






上编 西乃山下起程的准备(1-10)


1:1 以色列人出埃及国后第二年二月一日,上主在西乃旷野于会幕内训示梅瑟说:
1:2 「你们要依照以色列子民的宗教和家系,统计全会众的人口,把男丁的姓名都一一登记。
1:3 在以色列中,凡二十岁以上能上阵作战的,你和亚郎要一队一队地统计。
1:4 每一支派有一人同你们合作,他们都是各宗族的族长。
1:5 那协助你们的人名如下:勒乌本支派,是舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔;
1:6 西默盎支派,是族黎沙待的儿子舍路米耳;
1:7 犹大支派,是阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄;
1:8 依撒加尔支派,是族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳;
1:9 则步隆支派,是赫隆的儿子厄里雅布;
1:10 若瑟的两个儿子:厄弗辣因支派,是阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛;默纳协支派,是培达族尔的儿子加默里耳;
1:11 本雅明支派,是基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹;
1:12 丹支派,是阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔;
1:13 阿协尔支派,是敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳;
1:14 加得支派,是勒乌耳的儿子厄肋雅撒夫;
1:15 纳斐塔里支派,是厄南的儿子阿希辣。」
1:16 这些人是由会众中选出来的,都是他们宗族的领袖,以色列的千夫长。
1:17 梅瑟和亚郎就带着这些提名派定的人,
1:18 于二月一日召集了全会众,人都依照宗族和家系登了记,由二十岁以上的,都一一将姓名登了记。
1:19 上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,梅瑟就怎样在西乃旷野统计了他们。
1:20 以色列的长子勒乌本子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的男子,都一一将姓名登了记;
1:21 勒乌本支派登记的,计有四万六千五百。
1:22 西默盎子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的男子,都一一将姓名登了记,
1:23 西默盎支派登记的,计有五万九千三百。
1:24 加得子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:25 加得支派登记的,计有四万五千六百五十。
1:26 犹大子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:27 犹大支派登记的,计有七万四千六百。
1:28 依撒加尔子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记,
1:29 依撒加尔支派登记的,计有五万四千四百。
1:30 则步隆子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:31 则步隆支派登记的,计有五万七千四百。
1:32 若瑟的子孙:厄弗辣因子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:33 厄弗辣因支派登记的,计有四万五百。
1:34 默纳协子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的男子,都一一将姓名登了记;
1:35 默纳协支派登记的,计有三万二千二百。
1:36 本雅明子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:37 本雅明支派登记的,计有三万五千四百。
1:38 丹子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:39 丹支派登记的,计有六万二千七百。
1:40 阿协尔子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:41 阿协尔支派登记的,计有四万一千五百。
1:42 纳斐塔里子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
1:43 纳斐塔里支派登记的,计有五万三千四百:
1:44 以上是梅瑟和亚郎并以色列的首领十二人──每宗族一人──所登记的人数。
1:45 以色列中二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的以色列子民,全依照宗族和家系登了记。
1:46 全体登记的总数,是六十万三千五百五十。

1:47 但是肋末人没有依照自己的宗派同他们一起登记,
1:48 因为上主曾训示梅瑟说:「
1:49 只有肋未支派,不要登记,不要将他们列在以色列子民内。
1:50 你应派肋未人管理会幕和其中一切器皿,并一切附属物。他们要搬运会幕和其中一切器皿,在会幕中服务,住在会幕的四周。
1:51 会幕要迁移时,肋未人拆卸;会幕要搭扎时,肋未人张搭;若俗人走近,应处死刑。
1:52 以色列子民应分队扎营,各归本旗。
1:53 但肋未人应在会幕四周扎营,免得以色列子民会众触犯天怒;肋未人应负责看守会幕。」
1:54 以色列子民都照办了;上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,他们就怎样办了。




2:1 上主训示梅瑟和亚郎说:「
2:2 以色列子民每人应随自己的旗帜,在自己宗族的标志下扎营,都向着会幕,在四周稍远的地方扎营。
2:3 在前面,即东方,是犹大军团扎营的旗帜:犹大子孙的首领是阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄;
2:4 他的部队登记的,是七万四千六百。
2:5 在其傍扎营的是依撒加尔支派;依撒加尔子孙的首领是族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳;
2:6 他的部队登记的,是五万四千四百。
2:7 随后是则步隆支派;则步隆子孙的首领是赫隆的儿子厄里雅布;
2:8 他的部队登记的,是五万七千四百。
2:9 犹大军团登记的,共计十八万六千四百;他们应首先出发。
2:10 南方是勒乌本军团扎营的旗帜:勒乌本子孙的首领是舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔;
2:11 他的部队登记的,是四万六千五百。
2:12 在其傍扎营的,是西默盎支派;西默盎子孙的首领是族黎沙待的儿子舍路米耳;
2:13 他的部队登记的,是五万九千三百。
2:14 随后是加得支派;加得子孙的首领是勒乌本的儿子厄肋雅撒夫;
2:15 他的部队登记的,是四万五千六百五十。
2:16 勒乌本军团登记的,共计十五万一千四百五十;他们其次出发。
2:17 随后,会幕与肋未营在各营中心启程前行;各营怎样扎营,就怎样出发前行,各依自己的位置,各随自己的旗帜。
2:18 西方是厄弗辣因军团扎营的旗帜:厄弗辣因子孙的首领是阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛;
2:19 他的部队登记的,是四万五百。
2:20 在其傍是默纳协支派;默纳协子孙的首领是培达族尔的儿子加默里耳;
2:21 他的部队登记的,是三万二千二百。
2:22 随后是本雅明支派;本雅明子孙的首领是基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹;
2:23 他的部队登记的,是三万五千四百。
2:24 厄弗辣因军团登记的,共计十万八千一百;他们作第三队出发。
2:25 北方是丹军团扎营的旗帜:丹子孙的首领是阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔;
2:26 他的部队登记的,是六万二千七百。
2:27 在其傍扎营的是阿协尔支派;阿协尔子孙的首领是敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳;
2:28 他的部队登记的,是四万一千五百。
2:29 随后是纳斐塔里支派;纳斐榙里子孙的首领是厄南的儿子阿希辣;
2:30 他的部队登记的,是五万三千四百。
2:31 丹军团登记的,共计十五万七千六百;他们随着自己的旗帜,最后出发。」
2:32 这就是以色列子民依照家系登记的数目;各营的部队登记的总数,共六十万三千五百五十。
2:33 照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的,肋未人没有在以色列子民中登记。
2:34 以色列子民全照上主吩咐梅瑟的做了,都随着自己的旗帜扎营,各随宗族和家系出发进行。




3:1 上主在西乃山上与梅瑟交谈的时候,亚郎和梅瑟的后裔如下:
3:2 亚郎儿子的名字是:长子纳达布、阿彼胡、厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔:
3:3 这是亚郎儿子的名字,他们都是受傅的司祭,受祝圣尽司祭之职。
3:4 纳达布和阿彼胡在西乃旷野于上主面前献了凡火,立即死于上主面前,没有留下儿子;只有厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔,在他们父亲亚郎面前执行司祭的职务。
3:5 上主训示梅瑟说:「
3:6 叫肋未支派前来,站在亚郎司祭面前,协助他服务。
3:7 他们应代亚郎和全会众,在会众前尽应尽的义务,在会幕内服役,
3:8 管理会幕内的一切器具,代以色列子民尽应尽之职,在会幕内服役。
3:9 你应将肋未人全交给亚郎和他的儿子,代以色列子民作亚郎的侍役;
3:10 你要委任亚郎和他的儿子执行司祭的职务;俗人擅自走近,应处死刑。」
3:11 上主训示梅瑟说:「
3:12 看,我由以色列子民中拣选了肋未人,以代替以色列子民中一切头胎的长子,所以肋未人应归于我,
3:13 因为凡首生的,都是我的;自我在埃及国击杀了一切首生之日起,凡以色列首生的,无论是人或是兽,都应祝圣归我,属于我:我是上主。」
3:14 上主在西乃旷野训示梅瑟说:「
3:15 你应依照肋未人的宗族和家系,统计肋未的子孙,由一月以上,所有的男性都应登记。」
3:16 于是梅瑟就照上主吩咐的命令,统计了他们。
3:17 肋未儿子的名字是:革尔雄、刻哈特和默辣黎。
3:18 按族系,革尔雄儿子的名字是:里贝尼和史米。
3:19 按族系,刻哈特的儿子是阿默兰和依兹哈尔,赫贝龙和乌齐耳。
3:20 按族系,默辣黎的儿子是玛赫里和慕史:这些人按他们的家族都属肋未族系。
3:21 里贝尼族和史米族出自革尔雄:这是革尔雄人的家族。
3:22 凡一月以上登记的男性,共计七千五百。
3:23 革尔雄人的家族在会幕后面西方扎营;
3:24 革尔雄人的领袖,是拉耳的儿子厄里雅撒夫。
3:25 革尔雄的子孙在会幕内的职务,是照管帐幕、幕蓬顶和会幕内的门帘,
3:26 并庭院的帷幔,围绕帐幕与祭坛的庭院的门帘,以及庭院应用的一切绳索。
3:27 阿默兰族、依兹哈尔族、赫贝龙族和乌齐耳族出自刻哈特:这是刻哈特人的家族。
3:28 凡由一月以上登记的男性,共计八千六百;他们管理圣所。
3:29 刻哈特子孙的家族在帐幕南边扎营。
3:30 刻哈特族的家族领袖,是乌齐耳的儿子厄里匝番。
3:31 他们的职务是管理约柜、桌子、灯台、两祭坛、圣所内应用的一切圣器、帷幔和为帷幔应尽的各种职务。
3:32 亚郎大司祭的儿子厄肋阿匝尔是肋未人的最高领袖,监督在圣所服务的人。
3:33 玛赫里族和慕史族出自默辣黎:这是默辣黎人的家族。
3:34 凡一月以上登记的男性,共计六千二百。
3:35 默辣黎族的家族领袖,是阿彼海耳的儿子族黎耳。他们在会幕北边扎营。
3:36 默辣黎的儿子的职务,是照管会幕的木板、横木、柱子、卯座,一切用具,并为会幕应尽的各种职务,
3:37 还管理庭院四周的柱子及其卯座、木桩及绳索。
3:38 在会幕前面东方,即在会幕前朝日出的一面扎营的,是梅瑟和亚郎其它的儿子;他们代替以色列民服务,管理圣所;俗人擅自走近,应处死刑。
3:39 梅瑟和亚郎照上主的命令,统计了所有的肋未人,按家族凡一月以上的男性都统计了,共计二万二千人。

3:40 此后,上主又对梅瑟说:「以色列子民,凡一月以上首生的男性都要统计,登记他们的姓名;
3:41 应将肋未人献于我,我是上主,以代替以色列子民中所有的长子;又将肋未人的牲畜献于我,以代替以色列子民中一切头胎的牲畜。」
3:42 梅瑟便照上主所吩咐的,统计了以色列子民中所有的长子,
3:43 凡一月以上的头胎男儿,依名统计了,共计二万二千二百七十三人。
3:44 上主训示梅瑟说:「
3:45 你要以肋未人替代以色列子民中所有的长子,以肋未人的牲畜替代他们的头胎牲畜;肋未人应属于我:我是上主。
3:46 至于那超过肋未人数目,而应赎回的二百七十三个以色列子民的长子,
3:47 为每一个,应照圣所的「协刻耳,」征收五个「协刻耳,」──一「协刻耳,」合二十「革辣;」──
3:48 将这钱交给亚郎和他的儿子,作为超额人数的赎价。」
3:49 梅瑟就为那超过肋未人数而应赎回的人,征收了赎金。
3:50 由以色列民的长子所征收的银子,依圣所的「协刻耳,」共计一千三百六十五「协刻耳。」
3:51 梅瑟依照上主的命令,将这赎金交给了亚郎和他的儿子,全照上主吩咐梅瑟的。




4:1 上主训示梅瑟和亚郎说:「
4:2 你应依照宗族和家系,统计肋未人中的刻哈特子孙,
4:3 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务的都要登记。
4:4 刻哈特子孙在会幕内的任务,是管理至圣之物。
4:5 起营出发时,亚郎和他的儿子应来卸下帐幔,用来包裹约柜,
4:6 上面蒙上海豚皮盖,其上再铺上纯紫布,然后安上杠杆。
4:7 在供饼桌上,应铺上紫布,摆上盘、匙、杯和奠酒的爵;常供饼应仍在桌上。
4:8 以后,在这些物件上,盖上朱红布,再蒙上海豚皮罩,然后安上杠杆。
4:9 此后,拿一块紫布,包好灯台和灯盏、剪子、碟子,以及为灯台用的一切油具;
4:10 将灯台和所有的用具,装入海豚皮袋内,放在担架上。
4:11 在金祭坛上铺上紫布,再用海豚皮包好,然后安上杠杆。
4:12 再把圣所内使用的一切用具都拿来,放在紫布袋内,再蒙上海豚皮罩,放在担架上。
4:13 把祭坛上的灰清除,铺上紫红布,
4:14 上面放上一切用具:火盆、肉叉、铲子、盘子以及祭坛上的一切用具;其上再蒙上海豚皮罩,然后安上杠杆。
4:15 亚郎和他的儿子包装完了圣物和圣所的一切用具,起营出发时,刻哈特的子孙才来抬,免得他们触摸圣物而死亡:这是刻哈特的子孙对会幕的职务。
4:16 至于亚郎大司祭的儿子厄肋阿匝尔的任务,是管理灯油、香料、日献的素祭和为傅礼用的油,并照管全会幕与其中所有的圣物和器具。」
4:17 上主训示梅瑟和亚郎说:「
4:18 不要使刻哈特族的一支由肋未人中消灭;
4:19 为使他们接近至圣之物时,生存而不死亡,你们对他们应这样做:亚郎和他的儿子先来,给他们每人指定各人服役和搬运的工作,
4:20 免得这些人进去一时见到圣物而遭遇死亡。」
4:21 上主训示梅瑟说:「
4:22 你要依照家系和宗族统计革尔雄的子孙,
4:23 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务的,都要登记。
4:24 革尔雄家族的任务是服役和搬运:
4:25 搬运帐幕的帷幔、会幕和其顶蓬,及在上面盖的海豚皮和会幕的门帘,
4:26 庭院的帷幔,围绕会幕和祭坛庭院的门帘、绳索以及一切为服役用的器具;凡交与他们应作的一切,他们都应执行。
4:27 革尔雄人所有的任务,不论是搬运或是服役,应全遵照亚郎和他儿子的吩咐;所以你们应照顾他们搬运一切:
4:28 这是革尔雄人的家族对会幕的任务;他们应在大司祭亚郎的儿子依塔玛尔指挥下服役。
4:29 对默辣黎的子孙,你要依照宗族和家系统计他们;
4:30 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务的,都要登记。
4:31 依照他们在会幕内所担任的职务,应搬运的是:帐幕的木板、横木、柱子和卯座,
4:32 庭院四周的柱子、卯座、橛子和绳索,一切用具及服务所需的一切。你们应按名一一指定他们应搬运的对象:
4:33 这是默辣黎人的家族,在司祭亚郎的儿子依塔玛尔指挥下,对会幕应尽的各种职务。」

4:34 梅瑟和亚郎及会众的首领,依照宗族和家系统计了刻哈特的子孙,
4:35 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务,
4:36 依照宗族登计的,共二千七百五十人:
4:37 这是刻哈特人的家族,所有在会幕内服务登记的人数,是梅瑟和亚郎依照上主给梅瑟的命令所统计的。
4:38 革尔雄的子孙,依照宗族和家系登了记,
4:39 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务,
4:40 依照宗族和家系登记的,共二千六百三十人:
4:41 这是革尔雄子孙的家族所有在会幕内服务的登记人数,是梅瑟和亚郎依上主的命令所统计的。
4:42 默辣黎子孙的家族,依照宗族和家系都登了记,
4:43 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务,
4:44 依照宗族登记的,共三千二百人:
4:45 这是默辣黎子孙家族登记的人数,是梅瑟和亚郎依照上主给梅瑟的命令所统计的。
4:46 梅瑟和亚郎并以色列的首领,依照宗族和家系,统计的肋未人的总数,
4:47 由三十岁以上到五十岁,凡应入伍到会幕服务管理搬运的,
4:48 共计八千五百八十人。
4:49 依照上主藉梅瑟所发的命令,给他们每人指定了各人应尽的职务和应搬运的工作;依照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的,他们都这样登记了。




5:1 上主训示梅瑟说:「
5:2 你命以色列子民把患任何癞并任何淋病及所有为死尸沾染不洁的人送出营外,
5:3 不论男女,都应送到营外去,免得我住在他们中的营幕沾染不洁。」
5:4 以色列子民就如此做了,将他们送到营外;上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,以色列子民就怎样做了。
5:5 上主训示梅瑟说:「
5:6 你训令以色列子民:不论男女,对近人作了什么不义的事,因此得罪上主而自觉有罪,
5:7 他该承认自己所作的不义,除赔偿全部损失外,还应另加五分之一给他所害的人。
5:8 若此人没有近亲可向他赔偿,这赔偿就归上主,属于司祭。此外尚应献一赎罪的公绵羊,为自己赎罪。
5:9 以色列子民在奉献的各种圣物中,凡是给司祭的献仪,即归于司祭。
5:10 每人所奉献的圣物,应归自己;但人给与司祭的,应归于司祭。」

5:11 上主训示梅瑟说:「
5:12 你告诉以色列子民说:若某人的妻子背离丈夫,
5:13 对他不忠,瞒着丈夫让人与她同睡交媾,在暗中玷污了自己,又没有见证,也没有被捉住,
5:14 若丈夫心生疑忌,疑忌他的妻子受了玷污;或者心生疑忌,疑忌他的妻子,但她实在没有受玷污;
5:15 丈夫就应带他的妻子到司祭前,为她献祭,献十分之一「厄法」的大麦粉,其上不可倒油,也不可加乳香,因为这是因疑忌所献的素祭,是一回忆罪过的素祭。
5:16 司祭令她前来,站在上主面前;
5:17 然后用陶器取些圣水,再由会幕地上取些尘土,放入水内。
5:18 司祭叫这女人站在上主面前,松开她的头发,将回忆的素祭品,即为疑忌所献的素祭品,放在她的掌上,司祭手内拿着给人招致咒骂的苦水,
5:19 然后司祭命那女人起誓,对她说:「若没有人与你同睡,若你没有背离丈夫受玷污,愿这招致咒骂的苦水于你无害。
5:20 但是,如果你背离了丈夫受了玷污,让丈夫以外的男人与你同睡,──
5:21 在此司祭叫那女人以诅咒的誓辞起誓,然后对她说:──愿上主使你在你民族中成为可咒骂和诅咒的人,使你大腿萎缩,使你肚腹肿胀!
5:22 愿这招致咒骂的水进入你的五脏,使你肚腹肿胀,使你大腿萎缩!」女人答说:「阿们、阿们。」
5:23 随后司祭将这些咒文写在纸上,用苦水洗去,
5:24 令女人喝这招致咒骂的苦水。这招致咒骂的水一进入她内,就给她带来苦楚。
5:25 司祭再由这女人的手内,接过为疑忌所献的素祭祭品,在上主面前行过摇礼后,放在祭坛上;
5:26 再由这素祭祭品内取出一把来作为纪念,放在祭坛上焚烧;以后,才令女人喝这水。
5:27 司祭命她喝水以后,事必灵验:如果她受了玷污,对丈夫不忠,这招致咒骂的水一进入她内,就给她带来苦楚;她的肚腹必肿胀,大腿必萎缩;这女人在她的民族中,必成为可咒骂的人。
5:28 但是,如果这女人没有受玷污,而是贞洁的,就不致受害,反要生育子女。
5:29 这是关于疑忌事的法律:几时一个妇人,背离丈夫,受了玷污;
5:30 或是一个男人心生疑忌,疑忌自己的妻子,他应带妻子站在上主面前,司祭应对她执行这法律所规定的一切。
5:31 如此,男人可免无罪,女人应自负罪债。」




6:1 上主训示梅瑟说:「
6:2 你告诉以色列子民说:无论男女,若许了一个特愿,即「纳齐尔」愿,献身于上主,
6:3 他该戒饮清酒和烈酒,不可喝清酒和烈酒制的醋,不可喝任何葡萄汁,也不可吃新鲜或干葡萄。
6:4 在整个献身期内,凡葡萄树所结的,甚至葡萄仁和皮,都不可吃。
6:5 在他整个守献身愿的时期内,不可剃头;他几时未满献身的愿,是祝圣于上主的,应让头发自由生长。
6:6 在他献身于上主的整个时期内,凡有死人的地方,不可走进。
6:7 连父亲母亲或兄弟姊妹死时,也不可让自己沾染不洁,因为在他头上有奉献于天主的记号。
6:8 在他整个献身期内,他是祝圣于上主的。
6:9 若有人忽然在他身旁猝死,那献身者的愿就沾染了不洁,在他取洁的那一天,应剃头,即在第七天他应剃头。
6:10 到第八天,他应带两只斑鸠和两只雏鸽,在会幕门口交给司祭。
6:11 司祭取一只献作赎罪祭,另一只献作全燔祭,为他因染死尸的不洁赎罪。他在当天应祝圣自己的头,
6:12 重新将献身的日子奉献于上主,且应献一只一岁羔羊作赎过祭;以前的日子无效,因为献身者的头沾染了不洁。
6:13 关于「纳齐尔」人的法律如下:在他献身愿期满的那一天,应引他到会幕门口,
6:14 他应献给上主的祭品是:一只无残疾的一岁公羔羊作全燔祭,一只无残疾的母羔羊作赎罪祭,一只无残疾的公绵羊作和平祭,
6:15 一篮用细面调油做的无酵饼,抹上油的无酵薄饼,以及同献的素祭及奠祭。
6:16 司祭在上主面前献上这些祭品后,就为他举行赎罪祭和全燔祭;
6:17 将公绵羊同一篮无酵饼献给上主作和平祭;然后举行素祭和奠祭。
6:18 献身者在会幕门口剃去自己祝圣的头发,把祝圣的头发,放在和平祭品的火上焚烧。
6:19 他剃去祝圣的头发以后,司祭取出煮过的公绵羊肩部,与篮中的一块无酵饼和一块无酵的薄饼,放在献身者手上。
6:20 司祭将这些祭品在上主前,行奉献的摇礼,除摇过的胸脯和举过的腿外,这些亦是属于司祭的圣物。此后,献身者方可饮酒:
6:21 这是关于许献身愿者的法律,献身者应奉献于上主的祭品;如果献身者照自己的财力许愿多献,就应照所许的愿,在献身愿所规定的以外,多作奉献。」

6:22 上主训示梅瑟说:
6:23 「你告诉亚郎和他的儿子说:你们应这样祝福以色列子民说:
6:24 『愿上主祝福你,保护你;
6:25 愿上主的慈颜光照你,仁慈待你。
6:26 愿上主转面垂顾你,赐你平安。』
6:27 这样,他们将以色列子民归我名下,我必祝福他们。」




7:1 梅瑟竖立起会幕那天,就傅油祝圣了帐幕和其中的一切器具、祭坛和附属的用具。他傅油祝圣以后,
7:2 以色列的领袖,各家族首领,即协助登记的各支派的领袖,前来奉献,
7:3 将他们的供物献于上主面前:篷车六辆,公牛十二头:每两位领袖一辆车,每位领袖一头牛。他们把这些送到会幕前时,
7:4 上主训示梅瑟说:「
7:5 你把这些收下,为会幕的事务使用,按照肋未人的职务,分给他们。」
7:6 梅瑟就收下车辆和牛,交给了肋未人。
7:7 按革尔雄子孙的职务,分给了他们两辆车及四头牛;
7:8 按默辣黎子孙的职务,分给了他们四辆车及八头牛,他们都在司祭亚郎的儿子依塔玛尔指挥下服务。
7:9 但没有分给刻哈特子孙,因为他们应用肩抬所照管的圣物。
7:10 在傅油祝圣祭坛时,众领袖也为祝圣祭坛奉献了供物。当众领袖把他们的供物送到祭坛面前时,
7:11 上主对梅瑟说:「每天应有一位领袖,奉献自己的供物,为祝圣祭坛。」
7:12 第一日奉献自己供物的,是犹大支派阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄。
7:13 他的供物是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:14 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:15 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:16 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:17 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄的供物。
7:18 第二日奉献供物的,是依撒加尔的领袖,族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳。
7:19 他奉献的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:20 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:21 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:22 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭:
7:23 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳的供物。
7:24 第三日是则步隆子孙的领袖,赫隆的儿子厄里雅布。
7:25 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:26 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:27 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:28 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:29 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是赫隆的儿子厄里雅布的供物。
7:30 第四日是勒乌本子孙的领袖,舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔。
7:31 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:32 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:33 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:34 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:35 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔的供物。
7:36 第五日是西默盎子孙的领袖,族黎沙待的儿子舍路米耳。
7:37 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:38 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:39 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:40 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:41 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是族黎沙待的儿子协路米耳的供物。
7:42 第六日是加得子孙的领袖勒乌耳的儿子厄里雅撒夫。
7:43 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:44 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:45 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:46 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:47 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,作和平祭:以上是勒乌耳儿子厄里雅撒夫的供物。
7:48 第七日是厄弗辣因子孙的领袖阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛。
7:49 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:50 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:51 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:52 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:53 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛的供物。
7:54 第八日是默纳协子孙的领袖,培达族尔的儿子加默里耳。
7:55 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:56 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:57 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:58 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:59 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是培达族尔的儿子加默里耳的供物。
7:60 第九日是本雅明子孙的领袖,基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹。
7:61 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:62 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:63 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:64 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:65 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹的供物。
7:66 第十日是丹子孙的领袖,阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔。
7:67 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:68 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂:
7:69 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:70 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:71 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔的供物。
7:72 第十一日是阿协尔子孙的领袖,敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳。
7:73 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:74 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂;
7:75 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:76 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:77 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳的供物。
7:78 第十二日是纳斐塔里子孙的领袖,厄南的儿子阿希辣。
7:79 他的供物,是一个重一百三十「协刻耳」的银盘,一个依圣所的衡量,重七十「协刻耳」的银盆,两件内都盛满油调的细面,为作素祭;
7:80 一个重十「协刻耳」盛满香料的金盂,
7:81 公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羔羊一只,为作全燔祭;
7:82 公山羊一只,为作赎罪祭;
7:83 又公牛二头,公绵羊五只,公山羊五只,一岁的公羔羊五只,为作和平祭:以上是厄南的儿子阿希辣的供物。
7:84 以上是傅油祝圣祭坛时,以色列领袖们为祝圣祭坛所奉献的供物,计有银盘十二个,银盆十二个,金盂十二个;
7:85 银盘每个重一百三十「协刻耳」,银盆每个重七十,器皿的银子依圣所的衡量,共重二千四百「协刻耳」;
7:86 盛满香料的金盂十二个,依圣所衡量,每个盂重十「协刻耳」,这些盂的金子,共重一百二十「协刻耳」;
7:87 为作全燔祭的一切牲畜,计有公牛犊十二头,公绵羊十二只,一岁的公羔羊十二只,还有同献的素祭;此外尚有公山羊十二只,为作赎罪祭;
7:88 为作和平祭的一切牲畜,计有公牛犊二十四头,公绵羊六十只,公山羊六十只,一岁的公羔羊六十只:以上是在傅油祝圣祭坛后,为祝圣祭坛所献的供物。
7:89 当梅瑟进入会幕为同上主说话时,他听见从约柜的赎罪盖上,两革鲁宾间,有与他说话的声音:是上主在与他说话。




8:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
8:2 「你告诉亚郎说:你安放灯盏时,要使七盏灯光,光照灯台的前面。」
8:3 亚郎就照样做了:安放了灯盏,使灯光照耀灯台的前面,如上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。
8:4 这灯台是用金子打成的,从座到花朵都是打成的;梅瑟是照上主指示的式样,制造了灯台。

8:5 上主训示梅瑟说:
8:6 「你由以色列子民中选出肋未人,并要洁净他们。
8:7 为洁净他们,你应这样做:将取洁水洒在他们身上,命他们用刀剃全身,然后洗自己的衣服,使自己洁净。
8:8 以后,他们应带一只公牛犊和同献的素祭,即油调的细面;你应另带一头公牛犊,为作赎罪祭;
8:9 领肋未人到会幕前,并召集以色列子民全会众。
8:10 领肋未人到上主面前以后,以色列子民将自己的手放在肋未人身上,
8:11 亚郎就以摇礼把肋未人献于上主面前,当作以色列子民的献仪:这样,他们才可以行服事上主的事。
8:12 以后肋未人应按手在两头公牛犊头上:一只你要献给上主作赎罪祭,一只作全燔祭,为肋未人赎罪。
8:13 你应使肋未人站在亚郎和他的儿子们面前,以摇礼把他们献给上主。
8:14 为此,你要由以色列子民中分出肋未人来,使他们属于我。
8:15 此后,肋未人才可进入会幕服务。为此你应洁净他们,以摇礼奉献他们,
8:16 因为他们是以色列子民中完全献与我的人;我使他们归于我。以代替以色列子民中一切开胎的首生,
8:17 因为以色列子民中的一切首生,不拘是人是兽,都属于我;自从我在埃及地击杀了一切首生的那一日起,我就将他们祝圣归属于我。
8:18 我取了肋未人,替代以色列子民中的一切首生;
8:19 我由以色列子民中委派了肋未人,作亚郎和他儿子们的属下,为替代以色列子民在会幕内服务,为以色列子民赎罪,免得以色列子民因接近圣所而遭受灾祸。」
8:20 梅瑟、亚郎以及以色列子民全会众,对肋未人就如此做了;上主关于肋未人怎样吩咐了梅瑟,以色列子民就对他们怎样做了。
8:21 肋未人洁净了自己,洗了自己的衣服,亚郎遂以摇礼把他们献在上主面前,亚郎并为他们赎了罪,使他们洁净。
8:22 此后,肋未人才进入会幕内,在亚郎和他的儿子们面前执行自己的职务。上主关于肋未人怎样吩咐了,梅瑟就对他们怎样做了。
8:23 上主训示梅瑟说:「
8:24 这是关于肋未人的法令:由二十五岁以上,应来服役,在会幕内工作;
8:25 到了五十岁就退休,不再服役;
8:26 以后在会幕内辅助自己的兄弟照管该遵守的事,自己却不必服劳役。关于肋未人的职务,你应这样安排。」




9:1 出埃及国后第二年正月,上主在西乃旷野吩咐梅瑟说:
9:2 「以色列子民在定期内当举行踰越节。
9:3 于本月十四日黄昏时,在定期内举行此节;应按一切规定和礼仪举行。」
9:4 梅瑟遂号令以色列子民举行踰越节。
9:5 他们就在正月十四日黄昏,于西乃旷野举行了踰越节;上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,以色列子民就怎样做了。
9:6 但是,有些人因沾染了死人的不洁,不能在那一天举行踰越节,就在那天来到梅瑟和亚郎前;
9:7 这些人对他说:「我们沾染了死人的不洁;为什么我们就被拒绝,而不能在以色列子民中,于定期内奉献上主供物﹖」
9:8 梅瑟对他们说:「你们等一下,我去听上主对你们有何吩咐。」
9:9 上主吩咐梅瑟说:
9:10 「你训示以色列子民说:几时你们中或你们后裔中,若有人沾了死人的不洁,或因到远方旅行,仍要为上主举行踰越节,
9:11 应在二月十四日黄昏举行,同时吃无酵饼和苦菜,
9:12 不要剩下什么到早晨,也不要折断羔羊的骨头:应全依照踰越节的规定举行此节。
9:13 但如有人是洁净的,又不在旅行中,竟忽略了过踰越节,这人就应由民间铲除,因为他没有在定期内奉献上主供物,这人应自负罪债。
9:14 至于与你们同住的侨民,若为上主举行踰越节,应按照踰越节的规定和礼仪举行;不论是侨民,或是本国公民,你们应守同样的法律。」

9:15 在竖立帐幕那一天,有云彩遮盖了帐幕,即会幕;到晚上云彩停在帐幕上,形状似火,直到早晨。
9:16 白天有云彩遮盖,夜间云彩形状似火:常是如此。
9:17 几时云彩由帐幕上升起,以色列子民随即起程;云彩在那里停住了,以色列子民就在那里扎营。
9:18 以色列子民照上主的命令起程,亦照上主的命令扎营:云彩停留在帐幕上几日,他们就几日扎营不动。
9:19 云彩若多日停留在帐幕上,以色列子民就遵照上主的命令,不移营前行。
9:20 有时云彩只数日停留在帐幕上,他们就依照上主的命令扎营不动,并依照上主的命令起程。
9:21 有时云彩从晚上到早晨停住,一到早晨就上升,他们就随之起程;或者一日一夜以后才上升,他们也随之起程。
9:22 如云彩两日或一月,或一年停留在帐幕上,无论停留多久,以色列子民也就安营不动多久;只在云彩上升时,方起程前行。
9:23 他们依照上主的命令扎营,依照上主的命令起程;他们全照上主藉梅瑟所吩咐的,遵守上主的训示。




10:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
10:2 「你要制造两个喇叭,用银打成,用为召集会众,为迁移营幕。
10:3 几时吹两个喇叭,全会众都应集合在会幕门口,来到你跟前。
10:4 若只吹一个喇叭,以色列的千夫长,作首领的应集合到你跟前。
10:5 若吹紧急号,扎在东方的营就起程;
10:6 第二次吹紧急号时,扎在南方的营就起程:吹紧急号是为叫他们起程;
10:7 但为召集会众,只吹号,不应紧急吹。
10:8 亚郎的子孙作司祭的应吹号:这为你们世世代代是条永久的规定。
10:9 几时你们在本国要出去作战,攻打来侵的仇敌,应吹紧急号,使上主你们的天主,记得你们,救你们脱离仇敌。
10:10 此外,在你们的庆日、节日、月朔之日,献全燔祭及和平祭时,还应吹号,使你们的天主记得你们:我是上主,你们的天主。」


10:11 第二年二月二十日,云彩由会幕升起,
10:12 以色列子民就从西乃旷野循序起程出发。以后云采在帕兰旷野停住了。
10:13 他们初次依照上主藉梅瑟所出的命令起程。
10:14 首先依队起程的,是犹大子孙的营旗,率领军队的,是阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄;
10:15 率领依撒加尔子孙支派军队的,是族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳;
10:16 率领则步隆子孙支派军队的,是厄隆的儿子厄里雅布。
10:17 拆下帐幕后,革尔雄的子孙和默辣黎的子孙,就抬着帐幕起程出发。
10:18 以后依队出发的,是勒乌本的营旗,率领军队的是,舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔;
10:19 率领西默盎子孙支派军队的,是族黎沙待的儿子舍路米耳;
10:20 率领加得子孙支派军队的,是勒乌耳的儿子厄里亚撒夫。
10:21 此后刻哈特人抬着圣所之物起程;当他们达到时,人应已竖起帐幕。
10:22 以后依队出发的,是厄弗辣因子孙的营旗,率领军队的,是阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛;
10:23 率领默纳协子孙支派军队的,是培达族尔的儿子加默里耳;
10:24 率领本雅明子孙支派军队的,是基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹。
10:25 以后依队出发的,是作全营后卫的丹子孙的营旗,率领军队的,是阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔;
10:26 率领阿协尔子孙支派军队的,是敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳;
10:27 率领纳斐塔里子孙支派军队的,是厄南的儿子阿希辣。
10:28 这是以色列子民出发时,依队起程的次序。
10:29 梅瑟对自己的岳父,米德杨人勒乌耳的儿子曷巴布说:「我们正要起程往上主曾说:「我要给你们的那地方」去;你同我们一起去罢!我们必要好待你,因为上主对以色列许下了幸福。」
10:30 曷巴布回答他说:「我不去,我要回到故乡我的老家去。」
10:31 梅瑟说:「请你不要离开我们!因为你知道我们在旷野安营的地方,你要给我们当响导。
10:32 你若同我们一起去,我们必使你分享上主要赐给我们的幸福。」
10:33 他们就由上主的山起程出发,行了三天的路程;三天的路程中,上主的约柜走在他们的前面,为他们寻求休息的地方。
10:34 白天他们移营前行时,上主的云彩常在他们头上。
10:35 当约柜起行时,梅瑟就说:「上主,请你起来,使你的仇敌溃散,使怀恨你的由你面前逃走。」
10:36 在约柜停留时,他就说:「上主,请归来,住在以色列千家万户中。」





11:1 当时人民怨声载道,怨声已传入上主的耳中;上主听见,遂发怒;上主的火在他们中燃起,焚烧了营幕的边缘。
11:2 人民遂向梅瑟求救;梅瑟恳求了上主,火就熄灭了,
11:3 遂给那地方起名叫塔贝辣,因为上主的火曾在他们中燃烧起来。
11:4 那些跟百姓来的杂族人甚是贪求口腹,连以色列子民也开始哭泣说:「谁给我们肉吃﹖
11:5 我们记得:在埃及我们可随便吃鱼,还有胡瓜、西瓜、韭菜、葱和蒜。
11:6 现在我们的心灵憔悴,我们眼见的除「玛纳」外,什么也没有。」「
11:7 「玛纳」形似胡荽种子,色彩有如珍珠。
11:8 人民四散收敛,用磨研细,或在臼内捣碎,在锅内煮了做成饼,它的滋味有如油饼的滋味。
11:9 夜间露水降在营上时,也降下「玛纳。」
11:10 梅瑟听见百姓家家户户,各在帐棚门口悲哭。上主大发忿怒,梅瑟见了也很难受,
11:11 遂对上主说:「你为什么难为你的仆人﹖为什么我在你眼中不蒙宠幸,竟将管理这百姓的担子全放在我身上﹖
11:12 莫非是我怀孕了这百姓,或是我生了他们,你竟对我说:你要怀抱他们,如同褓母怀抱乳儿,直到进入你对他们的祖先所誓许的地方﹖
11:13 我从那里拿肉给这百姓吃﹖因为他们向我哭诉说:给我们肉吃!
11:14 我独自不能抱着这百姓,这为我太重。
11:15 若你愿这样对待我,如果我在你眼中得宠,求你杀了我罢!免得我受这苦楚。」
11:16 上主对梅瑟说:「你给我由以色列老年人中召选七十人,你知道他们是民间的老前辈和会办事的人,领他们进入会幕,叫他们同你一起站在那里。
11:17 在那里我要降下,与你交谈,取些你身上具有的神能,赋给他们,叫他们与你分担管理人民的重担,不让你个人独自承担。
11:18 你对民众说:你们圣洁自己直到明天,你们就会有肉吃,因为上主已听见你们哀哭说:谁给我们肉吃﹖我们在埃及是多么好!如今上主要给你们肉吃了;
11:19 不但是一天、两天、五天、十天、二十天,你们有肉吃,
11:20 而是整月,直到肉从你们的鼻子里出来,吃的生厌,因为你们轻视了住在你们中的上主,在他面前涕泣说:为什么我们出离了埃及﹖」
11:21 梅瑟说:「与我同住的人民,步行的男子就有六十万,你却说:我要给他们肉吃,且吃一整月。
11:22 就是将牛羊都为他们杀了,为他们够用么﹖或将海里的鱼全给他们捉来,为他们足用么﹖」
11:23 上主回答梅瑟说:「难道上主的手短了﹖你就要看见我对你说的话是否应验。」

11:24 梅瑟将上主的话告诉了人民;随后从人民的老年人中召选了七十人,令他们站在会幕四周。
11:25 上主乘云降下,与梅瑟谈话;将他身上的神能,赋给那七十位长老;这神能一降在他们身上,他们就出神说话;以后再没有出神。
11:26 当时有两个人留在营内,一个名叫厄耳达得,一个名叫默达得;这神能也降在他们身上;他们原是在被录取的人内,却没有到会幕那里去,就在营内出神说话。
11:27 有一少年跑来告诉梅瑟说:「厄耳达得和默达得在营内出神说话。」
11:28 自幼即服事梅瑟的农的儿子若苏厄遂说:「我主梅瑟!你该禁止他们。」
11:29 梅瑟回答他说:「你为我的缘故嫉妒人么﹖巴不得上主的人民都成先知,上主将自己的精神贯注在他们身上!」
11:30 梅瑟遂与以色列的长老回到了营内。

11:31 那时上主使一阵风刮起,由海上吹来了鹌鹑,散落在营幕上;鹌鹑在营幕四周多得有一天路程那么远,在地面上约有两肘厚。
11:32 人民那一整日整夜,且在第二日整天都忙于捕捉鹌鹑,收集得最少的,也收集了十堆,都摆在营幕四周。
11:33 肉还在他们的牙齿间,尚未嚼烂,上主就对人民发怒了,以极严重的灾祸打击了人民。
11:34 故此人给那地方起名叫克贝洛特-加龙省阿塔瓦,因为在那里埋葬了贪饕的人民。
11:35 以后民众由克贝洛特-加龙省阿塔瓦起程,向哈兹洛特-加龙省出发,在哈兹洛特-加龙省住下了。




12:1 米黎盎和亚郎为了梅瑟所娶的雇士女人出言反对梅瑟,因为他娶了个雇士女人,
12:2 于是说:「上主岂只与梅瑟交谈,不是也与我们交谈过!」上主听见了这话。
12:3 梅瑟为人十分谦和,超过地上所有的人。
12:4 上主忽然向梅瑟、亚郎和米黎盎说:「你们三人到会幕那里去。」他们三人就去了。
12:5 上主乘云柱降下,停在会幕门口,叫亚郎和米黎盎;他们两人就走向前去,
12:6 上主说:「你们听我说:若你们中有一位是先知,我要在神视中显示给他,在梦中与他谈话;
12:7 但对我的仆人梅瑟却不是这样,他在我全家中是最忠信可靠的。
12:8 我面对面与他明明说话,不藉谜语,并让他望见上主的形像。为什么你们竟不怕出言反对我的仆人梅瑟﹖」
12:9 上主对他们发着怒走了。
12:10 云彩一离开会幕,看,米黎盎就生了癞病,像雪那样白;亚郎转身看见米黎盎生了癞病,
12:11 遂对梅瑟说:「我主,恳求你,别使我们因一时愚昧所犯之罪而受罚!
12:12 求你别让她像个胎死腹中的人,一出娘胎,肉身就已腐烂了一半。」
12:13 梅瑟遂向上主呼求说:「天主,我求你治好她罢!」
12:14 上主对梅瑟说:「若她的父亲在她面上吐唾沫,她岂不要七天忍此羞辱,七天把她隔离在营外,然后才让她回来﹖」
12:15 于是米黎盎七天之久,被隔离在营外;民众也没有起程,直到米黎盎回来。
12:16 以后,民众由哈兹洛特-加龙省起程出发,在帕兰旷野扎了营。




13:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
13:2 「你要派遣一些人去窥探我要赐给以色列子民的客纳罕地;每一宗族支派应派遣一人去,个个都应是他们中的领袖。」
13:3 梅瑟就依照上主的命令,从帕兰旷野派遣他们去了;这些人全是以色列民的首领。
13:4 以下是他们的名字:勒乌本支派是匝雇尔的儿子沙慕亚;
13:5 西默盎支派是曷黎的儿子沙法特;
13:6 犹大支派是耶孚乃的儿子加肋布;
13:7 依撒加尔支派,是若瑟的儿子依卡耳;
13:8 厄弗辣因支派是农的儿子曷舍亚;
13:9 本雅明支派是辣富的儿子帕耳提;
13:10 则步隆支派是索狄的儿子加狄耳;
13:11 若瑟支派,即默纳协支派是稣息的儿子加狄;
13:12 丹支派是革玛里的儿子阿米耳;
13:13 阿协尔支派是米加耳的儿子色突尔;
13:14 纳斐塔里支派是沃斐息的儿子纳赫彼;
13:15 加得支派是玛基的儿子革乌耳:
13:16 以上是梅瑟派去窥探那地方的人名;梅瑟给农的儿子曷舍亚起名叫若苏厄。
13:17 当梅瑟派遣他们窥探客纳罕地时,向他们说:「你们由此上乃革布去,然后上山区去,
13:18 窥看那地方怎样,看住在那地方的人民是强盛或是软弱,是稀少或是众多;
13:19 他们住的地方是好,或是坏;他们居住的城镇是不设防,或是设防的;
13:20 有什么土壤,是肥沃或是贫瘠;在那里有没有树木。你们应勇敢,带些那地方的果子来。」那时是葡萄初熟的时节。
13:21 他们遂上去,窥探了那地方,从亲旷野直到勒曷布,哈玛特关口。
13:22 他们上到乃革布,来到了赫贝龙。在那里有阿纳克的后裔阿希曼、舍瑟和塔耳买?ぉず毡戳潜劝<白蠛背窃缃ㄆ吣辍?
23 他们一直来到厄市苛耳山谷,砍下了一枝只有一嘟噜的葡萄,两人用杠子抬着,又摘了些石榴和无花果。
13:24 人称那地方为厄市苛耳山谷,因为以色列子民从那里砍去了一嘟噜葡萄。

13:25 四十天后,他们由侦探的地方回来,
13:26 到了帕兰旷野的卡德士去见梅瑟、亚郎和以色列子民的全会众,给他们和全会众报告,叫他们看那地方的果子。
13:27 他们向梅瑟报告说:「我们到了你派遣我们去的那个地方,实在是流奶流蜜的地方;这是那地方的出产。
13:28 只是住在那地方的人强盛,城镇坚固广大,而且我们在那里也见到了阿纳克的后裔。
13:29 阿玛肋克人住在乃革布地方;赫特人、耶步斯人和阿摩黎人住在山区;客纳罕人住在海滨和约但河沿岸一带。」
13:30 加肋布使百姓在梅瑟前镇静说:「我们尽管上去,必要占领那地方。我们必能战胜。」
13:31 但是与他同去的人却说:「我们不能前去攻打那民族,因为他们比我们强盛。」
13:32 于是他们在以色列子民中,对所侦探的地方散布谣言说:「我们侦探所经过的地方,是个吞噬当地居民的地方;我们在那里所见到的民族,都是高大的人。
13:33 在那里还见到了巨人,即巨人的后裔,阿纳克的子孙;我们看自己好象是蚱蜢;在他们看来,我们也实在如此。」




14:1 全会众都大声喧嚷,人民哭了一夜。
14:2 以色列子民都抱怨梅瑟和亚郎;全会众对他们说:「巴不得我们都死在埃及地,都死在旷野里!
14:3 为什么上主引我们到那地方死在刀下,叫我们的妻子儿女当作战利品﹖再回埃及去,为我们岂不更好﹖」
14:4 于是彼此说:「我们另立头目,回埃及去。」
14:5 梅瑟和亚郎遂俯伏在以色列子民全会众前。
14:6 侦探那地方的人中,有农的儿子若苏厄和耶孚乃的儿子加肋布,他们撕裂了自己的衣服,
14:7 告诉以色列子民全会众说:「我们侦探所经过的地方,确是一片极好的地方。
14:8 若上主恩待我们,必引我们到那里去,将那地方赐给我们。那实在是一块流奶流蜜的地方。
14:9 只要你们不反抗上主,就不必怕那地方的人民,因为他们要作我们的掠物;护佑他们的,离开了他们,上主却与我们同在;所以不要怕他们。」
14:10 全会众正说要用石头砸死他们时,上主的荣耀在会幕上显示给全以色列子民。
14:11 上主对梅瑟说:「这人民轻慢我要到几时呢﹖我虽在他们中行了那些神迹,他们仍不相信我,要到几时呢﹖
14:12 我要用瘟疫打击他们,铲除他们,使你成为一个比他们更强大,更昌盛的民族。」
14:13 但是梅瑟对上主说:「埃及人如果听说这事,因为你曾用威力由他们中领出这民族来,
14:14 他们将说什么﹖这地方的居民也曾听说:你上主是在这民族中;你上主曾面对面地发显出来,你的云彩常停在他们上面;白日你乘云柱,黑夜你乘火柱,走在他们前面。
14:15 现在,如果你消灭这民族如消灭一个人一样,这些曾听到你声名的外邦民族必要议论说:
14:16 『由于上主不能引这民族进入他对他们所誓许的地方,就在旷野将他们杀了。』
14:17 吾主,如今求你,大发宽容,如你曾声明说:
14:18 上主缓于发怒,富于仁慈,宽赦过犯和罪过,但决不豁免惩罚,父亲的过犯,要向子孙追讨,直到三代四代。
14:19 求你大发仁慈,宽恕这人民的罪过,就如从埃及一直到现在,你宽赦了他们一样。」
14:20 上主回答说:「我就照你祈求的宽赦他们;
14:21 但是我以我的生命,以充满全地的上主的荣耀起誓:
14:22 这些见了我的荣耀,见了我在埃及和旷野里所行的神迹的人,已十次试探了我,不听我的话,
14:23 他们决不能见我对他们祖先誓许的地方;凡轻慢我的人,决不会见到那地方。
14:24 惟有我的仆人加肋布,因怀有另一种精神,全心服从我,我必引他进入他去过的地方,他的后裔必占有那地方为产业。
14:25 现今阿玛肋克人和客纳罕人盘据在山谷中,明天你们应转身向红海出发,往旷野去。」

14:26 上主吩咐梅瑟和亚郎说:「
14:27 这个邪恶的会众抱怨我要到几时﹖以色列子民抱怨我的话我都听见了。
14:28 你对他们说:我以我的生命起誓:──上主的断语──我必照你们在我耳中所说的话,对待你们:
14:29 你们中凡二十岁以上登过记的,凡抱怨过我的,都要倒毙在这旷野中。
14:30 你们决不得进入我誓许给你们居住的地方,只有耶孚乃的儿子加肋布和农的儿子若苏厄除外。
14:31 至于你们的幼童,你们曾说他们要当战利品的,我要领他们进去,使他们享受你们所轻视的地方。
14:32 至于你们,你们必倒毙在这旷野中;
14:33 你们的子女要在旷野漂流四十年受你们背信之罚,直到你们的尸首在旷野中烂尽
14:34 你们侦探那地方的日子,共计四十天,一天算一年,你们应受四十年的罪罚,叫你们知道我放弃你们是什么一回事。
14:35 我上主既说了,也必对这聚集反抗我的邪恶会众这样做:在这旷野他们都要灭绝,在这里都要死荆」
14:36 梅瑟派遣去侦探那地方的人,回来以后,对那地方散布谣言,致使全会众抱怨梅瑟。
14:37 这些对那地方讲说坏话的人,都遭了灾罚,死在上主面前;
14:38 前去侦探那地方的人,只有农的儿子若苏厄和耶孚乃的儿子加肋布,保全了性命。
14:39 梅瑟将这些话告诉了全以色列子民;人民都非常忧闷。
14:40 次日清晨他们起来,要上山顶去,说:「我们犯了罪,现在我们已准备好,要往上主所说的地方去。」
14:41 但是梅瑟说:「你们为什么要违背上主的命令﹖这事必不会成功。
14:42 不要上去,因为上主不在你们中间,难免不被敌人击败。
14:43 因为阿玛肋克人和客纳罕人在那里要抵挡你们,你们必丧身刀下;你们既背离了上主,上主自然不再与你们同在。
14:44 他们仍擅自上了山顶;但上主的约柜和梅瑟没有由营幕中移动。
14:45 住在山中的阿玛肋克人和客纳罕人就下来,击杀了他们,将他们追击到曷尔玛。




15:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
15:2 「你吩咐以色列子民说:你们进入了我赐给你们居住的地方时,
15:3 如要以牛或羊献给上主作火祭,或作全燔祭,或作任何祭献,或为还愿,或出于自愿,或因逢节期,以之作为悦乐上主的馨香祭,
15:4 献祭的人应给上主加献十分之一「厄法」细面,调和四分之一「辛」油,作为素祭。
15:5 此外,为全燔祭或为任何祭献,还应奠上酒:为每只公羔羊,奠四分之一「辛」酒。
15:6 如果是只公绵羊,应加献十分之二「厄法」细面,调和上三分之一「辛」油,作为素祭;
15:7 再奠上三分之一「辛」酒,作为悦乐上主的馨香祭。
15:8 如果你以一只牛犊献作全燔祭或任何祭献,或为还愿,或献与上主作和平祭,
15:9 除牛犊外,还应加献十分之三「厄法」细面,调和上半「辛」油,作为素祭;
15:10 再奠上半「辛」酒,作为悦乐上主的馨香火祭。
15:11 每献一头公牛,或一只公绵羊,或一只公羔羊,或一只公山羊,都应照此而行;
15:12 你们所献的数目无论多少,为每一只都应照此而行。
15:13 本地人不论谁,献悦乐上主的馨香火祭时,都应这样行。
15:14 几时一个与你们同住的,或与你们的后代同住的外方人,愿献悦乐上主的馨香火祭,你们怎样行,他也应怎样行。
15:15 全会众,不论是为你们,或为与你们同住的外方人,只有一样的规定;这为你们世世代代,是一永远的规定:在上主面前你们与外方人一样;
15:16 为你们和与你们同住的外方人,只有一种法律,只有一种制度。」

15:17 上主训示梅瑟说:
15:18 「你吩咐以色列子民说:几时你们进入了我引你们去的地方,
15:19 吃那地方的食粮时,应拿一分献给上主作礼品:
15:20 由初熟的麦面团中,献一个饼作礼品,有如奉献才从禾场打下之物一样。
15:21 你们世世代代,应从初熟麦面团中取出,献给上主作礼品。
15:22 如果你们误犯了过失,而没有遵行上主向梅瑟所吩咐的某条诫命,
15:23 即上主藉梅瑟向你们所吩咐的,由上主出命之日起,直到你们世世代代,
15:24 那么,如果是会众出于无心误犯了过失,全会众应献一公牛犊当全燔祭,作为悦乐上主的馨香祭,并依照礼规献素祭和奠酒礼,再献一公山羊作赎罪祭。
15:25 司祭应为以色列子民全会众行赎罪礼,他们即可获得赦免,因为这是无心之过。当他们为这无心之过,给上主奉献了火祭,并在上主面前献了赎罪祭后,
15:26 以色列子民全会众以及住在你们中的外方人,都获得赦免,因为全人民犯了无心之过。
15:27 如果是一人出于无心犯了罪,应献一只一岁的母山羊作赎罪祭。
15:28 司祭为这犯无心之过的人,在上主面前行赎罪礼,因为他由于无心犯了罪;为他行了赎罪礼,他即可获得赦免。
15:29 凡以色列子民,不拘是本地人或住在你们中的外方人,对误犯过失的人,只有一条法律。
15:30 但如果一人,不论是本地人,或是外方人,敢大胆妄为,侮辱上主,这人应由民间铲除;
15:31 因为他轻视了上主的话,违犯了他的诫命,这人应被除灭,应自负罪债。」

15:32 以色列子民尚在旷野的时候,遇见一人在安息日拾柴,
15:33 遇见他拾柴的人,就带他到梅瑟及亚郎和全会众前;
15:34 他们将他押在看守所内,因为尚未指明应如何处置他。
15:35 那时上主对梅瑟说:「这人应处死刑,全会众应在营外用石头将他砸死。」
15:36 全会众遂拉他到营外,用石头砸死他,照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。

15:37 上主训示梅瑟说:
15:38 「你吩咐以色列子民,命他们世世代代,在自己衣边上做上繸头;衣边的每个繸头,应用紫绳系着。
15:39 这繸头是为叫你们一看见,就想起上主的诫命,依照遵行,免得你们随从心中和眼目的欲望,而放纵淫乱。
15:40 这样,你们必对我的一切诫命,怀念不忘,依照遵行;这样在你们的天主面前,你们常是圣洁的。
15:41 我上主是你们的天主,我领你们出离埃及是为作你们的天主:我上主是你们的天主。」




16:1 肋未的儿子刻哈特的后裔依兹哈尔的儿子科辣黑,和勒乌本的后裔厄里雅布的两个儿子达堂和阿彼兰,并培肋特的儿子翁,
16:2 起来反抗梅瑟。此外,还有二百五十个以色列人,他们都是会众的领袖,会议的要员,有名望的人。
16:3 他们团结起来反抗梅瑟和亚郎,对他们说:「你们太过份了!全体会众都是圣洁的人,上主也在他们中;为什么你们却抬举自己在上主的集会以上﹖」
16:4 梅瑟一听这话,就俯伏在地。
16:5 然后对科辣黑和他同党的人说:「明天早上,上主会使人知道,谁是他的人,谁是圣者;他使谁亲近自己:他许谁亲近自己,谁就是他所选的人。
16:6 你们应这样做:科辣黑和他同党的人啊!你们要拿着火盘,
16:7 明天在盘里放上火,在上主面前,添上乳香;上主拣选谁,谁就是圣者。肋未的子孙,你们太过份了!」
16:8 梅瑟又对科辣黑说:「肋未的子孙,请听我说:
16:9 以色列的天主将你们与以色列会众分开,使你们亲近他,在上主帐幕内服务,站在会众前头代他们行礼,这为你们还不够么﹖
16:10 他已使你和你所有的兄弟──肋未的子孙,亲近他,你们还要贪求司祭之职么﹖
16:11 其实你和你的同党所共谋反抗的是上主;至于亚郎,他算什么,你们竟抱怨他﹖」
16:12 梅瑟派人去叫厄里雅布的儿子达堂和阿彼兰来;他们却答说:「我们不去!
16:13 你领我们由流奶流蜜的地方上来,叫我们死在旷野,这为你还不够,你还想作王统治我们么﹖
16:14 你并没有领我们到了流奶流蜜的地方,也没有给我们田地和葡萄园当产业啊!你想剜出这些人的眼睛么﹖我们不去!」
16:15 梅瑟遂大怒,对上主说:「你不要垂顾他们的祭献;我没有夺过他们一匹驴,也没有损害过他们任何人。」
16:16 梅瑟对科辣黑说:「你和你一切同党,明日要来到上主面前,就是你和他们,还有亚郎。
16:17 你们各人要拿着自己的火盘,上面放上乳香;各人拿着自己的火盘到上主面前去,共二百五十个火盘;你和亚郎也各自拿着火盘。」
16:18 他们每人于是都拿了火盘,上面放上火,添上乳香,同梅瑟和亚郎来到会幕门口。
16:19 科辣黑召集了全会众到会幕门口,来反抗梅瑟和亚郎。此时,上主的荣耀就显现给全会众。
16:20 上主对梅瑟和亚郎说:
16:21 「你们快离开这会众,我立刻要消灭他们。」
16:22 梅瑟和亚郎就俯伏在地说:「天主,赐给一切血肉生气的天主!一人犯罪,你就向全体的会众发怒么﹖」
16:23 上主回答梅瑟说:「
16:24 你训示会众说:你们离开科辣黑、达堂、和阿彼兰帐幕的四周。」
16:25 梅瑟就起来往达堂和阿彼兰那里去,以色列的长老也都随着他去了。
16:26 他遂向会众说:「你们要远离这些恶人的帐幕!凡是他们的东西你们不要动,免得你们为了他们的一切罪恶而遭灭绝。」
16:27 他们遂离开了科辣黑、达堂和阿彼兰帐幕的四周;达堂和阿彼兰同他们的妻子儿女和婴孩出来,站在自己的帐幕门口。
16:28 梅瑟遂说:「因这件事,你们会知道,是上主派遣了我来做这一切,并不是出于我的本意:
16:29 如果这些人如其它的人一样死去,或者他们的遭遇如其它的人所遭遇的一样,上主就没有派遣了我;
16:30 但是,如果上主作了从未听见过的事,令地裂开口,将他们和他们的一切都吞下去,使他们活活的下到阴府,你们就知道这些人抛弃了上主。」
16:31 他一说完这些话,他们脚踏的地就裂开了;
16:32 地开了口,将他们和他们的家属,以及凡属科辣黑的人和所有的财物,都吞了下去。
16:33 他们和他们的一切,都活活的下了阴府;地在他们上面闭上口,他们遂由会众中消灭了。
16:34 他们四周所有的以色列人,一听见他们尖叫声,就都逃跑说:「怕地也吞没了我们!」
16:35 那时由上主那里发出了烈火,吞噬了那二百五十个奉香的人。




17:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
17:2 「你吩咐司祭亚郎的儿子厄肋阿匝尔,叫他将一切火盘从火堆中取去,把炭火散开,因为这一切都是圣的。
17:3 以这些犯罪丧生者的火盘,打成薄片,用来包盖祭坛,──因为奉献在上主面前的火盘已成了圣的,──给以色列子民当作鉴戒。」
17:4 厄肋阿匝尔司祭便取出那些被火烧死的人献过的铜火盘,叫人打成薄片,为包盖祭坛用,
17:5 为给以色列子民当作鉴戒,为叫凡不是出于亚郎子孙的俗人,不应前来在上主面前献香,以免和科辣黑及他的同党遭受一样的不幸。他全照上主藉梅瑟对他所吩咐的做了。
17:6 次日,以色列子民全会众抱怨梅瑟和亚郎说:「正是你们害死了上主的人民」。
17:7 当会众集合反对梅瑟和亚郎时,他们二人转向会幕;看,云彩遮盖了会幕,上主的荣耀发显了出来。
17:8 梅瑟和亚郎遂走到会幕面前,
17:9 上主吩咐梅瑟说:
17:10 「你们快离开这会众,我要立即消灭他们。」他们遂俯伏在地,
17:11 然后梅瑟向亚郎说:「你快拿火盘,由祭坛取火放在盘里,添上乳香,快拿到会众那里去,为他们行赎罪礼,因为愤怒已由上主面前发出,灾祸已经开始。」
17:12 亚郎遂照梅瑟所吩咐的拿了火盘,急忙跑到会众中;看,灾祸已在人民中开始;他遂添上乳香,为人民行赎罪礼,
17:13 站在死者和生者之中,直到灾祸止息。
17:14 在这次灾祸中死了一万四千七百,为科辣黑的缘故而死的人,还不在内。
17:15 亚郎于是回到会幕门口梅瑟那里,因为灾祸已止息了。

17:16 上主训示梅瑟说:
17:17 「你吩咐以色列子民,叫他们每一家族拿一根棍杖,就是每一个领袖为自己家族拿一根,共十二根棍杖,把各人的名字写在自己的棍杖上;
17:18 但在肋未的棍杖上,要写亚郎的名字,因为为肋未的族长亦应有一根棍杖。
17:19 你将这些棍放在会幕内,放在约证前,即在我与你常相会的地方。
17:20 谁的棍杖开花,谁就是我所选择的人;这样,我就平息了以色列子民在我面前抱怨你们的怨言。」
17:21 梅瑟于是告诉了以色列子民;他们所有的领袖都交给了他一根棍杖,每一家族中,每个领袖一根,共十二根棍杖;在他们的棍杖中,也有亚郎的棍杖。
17:22 梅瑟就将棍杖放在约幕内,放在上主面前。
17:23 次日,梅瑟进入约幕内,看,肋未家族的亚郎的棍杖发了芽;不但发了芽,而且开了花,结了成熟的杏。
17:24 梅瑟就由上主面前取出所有的棍杖,给以色列子民观看;以后各人取回了自己的棍杖。
17:25 上主对梅瑟说:「收回亚郎的棍杖来,放在约证前;留给叛逆之徒当作鉴戒,为平息他们对我发的怨言,免得他们死亡。」
17:26 梅瑟就这样做了。上主怎样吩咐他,他就怎样做了。
17:27 以色列子民对梅瑟申诉说:「看,我们要死了,我们完了!我们全完了!
17:28 凡接近上主帐幕的都该死;我们岂不都该死﹖」




18:1 上主对亚郎说:「你和你的儿子,连你的家族,应与你共同对圣所负责;你和你的儿子,应对司祭职负责。
18:2 你也要令你家族的众兄弟,──肋未支派,与你一同前来;他们应协助你,服事你;当你和你的儿子在约幕前供职时,
18:3 他们应照料你和全帐幕的事务,但不应接近圣所的器皿和祭坛,不然他们该死,连你们也该死。
18:4 他们协助你照料会幕的事务,作会幕的各种劳役,俗人不可接近。
18:5 你们应照料圣所和祭坛的事务,免得义怒降在以色列子民身上。
18:6 是我由以色列子民中,选拔了你们的兄弟肋未人,交给你们当作献于上主的人,为给会幕服务。
18:7 至于你和你的儿子,在有关祭坛和帷幔以内的一切事上,应留心尽你们司祭的职务;你们应献身于我赐予你们的司祭职务。俗人若敢近前,必处死刑。」
18:8 上主又对亚郎说:「看,我托你照管献于我的献仪,即凡以色列子民祝圣于我的,我都赐给你和你的子孙,作为应得之物,这是永久的权利。
18:9 火祭中所剩余的至圣之物都属于你;凡他们献于我的素祭,或赎罪祭,或赎过祭的祭品,都是至圣之物,都应属于你和你的儿子。
18:10 你们应在至圣之处分食,凡是男子都可以吃;你应视为圣物。
18:11 此外归于你的尚有:凡以色列子民行摇礼所献的祭品,我都赐给你,你的儿子和与你尚在一起的女儿:这是永久的权利;凡你家内洁净的人都可以吃。
18:12 凡是最好的油、酒和五榖,作初熟之物献给上主的,我都赐给你。
18:13 凡他们地中的一切出产,作初熟之物献给上主的,都属于你;凡你家内洁净的人都可以吃。
18:14 凡以色列中照禁物法所献之物,都属于你。
18:15 凡动物中应献于上主的开胎的首生者,不论是人是兽,都属于你;但你应叫人赎回首生的人,和首生的不洁之兽。
18:16 关于赎价,为一月以上的,你应叫人依所定的估价,照圣所的衡量,交五「协刻耳」的银子。(每一「协刻耳」为二十「革辣」。)
18:17 但是牛或绵羊或山羊的首生者,却不可令人赎回,因为是圣的;你应将它们的血洒在祭坛上,将脂肪焚化成烟,作为悦乐上主馨香的火祭。
18:18 至于牛羊的肉却归于你,就如摇过的胸脯和右腿归于你一样。
18:19 凡是以色列子民奉献与上主为圣物的祭品,我都给你和你的儿子,以及同你尚在一起的女儿:这是永久的权利,这是在上主前,与你的后裔所订立的永久不变的盐约。」
18:20 上主对亚郎说:「在你们的土地中,你不可有产业,在他们当中,也不得有属于你的份子,在以色列子民中,我是你的份子,你的产业。
18:21 至于肋未的子孙,我将以色列人的什一之物给他们做产业;这是为酬报他们在会幕内所服的劳役。
18:22 免得以色列子民接近会幕,负罪死亡;
18:23 因此只有肋未人准在会幕内服役,应负全责。这为你们世世代代是一条永久的条例:肋未人在以色列子民中不应占有产业,
18:24 因为我把以色列子民献给上主的什一献仪,给了肋未人作为产业;所以我对他们说:他们在以色列子民中,不应占有产业。」
18:25 上主训示梅瑟说:
18:26 「你告诉肋未人说:几时你们由以色列子民中,取得了我赐予你们作为产业的什一之物,你们应由这什一之物中,取十分之一献给上主,
18:27 这算是你们的献仪;好似禾场上的新粮和榨房中的新酒。
18:28 这样你们也由以色列子民所收的一切什一之物中,取一份献给上主作献仪,应将这献与上主的献仪,交给亚郎大司祭。
18:29 由你们所得的一切献仪中,应取出献于上主的一切献仪,且应取出最好的来,献作应祝圣的一份。
18:30 你再对他们说:几时你们奉献了其中最好的一份,其余的为你们肋未就如禾场上和榨房内的出品,
18:31 你们和你们的家人,可在任何地方分食,因为这是你们在会幕内服役所得的酬报。
18:32 如果你们奉献了其中最好的一份,就不致于有罪;你们不应亵渎以色列子民的祝圣之物,免遭死亡。」




19:1 上主训示梅瑟和亚郎说:
19:2 「这是上主制定的法律,衪这样命令说:你吩咐以色列子民,给你牵一头无瑕,身上没有残缺,且没有负过轭的红母牛来。
19:3 你们应将牛交给厄肋阿匝尔司祭,牵到营外,在他面前杀了。
19:4 厄肋阿匝尔司祭用手指蘸些牛血,七次向会幕的前面洒血。
19:5 以后在他眼前将牛焚烧;牛的皮、肉、血连粪,一起焚烧。
19:6 同时司祭应取香柏木、牛膝草和朱红线,扔在烧牛的火内。
19:7 以后司祭应洗自己的衣服,用水洗身,然后才可以回营;但直到晚上,司祭仍然不洁。
19:8 那焚烧牛的人,也应洗自己的衣服,用水洗身,但直到晚上仍然不洁。
19:9 另一位洁净的人收起牛灰,放在营外洁净的地方,为以色列子民会众留下作取洁水之用,因为这原是赎罪祭。
19:10 那收敛牛灰的人,应洗自己的衣服,且直到晚上不洁;这为以色列子民和侨居在你们中的外方人,是一条永久的法律。

19:11 凡摸了任何人尸体的,七天之久不洁。
19:12 第三日和第七日,他应用那水取洁,他才洁净;若在第三日和第七日上不取洁,他仍然不洁。
19:13 任何人摸了尸首,即死人的身体,而不取洁,便玷污了上主的居所,这人应由以色列中铲除,因为取洁水没有洒在他身上,他仍然不洁,不洁仍留在他身上。
19:14 几时在帐幕内死了一人,有这样的规定:凡进这帐幕,和所有在帐幕的人,七天之久不洁;
19:15 一切开着口,没有盖上盖的器皿,都成了不洁的。
19:16 凡在田野间摸了一个为刀所害,或自死的人,或人的骨骸,或坟墓的人,七天之久不洁。
19:17 为这样不洁的人,应取些赎罪祭烧成的灰,放在一器皿内,倒上活水。
19:18 然后一洁净的人拿牛膝草浸入水内,洒在帐幕上和其内的一切器皿并人身上,以及洒在那摸过骨骸或被害死的,或自死的,或坟墓的人身上。
19:19 那洁净的人应在第三日第七日上,洒那不洁净的人,到第七日才能使他洁净;那人还应洗自己的衣服,在水中沐浴,到晚上就洁净了。
19:20 谁成了不洁的而不取洁,这人应由会众中铲除,因为他玷污了上主的圣所,因取洁水没有洒在他身上,他仍然不洁。
19:21 这为你们是一条永久的法律。那洒取洁水的,应洗自己的衣服;凡触摸取洁水的,直到晚上不洁。
19:22 凡不洁的人摸过的东西,也成了不洁的;与之接触的人,也直到晚上不洁。」




20:1 以色列子民全会众于正月来到了亲旷野,人民就在卡德士住下了。米黎盎在那里死了,也就埋葬在那里。
20:2 会众没有人水喝,就聚在一起反抗梅瑟和亚郎。
20:3 民众同梅瑟争辩说:「巴不得我们的兄弟在上主面前死去时,我们也死了!
20:4 为什么你们领上主的会众来到这旷野里,叫我们和我们的牲畜都死在这里﹖
20:5 为什么你们使我们由埃及上来,领我们来到这样坏的地方﹖这地方不但没有粮食,没有无花果,没有葡萄,没有石榴,而且连喝的水也没有!」
20:6 梅瑟和亚郎遂离开会众,来到会幕门口,俯伏在地;上主的荣耀遂发显给他们。
20:7 上主吩咐梅瑟说:
20:8 「你拿上棍杖,然后你和你的兄弟亚郎召集会众,当着他们眼前对这盘石发命,叫盘石流水。这样你便可使水由盘石中给他们流出,给会众和他们的牲畜喝」。
20:9 梅瑟就照上主吩咐他的,由上主面前拿了棍杖。
20:10 梅瑟和亚郎召集会众来到盘石前,对他们说:「你们这些叛徒,听着!我们岂能从这盘石中给你们引出水来﹖」
20:11 梅瑟遂举起手来,用棍杖打了盘石两次,才有大量的水涌出,会众和他们的牲畜都喝够了。
20:12 上主却对梅瑟和亚郎说:「因为你们没有相信我,使我在以色列子民眼前被尊为圣,所以你们不得领这会众进入我赐给他们的土地。」
20:13 这就是默黎巴水的来历,因为以色列子民在那里与上主争辩过,上主因而显示了自己的圣德。

20:14 梅瑟由卡德士派遗使者去见厄东王说:「你的兄弟以色列这样说:你知道我们所遭遇的一切困难。
20:15 我们的祖先下到了埃及。我们在埃及住了很久,埃及人虐待了我们和我们的祖先。
20:16 我们曾向上主呼号,他俯听了我们的呼声,派来了一位使者,领我们出离了埃及。看,我们现在就在你边境上的卡德士城,
20:17 求你让我们由你的境内经过;我们决不会踏过庄田或葡萄园,也不喝井里的水,只走王道,不偏右,也不偏左;直至走过你的国境。」
20:18 厄东却答复说:「不准你由我这里经过,不然,我要以刀相迎。」
20:19 以色列子民再对他说:「我们只沿大路走,我们和我们的牲畜若喝了你的水,我们愿付钱;只求步行经过这点小事」。
20:20 他仍然说:「不准你经过。」厄东即领大队人马和武装部队出迎。
20:21 厄东既然不让以色列由他境内经过,以色列就从那里折回。

20:22 以色列子民全会众由卡德士起程,来到了曷尔山。
20:23 在厄东国界的了曷尔山上,上主对梅瑟和亚郎说:
20:24 「亚郎要归到他祖先那里去,他不能进入我赐给以色列子民的地方,因为你们在默黎巴取水的事上,违背了我的训令。
20:25 你带亚郎和他的儿子厄肋阿匝尔,一同上曷尔山上去,
20:26 将亚郎的长袍脱下,给他的儿子厄肋阿匝尔穿上,因为亚郎要被召归去,死在那里。」
20:27 梅瑟就照上主吩咐的做了。当着全会众的面,他们上了曷尔山。
20:28 梅瑟把亚郎的长袍脱下,给他的儿子厄肋阿匝尔穿上,亚郎就在山顶死了。以后梅瑟和厄肋阿匝尔由山上下来。
20:29 全会众知道亚郎死了,以色列全家为亚郎举哀三十天。




21:1 客纳罕人的阿辣得王,其时住在乃革布,听说以色列人沿阿塔陵路前来,就与以色列人交战,掳去了一些人。
21:2 以色列人于是向上主许愿说:「你若将这人民交在我手内,我必将他们的城毁灭。」
21:3 上主遂听了以色列人的请求,将客纳罕人交在他们手里,以色列人就毁灭了他们和他们的城;人遂给那地方起名叫曷尔玛。
21:4 他们由曷尔山沿红海的路起程出发,绕过厄东地;在路上人民已不耐烦,
21:5 抱怨天主和梅瑟说:「你们为什么领我们由埃及上来死在旷野﹖这里没有粮食,又没有水,我们对这轻淡的食物已感厌恶。」
21:6 上主遂打发火蛇到人民中来,咬死了许多以色列人。
21:7 人民于是来到梅瑟前说:「我们犯了罪,抱怨了上主和你;请你转求上主,给我们赶走这些蛇。」梅瑟遂为人民转求。
21:8 上主对梅瑟说:「你做一条火蛇,悬在木竿上;凡是被蛇咬的,一瞻仰它,必得生存。」
21:9 梅瑟遂做了一条铜蛇,悬在木竿上;那被蛇咬了的人,一瞻仰铜蛇,就保存了生命。」
21:10 以色列子民再起程出发,在敖波特扎了营;
21:11 由敖波特又出发,在依耶阿巴陵,即在面朝摩阿布东边的旷野内扎了营。
21:12 由那里又出发,在则勒得河旁扎了营。
21:13 由那里又出发,在阿尔农北岸扎了营。这条河是在旷野中,由阿摩黎人的边境流出;阿尔农就是摩阿布的边界,介于摩阿布和阿摩黎之间。
21:14 为此在「上主的战书」上说:「 在稣法的瓦赫布和阿尔农山谷,
21:15 以及山谷的斜坡;这斜坡伸展到阿尔地区,紧靠摩阿布的边境。」
21:16 由那里他们到了贝尔,那里有口井,上主曾指这井对梅瑟说:「你召集人民,我要赐给他们水喝。」
21:17 那时以色列人就唱了这首歌说:「井,涌出水来!你们应对它歌唱!
21:18 这井是领袖挖掘的,是民间的贵人,以令牌和棍棒挖凿的。」他们由旷野到玛塔纳,
21:19 由玛塔纳到了纳哈里耳;由纳哈里耳到了巴摩特;
21:20 由巴摩特到了摩阿布田野的山谷,到了俯瞰旷野的丕斯加高峰。

21:21 以色列人派遣使者到阿摩黎人的君王息红前说:
21:22 「请让我由你国内经过,我们决不闯入庄田或葡萄园,也不喝井中的水,只沿王道而行,直至走过你的国境。」
21:23 息红却不让以色列人经过他的国境;且调集自己所有的人民,往旷野里去对抗以色列人;一来到雅哈兹,就与以色列人交战。
21:24 以色列人用刀剑将他击败,占领了他的国境,自阿尔农河直到雅波克河,直到阿孟子民那里,因为雅则尔是阿孟子民的边界。
21:25 如此以色列人占领了那里所有的城镇,就住在阿摩黎人所有的城镇内,并住在赫市朋及其附属城内。
21:26 赫市朋原是阿摩黎人王息红的都城。息红与前任摩阿布王交战,占领了他所有的土地,直到阿尔农河。
21:27 为此诗人吟咏说:「你们到修建巩固的赫市朋去,那稳固的息红城;
21:28 因为由赫市朋发出了火,从息红的城冒出了火焰,吞灭了摩阿布的阿尔,消灭了阿尔农的高丘。
21:29 祸哉,摩阿布!革摩士的人民,你已灭亡!他的儿子已逃亡,女儿已被俘,交给了阿摩黎人的君王息红。
21:30 但我们一袭击他们,赫市朋直到狄朋,尽成废墟;我们蹂躝一切 直到诺法黑,直到默德巴。」
21:31 这样以色列人就住在阿摩黎的区域内。
21:32 梅瑟又派人去侦探雅则尔;他们占领了这城及其附属城镇,驱逐了那里的阿摩黎人。
21:33 以后前进,上了往巴商的路。巴商王敖格同他全国的人民,就出来对抗他们,在厄德勒与他们交战。
21:34 上主对梅瑟说:「不必怕他,因为我已将他,他的人民和国土,都交在你手里了;你要待他,如同对待住在赫市朋的阿摩黎人的君王一样。」
21:35 他们击杀了他,他的儿子和他所有的人民,没有剩下一个;遂占据了他的国土。





22:1 以色列子民再起程出发,在约旦东边的摩阿布旷野中,对着耶里哥城扎了营。
22:2 漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克,见了以色列对阿摩黎人所做的一切;
22:3 摩阿布人十分怕这民族,因为他们众多;摩阿布人对以色列子民大起恐慌,
22:4 于是对米德扬的长老说:「现在这些人要吞并我们四周的一切,有如牛吃尽田间的青草。」漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克,其时正是摩阿布的君王,
22:5 遂遣使者往幼发拉的河阿玛伍人之地的培托尔去,见贝敖尔的儿子巴郎,请他说:「看,由埃及来了一个民族,遮盖了地面,现今正住在我的对面。
22:6 现在请你来,替我咒骂这民族,因为他们比我强大,或许这样我能将他们击败,从此地赶走;因为我知道,你祝福的,必蒙祝福;你咒骂的,必蒙咒骂。」
22:7 摩阿布和米德扬的长老于是带着卜金去了;到了巴郎那里,将巴拉克的话告诉了他。
22:8 他回答他们说:「今夜你们在这里过夜,我要依照上主吩咐我的话答复你们。」这样,摩阿布的缙绅就在巴郎那里住下了。
22:9 天主来到巴郎那里说:「与你在一起的是些什么人﹖」
22:10 巴郎答复天主说:「是摩阿布的君王,漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克,打发些人来告诉我说:
22:11 看,从埃及来了一个民族,遮盖了地面,现在请你来替我咒骂他们,使我或许能与他们交战,将他们驱逐。」
22:12 天主对巴郎说:「你不可与他们同去,你不可咒骂这民族,因为他们是受祝福的。」
22:13 巴郎早晨起来就对巴拉克的缙绅说:「你们回本国去吧!因为上主不许我同你们一起去。」
22:14 摩阿布的缙绅就起身回到巴拉克那里说:「巴郎不愿同我们一起来。」
22:15 巴拉克于是又派比以前更多更尊贵的缙绅去。
22:16 他们去见巴郎,对他说:「漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克这样说:请你不要推辞到我这里来,
22:17 因为我必丰富地酬谢你。凡你要的,我都照办;只要你前来,替我咒骂这民族。」
22:18 巴郎答复巴拉克的使臣说:「既使巴拉克给我满屋的金银,我也不能做任何大小的事,违犯上主我天主的命令。
22:19 现在,请你们今夜也在这里住下,看看上主还要对我说什么。」
22:20 夜间天主来到巴郎那里,对他说:「这些人既然来邀请你,你就起身同他们去吧!但是你只应做我吩咐你的事。」
22:21 巴郎早晨起来,备好驴,就同摩阿布的缙绅一起去了。
22:22 因为他起身走了,天主发了怒;上主的使者在路上挡住他的去路。当时他骑着驴,还有两个僮仆跟着。
22:23 那驴一看见上主的使者,持着拔出的刀站在路上,就离开正路,走入田中去了。巴郎便鞭打那驴,要它回到路上。
22:24 以后,上主的使者又站在葡萄园间的窄路上,两面有墙。
22:25 那驴一见上主的使者,就紧靠着墙,将巴郎的脚挤在墙上,他又打了那驴。
22:26 上主的使者又往前行,站在窄狭的地方,左右无路可走,
22:27 那驴又见上主的使者,遂趴在巴郎下;巴郎大怒,用棍杖打那驴。
22:28 上主遂开了驴的口,对巴郎说:「我对你做了什么﹖你竟三次打我﹖」
22:29 巴郎回答那驴说:「因为你玩弄我。我若手中有刀,早杀了你。」
22:30 那驴对巴郎说:「我不是你从起初直到今日骑的驴吗﹖平常我是否对你这样做﹖」他回答说:「不。」
22:31 上主遂开了巴郎的眼,使他看见上主的使者,手持拔出的刀站在路上,他就躬身俯伏在地。
22:32 上主的使者对他说:「你为什么三次打你的驴﹖看,是我出来挡路,因为你走的这路,在我面前是邪路。
22:33 驴看见了我,就在我面前回避了三次;幸亏它回避了我,不然我早杀了你,只留下了它。」
22:34 巴郎于是对上主的使者说:「我犯了罪,因为我不知道是你站在路上阻拦我。现在,如果你以为不对,我就回去好了。」
22:35 上主的使者对巴郎说:「你同这些人去吧!但是你只应说我吩咐你的话。」巴郎于是同巴拉克的缙绅一起去了。
22:36 巴拉克听说巴郎来了,就到阿尔摩阿布──此城临近阿尔农河边,在国界的尽头,──去迎接他。
22:37 巴拉克对巴郎说:「我不是派遗了使者去请你﹖你为什么不到我这里来,莫非我不能酬报你﹖」
22:38 巴郎答复巴拉克说:「看,我已到你这里来了,但我能随便说什么吗﹖我只能说天主吩咐我说的话。」
22:39 巴郎遂同巴拉克起身,来到了克黎雅特胡祚特。
22:40 巴拉克杀了牛羊,馈送给巴郎和同他在一起的缙绅。
22:41 到了次日早晨,巴拉克领巴郎上了巴摩特巴耳去,从那里能看到一部分以色列人民。




23:1 巴郎对巴拉克说:「请你在这里给我建造七座祭坛,给我准备七头公牛犊和七只公绵羊。」
23:2 巴拉克就照巴郎说的做了;巴拉克和巴郎在每座祭坛上奉献了一头公牛犊和一只公绵羊。
23:3 然后巴郎对巴拉克说:「你留在你的全燔祭旁,我要前去,或许上主会使我遇见衪;衪指示我什么,我都告诉你。」
23:4 他就上了一座荒邱。天主遇到了巴郎,巴郎遂对天主说:「我建造了七座祭坛,在每座祭坛上,奉献了一头公牛犊和一只公绵羊。」
23:5 上主遂把巴郎要说的话放在他口中,然后对他说:「你回到巴拉克那里就这样说。」
23:6 他回到巴拉克那里,看见他和摩阿布所有的缙绅,仍站在全燔祭旁;
23:7 于是吟诗说:「巴拉克将我由阿兰召来,摩阿布王叫我由东方的山岭前来:你来替我咒骂雅各布伯,你来诅咒以色列!
23:8 我岂能咒骂天主所不咒骂的﹖我岂能诅咒上主所不诅咒的﹖
23:9 我由岩峰向他们观看,我由高丘向他们眺望:这是一独居,而不应与众民同列的民族。
23:10 谁能尽数雅各布伯的尘埃,谁能算清以色列的尘沙﹖惟愿我的死有如义人的死,我的结局相似他的结局。」
23:11 巴拉克对巴郎说:「你对我做的是什么事﹖我叫你来是为咒骂我的仇敌,你反而祝福!」
23:12 他回答说:「我岂不该谨慎说出上主叫我说的话吗﹖」
23:13 巴拉克对他说:「请你同我到另一地方去,从那里可看到他们;这里只看到一部分,不能看到全部;从那里替我咒骂他们。」
23:14 于是领他到了丕斯加山顶上的瞭望台。在那里建造了七座祭坛,在每座祭坛上,奉献了一头公牛犊和一只公绵羊。
23:15 巴郎对巴拉克说:「你在这里,站在你的全燔祭旁,我到那里去会见上主。
23:16 上主就显现给巴郎,把衪要说的话放在他口内,然后说:「你回巴拉克那里,就这样说。」
23:17 他来到巴拉克那里,看见他还站在全燔祭旁,摩阿布的缙绅仍同他在一起;巴拉克便问他说:「上主说了什么﹖」
23:18 他于是吟诗说:「巴拉克起来静听!漆颇尔的儿子,倾耳听我!
23:19 天主不像人能食言,不像人子能返悔。他说了岂能不做,许了岂能不行?
23:20 我受命是为祝福,他要祝福,我不能变更。
23:21 在雅各布伯中不见罪恶,在以色列中不睹灾祸;上主他们的天主与他们同在,欢呼君王之声,常在他们中间。
23:22 领他们由埃及出来的天主,为他们有如野牛的角。
23:23 其实雅各布伯不需要巫术,以色列不需要占卜;时候一到,自会启示与雅各布伯和以色列:天主要做什么。
23:24 这民族起来有如母狮,挺身像雄狮,不吞下猎物;不喝被杀的血,决不卧下。」
23:25 巴拉克对巴郎说:「你不咒骂他们,但也不该祝福啊!」
23:26 巴郎回答巴拉克说:「我不是对你说过:我应做上主所吩咐的一切吗﹖」
23:27 巴拉克对巴郎说:「来,我领你到另一个地方去,或者天主喜欢你从那里替我咒骂他们。」
23:28 巴拉克于是领巴郎到俯视旷野的培敖尔山顶。
23:29 巴郎对巴拉克说:「你在这里给我建造七座祭坛,给我预备七头公牛犊和七只公绵羊。」
23:30 巴拉克就照巴郎说的做了,在每座祭坛上奉献了一头公牛犊和一只公绵羊。




24:1 巴郎见祝福以色列,为上主所喜悦,就不再像前几次一样先去探求预示,只转面向旷野。
24:2 巴郎一举目,看见了按支派扎营的以色列人;那时天主的神降在他身上,
24:3 他遂吟诗说:「贝敖尔的儿子巴郎的神谕,明眼男子的神谕,
24:4 那听到天主的话,得见全能者的神视,在沉睡中开了神眼的神谕:
24:5 雅各布伯,你的帐幕,何其壮观!以色列,你的居所,何其美好!
24:6 如扩展的棕林,似河畔的花园,像上主栽种的沉香,似临水的香柏。
24:7 英雄由他的后裔而出,他将治理许多民族;他的君王超越阿加格,他的王国必受举扬。
24:8 领他出埃及的天主,为他有如野牛的角。他要吞灭那敌对他的人民,粉碎他们的骨骸,折断他们的箭矢。
24:9 他蹲伏卧下有如雄狮,又似母狮;谁敢令他起立﹖祝福你的,必受祝福;咒骂你的,必受咒骂。」
24:10 巴拉克对巴郎大发忿怒,拍手向他说:「我请你来是为咒骂我的仇敌;看,你反祝福他们,且已三次。
24:11 现在你快回你故乡去!我原想丰富地酬谢你,但是,上主夺去了你的酬报。」
24:12 巴郎回答巴拉克说:「我不是已对你遣来的使者声明过:
24:13 即使巴拉克给我满屋金银,我也不能违犯上主的命令,任意去行善或作恶,而只能说上主所吩咐的吗﹖
24:14 现在我就要回到我民族那里去;来,让我告诉你这民族日后对你的民族所要做的事。」
24:15 于是他吟诗说:「贝敖尔的儿子巴郎的神谕,明眼男子的神谕,
24:16 那听到天主的话,深知至高者的思虑,得见全能者的神视,在沉睡中开了神眼的神谕:
24:17 我看见衪,却不是在现在;我望见衪,却不是在近处:由雅各布伯将出现一颗星,由以色列将兴起一权杖,击碎摩阿布的额角,粉碎舍特一切子民的脑盖。
24:18 厄东将成为他的属地,色依尔将成为他的辖境;以色列必行使威权。
24:19 由雅各布伯将出生一位统治仇敌者,衪要除灭依尔的遗民。」
24:20 以后他望见阿肋玛克,遂吟诗说:「阿肋玛克原是众民之首,但他的结局是永远的灭亡。」
24:21 后又望见刻尼人,遂吟诗说:「你的居所固然巩固,你的巢穴纵然建在盘石间;
24:22 但刻尼人仍要被毁灭,到何时亚述才将你掳去﹖」
24:23 他又吟诗说:「呜呼!若天主履行此事,谁还能生存!
24:24 从基廷有船来,征服亚述,征服厄贝尔;他们也要永远灭亡。」
24:25 然后巴郎起身回了本乡;巴拉克也回去了。




25:1 当以色列人住在史廷的时候,民众开始与摩阿布女子行淫。
25:2 这些女子请民众参与她们神祗的祭祀;民众吃了供物,且朝拜了她们的神祗。
25:3 这样以色列人就归依了巴耳培敖尔,上主因此对以色列大发忿怒。
25:4 上主对梅瑟说:「你捉住民众中所有的罪魁,在光天化日之下,为上主将他们悬挂起来,好挽回上主对以色列的怒火。」
25:5 梅瑟就吩咐以色列的各首长说:「你们每人应将自己家中归依巴耳培敖尔的人杀死。」
25:6 看,当梅瑟和以色列子民全会众都在会幕门口流泪痛哭时,以色列子民中正有一人,当他们的面,带了一个米德扬女人到他兄弟那里去。
25:7 大司祭亚郎的儿子厄肋阿匝尔的儿子丕乃哈斯一见,就由会众中起来,顺手拿了一把长枪,
25:8 跟那以色列人进入卧室内,刺穿了他们两人,即那以色列人和那女人的肚腹;以色列子民间的灾祸遂止息了。
25:9 在这次灾祸内,死去了二万四千人。
25:10 上主于是训示梅瑟说:
25:11 「大司祭亚郎的孙子,厄肋阿匝尔的儿子丕乃哈斯,由以色列子民身上挽回了我的忿怒,因为他在他们中,怀着与我同样的嫉邪的心,因此我没有因我嫉邪之心消灭了以色列子民。
25:12 为此你应声明:看,我与他结平安的盟约。
25:13 这为他和他的后裔,是永享司祭品位的盟约,因为他为了自己天主的缘故,嫉恶如仇,赔补了以色列子民的罪。」
25:14 那与米德扬女人一同被杀的以色列人,名叫齐默黎,是撒路的儿子,西默盎家族的族长。
25:15 那被杀的米德扬女人,名叫苛次彼,是族尔的女儿;族尔是米德扬一部落的酋长。
25:16 事后,上主训示梅瑟说:
25:17 「你应围攻米德扬人,打击他们,因为他们用诡计打击了你们,就是在培敖尔的事上,并在他们的姊妹.米德扬酋长的女儿苛次彼的事上,欺骗了你们。──这女子已在培敖尔的事上,在灾祸之日被杀。」




26:1 这次灾祸以后,上主对梅瑟和大司祭亚郎的儿子厄肋阿匝尔说:
26:2 「你们应将以色列子民全会众,凡二十岁以上,在以色列中能上阵作战的,按家族再行登记。
26:3 梅瑟和司祭厄肋阿匝尔,就在约旦河边耶里哥的对面,摩阿布旷野内,
26:4 统计了二十岁以上的人,照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。

26:5 以色列的长子勒乌本:勒乌本的子孙:属哈诺客人的,有哈诺客家族;属帕路的,有帕路家族;
26:6 属赫兹龙的,有赫兹龙家族;属加尔米的,有加尔米家族:
26:7 以上是勒乌本家族,登记的人数,共计四万三千七百三十。
26:8 帕路的子孙:厄里雅布。
26:9 厄里雅布的儿子是乃慕耳、达堂和阿彼兰。达堂和阿彼兰原是会众推选的人,在科辣黑党派违背上主时,起来反抗梅瑟和亚郎。
26:10 当时地裂开了口,将他们同科辣黑吞了下去;同时有火烧死了二百五十人:这样全党都消灭了,作为后人的鉴戒。
26:11 但是科辣黑的儿子们却没有死亡。
26:12 西默盎的子孙:按照家族属乃慕耳的,乃慕耳家族:属雅明的,有雅明家族:属雅津的,有雅津家族;
26:13 属则辣黑的,有则辣黑家族;属沙乌耳的,有沙乌耳家族:
26:14 以上是西默盎家族,人数共计二万二千二百。
26:15 加得的子孙:按照家族,属责丰的,有责丰家族;属哈基的,有哈基家族;属叔尼的,有叔尼家族,
26:16 属敖次尼的,有敖次尼家族;属厄黎的,有厄黎家族;
26:17 属阿洛得的,有阿洛得家族;属阿勒里的,有阿勒里家族:
26:18 以上是加得子孙的家族,登记的人数共计四万五百。
26:19 犹大的儿子:厄尔和敖难。厄尔和敖难死在客纳罕地。
26:20 犹大的子孙:按照家族:属舍拉的,有舍拉家族;属培勒兹的,有培勒兹家族;属则辣黑的,有则辣黑家族。
26:21 培肋勒兹的子孙:属赫兹龙的,有赫兹龙家族;属哈慕耳的,有哈慕耳家族:
26:22 以上是犹大家族,登记的人数,共计七万六千五百。
26:23 依撒加尔的子孙:按照家族,属托拉的,有托拉家族;属普瓦的,有普瓦家族;
26:24 属雅叔布的,有雅叔布家族;属史默龙的,有史默龙家族:
26:25 以上是依撒加尔家族,登记人数共计六万四千三百。
26:26 则步隆的子孙:依照家族,属色勒得的,有色勒得家族;属厄隆的,有厄隆家族;属雅赫肋耳的,有雅赫肋耳家族:
26:27 以上是则步隆家族,登记的人数,共计六万五百。
26:28 若瑟的子孙:依照家族,有默纳协族和厄弗辣因族。
26:29 默纳协的子孙:属玛基尔的,有玛基尔家族;玛基尔生了基肋阿得,属基肋阿得的,有基肋阿得家族。
26:30 以下是基肋阿得的子孙:属耶则尔的,有则尔家族;属赫肋克的,有赫肋克家族;
26:31 属阿斯黎耳的,有阿斯黎耳家族;属舍根的,有舍根家族;
26:32 属舍米达的,有舍米达家族;属赫斐尔的,有赫斐尔家族。
26:33 赫斐尔的儿子责罗斐哈得没有儿子,只有女儿;责罗斐哈得的女儿的名字是:玛赫拉、诺阿、曷革拉、米耳加和提尔匝:
26:34 以上是默纳协家族,登记的人数共计五万二千七百。
26:35 以下是厄弗辣因的子孙:按照家族,属叔特拉的,有叔特拉家族;属贝革尔的,有贝革尔家族;属塔罕的,有塔罕家族。
26:36 以下是叔特拉的子孙:属厄兰的,有厄兰家族。
26:37 以上是厄弗辣因子孙家族,登记的人数共计三万二千五百:以上按照家族,都是若瑟的子孙。
26:38 本雅明的子孙:按照家族,属贝拉的,有贝拉家族;属阿市贝耳的,有阿市贝耳家族;属阿希兰的,有阿希兰家族;
26:39 属舍孚番的,有舍孚番家族;属胡番的,有胡番家族。
26:40 贝拉的儿子是阿尔德和纳阿曼。属阿尔德的,有阿尔德家族;属纳阿曼的,有纳阿曼家族;
26:41 按照家族,这些都是本雅明的子孙,登记的人数共计四万五千六百。
26:42 以下是丹的子孙:按照家族,属叔罕的,有叔罕家族;按照家族,这是丹的家族。
26:43 叔罕全家族登记的人数,共计六万四千四百。
26:44 阿协尔的子孙:按照家族,属依默纳的,有依默纳家族;属依市伟的,有依市伟家族;属贝黎雅的,有贝黎雅家族。
26:45 贝黎雅的子孙:属赫贝尔的,有赫贝尔家族;属有玛耳基耳的,有玛耳基耳家族。
26:46 阿协尔的女儿的名字是色辣黑。
26:47 以上是阿协尔子孙家族,登记的人数共计五万三千四百。
26:48 纳斐塔里的子孙:按照家族,属雅赫责耳的,有雅赫责耳家族;属古尼的,有古尼家族;
26:49 属耶责耳的,有耶责耳家族;属史冷的,有史冷家族;
26:50 按照家族,这些都是纳斐塔里家族,他们登记的人数共计四万五千四百。
26:51 以色列登记的人数共计六十万一千七百三十。
26:52 上主训示梅瑟说:
26:53 「你应照登记的名额,将土地分配给他们作为产业:
26:54 人数多的应多给,人数少的应少给;各依照登记的名额分配产业。
26:55 但还应抽签来分配土地,各按宗族支系的名字领取产业。
26:56 看人数的多寡,来抽签,给他们分配产业。」
26:57 以下是按照家族登记的肋未人:属革尔雄的,有革尔雄家族;属刻哈特的,有刻哈特家族;属默辣黎的,有默辣黎家族。
26:58 以下是肋未的家族:里贝尼家族,赫贝龙家族,玛赫里家族,慕史家族,科辣黑家族。刻哈特生了阿默兰;
26:59 阿默兰的妻子名叫约革贝得,是肋未的女儿,她在埃及出生,给阿默兰生了亚郎、梅瑟和他们的姊妹米黎盎。
26:60 亚郎生了纳达布、阿彼胡、厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔
26:61 纳达布和阿彼胡在上主面前献了凡火,遭遇了死亡。
26:62 凡一月以上的男子,登记共计二万三千;他们没有登记在以色列子民的数目内,因为在以色列子民中没有分得产业。
26:63 这是梅瑟和司祭厄肋阿匝尔,在约旦河边,耶利哥的对面,摩阿布旷野内,所统计的以色列子民的人数。
26:64 他们中没有一个是梅瑟和大司祭亚郎,在西乃旷野统计以色列子民时,所统计过的人,
26:65 因为上主论及他们曾说过,他们必死在旷野。实在,除了耶孚乃的儿子加肋布和农的儿子若苏厄外,他们中没有剩下一人。




27:1 那时,若瑟的儿子默纳协家族内,责罗斐哈得的女儿们前来,──责罗斐哈得是赫斐尔的儿子,赫斐尔是基肋阿得的儿子,基肋阿得是玛基尔的儿子,玛基尔是默纳协的儿子;她们的名字是玛赫拉、诺阿、曷革拉、米耳加和提尔匝。
27:2 她们站在梅瑟、大司祭厄肋阿匝尔、众领袖和全会众前,即会幕门口说:
27:3 「我们的父亲死在旷野,但他并不是科辣黑党派中,结党反抗上主的党徒,他只是因自已的罪死了,没有留下儿子。
27:4 为什么让我们父亲的名字,因为没有儿子,就由本族中消灭﹖让我们在我们父亲的兄弟中,也分得一份产业。」
27:5 梅瑟就将她们的案件呈到上主面前;
27:6 上主训示梅瑟说:
27:7 「责罗斐哈得的女儿们说得有理;你应在她们父亲兄弟中分给她们一份产业,将她们父亲的产业转让给她们。
27:8 并且你应训示以色列子民说:一个人死了,若没有儿子,你们应将他的产业转让给他的女儿;
27:9 如果连女儿也没有,应将他的产业分给他的兄弟们。
27:10 如果连一个兄弟也没有,应将他的产业分给他父亲的兄弟们。
27:11 如果他的父亲也没有兄弟,应将他的产业分给他家族中与他最近的亲属,他应继承遗产:这是以色列子民当守的法令,如上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。」

27:12 上主对梅瑟说:「你上这座阿巴陵山上去,看一看我赐给以色列子民的地方。
27:13 你看了以后,你也要归到你亲属那里去,如你哥哥亚郎归去一样。
27:14 因为在亲旷野里,当会众反叛时,我命你们在他们眼前以取水显我为圣时,你们违背了我的命令。」【这是指在亲旷野中,在卡德士的默黎巴取水的事。】
27:15 梅瑟向上主说:
27:16 「望上主,赐给一切血肉气息的天主,委派一人管理会众,
27:17 叫他处理他们的事件,领导他们出入,免得上主的会众如无牧之羊。」
27:18 上主对梅瑟说:「你应选用农的儿子若苏厄,他是个有精神的人,按手在他身上,
27:19 叫他站在大司祭厄肋阿匝尔和全会众前,当着他们的面委派他。
27:20 将你的一些威权授给他,好叫以色列子民全会众听从他。
27:21 但他应到大司祭厄肋阿匝尔面前,请司祭为他在上主面前咨询「乌陵」的决断,他和一切以色列子民及全会众,应依照指示去行事。」
27:22 梅瑟就照上主吩咐他的做了;选用了若苏厄,叫他站在大司祭厄肋阿匝尔和全会众面前,
27:23 按手在他身上,委派了他,全照上主借着梅瑟所吩咐的。




28:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
28:2 「你吩咐以色列子民说:你们应在规定的时期内,准时将献给我的供物──我的食品,焚化为中悦我的馨香火祭献给我。
28:3 你对他们说:这是你们应献给上主的火祭:每天应献两只一岁无瑕的公羔羊,做日常的全燔祭:
28:4 早上献一只,傍晚献一只;
28:5 还应献十分之一「厄法」细面,调上四分之一「辛」榨得的油,作为素祭。
28:6 这是在西乃山上规定应行的日常全燔祭,作为献与上主的馨香火祭。
28:7 此外,为每只公羔羊,应奠上四分之一「辛」的酒:这是在圣所内向上主献的醇酒祭。
28:8 傍晚应献另一只公羔羊、素祭和奠祭,如早晨所献的一样,作为中悦上主的馨香火祭。
28:9 安息日,应献两只一岁无瑕的公羔羊,十分之二「厄法」油调的细面,当作素祭;还有同献的奠祭。
28:10 这是每安息日,除日常的全燔祭和奠祭外,应献的安息日全燔祭。
28:11 每月初一,应给上主献一全燔祭:即公牛犊二头,公绵羊一只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊七只。
28:12 为每头公牛犊同献的素祭,是十分之三「厄法」油调的细面;为每一只公绵羊同献的素祭,是十分之二「厄法」油调的细面;
28:13 为每只公羔羊同献的素祭,是十分之一「厄法」油调的细面:这是馨香的全燔祭,是献给天主的火祭。
28:14 此外尚有奠祭:为每头公牛犊奠半「辛」酒,为每只公绵羊奠三分之一「辛」,为每只公羔羊奠四分之一「辛」:这是一年内,每月初一应献的全燔祭。
28:15 除日常的全燔祭和同献的奠祭外,还应献给上主一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
28:16 正月十四日是上主的逾越节,
28:17 这月十五日是庆日,七天之内应吃无酵饼。
28:18 第一日应召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做。
28:19 应献给上主作火祭的全燔祭,是两头公牛犊,一只公绵羊,和七只一岁的公羔羊,全应是无瑕疵的。
28:20 至于同献的素祭,应是油调的细面:为每头公牛犊献十分之三「厄法」,为每只公绵羊献十分之二「厄法」;
28:21 至于那七只公羔羊,为每只献十分之一「厄法」。
28:22 此外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭,为你们赎罪。
28:23 除早晨应献的日常全燔祭之外,还应奉献这些祭品。
28:24 七天之久,每天都应奉献这样的祭品,给上主作为馨香火祭的食品;应献的日常全燔祭和同献的奠祭在外。
28:25 到第七日再召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做。
28:26 在初熟节,即七七节内,给上主献荐新的素祭时,应召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做。
28:27 你们应献给上主馨香的全燔祭,即二头公牛犊,一只公绵羊,七只一岁的公羔羊;
28:28 至于同献的素祭,是油调的细面:为每头公牛犊献十分之三「厄法」,为每只公绵羊献十分之二「厄法」;
28:29 至于那七只公绵羊,为每只献十分之一「厄法」。
28:30 此外,还应献一只公山羊,为你们赎罪。
28:31 除日常全燔祭和同献的素祭外,还应献这些无瑕疵的祭品和同献的奠祭。




29:1 七月初一日,你们应召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做:这是你们应欢呼吹号的日子。
29:2 应献给上主馨香的全燔祭,即公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁无瑕疵的公羔羊七只。
29:3 至于同献的素祭,应是油调的细面:为每只公牛犊献十分之三「厄法」,为每只公绵羊献十分之二「厄法」;
29:4 至于那七只公羔羊,为每只献十分之一「厄法」。
29:5 此外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭,为你们赎罪。
29:6 除月朔的全燔祭及同献的素祭,日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和依礼规应同献的奠祭外,还应行这些祭献,作为中悦上主的馨香火祭。

29:7 七月初十,你们也应召开圣会,苦身克己,一切劳工都不许做。
29:8 应给上主献馨香的全燔祭:即公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁无瑕疵的公羔羊七只。
29:9 至于同献的素祭,应是油调的细面:为每只公牛犊献十分之三「厄法」,为每只公绵羊献十分之二「厄法」;
29:10 至于那七只公羔羊,为每只献十分之一「厄法」。
29:11 除赎罪节日的赎罪祭,日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和应献的奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。

29:12 七月十五日,你们也应召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做,为上主举行七天庆节。
29:13 你们应献全燔祭,作为中悦上主的火祭:即公牛犊十三头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
29:14 至于同献的素祭,是油调的细面:十三头公牛犊,为每头献十分之三「厄法」,二只公绵羊,为每只献十分之二「厄法」。
29:15 十四只公羔羊,为每只献十分之一「厄法」。
29:16 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:17 第二日:应献公牛犊十二头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
29:18 至于与公牛犊、公绵羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:19 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:20 第三日:应献公牛犊十一头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
29:21 至于与公牛犊、公绵羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:22 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:23 第四日:应献公牛犊十头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只,
29:24 至于与公牛犊、公绵羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:25 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:26 第五日:应献公牛犊九头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
29:27 至于与公牛犊、公绵羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:28 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:29 第六日:应献公牛犊八头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
29:30 至于与公牛犊、公绵羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:31 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:32 第七日:应献公牛犊七头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
29:33 至于与公牛犊、公绵羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:34 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:35 第八日:你们应召开盛会,一切劳工都不许做。
29:36 应献全燔祭作为中悦上主的馨香火祭:即公牛犊一头,公绵羊一只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊七只。
29:37 至于与公牛犊、公山羊和公羔羊应同献的素祭和奠祭,依数照例奉献。
29:38 除日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和奠祭外,还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
29:39 这是你们在庆节内,除那些为还愿或自愿所献全燔祭、素祭、奠祭及和平祭外,所应献给上主的祭献。」



30:1 梅瑟全照上主所吩咐的一切,训示了以色列子民。

30:2 梅瑟训示以色列子民各支派的首领说:「这是上主所吩咐的:
30:3 若人向上主许愿,或发誓戒绝什么,他不可食言,应全照口中所许的去做。
30:4 那还在父家的年轻女子,若向上主许愿,或发愿戒绝什么,
30:5 她父亲听到了她许的愿和她发誓戒绝的事,却对她未发一言,她许的愿和她所发的戒誓,概为有效。
30:6 但是,如果她父亲在听到的那天,禁止了她,她所许的愿和所发的戒誓,概不生效;上主必宽恕她,因为她父亲禁止了她。
30:7 如果她有愿在身,或口中冒然发了戒绝某事的誓,而她已出嫁,
30:8 她丈夫听说了,在他听说的那天,对她未发一言,她的愿和她所发的戒誓,仍为有效;
30:9 但是,如果她丈夫在听说的那天,禁止了她,他就取消了她许的愿,和口中冒然所发的戒誓,上主也必宽恕她。
30:10 寡妇或弃妇所许的愿,或她所发的戒誓,概为有效。
30:11 但是,如果她尚在丈夫家内许了愿,或发誓要戒绝什么,
30:12 若她丈夫听说了,未发一言,没有禁止她,她的愿仍为有效,她所发的戒誓,亦为有效。
30:13 但是,如果她的丈夫,在听说的那天,声明无效;凡她所说出的,不论是许的愿,或发的戒誓,一概无效;她的丈夫既声明无效,上主也就宽恕她。
30:14 凡女人所许的愿,或为苦身克己所发的誓,丈夫能使之生效,亦能声明无效。
30:15 但是如果她的丈夫两天内对她未发一言,就算他使她所许的愿和她所发的戒誓生效,因为在他听说的那天,对她未发一言,就已算赞成。
30:16 但若他听说很久以后,才声明无效,他应负妻子的罪债」。
30:17 这是有关丈夫和妻子的关系,父亲与尚在家内的年轻女儿的关系,上主向梅瑟吩咐的法令。




31:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
31:2 「你应在米德杨人身上为以色列子民报仇,以后你就要归到你亲族那里去。」
31:3 梅瑟于是吩咐人民说:「你们要选拔壮丁,武装起来,准备作战,进攻米德杨,在他们身上为上主雪仇。
31:4 以色列每支派应派遣一千人出征作战。」
31:5 这样,每支派出一千人,以色列的部队共有一万二千武装出征的人。
31:6 梅瑟就派遣他们──每支派一千人,出征作战,并派遣大司祭厄肋阿匝尔的儿子丕乃哈斯与他们同去,手内带着圣器和发号令的喇叭,
31:7 他们遂照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的,攻击了米德杨,杀了所有的男子。
31:8 除这些被杀的以外,还杀了米德杨五个王子:厄威、勒耿、族尔、胡尔和勒巴;也用刀杀了贝敖尔的儿子巴郎。
31:9 以色列子民俘虏了米德杨人的妇女和幼童,掠夺了他们所有的牲畜、羊群和财产;
31:10 火烧了他们所住的一切城邑和营寨。
31:11 以后把一切所抢所夺之物,人和牲畜都带走,
31:12 把俘虏和所抢所夺之物,带到梅瑟和大司祭厄肋阿匝尔以及以色列子民全会众那里,即带到耶里哥的对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野中的营盘那里。
31:13 梅瑟和大司祭厄勒阿匝尔以及会众各首领,都到营外欢迎他们。
31:14 梅瑟对作战回来的军官、千夫长和百夫长大发忿怒,
31:15 向他们说:「你们为什么还让这一切妇女活着﹖
31:16 看正是她们听了巴郎的话诱惑了以色列子民,在培敖尔事件上违背了上主,致使灾祸降在上主的会众身上。
31:17 如今应将所有的男童杀死,将所有认识过男人,与男人同过房的女人,都一律杀掉。
31:18 至于那些没有与男人来往同过房的女童,可为你们保留。
31:19 你们应七天住在营外;你们和你们的俘虏,凡杀过人,或接触过尸首的,应在第三天和第七天上取洁;
31:20 对所有的衣服、皮具、毛织品和木器,都应行取洁礼。」
31:21 大司祭厄肋阿匝尔对作战回来的军队说:「这是上主吩咐梅瑟的法令:
31:22 金银、铜、铁、锡、铅,
31:23 凡能耐火之物,应经过火,再以取洁水取洁,才算洁净;凡不能耐火之物,应经过水洗。
31:24 第七天应洗你们的衣服,你们才算洁净,然后方可回营。」

31:25 上主又训示梅瑟说:
31:26 「你和厄肋阿匝尔司祭以及会众的家长,应统计一下掠夺的胜利品,无论是人或牲畜,
31:27 然后把胜利品平分,一半给出征作战的兵士,一半给其余全体会众。
31:28 由出征作战的兵士所得的一分中,抽出五百分之一,不论是人、牛、驴或羊,奉献给上主;
31:29 把所取出的交给厄肋阿匝尔司祭,作为属于上主的献仪。
31:30 由以色列子民分得的一半中,应抽出五十分之一,不论是人、牛、驴、羊,或是其它牲畜,交给那些在上主会幕内服务的肋未人。」
31:31 梅瑟和厄肋阿匝尔司祭就照上主吩咐梅瑟的做了。
31:32 作战部队所掠夺的物品,尚存的战利品,计有羊六十七万五千只,
31:33 牛七万二千头,
31:34 驴六万一千匹;
31:35 人口,尚未与男人来往同过房的女人,计有三万二千。
31:36 出征作战所得的一半,计羊三十三万七千五百只;
31:37 由这些羊中,给上主作献仪的,为六百七十五只;
31:38 牛三万六千头,给上主作献仪的,为七十二头;
31:39 驴三万五百匹,给上主作献仪的,为六十一匹;
31:40 人口一万六千,给上主作献仪的,为三十二人。
31:41 梅瑟就照上主对他所吩咐的,将取出作为上主献仪的一份,交给了厄肋阿匝尔司祭。
31:42 至于梅瑟分配给以色列子民的那一半,即与作战的兵士平分出来的,
31:43 那属于会众的一半,计有羊三十三万七千五百只,
31:44 牛三万六千头,
31:45 驴三万五百匹,
31:46 人口一万六千。
31:47 梅瑟照上主对他所吩咐的,由属于以色列子民的这一半,抽出五十分之一的人和牲畜,交给了那些在上主会幕内服务的肋未人。
31:48 出征作战的军官,千夫长和百夫长,来到梅瑟前,
31:49 对他说:「你的仆人们调查了所属的作战士兵,一个也没有少。
31:50 为此我们每人将所获得的金器,如臂镯、腕镯、戒指、耳环和项链,献于上主作献仪,好在上主面前为我们赎罪。」
31:51 梅瑟和厄肋阿匝尔司祭由他们手中接受了这一切金制物品。
31:52 千夫长和百夫长献给上主作献仪的金子,共计一万六千七百五十「协刻耳。」
31:53 兵丁所掠夺的东西,各归己有。
31:54 梅瑟和厄肋阿匝尔司祭遂将由千夫长和百夫长所收下的金子,带入会幕内,好使上主记念以色列子民。




32:1 勒乌本的子孙和加得的子孙,拥有很多的家畜;他们一见雅则尔地方和基肋阿得地方,是适于畜牧的区域,
32:2 便前来对梅瑟和厄肋阿匝尔大司祭及会众的首领说:「
32:3 阿塔洛特-加龙省、狄朋、雅则尔、尼默辣、赫市朋、厄肋阿肋、色班、乃波和贝红,
32:4 这些地方是上主为以色列会众所征服的,是适于畜牧的地方,而你的仆人们正有牛羊。」
32:5 他们又说:「若是我们在你眼中获得宠幸,希望你将这地方赐给你的仆人们作产业,不必叫我们过约但河。」
32:6 梅瑟回答加得的子孙和勒乌本的子孙说:「怎么!你们的兄弟去打仗,你们却要住在这里﹖
32:7 为什么你们要叫以色列子民丧气,使他们不敢进入上主赐给他们的土地﹖
32:8 当我由卡德士巴尔乃亚派遣你们的祖先去窥探这地时,他们也这样做过。
32:9 他们上到厄市苛耳山谷,窥探了那地方,回来就使以色列子民丧了气,致使他们再不愿进入上主赐给他们的土地。
32:10 为此上主在那天发怒起誓说:『
32:11 凡由埃及出来过了二十岁的人,不得看见我誓许给亚巴郎、依撒格和雅各布伯的土地,因为他们没有一心一意地随从我;
32:12 只有刻纳次人耶孚乃的儿子加肋布和农的儿子若苏厄除外,因为他们一心一意地随从了上主。』
32:13 因为上主对以色列发了怒,遂使他们在旷野中漂泊了四十年,直到在上主眼前作恶的那一世代完全死尽
32:14 现在,看,你们这些罪人的苗裔,竟起来替代你们先人,再增加上主对以色列的忿怒!
32:15 如果你们背离了他,他再把民众抛在旷野里;这样,你们就要使这整个民族毁灭了。」
32:16 他们遂上前来,对他说:「我们愿在这里为我们的牛羊筑圈,为我们的家眷建城。
32:17 但我们必武装起来,在以色列子民前头上阵,直到我们领他们进入了自己的地方;至于我们的家眷,为预防本地的居民,应叫他们安居在坚固的城内。
32:18 不到以色列子民各个都占有了产业,我们决不回家。
32:19 我们既然在约但河东得到了产业,在约但河西,就不再同他们分产业了。」
32:20 梅瑟答复他们说:「若是你们这样做,若是你们武装起来,在上主面前作战;
32:21 若是你们个个都武装着在上主面前过约但河,直到他将自己的敌人驱散,
32:22 直到上主把那地征服以后,你们才回家,你们对上主,对以色列就算无罪。那么,这地照上主的允许,归你们作为产业。
32:23 但是,如果你们不这样去做,你们必获罪于上主,要知道你们必自招罪罚。
32:24 你们可为家眷建城,为牛羊筑圈;但是你们口头所许的,却必要实践。」
32:25 加得的子孙和勒乌本的子孙回答梅瑟说:「你仆人们必照我主所吩咐的去做。
32:26 我们的孩童、妇女、牛羊和一切牲畜,都留在这里,留在基肋阿得的城里;
32:27 至于你的仆人们,凡武装起来的,都要过河,在上主面前上阵作战,如我主所吩咐的。」
32:28 梅瑟遂为他们向大司祭厄肋阿匝尔、农的儿子若苏厄,以及以色列子民各支派的家长下了指示,
32:29 向他们说:「若是加得子孙和勒乌本子孙,都武装起来与你们同过约但河,在上主面前作战,在你们征服那地以后,就把基肋阿得地方给他们作为产业。
32:30 但是,如果他们不武装起来同你们一起过河,就应在客纳罕地与你们同分产业。」
32:31 加得子孙和勒乌本子孙回答说:「凡上主关于你仆人所说的,我们必照做。
32:32 我们必武装起来在上主面前过河,往客纳罕地去;但约但河东的地方应给我们作产业。」
32:33 梅瑟遂将阿摩黎人王息红的国土和巴商王敖格的国土,那地域及其境内的城池,以及那地域四周的城池,都给了他们;给了加得的子孙、勒乌本的子孙和若瑟的儿子默纳协半支派。
32:34 加得的子孙重建了狄朋、阿塔洛特-加龙省、阿洛厄尔、
32:35 阿特洛特-加龙省芍番、雅则尔、约革波哈、
32:36 贝特尼默辣和贝特哈兰:这些都是坚固的城邑,并筑有羊圈。
32:37 勒乌本的子孙重建了赫市朋、厄肋阿肋、克黎雅塔因、
32:38 乃波、巴尔默红──有些名字已改──和息贝玛;他们给重建的城邑另起了别名
32:39 默纳协的儿子玛基尔的子孙去了基肋阿得,占据了那地方,驱逐了那里的阿摩黎人。
32:40 梅瑟遂将基肋阿得给了默纳协的儿子玛基尔;他就在那里住下了。
32:41 默纳协的儿子雅依尔去占据了阿摩黎人的村落,遂称这些村落为哈沃特雅依尔。
32:42 诺巴黑去占据了刻纳特及其属镇,给那地方起了自己的名字,叫诺巴黑。




33:1 以下是以色列子民在梅瑟和亚郎指挥下,分队出离埃及国后所行的路程。
33:2 梅瑟记录了他们遵上主的命启营的出发点。以下是他们依次出发的行程:
33:3 他们于正月十五日由辣默色斯起程,即在逾越节第二日,以色列子民大胆地、当着众埃及人的面出走了,
33:4 其时埃及人正在埋葬上主在他们中所击杀的一切长子;上主也惩罚了他们的神祇。
33:5 以色列子民由辣默色斯起程,在酥苛特扎营。
33:6 由稣苛特起程,在位于旷野边界的厄堂扎营。
33:7 由厄堂起程,转向巴耳责丰的丕哈希洛特,在米革多耳对面扎营。
33:8 由丕哈希洛特起程,由海中经过进入旷野,在厄堂旷野中行了三天的路,然后在玛辣扎营。
33:9 由玛辣起程,来到厄林。在厄林有十二水泉和七十株棕榈树,就在那里扎营。
33:10 由厄林起程,在红海旁扎营。
33:11 由红海起程,在欣旷野扎营。
33:12 由欣旷野启程,在多弗卡扎营。
33:13 由多弗卡起程,在阿路士扎营。
33:14 由阿路士起程,在勒非丁扎营;民众在这里没有水喝。
33:15 由勒非丁起程,在西乃旷野扎营。
33:16 由西乃旷野起程,在克贝洛特-加龙省阿塔瓦扎营。
33:17 由克贝洛特-加龙省哈塔瓦起程,在哈责洛特-加龙省扎营。
33:18 由哈责洛特-加龙省起程,在黎特玛扎营。
33:19 由黎特玛起程,在黎孟培勒兹扎营。
33:20 由黎孟培勒兹起程,在里贝纳扎营。
33:21 由里贝纳起程,在黎撒扎营。
33:22 由黎撒起程,在刻黑拉达扎营。
33:23 由刻黑拉达起程,在舍斐尔山扎营。
33:24 由舍斐尔山起程,在哈辣达扎营。
33:25 由哈辣达起程,在玛刻黑罗特扎营。
33:26 由玛刻黑罗特起程,在塔哈特扎营。
33:27 由塔哈特起程,在特辣黑扎营。
33:28 由特辣黑起程,在米特卡扎营。
33:29 由米特卡起程,在哈市摩纳扎营。
33:30 由哈市摩纳起程,在摩色尔扎营。
33:31 由摩色尔起程,在贝乃雅干扎营。
33:32 由贝乃雅干起程,在曷尔哈基加得扎营。
33:33 由曷尔哈基加得起程,在约特巴达扎营。
33:34 由约特巴达起程,在阿贝洛纳扎营。
33:35 由阿贝洛纳起程,在厄兹雍革贝尔扎营。
33:36 由厄兹雍革贝尔起程,在亲旷野,即卡德士扎营。
33:37 由卡德士起程,在位于厄东地边界上的曷尔山下扎营。
33:38 亚郎大司祭依上主的命,上了曷尔山,死在那里,时在以色列子民出埃及国后四十年五月初一日。
33:39 亚郎死在曷尔山上时,已一百二十三岁。
33:40 其时住在客纳罕南部的客纳罕人王阿辣得听说以色列子民来了。
33:41 他们再由曷尔山下起程,在匝耳摩纳扎营。
33:42 由匝耳摩纳起程,在普农扎营。
33:43 由普农起程,在敖波特扎营。
33:44 由敖波特起程,在位于摩阿布边境的依耶阿巴陵扎营。
33:45 由依耶起程,在狄朋加得扎营。
33:46 由狄朋加得起程,在阿耳孟狄贝拉塔因扎营。
33:47 由阿耳孟狄贝拉塔因起程,在乃波前面的阿巴陵山地内扎营。
33:48 由阿巴陵山地起程,在耶里哥对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野扎营;
33:49 他们在摩阿布旷野里,沿着约但河边扎营,由贝特耶史摩特直到阿贝耳史廷。

33:50 在耶里哥对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野内,上主训示梅瑟说:「
33:51 你告诉以色列子民说:你们几时过了约但,进入客纳罕地,
33:52 应由你们面前驱逐当地所有的居民,应毁坏他们的一切偶像,应打碎他们的一切铸像,应铲除他们的一切丘坛。
33:53 你们要占领那地方,住在那里,因为我已将那地方给了你们,叫你们占有。
33:54 你们要按支派抽签分配那地方:人数多的多给,人数少的少给。谁的签落在那里,那里就属于他。你们依照宗祖支派分配你们的产业。
33:55 但如果你们不把当地的居民由你们面前驱逐,那留下的居民,必要成为你们的眼中刺,腰间针,在你们住的地方内迫害你们;
33:56 并且我打算了怎样对待他们,也要怎样对待你们。」




34:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
34:2 「你命令以色列子民说:你们几时进入客纳罕地,这地应是你们抽签分配的产业。客纳罕地的边界是:
34:3 你们南部的地区,是由亲旷野直到厄东边境。你们南边的边界是:由盐海的极端往东,
34:4 绕过阿刻辣宾高地的南部,经过亲直达卡德士巴尔乃亚南部,再到哈匝尔阿达尔,经过阿兹孟,
34:5 由阿兹孟边界再转向埃及河,直到大海。
34:6 西部的边界:大海作你们的边界,这是你们西方的边界。
34:7 你们北方的边界如下:由大海划界,直到曷尔山;
34:8 由曷尔山划到哈玛特关口,使边界直达责辣得。
34:9 这边界再伸至齐弗龙,直达哈匝尔厄南:这是你们北方的边界。
34:10 你们东部的边界:自哈匝尔厄南划到舍番。
34:11 由舍番边界下延至阿殷东面的黎贝拉;由此边界,再下延与基乃勒特海东岸相接。
34:12 此后,边界再沿约但河下延,直达盐海:这是你们疆土四周的边界。」
34:13 梅瑟又吩咐以色列子民说:「这就是你们应抽签分为产业的地方,是上主命令分给九个半支派的,
34:14 因为勒乌本子孙支派和加得子孙支派,为自己的家族已取得产业;默纳协半支派也取得了自己的产业:
34:15 这两个半支派,已在耶里哥对面,约但河东岸,向日出之地,取得了产业。」

34:16 上主又训示梅瑟说:
34:17 「这是给你们分配土地的人名:厄肋阿匝尔大司祭和农的儿子若苏厄;
34:18 此外由每支派选派一位首领来分配土地;
34:19 这些人的名字就是:犹大支派,是耶孚乃的儿子加肋布;
34:20 西默盎子孙支派,是阿米胡得的儿子舍慕耳;
34:21 本雅明支派,是基思隆的儿子厄里达得;
34:22 丹子孙支派的首领,是约革里的儿子步克;
34:23 若瑟子孙:默纳协子孙支派的首领,是厄缶得的儿子哈尼耳;
34:24 厄弗辣因子孙支派的首领,是色弗堂的儿子刻慕耳;
34:25 则步隆子孙支派的首领,是帕尔纳客的儿子厄里匝番;
34:26 依撒加尔子孙支派的首领,是阿仓的儿子帕耳提耳;
34:27 阿协尔子孙支派的首领,是舍罗米的儿子阿希胡得;
34:28 纳斐塔里子孙支派的首领,是阿米胡得的儿子培达赫耳。」
34:29 这些人是上主任命,为在客纳罕地给以色列子民分配产业的人。」




35:1 上主在耶里哥对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野内,训示梅瑟说:
35:2 「你命令以色列子民,应由他们分得的产业内,指定一些城给肋未人居住,将城四周的牧场,也分给肋未人。
35:3 这些城归他们居住,城郊的牧场为牧放他们所有的牛羊和一切牲畜。
35:4 你们划给肋未城郊的牧场,应由城墙起,周围向外伸展至二千肘,
35:5 即由城外向东方量二千肘,向南方量二千肘,向西方量二千肘,向北方量二千肘,城在中央;这些土地为作他们城郊的牧场
35:6 分给肋未人的城中,应指定六座为避难城,杀人者可逃入城中。此外还应给他们四十二座城。
35:7 这样,划给肋未人的城,共计四十八座,连城郊的牧场在内。
35:8 当你们由以色列子民的产业中,划分给肋未人城邑时,由大支派应多取,由小支派应少取;每支派应依照自己分得的产业,将城邑划给肋未人。」

35:9 上主训示梅瑟说:
35:10 「你告诉以色列子民说:几时你们过约但河进入了客纳罕地,
35:11 应选定几座城作你们的避难城,凡误杀人的,可逃到那里。
35:12 这些城可作为你们脱免复仇者的避难所,好使杀人者不致在未立于会众前受审判以前,便遭人杀害。
35:13 你们应指定六座城作为你们的避难城。
35:14 在约但河东指定三座,在客纳罕地指定三座,作为避难城。
35:15 这六座城为以色列子民和外方人,以及住在你们中间的人,作为避难所;凡误杀人的,都可逃到那里去。
35:16 人若用铁器打人,将人打死,他就是凶手,凶手应处死刑。
35:17 人若用手中可砸死人的石头打人,将人砸死;他就是凶手,凶手应处死刑。
35:18 或者人若用手中可打死人的木器打人,将人打死,他就是凶手,凶手应处死刑。
35:19 报血仇的,可将凶手杀死;几时遇见他,可将他杀死。
35:20 人若因怀恨撞倒了人,或故意抛物打人,致使那人死了;
35:21 或者因仇恨用手打人,将人打死;打人的应处死刑,因他是凶手;报血仇的人,几时遇着凶手,可将他杀死。
35:22 但是,若人并无怨仇,偶然撞倒人,或无意中抛物伤人,
35:23 或因没有看见,使任何能打死人的石头落在人身上,致使那人死了,彼此并没有怨仇,也没有意思害人,
35:24 对这样的案件,应在打死人的和要报血仇者之间进行裁判。
35:25 会众要把杀人者由报血仇者手内救出,使他回到他曾逃入的避难城内,叫他住在那里,直到傅过圣油的大司祭去逝。
35:26 但杀人者如果离开他逃入避难城的边界以外,
35:27 报血仇者在避难城边界以外遇见了他,将杀人者杀死,他并不犯流血的罪,
35:28 因为那人该留在避难城内,直到大司祭去世;大司祭死后,杀人者方可回到属自己产业的地方:
35:29 这是你们世世代代,在你们任何住处,应遵守的法令。
35:30 凡杀人的案件,应依据几个证人的口供,才可处决杀人犯;惟独一人作证,不足以将人宣判死刑。
35:31 对于被判死刑的杀人犯,你们不可取赎命金,因为他应该死。
35:32 同样,你们对逃入避难城的人,亦不可取赎金,准他在大司祭死以前回到本乡居住
35:33 你们不可玷污你们所居之地,因为血能玷污地;在那里流了血,除非流那杀人者的血,为那地没有其它取洁的方法。
35:34 你们不可亵渎你们所居之地,这地也是我居留之地,因为我上主是住在以色列子民中间」。





36:1         那时若瑟后裔的家族中,有默纳协的子孙,玛基尔的儿子基肋阿得子孙的家族首领,来到梅瑟和以色列子民各家族的首领前说:

36:2         「上主吩咐我主,以抽签来分给以色列子民土地为产业,我主又领了上主的命,将我们兄弟责罗斐哈得的产业,分给他的女儿们。

36:3         现在,如果她们嫁给了以色列子民另一支派的人,她们的产业就脱离了我们祖先的产业,而加在所嫁给的那一支派的产业上:这样,我们抽签分得的产业就减少了。

36:4         甚至一到以色列子民的喜年,她们的产业仍旧加在所嫁的那一支派的产业内,我们祖先支派的产业就少了她们那一份」。

36:5         梅瑟依上主的指示训令以色列子民说:「若瑟子孙支派说的有理。

36:6         上主对于责罗斐哈得的女儿们这样吩咐说:她们可任意嫁给自己所喜爱的人,但只应嫁给属于自己祖先支派的人。

36:7         以色列子民的产业不可由一支派转移至另一支派,因为以色列子民每人应固守自己祖先支派的产业。

36:8         以色列子民支派中,凡继承产业的子女,应嫁给她祖先支派的人为妻,好使每个以色列子民能固守祖先的产业。

36:9         这样产业就不会由一支派转移至另一支派,因为以色列子民各支派应固守自己的产业」。

36:10      上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,责罗斐哈得的女儿们就怎样做了。

36:11      责罗斐哈得的女儿:玛赫拉、提尔匝、曷革拉、米耳加和诺阿,都嫁给了自己叔伯的儿子们,

36:12      即嫁给了若瑟的儿子默纳协子孙家族的人:如此她们的产业仍保留在她们祖先家族的支派内。

36:13      这是上主在耶利哥对面,约旦河边,摩阿布旷野内,藉梅瑟向以色列子民所颁布的诫命和规则。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB NUMBERS Chapter 1



1:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses, in the wilderness of Sinai, in the Tent of Meeting, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after the exodus from the land of Egypt. He said:

1:2 ‘Take a census of the whole community of Israel’s sons, by clans and families, of the names of all the males, head by head.

1:3 Every man of Israel, twenty years of age and over, fit to bear arms, must be registered by you and Aaron answered to his fighting station.

1:4 You are to take a man from each tribe, the head of his family, to help you in this.


The census officials

1:5 ‘These are the names of those who are to be your helpers: For Reuben, Elizur son of Shedeur.

1:6 For Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai.

1:7 For Judah, Nahshon son of Amminadab.

1:8 For Issachar, Nethanel son of Zuar.

1:9 For Zebulun, Eliab son of Helon.

1:10 Of the sons of Joseph: for Ephraim, Elishama son of Ammihud; for Manasseh, Gamaliel son of Pedahzur.

1:11 For Benjamin, Abidan son of Gideoni.

1:12 For Dan, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.

1:13 For Asher, Pagiel son of Ochran.

1:14 For Gad, Eliasaph son of Reuel.

1:15 For Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan.’

1:16 These were men of repute in the community; they were leaders of their ancestral clans, chiefs of Israel’s hosts.

1:17 Moses and Aaron took these men who have been named,

1:18 and on the first day of the second month they mustered the whole community. The sons of Israel established their kinship by clans and families, and one by one the names of all men of twenty years and over were singled out.

1:19 As Yahweh had commanded, Moses took a census of them in the wilderness of Sinai.


The census

1:20 When the kinship of the sons of Reuben, Israel’s first-born, had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:21 The total of these for the tribe of Reuben was forty-six thousand five hundred.

1:22 When the kinship of the sons of Simeon had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out, one by one.

1:23 The total of these for the tribe of Simeon was fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

1:24 When the kinship of the sons of Gad had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:25 The total of these for the tribe of Gad was forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

1:26 When the kinship of the sons of Judah had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:27 The total of these for the tribe of Judali was seventy-four thousand six hundred.

1:28 When the kinship of the sons of Issachar had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:29 The total of these for the tribe of Issachar was fifty-four thousand four hundred.

1:30 When the kinship of the sons of Zebulun had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:31 The total of these for the tribe of Zebulun was fifty-seven thousand four hundred.

1:32 The sons of Joseph: when the kinship of the sons of Ephraim had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:33 The total of these for the tribe of Ephraim was forty thousand five hundred.

1:34 When the kinship of the sons of Manasseh had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:35 The total of these for the tribe of Manasseh was thirty-two thousand two hundred. When the kinship of the sons of Benjamin had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:36 The total of these for the tribe of Benjamin was thirty-five thousand four hundred. When the kinship of the sons of Dan had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:39 The total of these for the tribe of Dan was sixty-two thousand seven hundred.

1:40 When the kinship of the sons of Asher had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:41 The total of these for the tribe of Asher was forty-one thousand five hundred.

1:42 When the kinship of the sons of Naphtali had been established by clans and families, the names of all the males of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, were singled out one by one.

1:43 The total of these for the tribe of Naphtali was fifty-three thousand four hundred.

1:44 Such were the men registered by Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel, of whom there were twelve, each representing his patriarchal House.

1:45 Every man of Israel of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms, was counted according to his patriarchal House.

1:46 Altogether the full total was six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.[*a]

1:47 But the Levites and their patriarchal tribe were not included in the count.


Statute for the Levites

1:48 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

1:49 ‘Do not, however, take any census of the Levites, or register them among the sons of Israel.

1:50 You yourself must enrol the Levites to serve the tabernacle of the Testimony and to look after its furnishings and its belongings. They are to carry the tabernacle, and all its furnishings, and they are to take care of it and pitch their camp around it.

1:51 Whenever the tabernacle is moved the Levites are to be the people to dismantle it; whenever the tabernacle is set up again, they are to do this. Any layman coming near it must be put to death.

1:52 The sons of Israel are to pitch their tents in formation each in their own encampment, every man by his standard.

1:53 But the Levites are to pitch their tents round the tabernacle of the Testimony.  In this way the wrath will be kept from falling on the whole community of the sons of Israel. The Levites are to be in charge of the tabernacle of the Testimony.’

1:54 The Sons of Israel did exactly as Yahweh had ordered Moses. They did as he said.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 2


Order of the tribes

2:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron. He said:

2:2 ‘The sons of Israel are to pitch their tents, every man by his own standard, under the banner of his patriarchal House. They are to pitch their tents all round the tabernacle of the Testimony, at a measured distance.

2:3 ‘Those who are to pitch their tents on the east side: ‘Towards the sunrise, the standard of the camp of Judah, in battle array. Leader of the sons of Judah: Nahshon son of Amminadab.

2:4 His command: seventy-four thousand six hundred men.

2:5 ‘Encamped next to him: ‘The tribe of Issachar.  Leader of the sons of Issachar: Nethanel son of Zuar.

2:6 His command: fifty-four thousand four hundred men.

2:7 ‘The tribe of Zebulun. Leader of the sons of Zebulun: Eliab son of Helon.

2:8 His command: fifty seven thousand four hundred men

2:9 The assembled strength of the camp. These are to be first in order of breaking camp

2:10 ‘On the south side, the standard of the camp of Reuben, in battle array. Leader of the sons of Reuben: Elizur son of Shedeur.

2:11 His command: forty-six thousand five hundred men.

2:12 ‘Encamped next to him: ‘The tribe of Simeon. Leader of the sons of Simeon: Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai.

2:13 His command: fifty-nine thousand three hundred men.

2:14 ‘The tribe of Gad. Leader of the sons of Gad: Eliasaph son of Reuel.

2:15 His command: forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty men.

2:16 ‘The assembled strength of the camp of Reuben numbers in all a hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and fifty. They are to be second in order of breaking camp.

2:17 ‘Next the Tent of Meeting will move, since the camp of the Levites is situated in the middle of the other camps. The order of movement is to be the order of encampment, every man under his own standard.

2:18 ‘On the west side, the standard of the camp of Ephraim, in battle array. Leader of the sons of Ephraim: Elishama son of Ammihud.

2:19 His command: forty thousand five hundred men.

2:20 ‘Next to him: The tribe of Manasseh. Leader of the tribe of Manasseh: Gamaliel son of Pedahzur.

2:21 His command: thirty-two thousand two hundred men.

2:22 ‘The tribe of Benjamin. Leader of the sons of Benjamin: Abidan son of Gideoni.

2:23 His command: thirty-five thousand four hundred men.

2:24 ‘The assembled strength of the camp of Ephraim numbers in all a hundred and eight thousand one hundred. They are to be third in order of breaking camp.

2:25 ‘On the north side, the standard of the camp of Dan, in battle array. Leader of the sons of Dan: Ahiezer son of Ammishaddal.

2:26 His command: sixty-two thousand seven hundred men.

2:27 ‘Encamped next to him: ‘The tribe of Asher. Leader of the sons of Asher: Pagiel son of Ochran.

2:28 His command: forty-one thousand five hundred men.

2:29 ‘The tribe of Naphtali. Leader of the sons of Naphtali: Ahira son of Enan.

2:30 His command: fifty-three thousand four hundred men.

2:31 ‘The assembled strength of the camp of Dan numbers in all a hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred. They are to be last in order of breaking camp.’ (This concerns their stationing by standards.)

2:32 Such was the tally of the sons of Israel when the census was made according to patriarchal Houses. The full count of the entire camp, grouped under the various commands, is six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.

2:33 The Levites, as Yahweh had commanded Moses, were not included in this census of the sons of Israel.

2:34 The sons of Israel did exactly as Yahweh had ordered Moses. This was how they pitched camp, grouped by standards. This was how they broke camp, each in his own clan, every man with his own family.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 3


The tribe of Levi


  1. The priests

3:1 These are the descendants of Aaron and Moses, at the time when Yahweh spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai.

3:2 These are the names of the sons of Aaron: Nadab the eldest, then Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.

3:3 These are the names of Aaron’s sons, priests anointed and invested with the powers of the priesthood.

3:4 Nadab and Abihu died in the presence of Yahweh, in the wilderness of Sinai, when they offered fire that was unlawful. They left no children and so it fell to Eleazar and Ithamar to exercise the priesthood under their father Aaron.


  1. The Levites: their duties

3:5 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

3:6 ‘Muster the tribe of Levi and put it at the disposal of Aaron the priest: they are to be at his service.

3:7 They are to undertake the duties that are laid on him and on the entire community before the Tent of Meeting, in their service of the tabernacle.

3:8 The furnishings for the Tent of meeting are to be in their charge, and they are to undertake the duties that are laid on the sons of Israel in their service of the tabernacle.

3:9 You are to give the Levites to Aaron and his sons as ‘oblates’,[*a] they are to be given to him by the sons of Israel.

3:10 ‘You are to enrol Aaron and his sons, and they are to carry out their priestly duty. But any layman who comes near is to be put to death.’


  1. Their divine election

3:11 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

3:12 ‘I myself have chosen the Levites from among the sons of Israel, in place of the first-born, those who open the mother’s womb among the sons of Israel; these Levites therefore belong to me.

3:13 For every first-born belongs to me. On the day when I struck all the first-born in the land of Egypt, I consecrated for my own all the first-born of Israel, of both man and beast. They are mine; I am Yahweh.’


  1. Census of the Levites

3:14 Yahweh spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai. He said:

3:15 ‘You are to take a census of the sons of Levi by families and clans; all the males of the age of one month and over must be counted’.

3:16 At Yahweh’s word, Moses took his census, as Yahweh had ordered.

3:17 These are the names of the sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath and Merari.

3:18 These are the names of Gershon’s sons by their clans: Libni and Shimei;

3:19 Kohath’s sons by their clans: Amram, Izhar, Hebron and. Uzziel;

3:20 Merari’s sons by their clans: Mahli and Mushi. These are the clans of Levi, grouped according to their patriarchal families.

3:21 From Gershon are descended the Libnite and the Shimeite clans; these are the Gershonite clans.

3:22 Their full number, counting the males of one month and over, came to seven thousand five hundred.

3:23 The Gershonite clans pitched their camp behind the tabernacle, on the west side.

3:24 The leader of the House of Gershon was Eliasaph son of Lael.

3:25 In the Tent of Meeting the sons of Gershon had charge of the tabernacle, the Tent and its covering, the screen for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,

3:26 the hangings in the court, the screen for the entrance to the court surrounding the tabernacle and the altar, and the cords needed for all this work.

3:27 From Kohath are descended the Amramite, the Izharite, the Hebronite and the Uzzielite clans; these are the Kohathite clans.

3:28 Their full number, counting the males of one month and over, came to eight thousand three hundred. They were in charge of the sanctuary.

3:29 The Kohathite clans pitched their camp on the south side of the tabernacle.

3:30 The leader of the house of the Kohathite clans was Elizaphan son of Uzziel

3:31 They were in charge of the ark, the table, the lamp-stand, the altars, the sacred vessels used in the liturgy, and the screen with all its fittings.

3:32 The chief of the Levite leaders was Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest. He was the head of all those who were in charge of the sanctuary.

3:33 From Merari are descended the Mahlite and the Mushite clans; these are the Merarite clans;

3:34 Their full number, counting the males of one month and over, came to six thousand two hundred.

3:35 The leader of the house of the Merarite clans was Zuriel, son of Abihail. They pitched their camp on the north side of the tabernacle.

3:36 The sons of Merari were in charge of the framework of the tabernacle, with its crossbars, posts and sockets, all its accessories and fittings,

3:37 and also the posts round the court, with their sockets, pegs and cords.

3:38 Finally, on the east side, facing the tabernacle and the Tent of Meeting, towards the sunrise, was the camp of Moses and Aaron and his sons, who had charge of the sanctuary on behalf of the sons of Israel. Any layman coming near was to be put to death.

3:39 Altogether, the total count of Levites of the age of one month and over, whom  Moses numbered by clans as Yahweh had ordered, came to twenty-two thousand.


  1. The Levites and the ransoming of the first-born

3:40 Yahweh said to Moses: ‘Take a census of all the first-born among the sons of Israel, all the males from the age of one month and over; take a census of them by name.

3:41 Then you will present the Levites to me, Yahweh, in place of the first-born of Israel; in the same way you will give me their cattle in place of the first-born cattle of the sons of Israel.’

3:42 As Yahweh ordered, Moses took a census of all the first-born of the sons of Israel.

3:43 The total count, by name, of the first-born from the age of one month and over came to twenty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-three.

3:44 Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

3:45 ‘Take the Levites in the place of all the first-born of Israel’s sons, and the cattle of the Levites in place of their cattle; the Levites shall be my own, Yahweh’s own.

3:46 For the ransom of the two hundred and seventy-three of the first-born of the sons of Israel in excess of the number of Levites,

3:47 you are to take five shekels for each, reckoning by the sanctuary shekel, twenty gerahs to the shekel;

3:48 you must then give this money to Aaron and his sons as the ransom price for this extra number.’

3:49 Moses received this money as the ransom for this extra number unransomed by the Levites.

3:50 He received the money for the first-born of the sons of Israel, one thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels, sanctuary shekels.

3:51 Moses handed over this ransom money to Aaron and his sons, at the bidding of Yahweh, as Yahweh had ordered Moses.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 4


The Levite clans


  1. The Kohathites

4:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said:

4:2 ‘Take a census of those Levites who are sons of Kohath, by clans and families:

4:3 count all the men between thirty and fifty years of age, those fit to bear arms, who are liable for service in the Tent of Meeting.

4:4 ‘These are the duties of the sons of Kohath in the Tent of Meeting: they are to have charge of the most holy things.

4:5 ‘When camp is broken, Aaron and his sons are to come and take down the veil of the screen. With it they must cover up the ark of the Testimony.

4:6 On top of this they must put a covering of fine leather, and spread over the whole a cloth all of violet. Then they are to fix the poles to the ark.

4:7 ‘Over the offertory table they are to spread a violet cloth, and put on it the dishes, cups, bowls and libation jars; the bread of perpetual offering is also to be on it.

4:8 Over these they must spread a cloth of scarlet and cover the whole with a covering of fine leather. Then they are to fix the poles to the table.

4:9 ‘They are then to take a cloth of violet and cover  the light-bearing lamp-stand, together with the lamps, snuffers, trays and all the oil jars that belong to it.

4:10 They are to put it, with all its accessories, on a covering of fine leather and place it on the litter.

4:11 ‘Over the golden altar they must spread a violet cloth, and cover that with a covering of fine leather. Then they are to fix the poles to it.

4:12 ‘They are also to take all the other objects used in the service of the sanctuary. They must put them all on a violet cloth, cover them with a covering of fine leather, and place them together on the litter.

4:13 ‘When they have removed the ashes from the altar,[*a] they must spread a scarlet cloth over it,

4:14 and place on this all the objects used in the liturgical service, the fire pans, hooks, scoops, sprinkling basins and all the altar vessels. Over the whole they must spread a covering of fine leather. Then they are to fix the poles to it.

4:15 ‘When Aaron and his sons have finished covering all the sacred objects and all their accessories at the breaking of camp, the sons of Kohath are to come to take up the burden, but without touching any of the sacred things; otherwise they would die. This is the charge entrusted to the sons of Kohath in the Tent of Meeting.

4:16 It is to fall to Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, to watch over the oil for the light, the fragrant incense, the perpetual oblation and the chrism; he must watch over the whole tabernacle and everything in it: the sacred objects and their accessories.’

4:17 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said:

4:18 ‘Do not cut off the tribe of the clans of Kohath from the number of the Levites.

4:19 But deal with them in this way, so that they may live on and not incur death when they approach the most holy things: Aaron and his sons must go in and assign to each of them his task and his burden.

4:20 In this way they can go in and yet cast not their eyes, even for a moment, on any of the holy things; if they did, they would die.’


  1. The Gershonites

4:21 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said to him:

4:22 ‘Take a census also of the sons of Gershon, by families and clans:

4:23 count all the men between thirty and fifty years of age, those fit to bear arms, who are liable for service in the Tent of Meeting.

4:24 ‘These are the duties of the Gershonite clans, their functions and their burdens.

4:25 They are to carry the curtains of the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting with its covering and the covering of fine leather that goes over it, the screen for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,

4:26 the hangings of the court, the screen for the entrance to the court that surrounds the tabernacle and the altar, the cords and all the accessories, and all the necessary equipment. ‘They are to be responsible for these things.

4:27 All the duties of the sons of Gershon – their functions and their tasks – are to be carried out under the direction of Aaron and his sons: you must see that they fulfil their charge.

4:28 Such shall be the duties of the Gershonite clans in the Tent of Meeting. Their work will be supervised by Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.


  1. The Merarites

4:29 ‘You are to count the sons of Merari, by clans and families.

4:30 Count all the men between thirty and fifty years of age, those fit to bear arms, who are liable for service in the Tent of Meeting.

4:31 ‘The burden they are to carry and the duties that are to fall to them in the Tent of Meeting shall be as follows: the framework of the tabernacle, its crossbars, its posts and sockets,

4:32 the posts around the court with their sockets, pegs, cords and all their tackle. You are to draw up a list of their names with the burden that each man must carry.

4:33 ‘These are the duties of the Merarite clans. All their duties in the Tent of Meeting will be supervised by Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.’


Census of the Levites

4:34 Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the community took a census of the sons of Kohath, by clans and families:

4:35 of every man between thirty and fifty years of age, fit to bear arms and liable for service in the Tent of Meeting.

4:36 The total of their clans was two thousand seven hundred and fifty men.

4:37 This was the number of the Kohathite clans, of all those who were liable for service in the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the bidding of Yahweh given through Moses.

4:38 A census was taken of the sons of Gershon, by clans and families:

4:39 of every man between thirty and fifty years of age, fit to bear arms and liable for service in the Tent of Meeting.

4:40 By clans and families the total was two thousand six hundred and thirty men.

4:41 This was the number of the Gershonite clans, of all those who were liable for service in the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the bidding of Yahweh.

4:42 A census was taken of the clans of the sons of Merari, by clans and families:

4:43 of every man between thirty and fifty years of age, fit to bear arms and liable for service in the Tent of Meeting.

4:44 The total of their clans was three thousand two hundred men.

4:45 This was the number of the Merarite clans, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the bidding of Yahweh through Moses.

4:46 The total number of Levites, counted according to clans and families by Moses and Aaron and the leaders of Israel-

4:47 all the men between thirty and fifty years of age, fit to bear arms and liable for serving or carrying in the Tent of Meeting-

4:48 amounted to eight thousand five hundred and eighty.

4:49 At the bidding of Yahweh through Moses, the census was taken to assign to every man his duty and his task; they were numbered as Yahweh had ordered Moses.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 5




Expulsion of the unclean

5:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

5:2 ‘Order the sons of Israel to put out of the camp all lepers, and all who suffer from a discharge, or who have become unclean by touching a corpse.

5:3 Man or woman, you must put them out and forbid them the camp. The sons of Israel must not defile in this way the camp where I dwell among them.’

5:4 The sons of Israel did so: they put them out of the camp. The sons of Israel did as Yahweh had ordered Moses.



5:5 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

5:6 ‘Tell the sons of Israel: “If a man or woman commits any of the sins by which men break faith with Yahweh, that person incurs guilt.

5:7 “He must confess the sin he has committed and restore in full the amount for which he is liable, with one-fifth added. Payment is to be made to the person whom he has wronged.

5:8 “If, however, the latter has no kinsman to whom this restitution can be made, the restitution due to Yahweh reverts to the priest, over and above the ram of atonement with which the priest makes atonement for the guilty man.

5:9 For of everything consecrated by the sons of Israel and brought to the priest he has a right to the portion set aside.

5:10 Whatever a man consecrates is his own;  whatever is given to the priest belongs to the priest.”‘


Oblation in cases of jealousy

5:11 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

5:12 ‘Say this to the sons of Israel: “If anyone has a wife who goes astray and is unfaithful to him,

5:13 if some other man sleeps with the woman without the husband’s knowledge, if she disgraces herself in secret in this way, without any witness against her, and without anyone catching her in the act;

5:14 then, if a spirit of jealousy comes over the husband and makes him jealous for the wife who has disgraced herself, or again if this spirit of jealousy comes upon him and makes him jealous for his wife even when she is innocent:

5:15 the man must bring his wife before the priest, and on her behalf make an offering of one-tenth of an ephah of barley meal. He is not to pour oil on it or put incense on it, because this is an ‘oblation for jealousy’, a memorial offering to record a fault.

5:16 “The priest is then to bring the woman forward and stand her before Yahweh.

5:17 Then he shall take living water in an earthen jar, and on the water throw dust that he has taken from the floor of the tabernacle.

5:18 After he has placed the woman before Yahweh, he shall unbind her hair and put in her hands the commemorative oblation (that is, the oblation for jealousy). In his own hands the priest will hold the water of bitterness and of cursing.

5:19 “He is then to put the woman on oath. He shall say to her: If it is not true that a man has slept with you, that you have gone astray and disgraced yourself while under your husband’s authority, then may this water of bitterness and cursing do you no harm.

5:20 But if it is true that you have gone astray, while under your husband’s authority, that you have disgraced yourself by sharing your bed with a man other than your husband…

5:21 Here the priest shall impose an imprecatory oath on the woman. He shall say to her:… May Yahweh make of you an execration and a curse among your people, making your thigh shrivel and your belly swell!

5:22 May this water of cursing enter your bowels to swell your belly and shrivel your organs!’ The woman must answer: Amen! Amen!

5:23 “Then the priest shall commit these curses to writing and wash them off in the water of bitterness.

5:24 He must make the woman drink this water of bitterness and of cursing, and this water of cursing shall go into her and be bitter inside her.

5:25 “The priest shall then take the oblation for jealousy from the woman’s hands, and hold it up before Yahweh with a gesture of offering, and so carry it up to the altar.

5:26 He shall take a handful as a memorial, and burn it on the altar.

5:27 “He shall then make the woman drink the water.. After he has made her drink it, if it is true that she has disgraced herself, deceiving her husband, then the water of cursing that goes into her shall indeed be bitter: her belly will swell and her thigh shrivel, and she will be an execration among her people.

5:28 But if she has not disgraced herself and is clean, then she will go unscathed and will bear children.

5:29 “This is the ritual in cases of jealousy, when a woman has gone astray and disgraced herself while under her husband’s authority,

5:30 or when a spirit of jealousy has come over a man and made him jealous for his wife. When a husband brings such a woman before Yahweh, the priest must apply this ritual to her in full.

5:31 The husband shall be guiltless, but the woman must bear the punishment for her sin.”‘


JB NUMBERS Chapter 6


The nazirite

6:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

6:2 ‘Say this to the sons of Israel: man or a woman wishes to make a vow, the vow of the nazirite by which he is pledged to Yahweh,

6:3 he shall abstain from wine and strong drink and neither drink the juice of grapes, nor eat grapes, fresh or dried.

6:4 For the duration of his vow he shall touch nothing that comes from the vine, not even verjuice or lees.

6:5 As long as he is bound by his vow, no razor shall touch his head; until the time of his consecration to Yahweh is completed, he remains under vow and shall let his hair grow free.

6:6 For the entire period of his consecration to Yahweh he must not go near a corpse,

6:7 he must not make himself unclean for either father or mother, for either brother or sister, should they die; On his head he carries his consecration to his God.

6:8 Throughout the whole of his nazirate he is a person consecrated to Yahweh.

6:9 “If anyone dies suddenly in his presence, and so makes his consecrated hair unclean, he must shave his head on the day of his cleansing, he must shave his head on the seventh day.

6:10 On the eighth day, he is to bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to the priest, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

6:11 The priest must offer one as a sacrifice for sin, and the other as a holocaust; he must then perform over this man the rite of atonement for the defilement that he has contracted from the corpse. The man must consecrate his head that same day;

6:12 he must consecrate himself to Yahweh for the period of his nazirate, and he must bring a male yearling lamb as a sacrifice of reparation. The time already spent shall not count, since his hair has become unclean.

6:13 “This is the ritual to be followed by the nazirite on the day when his period of consecration is completed. He is to be led to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting,

6:14 and must make his offering to Yahweh: for holocaust, a male yearling lamb without blemish; for sacrifice for sin, a yearling ewe lamb without blemish; for communion sacrifice, a ram without blemish,

6:15 and a basket of unleavened loaves made of fine flour mixed with oil, and of unleavened wafers spread with oil, with the oblations and libations appropriate to them.

6:16 When he has brought all this before Yahweh, the priest must offer the sacrifice for sin and the holocaust for the nazirite.

6:17 The nazirite must offer up the communion sacrifice with the ram and the unleavened bread in the basket, and the priest must offer the accompanying oblation and libation.

6:18 Then the nazirite shall shave off his consecrated hair at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and taking the locks of his consecrated head, he shall put them in the fire of the communion sacrifice.

6:19 The priest is to take the shoulder of the ram, as soon as it is cooked, with an unleavened cake from the basket, and an unleavened wafer. He is to put them into the hands of the nazirite when the nazirite has shaved off his hair.

6:20 With them he must make the gesture of offering before Yahweh; as it is a holy thing, it reverts to the priest, in addition to the breast that has been presented and the thigh that has been set aside. After this the nazirite may once more drink wine.

6:21 “Such is the ritual for the nazirite. If, besides the hair, he has also vowed a personal offering to Yahweh, he must (apart from anything else that his means allow) fulfil the vow that he has made, in addition to what the ritual prescribes for his hair.”‘


The form of blessing

6:22 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

6:23 ‘Say this to Aaron and his sons: “This is how you are to bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:

6:24 May Yahweh bless you and keep you.

6:25 May Yahweh let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

6:26 May Yahweh uncover his face to you and bring you peace.”

6:27 This is how they are to call down my name on the sons of Israel, and I will bless them.’


JB NUMBERS Chapter 7




Offering of wagons

7:1 On the day Moses finished setting up the tabernacle, he anointed and consecrated it with all its furniture, as well as the altar and all its accessories. When he had anointed and consecrated it all,

7:2 the leaders of Israel made an offering; these were the heads of the patriarchal Houses, who were leaders of tribes and had presided over the census.

7:3 They brought their offering before Yahweh: six covered wagons and twelve oxen, one wagon for every two leaders and one ox each. They brought them before the tabernacle.

7:4 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

7:5 ‘Accept these from them, and let them be set apart for the service of the Tent of Meeting. You are to give them to the Levites, to each as his duties require.’

7:6 Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them to the Levites.

7:7 To the sons of Gershon he gave two wagons and four oxen for the duties they had to perform.

7:8 To the sons of Merari he gave four wagons and eight oxen, for the duties they had to perform under the direction of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.

7:9 But to the sons of Kohath he gave none at all, because the sacred charge entrusted to them had to be carried on their shoulders.


Dedication offering

7:10 The leaders then made an offering for the dedication of the altar, on the day it was anointed. They brought their offering before the altar,

7:11 and Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Let the leaders each bring an offering on successive days for the dedication of the altar’.

7:12 On the first day an offering was brought by Nahshon son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah.

7:13 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:14 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:15 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:16 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:17 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Nahshon son of Amminadab.

7:18 On the second day an offering was brought by Nethanel son of Zuar, leader of Issachar.

7:19 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:20 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:21 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:22 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:23 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Nethanel son of Zuar.

7:24 On the third day an offering was brought by Eliab son of Helon, leader of the sons of Zebulun.

7:25 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:26 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:27 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:28 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:29 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Eliab son of Helon.

7:30 On the fourth day an offering was brought by Elizur son of Shedeur, leader of the sons of Reuben.

7:31 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:32 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:33 one young bull, one ram, and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:34 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:35 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Elizur son of Shedeur.

7:36 On the fifth day an offering was brought by Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai, leader of the sons of Simeon.

7:37 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:38 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:39 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:40 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:41 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai.

7:42 On the sixth day an offering was brought by Eliasaph son of Reuel, leader of the sons of Gad.

7:43 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary  shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:44 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:45 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:46 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:47 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Eliasaph son of Reuel.

7:48 On the seventh day an offering was brought by Elishama son of Ammihud, leader of the sons of Ephraim.

7:49 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with so fine flour mixed with oil,

7:50 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:51 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:52 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:53 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Elishama, son of Ammihud.

7:54 On the eighth day an offering was brought by Gamaliel son of Pedahzur, leader of the sons of Manasseh.

7:55 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:56 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:57 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:58 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:59 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Gamaliel son of Pedahzur.

7:60 On the ninth day an offering was brought by Abidan son of Gideoni, leader of the sons of Benjamin.

7:61 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:62 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:63 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:64 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:65 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Abidan son of Gideoni.

7:66 On the tenth day an offering was brought by Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai, leader of the sons of Dan.

7:67 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:68 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:69 one young bull, one ram, and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:70 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:71 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.

7:72 On the eleventh day an offering was brought by Pagiel son of Ochran, leader of the sons of Asher.

7:73 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:74 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:75 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:76 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:77 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Pagiel son of Ochran.

7:78 On the twelfth day an offering was brought by Ahira son of Enan, leader of the sons of Naphtali.

7:79 His offering consisted of: one silver bowl weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver sprinkling bowl weighing seventy shekels (sanctuary shekels), both of them filled, for the oblation, with fine flour mixed with oil,

7:80 one golden bowl weighing ten shekels, filled with incense,

7:81 one young bull, one ram and one male yearling lamb for the holocaust,

7:82 one goat for the sacrifice for sin,

7:83 and, for the communion sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five kids, and five male yearling lambs. This was the offering of Ahira son of Enan.

7:84 These were the offerings made by the leaders of Israel for the dedication of the altar on the day it was anointed: twelve silver bowls, twelve silver sprinkling bowls, and twelve golden bowls.

7:85 Each silver bowl weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and each sprinkling bowl seventy, the silver of these objects weighing in all two thousand four hundred sanctuary shekels.

7:86 The twelve golden bowls filled with incense weighed ten shekels each (sanctuary shekels), the gold of these bowls weighing in all a hundred and twenty shekels.

7:87 The sum total of animals for the holocaust: twelve bulls, twelve rams, twelve male yearling lambs, together with their accompanying oblations. For the sacrifice for sin, twelve goats.

7:88 The sum total of animals for the communion sacrifice: twenty-four bulls, sixty rams, sixty kids, and sixty male yearling lambs. These were the offerings for the dedication of the altar, after it had been anointed.

7:89 When Moses went into the Tent of Meeting to speak with Him, he heard the voice that spoke to him from above the throne of mercy which was on the ark of the Testimony, from between the two cherubs. It was then that he spoke with Him.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 8


The lamps for the lamp-stand

8:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

8:2 ‘Say this to Aaron, “When you set up the lamps, the seven lamps must throw their light towards the front of the lamp-stand”‘.

8:3 Aaron saw to this. He set up the lamps to the front of the lamp-stand, as Yahweh had ordered Moses.

8:4 This lamp-stand was worked in beaten gold, including its stem and its petals, which were also of beaten gold. This lamp-stand had been made according to the pattern Yahweh had shown to Moses.


The Levites are offered to Yahweh

8:5 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

8:6 ‘Separate the Levites from the sons of Israel and purify them.

8:7 This is how you are to purify them: you must sprinkle them with lustral water, and they must shave their bodies all over and wash their clothing. They will then be clean.

8:8 They must next take a young bull, with the accompanying oblation of fine flour mixed with oil, and you must take a second young bull for a sacrifice for sin.

8:9 Then bring the Levites before the Tent of Meeting, and call together the whole community of the sons of Israel.

8:10 When you have brought the Levites before Yahweh, the sons of Israel must lay their hands on them.

8:11 Aaron shall then offer the Levites, making the gesture of offering before Yahweh on behalf of the sons of Israel. From that time, they will be dedicated to the service of Yahweh.

8:12 ‘The Levites must then lay their hands on the heads of the bulls, one of which you are to offer as a sacrifice for sin, and the other as a holocaust to Yahweh; this is how the rite of atonement for the Levites is to be performed.

8:13 Having brought the Levites before Aaron and his sons, you will present them to Yahweh with the gesture of offering.

8:14 This is how you are to set the Levites apart from he rest of the sons of Israel, so that they may be mine.

8:15 The Levites will then begin their ministry in the Tent of Meeting. ‘You must purify them and offer them with the gesture of offering

8:16 because they have been made over to me from among the sons of Israel, as ‘oblates’. They are to replace those who open the womb, all the first-born; of all the sons of Israel I have taken them for my own.

8:17 All the first-born among the sons of Israel, man and beast, do indeed belong to me: the day I struck all the first-born in the land of Egypt, I consecrated them to myself,

8:18 and now, in place of all the first-born among the sons of Israel, I have taken the Levites.

8:19 From among the sons of Israel I give them to Aaron and his sons, as ‘oblates’; on behalf of the sons of Israel, they will minister in the Tent of Meeting and perform the rite of atonement over them, so that none of the sons of Israel may be struck down for approaching the sanctuary.’

8:20 Moses, Aaron and the whole community of the sons of Israel dealt with the Levites exactly as Yahweh had directed Moses concerning them; this is what the sons of Israel did with them.

8:21 The Levites purified themselves and washed their clothes, and Aaron presented them with the gesture of offering before Yahweh. Then he performed the rite of atonement over them to purify them.

8:22 The Levites were then allowed to perform their ministry in the Tent of Meeting in the presence of Aaron and his sons. As Yahweh had directed Moses concerning the Levites, so it was done to them.


The duration of their ministry

8:23 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

8:24 ‘This concerns the Levites. From the age of twenty-five onwards, the Levite must exercise his ministry and do duty in the Tent of Meeting.

8:25 After the age of fifty, he is no longer bound to the ministry; he will have no further duties;

8:26 but he will still help his brothers to ensure the services in the Tent of Meeting, though he himself will no longer have any ministry. See that this is the rule for the ministry of the Levites.’


JB NUMBERS Chapter 9




Date of the Passover

9:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses, in the wilderness of Sinai, in the second year after the exodus from Egypt, in the first month. He said:

9:2 ‘Let the sons of Israel keep the Passover at its appointed time.

9:3 The fourteenth day of this month, between the two evenings, is the appointed time for you to keep it. You must keep it with all the laws and customs proper to it.’

9:4 Moses gave orders for the sons of Israel to keep the Passover.

9:5 They kept it, in tile wilderness of Sinai, in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the two evenings. The sons of Israel did exactly as Yahweh had ordered Moses.


Individual cases

9:6 It happened that certain men had become unclean by touching a dead body; they could not keep the Passover that day. They came the same day to Moses and Aaron,

9:7 and said to them, ‘We have become unclean by touching a dead body. Why should we be forbidden to bring an offering to Yahweh at the proper time with the rest of the sons of Israel?’

9:8 Moses answered them, ‘Wait there till I learn what orders Yahweh gives about you’.

9:9 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

9:10 ‘Say this to the sons of Israel: “If anyone, among you or your descendants, becomes unclean by touching a dead body or is on a journey abroad, he can still keep a Passover for Yahweh.

9:11 Such persons shall keep it in the second month, on the fourteenth day, between the two evenings. They are to eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs;

9:12 nothing of it must be left over until morning, nor must they break any of its bones: they must keep this Passover exactly according to the paschal ritual.

9:13 But if anyone who is clean, or who has not had to go on a journey, fails to keep the Passover, he shall be outlawed from his people. He has not brought the offering to Yahweh at its appointed time, and he must bear the burden of his sin.

9:14 “If a stranger is living among you and keeps a Passover for Yahweh, he must keep it in accordance with the laws and customs of the Passover. There is to be only one law among you, for settler and native alike.”‘


The cloud

9:15 On the day the tabernacle was set up, the Cloud covered the tabernacle, the Tent of the Testimony. From nightfall until morning, it remained over the tabernacle under the appearance of fire.

9:16 So the Cloud covered it continually, at night taking the appearance of fire.

9:17 Whenever the Cloud lifted above the Tent, the sons of Israel broke camp; whenever the Cloud halted, there the sons of Israel pitched camp.

9:18 The sons of Israel set out at the command of Yahweh, and at his command they pitched camp. The people remained encamped as long as the Cloud rested on the tabernacle.

9:19 If the Cloud stayed for many days above the tabernacle, the sons of Israel paid worship to Yahweh and did not break camp.

9:20 But if the Cloud happened to stay for only a few days above the tabernacle, they pitched camp at Yahweh’s command and broke camp at Yahweh’s command.

9:21 If the Cloud happened to remain only from evening to morning, they set out when it lifted the next morning. Or, if it stayed for a whole day and night, they set out only when it lifted.

9:22 Sometimes it stayed there for two days, a month, or a year; however long the Cloud stayed, above the tabernacle, the sons of Israel remained in camp in the same place, and when it lifted they set out.

9:23 At Yahweh’s command they pitched camp, and at Yahweh’s command they broke camp. They paid worship to Yahweh, according to the orders which Yahweh had given through Moses.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 10


The trumpets

10:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

10:2 ‘Make two trumpets; make them of beaten silver; and use them for summoning the community, and for sounding the order to break camp.

10:3 Whenever they are sounded, the whole community is to gather round you, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

10:4 But if only one trumpet is sounded, then only the leaders, the chiefs of Israel’s battalions, are to gather round you.

10:5 ‘When the trumpet blast is accompanied by a battle cry, the camps pitched to the east shall set out.

10:6 At the second blast accompanied by a battle cry, the camps pitched to the south shall set out. To break camp, the trumpet blast must be accompanied by a battle cry,

10:7 but to assemble the community the trumpets shall be sounded without battle cry.

10:8 The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to sound the trumpets; this is a perpetual law for you and your descendants.

10:9 ‘In your own land when you go to war against an enemy who oppresses you, you must sound the trumpet with a battle cry: Yahweh your God will remember you, and you will be delivered from your enemies.

10:10 At your festivals, solemnities, or new-moon feasts, you will sound the trumpet at the time of your holocausts and your communion sacrifices, and they will call you to the remembrance of your God. I am Yahweh your God.’


The order of march

10:11 In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the Cloud lifted over the tabernacle of the Testimony.

10:12 The sons of Israel set out, in marching order, from the wilderness of Sinai. In the wilderness of Paran the Cloud came to rest.

10:13 These are the men who set out in the vanguard, at the order of Yahweh given through Moses:

10:14 in the vanguard was the standard of the camp of the sons of Judah, in battle array. In command of Judah’s force was Nahshon son of Amminadab;

10:15 in command of the sons of Issachar, in battle array, was Nethanel son of Zuar;

10:16 in command of the tribe of the sons of Zebulun, in battle array, was Eliab son of Helon.

10:17 Then, the tabernacle being dismantled, the sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari set out, carrying the tabernacle.

10:18 Then came the standard of the camp of the sons of Reuben, in battle array. In command of Reuben’s force was Elizur son of Shedeur;

10:19 in command of the tribe of the sons of Simeon, in battle array, was Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai;

10:20 in command of the tribe of the sons of Gad, in battle array, was Eliasaph son of Reuel.

10:21 Then came the sons of Kohath, who carried the sanctuary (the tabernacle was set up before their arrival).

10:22 Then came the standard of the camp of the sons of Ephraim, in battle array. In command of Ephraim’s force was Elishama son of Ammihud;

10:23 in command of the tribe of the sons of Manasseh, in battle array, was Gamaliel son of Pedahzur;

10:24 in command of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin was Abidan son of Gideoni.

10:25 Last of all, the rearguard of all the camps, came the standard of the camp of the sons of Dan, in battle array. In command of the force of Dan was Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai;

10:26 in command of the tribe of the sons of Asher, in battle array, was Pagiel son of Ochran;

10:27 in command of the sons of Naphtali, in battle array, was Ahira son of Enan.

10:28 Such was the order of march for the sons of Israel, in battle array. So they set out.


Moses’ proposal to Hobab

10:29 Moses said to Hobab son of Reuel the Midianite, his father-in-law, ‘We are setting out for the land of which Yahweh has said: I will give it to you. Come with us, and we will treat you well, for Yahweh has promised happiness to Israel.’

10:30 ‘I will not come with you,’ he answered ‘I will go to my own land and my own kindred.’

10:31 ‘Do not leave us,’ Moses replied ‘for you know where we can camp in the wilderness, and so you will be our eyes.

10:32 If you come with us, you will share in the blessing of the happiness with which Yahweh blesses us.’


The departure

10:33 They set out from the mountain of Yahweh and journeyed for three days. The ark of the covenant of Yahweh went at their head for this journey of three days, searching out a camping place for them.

10:34 In the daytime, the Cloud of Yahweh was over them whenever they left camp.

10:35 And as the ark set out, Moses would say, ‘Arise, Yahweh, may your enemies be scattered and those who hate you run for their lives before you!’

10:36 And as it came to rest, he would say, ‘Come back, Yahweh, to the thronging hosts of Israel’.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 11





11:1 Now the people set up a lament which was offensive to Yahweh’s ears, and Yahweh heard it. His anger blazed, and the fire of Yahweh burned among them: it destroyed one end of the camp.

11:2 The people appealed to Moses, and he interceded with Yahweh and the fire died down.

11:3 So the place was called Taberah, because the fire of Yahweh had burned among them.


Kibroth-hattaavah[*a]. The people complain

11:4 The rabble who had joined the people were overcome by greed, and the sons of Israel themselves began to wail again, ‘Who will give us meat to eat?’ they said.

11:5 ‘Think of the fish we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic!

11:6 Here we are wasting away, stripped of everything; there is nothing but manna for us to look at!’

11:7 The manna was like coriander seed, and had the appearance of bdellium.

11:8 The people went round gathering it, and ground it in a mill or crushed it with a pestle; it was then cooked in a pot and made into pancakes. It tasted like cake made with oil.

11:9 When the dew fell on the camp at night-time, the manna fell with it.


The prayer of Moses

11:10 Moses heard the people wailing, every family at the door of its tent. The anger of Yahweh flared out, and Moses greatly worried over this.

11:11 And he spoke to Yahweh: ‘Why do you treat your servant so badly? Why have I not found favour with you, so that you load on me the weight of all this nation?

11:12 Was it I who conceived all this people, was it I who gave them birth, that you should say to me, “Carry them in your bosom, like a nurse with a baby at the breast, to the land that I swore to give their fathers”?

11:13 Where am I to find meat to give to all this people, when they come worrying me so tearfully and say, “Give us meat to eat”?

11:14 I am not able to carry this nation by myself alone; the weight is too much for me.

11:15 If this is how you want to deal with me, I would rather you killed me! If only I had found favour in your eyes, and not lived to see such misery as this!’


Yahweh replies

11:16 Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Gather seventy of the elders of Israel, men you know to be the people’s elders and scribes. Bring them to the Tent of Meeting, and let them stand beside you there.

11:17 I will come down to speak with you; and I will take some of the spirit which is on you and put it on them. So they will share with you the burden of this nation, and you will no longer have to carry it by yourself.

11:18 ‘To the people, say this, “Purify yourselves for tomorrow and you will have meat to eat, now that you have walled in the hearing of Yahweh and said: Who will give us meat to eat? How happy we were in Egypt! So be it! Yahweh will give you meat to eat.

11:19 You shall eat it not for one day only, or two, or five or ten or twenty,

11:20 but for a full month, until you are sick of it and cannot bear the smell of it, because you have rejected Yahweh who is with you, and have wailed before him saying: Why did we ever leave Egypt?”‘

11:21 Moses said, ‘The people round me number six hundred thousand foot soldiers, and you say, “I shall give them meat to eat for a whole month”! If all the flocks and herds were slaughtered, would that be enough for them? If all the fish in the sea were gathered, would that be enough for them?’

11:22 Yahweh answered Moses, ‘Is the arm of Yahweh so short? You shall see whether the promise I have made to you comes true or not.’


The spirit given to the elders

11:24 Moses went out and told the people what Yahweh had said. Then he gathered seventy elders of the people and brought them round the Tent.

11:25 Yahweh came down in the Cloud. He spoke with him, but took some of the spirit that was on him and put it on the seventy elders. When the spirit came on them they prophesied, but not again.

11:26 Two men had stayed back in the camp; one was called Eldad and the other Medad. The spirit came down on them; though they had not gone to the Tent, their names were enrolled among the rest. These began to prophesy in the camp.

11:27 The young man ran to tell this to Moses, ‘Look,’ he said ‘Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp’.

11:28 Then said Joshua the son of Nun, who had served Moses from his youth, ‘My Lord Moses, stop them!’

11:29 Moses answered him, ‘Are you jealous on my account? If only the whole people of Yahweh were prophets, and Yahweh gave his Spirit to them all!’

11:30 Then Moses went back to the camp, the elders of Israel with him.


The quails

11:31 A wind came from Yahweh and it drove quails in from the sea and brought them down on the camp. They lay for a distance of a day’s march either side of the camp, two cubits thick on the ground.

11:32 The people were up all that day and night and all the next day collecting quails: the least gathered by anyone was ten homers; then they spread them out round the camp.

11:33 The meat was still between their teeth, not even chewed, when the anger of Yahweh blazed out against the people. Yahweh struck them with a very great plague.

11:34 The name given to this place was Kibroth-hattaavah, because it was there that they buried the people who had indulged their greed.

11:35 From Kibroth-hattaavah the people set out for Hazeroth, and at Hazeroth they pitched camp.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 12


Hazeroth, Complaints of Miriam and Aaron

12:1 Miriam, and Aaron too, spoke against Moses in connexion with the Cushite woman[*a] he had taken. (For he had married a Cushite woman.)

12:2 They said, ‘Has Yahweh spoken to Moses only? Has he not spoken to us too?’ Yahweh heard this.

12:3 ‘Now Moses was the most humble of men, the humblest man on earth.


God’s answer

12:4 Suddenly, Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron and Miriam, ‘Come, all three of you, to the Tent of Meeting’. They went, all three of them,

12:5 and Yahweh came down in a pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tent. He called Aaron and Miriam and they both came forward.

12:6 Yahweh said, ‘Listen now to my words: If any man among you is a prophet I make myself known to him in a vision, I speak to him in a dream.

12:7 Not so with my servant Moses: he is at home in my house;

12:8 I speak with him face to face, plainly and not in riddles, and he sees the form of Yahweh. How then have you dared to speak against my servant Moses?’

12:9 The anger of Yahweh blazed out against them. He departed,

12:10 and as soon as the cloud withdrew from the Tent, there was Miriam a leper, white as snow! Aaron turned to look at her; she had become a leper.


The prayer of Aaron and Moses

12:11 Aaron said to Moses: ‘Help me, my lord! Do not punish us for a sin committed in folly of which we are guilty.

12:12 I entreat you, do not let her be like a monster, coming from its mother’s womb with flesh half corrupted.’

12:13 Moses cried to Yahweh, ‘O God,’ he said ‘please heal her, I beg you!’

12:14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, ‘If her father had done no more than spit in her face, would she not be a thing of shame for seven days? Let her be shut outside the camp for seven days, and then let her be brought in again.

12:15 Miriam was shut outside the camp for seven days. The people did not set out until she returned.

12:16 Then the people left Hazeroth, and camp was pitched in the wilderness of Paran.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 13


The reconnaissance in Canaan

13:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

13:2 ‘Send out men, one from each tribe, to make a reconnaissance of this land of Canaan which I am giving to the sons of Israel. Send the leader of each tribe.’

13:3 At Yahweh’s bidding, Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran. All these men were chiefs among the sons of Israel.

13:4 These were their names: For the tribe of Reuben, Shammua son of Zaccur;

13:5 for the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat son of Hori;

13:6 for the tribe of Judah, Caleb son of Jephunneh;

13:7 for the tribe of Issachar, Igal son of Joseph;

13:8 for the tribe of Ephraim, Hoshea son of Nun;

13:9 for the tribe of Benjamin, Palti son of Raphu;

13:10 for the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel son of Sodi;

13:11 for the tribe of Joseph, for the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi son of Susi;

13:12 for the tribe of Dan, Ammiel son of Gemalli;

13:13 for the tribe of Asher, Sethur son of Michael;

13:14 for the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi son of Vophsi;

13:15 for the tribe of Gad, Geuel son of Machi.

13:16 These were the names of the men whom Moses sent to make a reconnaissance of the land. Then Moses gave to Hoshea son of Nun the name of Joshua.

13:17 Moses sent them to reconnoitre the land of Canaan, ‘Go up into the Negeb; then go up into the highlands.

13:18 See what sort of country it is, and what sort of people the inhabitants are, whether they are strong or weak, few or many,

13:19 what sort of country they live in, whether it is good or poor; what sort of towns they have, whether they are open or fortified;

13:20 what sort of land it is, fertile or barren, wooded or open. Be bold, and bring back some of the produce of the country. It was the season for early grapes.

13:21 They went up to reconnoitre the land, from the wilderness of Zin to Rehob, the Pass of Hamath.[*a]

13:22 They went up by way of the Negeb as far as Hebron, where the Anakim lived, Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai. (Hebron was founded seven years before Tanis in Egypt.)

13:23 They came to the Valley of Esheol; there they lopped off a vine branch with a cluster of grapes, which two of them carried away on a pole, as well as pomegranates and figs.

13:24 This place was called the Valley of Eshcol[*b] after the cluster which the sons of Israel had cut there.


The envoys’ report

13:25 At the end of forty days, they came back from their reconnaissance of the land.

13:26 They sought out Moses, Aaron and the whole community of Israel, in the wilderness of Paran, at Kadesh. They made their report to them, and to the whole community, and showed them the produce of the country.

13:27 They told them this story, ‘We went into the land to which you sent us. It does indeed flow with milk and honey; this is its produce.

13:28 At the same time, its inhabitants are a powerful people; the towns are fortified and very big; yes, and we saw the descendants of Anak there.

13:29 The Amalekite holds the Negeb area, the Hittite, Amorite and Jebusite the highlands, and the Canaanite the sea coast and the banks of the Jordan.’

13:30 Caleb harangued the people gathered about Moses: ‘We must march in,’ he said ‘and conquer this land: we are well able to do it’.

13:31 But the men who had gone up with him answered, ‘We are not able to march against this people; they are stronger than we are’.

13:32 And they began to disparage the country they had reconnoitred to the sons of Israel, ‘The country we went to reconnoitre is a country that devours its inhabitants. Every man we saw there was of enormous size.

13:33 Yes, and we saw giants there (the sons of Anak, descendants of the Giants).We felt like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.’


JB NUMBERS Chapter 14


The rebellion of Israel

14:1 At this, the whole community raised their voices and cried aloud, and the people wailed all that night.

14:2 Then all the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole community said, ‘Would that we had died in the land of Egypt, or at least that we had died in this wilderness!

14:3 Why does Yahweh bring us to this land, only to have us fall by the sword, and our wives and young children seized as booty? Should we not do better to go back to Egypt?’

14:4 And they said to one another, ‘Let us appoint a leader and go back to Egypt’.

14:5 Before the whole assembled community of the sons of Israel, Moses and Aaron fell down, face to the ground.

14:6 Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, two of those who had reconnoitred the country, tore their garments;

14:7 and they said to the entire community of the sons of Israel, ‘The land we went to reconnoitre is a good land, an excellent land.

14:8 If Yahweh is pleased with us, he will lead us into this land and give it to us. It is a land where milk and honey flow.

14:9 Do not rebel against Yahweh. And do not be afraid of the people of this land; we shall gobble them up. Their tutelary shadow has gone from them  so long as Yahweh is with us.[*a] Do not be afraid of them.


The anger of Yahweh. Moses makes an appeal

14:10 The entire community was talking of stoning them, when the glory of Yahweh appeared at the Tent of Meeting to all the sons of Israel.

14:11 And Yahweh said to Moses: ‘How long will this people insult me? How long will they refuse to believe in me despite the signs I have worked among them?

14:12 I will strike them with pestilence and disown them. And of you I shall make a new nation, greater and mightier than they are.’

14:13 Moses answered Yahweh: ‘But the Egyptians already know that you, by your own power, have brought this people out from their midst.

14:14 They have said as much to the inhabitants of this country. They already know that you, Yahweh, are in the midst of this people, and that you show yourself to them face to face; that it is you, Yahweh, whose cloud stands over them, that you go before them in a pillar of cloud is by day and a pillar of fire by night.

14:15 If you destroy this people now as if it were one man, then the nations who have heard about you will say,

14:16 “Yahweh was not able to bring this people into the land he swore to give them, and so he has slaughtered them in the wilderness”.

14:17 No, my Lord! It is now you must display your power, according to those words you spoke,

14:18 “Yahweh is slow to anger and rich in graciousness, forgiving faults and transgression, and yet letting nothing go unchecked, punishing the father’s fault in the sons to the third and fourth generation”.

14:19 In the abundance, then, of your graciousness, forgive the sin of this people, as you have done from Egypt until now.


Pardon and punishment

14:20 Yahweh said, ‘I forgive them as you ask.

14:21 But-as I live, and as the glory of Yahweh fills all the earth-

14:22 of all the men who have seen my glory and the signs that I worked in Egypt and in the wilderness, who have put me to the test ten times already and obeyed my voice,

14:23 not one shall see the land I swore to give their fathers. Not one of those who slight me shall see it. But

14:24 my servant Caleb is of another spirit.  Because he has obeyed me perfectly, I will bring him into the land he has entered, and his race shall possess it. (The Amalekite and the Canaanite dwell in the plain.)

14:25 Tomorrow you will turn about and go back into the wilderness, in the direction of the Sea of Suph

14:26 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said:

14:27 ‘How long does this perverse community, which complains against me…? I have heard the complaints which the sons of Israel make against me.

14:28 Say to them, “As I live – it is Yahweh who speaks – I will deal with you according to the very words you have used in my hearing.

14:29 In this wilderness your dead bodies will fall, all you men of the census, all you who were numbered from the age of twenty years and over, you who have complained against me.

14:30 I swear that you shall not enter the land where I swore most solemnly, to settle you. It is Caleb son of Jephunneh, and Joshua son of Nun,

14:31 and your young children that you said would be seized as booty, it is these I shall bring in to know the land you have disdained.

14:32 As for you, your dead bodies will fall in this wilderness,

14:33 and your sons will be nomads in the wilderness for forty years, bearing the weight of your faithlessness, until the last of you lies dead in the desert.

14:34 For forty days you reconnoitred the land. Each day shall count for a year: for forty years you shall bear the burden of your sins, and you shall learn what it means to reject me.”

14:35 I, Yahweh, have spoken: this is how I will deal with this perverse community that has conspired against me. Here in this wilderness, to the last man, they shall die.’

14:36 The men whom Moses had sent to reconnoitre the land, who on their return had incited the whole community of Israel to grumble against Yahweh by disparaging it,

14:37 these men who had disparaged the land were all struck dead before Yahweh.

14:38 Of the men who had gone to reconnoitre the land, only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh remained alive.


An abortive attempt by the Israelites

14:39 Moses reported these words to all the sons of Israel, and the people set up a great outcry.

14:40 Then they rose early and set out for the heights of the highlands saying, ‘Look, we are setting out for this place, since Yahweh has told us that we have sinned’.

14:41 Moses replied, ‘Why disobey the command of Yahweh? Nothing will come of it.

14:42 Do not go up, for Yahweh is not among you; do not get yourselves beaten by your enemies.

14:43 Yes, there facing you are the Amalekite and the Canaanite, and you will fall to their swords because you have turned away from Yahweh, and Yahweh is not with you.’

14:44 Yet they set out presumptuously towards the heights of the highlands. Neither the ark of the covenant of Yahweh nor Moses left the camp.

14:45 The Amalekite and the Canaanite who lived in that hill country came down and defeated them, and harried them all the way to Hormah.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 15




The oblation to accompany sacrifices

15:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

15:2 ‘Tell this to the sons of Israel: “When you have arrived in the land where you are to live, the land I give to you,

15:3 and you make burnt offering to Yahweh either as a holocaust or as a sacrifice, whether in payment of a vow, or as a voluntary gift, or on the occasion of one of your solemn feasts – taking from your herds and flocks to make an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh-

15:4 the offerer must bring, as his personal gift to Yahweh, an oblation of one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with one quarter of a hin of oil.

15:5 You must also make a libation of wine, one quarter of a hin to each lamb, in addition to the holocaust or sacrifice.

15:6 For a ram, you must make an oblation of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with one-third of a hin of oil,

15:7 and a libation of one-third of a bin of wine, offering it as an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh.

15:8 If you offer a bull as a holocaust or sacrifice, in payment of a vow or as a communion sacrifice for Yahweh,

15:9 you must offer in addition to the beast an oblation of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with half a hin of oil,

15:10 and you must offer a libation of half a bin of wine, as a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh.

15:11 This must be done for every bull, every ram, every lamb or kid.

15:12 Whatever the number of victims you have for sacrifice, you must do the same for each of them, however many there are.

15:13 “This must be done by every man of your own people when he makes a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh.

15:14 Any stranger living among you, or among your descendants, will also make a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh: just as you act, so must

15:15 the assembly,[*a] There shall be only one law for you and for the settler among you. This is a law that shall bind your descendants always: before Yahweh, you and the settler are alike.

15:16 There is to be one law only, and one statute for you and for the stranger who lives among you.”‘


The first-fruits of bread

15:17 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

15:18 ‘Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them: “When you have entered the land to which I am bringing you,

15:19 you must set aside a portion for Yahweh when you eat the bread of this country.

15:20 You must set aside one loaf as the first-fruits of your meal; you must set this offering aside like the one set aside from your threshing.

15:21 You are to set aside for Yahweh a portion of the best of your meal. This applies to your descendants.


Atonement for faults of inadvertence

15:22 “If through inadvertence you fail in any of these commands that Yahweh has given to Moses

15:23 (every single precept that Yahweh has laid on you through Moses, from the day he gave his commands and onwards to your descendants),

15:24 this is what must be done: “If it is an inadvertence of the community, the community as a whole must make a holocaust of a young bull, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh, with the prescribed accompanying oblation and libation, and a he-goat must be offered as a sacrifice for sin.

15:25 The priest must perform the rite of atonement over the entire community of the sons of Israel, and pardon will be given, since it was an inadvertence. When they have brought their offering as a burnt offering to Yahweh, and have presented their sacrifice for sin before Yahweh to make amends for their inadvertence,

15:26 pardon will be given to the entire community of the sons of Israel, as also to the stranger who lives among them, since the entire people has sinned through inadvertence.

15:27 “If it is an individual who has sinned by inadvertence, he must offer a yearling kid in sacrifice for sin.

15:28 The priest must perform the rite of atonement before Yahweh over the person who has gone astray by this sin of inadvertence; when the rite of atonement has been performed over him, he will be forgiven,

15:29 whether he is a native, one of the sons of Israel, or a stranger living among them. There shall be only one law among you for the man who sins by inadvertence.

15:30 “But the man who sins deliberately, whether native or stranger, outrages Yahweh himself. Such a man must be outlawed from his people;

15:31 he has despised the word of Yahweh and broken his command. This man must be entirely outlawed, since his sin is inseparable from him.”‘


Breaking the sabbath

15:32 While the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, a man was caught gathering wood on the sabbath day.

15:33 Those who caught him gathering wood brought him before Moses, Aaron and the whole community.

15:34 He was kept in custody, because the penalty he should undergo had not yet been fixed.

15:35 Yahweh said to Moses, ‘This man must be put to death. The whole community must stone him outside the camp.’

15:36 The whole community took him outside the camp and stoned him till he was dead, as Yahweh had commanded Moses.


Tassels on garments

15:37 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

15:38 ‘Speak to the sons of Israel and tell them to put tassels on the hems of their garments, and to put a violet cord on this tassel at the hem.

15:39 You must have a tassel, then, and the sight of it will remind you of all the commands of Yahweh. You are to put them into practice then, and no longer follow the desires of your heart and your eyes, which have led you to make wantons of yourselves.

15:40 ‘This will remind you of all my commandments; put them into practice, and you will be consecrated to your God.

15:41 It is I, Yahweh your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt so that I may be your God, I Yahweh  your God.’


JB NUMBERS Chapter 16


The rebellion of Korab, Dathan and Abiram

16:1 Korah son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi took . . .Dathan and Abiram sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth (Eliab and Peleth were sons of Reuben)

16:2 rebelled against Moses, together with two hundred and fifty of the sons of Israel, leaders of the community, prominent in the solemn feasts, men of repute.

16:3 These joined forces against Moses and Aaron saying to them, ‘You take too much on yourselves! The whole community and all its members are consecrated, and Yahweh lives among them. Why set yourselves higher than the community of Yahweh?’

16:4 Moses, when he heard this, threw himself face downward on the ground.

16:5 Then he said to Korah and all his followers, ‘Tomorrow morning Yahweh will reveal who is his, who is the consecrated man that he will allow to come near him. The one he allows to come near is the one whom he has chosen.

16:6 This is what you are to do: take the censers of Korah and all his followers,

16:7 fill them with fire and, tomorrow, put incense in them before Yahweh. Yahweh will choose the one who is the consecrated man. Sons of Levi, you take too much on yourselves!’

16:8 Moses said to Korah, ‘Listen to me now, you sons of Levi!

16:9 Is it not enough for you that the God of Israel has singled you out from the community of Israel, and called you close to himself for service in the tabernacle of Yahweh, to stand before this community and perform the sacred rites on their behalf?

16:10 He has called you to be near him, you and all your brother Levites with you, and now you aspire to the office of priesthood as well!

16:11 Against Yahweh himself you have joined forces, you and your followers: for what is Aaron that you should complain against him?’

16:12 Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. They replied, ‘We will not come.

16:13 Was it not enough to take us from a land where milk and honey flow to die in this wilderness, without seeking to lord it over us now?

16:14 There is no land flowing with milk and honey that you have brought us to, nor have you given us fields and vineyards for our inheritance. Do you expect this people to be blind? We will not come.’

16:15 Moses flew into a rage and said to Yahweh, ‘Pay no heed to their offering. I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, nor have I harmed any of them.’


The punishment

16:16 Moses said to Korah, ‘You and all your followers, come tomorrow into the presence of Yahweh, you and they, and Aaron too.

16:17 Let every man bring his censer, put incense in it, and carry his censer before Yahweh-two hundred and fifty censers. You and Aaron also, each of you bring his censer.’

16:18 So every man took his censer, filled it with fire, and put incense in it. And they stood at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and Moses and Aaron with them.

16:19 Then, when Korah had assembled the whole community to confront these two at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the glory of Yahweh appeared to the whole community.

16:20 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said,

16:21 ‘Stand apart from this assembly, I am going to destroy them here and now’.

16:22 They threw themselves face downward on the ground, and cried out, ‘O God, God of the spirits that give life to every living thing, will you be angry with the whole community for one man’s sin?’

16:23 Yahweh answered Moses and said,

16:24 ‘Say this to the community, “Stand clear of the dwelling of Korah”‘.

16:25 Moses stood up and went to Dathan and Abiram; the elders of Israel followed him.

16:26 He said to the community, ‘Stand away, I beg you, from the tents of these perverse men, and touch nothing that belongs to them, for fear that with all their sins you too will be swept away’.

16:27 So they moved away from the dwelling of Korah. Dathan and Abiram had come out and were standing at their tent doors, with their wives and their sons and their young children.

16:28 Moses said, ‘By this you will know that Yahweh himself has sent me to perform all these tasks and that this is not my doing.

16:29 If these people die a natural death such as men commonly die, then Yahweh has not sent me.

16:30 But if Yahweh does something utterly new, if the earth should open its mouth and swallow them, themselves and all that belongs to them, so that they go down alive to Sheol[*a], then you will know that these men have rejected Yahweh.’

16:31 The moment he finished saying all these words, the ground split open under their feet,

16:32 the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, their families too, and all Korah’s men and all their belongings.

16:33 They went down alive to Sheol, they and all their possessions. The earth closed over them and they disappeared from the midst of the assembly.

16:34 At their cries all the Israelites around them ran away. For they said, ‘The earth must not swallow us!’

16:35 A fire came down from Yahweh and consumed the two hundred and fifty men carrying incense.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 17


The censers

17:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

17:2 ‘Tell Eleazar, son of Aaron, the priest, to pick the censers out of these ashes and take this unlawful fire elsewhere,

17:3 for these sinful censers are sanctified, at the price of these men’s lives. Since they have been brought before Yahweh and consecrated, let the metal be hammered into sheets to cover the altar. They will be an object-lesson to the sons of Israel.’

17:4 Eleazar the priest took the bronze censers which had been carried by the men who were destroyed by the fire. They were hammered into sheets to cover the altar.

17:5 They are a reminder to the sons of Israel that no layman, no one outside Aaron’s line, may come near Yahweh with incense to burn, under pain of suffering the lot of Korah and his followers, according to the order given by Yahweh through Moses.


Aaron Intercedes

17:6 On the following day, the entire community of the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying, ‘You have brought death to the people of Yahweh’.

17:7 As the community was banding together against Moses and Aaron, these turned towards the Tent of Meeting, and there was the Cloud covering it, and the glory of Yahweh appeared.

17:8 And Moses and Aaron went to the door of the Tent of Meeting.

17:9 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

17:10 ‘Stand clear of this community; I am going to destroy them here and now’. They threw themselves face downward on the ground.

17:11 Then Moses said to Aaron, ‘Take the censer, fill it with fire from the altar, put incense in it and hurry to the community to perform the rite of atonement over them. The wrath has come down from Yahweh and the plague has begun.’

17:12 Aaron did as Moses said and ran among the assembly, but the plague was already at work among them. He put in the incense and performed the rite of atonement over the people.

17:13 Then he stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped.

17:14 There were fourteen thousand seven hundred victims of that plague, not counting those who died because of Korah.

17:15 Then Aaron came back to Moses at the Tent of Meeting; the plague had been halted.


Aaron’s branch

17:16 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

17:17 ‘Tell the sons of Israel to give you a branch, one for each patriarchal family; let their leaders together give you twelve branches for their patriarchal families. Write the name of each on his branch; and

17:18 on the branch of Levi write the name of Aaron, because the leader of the families of Levi must have a branch too.

17:19 Then put them in the Tent of Meeting before the Testimony, the place where I meet you.

17:20 The man whose branch sprouts will be the one I have chosen; this is how I shall put an end to the complaints that the sons of Israel make against you.’

17:21 Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, and all their leaders gave him one branch each, twelve branches in all for their patriarchal families; Aaron’s branch was among them.

17:22 Moses placed them before Yahweh in the Tent of the Testimony.

17:23 On the following day Moses came to the Tent of the Testimony and there already sprouting, was Aaron’s branch, standing for the House of Levi. Buds had opened, flowers had blossomed, and almonds had already ripened.

17:24 Moses took all the branches away from before Yahweh and brought them back to all the sons of Israel; they examined them and each one took back his own branch.

17:25 Then Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Put back Aaron’s branch before the Testimony, where it will have its prescribed place, a sign to these rebels. It will stop them complaining to me any more, and they will not die.’

17:26 Moses did as Yahweh had ordered. That is what he did.


Atonement: the function of the priesthood

17:27 The sons of Israel said to Moses, ‘We are lost! We are dead men! We are all dead men!

17:28 Anyone who goes near the tabernacle of Yahweh with an offering will die. Are we to be doomed to the last man?’


JB NUMBERS Chapter 18


18:1 Then Yahweh said to Aaron: ‘You and your sons, and your whole family shall bear the burden of transgressions against the sanctuary. You and your sons with you shall bear the burden of the transgressions of your priesthood.

18:2 Let your brothers of the branch of Levi, your father’s tribe, come with you too. They are to join you and serve you, yourselves and your sons, before the Tent of the Testimony.

18:3 They are to be at your service and the service of the whole Tent. Provided they do not come near the sacred vessels or the altar, they will be in no more danger of death than you.

18:4 They are to join you, they are to take charge of the Tent of Meeting for the entire ministry of the Tent, and no layman shall come near you.

18:5 You must take charge of the sanctuary and charge of the altar, and the wrath will never again fall on the sons of Israel.

18:6 I myself have chosen your brothers, the Levites, from among the sons of Israel as a gift to you. As ‘oblates’ they will belong to Yahweh, to serve at the Tent of Meeting.

18:7 You and your sons will undertake the priestly duties in all that concerns the altar and all that lies behind the veil.[*a] You will perform the liturgy, the duties of which I entrust to your priesthood. But the layman who comes near shall die.’


The priests’ portion

18:8 Yahweh said to Aaron: ‘I myself have given you charge of all that is set aside for me. Everything that the sons of Israel consecrate I give to you as your portion, as well as to your sons, by perpetual ordinance.

18:9 This is what shall be yours of the most holy things, of the consecrated food: every offering that the sons of Israel give back to me, whether it be an oblation or a sacrifice for sin or a sacrifice of reparation, is a thing most holy; it shall belong to you and your sons

18:10 You may eat these most holy things. Every male may eat them. You are to count them sacred.

18:11 ‘To you also shall belong whatever is set aside from the offerings of the sons of Israel to be held out with the gesture of offering; this I give to you, as well as to your sons and daughters by perpetual ordinance. Every undefiled person in your house may eat it.

18:12 All the best of the oil, all the best of the wine and wheat, the first-fruits made over by them to Yahweh, these I give to you.

18:13 All the first produce of their land which they bring to Yahweh shall be yours. Every undefiled person in your house may eat them.

18:14 All in Israel on which the ban is laid shall be yours.

18:15 Every first-born brought to Yahweh shall be yours, of all living creatures, whether man or beast; nevertheless you must redeem the first-born of man, and you must redeem the first-born of an unclean beast.

18:16 You must redeem it in the month in which it is born at the price of five shekels, each of sanctuary weight-which is twenty gerahs.

18:17 The first-born of cow, sheep and goat, these alone you shall not redeem. They are holy: you must sprinkle their blood on the altar and burn the fat as a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh;

18:18 the meat shall be yours, together with the breast that has been presented with the gesture of offering, and the right thigh.

18:19 All that the sons of Israel set aside for Yahweh from the holy things, this I give to you, and to your sons and daughters, by perpetual ordinance. This is a covenant of salt for ever before Yahweh, for you and your descendants after you.’


The Levites’ portion

18:20 Yahweh said to Aaron: ‘You shall have no inheritance in their land, no portion of it among them shall be yours. It is I who will be your portion and your inheritance amongst the sons of Israel.

18:21 See, to the sons of Levi I give as their inheritance all the tithes collected in Israel, in return for their services, for the ministry they render in the Tent of Meeting.

18:22 The sons of Israel must no longer go near the Tent of Meeting; they would be burdened with sin and die.

18:23 To Levi belongs the ministry of the Tent of Meeting, and the Levites will bear the burden of their sin. This is a perpetual law for all your descendants: the Levites are to have no inheritance among the sons of Israel.

18:24 The tithe that the sons of Israel set aside for Yahweh, I give the Levites for their inheritance. For this reason I have told them that they are to have no inheritance among the sons of Israel.’



18:25 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

18:26 ‘You are to say to the Levites: “When you receive the tithe from the sons of Israel which they must pay you and which I am giving you as your inheritance, out of this you are to set aside a portion for Yahweh, a tithe of the tithe.

18:27 This is to take the place of the portion set aside that is due from you, like the corn from the threshing-floor and new wine from the press.

18:28 Thus you too will set aside a portion for Yahweh, of all the tithes you receive from the sons of Israel. You will give what you have set aside for Yahweh to Aaron the priest.

18:29 Out of all the gifts you receive you will set aside a portion for Yahweh. From the best of all these things you will set aside the sacred portion.”

18:30 ‘You are to say to them, “After you have set aside the best, all these gifts shall, for the Levites, take the place of the produce of the threshing-floor and of the wine press.

18:31 You may consume them anywhere, you and your people: this is your payment for serving in the Tent of Meeting.

18:32 You will not incur the burden of any sin on this account, once you have set aside the best; you will not be profaning the things consecrated by the sons of Israel, and you will not die.”‘


JB NUMBERS Chapter 19


The ashes of the red heifer[*a]

19:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said:

19:2 ‘This is a statute of the Law which Yahweh has prescribed. Say this to the sons of Israel, They are to bring you a red heifer without fault or blemish, one that has never borne the yoke.

19:3 You will give it to Eleazar the priest. It must be taken outside the camp and slaughtered in his presence.

19:4 Then Eleazar the priest is to take some of the victim’s blood on his finger, and sprinkle this blood seven times towards the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

19:5 The heifer must then be burned in his presence: hide, flesh, blood, and the dung too, must be burnt.

19:6 Then the priest is to take cedar wood, hyssop and cochineal red, and throw them on the fire where the heifer is burning.

19:7 Then he must wash his clothing and bathe his body in water; after which he may go back to the camp, though he will remain unclean until evening.

19:8 The man who has burnt the heifer must wash his clothing and bathe his body in water and will remain unclean until evening.

19:9 The man who gathers up the ashes of the heifer must be ritually clean; he will deposit them outside the camp, in a clean place. They must be kept for the ritual use of the community of the sons of Israel for making lustral water; it is a sacrifice for sin.

19:10 The man who has gathered up the ashes of the heifer must wash his clothing and will remain unclean until evening. For the sons of Israel as for the stranger living among them, this will be a perpetual law.


A case of uncleanness

19:11 ‘Anyone who touches a corpse, of any person whatsoever, shall be unclean for seven days.

19:12 He shall purify himself with these waters on the third and the seventh day, and he will be clean; but if he does not purify himself on the third and the seventh day he will not be clean.

19:13 Anyone who touches a dead person, the body of a man that has died, and has not purified himself, defiles the tabernacle of Yahweh; such a man must be outlawed from Israel because the lustral waters have not flowed over him; he is unclean, and his uncleanness remains in him.

19:14 This is the law when a man dies in a tent. Anyone who goes into the tent, or anyone who is already there, shall be unclean for seven days.

19:15 Equally unclean also shall be every open vessel that has not been closed with a lid or fastening.

19:16 Anyone in the open country who touches a man who has been killed, or a man who has died, or human bones or a tomb, shall be unclean for seven days.


The ritual of lustral water

19:17 ‘For a man thus unclean, some of the ashes must be taken from the victim burnt as a sacrifice for sin. Spring water must be poured on them, in a vessel.

19:18 Then one who is ritually clean shall take hyssop and dip it in the water. He must then sprinkle the tent, all the vessels and everyone there, and also the man who has touched the bones, or the body of the person, whether he was killed or died of natural causes, or the tomb.

19:19 The man who is clean must sprinkle the unclean on the third and the seventh day, and on the seventh day he will have freed him from his sin. The man who is unclean must then wash his clothing and bathe himself in water, and by evening he will be clean.

19:20 If an unclean man fails to purify himself in this way, he must be cut off from the community, for he would defile the sanctuary of Yahweh. The lustral waters have not flowed over him, and he is unclean.

19:21 ‘This is to be a perpetual law for them. The person who sprinkles the lustral water must wash his clothing, and the person who touches these waters shall be unclean until evening.

19:22 Anything that an unclean person touches shall be unclean, and anyone who touches it shall be unclean until evening.’


JB NUMBERS Chapter 20




The waters of Meribah

20:1 The sons of Israel, the whole community, arrived in the first month at the desert of Zin. The people settled at Kadesh. It was there that Miriam died and was buried.

20:2 There was no water for the community, and they were all united against Moses and Aaron.

20:3 The people challenged Moses: ‘We would rather have died,’ they said ‘as our brothers died before Yahweh!

20:4 Why did you bring the assembly of Yahweh into this wilderness, only to let us die here, ourselves and our cattle?

20:5 Why did you lead us out of Egypt, only to bring us to this wretched place? It is a place unfit for sowing, it has no figs, no vines, no pomegranates, and there is not even water to drink!’

20:6 Leaving the assembly, Moses and Aaron went to the door of the Tent of Meeting. They threw themselves face downward on the ground, and the glory of Yahweh appeared to them.

20:7 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

20:8 ‘Take the branch and call the community together, you and your brother Aaron. Then, in full view of them, order this rock to give water. You will make water flow for them out of the rock, and provide drink for the community and their cattle.’

20:9 Moses took up the branch from before Yahweh, as he had directed him.

20:10 Then Moses and Aaron called the assembly together in front of the rock and addressed them, ‘Listen now, you rebels. Shall we make water gush from this rock for you?’

20:11 And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the branch; water gushed in abundance, and the community drank and their cattle too.


The punishment of Moses and Aaron

20:12 Then Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you did not believe that I could proclaim my holiness in the eyes of the sons of Israel, you shall not lead this assembly into the land I am giving them’.[*a]

20:13 These are the waters of Meribah, where the sons of Israel challenged Yahweh and he proclaimed his holiness.


Edom refuses right of way

20:14 Moses sent messengers from Kadesh, ‘To the king of Edom. A message from your brother Israel. You know well enough the extremity to which we have been reduced.

20:15 Our ancestors went down into Egypt, and there we stayed for a long time. But the Egyptians treated us badly, as they did our ancestors.

20:16 We cried to Yahweh. He listened to us and sent an angel to bring us out of Egypt. Now we are here at Kadesh, a town on the borders of your territory.

20:17 We ask permission to pass through your land. We will not cross any fields or vineyards; we will not drink any water from the wells; we will keep to the king’s highway without turning to right or left until we are clear of your frontiers.’

20:18 Edom answered, ‘You shall not pass through my country; if you do, I will come out to attack you’.

20:19 The answer of the sons of Israel was, ‘We will keep to the high road; if we use any of your water for myself and my cattle, I will pay for it. I am asking only to pass through on foot.’

20:20 Edom replied, ‘You shall not pass’, and Edom marched out to meet them with many men and in great force.

20:21 At Edom’s refusal to allow Israel a passage through his territory, Israel turned away.


The death of Aaron

20:22 They set out from Kadesh, and the whole community of the sons of Israel came to Mount Hor.

20:23 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron at Mount Hor, on the frontier of the land of Edom.[*b] He said,

20:24 ‘Aaron must be gathered to his people: he is not to enter the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel, since you disobeyed my order at the waters of Meribah.

20:25 Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up Mount Hor.

20:26 There, strip Aaron of his garments and put them on Eleazar his son, and Aaron will be gathered to his people: he is to die there.’

20:27 Moses did as Yahweh ordered. In the sight of the whole community they went up Mount Hor.

20:28 Moses stripped Aaron of his garments and put them on Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there on top of the mountain. Then Moses and Eleazar came back down the mountain.

20:29 The whole community saw that Aaron had died, and all the House of Israel wept for Aaron for thirty days.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 21


The capture of Hormah

21:1 The king of Arad,[*a] a Canaanite living in the Negeb, learned that Israel was coming by way of Atharim. He attacked Israel and took some prisoners.

21:2 Israel then made this vow to Yahweh, ‘If you deliver this people into my power, I will lay their towns under ban’.

21:3 Yahweh heard the voice of Israel and delivered the Canaanites into their power. And they laid them under ban, both them and their towns. This place was given the name Hormah.


The bronze serpent

21:4 They left Mount Hor by the road to the Sea of Suph,[*b] to skirt the land of Edom. On the way the people lost patience.

21:5 They spoke against God and against Moses, ‘Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in this wilderness? For there is neither bread nor water here; we are sick of this unsatisfying food.’

21:6 At this God sent fiery serpents among the people; their bite brought death to many in Israel.

21:7 The people came and said to Moses, ‘We have sinned by speaking against Yahweh and against you. Intercede for us with Yahweh to save us from these serpents.’ Moses interceded for the people,

21:8 and Yahweh answered him, ‘Make a fiery serpent and put it on a standard. If anyone is bitten and looks at it, he shall live.’

21:9 So Moses fashioned a bronze serpent which he put on a standard, and if anyone was bitten by a serpent, he looked at the bronze serpent and lived.


By stages to Transjordania

21:10 The sons of Israel set out and camped at Oboth.

21:11 Then they left Oboth and camped at Iye-abarim, in the wilderness that borders Moab, towards the sunrise.

21:12 They set out from there and camped in the wadi Zered.

21:13 They set out from there and camped beyond the Arnon…[*c] This wadi in the desert begins in the land of the Amorites. For the Arnon is the frontier of Moab, between the Moabites and the Amorites.

21:14 Hence it is written in the Book of the Wars of Yahweh:

21:15 …Waheb by Suphah and the wadi Arnon and the slope of the ravine that runs down to the site of Ar and leans over the frontier of Moab…..

21:16 and from there they went on to Beer…[*d] It was of the well here that Yahweh had said to Moses, ‘Call the people together and I will give them water’.

21:17 Then it was that Israel sang this song: ‘For the well. Sing out for the well

21:18 that was sunk by the princes and dug by the leaders of the people with the sceptre, with their staves.’ …and from Beer to Mattanah,

21:19 and from Mattanah to Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth,

21:20 and from Bamoth to the valley that gives on to the country of Moab, towards the heights of Pisgah which marks the edge of the desert and looks down on it.


The conquest of Transjordania

21:21 Israel sent messengers to say to Sihon, king of the Amorites,

21:22 ‘I wish to pass through your land. We will not stray into fields or vineyards; we will not drink any water from the wells; we will keep to the king’s highway until we are clear of your frontiers.’

21:23 But Sihon would not give Israel leave to pass through his land. He gathered all his people, marched into the desert to meet Israel, and reached Jahaz, where he gave battle to Israel.

21:24 Israel struck him down with the edge of the sword and conquered his country from the Anion to the Jabbok, as far as the sons of Ammon, for Jazer was the Ammonite frontier.

21:25 Israel took all these towns, and occupied all the Amorite towns, Heshbon and all the towns under its jurisdiction,

21:26 Heshbon being the capital of Sihon, king of the Amorites. It was the same Sihon who had waged war on the first king of Moab and captured all his territory as far as the Arnon.

21:27 Hence the poets sing: Courage, Heshbon! Well built and well founded, city of Sihon!

21:28 For a fire came out of Heshbon, a flame from the city of Sihon, it devoured Ar of Moab, it engulfed the heights of the Anion.

21:29 Woe to you, Moab! You are lost, people of Chemosh! He has turned his sons into fugitives, his daughters into captives for Sihon, king of the Amorites.

21:30 Heshbon has destroyed the little children as far as Dibon, the women as far as Nophah, the men as far as Medeba.

21:31 Israel settled in the land of the Amorites.

21:32 Moses sent men to reconnoitre Jazer, and Israel took it and all the towns in its jurisdiction and evicted the Amorites who dwelt there.

21:33 Then they turned and marched in the direction of Bashan. Og king of Bashan marched out to meet them with all his people to give battle at Edrei.

21:34 Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Do not be afraid of him, for I have given him into your power, him and all his people and his country. Deal with him as you dealt with Sihon, king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon.’

21:35 So they defeated him, his sons and all his people; not one of them escaped. And they took possession of his country.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 22


22:1 Then the sons of Israel set out and pitched their camp in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan opposite Jericho.[*a]


The king of Moab appeals to Balaam[*b]

22:2 Balak son of Zippor saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites,

22:3 and Moab was seized with panic before this people because of their immense number. Moab was afraid of the sons of Israel;

22:4 he said to the elders of Midian, ‘Here is a horde now cropping everything round us as an ox crops the grass of the fields’. Now Balak son of Zippor was king of Moab at the time.

22:5 He sent messengers to summon Balaam son of Beor, at Pethor on the river,[*c] in the land of the sons of Amaw, saying, ‘Look how this people coming from Egypt has overrun the whole countryside; they have settled at my door.

22:6 Come, please, and curse this people for me, for they are stronger than I am. We may then be able to defeat them and drive them out of the country. For this I know: the man you bless is blessed, the man you curse is accursed.’

22:7 The elders of Moab and the elders of Midian set out, taking the fee for the divination with them. They found Balaam and gave him Balak’s message.

22:8 He said to them, ‘Stay the night here, and I will answer as Yahweh directs me.’ So the chiefs of Moab stayed with Balaam.

22:9 God came to Balaam and said, ‘Who are these men staying with you?’

22:10 Balaam gave God this answer, ‘Balak son of Zippor has sent me this message,

22:11 “Look how this people coming from Egypt has overrun the whole countryside. Come and curse them for me; I may then be able to defeat them and drive them out.”‘

22:12 God said to Balaam, ‘You are not to go with them. You are not to curse this people, for they are blessed.’ In the morning Balaam rose and said to the chiefs sent by Balak,

22:13 ‘Go back to your country, for Yahweh will not let me go with you’.

22:14 So the chiefs of Moab rose and returned to Balak and said, ‘Balaam would not come with us’.

22:15 And again Balak sent chiefs, more numerous and more renowned than the first.

22:16 They came to Balaam and said, ‘A message from Balak son of Zippor, “Do not refuse, I beg you, to come to me.

22:17 I will load you with honours and do whatever you say. Come, I beg you, and curse this people for me.”‘

22:18 Balaam answered the envoys of Balak, Even if Balak gave me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go against the order of Yahweh my God in anything, great or small.

22:19 Now please stay the night here yourselves, and I will learn what else Yahweh has to tell me.’

22:20 God came to Balaam during the night and said to him, ‘Have not these men come to summon you? Get up, go with them. But you must do nothing except what I tell you.’

22:21 In the morning Balaam rose and saddled his she-donkey and set out with the chiefs of Moab.


Balaam’s donkey

22:22 His going kindled the wrath of Yahweh, and the angel of Yahweh took his stand on the road to bar his way. He was riding his donkey and his two servants were with him.

22:23 Now the donkey saw the angel of Yahweh standing on the road, a drawn sword in his hand, and she turned off the road and made off across country. But Balaam beat her to turn her back on to the road.

22:24 The angel of Yahweh then took his stand on a narrow path among the vineyards, with a wall to the right and a wall to the left.

22:25 The donkey saw the angel of Yahweh and brushed against the wall, grazing Balaam’s foot. Balaam beat her again.

22:26 The angel of Yahweh moved and took up his stand in a place so narrow that there was no room to pass, right or left.

22:27 When the donkey saw the angel of Yahweh, she lay down under Balaam. Balaam flew into a rage and beat her with his stick.

22:28 Then Yahweh opened the mouth of the donkey, who said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you? Why beat me three times like this?’

22:29 Balaam answered the donkey, ‘Because you are playing the fool with me! If I had had a sword in my hand, I would have killed you by now.’

22:30 The donkey said to Balaam, ‘Am I not your donkey, and have I not been your mount from your youth? In all this time, have I ever failed to serve you?’ He answered, ‘No’.

22:31 Then Yahweh opened the eyes of Balaam. He saw the angel of Yahweh standing on the road, a drawn sword in his hand; and he bowed down and fell prostrate on his face.

22:32 And the angel of Yahweh said to him, ‘Why did you beat your donkey three times like that? I myself had come to bar your way; while I am here your road is blocked.

22:33 The donkey saw me and turned aside from me three times. You are lucky she did turn aside, or I should have killed you by now, though I would have spared her.’

22:34 Balaam answered the angel of Yahweh, ‘I have sinned. I did not know you were standing in my path. However, if you are angry with me, I will go back.’

22:35 The angel of Yahweh answered Balaam, ‘Go with these men, but only say what I tell you to say.’ So Balaam went with the chiefs sent by Balak.


Balaam and Balak

22:36 Balak learned that Balaam was coming and went out to meet him, in the direction of Ar of Moab, at the Arnon frontier on the country’s furthest boundary.

22:37 Balak said to Balaam, ‘Did I not send messengers to summon you? Why did you not come to me? Did you think, perhaps, I could confer no honours on you?’

22:38 Balaam answered Balak, ‘Here I am at your side. May I make myself clear to you now? The word that God puts into my mouth, this I shall speak.’

22:39 Balaam set out with Balak. They came to Kiriath-huzoth.

22:40 Balak sacrificed oxen and sheep, and offered portions to Balaam and the chiefs who were with him.

22:41 Next morning Balak took Balaam and brought him up to Bamoth-baal, from where he could see the end of the camp.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 23


23:1 Balaam said to Balak, ‘Build me seven altars, and bring here to me seven bulls and seven rams’.

23:2 Balak did as Balaam asked and he offered a holocaust of one bull and one ram on each altar.

23:3 Balaam then said to Balak, ‘Stand beside your holocausts. I will go; perhaps Yahweh will allow me to meet him. Whatever he shows me I shall tell you.’ And he withdrew to a bare hill.


The oracles of Balaam

23:4 God came to meet Balaam, who said to him, ‘I have prepared the seven altars and offered a holocaust of one bull and one ram on each altar’.

23:5 Yahweh then put a word into his mouth and said to him, ‘Go back to Balak and that is what you must say to him’.

23:6 So Balaam went back to him, and found him still standing beside his holocaust, with all the chiefs of Moab.

23:7 Then he declaimed his poem. He said: ‘Balak brought me from Aram, the king of Moab from the hills of Kedem, “Come, curse Jacob for me; come, denounce Israel”.

23:8 How shall I curse one when God does not curse? How shall I denounce when God does not denounce?

23:9 Yes, from the top of the crags I see him, from the hills I observe him. See, a people dwelling apart, not reckoned among the nations.

23:10 Who can count the dust of Jacob? Who can number the cloud of Israel? May I die the death of the just! May my end be one with theirs!’

23:11 Balak said to Balaam, ‘What have you done to me? I brought you to curse my enemies, and you heap blessings on them!’

23:12 Balaam answered, ‘Am I not obliged to say what Yahweh puts into my mouth?’

23:13 Balak said to him, ‘Come with me to another place. What you see from here is only the fringe of this people, you do not see them all. Curse them for me over there.’

23:14 He led him to the Field of Spies, towards the summit of Pisgah. There he built seven altars and offered a holocaust of one bull and one ram on each altar.

23:15 Balaam said to Balak, ‘Stand beside these holocausts. I will wait over there.’

23:16 God came to meet Balaam, he put a word into his mouth and said to him, ‘Go back to Balak and that is what you must say to him’.

23:17 So Balaam went to him, and found him still standing beside his holocaust and all the chiefs of Moab with him. ‘What did Yahweh say?’ Balak asked him.

23:18 Then Balaam declaimed his poem. He said:  ‘Arise, Balak, and listen, give ear to me, son of Zippor.

23:19 God is no man that he should lie, no son of Adam to draw back. Is it his to say and not to do, to speak and not fulfil?

23:20 The charge laid on me is to bless, I shall bless and not take it back.

23:21 I have seen no evil in Jacob I marked no suffering in Israel. Yahweh his God is with him; in him sounds the royal acclaim.

23:22 God brings him out of Egypt, he is like the wild ox’s horns to him.

23:23 There is no omen against Jacob, no divination against Israel. Though men say to Jacob, say to Israel, “What wonder has God to show?”

23:24 here is a people like a lioness rising, poised like a lion to spring; not lying down till he has devoured his prey and drunk the blood of his victims.’

23:25 Balak said to Balaam, ‘Very well! Do not curse them. But at least do not bless them!’

23:26 Balaam answered Balak, ‘Have I not told you: whatever Yahweh says, I must do?’

23:27 Balak said to Balaam, ‘Come then, let me take you somewhere else. From there perhaps it will please God to curse them.’

23:28 So Balak led Balaam to the summit of Peor, dominating the desert.

23:29 Then Balaam said to Balak, ‘Build me seven altars here and find me seven bulls and seven rams’.

23:30 Balak did as Balaam asked, and offered a holocaust of one bull and one ram on each altar.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 24


24:1 Balaam then saw that it pleased Yahweh to bless Israel. He did not go as before to seek omens but turned towards the wilderness.

24:2 Raising his eyes Balaam saw Israel, encamped by tribes; the spirit of God came on him and he declaimed his poem.

24:3 He said: ‘The oracle of Balaam son of Beor, the oracle of the man with far-seeing eyes,

24:4 the oracle of one who hears the word of God. He sees what Shaddai makes him see, receives the divine answer, and his eyes are opened.

24:5 How fair are your tents, O Jacob! How fair your dwellings, Israel!

24:6 Like valleys that stretch afar, like gardens by the banks of a river, like aloes planted by Yahweh, like cedars beside the waters!

24:7 A hero arises from their stock, he reigns over countless peoples. His king is greater than Agag, his majesty is exalted.

24:8 God brings him out of Egypt, he is like the wild ox’s horns to him. He[*a] feeds on the carcase of his enemies, and breaks their bones in pieces.

24:9 He has crouched, he has lain down, like a lion, like a lioness; who dare rouse him? Blessed be those who bless you, and accursed be those who curse you!’

24:10 Balak flew into a rage with Balaam. He beat his hands together and said to Balaam, ‘I brought you to curse my enemies, and you bless them three times over!

24:11 Be off with you, and go home. I promised to load you with honours. Yahweh himself has deprived you of them.’

24:12 Balaam answered Balak, ‘Did I not tell the messengers you sent me:

24:13 Even if Balak gave me his house full of gold and silver I could not go against the order of Yahweh and do anything of my own accord, good or evil; what Yahweh says is what I will say.

24:14 Now that I am going back to my own folk, let me warn you what this people will do to your people, in time to come.’

24:15 Then he declaimed his poem. He said: The oracle of Balaam son of Beor, the oracle of the man with far-seeing eyes,

24:16 the oracle of one who hears the word of God, of one who knows the knowledge of the Most High. He sees what Shaddai makes him see, receives the divine answer, and his eyes are opened.

24:17 I see him – but not in the present, I behold him – but not close at hand: a star from Jacob takes the leadership, a sceptre arises from Israel. It crushes the brows of Moab the skulls of all the sons of Sheth[*b].

24:18 Edom becomes a conquered land; a conquered land is Seir.

24:19 Israel exerts his strength, Jacob dominates his enemies and destroys the fugitives from Ar.’

24:20 Balaam looked on Amalek and declaimed his poem. He said: ‘Amalek, first among the nations! But his posterity shall perish for ever.’

24:21 Then he looked on the Kenites and declaimed his poem. He said: ‘Your house was firm, Kain, and your nest[*c] perched high in the rock.

24:22 But the nest belongs to Beor; how long will you be Asshur’s captive?’

24:23 Then he looked on Og[*d] and declaimed his poem. He said: ‘The Sea-people[*e] gather in the north,

24:24 ships from the coasts of Kittim. They bear down on Asshur, they bear down on Eber; he too shall perish for ever.’

24:25 Then Balaam rose, left and went home. Balak too went his way.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 25


Israel at Peor

25:1 Israel settled at Shittim. The people gave themselves over to debauchery with the daughters of Moab.

25:2 These invited them to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down before their gods.

25:3 With Israel thus committed to the Baal of Peor, the anger of Yahweh blazed out against them.

25:4 Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Take all the leaders of the people. Impale them for Yahweh, here in the sun; then the burning anger of Yahweh will turn away from Israel.’

25:5 Moses said to the judges in Israel, ‘Every one of you must put to death those of his people who have committed themselves to the Baal of Peor’.

25:6 A man of the sons of Israel came along, bringing the Midianite woman into his family, under the very eyes of Moses and the whole community of the sons  of Israel as they wept at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

25:7 When he saw this, Phinehas the priest, son of Eleazar son of Aaron, stood up and left the assembly, seized a lance,

25:8 followed the Israelite into the alcove, and there ran them both through, the Israelite and the woman, right through the groin. And the plague that had struck the sons of Israel was arrested.

25:9 In the plague twenty-four thousand of them had died.

25:10 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

25:11 ‘Phinehas the priest, son of Eleazar son of Aaron, has turned my wrath away from the sons of Israel, because he was the only one among them to have the same zeal as I have; for this I did not make an end, in my zeal, of the sons of Israel.

25:12 Proclaim this, therefore: To him I now grant my covenant of peace.

25:13 For him and for his descendants after him, this covenant shall ensure the priesthood for ever. In reward for his zeal for his God, he shall have the right to perform the ritual of atonement over the sons of Israel.’

25:14 The Israelite who was killed (he who had been killed with the Midianite woman) was called Zimri son of Salu, leader of one of the patriarchal Houses of Simeon.

25:15 The woman, the Midianite who was killed, was called Cozbi, daughter of Zur, chief of a clan, of a patriarchal House in Midian.

25:16 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

25:17 ‘Harry the Midianites and strike them down,

25:18 for they have harassed you with their guile in the Peor affair and in the affair of Cozbi their sister, daughter of a prince of Midian, the woman who was killed the day the plague came on account of Peor’.




The census

25:19 After this plague,


JB NUMBERS Chapter 26


26:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Eleazar son of Aaron, the priest. He said:

26:2 ‘Take a census of all the community of the sons of Israel, by families: all those of twenty years and over, fit to bear arms.

26:3 So Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke to the people in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan opposite Jericho. They counted:

26:4 (As Yahweh had ordered Moses and the sons of Israel on their coming out of the land of Egypt:) Men of twenty years and over:

26:5 Reuben, the first-born of Israel. The sons of Reuben: for Hanoch, the Hanochite clan; for Pallu, the Palluite clan;

26:6 for Hezron, the Hezronite clan; for Carmi, the Carmite clan.

26:7 These were the Reubenite clans. They numbered  forty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty men.

26:8 The sons of Pallu: Eliab.

26:9 The sons of Eliab: Nemuel, Dathan and Abiram. These two, Dathan and Abiram, men of repute in the community, were the ones who challenged Moses and Aaron; they belonged to the followers of Korah who challenged Yahweh.

26:10 The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them (Korah perished with his followers), when fire consumed the two hundred and fifty men. They were a sign.

26:11 The sons of Korah did not perish.

26:12 The sons of Simeon by clans; for Nemuel, the Nemuelite clan; for Jamin, the Jaminite clan; for Jachin, the Jachinite clan;

26:13 for Zerah, the Zerahite clan; for Shaul, the Shaulite clan.

26:14 These were the Simeonite clans. They numbered twenty-two thousand two hundred men.

26:15 The sons of Gad by clans: for Zephon, the Zephonite clan; for Haggi, the Haggite clan; for Shuni, the Shunite clan;

26:16 for Ozni, the Oznite clan; for En, the Erite clan;

26:17 for Arod, the Arodite clan; for Areli, the Arelite clan.

26:18 These were the clans of the sons of Gad. They numbered forty thousand five hundred men.

26:19 The sons of Judah: Er and Onan. Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan.

26:20 The sons of Judah became clans: for Shelah, the Shelanite clan; for Perez, the Perezzite clan; for Zerah, the Zerahite clan.

26:21 The sons of Perez were: for Hezron, the Hezronite clan; for Hamul, the Hamulite clan.

26:22 These were the clans of Judah. They numbered seventy-six thousand five hundred men.

26:23 The sons of Issachar, by clans: for Tola, the Tolaite clan; for Puvah, the Puvite clan;

26:24 for Jashub, the Jashubite clan; for Shimron, the Shimronite clan.

26:25 These were the clans of Issachar. They numbered sixty-four thousand three hundred men.

26:26 The sons of Zebulun by clans: for Sered, the Seredite clan; for Elon, the Elonite clan; for Jahleel, the Jahleelite clan.

26:27 These were the clans of Zebulun. They numbered sixty thousand five hundred men.

26:28 The sons of Joseph, by clans: Manasseh and Ephraim.

26:29 The sons of Manasseh: for Machir, the Machirite clan; Machir was the father of Gilead: for Gilead, the Gileadite clan.

26:30 These were the clans of Gilead; for Iezer, the Iezerite clan; for Helek, the Helekite clan;

26:31 Asriel, the Asrielite clan Shechem, the Shechemite clan;

26:32 Shemida, the Shemidaite clan; Hepher, the Hepherite clan.

26:33 Zelophehad son of Hepher had no sons but only daughters; these are the names of Zelophehad’s daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah.

26:34 These were the clans of Manasseh. They numbered fifty-two thousand seven hundred men.

26:35 These are the sons of Ephraim by clans: for Shuthelah, the Shuthelahite clan; for Becher, the Becherite clan; for Tahan, the Tahanite clan.

26:36 These are the sons of Shuthelah: for Eran, the Eranite clan.

26:37 These were the clans of Ephraim. They numbered thirty-two thousand five hundred men. These were the sons of Joseph, by clans.

26:38 The sons of Benjamin, by clans: for Bela, the Belaite clan; for Ashbel, the Ashbelite clan: for Ahiram, the Ahiramite clan;

26:39 for Shephupham, the Shephuphamite clan; for Hupham, the Huphamite clan.

26:40 Bela had Ard and Naaman for sons: for Ard, the Ardite clan; for Naaman, the Naamite clan.

26:41 These were the sons of Benjamin by clans. They numbered forty-five thousand six hundred men.

26:42 These were the sons of Dan, by clans: for Shuham, the Shuhamite clan. These were the sons of Dan, by clans.

26:43 All the Shuhamite clans numbered sixty-four thousand four hundred men.

26:44 The sons of Asher, by clans: for Imnah the Imnite clan; for Ishvi, the Ishvite clan; for Beriah, the Berute clan.

26:45 For the sons of Beriah: for Heber, the Heberite clan; for Malchiel, the Malchielite clan.

26:46 The daughter of Asher was called Serah.

26:47 These were the clans of Asher. They numbered fifty-three thousand four hundred men.

26:48 The sons of Naphtali, by clans: for Jahzeel, the Jahzeelite clan; for Guni, the Gunite clan;

26:49 for Jezer, the Jezerite clan; for Shillem the Shillemite clan.

26:50 These were the clans of Naphtali grouped by clans. The sons of Naphtali numbered forty-five thousand four hundred men

26:51 The sons of Israel numbered in all six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty men.

26:52 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

26:53 ‘The land is to be shared out among these as a heritage, according to the number of those inscribed.

26:54 To the large in number you are to give a large area of land, to the small in number a small area; to each the heritage will be in proportion to the registered.

26:55 The dividing of the land is, however, to be done by lot. Each is to receive his inheritance according to the number of names in the patriarchal tribes;

26:56 the inheritance of each tribe is to be divided by lot, each receiving in accordance with its larger or smaller numbers.’


Census of the Levites

26:57 These are, by clans, the Levites that were registered: for Gershon, the Gershonite clan; for Kohath, the Kohathite clan; for Merari, the Merarite clan.

26:58 These are the Levite clans: the Libnite clan, the Hebronite clan, the Mahlite clan, the Mushite clan, the Korahite clan. Kohath was the father of Amram.

26:59 The wife of Amram was called Jochebed daughter of Levi, born to him in Egypt. To Amram she bore Aaron, Moses and Miriam their sister.

26:60 Aaron was the father of Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.

26:61 Nadab and Abihu died when they brought unlawful fire before Yahweh.

26:62 Altogether there were registered twenty-three thousand males of one month and over. They were not registered with the sons of Israel, having received no inheritance among them.

26:63 These were the men registered by Moses and Eleazar the priest who took this census of the sons of Israel in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan, opposite Jericho.

26:64 Not one of them. was among those whom Moses and Aaron had registered when they numbered the sons of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai;

26:65 for Yahweh had told them that these were to die in the wilderness and without anyone remaining, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 27


The inheritance of daughters

27:1 Then there came forward the daughters of Zelophehad. He was the son of Hepher son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh; he belonged to the clans of Manasseh son of Joseph. These are the names of his daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah.

27:2 They appeared before Moses, before Eleazar the priest, and before the leaders and the whole community, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and said,

27:3 ‘Our father died in the desert. He was not one of the company of those who conspired against Yahweh, Korah’s party; it was for his own sin that he died without sons.

27:4 Why must our father’s name be lost to his clan? Since he had no son, give us some property among our father’s kinsmen.’

27:5 Moses took their case before Yahweh,

27:6 and Yahweh spoke to Moses. He said,

27:7 ‘The daughters of Zelophehad have a just case. Give them a property for their inheritance among their father’s kinsmen; pass on to them their father’s inheritance.

27:8 Then say this to the sons of Israel, “If a man dies without sons, his inheritance is to pass to his daughter.

27:9 If he has no daughter, the inheritance is to go to his brothers.

27:10 If he has no brothers, it is to go to his father’s brothers.

27:11 If his father has no brothers, it is to go to the member of his clan who is most nearly related: he is to take possession. This shall be a statutory ordinance for the sons of Israel, as Yahweh has ordered Moses.”‘


Joshua the head of the community

27:12 Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Climb this mountain of the Abarim range, and look on the land I have given to the sons of Israel.

27:13 After you have seen it, you will be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother was.

27:14 For you both rebelled in the wilderness of Zin when the community complained against me, when I ordered you to proclaim my holiness before their eyes by means of the water.’ (These are the waters of Meribah of Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin.)

27:15 Moses said to Yahweh,

27:16 ‘May Yahweh, God of the spirits that give life to all living creatures, appoint a leader for this community,

27:17 to be at their head in all they do, a man who will lead them out and bring them in, so that the community of Yahweh may not be like sheep without a shepherd’.

27:18 Yahweh answered Moses, ‘Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom the spirit dwells. Lay your hands on him.

27:19 Then bring him before Eleazar the priest and the whole community, to give him your orders in their presence

27:20 and to give him a share of your authority, so that the whole community of the sons of Israel may obey him.

27:21 He shall present himself to Eleazar the priest, who is to make inquiry for him before Yahweh, according to the rite of the Urim. At his command all the sons of Israel shall go out and come in with him, the whole community.’

27:22 Moses did as Yahweh had ordered. He took Joshua and brought him before Eleazar the priest and the whole community,

27:23 laid his hands on him and gave him his orders, as Yahweh had directed through Moses.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 28


Regulations for sacrifices

28:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

28:2 ‘Give the sons of Israel this order: “take care to bring at the appointed time my offering, my sustenance in the form of burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for me”.

28:3 Say to them, “These are the burnt offerings you must offer to Yahweh:


  1. Daily sacrifices

28:4 Every day, two yearling lambs without blemish, as a perpetual holocaust. The first lamb you must offer in the morning, the second between the two evenings,

28:5 together with an oblation of one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with one quarter of a hin of purest oil.

28:6 This is the perpetual holocaust made long ago at Mount Sinai as an appeasing fragrance, a burnt offering to Yahweh.

28:7 The accompanying libation is to be at the rate of one quarter of a hin for each lamb; the libation of strong drink for Yahweh must be poured out in the sanctuary.

28:8 The second lamb you must offer as a holocaust between the two evenings; do this with the same oblation and the same libation as in the morning, as a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh.


  1. The sabbath

28:9 “On the sabbath day, you must offer two yearling lambs without blemish, and two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as an oblation, mixed with oil, as well as the accompanying libation.

28:10 The Sabbath holocaust is to be offered every sabbath in addition to the perpetual holocaust, and the accompanying libation similarly.


  1. The feast of New Moon

28:11 “At the beginning of each of your months you must offer a holocaust to Yahweh: two young bulls, one ram and seven yearling lambs without blemish;

28:12 for each bull an oblation of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil; for each ram, an oblation of two-tenths of fine flour mixed with oil;

28:13 for each lamb, an oblation of one-tenth of fine flour mixed with oil. This is a holocaust, an appeasing fragrance, a burnt offering to Yahweh.

28:14 The accompanying libation is to be half a hin of wine for a bull, one-third of a hin for a ram, one-quarter of a hin for a lamb. This must be the monthly holocaust, month after month, every month of the year.

28:15 In addition to the perpetual holocaust a he-goat must be offered to Yahweh, as a sacrifice for sin, with its accompanying libation.


  1. The feast of Unleavened Bread

28:16 “The fourteenth day of the first month, is the Passover of Yahweh,

28:17 and the fifteenth day of this month is a feast day. For seven days unleavened bread must be eaten.

28:18 On the first day there will be a solemn assembly. You must do no laborious work.

28:19 You shall offer to Yahweh a burnt offering as a holocaust: two young bulls, a ram, seven yearling sheep without blemish.

28:20 The accompanying oblation of fine flour mixed with oil is to be three-tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-tenths for the ram,

28:21 and one-tenth for each of the seven lambs.

28:22 There must also be a he-goat for the sacrifice for sin, for performing the rite of atonement over you.

28:23 This must be done in addition to the morning holocaust which is a perpetual holocaust.

28:24 You must do this every day for seven days. It is nourishment, a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh; it is to be offered in addition to the perpetual holocaust and its accompanying libation.

28:25 On the seventh day you must hold a solemn assembly; you will do no laborious work.


  1. The feast of Weeks

28:26 “On the day of the first-fruits, when you make your offering of new fruits to Yahweh at your feast of Weeks, you are to hold a solemn assembly; you must do no laborious work.

28:27 You must offer as a holocaust, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh: two young bulls, one ram, seven yearling lambs.

28:28 The accompanying oblation of fine flour mixed with oil is to be three-tenths of an ephah for each bull,

28:29 two-tenths for the ram, and one-tenth for each of the seven lambs.

28:30 There must also be a he-goat for the sacrifice for sin, for performing the rite of atonement over you.

28:31 This must be done in addition to the perpetual holocaust and its accompanying oblation.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 29


  1. The feast of Acclamations

29:1 “In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you are to hold a solemn assembly; you must do no heavy work. It shall be your day of Acclamations.

29:2 You must offer as a holocaust, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh: one young bull, one ram, seven yearling lambs without blemish.

29:3 The accompanying oblation of fine flour mixed with oil is to be three-tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-tenths for the ram,

29:4 and one-tenth for each of the seven lambs.

29:5 There must also be a he-goat for the sacrifice for sin, for performing the rite of atonement over you.

29:6 All this must be done in addition to the monthly holocaust and its oblation, the perpetual holocaust and its oblation, and the accompanying libations enjoined by law,-an appeasing fragrance, a burnt offering to Yahweh.


  1. The day of Atonement

29:7 “On the tenth day of this seventh month, you are to hold a solemn assembly. You must fast and do no work.

29:8 You must offer as a holocaust to Yahweh, an appeasing fragrance: one young bull, one ram, and seven yearling lambs of your choice without blemish.

29:9 The accompanying oblation of fine flour mixed with oil is to be three-tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-tenths for the ram,

29:10 and one-tenth for each of the seven lambs.

29:11 A he-goat must be offered for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the victim for sin at the feast of Atonement, and to the perpetual holocaust with its accompanying oblation and libations.


  1. The feast of Tabernacles

29:12 “On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you are to hold a solemn assembly, you must do no heavy work, and for the space of seven days you are to celebrate a feast for Yahweh.

29:13 You must offer as a holocaust, a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh: thirteen young bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish.

29:14 The accompanying oblation of fine flour mixed with oil is to be three-tenths of an ephah for each of the thirteen bulls, two-tenths for each of the two rams,

29:15 one-tenth for each of the fourteen lambs;

29:16 also one he-goat as a sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust and its oblation and libations.

29:17 “On the second day: twelve young bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish;

29:18 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:19 also one he-goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblation and libations.

29:20 “On the third day: eleven bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish;

29:21 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:22 also one he-goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblations and libation.

29:23 “On the fourth day: ten bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish;

29:24 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:25 also one he-goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblation and libations.

29:26 “On the fifth day: nine bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish;

29:27 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:28 also one he-goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblation and libations.

29:29 “On the sixth day: eight bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish;

29:30 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:31 also one he-goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblation and libations.

29:32 “On the seventh day: seven bulls, two rams, fourteen yearling lambs without blemish;

29:33 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:34 also one he-goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblation and libations.

29:35 “On the eighth day you must all assemble. You must do no heavy work.

29:36 You must offer as a holocaust, a burnt offering, an appeasing fragrance for Yahweh: one bull, one ram, seven yearling lambs without blemish;

29:37 the accompanying oblation and libations, as prescribed, in proportion to the number of bulls, rams and lambs;

29:38 also one goat for the sacrifice for sin. This is in addition to the perpetual holocaust with its oblation and libations.

29:39 “This is what you are to do for Yahweh at your solemn feasts, over and above your votive and voluntary offerings, your holocausts, oblations and libations, and your communion sacrifice.”‘


JB NUMBERS Chapter 30


30:1 Moses told the sons of Israel exactly what Yahweh had ordered him.


Laws concerning vows

30:2 Moses spoke to the leaders of the tribes of the sons of Israel. He said, This is what Yahweh has ordered:

30:3 “If a man makes a vow to Yahweh or takes a formal pledge under oath, he must not break his word: whatever he promises by word of mouth he must do.

30:4 “If a woman makes a vow to Yahweh or takes a formal pledge during her youth, while she is still in her father’s house,

30:5 and if he hears about this vow or pledge made by her and says nothing to her, her vow, whatever it may be, shall be binding, and the pledge she has taken, whatever it may be, shall be binding.

30:6 But if the father on the day he learns of it expresses his disapproval of it, then none of the vows or pledges she has taken shall be binding. Yahweh will not hold her to it, since her father has expressed his disapproval.

30:7 “If, being bound by vows or by a pledge voiced without due reflection, she then marries,

30:8 and if her husband hears of it but says nothing on the day he learns of it, her vows shall be binding and the pledges she has taken shall be binding.

30:9 But if on the day he learns of it he expresses his disapproval to her, this will annul the vow that she has made or the pledge that binds her, voiced without due reflection. Yahweh will not hold her to it.

30:10 “The vow of a widow or a divorced woman and all pledges taken by her are binding on her.

30:11 “If she has made a vow or taken a pledge under oath while in her husband’s house,

30:12 and if when the husband learns of it he says nothing to her and does not express disapproval to her, then the vow, whatever it is, shall be binding, and the pledge, whatever it is, shall be binding.

30:13 But if the husband when he hears of them annuls them on the day he learns of them, no word of her mouth, vow or pledge, shall be binding. Since the husband has annulled them, Yahweh will not hold her to them.

30:14 “Every vow or oath that is binding on the wife may be endorsed or annulled by the husband.

30:15 “If by the following day the husband has said nothing to her, it means that he endorses her vow, whatever it may be, or her pledge, whatever it may be. He endorses them if he says nothing on the day he learns of them.

30:16 But if he annuls them a longer time after he learnt of them, then he must bear the burden of the wife’s fault.”‘

30:17 These are the laws ordained by Yahweh to Moses, concerning the relationship between man and wife, and between a father and his daughter while still young and living in her father’s home.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 31




The holy war against Midian

31:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

31:2 ‘Exact full vengeance for the sons of Israel on the Midianites. Afterwards you will be gathered to your people.’ Moses said to the people,

31:3 ‘Some of you must take arms to wage Yahweh’s campaign against Midian, to carry out the vengeance of Yahweh on Midian.

31:4 Put a thousand men in the field from each of the tribes of Israel.’

31:5 In this way Israel’s hosts provided twelve thousand men equipped for war, one thousand from each tribe:

31:6 Moses put them in the field, one thousand from each tribe, with Phinehas, son of Eleazar the priest, to go with them carrying the sacred vessels and the trumpets for sounding the alarm.

31:7 They waged the campaign against Midian, as Yahweh had ordered Moses, and they put every male to death.

31:8 And further, they killed the kings of Midian, Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba, the five Midianite kings; they also put Balaam son of Beor to the sword.

31:9 The sons of Israel took the Midianite women captive with their young children, and plundered all their cattle, all their flocks. and all their goods.

31:10 They set fire to the towns where they lived and all their encampments.

31:11 Then, taking all their booty, all that they had captured, man and beast,

31:12 they took the captives, spoil and booty to Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the community of the sons of Israel, at the camp in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan opposite Jericho.


The slaughter of the women and purification of the booty

31:13 Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the community went out of the camp to meet them.

31:14 Moses was enraged with the commanders of the army, the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds, who had come back from this military expedition.

31:15 He said, ‘Why have you spared the life of all the women?

31:16 These were the very ones who, on Balaam’s advice, perverted the sons of Israel and made them renounce Yahweh in the affair at Peor: hence the plague which struck the community of Israel.

31:17 So kill all the male children. Kill also all the women who have slept with a man.

31:18 Spare the lives only of the young girls who have not slept with a man, and take them for yourselves.

31:19 As for you, you must camp for seven days outside the camp, all of you who have killed a man or touched a corpse. Purify yourselves, you and your prisoners, on the third and seventh days;

31:20 purify also all clothing, everything made of skin, everything woven of goats’ hair and everything made of wood.’

31:21 Eleazar the priest said to the soldiers who had come back from this campaign, ‘This is a statute of the Law which Yahweh has commanded Moses.

31:22 Whereas the gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin and lead,

31:23 everything that can withstand fire, must be passed through the fire and it will be clean, yet it must still be purified with lustral water. Whatever cannot resist fire you must pass through water.

31:24 ‘Wash your clothes on the seventh day and you will then be clean. You may then come back to the camp.’


The allocation of the booty

31:25 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

31:26 ‘With Eleazar the priest and the heads of families in the community, count the spoils and the captives, man and beast.

31:27 Then share out the spoil, half and half, between those who fought the campaign and the rest of the community.

31:28 As Yahweh’s portion you will set aside, from the share of the combatants who took part in the campaign, one out of every five hundred persons, oxen, donkeys and sheep.

31:29 These are to be taken from the half share which is their due, and given to Eleazar the priest as an offering to Yahweh.

31:30 From the half which is due to the sons of Israel, you will take one out of every fifty persons, oxen, donkeys, sheep, and all other animals, and give them to the Levites who have charge of the tabernacle of Yahweh.’

31:31 Moses and Eleazar the priest did as Yahweh had ordered Moses.

31:32 The spoils, the remainder of the booty captured by the soldiers, came to six hundred and seventy-five thousand head of small stock,

31:33 seventy-two thousand head of cattle,

31:34 sixty-one thousand donkeys,

31:35 and in persons, women who had never slept with a man, thirty-two thousand in all.

31:36 Half was assigned to those who had taken part in the war, namely three hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred head of small stock,

31:37 of which Yahweh’s portion was six hundred and seventy-five,

31:38 thirty-six thousand head of cattle, of which Yahweh’s portion was seventy-two.

31:39 Thirty thousand five hundred donkeys, of which Yahweh’s

31:40 portion was sixty-one,  and sixteen thousand persons, of which Yahweh’s portion was thirty-two.

31:41 Moses gave Eleazar the priest the portion set aside for Yahweh, in accordance with Yahweh’s instructions to Moses.

31:42 As for the half due to the sons of Israel, which Moses had separated from that of the combatants,

31:43 this half, the community’s share, came to three hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred head of small stock,

31:44 thirty-six thousand head of cattle,

31:45 thirty thousand five hundred donkeys

31:46 and sixteen thousand persons.

31:47 From this half, the share of the sons of Israel, Moses took one out of every fifty, man and beast, and gave them to the Levites who had charge of the tabernacle of Yahweh, in accordance with Yahweh’s instructions to Moses.


The offerings

31:48 The commanders of the hosts who had fought the campaign, the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds, came to Moses

31:49 and said, ‘Your servants have numbered the soldiers under their command: not one is missing.

31:50 And further, we bring as an offering for Yahweh the gold ornaments we have found, armlets and bracelets, signet rings, earrings and brooches, to have the rite of atonement performed over us before Yahweh.’

31:51 Moses and Eleazar the priest accepted this gold from them, all this jewellery.

31:52 This offering of gold given by them to Yahweh amounted to sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels, all given by the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds.

31:53 Each of the soldiers took his own booty.

31:54 But Moses and Eleazar the priest received the gold from the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and carried it to the Tent of Meeting as a reminder to Yahweh of the sons of Israel.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 32


The allocation of Transjordania

32:1 The sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad owned great herds of fine cattle. Now they observed that the land of Jazer and the land of Gilead was an ideal region for raising stock.

32:2 The sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben therefore went to Moses, Eleazar the priest and the leaders of the community, and said to them,

32:3 ‘The land of Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sebam, Nebo and Beon,

32:4 which Yahweh has conquered in the sight of the community of Israel, is ideal land for raising stock, and your servants are cattle breeders.

32:5 If we have deserved your friendship,’ they said ‘give this land to your servants for our own; do not make us cross the Jordan.’

32:6 Moses said to the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben, ‘Your brothers are off to the war – are you content to stay here?

32:7 Why do you keep the sons of Israel from entering the land that Yahweh has given them?

32:8 This is what your fathers did when I sent them from Kadesh-barnea to inspect the land.

32:9 They went up as far as the Valley of Eschol and inspected the land; but they kept the sons of Israel from entering the land that Yahweh had given them.

32:10 Hence the wrath of Yahweh blazed out that day and he swore this oath,

32:11 “If ever these men of twenty years and over, who came out from Egypt, set eyes on the land that I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob… [*a] For they have not followed me faithfully,

32:12 except Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua son of Nun: these indeed have followed Yahweh faithfully.”

32:13 The wrath of Yahweh blazed out against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness for forty years, until the generation that offended Yahweh had all disappeared.

32:14 And now you, you rise up in your father’s place, offshoot of sinful stock, to add still more to the burning wrath of Yahweh against Israel!

32:15 If you turn away from him, he will prolong the time spent in the wilderness, and you will bring about the ruin of all this people.’

32:16 They came to Moses and said, ‘We would like to build sheepfolds here for our flocks and towns for our young children.

32:17 We ourselves will take up arms to lead the sons of Israel until we have brought them to the place appointed for  them: only our young children will stay in the fortified towns, safe from the inhabitants of the country.

32:18 We will not return to our homes until every one of the sons of Israel has taken possession of his inheritance.

32:19 For we shall have no inheritance with them on the other bank of the Jordan or beyond, since our inheritance has fallen to us here, east of the Jordan.’

32:20 Moses said to them, ‘If you do as you have said, if you are prepared to fight before Yahweh,

32:21 and if all those of you who bear arms cross the Jordan before Yahweh, until he has driven all his enemies before him,

32:22 then, once the land has become subject to Yahweh, you may go back; you shall be free of your obligation towards Yahweh and Israel, and this land shall be your inheritance before Yahweh.

32:23 But if you do not, you will sin against Yahweh, and be sure your sin will find you out.

32:24 Build towns, then, for your young children and folds for your flocks; but do what you have promised.’

32:25 The sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben said to Moses, ‘Your servants will do as you order, sir.

32:26 Our children, our wives, our flocks and all our livestock will stay in the towns of Gilead,

32:27 but your servants, every man armed for war, will cross over to fight before Yahweh as you have ordered.’

32:28 Then Moses gave directions about them to Eleazar the priest, to Joshua son of Nun, and to the leaders of the patriarchal Houses of the tribes of Israel.

32:29 Moses said to them, ‘If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben, all who bear arms, cross the Jordan with you to fight before Yahweh, then once the land is in your power, you will give them the land of Gilead for their possession.

32:30 But if they do not cross over in arms with you, then they must have their possessions with you in the land of Canaan.’

32:31 The sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben replied, ‘What Yahweh has said to your servants, we will do.

32:32 We will cross in arms before Yahweh into the land of Canaan; but you must give us possession of our inheritance beyond the Jordan.’

32:33 Moses gave them-the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph-the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land and the towns contained within its boundaries, the frontier towns of the land.

32:34 The sons of Gad built Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer,

32:35 Atroth-shophan, Jazer, Jogbehah,

32:36 Beth-nimrah, Beth-haran, fortified towns, and folds for the flocks.

32:37 The sons of Reuben built Heshbon, Elealeh, Kiriathaim,

32:38 Nebo, Baal-meon (their names were changed), Sibmah. They gave names to the towns they had built.

32:39 The sons of Machir son of Manasseh went to Gilead. They conquered it and drove out the Amorites who were there.

32:40 Moses gave Gilead to Machir son of Manasseh, and he settled there.

32:41 Jair son of Manasseh went and seized their encampments and called them Encampments of Jair.

32:42 Nobah went and seized Kenath with its outlying villages, and called it Nobah after himself.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 33


The Stages of the Exodus

33:1 Here are the stages of the journey made by the sons of Israel when they came out in a body from the land of Egypt, under the leadership of Moses and Aaron.

33:2 Moses recorded their starting-points in writing whenever they broke camp on Yahweh’s orders. Here are the stages according to their starting-points.

33:3 They left Rameses in the first month. It was on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the day following the Passover, that the sons of Israel set out triumphantly in the sight of all Egypt.

33:4 The Egyptians. were burying those of their own people whom Yahweh had struck down, all their first-born; Yahweh had carried out his judgement on their gods.

33:5 The sons of Israel left Rameses and camped at Succoth.

33:6 Then they left Succoth and encamped at Etham which is on the edge of the wilderness.

33:7 They left Etham, turned back to Pi-hahiroth which faces Baal-zephon, and encamped before Migdol.

33:8 They left Pi-hahiroth, crossed over the sea into the wilderness, and after marching for three days in the desert of Etham they encamped at Marah.

33:9 They left Marah and reached Elim. At Elim there are twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees; they encamped there.

33:10 They left Elim and encamped by the Sea of Reeds.

33:11 They left the Sea of Reeds and encamped in the wilderness of Sin.

33:12 They left the wilderness of Sin and encamped at Dophkah.

33:13 They left Dophkah and encamped at Alush.

33:14 They left Alush and encamped at Rephidim; the people found no drinking water there.

33:15 They left Rephidim and encamped in the wilderness of Sinai.

33:16 They left the wilderness of Sinai and encamped at Kibroth-hattaavah.

33:17 They left Kibroth-hattaavah and encamped at Hazeroth.

33:18 They left Hazeroth and encamped at Rithmah.

33:19 They left Rithmah and encamped at Rimmon-perez.

33:20 They left Rimnion-perez and encamped at Libnah.

33:21 They left Libnah and encamped at Rissah.

33:22 They left Rissah and encamped at Kehelathah.

33:23 They left Kehelathah and encamped at Mount Shepher.

33:24 They left Mount Shepher and encamped at Haradah.

33:25 They left Haradah and encamped at Makheloth.

33:26 They left Makheloth and encamped at Tahath.

33:27 They left Tahath and encamped at Terah.

33:28 They left Terah and encamped at Mithkah.

33:29 They left Mithkah and encamped at Hashmonah.

33:30 They left Hashmonah and encamped at Moseroth.

33:31 They left Moseroth and encamped at Bene-jaakan.

33:32 They left Bene-jaakan and encamped at Hor-haggidgad.

33:33 They left Hor-haggidgad and encamped at Jotbathah.

33:34 They left Jotbathah and encamped at Abronah.

33:35 They left Abronah and encamped at Ezion-geber.

33:36 They left Ezion-geber and encamped in the wilderness of Zin; this is Kadesh.

33:37 They left Kadesh and encamped at Mount Hor, on the borders of the land of Edom.

33:38 Aaron the priest went up Mount Hor on Yahweh’s orders and it was there that he died, in the fortieth year of the exodus of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first day of the month.

33:39 Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old when he died at Mount Hor.

33:40 The king of Arad, a Canaanite who lived in the Negeb in the land of Canaan, was informed when the sons of Israel arrived.

33:41 They left Mount Hor and encamped at Zalmonah.

33:42 They left Zalmonah and encamped at Punon.

33:43 They left Punon and encamped at Oboth.

33:44 They left Oboth and encamped in Moabite territory at Iye-abarim.

33:45 They left lyim and encamped at Dibon-gad.

33:46 They left Dibon-gad and encamped at Almon-diblathaim.

33:47 They left Almon-diblathaim and encamped in the Abarim mountains facing Nebo.

33:48 They left the Abarim mountains and encamped in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan opposite Jericho.

33:49 They encamped near the Jordan between Beth-ha-jeshimoth and Abel-hash-shittim, in the plains of Moab.


The allocation of Canaan. God’s order

33:50 Yahweh spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan opposite Jericho. He said:

33:51 ‘Say this to the sons of Israel: “When you have crossed the Jordan into the land of Canaan,

33:52 you must drive all the inhabitants of the country before you. You must destroy their sculptured stones, you must destroy all their statues of cast metal, and you must demolish all their high places.

33:53 You will take possession of this land and you will stay in it, for I have given it to you for your own.

33:54 You are to divide it by lot among your clans. To a large clan you will give a greater inheritance, to a small clan a lesser one. Where the lot falls for each, that will be his. Make this apportionment according to patriarchal tribes.

33:55 But if you do not drive the inhabitants of the country before you, then those you have spared will be barbs in your eyes and thorns in your side, they will harass you in the land where you live

33:56 and I will deal with you as I meant to deal with them.”‘


JB NUMBERS Chapter 34


The boundaries of Canaan

34:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

34:2 ‘Give the sons of Israel this order: “When you go into the land (of Canaan), this is the territory that will be your inheritance. This is the land of Canaan defined by its boundaries.

34:3 “The southern part of your country will stretch from the wilderness of Zin, on the borders of Edom. Your southern boundary will start on the east at the end of the Salt Sea.

34:4 It will then turn south towards the Ascent of the Scorpions and go by Zin to end in the south at Kadesh-barnea. Then it will go towards Hazar-addar and pass through Azmon.

34:5 From Azmon the boundary will turn towards the wadi of Egypt and end at the Sea.

34:6 “Your seaboard will be the Great Sea; this will be your western boundary.

34:7 “This will be your northern boundary. You will draw a line from the Great Sea to Mount Hor,

34:8 then from Mount Hor you will draw a line to the Pass of Hamath, and the boundary will end at Zedad.

34:9 From there it will go on to Ziphron and end at Hazar-enan. This will be your northern boundary.

34:10 “You will then draw your eastern boundary from Hazar-enan to Shepham.

34:11 The boundary will go down from Shepham towards Riblah on the east side of Am. Further down it will keep to the eastern shore of the Sea of Chinnereth[*a].

34:12 The frontier will then follow the Jordan and end at the Salt Sea. “This will be your land with the boundaries surrounding it.”‘

34:13 Moses then laid this charge on the sons of Israel: ‘This is the land you are to apportion by lot, which Yahweh has ordered to be made over to the nine tribes and the half-tribe.

34:14 The tribe of the sons of Reuben with its patriarchal Houses and the tribe of the sons of Gad with its patriarchal Houses have already been given their heritage; the half-tribe of Manasseh has also been given its heritage.

34:15 These two tribes and the half-tribe have been given their heritage beyond the Jordan opposite Jericho, to the east, towards the sunrise.


The leaders in charge of the allocation

34:16 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

34:17 ‘These are the names of those who will share out the land: Eleazar the priest and Joshua son of Nun,

34:18 and you will take one leader from each tribe to share out the land.

34:19 Here are the names of these men: For the tribe of Judah, Caleb son of Jephunneh;

34:20 for the tribe of the sons of Simeon, Shemuel son of Ammihud;

34:21 for the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad son of Chislon;

34:22 for the tribe of the sons of Dan, the leader Bukki son of Jogli;

34:23 for the sons of Joseph: for the tribe of Manasseh, the leader Hanniel son of Ephod;

34:24 and for the tribe of the sons of Ephraim, the leader Kemuel son of Shiphtan;

34:25 for the tribe of the sons of Zebulun, the leader Elizaphan son of Parnach;

34:26 for the tribe of the sons of Issachar, the leader Paltiel son of Azzan;

34:27 for the tribe of the sons of Asher, the leader Ahihud son of Shelomi;

34:28 for the tribe of the sons of Naphtali, the leader Pedahel son of Ammihud.’

34:29 These are the men whom Yahweh ordered to divide the land of Canaan among the sons of Israel.


JB NUMBERS Chapter 35


The portion of the Levites

35:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan opposite Jericho. He said:

35:2 ‘Direct the sons of Israel to make over to the Levites, out of the inheritance they possess, towns in which to live and pasture land round the towns. Give these to the Levites.

35:3 The towns are to be their homes and the surrounding pasture land is to be for their cattle; their possessions and all their animals.

35:4 The pasture land surrounding the towns that you make over to the Levites shall extend, from the walls of the towns, for a thousand cubits all round.

35:5 ‘Outside the town, measure two thousand cubits to the east side, two thousand cubits to the south, two thousand cubits to the west and two thousand cubits to the north, the town lying in the centre: this is to be the pasture-land for these towns.

35:6 The towns you hand over to the Levites will be the six cities of refuge, ceded by you as sanctuary for men who cause another’s death; and you are to hand over forty-two towns in addition.

35:7 Altogether you will make over forty-eight towns to the Levites, towns together with their pasturage.

35:8 Of the towns that you grant out of the possession or the sons of Israel, more will be taken from those who hold more, and less from those who hold less. Everyone will make over towns to the Levites in proportion to the inheritance he himself has received.’


Cities of refuge

35:9 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:

35:10 ‘Say this to the sons of Israel:

35:11 “When you cross the Jordan and reach the land of Canaan, you are to select towns which you will make into cities of refuge where a man who has killed accidentally may find sanctuary.

35:12 These towns will be your refuge from the avenger of blood, so that the killer may not die without being brought to judgement before the

35:13 The towns you make over will serve you as six cities of refuge.

35:14 the three that you make over beyond the Jordan and the three that you make over in the land of Canaan are to be cities of refuge.

35:15 These six towns will be a refuge, for the sons of  Israel as well as for the stranger and the settler among you, where anyone who has killed accidentally may find sanctuary

35:16 “But if he has struck the person with an iron object so as to cause death, he is a murderer. The murderer must be put to death.

35:17 If he struck him with a stone capable of killing him, and has killed him, he is a murderer. The murderer must be put to death.

35:18 Or if he has struck him with a wooden instrument capable of killing, and has killed him, he is a murderer. The murderer must be put to death.

35:19 The avenger of blood must put the murder to death. When he meets him he must put him to death.[*a]

35:20 “If the killer has maliciously manhandled his victim, or thrown some lethal  missile to strike him down,

35:21 or out of enmity dealt him the death-blow with his fist, then he who struck the blow must die; he is a murderer; the avenger of blood must put him to death when he meets him.

35:22 If, however, he has manhandled his victim by chance, without malice, or thrown some missile at him not meaning to hit him,

35:23 or without seeing him dropped a stone on him capable of causing death and so killed him, so long as he bore him no malice and wished him no harm,

35:24 then the community must decide in accordance with these rules between the one who struck the blow and the avenger of blood,

35:25 and so rescue the killer from the avenger of blood. They will send him back to the city of refuge where he had sought sanctuary, and there he will stay until the death of the high priest who has been anointed with the holy oil.

35:26 If the killer should leave the bounds of the city of refuge where he has sought sanctuary

35:27 and the avenger of blood encounters him outside the bounds of his city of refuge, the avenger of blood may kill him without fear of reprisal;

35:28 since the killer should stay in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest; only after the death of the high priest is he free to go back to the land where he has his home.

35:29 These regulations shall have force of law for you and your descendants, wherever you may be.

35:30 In any case of homicide, the evidence of witnesses must determine whether the murderer is to be put to death; but the evidence of a single witness is not sufficient to uphold a capital charge.

35:31 You are not to accept ransom for the life of a murderer condemned to death; he must die.

35:32 Nor are you to accept ransom for anyone who, having sought sanctuary in his city of refuge, wishes to come back and live at home before the death of the high priest.

35:33 You must not profane the land you live in. Blood profanes the country, and there is no other expiation for the country for bloodshed than the blood of the one who shed it.

35:34 You must not defile the land you inhabit, the land in which I live; for I, Yahweh, live among the sons of Israel.”‘


JB NUMBERS Chapter 36


A wife’s inheritance

36:1 Then the heads of families in the clan of the sons of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, one of the clans of Joseph’s sons, came forward.

36:2 They spoke before Moses and the leaders, the heads of families of Israel’s sons, and said: ‘Yahweh has ordered my lord to give the land to the sons of Israel, sharing it out by lot; and my lord has been ordered by Yahweh to give the inheritance of our brother Zelophehad to his daughters.

36:3 Now, if they marry someone from another tribe in the sons of Israel, their property will be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers. The property of the tribe to which they will belong will be increased, and the property allotted to us diminished.

36:4 And when the jubilee comes round for the sons of Israel, the property of these women will be added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they then belong, and lost to the inheritance of our own patriarchal tribe.’

36:5 Moses, at Yahweh’s bidding, gave the following ruling to the sons of Israel. He said: ‘The tribe of the sons of Joseph is in the right.

36:6 This is Yahweh’s ruling for the daughters of Zelophehad: “They may marry whom they please, providing they marry into a clan of their father’s tribe.

36:7 The heritage of the sons of Israel is not to be transferred from tribe to tribe; every man of the sons of Israel is to remain bound to the heritage of his patriarchal tribe.

36:8 Every daughter who has a heritage in one of the tribes of the sons of Israel must marry into a clan of her own paternal tribe, so that the sons of Israel may each preserve the heritage of his father.

36:9 No heritage may be transferred from one tribe to another: every tribe of the sons of Israel will stay bound to its own heritage.”‘

36:10 The daughters of Zelophehad did as Yahweh had ordered Moses.

36:11 Mahlah, Tirzah, Hogiah, Milcah and Noah, daughters of Zelophehad, married the sons of their father’s brothers.

36:12 Since they married into the clans of the sons of Manasseh son of Joseph, their heritage reverted to the tribe of their father’s clan.



36:13 These are the commandments and laws that Yahweh laid down for the sons of Israel through Moses in the plains of Moab near the Jordan opposite Jericho.


END OF JB NUMBERS [36 Chapters].



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