1:1 托彼特的言行录:托彼特出自纳斐塔里支派的阿息耳族。他是托彼耳的儿子,阿纳尼耳的孙子,阿杜耳的曾孙,加巴耳的玄孙,辣法耳的四世孙,辣古耳的五世孙。
1:2 当亚述王厄乃默撒在位时,他从提斯被掳去。提斯贝是在加里肋亚山区,位于纳斐塔里的刻德士之南,哈祚尔之西,缶哥尔之北偏西。
1:3 我托彼待一生岁月常遵循正义的路,时常大方周济与我一同被掳到亚述国尼尼微城的兄弟和同胞。
1:4 当我年幼在我故乡以色列地时,我的宗族全纳斐塔里支派离弃了达味家和耶路撒冷城;这城本是由以色列众支派中选出,叫以色列众支派献祭的地方,在那里为世世代代建有祝圣于天主的居所圣殿。
1:5 我所有的兄弟和我的宗族纳斐塔里全家,都向以色列王雅洛贝罕,在靠近加里肋亚山区的丹所建立的牛犊举行祭献。
1:6 惟有我一人按照给以色列所规定的永久法律,每逢庆节,常到耶路撒冷去。我带着初熟的田产,头胎的畜牲,什一的牲畜和初剪羊毛,急速前往耶路撒冷,
1:7 交给亚郎的后裔司祭们,以作祭品。我又把十分之一的麦子、酒、油、石榴,无花果以及其余的硬壳果实,送给在耶路撒冷供职的肋未后裔;又将六年内应缴纳的第二种什一税变为金钱,作我每年在耶路撒冷时的费用。
1:8 此外,我还带去第三种什一之物,施舍给孤儿寡妇和那些依附以色列子民的外方人,我每三年施舍一次,并且我们还一起聚餐:这是梅瑟法律规定的命令,也是家父的母亲,阿纳尼耳的妻子德波辣的吩咐;因为我父亲去了世,遗下了我作孤儿。
1:9 及至成年,我由同族中娶了一个名叫亚纳的女子,她生了一个儿子,给他起名叫多俾亚。
1:10 我被掳到亚述作俘虏时,曾流徒到尼尼微。那时我的众兄弟和同胞都吃异民的食物,
1:11 但是我却自律,总不吃异民的食物,
1:12 因为我全心想念我的天主。
1:13 所以至高者赐我在厄乃默撒面前,得到恩爱和宠幸,我竞成了他的买办,给他买办各种用品。
1:14 因此,我常到玛待去为他购买货物,直到他死去为止。我在玛待国辣杰斯,加彼黎的儿子加贝罗兄弟那里,存放了几袋钱,共计十「塔冷通」银子。
1:15 乃默撒死后他的儿子散乃黑黎布继位为王的时,与玛待的交通断绝了,因我再不能到玛待那里去。
1:16 在厄乃默撒年间,我对同族的兄弟常大方施舍。
1:17 我把我的食物分送给饥饿的人,把我的衣服施舍给裸体的人;我若看见同族的尸体,被抛在尼尼微城墙外,我便一一埋葬。
1:18 当散乃黑黎布因说了诅咒的亵语,在上天大主惩罚他之日,由犹太逃回之后,无论杀了谁我都予以埋葬,因为他在盛怒之下,杀了许多以色列子民,我便把他们的尸体收藏起来,予以埋葬。因此散乃黑黎布寻找尸首,一个也没有找到。
1:19 有一个尼尼微人前去报告君王说是我埋葬了,我便隐藏起来。当我听说君王知道了我的下落,正在追捕我来处死时,我很害怕,就逃跑了。
1:20 但是我所有的一切财产,除了我的妻子亚纳和我的儿子多俾亚外,都毫不留情地没收了去,归入王库。
1:21 然而还没有过四十天,他的两个儿子把他杀死,逃到阿辣辣特山里去了。他另一个儿子厄撒哈冬继位为王,并且任命我的兄弟阿纳耳的儿子阿希加总理他全国的财务,有权掌管一切事务。
1:22 那时阿希加为我求情,我才得以回到尼尼微,因为阿希加曾在亚述王散乃黑黎布执政时作过酒正,又掌过指玺,当过家宰和财政等职,而厄撒哈冬又重用他;他是我的侄子,又是我的血亲。
2:1 厄撒哈冬为王时,我回了家,我的妻子亚纳和我的儿子多俾亚也归还了给我。在我们的五旬节日即七七节日,他们为我预备了盛筵,我便坐下准备进膳。
2:2 在给我预备桌子,摆上丰盛的食品时,我对我的儿子说:「孩子你去,在掳到尼尼微的同族兄弟中,寻找一个全心怀念上主的穷人,领他来与我们一同进膳。孩子,我等你回来。」
2:3 多俾亚便出去在同族兄弟中寻找一个穷人,他回来时说:「父亲!我对他说「孩子!我在这里。」他接着说「父亲我看见了我们同族的一个人被杀,扔在市场上,他是刚才在那里被绞死的。」
2:4 我立刻跳起来,离开了筵席,连什么都没有尝,就去把他从大街上抬回来,放在一间小屋里,等到太阳西落以后再去埋葬。
2:5 我回来沐浴之后,悲伤着吃了些食物;
2:6 于是记起了亚毛斯先知对贝特耳发的预言说:你们的庆节将变为悲哀,你们的一切歌曲将变为伤叹。我便哭起来。
2:7 太阳西落以后,我去掘了坟把他埋葬了。
2:8 我的邻居讥讽说:「他还不怕!他以前为了这事曾被通缉处死,以致必须逃命。看他又埋葬死人。」
2:9 当夜,我沐浴之后,便进了我的庭院,靠着庭院的墙睡下了。当时因为天热,我的脸没有盖上,
2:10 也没有看见小鸟在我上面的墙上,它们的热粪落到我的眼里,即起了一层白膜;我去求医诊治,但是愈给我敷药,我的眼睛愈被白膜所遮蔽,以致完全失明。四年之久,我甚么也看不见。我的众兄弟都为我悲伤,阿希加养了我两年,直到他去厄蓝为止。
2:11 那时,我的妻子亚纳去作各种女工,
2:12 她把做好的工作交给雇主,雇主便付给她工钱到「狄斯托」月七日她把布匹剪下,交给雇主,雇主便付给她全部工资,并且还送给她一只小山羊吃。
2:13 但是小羊一到了我的家里,便开始叫起来;我便叫她来,对她说:「这只小山羊是那里来的?是不是偷来的?你应该把它还给原主,因为我们不可以吃偷来的东西。」
2:14 她对我说:「这是在工资以外送给我的。」但是我仍不相信,命她归还原主;我且为了这事替她害羞。但是她回答我说:「你的施舍在那里?你的善行在那里?看,人都知道你得到了什么报酬!」
3:1 我心中悲伤至极,痛哭流泪,开始呻吟祈求说:
3:2 「上主你是公义的,你的一切作为都公正,你的一切措施都慈爱忠诚,你审判万世。
3:3 上主!现在求你顾念我,看护我,不要因我和我的祖先在你面前所犯的罪恶和愚昧而惩罚我。
3:4 因为他们没有遵守你的诫命所以你使我们遭遇劫掠、俘掳、死亡,使我们流亡到一切外邦人中,受他们的讽刺、嘲笑、诅咒。
3:5 如今,你因我和我祖先的罪行而加给我的种种刑罚,都是针对事实的,因为我们没有遵守你的诫命,在你面前没有忠诚行事。
3:6 如 今,请你按你的圣意对待我罢!请你收去我的灵魂,使我从地面上消逝,化为灰土,因为死比生为我更好!因为我听见了虚伪的辱骂,我心中很是忧伤。上主请你救 我脱离这种苦难,领我进入永远的安所罢!上主!求你不要转面不顾我,因为死了比活着看见这许多苦难,为我更好。这样,我再也听不见辱骂之声了!」
3:7 同日,在玛待厄克巴塔纳城里,辣古耳的女儿撒辣听到了她父亲的一个使女的辱骂,
3:8 因为她已嫁过七个丈夫而恶魔阿斯摩太在他们按礼俗与她合房以前,就一一杀死。使女对她说:「是你杀了你的丈夫,你已嫁过七个丈夫,但是你连他们中的一个姓氏都没有得到。
3:9 你为什么因为你丈夫死了,就责打我们呢?你也跟他们去罢!巴不得我们永远见不到你有子女!」
3:10 当 日她心中十分忧伤,流泪痛苦,便走上她父亲的楼台想要悬梁自尽。但她转念一想说道:「决不能让人讥讽我的父亲说:你只有一个爱女,但是她为了许多苦难而自 缢了;这样,我必使我老年的父亲悲惨地进入阴间了!还是苦求上主使我死去,总比我自缢为我更好;这样我一生再也听不到辱骂了。」
3:11 那时她便向窗户伸开双手祈祷说:「慈悲的天主!你是可颂扬的,你的圣名是永可赞颂的,愿你的一切造物永远赞颂你!
3:12 现在,我向你仰面举目,
3:13 请你发言,命我脱离现世,使我再听不到辱骂之声罢!
3:14 主你知道我是清白的,我从没有受到男子的玷污。
3:15 我在流徙之地,从没有玷污过我的名和我父亲的名。我是我父亲的独生女,他没有别的儿子来继承,他也没有近支的兄弟或近亲,可以让我嫁给他为妻。我的七个丈夫业已死去,我为什么还活着呢?假使你不愿叫我死去,那么,上主请你垂顾可怜我,使我再不听见辱骂罢!」
3:16 那时,二人的祈祷在荣耀的天主前都获得垂允。
3:17 所 以天主打发辣法耳来医治他们二人:给托彼特除去了他眼中的白膜,使他再亲眼见到天主的光芒;将辣古耳的女儿撒辣嫁给托彼特的儿子多俾亚为妻,把恶魔阿斯摩 太从她身上赶出去,因为多俾亚比那一切愿意娶她的人,更有权利占有她。那时托彼特正从庭院回到屋里,而辣古耳的女儿撒辣也正从楼台上下来。
4:1 那日,托彼特想起了他在玛待辣杰斯,存放在加贝罗那里的银子来,
4:2 便自言自语说:「哎,我已求了死,为什么不把我的儿子多俾亚叫来,在我死前,给他说明这项银子的事呢?」
4:3 他遂叫他儿子多俾亚来到他跟前,对他说:「孩子!我若死了,你要好好安葬我;要孝敬你母亲,在她一生的日子里不可离开她,要履行她喜欢的事,在一切事上不可使她伤心。
4:4 孩子!你要记住:你在母胎时,她为你经历过种种危险;她死后,你要把她葬在我旁边与我埋在一个坟墓里。
4:5 孩子!你要一生想念上主,不可随意犯罪,违犯他的诫命你要一生行义,不可走邪僻的路,
4:6 因为你若作正直的事,你的事业必顺利成功。
4:7 你当用你的财产救济一切行义的人。施舍时你的眼不可鄙视;对一切穷人不要转面不顾,这样天主也总不会转面不顾你。
4:8 若你多有,就该多施舍;若你少有,也不要怕少施舍。
4:9 因为这样作,是为你自己积蓄困厄时日的宝藏,
4:10 因为施舍能救人脱免死亡,防止人陷于黑暗,
4:11 因为,为一切施舍的人,施舍在至高者台前是一项悦意的礼品。
4:12 孩子!你应戒绝一切淫行,尤其应从你祖先的后裔中娶妻,不可娶那不是你宗祖支派的外邦女子为妻,因为我们是先知的后裔。孩子,记住!我们的祖先诺厄、亚巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯,开始都是从自己兄弟中娶妻,因此他们在自己的儿女身上得了祝福,他们的后裔也将继承福地。
4:13 孩子!现在你要爱你的兄弟,内心不可轻视你的兄弟和你同族的儿女,而不从他们中娶妻,因为骄傲必使人败坏不睦,好闲必使人穷困破产,因为好闲是饥饿之母。
4:14 一切劳工者的工资,不可在你那里过夜,要立即付清。你若侍奉天主,他必报答你。孩子!在一切的事情上要谨慎,在一切的举止上,要表示你受过好教育。
4:15 你厌恶的事不可对别人做;喝酒不要喝醉;醉酒不可在你的路上与你同行。
4:16 该把你的食物施与饥饿的人,把你的衣服分给裸体的人。凡是富余的,都要用来施行哀矜;在行哀矜的时候,你的眼不可鄙视。
4:17 把你的酒和食物倒在义人的坟墓上,也不可施与恶人。
4:18 应向一切有智慧的人求教,不要轻视任何有益的忠告。
4:19 你该时时赞美上主天主,求他使你的道路正直,使你的前途与计划顺遂,因为一切的人都没有善意唯有上主能赏赐各种恩惠,他愿举扬的就举扬,他愿压伏的就把他压伏到阴府的底层。孩子!现今,你要牢记这些劝言,总不可在你心中消失。
4:20 孩子!现在我还要告诉你:我曾把十塔冷通银子,寄存在住在玛待辣杰斯城的加彼黎的儿子加贝罗那里。
4:21 孩子!不要害怕我们贫穷;如果你敬畏天主远避一切罪恶在你的上主天主前行善,你必能富有 」
5:1 那时多俾亚回答他父亲托彼特说:「父亲!凡你命我的,我必遵行;
5:2 但是他不认识我,我也不认识他,我怎能向他索回这项银子呢?我拿什么凭据给他,使他认识我,相信我,而把银子交给我呢?再一说,我也不认识往玛待去的路。」
5:3 那 时,托彼特回答他的儿子多俾亚说:「他给我写了契据,我也给他写了契据,且分成了两分,我们各执一分。我把那分与银子放在一起,请想这钱存在他那里,至今 已有二十年了。孩子!现在你去找一个忠实的人与你同去,你回来时,我们要给他报酬。趁我还活着,你去从他那里取回这项银子。」
5:4 多俾亚便出去寻找一个能与他同去玛待,并且熟识路途的人。他一出门,遇见辣法耳天使站在他面前;但是他不知道他是天主的使者,
5:5 便向他说:「朋友!你是那里的?天使对他说:「我是你的同胞以色列的子民,我到这里来找工作。」多俾亚对他说:「你认识往玛待去的路吗?」
5:6 天使对他说:「是,我多次到过那里,全条路程我都很熟悉,并且许多次我到玛待去的时候,在我们的同胞加贝罗那里借宿,他住在玛侍的辣杰斯厄克巴塔纳与辣杰斯相隔两天的路程;辣杰斯在山区,厄克巴塔纳在平原。」
5:7 多俾亚对他说:「朋友!请你等我进去报告我父亲,因为我正需要你与我同去,我要给你报酬。」
5:8 天使对他说:「好!我等你但不可太久。」
5:9 多俾亚便进去,告诉他父亲托彼特说:「我从我的同胞以色列子民中找到了一个人。」托彼特对他说:「孩子!你叫那个人到我这里来,我好知道他是那一家族,那一支派的人,与你同去是否可靠。」
5:10 多 俾亚出去叫他说:「朋友!我父亲叫你。」他便进去,托彼特先向他请安;天使对他说:「祝你快乐!」托彼特回答说:「我这个眼睛失明,看不见天日的人,常躺 在黑暗之中,象永远看不见光明的死人一样,还有什么快乐呢?我象是生活在死人中,只能听见人讲话,却看不见他们。」天使对他说:「放心!天主快要医好你。 放心罢!」托彼特对他说「我的儿子多俾亚要到玛待去,你能领导他,与他同去吗?老兄我要给你报酬。」夭使回答说:「我可以与他同去,全条路程我都熟悉,我 多次到过玛待,那里的平原山地我都去过,那里的一切道路,我都熟悉。」
5:11 托彼特对他说:「老兄!你是那一家族,那一支派的?老兄!请你告诉我!」
5:12 他说:「你为什么需要知道我是那一支派的呢?」托彼特对他说:「我愿意知道清楚一切。老兄你是谁家的儿子?你叫什么名子?」
5:13 天使对他说:我是你同胞中的大阿纳尼雅的儿子阿匝黎雅。
5:14 托 彼特对他说:老兄!欢迎,欢迎!老兄!你不要因我想知道清楚你的家族而见怪!很幸运你是我的同胞,又是出自良善尊贵的家庭,我认识大舍默雅的两个儿子,阿 纳尼雅和纳堂,他们曾与我一同去过耶路撒冷,在那里一同朝拜过上主;虽然我们的同胞已走人歧途,他们却没有失去正道;你的兄弟们都是好人,你又是出自良好 的家族,你来的正巧。」
5:15 又说:「每天我要给你一「达玛」作报酬,又给你一切所需,完全和我的儿子一样。
5:16 你同我儿一同去罢!若你们平安回来,我还要多给你报酬。
5:17 他 们就如此接洽好了。天使对他说:「我与他一同去,你不要害怕。我们平安去,也要平安回到你这里来,因为道上很太平。托彼特对他说:「老兄!祝你一路平 安!」他便唤他的儿子说:「孩子!你去预备路上所需的一切,与你的兄弟一同去罢!孩子!愿天上的天主使你们一路平安,保护你们在那里平安,也领你们平安回 到我跟前来!愿他的天使与你们同行,救助你们!」多俾亚便预备路上所需要的一切;临动身时,口亲了他。
5:18 他的母亲亚纳哭着对托彼特说:「你为什么打发孩子出外呢?他不是我们的扶手杖,常在我们面前出入吗?
5:19 钱又加不上钱,宁愿失去那笔钱,而使我们的儿子安全。
5:20 其实,上主赐予我们的生活,为我们己足够。
5:21 他对她说:「妹妹!你不要挂心!我们的儿子平安去,也必平安回到我们跟前来。在他平安回到你跟前的那一天,你要亲眼看见他。
5:22 妹妹!你不要挂虑,也不要为他们担心,因为良善的天使陪伴着他,他的旅途必定顺利,也必会平安回来。」
5:23 于是她就止泪不哭了。
6:1 少年人出门以后,天使陪伴着他,他的狗也随着出去,与他们同行;他们二人取道前行,第一夜宿在底格里斯河畔。
6:2 当少年人下到底格里斯河边去洗脚时,忽然从水里跳出一条大鱼,要吞噬少年人的脚,他便喊叫起来。
6:3 天使对少年人说:「用力捉住这条鱼罢!」少年人就用力捉住了那条鱼,拖到岸上。
6:4 天使对他说:剖开这条鱼挖出它的胆、心和肝来,保存着,把脏腑等都抛掉,因为胆、心和肝能作良好的药材。
6:5 少年人便把鱼剖开、取出胆心和肝来;然后烤了几块鱼肉吃了,又腌起几块存着。
6:6 二人又一起向前行,直到来近玛待。
6:7 少年人问天使说「阿匝黎雅兄!鱼的心肝和胆可作什么药材?」
6:8 他回答说:「鱼的心肝若在魔鬼或恶神缠身的男女面前焚化成烟,一切恶魔都要从他身上逃走,永不再住在他内;
6:9 至于鱼胆,若敷在患白膜的人的眼上,再向眼上的白膜一吹,眼便会痊愈。」
6:10 他们进了玛待,离厄克巴塔纳已近,
6:11 辣法耳对少年人说:「多俾亚弟弟!」他答说:「我在这里。」天使对他说:「今夜我们应住在辣古耳的家里,他是你的亲戚,他有一个女儿名叫撒辣。
6:12 除了撒辣独女外,没有别的儿女,你与他的亲属关系比别人更近,所以你有权利娶她为妻,并继承她父亲所有的一切。这女孩又明智,又勇敢,又美丽绝伦,她的父亲又是好人。」
6:13 他 又说:「老弟!你听我的话罢!娶她是你的权利;今夜我要向她父亲提及这女孩,使他们将她许配与你为妻;我们从辣杰斯回来时,你就娶她为妻。我深知辣古耳决 不能拒绝你,而许配与别人,因为他知道你比任何人更有权利娶她的女儿;不然按梅瑟的规定,他应受死刑。老弟!现今你听我的话罢!今晚我们就提起这女孩的 事,希望能把她许配与你;当我们从辣杰斯回来的时候,我们带着她,领她与我们一起回到你的家里去。」
6:14 那时,多俾亚回答辣法说:「阿匝黎亚兄!我听说她已经嫁过七个丈夫,但是夜间他们都一一死在洞房里;当他们正接近她时,便死去了。我还听见人说是恶魔杀死了他们。
6:15 现今我很害怕,因为恶魔并不危害她,只杀害愿意接近她的人;而我又是我父亲的独子,我怕我一旦死去,我必使我的父母因哀哭我而进入坟墓里去,他们也再没有别的儿子去埋葬他们。」
6:16 天使对他说:「你不记得你父亲命你从你宗族中娶妻的命令吗!所以老弟如今请你听从我!不要理会这个恶魔,你娶她罢!我知道今天晚上她必许配与你为妻。
6:17 但是你进入洞房以后,当拿出鱼肝和鱼心来,放在香炉的火炭上,接着便会发出一种气味,恶魔一闻到必定逃走,永不再出现在她左右。
6:18 当你要与她结合时,你们二人先要醒寤祈祷,求天上的大主可怜救助你们,不要害怕,因为从永远她就命定配与你了;你要救她,她要与你一同生活。并且我预料她将为你生子养女,他们对你就象兄弟一般。所以你不必忧虑!」
6:19 多俾亚听了辣法耳的话,知道她是出自自己宗族后裔的姊妹,便十分爱她,心里也起了恋慕之情。
7:1 当他们进入厄克巴塔纳时,多俾亚对天使说:「阿匝黎雅兄!请领我一直到我们的同胞辣古耳那里去!」天使便领他到了辣古耳的家;他们看见他正坐在庭院门口,便先向他请安。他对他们说:「兄弟,欢迎!欢迎!祝你们安好!」随后领他们进了自己的家。
7:2 辣古耳对妻子厄得纳说:「这个少年人多么相似我的兄弟托彼特呀!」
7:3 厄得纳于是问他们说:「兄弟,你们是那里的?」他们回答说:「我们是被掳到尼尼微的纳斐塔里的后裔。」
7:4 她又问说:「你们认识我们的兄弟托彼特吗?」他们回答说:「我们认识。」
7:5 她又问说:「他好吗?」他们回答说:「他好,还活着。」多惮亚说:「他是我的父亲。」
7:6 辣古耳便跳起来,口亲他,哭着对他说:「孩子,正直良善的父亲的儿子,愿你获得祝福!」但当他听说托彼特已双目失明,便很难过说:「啊!一个正直好施的人,成了一个瞎子,多么可怜啊!」于是他抱着他亲人多俾亚的脖子,哭起来了。
7:7 他的妻子厄得纳和他们的女儿撒辣也都哭了。
7:8 随后杀了羊群里的一只公羊,亲热地款待他们。
7:9 沐浴洁身以后当入席用饭时,多俾亚对辣法耳说:「阿匝黎雅兄!请你向辣古耳请求,把我的妹妹撒辣许配给我!」
7:10 辣古耳听了这话便对少年人说:「今晚你吃喝快乐罢!亲家,因为除你以外,没有别人有权利娶我的女儿撒辣;同样,除你以外我也没有权利把她嫁给别人,因为你是我的至亲。但是孩子,我必须把真情告诉你:
7:11 我已把她嫁过我们同胞中七个人,但是他们都在当夜正接近她时死去了。但是孩子现今你吃喝罢!上主必要在你们中行事。」
7:12 多 俾亚说:「若你不决定我的事,我在这里也不吃,也不喝。」辣古耳对他说:「好!我决定按照梅瑟书上所规定的,把她嫁与你;她嫁与你也是上天命定的,所以你 娶你的妹妹罢!从今以后,你是他的哥哥,她是你的妹妹。从今天起,她永远归干你。孩子!盼望天上的大主今夜赐与你们幸福,在你们身上施行仁慈与平安!」
7:13 接着辣古耳叫了自己的女儿撒辣来;她来到他跟前他,便握着她的手,递给多惮亚说:「按照梅瑟书上的法律与规定,你娶她为妻罢!她已归你所有,你领她平安到你父亲那里去,天上的大主必使你们平安顺遂!」
7:14 于是又叫撒辣的母亲拿出书券来,写了婚书,并写下他们怎么按照梅瑟法律的规定,把她嫁给他为妻,并盖上印。此后,他们便开始吃喝。
7:15 辣古耳唤自己妻子厄得纳说:妹妹,请你准备另一间房子,领她进去罢!」
7:16 她便照所吩咐的到房里去准备席榻,然后领她进去。这时她竟为她的女儿痛哭起来,随后擦干眼泪向她说:
7:17 「女儿,你放心!愿天上的大主使你变忧为喜。女儿,你放心罢!]她遂上去了
8:1 吃喝完毕以后,他们要睡觉去,便领少年人进了那间小房。
8:2 那时多俾亚想起辣法耳的话,便从袋中拿出所存的鱼肝和鱼心,放在香炉的火炭上。
8:3 鱼的气味制伏了恶魔,使他逃往埃及的内陆去。辣法耳也追去,把他捆在那里,倏忽间就回来了。
8:4 人们出去以后,他们俩关上了房门,多俾亚便从床上坐起来,对她说:「妹妹,起来!我们一同祈铸,祈求我们的上主,在我们身上施行任慈和保佑。
8:5 她便起来,于是一起开始祈祷,祈求上主保佑他们;他便开始祈祷说:「我们祖宗的天主,你是应受赞美的!你的名号是世世代代应受颂扬的。诸天及你的一切造物,都应赞颂你于无穷之世。
8:6 是你造了亚当,是你造了厄娃作他的妻子,作他的辅助要给他造个相称的助手。
8:7 上主,现在我娶我这个妹妹并不是由于情欲,而是出自纯正的意向。求你怜悯我和她,赐我们白头偕老!」
8:8 他们互相答说:「阿们!阿们!」随后便睡了一夜。
8:10 那时,辣古耳也起来,便叫他的仆人同他一起出去掘坟,因为他说:恐怕他死了,我们又要受到讥笑与辱骂。
8:11 他们掘完了坟墓,辣古耳回了家,叫了妻子来,
8:12 说:「你打发一个女仆进去看看他是死是活,假如他死了,我们马上埋了他,不让外人知道。」
8:13 她遂打发女仆去,女仆拿着灯,开了门进去,看见他们还在一起安睡。
8:14 女仆便出来,报告说:「他还活着,没有什么不好。
8:15 他们便赞美天上的大主说:「天主你应受一切纯洁和神圣的赞扬!愿众人永远赞美你!
8:16 你是应受赞扬的,因为你使我快慰,没有让我预料的事发生,却按你的大慈大悲恩待了我们。
8:17 你是应受赞扬的,因为你怜悯了这两个独子独女。主啊!赐予他们慈惠和保佑,使他们一生满享快乐慈惠罢!」
8:18 随后,吩咐仆人在天亮以前把坟墓填平。
8:19 他又吩咐他的妻子预备很多食物;他自己走到家畜群里,牵出两头牛和四只羊来,命人宰杀了,开始准备一连十四天的婚筵。
8:20 随后,他叫了多俾亚来向地宣誓说:「这十四天的婚筵未完结以前,你不可离开这里,你要在我这里住下吃喝,好抚慰我女儿破碎了的心灵。
8:21 凡我所有的,你立刻可带去一半,平安回到你父亲那里。那另一半待我和我妻子死后,也是你们的。孩子放心罢!我是你的父亲,厄得纳是你的母亲。从现在起我们永远是你的,也是你妹妹的。孩子,放心罢。
9:1 那时,多俾亚叫了辣法耳来,对他说:
9:2 「阿匝黎雅兄!请你带上四个仆人两匹骆驼到辣杰斯,往加贝罗那里去,把契据交给他,好把银子索回来;并请他与你同来参与婚礼。
9:3 你知道我父亲在计算着日期,若我耽误了一天,必使他十分挂心。
9:4 你也看见辣古耳发了什么誓,因此,我不能反抗他的誓约。」
9:5 辣法耳于是带了四个仆人,两匹骆驼,往玛待辣杰斯去了,住在加贝罗的家里,把契据交给了他,并且把托彼特的儿子多俾亚娶妻,和请他参与婚礼的事,也报告了给他。他便起来,给他按原数数了几个尚封着口的袋子,放在骆驼上,
9:6 清 旱一起动身,前来参与婚礼。当他们进到辣古耳家时,看见多俾亚,正在坐席。多俾亚便跳起来,向他请安。加贝罗不禁哭起来了,祝福他说:「善良无比的人啊! 你是善良无比和正义好施的人的儿子,愿上主赐予你、你的妻子和你的岳父岳母天上的降福!愿天主受赞扬!因为我看见了肖似我表弟托彼特的多俾亚。」
10:1 托彼特天天计算日期:需要多少天前去,多少天回来。但是,当日期满了,他的儿子还未回来时,
10:2 便说:「莫非他在那边被人留住了?或是加贝罗死了,没有人把银子还给他?」
10:3 便忧闷起来。
10:4 他的妻子亚纳说:「我的孩子已死了,已不在人间了!」于是哭了起来,哀悼儿子说:
10:5 「儿啊!可苦了我!你是我眼中的光,我竟把你放走了!」
10:6 托彼特对她说:「妹妹,住声,不要忧虑!他必定平安。他们在那里一定有了什么不凑巧的事!但是,与他同去的人是个忠实的人,又是我们的同族兄弟,你不必为他忧伤,他快回来了!」
10:7 她答说:「给我住嘴!别骗我啦!我的孩子已经死了!」她每天出去向她儿子去的路上四处观望,也不吃饭,太阳落了,她才回家;终夜饮泣痛哭不能入睡。
10:8 辣古耳誓许为自己的女儿所设的十四天婚筵,日期满了,多俾亚便进去对他说:「让我回去罢!因为我知道,我的父母一定不相信再能见我了。所以,岳父!如今我求你让我回去,到我父亲那里去,我已经给你说了,我是怎样离开了他的。」
10:9 但是辣古耳向多俾亚说:「住下罢!孩子!住在我这里罢!我打发送信的到你父亲托彼特那里,把你的消息告诉他。」多俾亚回答说:「不必!还是让我离开这里,回到我父亲那里去罢!」
10:10 辣古耳遂起来,把多惮亚的妻子撒辣交给他,又把他所有的家产:仆人、婢女、牛、羊、驴、骆驼、衣服、金钱和家具,送给他一半。
10:11 然后遣送他们平安离去,辞别他说:「孩子,祝你平安!祝你一路平安!愿天上的大主降福你和你的妻子撒辣!希望我未死之前,能看见你们的子女!」
10:12 又对他的女儿撒辣说:「你到你公公的家去要孝顺你的公婆,因为从今以后他们便是你的父母,就如他们生了你一般。女儿,你平安去罢!盼望我话着的时候,常能听到你的好消息。」他遂口亲了他们,送他们离去。
10:13 厄 得纳又向多俾亚说:「亲爱的孩子和兄弟!愿上主护送你回去!巴不得我生时,在未死之前能看见你和我女儿撒辣的子女,好使我在上主面前得到慰藉。我把我的女 儿托付给你,你一生不要使她难受。孩子平安去罢!从今以后,我是你的母亲,撒辣是你的妹妹,盼望我们一生一世,都一样顺利才好!」她口亲了他们二人,便送 他们平安离去。
10:14 多俾亚便平安喜欢地赞美着使他一路顺遂的天地的主宰,万有的君王,离开了辣古耳:他也祝福辣古耳和他的妻子厄得纳说:「愿上主赐我一生能幸福地孝敬你们。」
11:1 当他们走近面对尼尼微的加色陵时,辣法耳对多俾亚说:
11:2 「吾弟,你知道我们怎样离开了你父亲;
11:3 所以我们要在你的妻子前面快些走,这样他们来到时,我们已准备好了房屋。
11:4 他们二人于是一起前行。辣法耳又对他说:「你要随手带着鱼胆。」那只小狗也在他和多俾亚的后面,跟着同行。
11:5 那时亚纳正坐着,向儿子回来必经之路上观望,
11:6 待她发觉是她儿子回来时,便对孩子的父亲说:「看,你的儿子和与他同去的人回来了!」
11:7 当多俾亚快要走到他父亲前时,辣法耳对他说:「我知道他的眼睛必将复明;
11:8 你要把鱼胆敷在他的眼睛上;这药要把白翳聚在一起,使白翳从他眼中脱落,这样你父亲便得复明,重见天日。
11:9 那时,亚纳跑过来,抱着她儿子的颈项说:孩子!我看见了你,现今我可以死了。」两人都哭了起来。
11:10 托彼特也起来,踉跄地走出了庭院的大门。
11:11 多俾亚向他走去,手中拿着鱼胆,向他的眼睛吹了一吹,随后抱住他说:「父亲,放心罢!」接着把药给他涂上,给他敷上。
11:12 随后多俾亚双手把白翳从眼角里剥了出来。
11:13 他看见自己的儿子,便扑到他的颈项上,流着泪对他说:「孩子,我眼中的光!我看见你了!」
11:14 他又说:『天主是可赞美的!大名应永远受赞扬!众圣天使也是可颂扬的!愿他的大名永远受赞颂,因为他惩罚了我,却又怜悯了我,使我现在得见我的儿子多俾亚。」
11:15 多俾亚于是欢夭喜地满口赞美着天主进了家门,然后给他父亲讲述了他怎样一路顺利,怎样索回银子,并且怎样娶了辣古耳的女儿撒辣为妻。他并说:「她已来近了,快到尼尼微的城门口。」
11:16 托彼特于是欢喜赞美着天主,走到尼尼微城门前,去迎接自己的儿媳。尼尼微人看见他独自行走,用不着人扶助,都惊讶得很。托彼特便当众承认天主怜悯了他,开了他的眼睛。
11:17 及至托彼特走到自己的儿子多俾亚的妻子撒辣面前,遂祝福她说:「女儿,欢迎,欢迎,愿领你到我们这里来的天主受赞扬!女儿愿你的父母获得祝福!愿我的儿子多俾亚获得祝福!女儿,也愿你获得祝福!你怀着祝福和喜乐平安进入你的家罢!女儿进来!」
11:18 这一天,尼尼微城内的犹太人皆大欢喜。
11:19 他的侄子阿希加和纳达布也欢乐地来到托彼特的家里。多俾亚的婚筵连续举行了七天,给他送来了许多礼品。
12:1 婚筵完毕,托彼特叫了他的儿子多俾亚来对他说:「孩子,你去把工资交给与你同行的人罢!并且要多给他些作酬报。
12:2 他回答说:父亲我该给他多少工资呢?即便把他与我带回来的财产一半送给他,我也不吃亏。
12:3 他领我平安回来,治好了我的妻子,给我索回了银子来,又医好了你。我应该给他多少工资呢?」
12:4 托彼特对他说:「孩子,他实在堪当收下他回来时,所带来的一切的一半。」
12:5 多俾亚于是叫了他来,对他说:请你收下你回来时,所带来的财产的一半,作你的工资,然后平安回去罢!
12:6 那时,他暗地里叫了他们二人来对他们说:「你们该赞美天主,感谢他,显扬他!该在众人前把他为你们所做的一切好事归功于他,为赞美歌颂他的圣名;该向众人隆重地宣示天主的工程,不要迟缓感谢他!
12:7 隐藏君王的秘密固然是好,但对天主的工程应该隆重地宣示和公认。你们行善凶祸便不会临于你们。
12:8 祈祷与斋戒固然是善功但秉义施舍却超过前二者;秉义而少有,胜于不义而多有;施舍救济,胜于储蓄黄金,
12:9 因为施舍救人脱免死亡,且涤除一切罪恶。施舍行义的人必享高寿;
12:10 犯罪与行不义的人便是仇视自己的生命。
12:11 我要向你们说出全部真情,决不向你们隐藏什么。我已经向你们说过:隐藏君王的秘密固然是好,但传扬天主的工程却是应当的。
12:12 当你和撒辣祈祷时我,便把你们的恳求呈到上主的荣耀前;当你埋葬死者时,我也同样地在你左右。
12:13 当你毫不踌躇地起来,放下你的饮食,去埋葬那死者的时候,我便被差遣来试探你,
12:14 同时天主也派遣我来医治你和你的儿媳撒辣。
12:15 我是辣法耳,是在上主的荣耀前,侍立往来的七位天使之一。」
12:16 二人便惊慌起来,匍匐在地,害怕得很。
12:17 天使对他们说:「不必害怕,愿你们平安!你们该永远赞美天主。
12:18 我与你们在一起,并不是出于我的好心,而是出于天主的圣意。因此,你们该天天赞美他,歌颂他。
12:19 你们虽然天天见我吃喝,其实我并没有吃喝什么;你们看见的,只是个现象而已。
12:20 你们现在该在世上赞美上主,感谢天主。看我要升到遣发我来者那里去;你们该把所遇到的一切事写下来。」说完这话便升天去了。
12:21 当他们起来时,已经再看不见他了。
12:22 他们便赞美歌颂天主,并且感谢他行了这一切伟大的事业,因为天主的天使显现给他们。
13:1 托彼特为表达自己的欢乐,写了一篇祷文说:
13:2 永生的天主应受赞颂;他的王权永远常存,因为他惩罚而又怜悯,把人抛在阴府的深处,而又把他从凄惨的祸患中救出,没有谁能逃出他的掌握。
13:3 以色列子民!你们当在外邦人的面前颂扬他,因为他使你们流徙到他们之中,
13:4 是为叫你们在那里显扬他的伟大。你们该在众生之前歌颂他,因为只有他是我们的上主,只有他是我们的天主,只有他是我们的父亲,只有他永远是天主。
13:5 他惩罚你们,是为了你们的不义;但他要怜恤你们众人,把你们这些分散于各民族中的人聚集起来。
13:6 若是你们全心全灵归向他,在他面前履行正道,他也必转向你们,不再掩面不顾。
13:7 所以你们如今应默观他向你们所作的一切,然后高声感谢他;该赞美公义的上主,该颂扬永世的君王。
13:8 我要在被掳充军之地赞美他,向犯罪的国民宣扬他的威能和伟大。罪人啊!你们悔改罢!你们在他面前行义罢!谁知道,或者他会宽待你们而怜悯你们!
13:9 我颂扬我的天主,我的灵魂欣悦于天上的君王。
13:10 愿众人颂扬他的伟大,在耶路撒冷赞美他。耶路撒冷圣城!因你子女的恶行,他必施行惩罚,但他还要怜悯义人的子孙。
13:11 你该适当地赞美上主,称颂万代的君王,因为他的会幕在你内,将再欢欣地建筑起来,
13:12 为使众俘虏在你内喜乐,为使一切不幸的人,在你内永远获得慈爱。
13:13 那时灿烂的光辉,将照耀大地四极;无数的外方人,将从远方到你这里来;大地四极的居民将要归属于上主天主的圣名之下,双手带着礼物献给天上的君王;万世万代必将因你而喜乐,被选者的名号必永垂不朽。
13:14 凡出言开罪你的人,必受诅咒;凡毁灭你,破坏你的墙垣,打倒你的堡垒,焚烧你房屋的人,必受诅咒;但兴建你的人,必永远受祝福。
13:15 那时你为义人的子孙欢欣喜乐罢!因为他们都要再聚在一处,赞美永远的上主。爱你的人是有福的,为你的福利而喜乐的人是有福的,
13:16 因你种种困苦而为你忧伤的人是有福的,因为他们要因你而欢乐,并且要得见你永远的喜乐。我的灵魂,请你赞颂上主大君!
13:17 因 为耶路撒冷必要重建,永远为他的居所。若我后裔的遗民能看见你的荣耀,而称谢天上的君王,那我多么有福啊!耶路撒冷的城门,将是用蓝宝石和翡翠建造的;周 围的城墙,将是用宝石砌成的;耶路撤冷的守望台将是用金子筑成的,堡垒将是用纯金造成的;耶路撒冷的街道将是用红宝石和敖非尔石铺成的。
13:18 耶路撒冷的城门都要高唱快乐的诗歌,家家户户都要欢呼:亚肋路亚,以色列的天主应受颂扬!蒙福的人要赞美为圣的名号,至于无穷之世。
14:1 托彼特的颂词就此结束。
14:2 他于一百一十二岁上平安去世,哀荣地葬在尼尼微。他双目失明时六十二岁;复明以后,生活也很幸福,且继续施舍救济,时常赞美天主,颂扬天主的伟大。
14:3 当他临终的时候,叫了他儿子多俾亚来,吩咐他说:「孩子!你要领你的孩子,
14:4 快 往玛待去,因为我确信天主借纳鸿先知论尼尼微所说的话,必要应验,临于亚述国和尼尼微城。凡天主遣发到以色列的先知所说的一切,也要来临,其中一字也不能 删去,必要一一按时应验;只有在玛待比在亚述和巴比伦更为安全,因为我知道,并确信天主所说的一切,必要成就应验;预言中一句也不会落空。但是,我那些住 在以色列地的同胞也要被驱逐,并从福地里被掳去;以色列全地必要荒芜,撤玛黎雅和耶路撒冷也要变成荒地,天主的殿宇也要被烧毁,变成灰烬,直到某一时期。
14:5 可是,天主还要怜悯他们,天主要再领他们回到叫以色列地,重建殿宇,但不如从前的那一座,直到指定的时期圆满为止。此后,众人将要从流徒之地回来,重建耶路撤冷,恢复繁荣,其中也将重建天主的殿宇,照以色列的众先知所预言的。
14:6 普天下所有的外邦人,将回心转意,离弃那些迷惑他们走入歧途的偶像,虔诚敬畏上主天主,以行义来赞颂永生的天主。
14:7 在那些时日内,凡得以逃生的以色列子民,必诚心诚意怀念天主,聚集起来,回到耶路撒冷,永远在亚巴郎的土地上安居乐业,因为这土地应归还于他们。凡诚心诚意敬爱天主的人,必要欢乐;作恶犯罪的人,必要从地上灭绝。
14:8 孩子!现今我吩咐你们该诚心事奉天主,作他喜欢的事。也该命令你们的子女,行善施舍,使他们时常记念天主,永远全心全力赞美他的圣名。
14:9 孩子!现今你该离开尼尼微,不要留在这里。自你把你母亲埋葬在我身旁的那天起,就要离开这里,因为我看见城中充满了不义,人任意欺诈而不以为耻。
14:10 孩 子!你看看纳达布怎样对待了教养他的阿希加:阿希加不是被他活活地逼入地下吗?但是天主,当面补偿了他所受的凌辱,阿希加出来重见天日,纳达布却进入了永 远的黑暗中,原来他想谋杀阿希加。阿希加因为施舍哀矜,所以能脱离纳达布为他预备的死亡圈套;而纳达布自己却陷入了死亡的罗纲丧失了性命。
14:11 孩子!所以你们看?:施舍的结果是什么?不义的结果是什么?是死亡。现在我的灵魂要离开了。」于是众人把他放在床上;他便死了。人们隆重地埋葬了他。
14:12 多俾亚的母亲亚纳死后,他便把她同他的父亲葬在一起;随后,便同自己的妻子儿女离开了那里,到玛待去在厄克巴塔纳与他的岳父辣古耳住在一起。
14:13 他孝敬他们直至他们寿终正寝,把他们埋葬在玛待厄克巴塔纳,也承继了辣古耳和他父亲托彼特的家产。
14:14 生时很受尊荣,死在玛待厄克巴塔纳,享年一百一十七岁。
14:15 他死前听到了尼尼微毁灭的消息,也亲眼见了玛待王基雅撒勒掳到玛待的俘虏,而赞美天主对尼尼微和亚述子民所作的一切。如此,在他未死之前,能为尼尼微的毁灭而喜乐,赞美上主天主于无穷之世。阿们。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
JB TOBIT Chapter 1
1:1 The tale of Tobit[*a] son of Tobiel, son of Ananiel, son of Aduel, son of Gabael, of the lineage of Asiel and tribe of Naphtali.
1:2 In the days of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, he was exiled from Thisbe, which is south of Kedesh-Naphtali in Upper Galilee, above Hazor, some distance to the West, north of Shephat.
1:3 I, Tobit, have walked in paths of truth and in good works all the days of my life. I have given much in alms to my brothers and fellow countrymen, exiled like me to Nineveh in the country of Assyria.
1:4 In my young days, when I still was at home in the country of Israel, the whole tribe of Naphtali my ancestor broke away from the House of David and from Jerusalem. Yet this was the city chosen out of all the tribes of Israel for their sacrifices; in this the Temple – God’s dwelling place – had been built and hallowed for all generations to come.
1:5 But all my brothers and the House of Naphtali offered sacrifice to the calf that Jeroboam the king of Israel had made at Dan, on the mountains of Galilee.
1:6 Often I was quite alone in making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, fulfilling the law that binds all Israel perpetually. I would hurry to Jerusalem with the first yield of fruits and beasts, the tithe of cattle and the sheep’s first shearings.
1:7 I would give these to the priests, the sons of Aaron, for the altar. To the Levites ministering at Jerusalem I would give my tithe of wine and corn, olives, pomegranates and other fruits. Six years in succession I took the second tithe in money and went and paid it at Jerusalem.
1:8 I gave the third to orphans and widows and to the strangers who live among the Israelites; I brought it them as a gift every three years. When we ate, we obeyed both the ordinances of the Law of Moses and the exhortations of Deborah, the mother of our father Ananiel; for my father had died and left me an orphan.
1:9 When I came to man’s estate, I married a woman from our kinsmen whose name was Anna; she bore me a son whom I called Tobias.
1:10 <11 When the banishment into Assyria came, I was taken away and went to Nineveh. All my brothers and the men of my race ate the food of the heathen,
1:11 <12 but for my part I would not eat the food of the heathen.[*b]
1:12 <13 And because I had kept faith with my God with my whole heart,
1:13 the Most High granted me the favour of Shalmaneser, and I became the king’s purveyor.
1:14 <16 Until his death I used to travel to Media, where I transacted business on his behalf; and I deposited sacks of silver worth ten talents withGabael, the brother of Gabrias, at Rhages in Media.
1:15 <18 On the death of Shalmaneser his son Sennacherib succeeded; the roads into Media were barred, and I could no longer go there.
1:16 In the days of Shalmaneser I had often given alms to the brothers of my race;
1:17 <20 I gave my bread to the hungry and clothes to the naked; and I buried, when I saw them, the bodies of my countrymen thrown over the walls of Nineveh.
1:18 <21 I also buried those who were killed by Sennacherib (for when he retreated from Judaea in disorder, after the King of heaven had punished his blasphemies, in his anger Sennacherib killed a great number of Israelites). So I stole their bodies to bury them; Sennacherib looked for them and could not find them.
1:19 <22 A Ninevite went and told the king it was I who had buried them secretly. When I knew that the king had been told about me and saw myself being hunted by men who would put me to death, I was afraid and fled.
1:20 All my goods were seized; they were all confiscated by the treasury; nothing was left me but my wife Anna and my son Tobias.
1:21 <24 Less than forty days after this, the king was murdered by his two sons, who then fled to the mountains of Ararat. His son Esarhaddon succeeded. Ahikar,[*c] the son of my brother Anael, was appointed chancellor of the exchequer for the kingdom and given the main ordering of affairs.
1:22 Ahikar then interceded for me and I was allowed to return to Nineveh, since Ahikar had been chief cup-bearer, keeper of the signet, administrator and treasurer under Sennacherib, king of Assyria, and Esarhaddon had kept him in office. He was a relation of mine; he was my nephew.
JB TOBIT Chapter 2
2:1 In the reign of Esarhaddon, therefore, I returned home, and my wife Anna was restored to me with my son Tobias. At our feast of Pentecost (the feast of Weeks) there was a good dinner. I took my place for the meal;
2:2 the table was brought to me and various dishes were brought. Then I said to my son Tobias, ‘Go, my child, and seek out some poor, loyal-hearted man among our brothers exiled in Nineveh, and bring him to share my meal. I will wait until you come back, my child.’
2:3 So Tobias went out to look for some poor man among our brothers, but he came back again and said, ‘Father!’ I answered, ‘What is it, my child?’ He went on, ‘Father, one of our nation has just been murdered; he has been strangled and then thrown down in the market place; he is there still’.
2:4 I sprang up at once, left my meal untouched, took the man from the market place and laid him in one of my rooms, waiting until sunset to bury him.
2:5 I came in again and washed myself and ate my bread in sorrow,
2:6 remembering the words of the prophet Amos concerning Bethel: Your feasts will be turned to mourning, and all your songs to lamentation.
2:7 And I wept. When the sun was down, I went and dug a grave and buried him.
2:8 My neighbours laughed and said, ‘See! He is not afraid any more.’ (You must remember that a price had been set on my head earlier for this very thing.) ‘The time before this he had to flee, yet here he is, beginning to bury the dead again.’
2:9 <10 That night I took a bath; then I went into the courtyard and lay down by the courtyard wall. Since it was hot I left my face uncovered.
2:10 <11 I did not know that there were sparrows in the wall above my head; their hot droppings fell into my eyes. White spots then formed, which I was obliged to have treated by the doctors. But the more ointments they tried me with, the more the spots blinded me, and in the end I became blind altogether. I remained without sight four years; all my brothers were distressed; and Ahikar provided for my upkeep for two years, till he left for Elymais.
2:11 <19 My wife Anna then undertook woman’s work; she would spin wool and take cloth to weave;
2:12 she used to deliver whatever had been ordered from her and then receive payment. Now on March the seventh she finished a piece of work <20 and delivered it to her customers. They paid her all that was due, and into the bargain presented her with a kid for a meal.
2:13 <21 When the kid came into my house, it began to bleat. I called to my wife and said, ‘Where does this creature come from? Suppose it has been stolen! Quick, let the owners have it back; we have no right to eat stolen goods.’
2:14 She said, ‘No, it was a present given me over and above my wages.’ I did not believe her, and told her to give it back to the owners <22 (I blushed at this in her presence). Then she answered, ‘What about your own alms? What about your own good works? Everyone knows what return you have had for them.’
JB TOBIT Chapter 3
3:1 Then, sad at heart, I sighed and wept, and began this prayer of lamentation:
3:2 ‘You are just, O Lord, and just are all your works. All your ways are grace and truth, and you are the Judge of the world.
3:3 ‘Therefore, Lord, remember me, look on me. Do not punish me for my sins or for my heedless faults or for those of my fathers. ‘For we have sinned against you
3:4 and broken your commandments; and you have given us over to be plundered, to captivity and death, to be the talk, the laughing-stock and scorn of all the nations among whom you have dispersed us.
3:5 ‘Whereas all your decrees are true when you deal with me as my faults deserve, and those of my fathers, since we have neither kept your commandments nor walked in truth before you;
3:6 so now, do with me as you will; be pleased to take my life from me; I desire to be delivered from earth and to become earth again. For death is better for me than life. I have been reviled without a cause and I am distressed beyond measure. ‘Lord, I wait for the sentence you will give to deliver me from this affliction. Let me go away to my everlasting home; do not turn your face from me, O Lord. For it is better to die than still to live in the face of trouble that knows no pity; I am weary of hearing myself traduced.’
3:7 It chanced on the same day that Sarah the daughter of Ragnel, who lived in Media at Ecbatana, also heard insults from one of her father’s maids.
3:8 You must know that she had been given in marriage seven times, and that Asmodeus, that worst of demons, had killed her bridegrooms one after another before ever they had slept with her as man with wife. The servant-girl said, ‘Yes, you kill your bridegrooms yourself. That makes seven already to whom you have been given, and you have not once been in luck yet.
3:9 Just because your bridegrooms have died, that is no reason for punishing us. Go and join them, and may we be spared the sight of any child of yours!’
3:10 That day, she grieved, she sobbed, and went up to her father’s room intending to hang herself. But then she thought, ‘Suppose they blamed my father! They will say, “You had an only daughter whom you loved, and now she has hanged herself for grief”. I cannot cause my father a sorrow which would bring down his old age to the dwelling of the dead. I should do better not to hang myself, but to beg the Lord to let me die and not live to hear any more insults.’
3:11 And at this, by the window with outstretched arms she said this prayer: ‘You are blessed, O God of mercy! May your name be blessed for ever, and may all things you have made bless you everlastingly.
3:12 <14 ‘And now, I lift up my face and to you I turn my eyes.
3:13 <15 Let your word deliver me from earth; I can hear myself traduced no longer.
3:14 <16 Lord; you know that I have remained pure; no man has touched me;
3:15 <17 I have not dishonoured your name or my father’s name in this land of exile; ‘I am my father’s only daughter, he has no other child as heir; he has no brother at his side, nor has he any kinsman left for whom I ought to keep myself. ‘Already I have lost seven husbands; why should I live any longer? If it does not please you to take my life, then look on me with pity; I can hear myself traduced no longer.’
3:16 <24 This time the prayer of each of them found favour before the glory of God,
3:17 <25 and Raphael was sent to bring remedy to them both. He was to take the white spots from the eyes of Tobit, so that he might see God’s light with his own eyes; and he was to give Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, as bride to Tobias son of Tobit, and to rid her of Asmodeus, that worst of demons. For it was to Tobias before all other suitors that she belonged by right. Tobit was coming back from the courtyard into the house at the same moment as Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, was coming down from the upper room.
JB TOBIT Chapter 4
4:1 The same day, Tobit remembered the silver that he had left with Gabael at Rhages in Media
4:2 and thought, ‘I have come to the point of praying for death; I should do well to call my son Tobias and tell him about the money before I die’.
4:3 He summoned his son Tobias and told him: ‘When I die, give me an honourable burial. Honour your mother, and never abandon her all the days of your life. Do all that she wants, and give her no reason for sorrow.
4:4 <5 Remember, my child, all the risks she ran for your sake when you were in her womb. And when she dies, bury her at my side in the same grave.
4:5 <6 ‘My child, be faithful to the Lord all your days. Never entertain the will to sin or to transgress his laws. Do good works all the days of yourlife, never follow ways that are not right;
4:6 for if you act in truthfulness, you will be successful in all your actions, as all men are if they practise what is right.
4:7 ‘Set aside part of your goods for almsgiving. Never turn your face from any poor man and God will never turn his from you.
4:8 Measure your alms by what <9 you have; if you have much, give more; if you have little, give less, but do not be mean in giving alms.
4:9 <10 By doing so, you will lay up for yourself a great treasure for the day of necessity.
4:10 <11 For almsgiving delivers from death and saves men from passing down to darkness.
4:11 <12 Alms is a most effective offering for all those who give it in the presence of the Most High.
4:12 ‘My child, avoid all loose conduct. Choose a wife of your father’s stock. Do not take a foreign wife outside your father’s tribe, because we are the sons of the prophets. Remember Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our ancestors from the beginning. All of them took wives from their own kindred, and they were blessed in their children, and their race will inherit the earth.
4:13 You, too, my child, must prefer your own brothers; never presume to despise your brothers, the sons <14 and daughters of your people; choose your wife from among them. For pride brings ruin and much worry; idleness causes need and poverty, for the mother of famine is idleness.
4:14 <15 ‘Do not keep back until next day the wages of those who work for you; pay them at once. If you serve God you will be rewarded. Be careful, my child, in all you do, well-disciplined in all your behaviour.
4:15 <16 Do to no one what you would not want done to you. Do not drink wine to the point of drunkenness; do not let excess be your travelling companion.
4:16 <17 ‘Give your bread to those who are hungry, and your clothes to those who are naked. Whatever you own in plenty, devote a proportion to almsgiving; and when you give alms, do not do it grudgingly.
4:17 <18 Be generous with bread and wine on the graves of virtuous men, but not for the sinner.
4:18 <19 Ask advice of every wise person; never scorn any profitable advice.
4:19 <20 Bless the Lord God in everything; beg him to guide your ways and bring your paths and purposes to their end. For wisdom is not given to every nation; the Lord himself gives all good things. At his will he lifts up or he casts down to the depths of the dwelling of the dead. So now, my child, remember these precepts and never let them fade from your heart.
4:20 <21 Now, my child, I must tell you I have left ten talents of silver with Gabael son of Gabrias, at Rhages in Media
4:21 <23 Do not be afraid, my child, if we have grown poor. You have great wealth if you fear God, if you shun every kind of sin and if you do what is pleasing to the Lord your God.’
JB TOBIT Chapter 5
5:1 Tobias then answered his father Tobit, ‘Father, I will do everything you have told me.
5:2 But how am I to recover the money from him? He does not know me, nor I him. What token am I to give him for him to believe me and hand me over the silver? And besides, I do not know what roads to take for this journey into Media.
5:3 Then Tobit answered his son Tobias, ‘Each of us set his signature to a note which I cut in two, so that each could keep half of it. I took one piece, and put the other with the silver. To think it was twenty years ago <4 I left this silver in his keeping! And now, my child, find some trustworthy man to travel with you – we will pay him for his time until you arrive back – and then go and collect the money from Gabael.’
5:4 <5 Tobias went out to look for a man who knew the way to go with him to Media. Outside he found Raphael the angel standing facing him (though he did not guess he was an angel of God).
5:5 <6 He said, ‘Where do you come from, <7 friend?’ The angel replied, ‘I am one of your brother Israelites; I have come to these parts to look for work’. Tobias asked, ‘Do you know the road to Media?’
5:6 <8 The other replied, ‘Certainly I do. I have been there many times; I know all the ways by heart. I have often been to Media and stayed withGabael, one of our kinsmen who lives at Rhages in Media. It usually takes two full days to get from Ecbatana to Rhages; Rhages lies in the mountains, and Ecbatana is in the middle of the plain.[*a]
5:7 <9 Tobias said, ‘Wait for me, friend, while I go and tell my father; I need you to come with me; I will pay you for your time’.
5:8 The other replied, ‘Good; I will wait; but do not be long’.
5:9 <10 Tobias went in and told his father that he had found one of their brother Israelites. And the father said, ‘Fetch him in; I want to find out about his family and tribe. I must see if he is going to be a reliable companion for you, my child.’ So Tobias went out and called him. ‘Friend,’ he said ‘my father wants you.’
5:10 <11 The angel came into the house; Tobit greeted him, and the other answered, <12 wishing him happiness. Tobit replied, ‘Can I ever be happy again? I am a blind man; I no longer see the light of heaven; I am sunk in darkness like the dead who see the light no more. I am a man buried alive; I hear men speak but cannot <13 see them.’ The angel said, ‘Take comfort; before long God will heal you. Take <14 comfort.’ Tobitsaid, ‘My son Tobias wishes to go to Media. Will you join him as his guide? Brother, I will pay you.’ He replied, ‘I am willing to go with him; I know all the ways; I have often been to Media, I have crossed all its plains and mountains, and I know all the roads’.
5:11 <16 Tobit said, ‘Brother, what family and what tribe do you belong to? Will you tell me, brother?’
5:12 <17 ‘What does my tribe matter to you?’ the angel said. Tobit said, ‘I want to be quite sure whose son you are and what your name is’.
5:13 <18 The angel said, ‘I am Azarias, son of the great Ananias, one of your kinsmen’.
5:14 <19 ‘Welcome and greetings, brother! Do not be offended at my wanting to know the name of your family; I find you are my kinsman, of a good and honourable line. I know Ananias and Jathan, the two sons of the great Shemaiah. They used to go to Jerusalem with me; we have worshipped together there, and they have never strayed from the right path. Your brothers are worthy men; you come of good stock; welcome.’
5:15 He went on, ‘I engage you at a drachma a day, with your expenses, like my own son. Complete the journey with my son,
5:16 and I will go beyond the agreed <20 wage.’ The angel replied, ‘I will complete the journey with him. Do not be afraid. On the journey outward all will be well; on the journey back all will be well; the road is safe.’
5:17 Tobit said, ‘Blessings on you, brother!’ Then he turned to his son. ‘My child,’ he said ‘prepare what you need for the journey, and set off with <21 your brother. May God in heaven protect you abroad and bring you both back to me safe and sound! May his angel go with you and protect you, my child!’ <22 Tobias left the house to set out and kissed his father and mother. Tobit said, ‘A happy journey!’
5:18 <23 His mother burst into tears and said to Tobit, ‘Why must you send my child away? Is he not the staff of our hands, with his errands to and fro for us?
5:19 <24 Surely money is not the only thing that matters? Surely it is not as precious as our child?
5:20 <25 The way of life God had already given us was good enough.’
5:21 <26 He said, ‘Do not think such thoughts. Going away and coming back, all will be well with our child. On the day of his homecoming you will see for yourself how all is still well with him. Do not think such thoughts; do not worry on their account, my sister.
5:22 <27 A good angel will go with him; he will have a good journey and come back to us well and happy.’
JB TOBIT Chapter 6
6:1 <28 And she dried her tears.
6:2 <1 The boy left with the angel, and the dog followed behind. The two walked on, and when the first evening came they camped beside the Tigris.
6:3 <2 The boy had gone down to the river to wash his feet, when a great fish leapt out of the water <3 and all but swallowed his foot. The boy gave a shout
6:4 and the angel said, ‘Catch the fish; do not let it go’. The boy mastered the fish and pulled it on to the bank.
6:5 The angel said, ‘Cut it open; take out the gall, the heart and the liver; set these aside and throw the entrails away, for the gall and heart and liver have curative properties’.
6:6 The boy cut the fish open and took out the gall and heart and liver. He fried part of the fish for his meal and kept some for salting. Then they walked on again together until they were nearly in Media.
6:7 Then the boy asked the angel this question, ‘Brother Azarias, what can the fish’s heart, liver and gall cure?’
6:8 He replied, ‘You burn the fish’s heart and liver, and their smoke is used in the case of a man or woman plagued by a demon or evil spirit; any such affliction disappears for good, leaving no trace.
6:9 As regards the gall, this is used as an eye ointment for anyone having white spots on his eyes; after using it, you only have to blow on the spots to cure them.’
6:10 They entered Media and had nearly reached Ecbatana
6:11 when Raphael said to the boy, ‘Brother Tobias’. ‘Yes?’ he answered. The angel went on, ‘Tonight we shall be staying with Raguel, who is a kinsman of yours. He has a daughter called Sarah,
6:12 but apart from Sarah he has no other son or daughter. Now you are her next of kin; she belongs to you before anyone else and you may claim her father’s inheritance. She is a thoughtful, courageous and very lovely girl, and her father loves her dearly.
6:13 You have the right to marry her. Listen, brother; this very evening I will speak about the girl to her father and arrange for her to be betrothed to you, and when we come back from Rhages we can celebrate the marriage. I assure you, Raguel has no right whatever to refuse you or to betroth her to anyone else. That would be asking for death, as prescribed in the Book of Moses, once he was aware that kinship gives you the pre-eminent right to marry his daughter. So listen, brother. This very evening we will speak about the girl and ask for her hand in marriage. When we come back from Rhages we will fetch her and take her home with us.’
6:14 Tobias answered Raphael, ‘Brother Azarias, I have been told that she has already been given in marriage seven times and that each time her bridegroom has died in the bridal room. He died the same night as he entered her room; and I have heard people say it was a demon that killed them,
6:15 and this makes me a little afraid. He does no harm to her, of course, because he loves her; but as soon as a man tries to approach her, he kills him. I am my father’s only son, and I have no wish to die; I shrink from causing my father and mother a grief that would bring them to the grave; they have no other son to bury them.’
6:16 The angel said, ‘Are you going to forget your father’s advice? After all, he urged you to choose a wife from your father’s family. Listen then, brother. Do not worry about the demon; take her. This very evening, I promise, she will be given you as your wife.
6:17 Then once you are in the bridal room, take the heart and liver of the fish and lay a little of it on the burning incense. The reek will rise,
6:18 the demon will smell it and flee, and there is no danger that he will ever be found near the girl again. Then, before you sleep together, first stand up, both of you, and pray. Ask the Lord of heaven to grant you his grace and protection. Do not be afraid; she was destined for you from the beginning, and it is you who will save her. She will follow you, and I pledge my word she will give you children who will be like brothers to you. Do not hesitate.’ And when Tobias heard Raphael say this, when he understood that Sarah was his sister, a kinswoman of his father’s family, he fell so deeply in love with her that he could no longer call his heart his own.
JB TOBIT Chapter 7
7:1 As they entered Ecbatana, Tobias said, ‘Brother Azarias, take me at once I to our brother Raguel’s’. And he showed him the way to the house ofRaguel, whom they found sitting beside his courtyard door. They greeted him first, and he replied, ‘Welcome and greetings, brothers’. And he took them into his house.
7:2 He said to his wife Edna, ‘How like my brother Tobit this young man is!’
7:3 Edna asked them where they came from; they said, ‘We are sons of Naphtali exiled in Nineveh’.
7:4 ‘Do you know our brother Tobit?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘How is he?’
7:5 ‘He is still alive and he is well.’ And Tobias added, ‘He is my father’.
7:6 Raguel leapt to his feet and kissed him and wept.
7:7 Then finding words, he said, ‘Blessings on you, child! You are the son of a noble father. How sad it is that someone so virtuous and full of good deeds should have gone blind!’ He fell on the neck of his kinsman Tobias and wept.
7:8 And his wife Edna wept for him, and so did his daughter Sarah.
7:9 Raguel killed a sheep from the flock, and they gave them a warmhearted welcome. They washed and bathed and sat down to table. Then Tobias said to Raphael, ‘Brother Azarias, will you ask Raguel to give me my sister Sarah?’
7:10 Raguel overheard the words, and said to the young man, ‘Eat and drink, and make the most of your evening; no one else has the right to take my daughter Sarah – no one but you, my brother. In any case I, for my own part, am not at liberty to give her to anyone else, since you are her next of kin. However, my boy, I must be frank with you:
7:11 I have tried to find a husband for her seven times among our kinsmen, and all of them have died the first evening, on going to her room. But for the present, my boy, eat and drink; the Lord will grant you his grace and peace.’ Tobias spoke out, ‘I will not hear of eating and drinking till you have come to a decision about me’. Raguel answered, ‘Very well. Since, as prescribed by the Book of Moses, she is given to you, heaven itself decrees she shall be yours. I therefore entrust your sister to you. From now you are her brother and she is your sister. She is given to you from today for ever. The Lord of heaven favour you tonight, my child, and grant you his grace and peace.’
7:12 Raguel called for his daughter Sarah, took her by the hand and gave her to Tobias with these words, ‘I entrust her to you; the law and the ruling recorded in the Book of Moses assign her to you as your wife. Take her; take her home to your father’s house with a good conscience. The God of heaven grant you a good journey in peace.’
7:13 Then he turned to her mother and asked her to fetch him writing paper. He drew up the marriage contract, how he gave his daughter as bride to Tobias according to the ordinance in the Law of Moses.
7:14 After this they began to eat and drink.
7:15 Raguel called his wife Edna and said, ‘My sister, prepare the second room and take her there’.
7:16 She went and made the bed in this room as he had ordered, and took her daughter to it. She wept over her, then wiped away her tears and said, ‘Courage, daughter! May the Lord of heaven turn your grief to joy! Courage, daughter!’ And she went out.
JB TOBIT Chapter 8
8:1 When they had finished eating and drinking and it seemed time to go to bed, the young man was taken from the dining room to the bedroom.
8:2 Tobias remembered Raphael’s advice; he went to his bag, took the fish’s heart and liver out of it and put some on the burning incense.
8:3 The reek of the fish distressed the demon, who fled through the air to Egypt. Raphael pursued him there, and bound and shackled him at once.
8:4 The parents meanwhile had gone out and shut the door behind them. Tobias rose from the bed, and said to Sarah, ‘Get up, my sister! You and I must pray and petition our Lord to win his grace and his protection.’
8:5 She stood up, and they began praying for protection, and this was how he began: ‘You are blessed, O God of our fathers; blessed, too, is your name for ever and ever. Let the heavens bless you and all things you have made for evermore.
8:6 It was you who created Adam, you who created Eve his wife to be his help and support; and from these two the human race was born. It was you who said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; let us make him a helpmate like himself”.
8:7 And so I do not take my sister for any lustful motive; I do it in singleness of heart. Be kind enough to have pity on her and on me and bring us to old age together.’
8:8 And together they said, ‘Amen, Amen’,
8:9 and lay down for the night. But Raguel rose and called his servants, who came and helped him to dig a grave.
8:10 He had thought, ‘Heaven grant he does not die! We should be overwhelmed with ridicule and shame.’
8:11 When the grave was finished, Raguel went back to the house, called his wife
8:12 and said, ‘Will you send a maid to the room to see if Tobias is still alive? For if he is dead, we may be able to bury him without anyone else knowing.’
8:13 The maid was called, the lamp lit and the door opened; the maid went in. She found the two fast asleep;
8:14 she came out again and whispered, ‘He is not dead; all is well’.
8:15 Then Raguel blessed the God of heaven with these words: ‘You are blessed, my God,
with every blessing that is pure; may you be blessed for evermore!
8:16 ‘You are blessed for having made me glad. What I feared has not happened; instead You have treated us with mercy beyond all measure.
8:17 ‘You are blessed for taking pity on this only son, this only daughter. Grant them, Master, your grace and your protection; let them live out their lives in happiness and in grace.’
8:18 And he made his servants fill the grave in before dawn broke.
8:19 He told his wife to make plenty of bread; he went to his flock, brought back two oxen and four sheep and gave orders for them to be cooked; and preparations began.
8:20 He called Tobias and said, ‘I will not hear of your leaving here for a fortnight. You are to stay where you are, eating and drinking, with me. You will make my daughter happy again after all her troubles.
8:21 After that, take away a half of all I have, and go without let or hindrance back to your father. When my wife and I are dead you will have the other half. Courage, my boy! I am your father, and Edna is your mother. We are your parents in future, as we are your sister’s. Courage, my son!’
JB TOBIT Chapter 9
9:1 Then Tobias turned to Raphael.
9:2 ‘Brother Azarias,’ he said ‘take four servants and two camels and leave for Rhages.
9:3 Go to Gabael’s house, give him the receipt and see about the money; then invite him to come with you to my wedding feast.
9:4 You know that my father must be counting the days and that I cannot lose a single one without worrying him.
9:5 You see what Raguel has pledged himself to do; I am bound by his oath.’ So Raphael left for Rhages in Media with the four servants and two camels. They stayed with Gabael, and Raphael showed him the receipt. He told him about the marriage of Tobias son of Tobit and gave him his invitation to the wedding feast. Gabael started counting out the sacks to him – the seals were intact – and they loaded them on to the camels.
9:6 Early in the morning they set off together for the feast, and reached Raguel’s house where they found Tobias dining. He rose to greet Gabael, who burst into tears and blessed him with the words, ‘Excellent son of a father beyond reproach, just and generous in his dealings! The Lord giveheaven’s blessing to you, to your wife, to the father and mother of your wife! Blessed be God for granting me the sight of this living image of my cousin Tobit!’
JB TOBIT Chapter 10
10:1 Every day, meanwhile, Tobit kept reckoning the days required for the journey there and the journey back. The full number went by, and still his son had not come.
10:2 Then he thought, ‘I hope he has not been delayed there! I hope Gabael is not dead! Perhaps no one was there to give him the money.’
10:3 And he began to worry.
10:4 His wife Anna kept saying, ‘My son is dead! He is no longer among the living!’ And she began to weep and mourn over her son. She kept saying,
10:5 ‘Alas! I let you leave me, my child, you, the light of my eyes.’
10:6 And Tobit would reply, ‘Hush, my sister! Do not think such thoughts. All is well with him. Something has happened there to delay them. His companion is someone we can trust, one of our kinsmen at that. Do not lose heart, my sister. He will be here soon.’
10:7 But she only said, ‘Leave me alone; do not try to deceive me. My child is dead.’ And every day she would go abruptly out to watch the road by which her son had left. She trusted no eyes but her own. Once the sun had set she would come home again, only to weep and moan all night, unable to sleep. After the fourteen days of feasting that Raguel had sworn to keep for his daughter’s marriage, Tobias came to him and said, ‘Let me go now; my father and mother must have lost all hope of seeing me again. So I beg you, father, to let me return to my father’s house; I have told you the plight he was in when I left him.’
10:8 Raguel said to Tobias, ‘Stay, my son, stay with me. I will send messengers to your father Tobit to give him news of you.’
10:9 But Tobias pressed him, ‘No. I ask your permission to go back to my father’s house.’
10:10 Without more ado, Raguel committed Sarah his bride into his keeping. He gave Tobias half his wealth, menservants and maidservants, oxen and sheep, donkeys and camels, clothes and money and household things.
10:11 And so he let them leave happily. To Tobias he said these parting words, ‘Good health, my son, and a happy journey! May the Lord of heaven be gracious to you and to your wife Sarah! I hope to see your children before I die.’
10:12 To his daughter Sarah he said, ‘Go now to your father-in-law’s house, since henceforward they are as much your parents as those who gave you life. Go in peace, my daughter, I hope to hear nothing but good of you, as long as I live.’ He said goodbye to them and let them go. Edna in her turn said to Tobias, ‘Dear son and brother, may it please the Lord to bring you back again! I hope to live long enough to see the children of you and my daughter Sarah before I die. In the sight of the Lord I give my daughter into your keeping. Never make her unhappy as long as you live. Go in peace, my son. Henceforward I am your mother and Sarah is your sister. May we all live happily all the days of our lives!’ And she kissed them both and saw them set out happily.
10:13 Tobias left Raguel’s house with his mind at ease. In his gladness he blessed the Lord of heaven and earth, the King of all that is, for the happy issue of his travels. He gave this blessing to Raguel and his wife Edna, ‘May it be my happiness to honour you all the days of my life!’
JB TOBIT Chapter 11
11:1 They were nearly at Kaserin, opposite Nineveh,
11:2 when Raphael said, ‘You know the plight in which we left your father;
11:3 let us go on ahead of your wife and prepare the house ourselves while she travels behind with the others’.
11:4 They went on together (Raphael had warned Tobias to take the gall with him) and the dog followed them.
11:5 Anna was sitting, watching the road by which her son would come.
11:6 She was sure at once it must be he and said to the father, ‘Here comes your son, with his companion’.
11:7 Raphael said to Tobias before he reached his father, ‘I give you my word that your father’s eyes will open.
11:8 You must put the fish’s gall to his eyes; the medicine will smart and will draw a filmy white skin off his eyes. And your father will be able to see and look on the light.’
11:9 The mother ran forward and threw her arms round her son’s neck. ‘Now I can die,’ she said ‘I have seen you again.’ And she wept.
11:10 Tobit rose to his feet and stumbled across the courtyard through the door. Tobias came on towards him
11:11 (he had the fish’s gall in his hand). He blew into his eyes and said, steadying him, ‘Take courage, father!’ With this he applied the medicine, left it there a while,
11:12 then with both hands peeled away a filmy skin from the corners of his eyes.
11:13 Then his father fell on his neck
11:14 and wept. He exclaimed, ‘I can see, my son, the light of my eyes!’ And he said: ‘Blessed be God! Blessed be his great name! Blessed be all his holy angels! Blessed be his great flame for evermore!
11:15 For he had scourged me and now has had pity on me and I see my son Tobias.’ Tobias went into the house, and with a loud voice joyfully blessed God. Then he told his father everything: how his journey had been successful and he had brought the silver back; how he had married Sarah, the daughter of Raguel; how she was following him now, close behind, and could not be far from the gates of Nineveh.
11:16 Tobit set off to the gates of Nineveh to meet his daughter-in-law, giving joyful praise to God as he went. When the people of Nineveh saw him walking without a guide and stepping forward as briskly as of old, they were astonished.
11:17 Tobit described to them how God had taken pity on him and had opened his eyes. Then Tobit met Sarah, the bride of his son Tobias, and blessed her in these words, ‘Welcome, daughter! Blessed be your God for sending you to us, my daughter. Blessings on your father, blessings on my son Tobias, blessings on yourself, my daughter. Welcome now to your own house in joyfulness and in blessedness. Come in, my daughter.’ He held a feast that day for all the Jews of Nineveh,
11:18 and his cousins Ahikar and Nadab came to share in Tobit’s happiness.
JB TOBIT Chapter 12
12:1 When the feasting was over, Tobit called his son Tobias and said, ‘My son, you ought to think about paying the amount due to your fellowtraveller; give him more than the figure agreed on’.
12:2 ‘Father,’ he replied ‘how much am I to give him for his help? Even if I give him half the goods he brought back with me, I shall not be the loser.
12:3 He has brought me back to you safe and sound, he has cured my wife, he has brought the money back too, and now he has cured you as well. How much am I to give him for all this?’
12:4 Tobit said, ‘He has richly earned half of what he brought back’.
12:5 So Tobias called his companion and said, ‘Take half of what you brought back, in payment for all you have done, and go in peace’.
12:6 Then Raphael took them both aside and said, ‘Bless God, utter his praise before all the living for all the favours he has given you. Bless and extol his name. Proclaim before all men the deeds of God as they deserve, and never tire of giving him thanks.
12:7 It is right to keep the secret of a king, yet right to reveal and publish the works of God. Thank him worthily. Do what is good, and no evil can befall you.
12:8 ‘Prayer with fasting and alms with right conduct are better than riches with iniquity. Better to practise almsgiving than to hoard up gold.
12:9 Almsgiving saves from death and purges every kind of sin. Those who give alms have their fill of days;
12:10 those who commit sin and do evil, bring harm on themselves.
12:11 I am going to tell you the whole truth, hiding nothing from you. I have already told you that it is right to keep the secret of a king, yet right too to reveal in worthy fashion the works of God.
12:12 So you must know that when you and Sarah were at prayer, it was I who offered your supplications before the glory of the Lord and who read them; so too when you were burying the dead.
12:13 When you did not hesitate to get up and leave the table to go and bury a dead man, I was sent to test your faith,
12:14 and at the same time God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah.
12:15 I am Raphael, one of the seven[*a] angels who stand ever ready to enter the presence of the glory of the Lord.’
12:16 They were both overwhelmed with awe; they fell on their faces in terror.
12:17 But the angel said, ‘Do not be afraid; peace be with you. Bless God for ever.
12:18 As far as I was concerned, when I was with you, my presence was not by any decision of mine, but by the will of God; it is he whom you must bless throughout your days, he that you must praise.
12:19 You thought you saw me eating, but that was appearance and no more.
12:20 Now bless the Lord on earth and give thanks to God. I am about to return to him above who sent me. Write down all that has happened.’ And he rose in the air.
12:21 When they stood up again, he was no longer visible. They praised God with hymns; they thanked him for having performed such wonders; had not an angel of God appeared to them?
JB TOBIT Chapter 13
13:1 And he said: ‘Blessed be God who lives for ever, for his reign endures throughout all ages!
13:2 By turns he punishes and pardons; he sends men down to the depths of the underworld and draws them up from supreme Destruction; no one can escape his hand.
13:3 Declare his praise before the nations, you who are the sons of Israel! For if he has scattered you among them,
13:4 there too he has shown you his greatness. Extol him before all the living; he is our Master and he is our God and he is our Father and he is God for ever and ever.
13:5 ‘Though he punishes you for your iniquities, he will take pity on you all; he will gather you from every nation wherever you have been scattered.
13:6 If you return to him with all your heart and all your soul, behaving honestly towards him, then he will return to you and hide his face from you no longer. Consider how well he has treated you; loudly give him thanks. Bless the Lord of justice and extol the King of the ages. I for my part sing his praise in the country of my exile; I make his power and greatness known to a nation that has sinned. Sinners, return to him; let your conduct be upright before him; perhaps he will be gracious to you and take pity on you.
13:7 I for my part extol God and my soul rejoices in the King of heaven. Let his greatness
13:8 be in all men’s mouths, his praises be sung in Jerusalem.
13:9 ‘Jerusalem, Holy City, God scourged you for your handiwork yet still will take pity on the sons of the upright.
13:10 Thank the Lord as he deserves and bless the King of the ages, that your Temple may be rebuilt with joy within you and within you he may comfort every exile, and within you he may love all those who are distressed, for all generations to come.
13:11 ‘A bright light shall shine over all the regions of the earth; many nations shall come from far away, from all the ends of the earth, to dwell close to the holy name of the Lord God, with gifts in their hands for the King of heaven. Within you, generation after generation shall proclaim their joy, and the name of her who is Elect shall endure through the generations to come.
13:12 Cursed be any who affront you, cursed be any who destroy you, who throw down your walls, who raze your towers, who burn your houses! Blessed for ever be all who build you!
13:13 Then you will exult, and rejoice over the sons of the upright, for they will all have been gathered in and will bless the Lord of the ages.
13:14 ‘Happy are those who love you, happy those who rejoice over your peace, happy those who have mourned over all your punishment! For they will soon rejoice within you, witnessing all your blessedness in days to come.
13:15 My soul blesses the Lord, the great King,
13:16 because Jerusalem shall be built anew and his house for ever and ever. ‘What bliss if one of my blood is left to see your glory and praise the King of heaven! The gates of Jerusalem shall be built of sapphire and of emerald, and all your walls of precious stone; the towers of Jerusalem shall be built of gold and their battlements of pure gold.
13:17 The streets of Jerusalem shall be paved with ruby and with stones from Ophir; the gates of Jerusalem will resound with songs of exultation; and all her houses will say, “Alleluia! Blessed be the God of Israel.” Within you they will bless the holy name for ever and for ever.’
JB TOBIT Chapter 14
14:1 The end of the hymns’ of Tobit.
Tobit died in peace when he was a hundred and twelve years old and received an honourable burial in Nineveh.
14:2 He was sixty-two when he went blind; and after his cure he lived from then on in comfort, practising almsgiving and continually praising God and extolling his greatness.
14:3 When he was at the point of death he summoned his son Tobias and gave him these instructions, ‘My son, take your children
14:4 and hurry away to Media, since I believe the word of God pronounced over Nineveh by Nahum. Everything will come true, everythinghappen that the emissaries of God, the prophets of Israel, have predicted against Assyria and Nineveh; not one of their words shall prove empty. It will all take place in due time. You will be safer in Media than in Assyria or in Babylonia. Since I for my part know and believe that everything God has said will come true; so it will be, and not a word of the prophecies shall fail. A census will be taken of our brothers living in the land of Israel and they will be exiled far from their own fair country. The entire territory of Israel will become a desert, and Samaria and Jerusalem will become a desert, and the house of God, for a time, will be laid waste and burnt.
14:5 Then once again God will take pity on them and bring them back to the land of Israel. They will rebuild his house, although it will be less beautiful than the first, until the time has fully come. But after this, all will return from captivity and rebuild Jerusalem in all her glory, and the house of God will be rebuilt within her as the prophets of Israel have foretold.
14:6 And all the people of the whole earth will be converted and will fear God with all sincerity. All will renounce their false gods who have led them astray into error,
14:7 and will bless the God of the ages by upright conduct. All the Israelites spared in those days will remember God in sincerity of heart. They will come and gather in Jerusalem and thereafter dwell securely in the land of Abraham, which shall be their own. And those who sincerely love God shall rejoice. And those who commit sin and wickedness shall vanish from the earth.
14:8 ‘And now, my children, I lay this duty on you: serve God sincerely, and do what is pleasing to him. And lay on your children the obligation to behave uprightly, to give alms, to keep God in mind and to bless his name always, sincerely and with all their might.
14:9 ‘So then, my son, leave Nineveh; do not stay here.
14:10 As soon as you have buried your mother next to me, go the same day, whenever it may be, and do not linger in this country where I see wickedness and perfidy unashamedly triumphant. Consider, my child, all that Nadab did to his fosterfather Ahikar. Was he not forced to go underground, though still a living man? But God made the criminal pay for his outrage before the eyes of his victim, since Ahikar came back to the light of day, while Nadab went down to everlasting darkness in punishment for plotting against Ahikar’s life. Because of his good worksAhikar escaped the deadly snare Nadab had laid for him, and Nadab fell into it to his own ruin.
14:11 So, my children, you see what comes of almsgiving, and what wickedness leads to, I mean to death. But now breath fails me.’ They laid him back on his bed;. he died and was buried with honour.
14:12 When his mother died, Tobias buried her beside his father. Then he left for Media with his wife and children. He lived in Ecbatana withRaguel, his father-in-law.
14:13 He treated the aging parents of his wife with every care and respect, and later buried them in Ecbatana in Media. Tobias inherited the patrimony of Raguel besides that of his father Tobit.
14:14 Much honoured, he lived to the age of a hundred and seventeen years.
14:15 Before the died he witnessed the ruin of Nineveh. He saw the Ninevites taken prisoner and deported to Media by Cyaxares king of Media. He blessed God for everything he inflicted on the Ninevites and Assyrians. Before his death he had the opportunity of rejoicing over the fate of Nineveh, and he blessed the Lord God for ever and ever. Amen.
END OF JB TOBIT [14 Chapters].