撒罗满王那里。
9:1 舍巴女王听见了撒罗满的声誉,就来到耶路撒冷,考问撒罗满一些难题;陪从她的人很多,骆驼驮着许多香料、黄金和宝石;进见撒罗满时,便将所有的心思都对他说了出来。
9:2 撒罗满对她所问的一切难题,一一给她解答了,没有一样可难住撒罗满,而不能给她解答的。
9:3 舍巴女王看见了撒罗满的智慧和所建造的宫殿,
9:4 筵席上的肴馔,群臣的坐次,仆从的侍候和服装,酒正与酒正的服装,和在上主殿内的全燔祭,惊讶得出神,
9:5 遂对君王说:「关于你的作为和智慧,我在我国内所听到的,的确是真的。
9:6 以前我原不相信这些传闻,及至我来亲眼见了,才知人告诉我的还不及你伟大智慧的一半;你实在超越了我所听闻的。
9:7 你的妻妾是有福的,你的臣仆是有福的,能常侍立在你面前,聆听你的智慧。
9:8 上主,你的天主应受赞美!他喜爱你,使你坐在他的王位,代上主你的天主为王;因为你的天主爱慕以色列,要永远保持他们,所以使你作他们的王,来秉公行义。」
9:9 舍巴女王遂将一百二十「塔冷通」黄金,大批香料和宝石,赠送给君王:舍巴女王赠给撒罗满王的香料这样多,是从来未有过的。
9:10 从敖非尔运金子的希兰的仆人和撒罗满的仆人,也运来了檀香木和宝石。
9:11 君王用檀香木为上主的殿和王宫制造了栏杆,为歌咏员制造了琴瑟;像这样的东西,在犹大地方从来没有见过。
9:12 凡舍巴女王所愿所求的,撒罗满都奉送给她;此外,尚有君王为酬谢她赠送的礼品;以后她和她的仆人回了本国。
9:13 撒罗满每年收入的金子,重量有六百六十「塔冷通,」
9:14 商人小贩所运来的,以及阿拉伯的储王和本国太守给撒罗满所进献的金银,尚不计算在内。
9:15 撒罗满王又用锤打的金子,作了二百个盾牌,每个用锤打的金子六百「协刻耳。」
9:16 又用锤打的金子,作了三百小盾牌,每个用金三百「协刻耳;」君王把这些盾牌都悬在黎巴嫩林宫。
9:17 君王又用象牙制造了一个大宝座,用纯金包镶。
9:18 宝座有六级台阶,座背后有一只金羔羊,座位两边有扶手,扶手两旁立着两只狮子。
9:19 六级台阶上立有十二只狮子,每级两个,一左一右;在任何国家从没有过这样的制造法。
9:20 撒罗满王所有的饮器,都是金的;黎巴嫩林宫的器具,都是纯金的;撒罗满时代,银是不值什么的。
9:21 原来君王的船只与希兰的仆人一同去塔尔史士;去塔尔史士的船只,每三年往返一次,运来金银象牙,猿猴和孔雀。
9:22 这样,撒罗满王的富贵和智慧,超过了世上所有的君王。
9:23 世上所有的君王都想见撒罗满的面,听听天主赋予他心中的智慧;
9:24 各人带来自己的礼物:银器、金器、衣服、兵器、香料、骡马,年年都是如此。
9:25 撒罗满有四千厩,为养马存车,有一万二千骑兵,驻扎在屯车城和耶路撒冷君王左右。
9:26 撒罗满统辖列王,由大河到培肋舍特人领域,直到埃及边陲。
9:27 君王在耶路撒冷有的银子,多如石头,香柏木多如平原的桑树。
9:28 撒罗满所有的马,都是由慕兹黎和各地运来的。
9:29 撒罗满其余的前后事迹,都记载在先知纳堂的言行录,史罗人阿希雅的预言书和先见者依多论及乃巴特之子雅洛贝罕的启示录上。
9:30 撒罗满在耶路撒冷作全以色列王凡四十年。
9:31 撒罗满与他的列祖同眠,葬在他父亲达味城内;他的儿子勒哈贝罕继位为王。
10:1 勒哈贝罕去了舍根,因为全以色列人集合在舍根,要立他为王。
10:2 乃巴特的儿子雅络贝罕,─为躲避撒罗满王,曾逃往埃及,——一听见这事,便从埃及回来,
10:3 有人派人去请了他来,他便和全以色列人前来对勒哈贝罕说:
10:4 「你的父亲使我们的负担繁重,现在请你减轻你父亲加给我们的苦役和重轭,我们才肯服事你!」
10:5 他回答他们说:「三天以后,你们再来见我。」人民都走了。
10:6 勒哈贝罕王同那些在他父亲撒罗满生时作臣仆的老年人商议,问他们说:「你们有什么主意,叫我好答复这些人民﹖」
10:7 他们回答说:「如果你今日善待这些百姓,使他们心悦,向他们说好话,他们必会常常服事你。」
10:8 但是,君王竟拒绝老年人给他出的主意,反去同那些与他一同长大,侍立在他面前的少年人商议,
10:9 问他们说:「这些人民对我说:请你将你父亲加给我们的负担减轻些。你们有什么主意,好使我答复他们﹖」
10:10 那些与他一同长大的少年人答说:「这些百姓曾对你说:你父亲曾加重我们的负担,请你给我们减轻些。你要这样回答他们,这样对他们说:我的小指比我父亲的腰还粗;
10:11 我父亲曾加给你们重担,我更要加重你们的负担;我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我却要用铁刺鞭责打你们。」
10:12 雅洛贝罕和全人民照君王所说「你们第三天再来见我」的话,第三天来见勒哈贝罕王。
10:13 主严厉答复了人民;勒哈贝罕王拋弃了老年人的意见,
10:14 依照少年人的主张答复人民说:「我的父亲加重了你们的负担,我更要加重;我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用铁刺鞭责打你们。」
10:15 君王始终不肯听从人民;这种转变原是出于天主,为实现上主借史罗人阿希雅论及乃巴特的儿子雅洛贝罕所说的话。
10:16 全以色列人见王不肯依从他们,便回复君王说:「我们与达味有什么分子﹖我们与叶瑟的儿子毫无关系!以色列!回到你的帐幕去!达味现在你只顾你本家罢!于是全以色列人都回了自己的帐幕,
10:17 只那些住在犹大城内的以色列子民,归勒哈贝罕统治。
10:18 勒哈贝罕王派遣监管劳役的阿多兰去见以色列,以色列子民却用石头将他砸死;勒哈贝罕王急忙上车,逃回了耶路撒冷。
10:19 这样,以色列叛离达味王朝,直到现在。
11:1 勒哈贝罕一回到耶路撒冷,即刻召集犹大和本雅明家族中十八万善战的精兵,去攻打以色列,想把王国夺回,再归属勒哈贝罕。
11:2 但是,上主有话传于天主的人舍玛雅说:「
11:3 你去告诉撒罗满的儿子犹大王勒哈贝罕,及所有犹大和本雅明的以色列人说:
11:4 上主这样说:你们不可前去攻打你们的弟兄!你们各人回本家罢!因为这事是出于我。」他们便听从上主的话,都回去了,没有去攻打雅洛贝罕。
11:5 勒哈贝罕住在耶路撒冷,在犹大修筑了各城的防御工事,
11:6 即修筑了白冷、厄坦、特科亚、
11:7 贝特族尔、索苛、阿杜蓝、
11:8 加特、玛勒沙、齐弗、
11:9 阿多兰、拉基士、阿则卡、
11:10 祚辣、阿雅隆和赫贝龙:这些都是犹大和本雅明境内设防的城。
11:11 他加强巩固这些城,派军驻守,储备食粮,酒、油;
11:12 各城内又备有干戈,使之极其坚固,为统治犹大和本雅明。
11:13 凡以色列所有的司祭和肋未人都由各地归勒哈贝罕。
11:14 肋未人离开自己的牧场和产业,来到犹大和耶路撒冷,是因为雅洛贝罕和他的儿子们拒绝他们充当司祭,服事上主,
11:15 而另为高丘、公山羊像和自己所制的牛犊委派了司祭。
11:16 为此,以色列各支派中,凡专心寻求上主以色列天主的,都随那些肋未人到了耶路撒冷,向上主他们祖先的天主奉献牺牲。
11:17 如此,这般人加强了犹大的国势,使撒罗满的儿子勒哈贝罕有了势力,凡三年之久,因为他们在三年之中,遵循了达味和撒罗满的道路。
11:18 勒哈贝罕取了达味之子耶黎摩特的女儿,亦即叶瑟之子厄里雅布的女儿阿彼海耳的女儿玛哈拉特为妻。
11:19 玛哈拉特给他生的儿子,即耶乌士、舍玛黎雅和匝罕。
11:20 以后,他又娶了阿贝沙隆的外孙女玛阿加,她生了阿彼雅,阿泰、齐匝和舍罗米特。
11:21 勒哈贝罕共娶了十八个妻子,六十个妾侍,生了二十八个儿子,六十个女儿;但他爱阿贝沙龙的外孙女玛阿加,超过其它的妻妾。
11:22 勒哈贝罕遂将玛阿加的儿子阿彼雅立为储君,为众兄弟之长,有意立他为王。
11:23 勒哈贝罕作事聪明,将他所有的儿子分派在犹大和本雅明全境所有设防的城内,供给他们丰富食粮,并给他们娶了许多妻妾。
12:1 勒哈贝罕的国家一强盛,势力一巩固,即舍弃了上主的法律,全以色列人也附和他。
12:2 由于他们背叛了上主,勒哈贝罕第五年,埃及王史沙克就上来进攻耶路撒冷,
12:3 率领一千二百辆战车,六万骑兵,和同他一起由埃及来的无数利比亚人,稣基因人和雇士人组成的军队,
12:4 攻取了犹大境内所有的坚城,直逼耶路撒冷。
12:5 当时,犹大的众首领,由于逃避史沙克,都已聚集在耶路撒冷;先知舍玛雅来见勒哈贝罕和众首领,对他们说:「上主这样说:你们既离弃我,我也将你们拋弃在史沙克手中。」
12:6 以色列众首领和君王便自卑认罪说:「上主是公义的!
12:7 上主见他们自卑认罪,上主就有话传于舍玛雅说:「他们既然自卑认罪,我必不消灭他们,霎时间我要施救,不使我的盛怒借沙史克发泄在耶路撒冷。
12:8 虽然如此,他们仍必作史沙克的仆役,好使他们知道服事我与服事世上的列邦,有何区别。」
12:9 埃及王史沙克于是上来进攻耶路撒冷,劫去了上主殿内和王宫内的宝物,全部带走,连撒罗满所制的金盾牌也都带去了。
12:10 勒哈贝罕王,只得制造些铜盾牌来代替,交给防卫长保≤。
12:11 每逢王进入上主的殿时,侍卫便来,手持这些盾牌;事后仍将盾牌送回侍卫室中。
12:12 由于君王自卑认罪,上主对他息怒,没有完全将他消灭;何况在犹大还有善事。
12:13 勒哈贝罕王在耶路撒冷又渐强盛,继续为王;他登极时年四十一岁,在上主从以色列各支派中选出归他名下的耶路撒冷城中,作王十七年;他的母亲名叫纳阿玛,是阿孟人。
12:14 勒哈贝罕行为邪恶,因为他没有专心致志寻求上主。
12:15 勒哈贝罕的前后事迹都按着族谱记载在先知舍玛雅和先见者依多的言行录上。勒哈贝罕与雅洛贝罕之间不断发生战争。
12:16 勒哈贝罕与列祖同眠,葬在达味城;他的儿子阿彼雅继位为王。
13:1 雅洛贝罕王十八年,阿彼雅登基作犹大王,
13:2 在耶路撒冷作王三年,他母亲名叫玛阿加,是基贝亚人乌黎耳的女儿。阿彼雅与雅洛贝罕之间不断发生战争。
13:3 当时阿彼雅统率四十万英勇的精兵出战,雅洛贝罕率领八十万健壮的精兵列阵出迎。
13:4 阿彼雅立在厄弗辣因山地的责玛辣因山岗说:「雅洛贝罕和全以色列人,请听我的话:
13:5 上主以色列的天主,曾立盟约,将以色列王位永远赐予达味和他的子孙,莫非你们不知道吗﹖
13:6 无奈达味的儿子撒罗满的一个仆人,乃巴特的儿子雅洛贝罕起来背叛了他的主人。
13:7 遂有一些无赖匪徒聚集起来,跟随他攻击撒罗满的儿子勒哈贝罕;勒哈贝罕当年尚年轻脆弱,不能抵御他们。
13:8 现在,你们企图反抗达味子孙占有的上主的国家,因为你们人数众多,在你们中间且有雅洛贝罕制作的金牛作为你们的神。
13:9 你们不是驱逐了上主的司祭,亚郎的子孙和肋未人,依照列邦民族的习惯,为自己另立了司祭吗﹖任何一个人,只要牵一只公牛犊和七只公绵羊前去,自行祝圣,便可作那本不是神的司祭。
13:10 至于我们,上主是我们的天主,我们没有离弃过他;事奉上主的司祭仍是亚郎的子孙,肋未人仍各尽己责,
13:11 每日早晚向上主献全燔祭,焚香,在清洁的桌子上陈设供饼,每晚点燃金灯台上的金灯。我们如此遵守了上主我们天主的职守,你们反而离弃了他。
13:12 但是天主与我们在一起,作我们的前导;他的司祭手持警号,就要鸣号向你们进攻。以色列子民,你们不可与上主你们祖先的天主交战!你们决不会胜利!
13:13 但是雅洛贝罕却使伏兵绕到犹大背后,这样以色列人在犹大人前面,伏兵在他们背后。
13:14 犹大人一转身,见自己前后受敌,便呼吁上主,司祭们吹起号角,
13:15 犹大人就高声吶喊。当犹大人吶喊时,天主在阿彼雅和犹大人前击溃了雅洛贝罕和全以色列人。
13:16 以色列人便由犹大前逃走,天主将他们交在犹大人手中。
13:17 阿彼雅和他的军队对以色列大加杀戮,以色列被杀,丧亡的精兵有五十万。
13:18 这一次以色列子民大败,犹大子民获得大胜,因为他们依靠了上主他们祖先的天主。
13:19 阿彼雅追击雅洛贝罕,夺取了他的几座城;贝特耳及所属村镇,耶沙纳及所属村镇,厄斐龙及所属村镇。
13:20 阿彼雅在时,雅洛贝罕再没有强盛起来;此后,上主打击了他,他便去了世。
13:21 阿彼雅日渐强盛,娶了十四个妻妾,生了二十二个儿子,十六个女儿。
13:22 阿彼雅其余得事迹和他的言行,都记载在先见者依多传记上。
13:23 阿彼雅与列祖同眠,葬仔达味城;他的儿子阿撒继位为王。他在位时,国内平安了十年。
14:1 阿撒行了上主他的天主视为善,视为正直得事,
14:2 除掉了外邦的祭坛和高丘,毁坏了柱像,拆除了木偶,
14:3 并命令犹大应寻求上主他们祖先的天主,遵行他的法律和诫命,
14:4 也铲除了犹大各城内的高丘和太阳柱。那时,国家在他统治下安享太平。
14:5 他又在犹大修筑了几座坚城,因为境内平靖,数年没有战争,上主赐予他平安。
14:6 阿撒对犹大人说:「我们必须建筑这些城邑,四周建筑城垣堡垒,安置大门和门闩;地域仍属我们,是因为我们寻求了上主,我们的天主。我们既寻求了他,他便使我们四境平靖。」于是他们兴工建筑,事事顺利。
14:7 阿撒的军队,持盾持戈的犹大人三十万,持牌挽弓的本雅明人二十八万:这些人都是勇士。
14:8 那时,雇士人则辣黑率领百万大军,战车三百辆,前来进攻,到了玛勒沙。
14:9 阿撒出来迎战,陈兵在离玛勒沙不远的责法达山谷。
14:10 阿撒呼吁上主他的天主说:「上主!在强弱悬殊之下,无人能似你能施协助。上主,我们的天主!求你协助我们,因为我们只有依赖你,奉你的名来迎击这支大军。上主,你是我们的天主,不要让人胜过你!
14:11 于是上主在阿撒和犹大人前打击了雇士人,雇士人遂逃走。
14:12 阿撒带着跟随他的军民,追击他们直至革辣尔。⊥士人甚至没有一个活的,都丧亡了,因为他们为上主和他的军队击溃。犹大人夺取了很多财物。
14:13 他们又攻破了革辣尔四周所有的城池,因为上主的恐怖笼罩了这些城池;犹大人又将所有的城掳掠一空,因为城中有许多财物。
14:14 随后又毁坏了群畜的围栏,掠取了许多羊群和骆驼,便回耶路撒冷去了。
15:1 那时,天主的神感动了敖德得的儿子阿匝黎雅,
15:2 他便出来迎接阿撒,对他说:「阿撒,全犹大和本雅明人,请听我的话:几时你们与上主同在,上主也与你们同在;如果你们寻求他,他必让你们寻到;但如果你们离弃他,他必离弃你们。
15:3 将有一段长时期,以色列没有真天主,没有教导的司祭,也没有法律;
15:4 但他们在遭离期间,必回心归向上主,以色列的天主,必寻求他,他必让他们寻到。
15:5 在那时期内,出入的人,都必得不到平安,各地所有的居民,必要遭受很大的混乱:
15:6 这族攻击那族,这城攻击那城,因为天主必用种种灾祸难为他们。
15:7 至于你们,你们应当坚强,你们的手不要发软,因为你们的作为必获赏报。」
15:8 阿撒一听见这些话和预言,便壮了胆,将在犹大和本雅明全境,以及在厄弗辣因山地所占领的各城内的可憎之物,一概除掉,重修上主门廊前的上主的祭坛,
15:9 又召集了犹大和本雅明全民众,以及在他们中间寄居的厄弗辣因人、默纳协人和西默盎人,─因为有许多人由以色列来投奔阿撒,因为他们看见上主,他的天主是与他同在。
15:10 阿撒当国第十五年三月,他们聚集在耶路撒冷,
15:11 当天由所掳获的战利品,取出了七百头牛,七千只羊,祭献给上主,
15:12 结盟立约,要全心全意寻求上主,他们祖先的天主;
15:13 凡不寻求上主以色列天主的,不分老幼,不分男女,一律处死。
15:14 然后高声欢呼,鸣号吹角,向上主起誓。
15:15 全犹大人发了这誓,都非常高兴,因为他们是全心起誓,全意寻求上主;因此上主也为他们所寻见,并使他们四境安宁。
15:16 阿撒王废除了他祖母玛阿加作太后的权位,因为她给阿舍辣立了可耻的柱像;阿撒将柱像砍倒,打得粉碎,在克德龙谷焚毁,
15:17 只有以色列的高丘没有废除;阿撒的心一生总是纯全的。
15:18 他又将他父亲和他自己所献的金银并器具,送入天主的殿内。
15:19 此后,直到阿撒当国三十五年,从没有过战事。
16:1 阿撒当国第三十六年,以色列王巴厄沙来进攻犹大,在辣玛修筑工事,防止人同犹大王阿撒来往。
16:2 当时阿撒拿出上主殿内和王宫府库中的金银,送给住在大马士革得阿兰王本哈达得说:「
16:3 我与你之间,以及我父与你之间都立过约;现在我给你送来金银作为礼品,请你废除你与以色列王巴厄沙所立的约,使他离开我的国境。」
16:4 本哈达得听从了阿撒王的话,即刻派军长,去攻打以色列的城市,攻下了依雍、丹、阿贝耳玛因和纳斐塔里所有的屯货城。
16:5 巴厄沙一听说这事,立即停止在辣玛的工事。
16:6 阿撒王遂征调全犹大人,将巴厄沙修筑辣玛所用的石头和木材运走,用来修筑革巴和米兹帕。
16:7 那时,先见者哈纳尼来见犹大王阿撒,对他说:「因为你依靠了阿兰,而没有依靠上主你的天主,因此阿兰王的军队脱离了你。
16:8 雇士人和利比亚人不是一支很强大的军队吗﹖战车骑兵不是很多吗﹖但几时你依靠上主,他便将他们交在你的手中。
16:9 上主的眼遍察各地,对所有专心忠于他的,他必大显威能,加以扶助。你这事作得太无知了,今后你必要遭遇战祸。」
16:10 阿撒对先见者发怒,将他囚在狱中;王在这事上实在生了大气,同时阿撒又虐待了一些百姓。
16:11 阿撒的前后事迹,都记载在犹大和以色列列王实录上。
16:12 阿撒当国第三十九年,患了足疾,病得十分严重;他在病中不求上主,而只求医。
16:13 阿撒在位四十一年逝世,与祖先同眠。人们将他葬在达味城,自己所凿的坟墓,将他放在床上面,满堆香料,即照调香法所制的各种香料,又为他焚烧了很多的香料。
17:1 阿撒的儿子约沙法特继位为王,发奋图强,对抗以色列,
17:2 在犹大各坚城内派驻了大军,在犹大地内和他父亲阿撒所克服的厄弗辣因各城里,也派上了守军。
17:3 上主与约沙法特同在,因为他遵行了他父亲最初所行的道路,没有寻求过巴耳神,
17:4 只寻求他父亲的天主,履行他的诫命,不照以色列的作风行事。
17:5 因此,上主巩固了他统治的王国,全犹大人都给约沙法特献礼,所以他财产很富,尊荣很大。
17:6 他一心在上主的道路上向上迈进,铲除了犹大境内的高丘和木偶。
17:7 他为王第三年上,派遣了他的官员本海耳、敖巴狄雅、则加黎雅、乃塔乃耳和米加雅,往犹大各城去教训百姓。
17:8 随从他们的有肋未人舍玛雅、乃塔尼雅、则巴狄雅、阿撒耳、舍米辣摩、约纳堂、阿多尼雅和多彼雅:这些都是肋未人;还有司祭厄里沙玛和约兰。
17:9 他们随身带着上主的法律书,在犹大施教,走遍了犹大各城,教训百姓。
17:10 上主威震犹大四周所有的国家,因此都不敢与约沙法特作战。
17:11 有些培肋舍特人向约沙法特进贡献银,阿拉伯人给他呈献家畜,即公绵羊七千七百只,公山羊七千七百只。
17:12 约沙法特的势力日渐强大,达到顶峰:在犹大建造了一些堡垒和储存货城,
17:13 在犹大各城又做了坚固的工事,在耶路撒冷驻有英勇的部队。
17:14 他们的人数,按照家族记录如下:犹大的军长,首为阿德纳军长,率领三十万勇士,
17:15 次为约哈南军长,率领二十八万人,
17:16 其次为齐革黎的儿子阿玛息雅,他甘愿献身于上主,率领二十万勇士;
17:17 属本雅明的有勇士厄肋雅达,他率领二十万挽弓和持盾的人;
17:18 其次为约匝巴得,率领十八万常备军人。
17:19 这些都是服侍君王的人,王在全犹大各坚城所驻派的人,尚未计算在内。
18:1 约沙法特的财产丰富,尊荣很大,且与阿哈布联婚。
18:2 几年以后,他到撒玛黎雅去见阿哈布。阿哈布为他和跟从他的随员,宰杀了许多牛羊,怂恿他去攻打辣摩特基肋阿得。
18:3 以色列王阿哈布对犹大王约沙法特说:「你愿意同我一起去攻打辣摩特基肋阿得吗﹖」约沙法特回答说:「你我原不分彼此,我的人民就是你的人民;我必与你同去作战。」
18:4 约沙法特对以色列王说:「请你先求问上主的答话!」
18:5 以色列王于是召集了先知,共四百人,问他们说:「我们应该上去进攻辣摩特基肋阿得﹖还是不去呢﹖」他们回答说:「上主,天主必将那地交于大王手中。」
18:6 但是约沙法特说:「这里就没有一位上主的先知,我们可以托他求问吗﹖」
18:7 以色列王回答约沙法特说:「还有一个人,可以托他求问天主,不过我憎恨他,因为他对我说预言,总不说吉祥话,常说凶言;这人就是依默拉的儿子米加雅。」约沙法特对他说:「请大王别这样说!」
18:8 于是以色列王召来一个宦官,吩咐他说:「快去将依默拉的儿子米加雅召来!」
18:9 当时以色列王和犹大王约沙法特在撒玛黎雅城门前的广场上,各穿朝服,坐在宝座上;所有的先知在他们面前说预言。
18:10 革纳阿纳的儿子漆德克雅带了一些铁角说:「上主这样说:你要用这些铁角刺杀阿兰人,直到将他们消灭。」
18:11 所有的先知也这样预言说:「你上辣摩特基肋阿得去必会胜利,上主必将那地交于大王手中!」
18:12 那去召米加雅的使者对米加雅说:「看,先知们都异口同声对君王说吉祥的话,希望你说的话也与他们每人说的话一样,也是吉祥的话!
18:13 米加雅回答说:「我指着永生的上主起誓:我的天主吩咐什么,我就说什么!
18:14 米加雅来到王那里,王就问他说:「米加雅,我们应该上去进攻辣摩特基肋阿得,还是不去呢﹖」他回答说:「上去,必然胜利,他们必落在你们手中。」
18:15 君王对他说:「我应当多少次叫你宣誓,你才奉上主的名,对我说实话呢﹖」
18:16 米加雅答说:「我看见全以色列散在山上,好象没有牧人的羊群。上主说:这些人既然没有主人,更好各自平安回家去罢!
18:17 以色列王对约沙法特说:「我不是告诉过你,他对我说预言,总不说吉祥话,只说凶言么﹖」
18:18 米加雅答说:「请你们静听上主的话:我见上主坐在宝座上,天上的万军侍立在他左右。
18:19 上主问说:谁去唆使以色列王阿哈布上去,叫他阵亡在辣摩特基肋阿得呢﹖那时有的说这样,有的说那样。
18:20 以后有一个神出来,立在上主面前说:我能唆使他。上主的问他说:用什么方法﹖
18:21 那神答说:我去,在他所有先知们口中做虚言的神。上主回答说:你能唆使,也必会成功,就去照样办罢!
18:22 现在上主将虚言的神放入你这些先知口中,上主已注定你必遭殃。」
18:23 那时,革纳阿纳的儿子漆德克雅前来,打米加雅的脸说:「上主的神由那条路离开了我,而同你说话呢﹖」
18:24 米加雅答说:「在你进入最严密的室内隐藏的那一天,你就会知道了!」
18:25 以色列王吩咐说:「将米加雅带去,交给阿孟市长和约阿士王子,
18:26 说君王这样吩咐:将这人下在监里,少给他吃的喝的,等我平安回来。」
18:27 米加雅说:「你如果能平安回来,那么,上主就没借我说过话。」又说:「众百姓!你们要听清楚啊!」
18:28 以色列王遂与犹大王约沙法特上去进攻辣摩特基肋阿得。
18:29 以色列王对约沙法特说:「我要改装上阵,你可仍穿朝服。」于是以色列王改装上了阵。
18:30 阿兰王曾吩咐自己的战车队长说:「你们不必与大小将士交战,只攻打以色列王。」
18:31 战车队长一看见约沙法特,便说:「这必是以色列王!遂将他包围,向他进攻;约沙法特连声叫苦,上主援助了他,天主使敌人远离了他。
18:32 战车队长见他不是以色列王,就不再追击他。
18:33 有人偶然一箭,正射入以色列王的铠甲与腰带间,君王对驾车的人说:「转回,载我离开阵地,我已受伤。」
18:34 但那天战事越来越激烈,以色列王仍立在车上,抵抗阿兰人,直到晚上;日落的时后,王就死了。
19:1 犹大王约沙法特平安回了耶路撒冷王宫。
19:2 先见者哈纳尼的儿子耶胡来见约沙法特王,对他说:「你怎能协助恶人,爱那憎恨上主的人呢﹖因此上主的愤怒必临于你,
19:3 不过你还行了好事,因为你由国内铲除了木偶,专心致志寻求了上主。」
19:4 约沙法特在耶路撒冷住了一段时期以后,又出驾巡视民间,由贝尔舍巴直到厄弗辣因山地,引导他们归向上主,他们祖先的天主。
19:5 他在犹大境内所有的坚城,每座城内都设立了判官,
19:6 对这些判官说:「你们所作所为,必须慎重,因为你们处理诉讼的事,不是为人,而是为上主;你们在处理诉讼时,他必与你们同在。
19:7 现在你们应有敬畏上主的心,办事必须勤谨,因为上主,我们的天主,毫无不义,不偏待人,不受贿赂。」
19:8 约沙法特在耶路撒冷又另委派了一些肋未人、司祭和以色列族长,为上主施行判断,为耶路撒冷的居民处理诉讼的事,
19:9 吩咐他们说:「你们行事应敬畏上主,诚心实意。
19:10 你们住在各城中的弟兄,无论有什么争讼的案件,向你们投诉,或为血案,或为有关法律与诫命,典章与律例之间的争执,你们应开导他们,以免得罪上主,招致愤怒来到你们和你们弟兄身上;你们如此行事,方可无罪。
19:11 诸凡属于上主的事,全由大司祭阿玛黎雅指挥你们;所有属于君王的事,概由犹大族长依市玛耳的儿子则巴狄雅处理;有肋未人作你们的书记。你们应勇敢行事,上主必与好人同在。
20:1 此后,摩阿布人、阿孟人,还有一些玛红人前来攻打约沙法特。
20:2 有人来告诉约沙法特说:「由海那边,由厄东有一支大军前来攻击你;他们现已到达哈匝宗塔玛尔,即恩革狄。」
20:3 约沙法特害了怕,一面恳求上主,一面宣布全犹大禁食。
20:4 犹大人遂集会,求上主援助;犹大各城的人也前来祈求上主。
20:5 约沙法特在犹大和耶路撒冷的会众中,站在上主殿宇的新院前,
20:6 说「上主,我们祖先的天主!你不是天上的天主吗﹖你不是治理万国万民的么﹖你手中有能力和权威,没有谁能抵抗你。
20:7 我们的天主!不是你将这地方的居民,在你百姓以色列面前赶走,将这地方永远赐给了你友人亚巴郎的后代吗﹖
20:8 他们现在住在这地方,并在这地方为你的名建造了圣殿说:
20:9 如果我们遭遇了祸患,刀兵灾害,或瘟疫饥馑,我们站在这殿前和你面前,在灾难中向你呼吁,你必予以垂听,施行拯救,因为你的名在这殿内。
20:10 现在你看,阿孟人、摩阿布人以及色依尔山中的人,这些人是以色列出离埃及时,你曾禁止以色列侵犯,以色列便绕道远离,未加消灭的人。
20:11 你看他们如何报复我们,要来驱逐我们离开你赐予我们为基业的地方。
20:12 我们的天主,你不惩罚他们吗﹖我们实在没有力量抵抗来攻击我们的这支庞大的军队,我们也不知道该作什么,我们的眼睛惟有仰望你。」
20:13 当时全犹大民众,连他们全家妻子儿女,都立在上主面前。
20:14 上主的神在会众中临于肋未人阿撒夫的后裔,玛塔尼雅的玄孙,耶依耳的曾孙,贝纳雅的孙子,则加黎雅的儿子雅哈齐耳身上,
20:15 他遂说:「全犹大人耶路撒冷的居民以及约沙法特王,都要静听!上主这样对你们说:你们不要为这支庞大军队害怕,因为战争不在乎你们,而在乎天主。
20:16 明天你们要下去迎敌,他们要由漆兹山坡上来,你们要在耶鲁耳旷野前的谷口遇到他们。
20:17 这次你们无须交战,只须布阵以待,观看上主为你们所行的救援。犹大和耶路撒冷,不必畏惧,不必害怕!明天你们只管出去迎敌,因为上主与你们同在。」
20:18 约沙法特遂俯首至地,犹大民众和耶路撒冷居民也都俯伏在上主面前,朝拜上主。
20:19 刻哈特子孙和科辣黑子孙中的肋未人起立,引吭高歌,赞颂上主以色列的天主。
20:20 次日,他们一早就起来,开往特科亚旷野;在出发时,约沙法特立起来说:「犹大和耶路撒冷的居民,请听我的话!你们信赖上主你们的天主,必保生命;相信他的先知,必定胜利。」
20:21 他与百姓商定之后,便派歌咏人员赞颂上主,身穿圣洁服装,走在军队面前,歌颂说:「你们应赞颂上主,因为他的慈爱永远常存!
20:22 他们正歌咏赞美时,上主派出伏兵,袭击了那些来攻击犹大的阿孟人、摩阿布人和色依尔山地的居民;他们便被击败了。
20:23 阿孟人和摩阿布人起来攻击色依尔山地的居民,决心将他们杀尽灭绝;歼灭了色依尔山地居民以后,他们又自相残杀。
20:24 犹大人到了俯瞰旷野的高岗上,观望大军,见伏尸遍野,没有一个逃脱的。
20:25 约沙法特遂带他的军民去掠夺敌人的财物,见有大批的牲畜、财物、衣服和宝物;足足掠取了三天,夺得的财物多得不能携带,因为实在太多。
20:26 第四天,他们聚集在巴辣加谷,在那里赞颂了上主,为此给那地起名叫巴辣加谷,直到今天。
20:27 此后,犹大和耶路撒冷所有的军民,由约沙法特率领,凯旋回了耶路撒冷,因为上主使他们战胜仇敌,因而异常欢乐,
20:28 都弹着琴,鼓着瑟,吹着号,来到耶路撒冷,进了上主的殿。
20:29 列国的民族一听说上主击败了以色列的敌人,都对天主起了恐怖的心。
20:30 约沙法特的王国于是获享太平,因为上主赐他四境平安。
20:31 约沙法特为犹大王,即位时年三十五岁,在耶路撒冷为王凡二十五年;他的母亲名叫阿组巴,是史肋希的女儿。
20:32 约沙法特走了他父亲阿撒的道路,未偏左右,行了上主视为正义的事;
20:33 只是丘坛没有铲除,人民仍没有全心全意归向他们祖先的天主。
20:34 约沙法特前后其余的事迹,都记载在哈纳尼之子耶胡的言行录上;这言行录收集在以色列列王实录内。
20:35 此后,犹大王约沙法特与作恶多端的以色列王阿哈齐雅联盟,
20:36 合伙制造船只,开往塔尔史士去;他们合力在厄兹雍革贝尔制造了一些船。
20:37 玛勒沙人多达瓦的儿子厄里厄则尔讲预言攻击约沙法特说:「因为你与阿哈齐雅联盟,上主必要破坏你所造的船只。」后来那些船只果然遭受破坏,未能开往塔尔史士。
21:1 约沙法特与列祖同眠,与祖先一同葬在达味城;他的儿子约兰继位为王。
21:2 他的兄弟,约沙法特的儿子:哈匝黎雅、耶希耳、则加黎雅、阿匝黎雅、米加耳和舍法提雅,这些都是犹大王约沙法特的儿子,
21:3 他们的父亲将许多礼品,金银财宝,以及犹大的坚城分封了他们,却将王位赐给了约兰,因为他是长子。
21:4 当约兰登上了他父亲的王位巩固了自己的势力以后,就杀了他所有的兄弟,和几个以色列首领。
21:5 约兰即位时年三十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王八年。
21:6 他走了以色列列王所走的道路,有如阿哈布家一样,因为他娶了阿哈布的女儿为妻,行了上主视为恶的事。
21:7 但是,上主不愿消灭达味家室,因为曾与达味立过约,应许时常给他和他的子孙留下一盏明灯。
21:8 约兰年间,厄东反叛,脱离了犹大的统治,自立为王。
21:9 约兰率领自己的军长和所有的战车前去声讨;他夜间起来,冲出了包围他和战车队长的厄东人。
21:10 这样,厄东人脱离了犹大的统治,直到现在。里贝纳也同时叛变,脱离了犹大的统治,因为君王离弃了上主,他祖先的天主,
21:11 并且在犹大山上建立了高丘,使耶路撒冷的居民行淫,使犹大人背信。
21:12 有人给他送来厄里亚先知的一封信,信上说:「上主,你祖先达味的天主这样说:因为你没有走你父亲约沙法特的路,又没有走犹大王阿撒的路,
21:13 反而走了以色列列王的路,引诱犹大和耶路撒冷的居民行淫,如同阿哈布家行淫一样;又因为你杀了你父亲家中那些比你好的兄弟,
21:14 上主必以巨大的灾祸打击你的百姓,你的妻子儿女,以及你所有的财产。
21:15 至于你,你必生一种极严厉的病,肠胃病,以至两年内,你的肠子都要流出来。」
21:16 上主激起培肋舍特人和临近雇士的阿剌伯人的心,与约兰为敌。
21:17 他们遂前来攻击犹大,侵入境内,掠去了王宫所有的财物,掳去了他的儿子妻妾;除他最小的儿子约阿哈次外,没有给他留下一个儿子。
21:18 此后,上主以一种不能医治的肠胃病打击了约兰。
21:19 这病缠绵了一年多;二年末,当他的终期来到时,他的肠子因病都流了出来,他在极苦痛中死了。他的百姓没有为他举行焚香礼,如同为他的列祖所行的一样。
21:20 他即位时年三十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王八年。他逝世后,无人表示悲哀。人将他葬于达味城,但没有葬在王陵内。
22:1 耶路撒冷居民立了约兰的小儿阿哈齐雅继位为王,因为与阿剌伯人同来攻营的匪徒,将他的哥哥全都杀了,因此犹大王约兰的儿子阿哈齐雅即位为王。
22:2 阿哈齐雅即位年二十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王一年;他的母亲名叫阿塔里雅,是敖默黎的孙女。
22:3 阿哈齐雅也走了阿哈布家的道路,因为他母亲主使他作恶。
22:4 他行了上主视为恶的事,同阿哈布家一样,因为自他父亲死后,阿哈布家人给他出主意,使他趋于灭亡。
22:5 他随从了他们的计谋,同以色列王阿哈布的儿子耶曷兰,往辣摩特基肋阿得与阿兰王哈匝耳交战;阿兰人击伤了耶曷兰,
22:6 耶曷兰遂回依次勒耳,治疗他在辣摩特与阿兰在哈匝耳交战时所受的伤。犹大王约兰的儿子阿哈齐雅因阿哈布的儿子耶曷兰患病,就下到依次勒耳去探望他。
22:7 阿哈齐雅去看望耶曷兰反而遇害,这原是出于天主;因为他到了以后,便与耶曷兰出击尼默史的孙子耶胡,而耶胡即是上主用油所傅,为消灭阿哈布家的。
22:8 耶胡讨伐阿哈布家时,遇到了犹大的一些首领和事奉阿哈齐雅的侄子们,便将他们杀了;
22:9 然后去寻找阿哈齐雅;阿哈齐雅当时藏在撒玛黎雅,人将他拿住,解到耶胡那里,耶胡也将他杀了,以后人也埋葬了他,因为人说:「他究竟是那一心寻求上主的约沙法特的孙子。」这样,阿哈齐雅家中没有一个人能即位为王。
22:10 阿哈齐雅的母亲阿塔里雅见自己的儿子死了,便起来歼灭了犹大家中所有的王族后裔。
22:11 约兰王的女儿约舍巴,将阿哈齐雅的儿子约阿士由被杀的太子中偷了出来,将他和他的乳母藏在圣殿的寝室里。约舍巴─约兰王的女儿,约雅达大司祭的妻子,阿哈齐雅的姐妹─就这样藏匿了约阿士,没有被阿塔里雅杀害。
22:12 约阿士与她们在天主殿内隐藏了六年,当时由阿塔里雅主持国政。
23:1 第七年,约雅达自告奋勇,将众百夫长:耶洛罕的儿子阿匝黎雅,约哈南的儿子依市玛耳,敖贝得的儿子阿匝黎雅,阿达雅的儿子玛阿色雅和齐革黎的儿子厄里沙法特召来,与他们立约。
23:2 他们走遍了犹大,召集犹大各城的肋未人,和以色列各族长一起来到耶路撒冷。
23:3 全会众在天主殿内与君王立了约。约雅达对他们说:「这就是太子。按照上主论及达味的子孙所说的话,他必须作王!
23:4 你们要这样行:你们中间逢安息日来值班的司祭和肋未人,三分之一应把守各门,
23:5 三分之一应把守王宫,三分之一应把守马门;所有的百姓都应在上主殿宇的庭院里,
23:6 除司祭和供职的肋未人外,任何人不得进入上主的殿,唯有他们可以进,因为他们是圣洁的;所有的百姓必须遵守上主的命令。
23:7 肋未人手里各拿着武器,环绕君王;凡擅自进殿的,该将他杀死。君王出入时,你们要紧随不离。」
23:8 肋未人和犹大民众,都按照大司祭约雅达所吩咐的一切遵行了,各自带领在安息日值班的,和安息日下班的人,因为大司祭约雅达不准下班。
23:9 大司祭约雅达便将天主殿内,属达味王的刀枪和大小盾牌,交给了众百夫长,
23:10 指令民众各持武器,由殿南边直到殿北边,面对祭坛和圣殿,环立在君王四周。
23:11 然后引出太子来,给他加冕,再将约书交给他,立他为王;约雅达和他的儿子们给他傅了油,众人遂喊说:「君王万岁!
23:12 阿塔里雅听见百姓奔走歌颂君王的欢呼声,就进上主的殿,到了百姓前,
23:13 看见君王立在殿门旁的高台上,百夫长和吹号的侍立在君王左右,所有当地人民欢跃吹号,歌咏团用各种乐器领导人歌唱颂扬;阿塔里雅就撕裂了自己的衣服说:「反了!反了!
23:14 大司祭约雅达吩咐领军队的众百夫长,说:「将她由行列中赶出去,凡随从她的人,都用刀杀死。」原来大司祭曾吩咐说:不可在上主的殿内杀她。
23:15 于是人捉住她,在她走到王宫马门口时,在那里将她杀了。
23:16 此后,约雅达使人民和君王与上主立约,当作上主的人民。
23:17 然后全体人民到了巴耳庙,将庙拆毁,将祭坛和偶像打碎,又在祭坛前斩了巴耳的司祭玛堂。
23:18 约雅达将看守上主殿宇的职责,交在司祭和肋未人手内,因为他们原是达味早已分派在上主殿内,照梅瑟法律所载,向上主献全燔祭,按照达味的定例,欢跃歌唱的。
23:19 又指派门丁看守上主殿宇的各门,无论在任何事上,凡是不洁净的,都不准进。
23:20 最后率领百夫长、贵族、民间领袖和当地人民,接君王从上主的殿下来,经上门进入王宫,请君王坐在王位上。
23:21 于是全国人民喜庆,京城也平静了;至于阿塔里雅,已丧身刀下。
24:1 约阿士即位时才七岁;在耶路撒冷作王凡四十年;他的母亲名叫漆彼雅,是贝尔舍巴人。
24:2 大司祭约雅达在生之日,约阿士行了上主视为正义的事。
24:3 约雅达为他娶了两个妻子,且生了子女。
24:4 此后,约阿士有意重修上主的殿,
24:5 便召集司祭和肋未人来,吩咐他们说:「你们往犹大各城去,向全以色列人捐钱,按每年需要,修补你们天主的殿;你们应急速办理此事。」但是肋未人没有赶紧办理。
24:6 君王遂将大司祭约雅达召来,对他说:「你为什么不勒令肋未人在犹大和耶路撒冷捐款,像上主的仆人梅瑟为作证的会幕,向以色列会众征收﹖」
24:7 原来,恶妇阿塔里雅和附合他的人使上主的殿失修,且将上主殿内的捐献都用于巴耳。
24:8 君王于是下令,制一个箱子,放在上主的殿门外,
24:9 并在犹大和耶路撒冷发出通告,要人为上主捐款,像天主的仆人梅瑟在旷野曾向以色列征收捐款一样。
24:10 众首领和全民众都很高兴来捐献,将钱投入箱内,直到投满。
24:11 当肋未人将钱箱抬到君王的有司那里时,见税钱很多,遂请君王的书记和大司祭的属员前来,将钱箱倒空,然后拿去放在原处;天天如此,所以收集了很多的钱。
24:12 君王和约雅达便将钱交给主管上主殿的人,雇用石工和木工,招请铁匠和铜匠,修理上主的殿宇。
24:13 工匠都勤于工作,修葺的工作在他们手下日有进展,竟将天主的殿修理得与先前一样,而且异常坚固。
24:14 他们完工以后,将剩下的钱,送到君王和约雅达那里;他们遂叫人用来制造上主殿内的家俱,为礼仪和全燔祭用得器皿、香盘以及各种金银器皿。约雅达有生之日,在上主的殿内,时时有人奉献全燔祭。
24:15 约雅达逝世时,年纪已很老;死时享年一百三十岁,
24:16 与列王同葬在达味城,因为他在以色列对天主和天主的殿立了大功。
24:17 但在约雅达死后,犹大的首领前来朝觐君王,君王竟附和了他们的主意,
24:18 离弃了上主他们祖先天主的殿,去奉事阿舍辣和偶像。由于这个重罪,义怒降到了犹大和耶路撒冷
24:19 上主仍派先知来引导他们归向上主,先知虽警告他们,无奈他们不肯听从。
24:20 天主的神沛降在大司祭约雅达的儿子则加黎雅身上,他便站在民众面前,对他们说:「天主这样说:你们为什么违犯上主的诫命,招致不利呢﹖因为你们拋弃了上主,他也要拋弃你们。」
24:21 民众都想杀害他,遂按君王的命令,在上主殿的庭院里,用石头将他砸死了。
24:22 这样,约阿士丝毫未念及他父亲约雅达对待自己的恩德,反而杀了他的儿子。则加黎雅临死时喊说:「愿上主鉴察,加以追究!
24:23 次年岁首,阿兰军队上来攻打约阿士,侵入了犹大和耶路撒冷,杀了民间所有的首领,将所掠夺的战利品送到大马士革。
24:24 阿兰军队虽只来了一小队人,但上主却将一支庞大的军队交在他们手中,这是因为民众离弃了上主,他们祖先的天主;如此阿兰人惩罚了约阿士。
24:25 当他们离开约阿士时,约阿士正患重病,他的臣仆造反背叛了他,为报大司祭约雅达的儿子的血仇,将他打死在床上;他死后,葬在达味城,但没有埋在王陵内。
24:26 造反背叛他的是阿孟女人史默阿特的儿子匝巴得,和摩阿布女人史默黎特的儿子约匝巴得。
24:27 至于约阿士的儿子,以及他所受的种种警戒,和重修天主殿宇的事,都记载在列王传记上。他的儿子阿玛责雅继位为王。
25:1 阿玛则雅登极时年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡二十九年;他的母亲名叫约阿当,是耶路撒冷人。
25:2 他行了上主视为正义的事,只是心不专一。
25:3 及至王权已掌握在他手中之后,他将弒杀他父王的臣仆杀掉;
25:4 但没有将他们的子女处死,因为按梅瑟法律书上所载的,上主曾命令说:「不可为儿子的罪处死父亲,亦不可为父亲的罪处死儿子;每人应为自己的罪被处死刑。」
25:5 阿玛责雅召集了犹大人,按他们的家族,为全犹大和本雅明安置了千夫长和百夫长,统计了人民,由二十岁及以上的,凡能操枪持盾,能出征上阵的精兵,共有三十万;
25:6 又用一百「塔冷通」银子,由以色列招募了十万勇敢的战士。
25:7 有天主的人前来见他,对他说:「请大王不要带以色列军队与你同往,因为上主不与以色列,即厄弗辣因所有的子孙在一起。
25:8 如果你以为这样可以战胜,天主必使你败于敌人之前,因为天主有能力助人,亦有能力使人溃败。」
25:9 阿玛责雅问天主的人说:「我已给了以色列雇佣兵一百「塔冷通」银子,那怎么办呢﹖」天主的人回答说:「上主能将比这更多的赐给你。」
25:10 阿玛责雅于是将从厄弗辣因来的雇佣兵分出来,遣送回家;因此他们非常怀恨犹大人,愤愤地回了家。
25:11 阿玛责雅鼓起勇气,率领自己的军队来到盐谷,击杀了一万色依尔人。
25:12 犹大子民又生擒了一万,带到石崖顶上,由石崖顶上将他们推下去,都摔得支离破碎。
25:13 但是,那些被阿玛责雅遣回,不准一同出征的雇佣兵,却侵入犹大各城,由撒玛黎雅直到贝特曷龙,击杀了三千人,掠去了许多财物。
25:14 阿玛责雅打败厄东人回来时,也将色依尔子民的神像带回来,立为自己的神,在他们前焚香顶礼;
25:15 因为上主向阿玛责雅发怒,派一位先知去见他,对他说:「这个民族的神未能拯救自己的百姓脱离你的手,你为什么还求他们呢﹖」
25:16 先知正与君王说话时,君王对他说:「莫非我们立了你作君王的谋士﹖不必再说!你为什么来寻死呢﹖」先知便止住了,只声明说:「我知道天主已决意要消灭你,因为你作了这事,还不听从我的劝诫。」
25:17 犹大王阿玛责雅聚议以后,便派人到以色列王耶胡的孙子,约阿哈次的儿子耶曷阿士那里去说:「来,让我们见个高低!
25:18 以色列王耶曷阿士派人回答犹大王阿玛责雅说:「黎巴嫩的荆棘派使者去见黎巴嫩的香柏说:将你的女儿嫁给我的儿子为妻!后来有一只黎巴嫩的野兽经过,将这棵荆棘踏坏了。
25:19 你想你打败了厄东,你就心高气傲,自鸣得意。现在,你还是留在家里罢!又何必惹祸,使你和犹大一同丧亡呢﹖」
25:20 但是,阿玛责雅不肯听从;这原是出于天主,要将他们交于敌人手中,因为他们求问了厄东的神。
25:21 于是以色列王耶曷阿士上来,在犹大的贝特舍默士,与犹大王阿玛责雅相见了。
25:22 犹大人被以色列击败,各自逃回帐幕去了。
25:23 以色列王耶曷阿士在贝特舍默士生擒了阿哈齐雅的孙子,约阿士的儿子犹大王阿玛责雅,带到耶路撒冷,将耶路撒冷的城墙拆了一个缺口,从厄弗辣因门直到角门,共四百肘;
25:24 又将敖贝得厄东所看守的天主殿内的一切金银和器皿,并王宫的财宝都拿了去;又带着人质,回了撒玛黎雅。
25:25 以色列无约阿哈次的儿子耶曷阿士死后,犹大王约阿士的儿子阿玛责雅还活了十五年。
25:26 阿玛责雅前后其余的事迹,都记载在犹大和以色列列王实录上。
25:27 自从阿玛责雅离弃了上主以后,在耶路撒冷就有人结党反抗他,他即逃往拉基士,但是叛党派人追到拉基士,在那里将他杀死。
25:28 然后将他的尸体用马驮回,葬在达味城,和他的祖先埋在一起。
26:1 全犹大人民立乌齐雅为王,继承他父亲阿玛责雅,那时他十六岁。
26:2 先王与祖先同眠以后,乌齐雅将厄拉特收回仍属犹大,加以重建。
26:3 乌齐雅登基时才十六岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡五十二年;他母亲名叫耶苛里雅,是耶路撒冷人。
26:4 乌齐雅行了上主视为正义的事完全像他父亲阿玛责雅所行的一样。
26:5 则加黎雅有生之日,由于他指导君王敬畏天主,所以君王时常求天主;在他寻求上主的时期内,天主使他事事顺利。
26:6 他出兵攻打了培肋舍特人,破坏了加特、雅贝乃和阿市多得的城垣,在阿市多得境内和培肋舍特人中建筑了一些城池。
26:7 天主协助他攻打了培肋舍特人和住在古尔巴耳的阿剌伯人以及玛红人。
26:8 阿孟子民也向乌齐雅进贡,由于他的势力极其强大,声誉传至埃及边境。
26:9 乌齐雅在耶路撒冷的角门、谷门以及城角,建筑了堡垒,加以设防。
26:10 又在旷野修筑了一些堡垒,开凿了许多储水池,因为他在平原和高原有很多的牲畜;又因他喜爱农业,所以在山地和田园里,雇用了许多农夫和栽培葡萄的人。
26:11 乌齐雅还备有能出征作战的军旅,照书记耶依耳和监察官玛阿色雅所编定的数目,由君王的一位将帅哈纳尼雅指挥。
26:12 这些英勇战士中的族长,总数为二千六百人。
26:13 他们属下的军队计有三万七千五百人,都是善于作战,协助君王征讨敌人的勇士。
26:14 乌齐雅给他们全队的人配备了盾牌、长枪、盔甲、弓箭和弹石。
26:15 在耶路撒冷又叫巧匠设制机械,放在堡垒和城角上,发射矢箭和大石弹。乌齐雅的名声传到远方,因为他获得了奇异的助佑,势力极其强盛。
26:16 他势力强大了,便心高气傲,以致自毁前途,竟敢冒犯上主他的天主,擅进上主的正殿,企图在香坛上焚香。
26:17 大司祭阿匝黎雅和八十个上主的勇敢司祭随后进去,
26:18 阻止乌齐雅王说:「乌齐雅,给上主焚香不是你的事,而是亚郎子孙司祭的事,他们是受祝圣为行焚香礼的;请由圣殿里出去,因为你越权,在上主天主面前也没有光荣。」
26:19 乌齐雅发怒,手持香炉要献香;他向司祭发怒时,就在上主殿内香坛旁,当着司祭面前,他的额上突然出现了癞病
26:20 大司祭阿匝黎雅和所有的司祭望着他,见他额上出现了癞病,便促使他出去;他自己便急忙出去,因为上主打击了他。
26:21 乌齐雅身患癞病一直到死;因为他身患癞病,独住在一间隔离的房里,不能进入上主的殿。他的儿子约堂掌管朝廷,统治国家的百姓。
26:22 乌齐雅前后其余的事迹,都由阿摩兹的儿子依撒意亚先知记了下来。
26:23 乌黎雅与祖先同眠,因为人说他有癞病,所以只将他葬在王陵田间,祖先之旁;他的儿子约堂继位为王。
27:1 约堂登极时年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡十六年;他的母亲名叫耶鲁沙,是匝克多的女儿。
27:2 约堂行了上主视为正义的事,完全像他父亲所作的一样,只是没有进入上主的圣所;但百姓仍然败坏。
27:3 他建筑了上主殿宇的上门,在敖斐耳城墙上,也作了许多工程,
27:4 在犹大山地建筑了一些城池,在丛林中也建了一些营寨和堡垒。
27:5 约堂与阿孟子民的君王交战时,战胜了他们,因此阿孟子民那一年给他进贡:银子一百「塔冷通,」小麦一万「苛尔,」大麦一万「苛尔。」以后第二第三年,阿孟子民仍进了这些贡物。
27:6 约堂因为在上主他的天主前,时常履行正道,所以日渐强盛。
27:7 约堂其余的事迹,以及他的战绩和作为,都记载在以色列和犹大列王实录上。
27:8 他即位时年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王十六年。
27:9 约堂与祖先同眠,葬在达味城;他的儿子阿哈次继位为王。
28:1 阿哈次登极时年二十岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡十六年。他没有像他的祖先达味一样,行上主视为正义的事,
28:2 却走了以色列列王的路,为巴耳诸神铸了像,
28:3 在本希农山谷焚香,仿效上主从以色列子民面前所赶走的异民所行的丑恶之事,令自己的儿女经火献神,
28:4 又在高处、丘陵和绿树下焚香献祭。
28:5 因此,上主他的天主将他交于阿兰王手中,阿兰打败了他,掳去了他一大批人民,带到大马士革。上主又将他交于以色列王手中,大受打击。
28:6 勒玛里雅的儿子培卡黑在犹大一日杀了十二万人,都是战士,因为他们离弃了上主,他们祖先的天主。
28:7 厄弗辣因一个名叫齐革黎的勇士,杀了王子玛阿色雅、王宫总管阿次黎冈和君王的辅相厄耳卡纳。
28:8 以色列子民由他们的弟兄中掳去了妇女和他们的子女,共二十万人,并掠去了许多财物,都带到撒玛黎雅。
28:9 在那里有一位上主的先知,名叫敖德得,出来迎接回撒玛黎雅的军队,向他们说:「看,上主,你们祖先的天主,由于向犹大发怒,才将他们交在你们手中,你们却怒气冲天,大加杀戮;
28:10 现在你们又想强迫犹大和耶路撒冷的子民作你们的奴婢;难道你们自己就没有干犯上主,你们天主的罪恶吗﹖
28:11 现在,你们听我的话,将由你们弟兄中掳来的俘虏放回去,因为上主的震怒已临到你们身上。」
28:12 那时厄弗辣因子民的首领中有几个人,即约哈南的儿子阿匝黎雅,默史肋摩特的儿子贝勒革雅,沙隆的儿子希则克雅和哈德来的儿子阿玛撒,就起来反对归来的军队,
28:13 对他们说:「不可将俘虏带到这里来,因为你们想使我们得罪上主,来增加我们的罪恶和过犯!我们的过犯已经够重了,上主的震怒已临于以色列。」
28:14 军队立即将掳来的人和抢来的财物,留在首领和全会众面前。
28:15 以上题名的那几个人便起来,领去被掳的人,其中有赤身的,便从所掠取的财物中,取出衣服来给他们穿,给他们鞋穿,又给他们吃喝,且给他们擦油;又将所有软弱的人,放在驴上,送到棕榈城耶里哥,他们的弟兄那里;以后,便回了撒玛黎雅。
28:16 那时,阿哈次派人去亚述王那里求救,
28:17 因为厄东人又来攻打犹大,掳去了许多人民;
28:18 培肋舍特人也侵入平原的城市和犹大的南方,占领了贝特舍默士、阿雅垄革德洛特、索苛及其四郊村镇、提默纳及其四郊村镇、基默左及其四郊村镇,并住在那里。
28:19 由于犹大王阿哈次在犹大肆无忌惮,背叛了上主,因此,上主压伏了犹大。
28:20 亚述王提革拉特丕肋色尔到了他那里,不但没有协助,反而压迫了他。
28:21 阿哈次强夺了上主殿内、王宫以及群臣家中的财宝,奉送给亚述王,但无济于事。
28:22 阿哈次王这个人越在困难之时,越发背叛上主,
28:23 他竟祭祀打败了他的大马士革的神说:「阿兰王的神,既协助了阿兰人,我也向他们献祭,好使他们也协助我。」但是那些神却使他与以色列民众陷于灭亡。
28:24 阿哈次又将上主殿内的器皿收集起来,将上主殿内的器皿予以粉碎,将上主殿宇的门封锁,在耶路撒冷每个角落设立祭坛,
28:25 在犹大各城建立丘坛,向外邦的神焚香,这样激起了上主,他祖先的天主的盛怒。
28:26 阿哈次其余的事迹和他行的一切,前前后后,都记载在犹大和以色列列王实录上。
28:27 阿哈次与祖先同眠,葬在耶路撒冷城内,但没有将他葬在以色列王陵内。他的儿子希则克雅继位为王。
29:1 希则克雅登极时年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡二十九年;他的母亲名叫阿彼雅,是则加黎雅的女儿。
29:2 希则克雅行了上主视为正义的事,完全像他的祖先达味所行的一样。
29:3 他作王元年正月,开了上主殿宇的门,再加以修理;
29:4 召司祭和肋未人来,聚集在东面广场上,
29:5 对他们说:「肋未人,请听我的话!现在你们应自洁,好清除上主你们祖先的天主的殿宇,将圣所内的污秽之物除去。
29:6 因为我们的祖先犯了罪,行了上主我们的天主视为不悦的事,离弃了他,并转脸不顾上主的居所,所以背相向;
29:7 又封闭了廊门,熄灭了灯,未在圣所内给以色列的天主焚香,献全燔祭。
29:8 因此,上主的盛怒降于犹大和耶路撒冷,使之成为恐惧、惊骇、耻笑的对象,正如你们亲眼所见的。
29:9 并且我们的祖先因此死于刀下,我们的妻子儿女作了俘虏。
29:10 现在,我有意与上主以色列的天主立约,使他的烈怒转离我们。
29:11 我的孩子们!现在不要再怠慢,因为上主拣选了你们侍立在他面前,为奉事他,向他焚香。」
29:12 于是肋未人起来:刻哈特族中有阿玛赛的儿子玛哈特和阿匝黎雅的儿子约厄耳;默辣黎族中有阿贝狄的儿子克士和雅肋肋耳的儿子阿匝黎雅;革尔雄族中有齐玛的儿子约阿黑
29:13 厄里匝番的子孙中有史默黎和耶乌耳;阿撒夫子孙中有则加黎雅和玛塔尼雅;
29:14 赫曼子孙中有耶希耳和史米;耶杜通子孙中有舍玛雅和乌齐耳,
29:15 他们集合自己的弟兄,先行自洁,后照君王的吩咐,根据上主的命令,来清除上主的殿。
29:16 司祭进入上主的殿宇里面去清除,将上主殿内所有的污秽之物,移到上主殿宇的院内;肋未人接过来,运到城外的克德龙溪。
29:17 他们在正月一日开始清除,第八天清除到上主的殿。正月十六日清除完毕。
29:18 于是他们去见希则克雅说:「我们已经将上主的殿宇、全燔祭坛、以及坛上所有的器具、供饼桌、以及桌上所有的用具,全部清洁了;
29:19 并且连阿哈次王在位犯罪时,所丢弃的器具,我们都整理好,也都清洁了;现在都放在上主祭坛前面。」
29:20 希则克雅清晨起来,召集城内的首领,上到上主殿内。
29:21 人们带来了七只牛犊,七只公绵羊和七只羔羊;此外,还有七只公山羊,为国家,为圣殿,为犹大作为赎罪祭;王遂吩咐亚郎的子孙司祭奉献在上主的祭坛上。
29:22 祭杀了牛犊,司祭将血取来,洒在祭坛上;祭杀了绵羊,将血洒在祭坛上;祭杀了羔羊,也将血洒在祭坛上。
29:23 最后,将献作赎罪祭的公山羊,牵到君王和会众面前,他们将手按在公山羊身上,
29:24 司祭宰杀了,将血献在祭坛上,作为赎罪祭,为以色列民众赎罪,因为君王曾吩咐过:全燔祭和赎罪祭,应为以色列民众奉献。
29:25 王又派定肋未人用钹、瑟和琴,在上主殿内奏乐,有如达味、王的先见者加得和先知纳堂所吩咐的,亦即上主借先知所吩咐的。
29:26 于是肋未人拿着达味的乐器,司祭拿着号筒,一起站着。
29:27 希则克雅遂下令在祭坛上奉献全燔祭。全燔祭开始时,颂扬上主的歌声和号声,也在以色列王达味的乐器伴奏下,随之开始。
29:28 同时全会众跪拜,唱歌的唱歌,吹号的吹号,这样直到全燔祭献完为止。
29:29 献完了祭,君王和所有同他在场的人,都屈膝跪拜。
29:30 此后,希则克雅王和众首领,又吩咐肋未人用达味和先见者阿撒夫的诗词,赞颂上主。他们便欢乐地赞颂了上主,随即俯首朝拜。
29:31 希则克雅又吩咐说:「你们既然奉献了自己与上主,请近前来,将感恩祭祭物,送入上主殿内。」会众便将感恩祭祭物,以及甘愿献的全燔祭献上。
29:32 会众所献的全燔祭牺牲总数为:牛犊七十只,公山羊一百只,羔羊二百只,全献给上主作全燔祭。
29:33 还有祝圣的牲畜:牛犊六百只,羊三千只。
29:34 由于司祭太少,不能剥尽全燔祭牺牲的皮,所以他们的弟兄肋未人前来协助,直到工作作完,直到司祭自洁完毕,因为肋未人自洁的诚心胜过司祭。
29:35 此外,还有许多全燔祭、和平祭、脂油,及与全燔祭同奠的酒,等待处理。这样,上主殿内的礼仪就全恢复了。
29:36 希则克雅和全民众都很快乐,因为天主为人民准备,使此事迅速完成。
30:1 希则克雅派人到全以色列和犹大,且也写了封公函给厄弗辣因和默纳协,叫他们来耶路撒冷上主的殿内,向上主以色列的天主举行逾越节,
30:2 因为君王与首领和耶路撒冷会众已商妥,在二月举行逾越节。
30:3 他们不能如期举行的原因,是因为自洁的司祭尚不敷用,百姓又尚未齐集在耶路撒冷。
30:4 君王和全会众都认为这样做很对,
30:5 遂下令通告全以色列,从贝尔舍巴直到丹,都来耶路撒冷,向上主以色列的天主举行逾越节,因为人很久没有照章举行这节了。
30:6 使者遂带着君王和首领的公函,走遍全以色列和犹大,照君王的吩咐,宣布说:「以色列的子民,你们应当转向上主,亚巴郎、依撒格和以色列的天主,好使他转向你们,这些摆脱亚述王权下的遗民。
30:7 你们不可像你们的祖先和弟兄一样,因为他们背叛了上主,他们祖先的天主,上主遂叫他们成了惊骇的对象,有如你们亲眼所见的。
30:8 现在,你们再别颈硬,如同你们祖先一样,反应投奔上主,进入他永远祝圣的居所,奉事上主你们的天主,使他的盛怒转离你们。
30:9 如果你们转向上主你们的天主,你们的弟兄子女,在掳掠他们的人面前必会蒙受怜悯,会再回到这地;因为上主你们的天主是慈悲的,是仁爱的;如果你们转向他,他决不会转面不顾你们。」
30:10 使者由这城到那城,走遍了厄弗辣因和默纳协各地,直到则步隆;但是,那里的人却嘲笑侮辱他们。
30:11 可是,有些阿协尔、默纳协和则步隆人自谦自卑,来到耶路撒冷。
30:12 天主的手也在犹大行事,使民众一心遵从君王和首领,照上主的话所出的命令。
30:13 二月,有很多人民聚集在耶路撒冷,举行无酵节,实在是一个大盛会。
30:14 民众起来,将耶路撒冷所有的丘坛拆毁,将所有焚香的器具拿去,丢在克德龙溪里。
30:15 二月十四日宰杀了逾越节羔羊;司祭和肋未人自觉惭愧,便圣洁自己,好能在上主殿内奉献全燔祭。
30:16 他们都按天主仆人梅瑟的法律,各自立在自己的地方,司祭由肋未人手中取过血来,洒在祭坛上。
30:17 因为会众中有许多人尚未自洁,肋未人便为所有不洁的人,宰杀逾越节的羔羊,好奉献给上主。
30:18 实在,有许多人,有许多来自厄弗辣因,默纳协、依撒加尔和则步隆的人,没有自洁,就吃了逾越节的羔羊,竟没有遵守明文的规定;为此,希则克雅为他们祈祷说:「
30:19 凡诚心寻求天主,上主,他们祖先的天主的人,虽然没有依照圣所的洁礼自洁,愿良善的上主予以宽恕!
30:20 上主垂允了希则克雅,宽恕了百姓。
30:21 在耶路撒冷的以色列子民,极其欢乐,七天举行了无酵节;肋未人和司祭们,天天赞颂上主,极力赞颂上主。
30:22 由于所有的肋未人殷勤服事上主,希则克雅便慰劳他们。七天之久,众人吃了节宴,献了和平祭,称谢了上主,他们祖先的天主。
30:23 以后,全会众议定,再举行七天,于是欢乐地又举行了七天,
30:24 因为犹大王希则克雅送给了会众一千头牛犊,七千只绵羊;首领们也送给了会众一千头牛犊,一万只绵羊;且有许多司祭已行了自洁礼。
30:25 犹大全会众、司祭和肋未人,来自以色列的全会众,以及由以色列地来的,或是侨居在犹大的人,都非常高兴。
30:26 欢乐弥漫了耶路撒冷,自以色列王达味的儿子撒罗满以来,耶路撒冷从未有过这样大的喜庆。
30:27 肋未人司祭起来为民众祝福,他们的声音承蒙垂听,他们的祈祷达于他天上的神圣居所。
31:1 这一切完成以后,所有在场的以色列人就都出去,到犹大各城,将石柱捣碎,将木偶砍倒,将犹大、本雅明、厄弗辣因和默纳协各地的高丘和香坛完全拆除;以后,所有的以色列子民各回了本城,各归己业。
31:2 希则克雅又整编了司祭和肋未人的班次,使司祭和肋未人各照自己的班次,各照自己的任务,献全燔祭与和平祭,或服务于上主的营门口,称谢赞颂上主。
31:3 君王又由自己的产业中划出一份,作为早晚的全燔祭,安息日、新月和节期的全燔祭,如上主法律上所规定的;
31:4 又吩咐住在耶路撒冷的百姓,交出司祭和肋未人所应得的一分,令他们坚守上主的法律。
31:5 这道谕旨一出,以色列子民便献了许多初熟的五谷、新酒、油蜜,以及田地的出产;同时将所有物的十分之一,也大批的送了来,
31:6 连住在犹大各城的以色列和犹大子民,也将牛羊的十分之一,并应献于上主,他们天主的圣物的十分之一,都送了来,堆积成堆;
31:7 由三月开始堆积,至七月才完毕。
31:8 希则克雅和首领们前来,看见这些堆积之物,便称赞了上主和他的百姓以色列。
31:9 希则克雅向司祭和肋未人问及这些堆积之物,
31:10 匝多克家的司祭之长阿匝黎雅答说:「自从人民将供物献入上主的殿内以来,我们不但可以饱食,而且还有许多剩余,因为上主祝福了他的百姓;这一大堆全是剩余的。」
31:11 希则克雅吩咐在上主殿内预备仓房;人便预备了,
31:12 细心将供物和什一之物,以及奉献的圣物,都搬入仓内。肋未人苛纳尼雅为总管,他的兄弟史米为副。
31:13 耶希耳、阿匝齐雅、纳哈特、阿撒耳、耶黎摩特、约匝巴得,厄里耳、依斯玛基雅、玛哈特和贝纳雅,自苛纳尼和他兄弟史米之下作督察,全是由君王希则克雅和上主殿宇的主席阿
31:14 守东门的肋未人,依默纳的儿子科勒,掌管自愿捐献于天主的礼品,发放献于上主的供物和至圣之物;
31:15 他以下有厄登、本雅明、耶叔亚、舍玛雅、阿玛黎雅和舍加尼雅,在各司祭城内,按照班次,不分老幼,将物品细心分发给他们的弟兄。
31:16 此外,又登记了每日进上主殿,依照班次尽职,三十岁以上的男子:
31:17 司祭依照家族登记;二十岁以上的肋未人,依照职分班次登记。
31:18 登记时,他们全家妻子儿女,都应包括在内,因为他们都应自洁成圣。
31:19 至于那住在各城郊外作司祭的亚郎子孙,在各城内有指定的人,给司祭中的男子及登记的肋未人,发放应得的一份。
31:20 希则克雅在全犹大行事都是如此:行了上主他的天主视为善,视为正,视为义的事。
31:21 凡他着手所行的,不论是关于上主殿内的敬礼,或关于法律和诫命,都是为了寻求他的天主;凡他诚心所行的,无不顺利。
32:1 这些忠贞之事作完之后,亚述王散乃黑黎布来进攻犹大,包围一切坚城,企图攻破,占为己有。
32:2 希则克雅见散乃黑黎布前来,决意要进攻耶路撒冷,
32:3 便与自己的将领和勇士商议,将城外的水泉堵塞;他们都赞成;
32:4 于是召集许多人,将水泉和通过田间的水渠都堵塞,说:「为什么让亚述王来,得到这样多的水!
32:5 希则克雅遂加强防御工事,重修所有破裂的城墙,上面建上城楼,城外又筑了一道墙,加强达味城的米罗,制造了许多箭矢和盾牌。
32:6 然后派了将官率领军民,将他们集合到城门广场他自己面前,鼓励他们说:「
32:7 你们应该勇敢大胆,不要害怕,不要因亚述王和他所统领的大军而胆怯,因为那与我们同在的比与他同在的,更有能力。
32:8 那与他同在的只是血肉的手臂,那与我们同在的却是天主,我们的天主,他必要协助我们,为我们作战。」众人都因犹大王希则克雅这番话而得到鼓励。
32:9 此后,亚述王散乃黑黎布派自己的臣仆到耶路撒冷来,─他本人偕全军驻在拉基士─向犹大王希则克雅,和在耶路撒冷所有的犹大人说:「
32:10 亚述王散乃黑黎布这样说:你们在耶路撒冷受困,还依靠什么呢﹖
32:11 希则克雅曾对你们说过:雅威我们的天主必要救我们脱离亚述王的手,这岂不是诱惑你们,使你们饿死渴死吗﹖
32:12 希则克雅岂不是将高丘和乡坛推翻,且吩咐犹大和耶路撒冷人说:你们应在一个坛前朝拜,单在这上面焚香吗﹖
32:13 难道你们不知道我与我的祖先,对各列邦民所作的事吗﹖列邦各地的神,是否曾能拯救自己的国土,脱离我的手﹖
32:14 我祖先所消灭的那些邦国的诸神中,有那一个曾能够拯救自己的百姓,脱离我的手﹖难道你们的神就能拯救你们脱离我的手吗﹖
32:15 所以现在,不要让希则克雅这样欺骗你们,迷惑你们;你们也不要相信他,因为任何一个国家,一个民族的神,都不能拯救自己的百姓,脱离我的手,和我祖先的手;何况你们的神﹖他更不能拯救你们脱离我的手!
32:16 散乃黑黎布的臣仆,还说了许多毁谤上主天主,和他仆人希则克雅的话。
32:17 散乃黑黎布也写信嘲笑上主以色列的天主,侮辱他说:「就如列邦民族的神没有拯救自己的百姓脱离我的手,同样希则克雅的神也不能救自己的百姓脱离我的手。」
32:18 随后,他们用犹大方言向耶路撒冷城墙上的军民呼喊,想惊吓他们,令他们恐惧,以便夺取京城。
32:19 他们论及耶路撒冷的天主,好似论及列邦民族的神一样,当作了人手的造物。
32:20 希则克雅王与阿摩兹的儿子依撒意亚先知为此巷天祈求呼吁。
32:21 上主便派一位天使进入亚述王的营中,将所有的兵士、将军和统帅,予以歼灭,使亚述王含羞回了本国。当他进入自己的神庙时,为他亲生的儿子用剑所杀。
32:22 这样,上主救了希则克雅和耶路撒冷的居民,脱离了亚述王散乃黑黎布和所有敌人的手,使他们四境获得了安宁。
32:23 众人就都到耶路撒冷向上主献上礼品也赠予犹大王希则克雅礼物;从此以后,希则克雅乃为各国所敬重。
32:24 那时,希则克雅害病要死,他哀求了上主,上主便应允了他,给了他一个异兆。
32:25 但是,希则克雅不但没有照他所受的恩惠还报,反而心高气傲,于是上主的怒火降于他和犹大并耶路撒冷。
32:26 以后,希则克雅抑制了自己的骄傲,他和耶路撒冷居民都自谦自卑,因此上主的怒气,在希则克雅生时,没有向他们发作。
32:27 希则克雅享尽富贵荣华,建造了府库,储藏金银、宝石、香料、盾牌和各种珍器;
32:28 修建了仓廪,储藏五谷、新酒和油;修盖了棚栏,为养各类牲畜;为羊群修了羊栈;
32:29 又畜养了驴,以及许多大小牲畜;天主实在赐给了他极多的财物。
32:30 希则克雅堵住基红泉上边的水,将水直引到达味城西。希则克雅所作所为无不顺利。
32:31 甚至巴比伦王公大人派使者来见希则克雅,询问他国内发生的奇事时,天主也让他自由,借以考验他,好知道他心中的一切。
32:32 希则克雅其余的事迹,以及他的善行,都记载在阿摩兹的儿子依撒意亚先知的神视录及犹大和以色列列王实录上。
32:33 希则克雅与他的祖先同眠,葬在达味子孙墓地的斜坡上;他死了,全犹大和耶路撒冷居民都为他举哀致敬;他的儿子默纳舍继位为王。
33:1 默纳舍登极时年十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡五十五年。
33:2 他行了上主视为恶的事,仿效上主从以色列子民前驱逐的异民所行的可耻之事。
33:3 他重建了他父亲希则克雅所拆毁的高丘,又为巴耳建立了祭坛,制造阿舍辣,叩拜奉事天上的万象。
33:4 虽然上主曾指着圣殿说过:「我要将我的名永远立在耶路撒冷,」他仍在上主殿内建立了一些祭坛;
33:5 且在上主殿的两庭院内,为天上万象建立了一些祭坛;
33:6 使自己的儿子在本希农山谷中经火,行占卜,邪术和魔术,立招魂师和术士;不断行上主视为恶的事,惹上主发怒。
33:7 他又在天主殿内立了他所雕制的偶像;虽然论及这殿天主曾对达味和他的儿子撒罗满说过:「我要在这殿内,和在我由以色列各支派所选出的耶路撒冷城,立我的名,直到永远。
33:8 只要以色列人遵行我借梅瑟所吩咐他们的一切法律、典章和律例,我不再使他们的脚,离开我赐予你们祖先的土地。」
33:9 但默纳舍诱惑犹大和耶路撒冷的居民行恶,甚于上主由以色列子民前所消灭的那些民族。
33:10 为此,上主曾警告默纳舍和他的百姓,但是他们不肯听从。
33:11 因此,上主使亚述王的将官前来攻打他们,用钩子钩住默纳舍,用锁链锁住,解送到巴比伦。
33:12 默纳舍在这患难中,呼求了上主他的天主,在他祖先的天主前,大发谦卑,
33:13 哀恳上主,上主便俯允了他的祈求,垂听了他的哀祷,使他归回耶路撒冷,恢复了他的王位;默纳舍这才知道只有上主是天主。
33:14 此后,默纳舍在达味城外另筑了一道城墙,西边由谷内的基红起,直到鱼门,将敖斐耳围起,且将城墙加建的很高;在犹大各坚城内派有将帅驻守。
33:15 又从上主殿内除去了外神和偶像,将他在上主殿的山上和耶路撒冷所建立的祭坛,都一律拆毁,拋在城外,
33:16 重修了上主的祭坛,在上面献和平祭和感恩祭,命令犹大人只奉事上主以色列的天主。
33:17 但是民众仍然在高丘献祭,不过只向上主天主献祭。
33:18 默纳舍其余的事迹,以及他向天主所作的祷词,并诸先见者奉上主,以色列天主的名对他所说的话,都记载在以色列列王实录上。
33:19 他如何祈祷和上主如何应允,他未自卑以前的一切罪恶和不忠,以及他在何处建立高丘,立阿舍辣和雕刻的偶像等事,都记载在诸先见者的言行录上。
33:20 默纳舍与他的祖先同眠,葬在他王宫的花园里;他的儿子阿孟继位为王。
33:21 阿孟登极时年二十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王二年。
33:22 他行了上主视为恶的事,全如同他父亲默纳舍;向他父亲默纳舍所雕刻的一切偶像献祭膜拜,
33:23 从没有像他父亲默纳舍在上主面前自谦自卑过;阿孟只知罪上加罪。
33:24 为此,他的臣仆共谋造反,在宫中将他杀死。
33:25 当地的人民却将所有反叛阿孟王的人都杀了,立他的儿子约史雅继位为王。
34:1 约史雅登极时才八岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡三十一年。
34:2 他行了上主视为正义的事,走了他祖先达味所走的路,不偏左,也不偏右。
34:3 他在位第八年,虽然年幼,就已经开始寻求他祖先达味的天主;在位第十二年,就已开始清洁犹大和耶路撒冷,除去高丘、木偶、雕像和铸像。
34:4 他看着人把巴耳的丘坛拆毁,他亲自打碎丘坛上的香炉,将木偶、雕像和铸像打碎,磨成粉末,撒在祭祀偶像的人的坟上;
34:5 在祭坛上焚烧了邪神司祭的骨骸,这样洁净了犹大和耶路撒冷。
34:6 他在默纳协、厄弗辣因、西默盎、以及纳斐塔里各城和其周围四郊,也行了同样的事:
34:7 拆毁丘坛,将木偶和雕像打碎,将以色列全境内所有的太阳柱都砍倒;然后回了耶路撒冷。
34:8 约史雅在位第十八年,进行清洁各地和圣殿时,派阿匝里雅的儿子沙番,城尉玛阿色雅和约阿哈次的儿子约阿黑御史,去修理他的天主上主的圣殿。
34:9 他们便去见大司祭希耳克雅,将献于天主殿宇的银钱当面交给他。这些银钱是守门的肋未人,由默纳协、厄弗辣因和以色列全体遗民,以及犹大、本雅明和耶路撒冷居民那里收来的。
34:10 他们再转交给监督上主殿内工作的人,这些人发给在上主殿内工作和修理殿宇的人,
34:11 即发给木匠和泥水匠,或购买凿好的石头和作木架及栋梁的木料,来修理历代犹大王失修的建筑。
34:12 这些工人都勤于操作,监管他们工作的监督是默辣黎族的肋未人雅哈特与敖巴狄雅,和刻哈特族的则加黎雅与默叔蓝;尚有精于乐器的肋未人,
34:13 兼管搬运的人,督促做各种工作的人。肋未人中还有些作书记,作职员,作门丁的。
34:14 人们将献于上主殿宇的银钱拿出来的时候,大司祭希耳克雅发现了上主借梅瑟所颁布的法律书。
34:15 希耳克雅告诉书记沙番说:「我在上主殿内发现了法律书。」遂将书交给了沙番。
34:16 沙番带着那卷书去见君王,向君王回报说:「凡陛下命你仆人所办的事,都已照办了。
34:17 已将上主殿内所有的银钱倒出来,交在监督和工人的手里了。」
34:18 书记沙番继而向君王报告说:「大司祭希耳克雅还交给我一卷书。」沙番就在君王面前朗诵了那书。
34:19 君王一听了法律上的话,就撕裂了自己的衣服,
34:20 立即吩咐希耳克雅、沙番的儿子阿希甘、米加的儿子阿贝冬、书记沙番和君王的臣仆阿撒雅说:「
34:21 你们快去为我,为以色列的遗民和犹大,询问上主关于所发现的这书上的话,因为我们的祖先没有遵守上主的话,未照这书上所记载的去行,所以上主才向我们大发愤怒。」
34:22 希耳克雅和君王所派的人,去见胡耳达女先知,她是掌管礼服的沙隆的妻子─沙隆是哈色辣的孙子,堤刻瓦的儿子。胡耳达住在耶路撒冷新区;他们对她说明来意,
34:23 她就回答他们说:「上主以色列的天主这样说:你们回报那派你们来见我的人说:
34:24 上主这样说:我必要使在犹大王前所读的书中记载的灾祸和一切诅咒,降在这地和这地上的居民身上,
34:25 因为他们舍弃了我,向别的神焚香;他们所做的,无不惹我动怒,所以我的怒火要向这地方发作,总不熄灭。
34:26 至于那派你们来求问上主的犹大王,你们要这样对他说:上主以色列的天主这样说:因为你听了这些话,
34:27 因为你一听了我指着这地和这地上的居民所说的话,你的心就已感化,在上主面前自卑自贱,撕裂了你的衣服,在我面前痛哭,我也应允了你:上主的断语。
34:28 我要使你与你祖先团聚,你要安归你的坟墓;你的眼睛见不到我在这地上和这些居民身上要降的灾祸。」他们回去,将她说的话呈报给君王。
34:29 君王于是派人召集犹大和耶路撒冷所有的长老来;
34:30 君王同所有的犹大人,耶路撒冷的居民、司祭、肋未人、全体人民,不分贵贱,都上到上主的殿内,在上主殿内,将寻获的约书上的一切话,读给他们听。
34:31 君王站在高台上,在上主面前立约,要全心全意服从上主,遵守他的诫命,他的典章和他的法律,履行这书上所载的盟约的话;
34:32 他使所有的耶路撒冷的人都接受这盟约。于是耶路撒冷的居民都按照上主,他们祖先天主的盟约而行。
34:33 约史雅将以色列子民各地的一切可耻之物除去,使所有在以色列的人,都奉事上主他们的天主。约史雅王在世时,他们从未离弃上主,他们祖先的天主。
35:1 事后,约史雅王在耶路撒冷向上主举行逾越节;正月十四日宰杀了逾越节羔羊,
35:2 分派了司祭的职务,勉励他们在上主殿内服务;
35:3 然后对那些教诲以色列民众并祝圣于上主的肋未人说:「你们应将约柜放在以色列王达味的儿子撒罗满所建的殿里,不必再用肩抬;从今以后,只应为上主你们的天主,和他的人民以色列服务。
35:4 你们应依家族和班次,照以色列王达味和他的儿子撒罗满所规定的,自做准备;
35:5 要按照家族的班次,照平民兄弟们的需要,在圣殿内值班,每班内应有几个肋未家族的人。
35:6 应宰杀逾越节羔羊,圣洁自己,为你们弟兄预备一切,全照上主借着梅瑟吩咐的进行。」
35:7 约史雅于是送给了百姓绵羔羊和山羔羊,凡三万只,为在场的人作逾越节的祭品;此外,还有公牛羊三千头,全是出于君王所有的。
35:8 他的朝臣也自愿给百姓、司祭和肋未人赠送祭品。天主圣殿的主管希耳克雅、则加黎雅和耶希耳,送给了司祭们二千六百只羔羊,三百头公牛,作为逾越节的祭品。
35:9 肋未人的领袖苛纳尼雅和他的两个兄弟舍玛雅和乃塔乃耳,以及哈沙彼雅、耶依耳和约匝巴得,送给了肋未人五千只羔羊,五百头公牛,作为逾越节的祭品。
35:10 职务安排好了以后,司祭各站在自己的地方,肋未人亦各按班次,照君王所吩咐的,站在自己的地方,
35:11 宰杀逾越节羔羊,司祭由他们手中接过血来洒,肋未人继续剥去牲皮,
35:12 将应烧的一份取出来,交给平民按家族分成的小组,叫他们依照梅瑟法律所载,奉献给上主;他们也照样奉献了公牛。
35:13 然后按照常例,用火烤熟逾越节羔羊,用锅或鼎,或罐煮熟其于奉献的圣物,迅速分给百姓。
35:14 这以后才为自己和司祭预备,因为亚郎的子孙司祭们,直到晚上,忙于奉献全燔祭和脂油,故此肋未人应为自己,也为亚郎的子孙司祭准备一切。
35:15 阿撒夫的后裔歌咏者,遵照达味、阿撒夫、赫曼和王的先见者耶杜通的规定,立在自己的地方;门丁看守各门,无须离开自己的职守,因为有他们的弟兄肋未人为他们准备。
35:16 这样,一切为供奉上主,守逾越节,在上主的祭坛上奉献全燔祭的事务,当日都依照约史雅王的吩咐准备好了。
35:17 在场的以色列子民当时便举行逾越节,并举行无酵节七天。
35:18 自先知撒慕尔时日以来,在以色列就从未曾举行过这样的逾越节;以色列各君王也没有举行过象约史雅同司祭、肋未人,在场的犹大和以色列民众,并耶路撒冷居民所举行的这逾越节。
35:19 这次逾越节是在约史雅第十八年上举行的。
35:20 这些事以后,约史雅修理完了圣殿,埃及王乃苛上来攻打幼发拉的河畔的加革米士。约史雅便出兵抵抗他。
35:21 乃苛派使者对约史雅说:「犹大王,我与你有什么关系﹖我今天来不是攻击你,而是要进攻幼发拉的河,并且天主吩咐我急速前进;你不要干预天主的事,因为天主与我同在,免得他毁灭你。」
35:22 约史雅不但不转身离去,反而坚持要攻打他,不听从天主借乃苛所说的话,遂到默基多平原去作战。
35:23 弓手射伤了约史雅王,王对自己的仆人说:「我受了重伤,将我带走!」
35:24 他的仆人将他由所乘的车中抱出来,放在另一辆车上,带到耶路撒冷,王遂死了,葬在他祖先的坟墓里。全犹大和耶路撒冷都举丧哀悼约史雅,
35:25 耶肋米亚为约史雅作了一首挽歌,所有歌唱的男女都唱这首歌词来哀悼约史雅,直到今日,甚至在以色列中成了常例。这些歌词都载在挽歌集内。
35:26 约史雅其余的事迹,以及他遵循上主法律所载而行的大业,
35:27 和他前后所行的事迹,都记载在以色列和犹大列王时录上。
36:1 当地的人民立了约史雅的儿子约阿哈次在耶路撒冷继父位为王。
36:2 约阿哈次登极时二十三岁,在耶路撒冷为王三个月,
36:3 因为埃及王在耶路撒冷废除了他,且要那地方纳一百「塔冷通」银子,一「塔冷通」金子的罚款。
36:4 以后,埃及王立了他的兄弟厄里雅金为犹大和耶路撒冷王,给他改名叫约雅金;乃苛将他的兄弟约阿哈次带到埃及去了。
36:5 约雅金登极时年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷为王凡十一年。他行了上主视为恶的事。
36:6 巴比伦王拿步高前来攻击他,用铜链将他捆住,带往巴比伦。
36:7 拿步高也将上主殿内一部份器皿带到巴比伦,安置在巴比伦他的神庙里。
36:8 约雅金其余的事迹,以及他所行的丑恶,和他遭遇的一切,都记载在以色列和犹大列王实录上。他的儿子耶苛尼雅继位为王。
36:9 耶苛尼雅即位时年十八岁,在耶路撒冷作王三个月又十天。他行了上主视为恶的事。
36:10 次年岁首,拿步高派人来,将耶苛尼雅和上主殿内的珍器,带往巴比伦,立了他的叔父漆德克雅为王,管理犹大和耶路撒冷。
36:11 漆德克雅登极时年二十一岁,在耶路撒冷为王凡十一年。
36:12 他行了上主视为恶的事,虽然先知耶肋米亚奉上主的命来劝勉他,他仍不在耶肋米亚面前自谦自卑。
36:13 拿步高王虽曾叫他指着天主起誓,他仍背叛了拿步高;更加执拗顽固,总不肯归依上主,以色列的天主。
36:14 此外,所有的司祭首长和百姓罪上加罪,仿效了异族所行的一切丑恶之事,污辱了上主在耶路撒冷祝圣的殿宇。
36:15 上主他们祖先的天主,由于爱惜自己的百姓和自己的居所,时常不断派遣使者警戒他们;
36:16 无奈他们都嘲笑了天主的使者,轻视了他的劝告,讥笑了他的先知,致使上主的怒火发泄在他的百姓身上,直到无法救治。
36:17 因此,上主使加色丁人的君王前来攻打他们,用刀将他们的壮丁在圣殿里杀死,没有怜恤他们的幼男少女,以及白发耆老;上主将所有的人都交在敌人手中。
36:18 加色丁人王又将天主殿内所有的大小器皿,上主殿内的宝物,君王和朝臣的宝物,都带往巴比伦,
36:19 焚毁了上主的殿宇,拆坏了耶路撒冷的城墙,烧了城中所有的宫殿,毁坏了城内一切珍贵的器皿;
36:20 凡免于刀下的人,都被掳到巴比伦去,作他及他子孙的奴仆,直到波斯帝国兴起。
36:21 这样,就应验了上主借耶肋米亚的口所说的话:「直到这地域补享了它的安息年,在整个荒芜期中获享安息,直到七十年。」
36:22 波斯王居鲁士元年,为应验上主借耶肋米亚的口所说的话,上主感动了波斯王居鲁士的心,叫他出一道号令,向全国颁发上谕说:「
36:23 波思王居鲁士这样说:上天的神「雅威,」将地上万国交给了我,嘱咐我在犹大的耶路撒冷为他建筑一座殿宇,你们中间凡作他子民的,可以上去;愿他的神与他同在!
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
Solomon’s gift of wisdom
1:1 Solomon son of David made himself secure on the throne. Yahweh his God was with him and brought his greatness to its height.
1:2 Solomon then spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, to the judges, and to all the princes of all Israel, the heads of families.
1:3 Then Solomon, and with him the whole assembly, went to the high place of Gibeon, where God’s Tent of Meeting was, which Moses, the servant of God, had made in the wilderness;
1:4 David, however, had brought the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim to the place he had prepared for it, having pitched a tent for it in Jerusalem.
1:5 The bronze altar that Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, had made stood there in front of the tabernacle of Yahweh; to this went Solomon, with the assembly.
1:6 And there Solomon, in Yahweh’s presence, ascended the bronze altar that was by the Tent of Meeting, and on it he offered a thousand holocausts.
1:7 That night, God appeared to Solomon and said, ‘Ask what you would like me to give you’.
1:8 Solomon replied to God, ‘You showed great kindness to David my father; and you have made me king in succession to him.
1:9 Yahweh God, the promise you made to David my father has now been fulfilled, since you have made me king over a people like the dust of the earth for number.
1:10 Therefore now give me wisdom and knowledge to act as leader of this people, for who could govern a people so great as yours?’
1:11 ‘Since that is what you want,’ God said to Solomon ‘since you have asked, not for riches, treasure, honour, the lives of your enemies, or even for a long life, but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people of whom I have made you king,
1:12 therefore wisdom and knowledge are granted you. I give you riches too, and treasure, and honour such as none of the kings had that were before you, nor shall any have that come after you.’
1:13 Solomon left the high place of Gibeon for Jerusalem, away from the Tent of Meeting. He reigned over Israel.
1:14 Solomon built up a force of chariots and horses; he had one thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horses; these he stationed in the chariot towns and with the king in Jerusalem.
1:15 In Jerusalem the king made silver common as pebbles, and cedars plentiful as the sycamores of the lowlands.
1:16 Solomon’s horses were imported from Cilicia; the king’s agents took delivery of them from Cilicia at a fixed rate.
1:17 They imported chariots from Egypt at six hundred shekels apiece, and horses at one hundred and fifty shekels. These men acted in a similar capacity for all the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Aram.
The final preparations. Huram of Tyre
1:18 Solomon decided to build a house for the name of Yahweh and another for himself and his court.
2:1 He impressed seventy thousand men for carrying loads, eighty thousand to quarry in the hill country, and three thousand six hundred overseers in charge of them.
2:2 Solomon then despatched this message to Huram king of Tyre, ‘Deal with me as you dealt with my father David when you sent him cedars for him to build a house to live in.
2:3 I am now building a house for the name of Yahweh my God, to acknowledge his holiness, by burning incense of scented spices in his presence, by the loaves that are perpetually set out, by offering holocausts morning and evening, on the sabbath, New Moon, and the solemn festivals of Yahweh our God – and this for ever in Israel.
2:4 The house I am building will be large, for our God is greater than all gods.
2:5 Who would have the means to build him a house when the heavens and their own heavens cannot contain him? And I, for what purpose could I build him a house other than to burn incense in his presence?
2:6 So send me a man skilled in the use of gold, silver, bronze, iron, scarlet, crimson, violet, and the art of engraving too; he is to work with my skilled men here in Judah and Jerusalem, men my father David provided.
2:7 From Lebanon send me cedar wood, juniper and algummim, since I know your servants know the art of felling the trees of Lebanon. My servants will work with yours.
2:8 They will prepare wood in bulk for me, since the house I wish to build is to be of astounding size.
2:9 For the woodmen who are to fell the trees I assign twenty thousand kors of grain, twenty thousand kors of barley, twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil – this is for the maintenance of your servants.’
2:10 In a letter sent to King Solomon, Huram king of Tyre replied, ‘Because Yahweh loves his people he has made you king.
2:11 Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel’ Huram went on to say. ‘He has made the heavens and the earth, and given King David a wise son, endowed with discretion and discernment, who is going to build a house for Yahweh and another for himself and his court.
2:12 And I am also sending you a skilled craftsman, Huram-abi,
2:13 the son of a Danite woman by a Tyrian father. He is skilled in the use of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, wood, scarlet, violet, fine linen, crimson, in engraving of all kinds, and in the execution of any design suggested to him. Let him be put to work with your craftsmen and those of my lord David, your father.
2:14 So now let my lord send his servants the wheat, barley, oil and wine, as already suggested.
2:15 ‘For our part, we will fell all the wood you need from Lebanon, and bring it you in rafts by sea to Joppa, and it will be your responsibility to transport it to Jerusalem.’
The construction
2:16 Solomon took a count of all the aliens resident in the land of Israel, following the census that David his father had taken; it was found there were a hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred.
2:17 He impressed seventy thousand of these for carrying loads, eighty thousand for quarrying in the hill country, and three thousand six hundred as overseers to make sure the people worked.
3:1 Solomon then began to build the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah where David his father had a vision. It was the place prepared by David, the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
3:2 Solomon began building in the second month of the fourth year of his reign, on the second day.
3:3 Now the structure of the house of God founded by Solomon was sixty cubits long – cubits of the old standard – and twenty cubits wide.
3:4 The Ulam in front of the Hekal of the Temple was twenty cubits long across the width of the house, and its height was a hundred and twenty cubits. He plated it on the inside with pure gold.
3:5 The Great Hall he faced with juniper which he plated with pure gold, and on it set palms and festoons.
3:6 He adorned the hall with precious stones of great beauty; the gold was gold from Parvaim,
3:7 and with this he faced the hall, the rafters, thresholds, walls and doors; on the walls he carved cherubs.
3:8 He then built the hall of the Holy of Holies; its length, across the width of the Great Hall, was twenty cubits, and its width twenty cubits. He plated it with six hundred talents of fine gold;
3:9 the gold nails weighed fifty shekels. He also plated the upper rooms with gold.
3:10 In the hall of the Holy of Holies he made two cherubs of wrought metal work and plated them with gold.
3:11 The total span of the cherubs’ wings was twenty cubits, each being five cubits long, with one wing touching the wall of the hall, while the other touched that of the other cherub.
3:12 One wing of a cherub, five cubits long, touched the wall of the apartment; the second, five cubits long, touched the wing of the other cherub.
3:13 The spread of these cherubs’ wings was twenty cubits. They stood on their feet, facing the Hall.
3:14 He made the Veil of violet, scarlet, crimson and fine linen; he worked cherubs on it.
3:15 In front of the hall he made two pillars thirty-five cubits high, and on the top of each a capital measuring five cubits.
3:16 In the Debir he made festoons, setting them at the tops of the pillars, and a hundred pomegranates which he placed on the festoons.
3:17 He set up the pillars in front of the Hekal, one on the right, the other on the left; the one on the right he called Jachin, the one on the left Boaz.
4:1 He made an altar of bronze, twenty cubits long, twenty cubits wide and ten high.
4:2 He made the Sea of cast metal, ten cubits from rim to rim, circular in shape and five cubits high; a cord thirty cubits long gave the measurement of its girth.
4:3 Under it and completely encircling it were animals shaped like oxen; they went round the Sea over a length of thirty cubits; the oxen were in two rows, of one and the same casting with the rest.
4:4 It rested on twelve oxen, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south, three facing east; on these, their hindquarters all turned inwards, stood the Sea.
4:5 It was a hand’s breadth in thickness, and its rim was shaped like the rim of a cup, like a flower. It could hold three thousand baths.
4:6 He made ten basins, arranging five on the right-hand side, five on the left-hand side, for washing the victim for the holocaust which was purified there; but the Sea was for the priests to wash in.
4:7 He made the ten golden lamp-stands in the way prescribed and placed them in the Hekal, five on the right and five on the left.
4:8 He made ten tables and placed them in the Hekal, five on the right and five on the left. He made a hundred golden sprinkling bowls.
4:9 He made the court of the priests[*a] and the great court with its gates and plated the gates with bronze.
4:10 He placed the Sea some distance from the right-hand side, to the south-east.
4:11 Huram made the ash containers, the scoops and the sprinkling bowls. He finished all the work that he did for King Solomon on the Temple of God:
4:12 the two pillars; the two mouldings of the capitals surmounting the pillars; the two sets of filigree to cover the two mouldings of the capitals surmounting the pillars;
4:13 the four hundred pomegranates for the two sets of filigree; the pomegranates of each set of filigree were in two rows;
4:14 the ten stands and the ten basins on the stands;
4:15 the one Sea and the twelve oxen beneath it;
4:16 the ash containers, the scoops, the forks, and all their accessories made by Huram-abi of burnished bronze for King Solomon, for the Temple of Yahweh.
4:17 The king made them by the process of sand casting, in the Jordan area between Succoth and Zeredah.
4:18 Solomon made all these articles in great quantities, no reckoning being made of the weight of bronze.
4:19 Solomon placed all the furnishings he had made in the Temple of God: the golden altar and the tables for the loaves of offering;
4:20 the lamp-stands with their lamps to burn, as prescribed, in front of the Debir, of pure gold;
4:21 the floral work, the lamps, the extinguishers, of gold (and it was pure gold);
4:22 the knives, the sprinkling bowls, incense boats, of fine gold; the door of the Temple, the inner doors (for the Holy of Holies) and the Temple doors (for the Hekal), of gold.
5:1 So all the work that Solomon did for the Temple of Yahweh was completed, and Solomon brought what his father David had consecrated, the silver and the gold and the vessels, and put them in the treasury of the Temple of God.
The ark is brought to the Temple
5:2 Then Solomon called the elders of Israel together in Jerusalem to bring the ark of the covenant of Yahweh up from the Citadel of David, which is Zion.
5:3 All the men of Israel assembled round the king in the seventh month, at the time of the feast.
5:4 All the elders of Israel came, and the Levites took up the ark
5:5 and the Tent of Meeting with all the sacred vessels that were in it; the levitical priests brought them up.
5:6 King Solomon, and all the community of Israel gathering with him in front of the ark, sacrificed sheep and oxen, countless, innumerable.
5:7 The priests brought the ark of the covenant of Yahweh to its place, in the Debir of the Temple, that is, in the Holy of Holies, under the cherubs’ wings.
5:8 For there where the ark was placed the cherubs spread out their wings and sheltered the ark and its shafts.
5:9a These were long enough for their ends to be seen from the Holy Place in front of the Debir, but not from outside.
5:10 There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where Yahweh had made a covenant with the Israelites when they came out of Egypt;
5:9b they are still there today.
The Lord takes possession of his Temple[*a]
5:11a Now when the priests came out of the sanctuary,
5:13b a cloud filled the sanctuary, the Temple of Yahweh.
5:11b Now all the priests present, whatever order they belonged to, had sanctified themselves.
5:12 The entire body of levitical cantors, Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun with their sons and brothers, was stationed to the east of the altar, robed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps, and lyres. A hundred and twenty priests accompanied them on the trumpet.
5:13a All those who played the trumpet, or who sang, united in giving praise and glory to Yahweh. Lifting their voices to the sound of the trumpet and cymbal and instruments of music, they gave praise to Yahweh, ‘for he is good, for his love is everlasting’.
5:14 Because of the cloud the priests could no longer perform their duties: the glory of Yahweh filled the Temple of God.
6:1 Then Solomon said: ‘Yahweh has chosen to dwell in the thick cloud. Yes, I have built you a dwelling,
6:2 a place for you to live in for ever.’
Solomon addresses the people
6:3 Then the king turned and blessed the whole assembly of Israel, while the whole assembly of Israel stood.
6:4 He said, ‘Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, who has carried out by his hand what he promised with his mouth to David, my father, when he said,
6:5 “From the day I brought my people out of the land of Egypt I chose no city, in any of the tribes of Israel, to have a house built where my name might make its home, and chose no man to be prince of my people Israel;
6:6 but I chose Jerusalem for my name to make its home there, and I chose David to rule over Israel my people”.
6:7 My father David had set his heart on building a house for the name of Yahweh, the God of Israel,
6:8 but Yahweh said, “You have set your heart on building a house for my name, and in this you have done well;
6:9 and yet, you are not the man to build the house; your son, born of your own body, shall build the house for my name”.
6:10 Yahweh has kept the promise he made: I have succeeded David my father and am seated on the throne of Israel, as Yahweh promised; I have built the house for the name of Yahweh, the God of Israel,
6:11 and have placed in it the ark containing the covenant that Yahweh made with the sons of Israel.’
Solomon’s prayer for himself
6:12 Then in the presence of the whole assembly of Israel Solomon stood before the altar of Yahweh and stretched out his hands.
6:13 Now Solomon had made a bronze pedestal and had placed it in the middle of the court; it was five cubits long, five cubits wide and five cubits high. Solomon mounted it, and knelt down on it in the presence of the whole assembly of Israel; he stretched out his hands to heaven,
6:14 and said, ‘Yahweh, God of Israel, not in heaven nor on earth is there such a God as you, true to your covenant and your graciousness towards your servants when they walk wholeheartedly in your way.
6:15 You have kept the promise you made to your servant David my father; what you promised with your mouth, today you have carried out by your hand.
6:16 And now, Yahweh, God of Israel, keep the promise you made your servant David when you said, “You shall never lack for a man seated before me on the throne of Israel, if only your sons are careful how they behave, following my law as you yourself have done”.
6:17 So now, God of Israel, let the words come true which you spoke to your servant David my father.
6:18 Yet will God really live with men on the earth? Why, the heavens and their own heavens cannot contain you! How much less this house that I have built!
6:19 Listen to the prayer and entreaty of your servant, Yahweh my God; listen to the cry and to the prayer your servant makes to you.
6:20 Day and night let your eyes watch over this house, over this place in which you have promised to make a home for your name. Listen to the prayer that your servant will offer in this place.
Solomon’s prayer for the people
6:21 ‘Hear the entreaties of your servant and of Israel your people as they pray in this place. From heaven where your dwelling is, hear; and, as you hear, forgive.
6:22 ‘If a man sins against his neighbour, and the neighbour calls down a curse on him and makes him swear an oath before your altar in this Temple,
6:23 hear from heaven, and act; decide between your servants: punish the wicked one, bringing his conduct down on his own head; and vindicate the innocent, rewarding him as his innocence deserves.
6:24 ‘If Israel your people are defeated by the enemy because they have sinned against you, if they return to you and praise your name and pray to you and entreat you in this Temple,
6:25 hear from heaven; forgive the sin of your people Israel, and bring them back to the land you gave to them and their ancestors.
6:26 ‘When the heavens are shut and there is no rain because they have sinned against you, if they pray in this place and praise your name and, having been humbled by you, repent of their sin,
6:27 hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servant and of your people Israel; show them the good way they ought to follow; and send rain on your land which you have given your people as an inheritance.
6:28 ‘Should there be famine in the land or pestilence, blight or mildew, locust or caterpillar, should this people’s enemies lay siege to one of its city gates, if there is any plague or sickness,
6:29 if any one man, or all Israel your people, should feel remorse and sorrow and pray or make entreaty, stretching out his hands towards this Temple,
6:30 hear from heaven where your home is; forgive, and deal with each as his conduct deserves, for you know each heart – you alone know the hearts of all mankind –
6:31 that they may come to revere you and follow your ways as long as they live in the land you gave to our ancestors.
6:32 ‘And the foreigner too, not belonging to your people Israel, if he comes from a distant country for the sake of your name and of your mighty hand and outstretched arm, if he comes and prays in this Temple,
6:33 hear from heaven where your home is, and grant all the foreigner asks, so that all the peoples of the earth may come to know your name and, like your people Israel, revere you, and know that your name is given to the Temple I have built.
6:34 ‘If your people go out to war against their enemies on the way you send them, and if they turn towards the city you have chosen and towards the Temple I have built for your name and pray to you,
6:35 hear from heaven their prayer and their entreaty, and uphold their cause.
6:36 ‘If they sin against you – for there is no man who does not sin – and you are angry with them and deliver them to the enemy, and they are led away captive to a land far or near,
6:37 if in the land of their exile they come to themselves and repent, and in the country of their captivity they entreat you saying, “We have sinned, we have acted perversely and wickedly”,
6:38 and if they turn again to you with all their heart and soul in the country of their captivity to which they have been deported, and pray, turning towards the land you gave their ancestors, towards the city you have chosen, and towards the Temple I have built for your name,
6:39 hear from heaven where your home is, hear their prayer and their entreaty, uphold their cause, and forgive your people the sins they have committed against you.
Conclusion of the prayer
6:40 ‘Now, O my God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.
6:41 And now Rise Yahweh God, come to your resting place, you and the ark of your power. Your priests, Yahweh God, are vested in salvation, your faithful rejoice in prosperity.
6:42 Yahweh God, do not turn away from the face of your anointed; remember your favours to David your servant.’
The dedication
7:1 When Solomon had finished his prayer, fire came down from heaven and consumed the holocaust and the sacrifices; and the glory of Yahweh filled the Temple.
7:2 The priests could not enter the house of Yahweh, because the glory of Yahweh filled the house of Yahweh.
7:3 All the sons of Israel, seeing the fire come down and the glory of Yahweh resting on the Temple, bowed down on the pavement with their faces to the earth; they worshipped and gave praise to Yahweh, ‘for he is good, for his love is everlasting’.
7:4 Then the king and all the people offered sacrifice before Yahweh.
7:5 King Solomon offered twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep in sacrifice; and so the king and all the people dedicated the Temple of Yahweh.
7:6 The priests stood in their places, while the Levites gave praise to Yahweh on the instruments that David had made to accompany the canticles of Yahweh, ‘for his love is everlasting’. These performed the hymns of praise that David had composed. By their side were the priests sounding the trumpet, while all Israel stood.
7:7 Solomon consecrated the middle of the court that is in front of the Temple of Yahweh; he offered the holocaust there and the fatty parts of the communion sacrifices, since the bronze altar Solomon had made could not hold the holocaust, the oblation and the fatty parts.
7:8 Solomon then celebrated the feast for seven days and all the Israelites gathered together with him in enormous numbers from the Pass of Hamath to the wadi of Egypt.
7:9 On the eighth day they held a propitiation ceremony, for they had been seven days dedicating the altar and seven days celebrating the feast.
7:10 On the twenty-third day of the seventh month Solomon dismissed the people to their homes, rejoicing and with happy hearts for the goodness Yahweh had shown to David and to Solomon and to his people Israel.
Yahweh appears and gives a warning
7:11 Solomon finished the Temple of Yahweh and the royal palace and successfully concluded all he had set his heart on doing in the house of Yahweh and in his own.
7:12 Then Yahweh appeared to Solomon in the night and said, ‘I grant your prayer. I choose this place for myself to be a house of sacrifice.
7:13 When I close the skies and there is no rain, when I command the locust to devour the land, when I send pestilence among my people,
7:14 then if my people who bear my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence and turn from their wicked ways, I myself will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and restore their land.
7:15 Now and for the future my eyes are open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is offered in this place.
7:16 Now and for the future I have chosen and consecrated this house for my name to be there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there for ever.
7:17 For your part, if you walk before me as David your father did, if you do all that I order you and keep my statutes and my ordinances,
7:18 I will make your royal throne secure, according to the compact I made with David your father when I said: You shall never lack for a man to rule in Israel.
7:19 But if you turn away from me and forsake the commandments and statutes I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them,
7:20 then I will tear the Israelites from the land I have given them, and I will reject from my presence this Temple that I have consecrated for my name and make it a proverb and a byword among all the nations.
7:21 As for this Temple, now so exalted, all who pass by will be astounded; they will whistle and say, “Why has Yahweh treated this country and this Temple like this?”
7:22 And the answer will be, “Because they forsook Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshipped them and served them; that is why he has brought all these disasters on them”.’
Conclusion. The completion of the building programme
8:1 At the end of the twenty years which it took Solomon to build the Temple of Yahweh and his own palace,
8:2 he rebuilt the towns that Huram had given him and settled Israelites in them.
8:3 He then went to Hamath of Zobah, which he captured;
8:4 he rebuilt Tadmor in the wilderness[*a] and all the garrison towns he had built in Hamath.
8:5 He rebuilt Upper Beth-horon and Lower Beth-horon, fortified towns with walls and gates and bars,
8:6 also Baalath and all the garrison towns owned by Solomon, all the towns for his chariots and horses, and all it pleased Solomon to build in Jerusalem, in Lebanon and in all the countries subject to him.
8:7 All those who survived of the Hittite, Amorite, Perizzite, Hivite and Jebusite peoples, who were not Israelites
8:8 and whose descendants were left in the country after them, and not exterminated by the Israelites, these Solomon levied for forced labour, as they are levied still.
8:9 On the Israelites, however, Solomon did not impose slave-labour; these served as fighting men: they were officers of his equerries and his chariot and cavalry commanders.
8:10 These were the administrators’ officials in the service of King Solomon: two hundred and fifty in charge of the people.
8:11 Solomon brought Pharaoh’s daughter from the Citadel of David up to the house he had built for her. ‘It is not for me’ he said ‘to let a woman live in the palace of David king of Israel; these are holy places, where the ark of Yahweh has been.’
8:12 Solomon then offered holocausts to Yahweh on Yahweh’s altar which he had built in front of the porch.
8:13 Observing the daily rule for holocausts laid down in the commandment of Moses for sabbath, New Moon and the three annual feasts: the feast of Unleavened Bread, the feast of Weeks and the feast of Tabernacles,
8:14 he maintained the regulations of his father David, as also the priestly orders in their duties, the rules affecting the Levites who offered praise and served with the priests according to the daily ritual, and the different orders of gatekeepers at each gate, for such had been the commandments of David, the man of God.
8:15 They did not deviate in anything, not even in the matter of the treasuries, from the royal ordinances applying to the priests and the Levites.
8:16 And all Solomon’s work which, until the day when the foundations of the Temple of Yahweh were laid, had been only in preparation, was completed when the Temple of Yahweh was finished.
Solomon in his glory
8:17 Then Solomon went as far as Ezion-geber and Elath on the shores of the sea, in the land of Edom.
8:18 Huram sent him ships manned by his own men, and experienced sailors. These went with Solomon’s men to Ophir and from there they brought back four hundred and fifty talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.
9:1 The fame of Solomon having reached the queen of Sheba, she came to Jerusalem to test him with difficult questions. She came with immense riches, camels laden with spices, great quantities of gold and precious stones. On coming to Solomon, she opened her mind freely to him;
9:2 and Solomon had an answer for all her questions, not one was too recondite for Solomon to expound.
9:3 When the queen of Sheba saw the wisdom of Solomon, the palace he had built,
9:4 the food at his table, the accommodation for his officials, the organisation of his staff and the way they were dressed, his cupbearers and the holocausts he offered in the Temple of Yahweh, it left her breathless,
9:5 and she said to the king, ‘What I heard in my own country about you and your wisdom was true, then!
9:6 Until I came and saw it with my own eyes I could not believe what they told me, but evidently what they told me was less than half the real extent of your wisdom; you surpass the report I heard.
9:7 How happy your wives are! How happy these servants of yours who wait on you always and hear your wisdom!
9:8 Blessed be Yahweh your God who has granted you his favour, setting you on his throne as king in the name of Yahweh your God. Because your God loves Israel and means to uphold him for ever, he has made you king over them to administer law and justice.’
9:9 And she presented the king with a hundred and twenty talents of gold and great quantities of spices and precious stones. There never were spices like those the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
9:10 Similarly the servants of Huram and the servants of Solomon, who carried gold from Ophir, brought algummim wood and precious stones.
9:11 Of the algummim wood the king made floorboards for the Temple of Yahweh and for the royal palace, and lyres and harps for the musicians; the like of them had never been seen before in the land of Judah.
9:12 And King Solomon, in his turn, presented the queen of Sheba with everything she expressed any wish for, besides returning what she had brought to the king. Then she went home, she and her servants, to her own country.
9:13 The weight of gold coming to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold,
9:14 not counting the merchants dues that the import agents brought in; all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country also brought gold and silver to Solomon.
9:15 King Solomon made two hundred great shields of beaten gold, and plated each shield with six hundred shekels of gold.
9:16 Also three hundred small shields of beaten gold, and plated each of these with three hundred shekels of gold; and he put them in the Hall of the Forest of Lebanon.
9:17 The king also made a great ivory throne, and plated it with purest gold.
9:18 The throne had six steps, and at the back of it a lamb in gold, and arms at either side of the seat; two lions stood beside the arms,
9:19 and twelve lions stood on either side of the six steps. No throne like this was ever made in any other kingdom.
9:20 All King Solomon’s drinking vessels were of gold, and all the furnishings in the Hall of the Forest of Lebanon were of pure gold; silver was thought little of in the time of Solomon.
9:21 And the king also had ships that went to Tarshish with Huram’s men, and once every three years the ships of Tarshish would come back laden with gold and silver, ivory, apes and baboons.
9:22 For riches and for wisdom King Solomon outdid all the kings of the earth.
9:23 All the kings of the earth sought audience of Solomon to hear the wisdom God had implanted in his heart,
9:24 and each would bring his own present: gold vessels, silver vessels, robes, armour, spices, horses and mules; and this went on year after year.
9:25 Solomon had four thousand stalls for his horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horses; these he stationed in the chariot towns and near the king in Jerusalem.
9:26 Solomon extended his power over all the kingdoms from the river to the land of the Philistines and the Egyptian border.
9:27 In Jerusalem the king made silver common as pebbles, and cedars plentiful as the sycamores of the Lowlands.
9:28 Horses were imported for Solomon from Cilicia and all the other countries too.
The death of Solomon
9:29 The rest of the history of Solomon, from first to last, is not all this recorded in the History of Nathan the prophet, in the Prophecy of Ahijah of Shiloh, and in the Vision of Iddo the seer concerning Jeroboam son of Nebat?
9:30 Solomon reigned in Jerusalem for forty years over all Israel.
9:31 Then Solomon slept with his ancestors and was buried in the Citadel of David his father; his son Rehoboam succeeded him.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 10
The schism
10:1 Rehoboam went to Shechem, for it was to Shechem that all Israel had gone to proclaim him king.
10:2 As soon as Jeroboam son of Nebat heard the news – he was still in Egypt, where he had taken refuge from King Solomon – he returned from Egypt.
10:3 They sent and summoned him, and he came, with the whole assembly. And they said this to Rehoboam,
10:4 ‘Your father gave us a heavy burden to bear; lighten your father’s harsh tyranny now, and the weight of the burden he laid on us, and we will serve you’.
10:5 He said, ‘Come back to me in three days’. And the people went away.
10:6 King Rehoboam consulted the elders, who had been in the service of his father Solomon while he was alive. ‘What reply’ he asked ‘do you advise me to give to this people?’
10:7 ‘If you are kind to these people,’ they said ‘if you are pleasant to them and treat them fairly, then they will be your servants for ever.’
10:8 But he rejected the advice given him by the elders and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were in his service.
10:9 ‘How do you advise us’ he asked ‘to answer these people who have said to me, “Lighten the burden your father imposed on us”?’
10:10 The young men who had grown up with him replied, ‘Give this answer to these people who have said, “Your father gave us a heavy burden to bear, you must lighten it for us”, say this to them, “My little finger is thicker than my father’s loins!
10:11 So then, my father made you bear a heavy burden; I will make it heavier still! My father beat you with whips; I am going to beat you with loaded scourges!”‘
10:12 On the third day all the people came to Rehoboam in obedience to the king’s command: ‘Come back to me on the third day’.
10:13 The king gave them a harsh answer. King Rehoboam, rejecting the advice of the elders,
10:14 spoke to them as the young men had recommended. ‘My father made you bear a heavy burden,’ he said ‘but I will make it heavier still. My father beat you with whips; I am going to beat you with loaded scourges!’
10:15 The king in fact took no notice of the people’s wishes, and this was brought about by God to carry out the promise Yahweh had spoken through Ahijah of Shiloh to Jeroboam son of Nebat.
10:16 When all Israel saw that the king took no notice of their wishes, they gave him this answer: ‘What share have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your tents, Israel, each one of you. Henceforth look after your own House, David!’ And all Israel went off to their tents.
10:17 Rehoboam however ruled over those sons of Israel who lived in the towns of Judah.
10:18 King Rehoboam sent Adoram who was in charge of forced labour, but the Israelites stoned him to death; whereupon King Rehoboam was obliged to mount his chariot and escape to Jerusalem.
10:19 And Israel has remained separated from the House of David until the present day.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 11
The activities of Rehoboam
11:1 Rehoboam went to Jerusalem and mustered the House of Judah with Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand picked warriors, to fight the House of Israel and win back the kingdom of Rehoboam.
11:2 But the word of Yahweh came to Shemaiah the man of God,
11:3 ‘Say this to Rehoboam son of Solomon, king of Judah, and to all the Israelites in Judah and Benjamin,
11:4 “Yahweh says this: Do not set out to fight against your brothers; let everyone go home, for what has happened is my doing”‘. They obeyed Yahweh’s command and went back instead of marching against Jeroboam.
11:5 Rehoboam lived in Jerusalem and built fortified towns in Judah.
11:6 He rebuilt Bethlehem, Etam, Tekoa,
11:7 Beth-zur, Soco, Adullam,
11:8 Gath, Mareshah, Ziph,
11:9 Adoraim, Lachish, Azekah,
11:10 Zorah, Aijalon, Hebron; these were fortified towns in Judah and Benjamin.
11:11 He fortified them strongly and put commanders in them with stores of food, oil and wine.
11:12 In each of these towns were shields and spears. He made them very strong to keep Judah and Benjamin under control.
Rehoboam’s relations with the priests and Levites
11:13 The priests and the Levites throughout Israel left their districts to take up residence near him.
11:14 The Levites, indeed, abandoned their pasture lands and their holdings, and came to Judah and Jerusalem, since Jeroboam and his sons had excluded them from the priesthood of Yahweh,
11:15 and had set up for himself a priesthood of the high places, for the satyrs and the calves he had made.
11:16 Members of all the tribes of Israel, men wholeheartedly devoted to the worship of Yahweh the God of Israel, followed them and came to Jerusalem to sacrifice to Yahweh, the God of their ancestors.
11:17 These added strength to the kingdom of Judah, and gave their support to Rehoboam son of Solomon for three years, because during three years he followed the example of David and Solomon.
Rehoboam turns unfaithful
11:18 Rehoboam took as wife Mahalath the daughter of Jerimoth son of David, and of Abihail, daughter of Eliab son of Jesse,
11:19 and she bore him sons: Jeush, Shemariah and Zaham.
11:20 After her, he married Maacah daughter of Absalom, who bore him Abijah, Attai, Ziza and Shelomith.
11:21 Rehoboam loved Maacah, daughter of Absalom, more than all his other wives and concubines. He had in fact a total of eighteen wives and sixty concubines and had twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters.
11:22 Rehoboam appointed Abijah, Maacah’s son, as head of the family, to be prince among his brothers, with a view to making him king.
11:23 He built more and demolished more than any of his descendants throughout the territories of Judah and Benjamin and in all the fortified towns, which he equipped with numerous granaries. But he consulted the many gods of his wives,
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 12
12:1 and no sooner was his royal authority securely consolidated than he, and all Israel with him, abandoned the Law of Yahweh.
12:2 In the fifth year of Rehoboam, Shishak the king of Egypt marched on Jerusalem, since it had been unfaithful to Yahweh.
12:3 With twelve hundred chariots and sixty thousand horses and a countless army of Libyans, Sukkiim and Ethiopians who came from Egypt with him,
12:4 he captured the fortified towns of Judah and reached Jerusalem.
12:5 Rehoboam and the Judaean captains, at the advance of Shishak, had mustered near Jerusalem; to them came Shemaiah the prophet. ‘Yahweh says this’ he said to them. ‘”You have abandoned me, now I have abandoned you into the hands of Shishak.”‘
12:6 Then the Israelite captains and the king humbled themselves. ‘Yahweh is just!’ they said.
12:7 When Yahweh saw that they had humbled themselves, the word of Yahweh came to Shemaiah. ‘They have humbled themselves,’ it said ‘I will not destroy them. In a little while I will grant them deliverance; my wrath shall not fall on Jerusalem through the power of Shishak.
12:8 Nevertheless they shall become his slaves, so that they may come to understand the difference between serving me and serving the kingdoms of foreign countries.’
12:9 Shishak the king of Egypt marched on Jerusalem. He took all the treasures from the Temple of Yahweh and the treasures from the royal palace, he took everything, including the golden shields that Solomon had made;
12:10 in place of them King Rehoboam had bronze shields made, entrusting them to the care of the officers of the guard who guarded the king’s palace gate.
12:11 Whenever the king went to the Temple of Yahweh, the guards would come out carrying them, and return them to the guardroom afterwards.
12:12 Since he had humbled himself, the wrath of Yahweh turned away from him and did not destroy him altogether. Indeed, things went well in Judah,
12:13 and King Rehoboam was able to strengthen his position in Jerusalem and to govern. Now Rehoboam was forty-one years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city chosen by Yahweh out of all the tribes of Israel, in which to give his name a home. His mother’s name was Naamah the Ammonitess.
12:14 He did evil, because he had not set his heart on seeking Yahweh.
12:15 The history of Rehoboam, from first to last, is not all this recorded in the Annals of Shemaiah the prophet and of Iddo the seer concerning the grouping of the Levites and the incessant warfare between Rehoboam and Jeroboam?
12:16 Then Rehoboam slept with his ancestors and was buried in the Citadel of David; his son Abijah succeeded him.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 13
13:1 In the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam, Abijah became king of Judah
13:2 and reigned for three years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Micaiah, daughter of Uriel, from Gibeah. Abijah and Jeroboam were at war.
13:3 Abijah went into battle with an army of brave fighters, four hundred thousand picked men, while Jeroboam drew up his battle line against him with eight hundred thousand picked men, stout fighters.
Abijah addresses the Israelites
13:4 Abijah took his stand on Mount Zemaraim, in the highlands of Ephraim. ‘Jeroboam and all Israel’ he cried ‘listen to me!
13:5 Do you not know that Yahweh the God of Israel has given the sovereignty of Israel to David for ever? It is an inviolable covenant for him and for his sons.
13:6 Yet Jeroboam son of Nebat, a servant of Solomon son of David, has risen in revolt against his lord;
13:7 worthless men, scoundrels, have rallied to him and forced their will on Rehoboam the son of Solomon, on Rehoboam, then a young man and timid, powerless to resist them.
13:8 Now you talk of resisting the sovereignty of Yahweh, which belongs to the sons of David, and you stand there in a great horde, with your golden calves that Jeroboam made you for gods!
13:9 Have you not driven out the priests of Yahweh, the sons of Aaron and the Levites, to make priests of your own like the peoples of foreign countries? Anyone who comes with a bull and seven rams to get himself consecrated can become priest of what is no god at all!
13:10 But for our part, our God is Yahweh, and we have not abandoned him: our priests are sons of Aaron who minister to Yahweh, and those who serve are Levites.
13:11 Every morning, every evening, we burn holocausts to Yahweh our God; we have the incense of sweet spices, the loaves set out in rows on the pure table, the golden lamp-stand with its lamps that burn each evening; for we observe the ritual of Yahweh our God, but you have abandoned him.
13:12 See how God is with us, at our head; see his priests with the trumpets, who will sound them to raise the war cry against you. Sons of Israel, do not fight against Yahweh, the God of our ancestors, for you will not succeed.’
The battle
13:13 Jeroboam outflanked the Judaeans by setting an ambush in their rear; the Judaeans were facing the Israelites with the ambush in their rear.
13:14 The Judaeans, turning about, found themselves attacked in front and rear. They called on Yahweh, the priests sounded the trumpets,
13:15 and the men of Judah raised the war cry, and as they raised the cry God scattered Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.
13:16 The Israelites fled before Judah and God delivered them into the power of the Judaeans.
13:17 Abijah and his army inflicted a crushing defeat on them: five hundred thousand of Israel’s chosen men fell killed.
13:18 So the sons of Israel were humbled on that occasion, and the sons of Judah reassured since they had relied on Yahweh, the God of their ancestors.
The end of the reign of Abijah
13:19 Abijah pursued Jeroboam and captured certain towns from him: Bethel with its outlying villages, Jeshanah with its outlying villages and Ephron with its outlying villages.
13:20 So in the lifetime of Abijah, Jeroboam could no longer maintain his power; and Yahweh struck him down, and he died.
13:21 But Abijah grew in strength; he took fourteen wives and had twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters.
13:22 The rest of the history of Abijah, his conduct and his deeds, is not all this recorded in the Midrash of the prophet Iddo?
13:23 Then Abijah slept with his fathers and they buried him in the Citadel of David; his son Asa succeeded him.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 14
Peace under Asa
In his time the country was at peace for ten years.
14:1 Asa did what is good and right in the eyes of Yahweh.
14:2 He abolished the foreign altars and the high places, broke the pillars, cut down the sacred poles,
14:3 and urged the Judaeans to look to Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, and to observe law and commandment.
14:4 He abolished the high places and the altars of incense in every town of Judah. The kingdom was at peace under his rule.
14:5 He rebuilt the fortified towns of Judah, since the country was at peace and free of war during those years, Yahweh having granted him peace.
14:6 ‘Let us rebuild these towns,’ he told Judah ‘let us surround them with wall and tower, with gate and bar; we shall be left in this land, since we have looked to Yahweh our God; and he has looked to us and given us peace on every side.’ They built and prospered.
14:7 Asa had an army of three hundred thousand Judaeans armed with buckler and spear, and two hundred and eighty thousand Benjaminites bearing shield and wielding the bow, all of them valiant champions.
Zerah’s Invasion
14:8 Zerah the Cushite and an army one million strong with three hundred chariots made an incursion, and penetrated to Mareshah.
14:9 Asa marched out to intercept him and drew up his battle line in the Valley of Zephathah, at Mareshah.
14:10 He called on Yahweh, his God. ‘Yahweh,’ he said ‘no one but you can stand up for the powerless against the powerful. Come to our help, Yahweh our God! We rely on you, and confront this horde in your name. Yahweh, you are our God. Let man leave everything to you!’
14:11 Yahweh defeated the Cushites before Asa and the Judaeans, the Cushites fled,
14:12 and Asa pursued them with his army as far as Gerar. So many of the Cushites fell that recovery was impossible, for they had been shattered before Yahweh and his army. They collected great quantities of booty,
14:13 they conquered all the towns in the area of Gerar, for the terror of Yahweh had fallen on these; they plundered them all since they were full of loot.
14:14 They also set on the enclosures of livestock and carried off great numbers of sheep and camels; then they returned to Jerusalem.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 15
The prophecy of Azariah and the oath of fidelity
15:1 The spirit of God came on Azariah son of Oded;
15:2 he went out to meet Asa and said, ‘Listen to me, Asa, and all you of Judah and of Benjamin. Yahweh is with you so long as you are with him. When you seek him, he lets you find him; when you desert him, he deserts you.
15:3 Many a day Israel will spend without a faithful God, without priest to teach, without law;
15:4 but in their distress they will return to Yahweh, the God of Israel; they will seek him, and he will let them find him.
15:5 When that time comes no grown man will know peace, for many troubles will afflict all the inhabitants of the country.
15:6 Nation will be shattered by nation, city shattered by city, since God will afflict them with every kind of distress.
15:7 But for your part, take courage, do not let your hands weaken, for your deeds will be rewarded.’
15:8 When Asa heard these words and this prophecy, he was emboldened to remove all the abominable idols throughout the land of Judah and Benjamin, and in the towns he had captured in the highlands of Ephraim; he then repaired the altar of Yahweh that stood in front of the Porch of Yahweh.[*a]
15:9 He gathered all Judah and Benjamin together, and also the Ephraimites, Manassites and Simeonites who had settled with them, since great numbers of Israelites had gone over to Asa when they saw that Yahweh was with him.
15:10 In the third month of the fifteenth year of Asa they assembled in Jerusalem;
15:11 and they sacrificed to Yahweh that day seven hundred oxen and seven thousand sheep out of the spoil they had brought back.
15:12 They made a compact to seek Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, with all their heart and soul;
15:13 anyone who would not seek Yahweh the God of Israel was to be put to death, whether of high or low degree, man or woman.
15:14 They pledged their oath to Yahweh aloud with shouts to the sound of trumpet and horn;
15:15 all Judah rejoiced at the oath they had wholeheartedly taken. They sought Yahweh so earnestly that he let them find him, and granted them peace on every side.
Further activities of Asa
15:16 Maacah herself, the mother of King Asa, was deprived by him of the dignity of queen mother for making an obscenity for Asherah; Asa cut down her obscenity and burnt it in the wadi Kidron.
15:17 Though the high places were not abolished in Israel,[*b] the heart of Asa was blameless all his life.
15:18 He deposited the offerings dedicated by his father and his own offerings too, in the Temple of God, silver and gold and furnishings.
15:19 Up to the thirty-fifth year of Asa’s reign there was no war.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 16
16:1 In the thirty-sixth year of Asa’s reign, Baasha king of Israel marched on Judah and fortified Ramah to blockade Asa king of Judah.
16:2 Asa then took the silver and gold from the treasuries of the Temple of Yahweh and the royal palace, and sent this with the following message to Ben-hadad king of Aram who lived in Damascus,
16:3 ‘An alliance between myself and you, as between my father and your father! With this I send you silver and gold. Come, break off your alliance with Baasha king of Israel, and he will have to retire from my territory.’
16:4 Ben-hadad agreed, and sent his generals against the towns of Israel; he conquered Ijon, Dan, Abelmaim and all the garrison towns of Naphtali.
16:5 When Baasha heard this he gave up fortifying Ramah, abandoning this work.
16:6 King Asa then brought all Judah; they took away the stones and timber with which Baasha had been fortifying Ramah, and the king used them to fortify Geba and Mizpah.
16:7 It was then that Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said, ‘Since you have relied on the king of Aram and not on Yahweh your God, the army of the king of Aram will slip through your fingers.
16:8 Did not the Cushites and Libyans form a vast army with great numbers of chariots and horses? And were they not delivered into your power because you relied on Yahweh?
16:9 Since the eyes of Yahweh rove to and fro across the whole world to display his might on behalf of those whose hearts are wholly his, you have acted on this occasion like a fool; and from now on you will have war.’
16:10 Enraged with the seer, Asa had him put in the stocks in prison, he was so angry with him for this; at the same time Asa began treating part of the population harshly too.
The end of the reign of Asa
16:11 The history of Asa, from first to last, is recorded in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.
16:12 A disease attacked Asa from head to foot in the thirty-ninth year of his reign; and, what is more, he turned in his sickness, not to Yahweh, but to doctors.
16:13 Then Asa slept with his ancestors, dying in the forty-first year of his reign.
16:14 They buried him in the tomb he had ordered to be dug for himself in the Citadel of David. They laid him on a couch entirely covered with spices and varied ointments, products of the perfumer’s skill, and lit a huge fire for him.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 17
His power
17:1 His son Jehoshaphat succeeded him and consolidated his power over Israel.
17:2 He put troops in all the fortified towns in Judah, and appointed governors in the land of Judah and in all the towns of Ephraim captured by his father Asa.
His observance of the Law
17:3 Yahweh was with Jehoshaphat because he followed the example of his father’s earlier days and did not have recourse to the Baals;
17:4 he sought the God of his father, following his commandments and not following the example of Israel.
17:5 Yahweh made the kingship secure in his hands; all Judah paid tribute to Jehoshaphat, and ample riches and honour were his.
17:6 His heart advanced in the ways of Yahweh, and once again he did away with the high places and sacred poles in Judah.
17:7 In the third year of his reign he sent his officers: Ben-hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel and Micaiah, to give instruction in the towns of Judah.
17:8 With them went the Levites: Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah and Tobijah, the Levites, together with the priests, Elishama and Jehoram.
17:9 They gave instruction in Judah, having with them the book of the Law of Yahweh, and went round all the towns of Judah instructing the people.
17:10 The terror of Yahweh fell on all the kingdoms of the land surrounding Judah; they did not make war on Jehoshaphat.
17:11 Some of the Philistines brought him gifts and silver in tribute; the Arabs themselves brought him, in small stock, seven thousand seven hundred rams and seven thousand seven hundred he-goats.
17:12 Jehoshaphat became more and more powerful. He built fortresses and garrison towns in Judah.
The army
17:13 He had strong formations in the towns of Judah and a garrison of valiant champions in Jerusalem.
17:14 This was their disposition by families: for Judah, commanders of thousands: Adnah, the commanding officer, with three hundred thousand valiant champions;
17:15 under his command, Jehohanan with two hundred and eighty thousand;
17:16 under his command, Amasiah son of Zichri, who had volunteered for Yahweh’s service, with two hundred thousand valiant champions.
17:17 From Benjamin: the valiant champion Eliada with two hundred thousand, armed with bow and shield;
17:18 under his command, Jehozabad with a hundred and eighty thousand equipped for war.
17:19 These were the men who served the king, not counting those the king had put in the fortified towns throughout Judah.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 18
The alliance with Ahab; the prophets’ attitude
18:1 Jehoshaphat, then, enjoyed great wealth and honour, and allied himself by marriage to Ahab.
18:2 After some years he went to visit Ahab in Samaria. Ahab slaughtered for him and for his retinue great numbers of sheep and oxen to induce him to attack Ramoth-gilead.
18:3 ‘Will you come with me to Ramoth-gilead?’ Ahab king of Israel asked Jehoshaphat king of Judah. Jehoshaphat answered the king of Israel, ‘I am as ready for battle as you, my men as your men’.
The spurious prophets predict success
18:4 Jehoshaphat, however, said to the king of Israel, ‘First, please consult the word of Yahweh’
18:5 ‘So the king of Israel called the prophets together, four hundred of them. ‘Should we march to attack Ramoth-gilead,’ he asked ‘or should I refrain?’ ‘March,’ they replied ‘Yahweh will deliver it into the power of the king.’
18:6 But Jehoshaphat said, ‘Is there no other prophet of Yahweh here for us to consult?’
18:7 The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, ‘There is one more man through whom we can consult Yahweh, but I hate him because he never has a favourable prophecy for me, always unfavourable ones; he is Micaiah son of Imlah’. ‘The king should not say such things’ Jehoshaphat said.
18:8 Accordingly the king of Israel summoned one of the eunuchs and said, ‘Bring Micaiah son of Imlah immediately’.
18:9 The king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah were both sitting on their thrones in full regalia; they sat at the threshing-floor outside the gate of Samaria, with all the prophets raving in front of them.
18:10 Zedekiah son of Chenaanah had made himself iron horns. ‘Yahweh says this’ he said. ‘”With these you will gore the Aramaeans till you make an end of them.”‘
18:11 And all the prophets prophesied the same. ‘March to Ramoth-gilead,’ they said ‘and conquer. Yahweh will deliver it into the power of the king.’
18:12 The messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said, ‘Here are all the prophets as one man in speaking favourably to the king. Try to speak like one of them and foretell success.’
18:13 But Micaiah answered, ‘As Yahweh lives, what my God says, that will I utter!’
18:14 When he came to the king, the king said, ‘Micaiah, should we march to attack Ramoth-gilead, or should I refrain?’ He answered, ‘March and conquer. They will be delivered into your power.’
18:15 But the king said, ‘How often must I put you on oath to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of Yahweh?’
18:16 Then Micaiah spoke: ‘I have seen all Israel scattered on the mountains like sheep without a shepherd. And Yahweh said, “These have no master, let each one go home unmolested”.’
18:17 At this the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, ‘Did I not tell you that he never gives me favourable prophecies, but only unfavourable ones?’
18:18 Micaiah went on, ‘Listen rather to the word of Yahweh. I have seen Yahweh seated on his throne; all the array of heaven stood to his right and to his left.
18:19 Yahweh said, “Who will trick Ahab king of Israel into marching to his death at Ramoth-gilead?” At which some answered one way, and some another.
18:20 Then the spirit came forward and stood before Yahweh. “I,” he said “I will trick him.” “How?” Yahweh asked.
18:21 He replied, “I will go and become a lying spirit in the mouths of all his prophets”. “You shall trick him,” Yahweh said “you shall succeed. Go and do it.”
18:22 Now see how Yahweh has put a lying spirit into the mouths of your prophets here. But Yahweh has pronounced disaster on you.’
18:23 Then Zedekiah son of Chenaanah came up and struck Micaiah on the jaw. ‘Which way’ he asked ‘did the spirit of Yahweh leave me, to talk to you?’
18:24 ‘This is what you will find out,’ Micaiah retorted ‘the day you flee to an inner room to hide.’
18:25 The king of Israel said, ‘Seize Micaiah and hand him over to Amon, governor of the city, and to Prince Joash,
18:26 and say, “This is the king’s order: Put this man in prison and feed him on nothing but bread and water until I come back safe and sound”‘
18:27 Micaiah said, ‘If you come back safe and sound, Yahweh has not spoken through me’.
18:28 The king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah went up against Ramoth-gilead.
18:29 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, ‘I will disguise myself to go into battle, but I want you to wear your royal uniform.’ The king of Israel disguised himself, and they went into battle.
18:30 The king of Aram had given his chariot commanders the following order: ‘Do not attack anyone of whatever rank, except the king of Israel’.
18:31 When the chariot commanders caught sight of Jehoshaphat, they said, ‘That is the king of Israel’. And they wheeled to the attack. But Jehoshaphat gave a shout and Yahweh came to his help, God drew them away from him,
18:32 for the chariot commanders, realising that he was not the king of Israel, called off their pursuit.
18:33 Now one of the men, drawing his bow at random, hit the king of Israel between the corslet and the scale-armour of his breastplate. ‘Turn about,’ the king said to his charioteer ‘get me out of the battle; I have been hurt.’
18:34 But the battle grew fiercer as the day went on; until evening the king held himself upright in his chariot facing the Aramaeans, and at sunset he died.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 19
19:1 Jehoshaphat came back safe and sound to Jerusalem.
19:2 Jehu, son of Hanani the seer, went to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, ‘Should a man give help to the wicked? Should you love those who hate Yahweh and so bring his wrath on you?
19:3 There is some good in you, however, since you have removed the sacred poles from the land and have set your heart on seeking God.’
Measures taken to spread the true religion of Yahweh
19:4 After a stay in Jerusalem, Jehoshaphat made another progress through his people, from Beersheba to the highlands of Ephraim, to bring them back to Yahweh, the God of their ancestors.
19:5 He appointed judges in the country in every one of all the fortified towns of Judah.
19:6 He said to these judges, ‘Give due thought to your duties, since you are not judging in the name of men but in the name of Yahweh, who is with you whenever you pronounce sentence.
19:7 May the fear of Yahweh now be on you. Keep the Law, apply it, for Yahweh our God has no part in fraud or partiality or the taking of bribes.’
19:8 In addition, Jehoshaphat appointed priests, Levites and heads of Israelite families in Jerusalem to pronounce the verdicts of Yahweh and to judge disputed cases. They lived in Jerusalem
19:9 and Jehoshaphat gave them the following instructions, ‘You are to perform these duties in the fear of Yahweh, faithfully and with all your heart.
19:10 Whatever dispute comes before you from your brothers living in their towns: a question of blood-vengeance, of the Law, of some commandment, of statute, or of ordinance, you are to clarify these matters for them so that they do not incur guilt before Yahweh, whose wrath will otherwise come on you and your brothers. Do this and you will incur no guilt.
19:11 Amariah, the chief priest, will preside over you in all religious matters, and son of Ishmael, controller of the House of Judah, in all matters affecting the king. The Levites will serve as your scribes. Be resolute, carry out these instructions, and Yahweh will be there to bring success.’
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 20
An act of faith and song of praise in the war against Edom
20:1 After this the Moabites and Ammonites, with some of the Meunites[*a] started to make war on Jehoshaphat.
20:2 Jehoshaphat received the following intelligence, ‘A vast horde is advancing against you from Edom, from the other side of the sea; they are already at Hazazon-tamar, that is, En-gedi’.
20:3 Jehoshaphat was alarmed and resolved to have recourse to Yahweh; he proclaimed a fast for all Judah.
20:4 Judah assembled to seek help from Yahweh; they came seeking Yahweh from every single town in Judah.
20:5 At this assembly of the people of Judah and Jerusalem in the Temple of Yahweh, Jehoshaphat stood before the new court
20:6 and said, ‘Yahweh, God of our ancestors, are you not the God who dwells in the heavens? Do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Such power and might are in your hands that no one can resist you.
20:7 Are you not our God, you who have dispossessed the inhabitants of this land for Israel your people, and given it to the descendants of Abraham whom you will love for ever?
20:8 They have settled in it and built a sanctuary there for your name,
20:9 saying, “Should calamity befall us, or war, punishment, pestilence, or famine, then we shall stand before this Temple and before you, for your name is in this Temple. From the depths of our distress we shall cry to you, and you will hear and save us.”
20:10 ‘Here now are the Ammonites and Moab and the mountain folk of Seir; when Israel came out of the land of Egypt you would not let Israel invade them; instead, Israel turned away from them and did not destroy them;
20:11 and this is how they reward us, by coming to drive us out of the possessions you have given us as our inheritance.
20:12 Will you our God not execute judgement on them, since we are helpless against this vast horde attacking us? We ourselves do not know what to do; we look to you.’
20:13 All the men of Judah, even down to their youngest children and their wives, stood in the presence of Yahweh.
20:14 In the middle of the assembly the spirit of Yahweh came on Jahaziel son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah the Levite, one of the sons of Asaph.
20:15 ‘Listen all you men of Judah,’ he cried ‘and you who live in Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Yahweh says this to you, “Do not be afraid, do not be daunted by this vast horde; this battle is not yours but God’s.
20:16 March out against them tomorrow; they are coming up by the Slope of Ziz and you will come on them in the Valley of Soph, near the wilderness of Jeruel.
20:17 You will not need to fight here. Take up your position, stand firm, and see what salvation Yahweh has in store for you. Judah and Jerusalem, be fearless, be dauntless; march out against them tomorrow and Yahweh will be with you.”‘
20:18 Jehoshaphat bent his head, his face to the ground, and all Judah with those who lived in Jerusalem fell down before Yahweh, worshipping him.
20:19 Then the Levites – Kohathites and Korahites – began praising Yahweh the God of Israel at the tops of their voices.
20:20 They rose early in the morning and left for the wilderness of Tekoa. As they were setting out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, ‘Listen to me Judah and all who live in Jerusalem! Have faith in Yahweh your God and you will be secure; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.’
20:21 Then, having held a conference with the people, he set the cantors of Yahweh in sacred vestments at the head of the army, to sing praises to him. ‘Give praise to Yahweh,’ they sang ‘for his love is everlasting.’
20:22 As they began to sing their joy and their praise, Yahweh laid an ambush for the Ammonites and Moab and the mountain folk of Seir who had come to attack Judah, and routed them.
20:23 The Ammonites and Moabites turned on the mountain folk of Seir to inflict the ban on them and destroy them altogether, but they only helped each other to their own undoing.
20:24 When the men of Judah reached the spot that looks out on the wilderness and turned to face the horde, they found only corpses lying on the ground; no one had escaped.
20:25 Jehoshaphat came with his troops to plunder them, and found quantities of cattle, goods, clothing and valuables; they collected more than they could take away; the booty was so plentiful they were three days gathering it.
20:26 On the fourth day they mustered in the Valley of Beracah; and there they did indeed bless Yahweh,[*b] hence the name of the Valley of Beracah by which the place is still called today.
20:27 Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin, with Jehoshaphat at their head, went back joyfully to Jerusalem, for Yahweh had given them cause to rejoice over their enemies.
20:28 To the music of harp and lyre and trumpet they came to Jerusalem and to the Temple of Yahweh,
20:29 and the Terror of God came on all the kingdoms of foreign countries when they came to hear how Yahweh had fought against the enemies of Israel.
20:30 The kingdom of Jehoshaphat was calm, his God granting him peace on all his frontiers.
The end of the reign of Jehoshaphat
20:31 Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. He was thirty-five years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for twenty-five years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Azubah, daughter of Shilhi.
20:32 He followed the example of his father Asa undeviatingly, doing what is right in the eyes of Yahweh.
20:33 The high places, however, were not abolished; the people had still not turned their hearts to the God of their ancestors.
20:34 The rest of the history of Jehoshaphat, from first to last, is recorded in the Annals of Jehu son of Hanani which have been transcribed into the Book of the Kings of Israel.
20:35 After this, Jehoshaphat king of Judah allied himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, who led him into evil ways.
20:36 He combined with him to build ships that would sail to Tarshish; they built them at Ezion-geber.
20:37 Eliezer son of Dodavahu of Mareshah then made a prophecy against Jehoshaphat. ‘Because you have allied yourself with Ahaziah,’ he said ‘Yahweh has broken your work.’ The ships broke up and were never fit to sail for Tarshish.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 21
21:1 Jehoshaphat slept with his ancestors and was buried in the Citadel of David; his son Jehoram succeeded him.
The accession and crime of Jehoram
21:2 Jehoram had six brothers, sons of Jehoshaphat: Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azariahu, Michael and Shephatiah; these are all the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel.
21:3 Their father had made them many gifts of silver, gold and jewels, and of fortified towns in Judah, but he bequeathed the throne to Jehoram since he was the first-born.
21:4 Jehoram, having maintained his hold over his father’s kingdom and secured his own position, put all his brothers to the sword and some officials of Israel too.
21:5 Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem.
21:6 He followed the example of the kings of Israel as the family of Ahab had done, having married one of Ahab’s daughters; and he did what is displeasing to Yahweh.
21:7 Yahweh however did not intend to destroy the House of David, because of the covenant he had made with David, and was faithful to the promise he had made to leave a lamp for him and his sons for ever.
The punishment
21:8 In his time Edom threw off the domination of Judah and set up a king for itself.
21:9 Jehoram crossed the frontier with his commanders and all his chariots. He rose during the night and broke through the Edomites encircling him and his chariot commanders.
21:10 Thus Edom threw off the domination of Judah, and has remained free to the present day. Libnah threw off Jehoram’s domination at the same time. He had indeed deserted Yahweh, the God of his ancestors.
21:11 He also set up high places in the highlands of Judah and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to prostitute themselves, and Judah to go astray.
21:12 Then something written by the prophet Elijah came into his hands. It ran, ‘This is the word of Yahweh, the God of David your ancestor. “Since you have not followed the example of your father Jehoshaphat or of Asa king of Judah,
21:13 but the example of the kings of Israel, and have caused Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to prostitute themselves, just as the House of Ahab did, and since you have also murdered your brothers, your own family, better men than yourself,
21:14 Yahweh will strike you with a great calamity, your people, your descendants, your wives and all your property.
21:15 You yourself shall suffer dire diseases, and a disease of your bowels so severe that within two years it will make your bowels drop out.”‘
21:16 Yahweh roused against Jehoram the hostility of the Philistines, and of the Arabs bordering on the Cushites.
21:17 They attacked Judah, invading it and carrying off all the property they found belonging to the king’s household, including his sons and his wives; the only son left him was Ahaziah, the youngest of them.
21:18 And after all this, Yahweh struck him down with an incurable disease of the bowels;
21:19 it lasted for more than one year, and when two years were over and his last hour had come, his bowels dropped out with disease and he died in great pain. The people did not light a fire for him as they had for his father.
21:20 He was thirty-two years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem. He passed away with no one to regret him, and they buried him in the Citadel of David, though not in the tombs of the kings.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 22
Ahaziah and his policy
22:1 The population of Jerusalem made his youngest son Ahaziah king in succession to him, since the armed band that had broken into the camp with the Arabs had killed all the elder sons. That was why Ahaziah son of Jehoram became king of Judah.
22:2 Ahaziah was twenty years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for one year in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Athaliah, daughter of Omri.
22:3 He too followed the example of Ahab’s family, since his mother gave him wicked advice.
22:4 He did what is displeasing to Yahweh as Ahab’s family had done, for these were his advisers after his father’s death, to his undoing.
22:5 He also put their policy into practice and went with Jehoram son of Ahab, king of Israel, to fight against Hazael king of Aram at Ramoth-gilead. But the Aramaeans wounded Jehoram,
22:6 who returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds that he had received at Ramoth, fighting against Hazael king of Aram. Ahaziah son of Jehoram, king of Judah, went down to Jezreel to visit Jehoram son of Ahab because he was ill.
22:7 Through this visit to Jehoram Yahweh brought ruin to Ahaziah. On his arrival he went out with Jehoram to meet Jehu son of Nimshi whom Yahweh had anointed to make an end of the House of Ahab.
22:8 While Jehu was busy executing justice on the House of Ahab, he came across the officials of Judah and the nephews of Ahaziah who were in the king’s service; he killed them,
22:9 and then went in search of Ahaziah. The latter was captured while trying to hide in Samaria, and taken to Jehu who put him to death. But they gave him burial. ‘This was a son of Jehoshaphat,’ they said ‘who sought Yahweh with all his heart.’
The crime of Athaliah
There was no one left in the House of Ahaziah strong enough to reign.
22:10 As soon as Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah learned that her son was dead, she promptly did away with all the royal stock of the House of Judah.
22:11 But Jehosheba, daughter of the king, secretly took away Joash, her brother’s son, from among the sons of the king who were being murdered, and put him with his nurse in the sleeping quarters; in this way Jehosheba the daughter of King Joram and wife of Jehoiada the priest (a sister, too, of Ahaziah) hid him from Athaliah, and prevented her from killing him.
22:12 He stayed with them for six years, hidden in the Temple of God, while Athaliah governed the country.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 23
The ministers of the Temple oppose Athaliah
23:1 In the seventh year Jehoiada took strong measures. He sent for the commanders of hundreds, Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah and Elishaphat son of Zichri, and made a pact with them.
23:2 They went through Judah, gathering the Levites from all the towns of Judah, and the heads of the Israelite families.[*a] They came to Jerusalem,
23:3 and this whole assembly made a pact with the king in the Temple of God. ‘Here is the son of the king’ Jehoiada told them. ‘Let him reign, as Yahweh has promised of the sons of David!
23:4 This is what you must do: one third of you, priests, Levites and keepers of the gate, must come in for the sabbath,
23:5 one third must be at the royal palace, one third at the Gate of Foundation, and all the people will be in the court of the Temple of Yahweh.
23:6 Let no one enter the Temple of Yahweh except the priests and the Levites on duty, since they are consecrated and may enter. The people must all observe the injunctions of Yahweh.
23:7 The Levites must surround the king, each with his weapons in his hand; anyone who tries to enter the Temple is to be put to death. Wherever the king comes or goes, you must escort him.’
23:8 The Levites and all Judah carried out all the orders of Jehoiada the priest. Each brought his men, those coming off duty on the sabbath together with those mounting guard on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest had exempted none of the orders.
23:9 Then Jehoiada the priest issued the commanders of hundreds with King David’s spears and large and small shields, which were in the Temple of God.
23:10 He drew all the people up, each man with his weapon in his hand, from the south corner to the north corner of the Temple, surrounding the altar and the Temple, to form a circle round the king.
23:11 Then Jehoiada brought out the king’s son, crowned him, and imposed the Law on him; and they proclaimed him king, Jehoiada and his sons then anointed him and shouted, ‘Long live the king!’
23:12 Athaliah, on hearing the shouts of the people rushing to the king and acclaiming him, made for the Temple of Yahweh where the people were.
23:13 When she saw the king standing there at the entrance beside the pillar, with the captains and trumpeters at the king’s side, and all the country people rejoicing and sounding trumpets, and the cantors with their musical instruments leading the hymns, Athaliah tore her garments and shouted, ‘Treason, treason!’
23:14 Then Jehoiada the priest called out the military officers. ‘Take her outside the precincts,’ he ordered ‘and put anyone to the sword who follows her.’ For the priest had said, ‘You must not put her to death in the Temple of Yahweh’.
23:15 They seized her, and when she had reached the palace at the entry to the Gate of the Horses, they put her to death there.
The reforms by Jehoiada
23:16 Jehoiada made a covenant between the king and all the people, by which they undertook to be the people of Yahweh.
23:17 All the people then went to the temple of Baal and demolished it; they smashed his altars and his images and killed Mattan, priest of Baal, in front of the altars.
23:18 Jehoiada posted sentries to guard the Temple of Yahweh under the authority of the levitical priests. David had given the Temple of Yahweh to these as their portion, so that they could offer the holocausts of Yahweh as is laid down in the Law of Moses, with joy and song, in accordance with the orders of David.
23:19 He stationed gatekeepers at the gates of the Temple of Yahweh so that no one who was in any way unclean might enter.
23:20 Then taking the commanders of hundreds, the notables, those holding public positions, and all the country people, he escorted the king down from the Temple of Yahweh. They entered the royal palace through the middle arch of the Upper Gate and seated the king on the royal throne.
23:21 All the country people were delighted, and the city made no move. Athaliah was put to death.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 24
Joash repairs the Temple
24:1 Joash was seven years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for forty years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Zibiah of Beersheba.
24:2 Joash did what is pleasing to Yahweh throughout the lifetime of Jehoiada the priest.
24:3 Jehoiada found him two wives and he had sons and daughters.
24:4 Subsequently, Joash made up his mind to repair the Temple of Yahweh.
24:5 Calling the priests and the Levites together, he said, ‘Go out to the towns of Judah, and collect enough money from all the Israelites to make possible annual repairs to the Temple of Yahweh. Do this quickly.’ But the Levites were in no hurry,
24:6 so the king summoned Jehoiada their leader, and said, ‘Why have you not insisted on the Levites collecting from Judah and Jerusalem what Moses the servant of Yahweh levied from the community of Israel for the Tent of the Testimony?
24:7 Athaliah and her sons, whom she perverted, not only damaged the Temple of God but even assigned the sacred revenues of the Temple of Yahweh to the Baals.’
24:8 The king ordered them to make a chest and to place it outside the gate of the Temple of Yahweh.
24:9 Proclamation was then made in Judah and in Jerusalem that what Moses the servant of God had levied from Israel in the wilderness should be brought to Yahweh.
24:10 All the officials and all the people came joyfully with their contribution, dropping it into the chest until all was paid.
24:11 When the chest was taken to the royal office of control, run by the Levites, these would check the amount of money in it; then the king’s secretary would come with a representative of the chief priest; they would take up the chest, carry it away, and later return it to its place. They did this every day, and collected a large sum of money.
24:12 The king and Jehoiada handed it over to the master of works attached to the Temple of Yahweh. The hired men, masons and carpenters, set about restoring the Temple of Yahweh; craftsmen in iron and bronze also worked on the repairing of it.
24:13 The masters of works having once made a start, the repairs went ahead under their supervision; they rebuilt the Temple of God to its former state and strengthened the fabric.
24:14 When they had finished, they brought the balance of the money to the king and Jehoiada, and with this furnishings were made for the Temple of Yahweh, vessels for the liturgy and for the holocausts, incense boats and objects of gold and silver. So, for as long as Jehoiada lived they offered perpetual holocaust in the Temple of Yahweh.
24:15 Then Jehoiada, growing old, had his fill of days and died. He died at the age of a hundred and thirty years,
24:16 and they buried him with the kings in the Citadel of David because he had served God and his Temple well in Israel.
Joash falls away and is punished
24:17 After the death of Jehoiada, the officials of Judah came to pay court to the king, and the king now turned to them for advice.
24:18 The Judaeans abandoned the Temple of Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, for the worship of sacred poles and idols. Because of their guilt, God’s anger fell on Judah and Jerusalem.
24:19 He sent them prophets to bring them back to Yahweh, but when these gave their message, they would not listen.
24:20 The spirit of God took possession of Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood up before the people and said, ‘God says this, “Why do you transgress the commandments of Yahweh to no good purpose? You have deserted Yahweh, now he deserts you.”‘
24:21 They then plotted against him and by order of the king stoned him in the court of the Temple of Yahweh.
24:22 King Joash, forgetful of the kindness that Jehoiada, the father of Zechariah, had shown him, killed Jehoiada’s son who cried out as he died, ‘Yahweh sees and he will avenge!’
24:23 When a year had gone by, the Aramaean army made war on Joash. They reached Judah and Jerusalem, and executed all the officials among the people, sending back to the king at Damascus all that they had plundered from them.
24:24 Though the Aramaean army had by no means come in force, Yahweh delivered into its power an army of great size for having deserted him, the God of their ancestors. The Aramaeans treated Joash as he had deserved,
24:25 and when they retired they left him a very sick man; and his officers, plotting against him to avenge the death of the son of Jehoiada the priest, murdered him in his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the Citadel of David, though not in the tombs of the kings.
24:26 These were the conspirators: Zabad son of Shimeath the Ammonite woman, and Jehozabad son of Shimrith the Moabitess.
24:27 As regards his sons, the heavy tribute imposed on him, and the restoration of the Temple of God, this is all recorded in the Midrash on the Book of the Kings. His son Amaziah succeeded him.
JB 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 25
The religious policy of Amaziah
25:1 Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.
25:2 He did what is pleasing to Yahweh, though not wholeheartedly.
25:3 Once the kingdom was firmly under his control, he killed those of his officers who had murdered the king his father.
25:4 But he did not put their sons to death, in obedience to what is written in the Law, in the book of Moses, where Yahweh has ordered, ‘Fathers must not be put to death for sons, nor sons for fathers; each one must be put to death for his own sin’.
25:5 Amaziah called the men of Judah together and organised them in families with commanders of thousands and of hundreds for all Judah and Benjamin. He took a census of those who were twenty years old and upwards, and found there were three hundred thousand of them, eligible and fit for military service, with spear and shield to hand.
25:6 Next, he enrolled one hundred thousand valiant champions from Israel as mercenaries, for a hundred talents of silver.
25:7 A man of God then came to him. ‘O king,’ he said ‘the troops of Israel must not march with you, for Yahweh is not with Israel, nor with anyone from Ephraim.
25:8 For if they come, no matter how brave your conduct in the fight, God will still bring you down before your enemies, for God’s is the power to uphold or to throw down.’
25:9 Amaziah answered the man of God, ‘And what about the hundred talents I have given the Israelite contingent?’ ‘Yahweh can give you far more than that’ the man of God replied.
25:10 At this, Amaziah dismissed from his army the troops that had come to him from Ephraim and sent them home; these men were furious with Judah and went home in a great rage.
His infidelity after the Edomite campaign
25:11 Amaziah decided to lead out his troops and, having reached the Valley of Salt, defeated ten thousand of the sons of Seir.
25:12 The men of Judah took ten thousand captives alive and, taking them to the summit of the Rock, threw them off the top; they were all dashed to pieces.
25:13 Then the contingent which Amaziah had dismissed and not allowed to fight with him raided the towns of Judah, from Samaria as far as Beth-horon, beating a force of three thousand strong and capturing great quantities of plunder.
25:14 On returning from his defeat of the Edomites, Amaziah brought the gods of the sons of Seir with him; he set these up as gods for himself, bowing down before them and burning incense to them.
25:15 The anger of Yahweh blazed out against Amaziah; he sent him a prophet, who said, ‘Why do you resort to this people’s gods, to gods who could not save their own people from your hands?’
25:16 He was still speaking when Amaziah interrupted him. ‘Have we appointed you a royal counsellor? If you do not want to be hurt, be quiet!’ The prophet paused; then he said, ‘I know that God has determined to destroy you, since you have behaved like this and have refused to listen to my advice’.
The disaster at Beth-shemesh
25:17 After consulting his advisers, Amaziah king of Judah sent a message to Joash son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, ‘Come and make a trial of strength!’
25:18 Joash king of Israel sent back word to Amaziah king of Judah, ‘The thistle of Lebanon sent a message to the cedar of Lebanon, saying, “Give my son your daughter in marriage”; but the wild animals of Lebanon trampled the thistle down as they passed.
25:19 “Look at me, the conqueror of Edom” you say, and now hold your head in the air; boast on, but stay at home. Why challenge disaster, to your own ruin and the ruin of Judah?’
25:20 But Amaziah would not listen, and this was God’s doing: he intended to hand them over to their enemies for resorting to the gods of Edom.
25:21 And at Beth-shemesh, which belongs to Judah, they made their trial of strength, Joash and Amaziah king of Judah.
25:22 Judah was defeated by Israel, and everyone fled to his tent.
25:23 The king of Judah, Amaziah son of Joash, son of Ahaziah, was taken prisoner at Beth-shemesh by Joash king of Israel who led him off to Jerusalem, where Joash demolished the city wall from the Gate of Ephraim to the Gate of the Corner for a distance of four hundred cubits.
25:24 He took all the gold and silver, and all the furnishings to be found with Obed-edom in the Temple of God, the treasures of the royal palace, and hostages besides, and then returned to Samaria.
The end of the reign of Amaziah
25:25 Amaziah son of Joash, king of Judah, lived for fifteen years after the death of Joash son of Jehoahaz, king of Israel.
25:26 The rest of the history of Amaziah, from first to last, is not all this recorded in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel?
25:27 After the time when Amaziah rejected Yahweh, a plot was hatched against him in Jerusalem; he fled to Lachish; but he was followed to Lachish and was put to death there.
25:28 He was brought back by horse, and buried with his ancestors in the Citadel of David.