







1:1 天主的仆人,作耶稣基督宗徒的保禄──为引天主所选的人,去信从并认识合乎虔敬的真理,
1:2 这虔敬是本于永生的希望,又是那不能说谎的天主,在久远的时代以前所预许的,
1:3 他到了适当的时期,就借着宣讲显示了他的圣道;我就是照我们救主天主的命令,受委托尽这宣讲的职务。
1:4 我保禄致书给在共同信仰内作我真子的弟铎:愿恩宠与平安由天主父及我们的救主基督耶稣赐与你。


1:5 我留你在克里特,是要你整顿那些尚未完成的事,并照我所吩咐你的,在各城设立长老:
1:6 长老应是无可指摘的,只做过一个妻子的丈夫,所有的子女都是信徒,又没有被控告为放荡不羁的,
1:7 因为做监督的,既是天主的管家,就该是无可指摘的、不自负、不发怒、不嗜酒、不暴戾、不贪污;
1:8 但该好客、乐善、慎重、公正、热心、有节,
1:9 坚持那合乎教理的真道,好能以健全的道理劝戒并驳斥抗辩的人。

1:10 实在有许多人尚不服从,好空谈,欺骗人,尤其是那些受过割损的人;
1:11 应杜塞这些人的口,因为他们为了可耻的利润,竟教导那不应教导的事,破坏人的整个家庭。
1:12 克里特人中的一个人,他们自己的一位先知曾这样说:「克里特人常是些说谎者,是些可恶的野兽,贪口腹的懒汉。」
1:13 这话说得很对。为此,你们该严厉规劝他们,好叫他们在信德上健全无瑕;
1:14 不要听信犹太人无稽的传说,和背弃真理之人的规定。
1:15 为洁净人一切都是洁净的,但为败坏的人和无信仰的人,没有一样是洁净的,就连他们的理性和良心都是污秽的。
1:16 这样的人自称认识天主,但在行为上却否认天主,他们是可憎恶的,悖逆的,在一切善事上是无用的。




2:1 至于你,你所讲的,该合乎健全的道理;
2:2 教训老人应节制、端庄。慎重,在信德、爱德和忍耐上,要正确健全。
2:3 也要教训老妇在举止上要圣善,不毁谤人,不沉湎于酒,但教人行善,
2:4 好能教导青年妇女爱丈夫、爱子女、
2:5 慎重、贞洁、勤理家务、善良、服从自己的丈夫,免得使人抵毁天主的圣道。
2:6 你也要教训青年人在一切事上要慎重。
2:7 你该显示自己为行善的模范,在教导上应表示纯正庄重,
2:8 要讲健全无可指摘的话,使反对的人感到惭愧,说不出我们什么不好来。
2:9 教训奴隶在一切事上要服从自己的主人,常叫他们喜悦,不要抗辩,
2:10 不要窃取,惟要事事表示自己实在忠信,好使我们的救主天主的圣道,在一切事上获得光荣。

2:11 的确,天主救众人的恩宠已经出现,
2:12 教导我们弃绝不虔敬的生活和世俗的贪欲,有节制地、公正地、虔敬地在今世生活,
2:13 期待所希望的幸福,和我们伟大的天主及救主耶稣基督光荣的显现。
2:14 他为我们舍弃了自己,是为救赎我们脱离一切罪恶,洗净我们,使我们能成为他的选民,叫我们热心行善。
2:15 你要宣讲这些事,以全权规劝和指摘,不要让任何人轻视你。




3:1 你要提醒人服从执政的官长,听从命令,准备行各种善事。
3:2 不要辱骂,不要争吵,但要谦让,对众人表示极其温和,
3:3 因为我们从前也是昏愚的,悖逆的,迷途的,受各种贪欲和逸乐所奴役,在邪恶和嫉妒中度日,自己是可憎恶的,又彼此仇恨。
3:4 但当我们的救主天主的良善,和他对人的慈爱出现时,
3:5 他救了我们,并不是由于我们本着义德所立的功劳,而是出于他的怜悯,借着圣神所施行的重生和更新的洗礼,救了我们。
3:6 这圣神是天主借我们的救主耶稣基督,丰富地倾注在我们身上的,
3:7 好使我们因他的恩宠成义,本着希望成为永生的继承人。

3:8 这话是确实的,我愿意你坚持这些事,好使那些已信奉天主的人,热心专务行善:这些都是美好而为人有益的事;
3:9 至于那些愚昧的辩论、祖谱、争执和关于法律的争论,你务要躲避,因为这些都是无益的空谈。
3:10 对异端人,在谴责过一次两次以后,就该远离他。
3:11 该知道:这样的人已背弃正道,犯罪做恶,自己给自己定了罪案。

3:12 当我打发阿尔特玛或提希苛到你那里以后,你赶快到尼苛颇里来见我,因为我已决定在那里过冬。
3:13 你打发法学士则纳和阿颇罗上路,要照顾周到,使他们什么也不缺少。
3:14 我们的人也应当学着行善,为应付一切急需,免得成为不结果实的人。

3:15 同我在一起的弟兄都问候你;请问候那些在信德内爱我们的弟兄。愿恩宠与你们众人同在!



BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB TITUS Chapter 1





1:1 From Paul, servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ to bring those whom God has chosen to faith and to the knowledge of the truth that leads to true religion;

1:2 and to give them the hope of the eternal life that was promised so long ago by God. He does not lie

1:3 and so, at the appointed time, he revealed his decision, and, by the command of God our saviour, I have been commissioned to proclaim it.

1:4 To Titus, true child of mine in the faith that we share, wishing you grace and peace from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our saviour.


The appointment of elders

1:5 The reason I left you behind in Crete was for you to get everything organised there and appoint elders in every town, in the way that I told you:

1:6 that is, each of them must be a man of irreproachable character; he must not have been married more than once, and his children must be believers and not uncontrollable or liable to be charged with disorderly conduct.

1:7 Since, as president, he will be God’s representative, he must be irreproachable: never an arrogant or hot-tempered man, nor a heavy drinker or violent, nor out to make money;

1:8 but a man who is hospitable and a friend of all that is good; sensible, moral, devout and self-controlled;

1:9 and he must have a firm grasp of the unchanging message of the tradition, so that he can be counted on for both expounding the sound doctrine and refuting those who argue against it.


Opposing the false teachers

1:10 And in fact you have there a great many people who need to be disciplined, who talk nonsense and try to make others believe it, particularly among those of the Circumcision.

1:11 They have got to be silenced: men of this kind ruin whole families, by teaching things that they ought not to, and doing it with the vile motive of making money.

1:12 lt was one of themselves, one of their own prophets, who said,[*a] ‘Cretans were never anything but liars, dangerous animals and lazy’:

1:13 and that is a true statement. So you will have to be severe in correcting them, and make them sound in the faith

1:14 so that they stop taking notice of Jewish myths and doing what they are told to do by people who are no longer interested in the truth.

1:15 To all who are pure themselves, everything is pure; but to those who have been corrupted and lack faith, nothing can be pure – the corruption is both in their minds and in their consciences.

1:16 They claim to have knowledge of God but the things they do are nothing but a denial of him; they are outrageously rebellious and quite incapable of doing good.


JB TITUS Chapter 2


Some specific moral instruction

2:1 It is for you, then, to preach the behaviour which goes with healthy doctrine.

2:2 The older men should be reserved, dignified, moderate, sound in faith and love and constancy.

2:3 Similarly, the older women should behave as though they were religious, with no scandalmongering and no habitual wine-drinking – they are to be the teachers of the right behaviour

2:4 and show the younger women how they should love their husbands and love their children,

2:5 how they are to be sensible and chaste, and how to work in their homes, and be gentle, and do as their husbands tell them, so that the message of God is never disgraced.

2:6 In the same way, you have got to persuade the younger men to be moderate

2:7 and in everything you do make yourself an example to them of working for good: when you are teaching, be an example to them in your sincerity and earnestness

2:8 and in keeping all that you say so wholesome that nobody can make objections to it; and then any opponent will be at a loss, with no accusation to make against us.

2:9 Tell the slaves that they are to be obedient to their masters and always do what they want without any argument;

2:10 and there must be no petty thieving – they must show complete honesty at all times, so that they are in every way a credit to the teaching of God our saviour.


The basis of the Christian moral life

2:11 You see, God’s grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race

2:12 and taught us that what we have to do is to give up everything that does not lead to God, and all our worldly ambitions; we must be self-restrained and live good and religious lives here in this present world,

2:13 while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the Appearing of the glory of our great God and saviour Christ Jesus.[*a]

2:14 He sacrificed himself for us in order to set us free from all wickedness[*b] and to purify a people so that it could be his very own[*c] and would have no ambition except to do good.

2:15 Now this is what you are to say, whether you are giving instruction or correcting errors; you can do so with full authority, and no one is to question it.


JB TITUS Chapter 3


General instruction for believers

3:1 Remind them that it is their duty to be obedient to the officials and representatives of the government; to be ready to do good at every opportunity;

3:2 not to go slandering other people or picking quarrels, but to be courteous and always polite to all kinds of people.

3:3 Remember, there was a time when we too were ignorant, disobedient and misled and enslaved by different passions and luxuries; we lived then in wickedness and ill-will, hating each other and hateful ourselves.

3:4 But when the kindness and love of God our saviour for mankind were revealed,

3:5 it was not because he was concerned with any righteous actions we might have done ourselves; it was for no reason except his own compassion that he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing us with the Holy Spirit

3:6 which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our saviour.

3:7 He did this so that we should be justified by his grace, to become heirs looking forward to inheriting eternal life.

3:8 This is doctrine that you can rely on.


Personal advice to Titus

I want you to be quite uncompromising in teaching all this, so that those who now believe in God may keep their minds constantly occupied in doing good works. All this is good, and will do nothing but good to everybody.

3:9 But avoid pointless speculations, and those genealogies, and the quibbles and disputes about the Law – these are useless and can do no good to anyone.

3:10 If a man disputes what you teach, then after a first and a second warning, have no more to do with him:

3:11 you will know that any man of that sort has already lapsed and condemned himself as a sinner.


Practical recommendations, farewells and good wishes

3:12 As soon as I have sent Artemas or Tychicus to you, lose no time in joining me at Nicopolis, where I have decided to spend the winter.

3:13 See to all the travelling arrangements for Zenas the lawyer and Apollos, and make sure they have everything they need.

3:14 All our people are to learn to occupy themselves in doing good works for their practical needs as well, and not to be entirely unproductive.

3:15 All those who are with me send their greetings. Greetings to those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all.


END OF JB TITUS [3 Chapters].


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