卷一(1-41) 卷二(42-72) 卷三(73-89) 卷四(90-106) 卷五(107-150)
1:1 凡不随从恶人的计谋,不插足于罪人的道路,不参与讥讽者的席位,
1:2 而专心爱好上主法律的,和昼夜默思上主诫命的,象这样的人才是有福的!
1:3 他象植在溪畔的树,准时结果,枝叶不枯,所作所为,随心所欲。
1:4 恶人却不如此,绝不如此!他们象被风吹散的糠秕。
1:5 在审判的时日,恶人站立不住;在义人的会中,罪人不能立足:
1:6 因上主赏识义人的行径,恶人的行径必自趋沉沦。
2:1 万邦为什么嚣张,众民为什么妄想?
2:2 世上列王群集一堂,诸侯毕至聚首相商,反抗上主,反抗他的受傅者:
2:3 「来!我们挣断他们的捆绑,我们摆脱他们的绳缰!」
2:4 坐于天上者在冷笑,我主对他们在热嘲。
2:5 在震怒中对他们发言,在气焰中对他们喝道:
2:6 「我已祝圣我的君王,在熙雍我的圣山上。」
2:7 我要传报上主的圣旨:上主对我说:「你是我的儿子,我今日生了你。」
2:8 你向我请求,我必将万民赐你作产业,我必将八极赐你作领地。
2:9 你必以铁杖将他们粉碎,就如打破陶匠的瓦器。」
2:10 众王!你们现在应当自觉,大地掌权者!你们应受教:
2:11 应以敬畏之情事奉上主,战战兢兢向他跪拜叩首;
2:12 以免他发怒将你们灭于中途,因为他的怒火发作非常快速。凡一切投奔他的人真是有福。
3:1 达味诗歌,作于逃避其子阿贝沙隆时。
3:2 上主,迫害我的人,不可胜数!攻击我的人,成群结队!
3:3 很多人论及我说:「天主绝不拯救他!」
3:4 但是你,上主,是围护我的盾牌,是我的荣耀,常使我首昂头抬。
3:5 我一向上主大声呼号,他便从圣山上俯听我。
3:6 我躺下安睡,我又醒了,因为上主常扶持着我。
3:7 虽有千万人向我围攻,我一丝一毫也不惊恐。
3:8 上主,请你兴起奋发;我的天主,求你救拔,因为你击破了我仇敌的腮颊,你打破了众恶人的门牙。
3:9 救援之恩完全属于上主;愿你的百姓受你的降福!
4:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官,和以弦乐。
4:2 我公义的天主!我一呼求你,你就应允了我,我在困苦中,你曾舒畅了我。求你怜悯我,求你俯听我祷。
4:3 显贵的人们,你们的心要硬到几时?你们爱慕虚幻,追求虚伪究竟何为?
4:4 你们当知:上主特爱对他虔敬的人,当我呼求上主的时候,他一定俯允。
4:5 你们应战栗,不可一再作恶,在床上检讨,且要扪心思过。
4:6 奉上正义的祭献,对上主全心依盼。
4:7 有许多人说:「谁能使我们幸福亨通?」上主,望你向我们显你光辉的仪容。
4:8 你赐给我心中的欢跃,远胜过麦和酒的丰饶。
4:9 在平安中我一躺下即刻入睡,上主,唯有你能使我安居顺遂。
5:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官,和以管乐。
5:2 上主,求你倾听我的语言,上主,求你细听我的悲叹!
5:3 我的君王,我的天主,请听我祈祷的声音!上主,我在向你哀恳,
5:4 你一早便俯听了我的呼声;我清晨向你倾诉我的祷文,满怀希望地静候你的应允。
5:5 你绝不是喜爱罪恶的天主,恶人决不能在你面前存留,
5:6 傲慢人也不能在你前站立。对作恶的人你也深恶厌弃,
5:7 说谎不实的人,你全予以消除;奸诈好杀的人,上主一律厌恶。
5:8 我得进入你的殿宇,专赖你丰厚的慈爱,满怀敬畏你的心,向你的圣所肃然跪拜。
5:9 上主,为了我的仇人敌人,求你常以正义导我遵循,在我面前铺平你的路程。
5:10 因为他们的口中毫无真诚,他们的内心全是虚伪满盈;他们的咽喉是敞开的坟茔,他们的舌头只顾美语逄迎。
5:11 天主,愿你惩罚他们,使他们的诡计落空!为了他们的罪过,请驱逐他们,因为他们直接对你叛逆不忠。
5:12 但愿投奔你的人,兴高彩烈,永远欢愉;愿爱慕你名的人,欢乐于你,蒙你护佑!
5:13 上主,你原来只向义人祝福。你的仁爱如盾牌把他掩护。
6:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官,和以弦乐,八度低音。
6:2 上主,求你不要在震怒中责罚我,不要在气愤中惩戒我。
6:3 上主,我的体力衰弱,求你怜恤我;上主,我的骨骸战栗,求你医治我;
6:4 我的灵魂万分痛苦,上主,何时才能结束?
6:5 上主,请你回来援助我,因了你的慈爱解救我。
6:6 因为,在死亡中,没有人想念你;在阴府里,还有谁称颂你?
6:7 我已哭泣疲惫,每天夜里,常以眼泪浸湿我的床铺,常以鼻涕流透我的被褥。
6:8 我的眼睛因忧伤而昏盲,为了仇敌众多甚感惆怅。
6:9 作奸犯科的人快快远离我,因为上主听见了我的悲号;
6:10 上主俯允了我的哀告,上主悦纳了我的祈祷。
6:11 我的仇敌必要受辱惊慌,转瞬之间必会含羞逃亡。
7:1 达味有感于本雅明族人雇士的话,向上主唱的流离之歌。
7:2 上主,我的天主!我一心投奔你;求你助我逃脱一切追逐我的人,求你救拔我;
7:3 免得有人象狮子一般撕裂我时,无人搭救我。
7:4 上主!如果我真作了这事,我主!在我手中就真有罪!
7:5 我若真加害过我的友好,或无故把我的仇敌劫掠;
7:6 就让敌人追逐我,擒获我,把我的性命践踏在污地,将我的光荣归诸于泥灰。
7:7 上主,求你震怒奋起,前来克制我仇的暴慢。我的天主,求你醒起助我,施行你定的断案。
7:8 愿万民聚齐环绕着你。愿你回驾由高处鉴视。
7:9 上主,万民的审判者!上主,请照我的正义,请按我的无罪,护卫我的权利。
7:10 公义的天主!惟你洞察肺腑和人心,愿恶人的毒害停止,求你坚固义人!
7:11 天主是我的护盾,给心正的人助阵。
7:12 天主是公义的审判者,对怙恶的人终日怒吓。
7:13 仇人虽然磨刀擦剑,开弓拉弦准备射箭;
7:14 那只是为自己预备死亡的武器,为自己制造带火的箭矢。
7:15 试看,他既孕恶怀毒,自然就要产生虚无,
7:16 他挖掘坑穴,摆布陷阱,势必落在自备的窖中。
7:17 他的凶恶必反转到自己头上,他的横暴必降落在自己顶上。
7:18 我要称谢上主的公道,歌颂至高上主的名号。
8:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。调寄「加特」。
8:2 上主,我们的主!你的名号在普世何其美妙!你的尊荣在天上彰显光耀。
8:3 由赤子乳儿的口中,你取得完美的赞颂;为使恨你的人受辱,为使仇敌有口无用。
8:4 当我仰望你手指创造的穹苍,和你在天上布置的星辰月亮,
8:5 世人算什么,你竟对他怀念不忘?人子算什么,你竟对他眷顾周详?
8:6 竟使他稍微逊于天神,以尊贵光荣作他冠冕,
8:7 令他统治你手的造化,将一切放在他的脚下:
8:8 所有的羊和牛,与野外的走兽,
8:9 天空的飞鸟和海里的鱼类,及种种游泳于海道的水族。
8:10 上主,我们的主!你的名号在普世何其美妙!
9:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。调寄「木特拉本」。
9:2 上主,我全心赞颂你,宣扬你的一切奇伟;
9:3 我要因你而欢欣踊跃,歌颂你至高者的名号。
9:4 因为我的仇敌已退藏,在你面前已颠仆灭亡。
9:5 你登上宝座,秉公行义,为我审断了是非曲直。
9:6 你摧毁了异民,歼灭了恶徒,你把他们的名字,永远消除。
9:7 敌人现已覆灭,永远沉沦,你荡平的城邑,全不留名。
9:8 上主却为王于永远,安置宝座秉公审判。
9:9 将以公义审讯世人,将以正直判决万民。
9:10 上主将是受迫害者的碉堡,作他困厄中及时的避难所。
9:11 凡认识你名号的人,必仰望你,上主,寻觅你的人,你必不摈弃。
9:12 你们该歌颂上主,他住在熙雍,在万民中宣扬他的一切化工:
9:13 上主追讨血债,常怀念悲苦的人民,上主绝不会忘掉他们惨痛的呼声。
9:14 上主,求你怜悯我,垂视我仇加于我的苦辱,拯救我脱离死亡的门户,
9:15 好使我在熙雍女子门口,宣扬你的美誉,欣享你的助佑。
9:16 异民都落于自己挖掘的深坑,他们的脚都掉入自设的陷阱。
9:17 上主自显于世,行了审判,恶人被自设的罗网所陷。
9:18 愿一般忘却天主的异族,愿一般恶人都归于阴府!
9:19 困苦的人绝不会被遗忘,穷人的依靠永不会丧亡。
9:20 上主,起来,莫让世人获胜,愿异民尽都在你前受审!
9:21 上主,恳请你恐吓异民,使他们自知不过是人。
10:1 上主,你为什么站在远处!在困苦之时竟隐藏不露?
10:2 恶人蛮横地难为弱小的人,叫他陷于预设的阴谋之中。
10:3 恶人因随心所欲而自庆,匪徒因轻慢上主而自幸;
10:4 恶人心高气傲说:「他绝不会追究!也绝没有天主!」这就是他的企图。
10:5 他的道路时时弯曲错谬;常把你的惩罚抛诸脑后,对一切私仇常怒气诅咒。
10:6 心下自语:「我永远不会动摇!我永永远远不会遭受灾祸!」
10:7 他满口是欺诈与辱骂,舌下尽是恶毒与谎话。
10:8 他在村边隐密处埋伏,他暗地里要杀害无辜,他对不幸者窥伺注目,
10:9 他在暗处伺伏,有如狮子蹲在洞口,要把贫困的人,伺机刮搜,将贫困者拖入网中劫走。
10:10 他俯下身子,蹲伏在地下,不幸者便陷入他的爪牙;
10:11 心下自语:「天主忘了,他掩了面,永不再看。」
10:12 上主天主,求你起来将手举起,不要把穷苦人忘记。
10:13 为什么让恶人轻慢天主,心下自语,「他绝不会追究?」
10:14 其实你已看见欺压与暴行,正考虑如何亲手加以严惩;因此不幸的人向你投奔,唯有你是孤儿们的救星。
10:15 愿你打断罪犯与恶人的臂膊,报复他的罪孽直至不再发作。
10:16 上主为王,直至于万世无疆;野蛮人必由他领域中丧亡。
10:17 上主,你垂允了谦卑者的心愿,坚固他们的心灵,也侧耳俯听。
10:18 护卫孤儿和受压迫者的特权,使尘世的人不再施恐怖手段。
11:1 达味作,交与乐官。上主是我的避难所,你们怎么能对我说:「象只小鸟,飞往深山!
11:2 看,恶人挽弓搭箭,向心诚的人暗算。
11:3 基础既已全部崩溃,义人还能有何作为?」
11:4 上主住在自己的圣殿,上主的宝座设主于天;他的眼睛垂视下地,他的目光细察人子,
11:5 上主审察着义人与恶人;全心痛恨那爱蛮横的人,
11:6 上主使火碳硫磺降于恶人之身,干燥的热风将是他们杯中之分。
11:7 上主是正义的,他酷爱公正,心诚的人必得见他的仪容。
12:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官,八度低音。
12:2 上主,求你拯救,因为热心者已缺少,忠诚的人在人间也已绝迹不见了。
12:3 人们彼此言谈虚伪,嘴唇圆滑,口是心非。
12:4 愿上主将一切欺诈的口唇除去,把大言不惭的舌头剪除!
12:5 他们扬言说:「我们以口舌取胜;有口有唇护卫我们,谁能作我们的主人?」
12:6 「为了贫苦者的委屈,为了穷困者的叹息,我要立刻站起──上主说:将渴望救援的人救起。」
12:7 上主的圣言是真诚的圣言,如同纯银经过七次的锻练。
12:8 上主,恳求你护佑我们,由这一代常拯救我们。
12:9 恶人在四周往来追踪,实如令人生厌的毒虫。
13:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
13:2 上主,你把我全然遗忘,要到何时?上主,你掩面而不顾我,要到何时?
13:3 我的心情终日愁怅,要到何时?我的仇敌高居我上,要到何时?
13:4 上主,我的天主!求你垂顾回答我;赐我眼目明亮,别让我沉睡而亡。
13:5 免得我的仇人说:「我已打了胜仗!」免得我跌倒之时,敌人欢欣若狂。
13:6 我今信赖你的爱怜;我心欢愉你的救援;我要向我恩主歌赞。
14:1 达味作,交与乐官。愚妄的人心中说:「没有天主;」他们都丧尽天良,恣意作恶;行善的人实在找不到一个!
14:2 上主由高天俯视世人之子,察看有无寻觅天主的智者。
14:3 人人都离弃了正道,趋向邪恶:没有一人行善,实在没有一个。
14:4 那些作奸犯科的人,吞我民如食馒头;总不呼号上主的人,岂不是愚蠢糊涂?
15:5 他们必然要惊慌失措,因上主喜爱义人家族。
16:6 你们尽可鄙视贫苦者的主张,但上主却要自作他们的保障。
17:7 唯愿以色列人的救援来自圣熙雍!一旦上主将自己民族的命运变更,雅各伯必将喜庆,以色列必将欢腾。
15:1 达味诗歌。上主,谁能在你的帐幕里居住?上主,谁能在你的圣山上安处?
15:2 只有那行为正直,作事公平,从自己心里说诚实话的人,
15:3 他不信口非议,危害兄弟,更不会对邻里,恃势诋欺;
15:4 对作恶犯罪的人睥睨,对敬畏天主的人重视;宣誓虽损己,亦不作废,
15:5 从不放债,贪取重利,从不受贿,伤害无罪;这样行事,永定不移。
16:1 达味金诗。天主,求你保佑我,因为我只投靠你。
16:2 我对天主说:「唯有你是我的上主,唯有你是我的幸福。」
16:3 对地上所有的圣族,我心是如何地倾慕!
16:4 归依其他神祗的人们,他们的苦楚必然累增;我决不向他们行奠血之祭,他们的名号,我口决不提起。
16:5 上主,你是我的产业,是我的杯爵,我要得你的基业,有你为我守着。
16:6 绳尺正给我落在优雅的地域,我的产业实在令我称意满心。
16:7 我要赞颂引导我的上主,我心连夜间也向我督促。
16:8 我常将上主置于我的眼前,我决不动摇,因他在我右边。
16:9 因此我心高兴,我灵喜欢,连我的肉躯也无忧安眠。
16:10 因为你绝不会将我遗弃在阴府,你也绝不让你的圣者见到腐朽,
16:11 请你将生命的道路指示给我,唯有在你面前有圆满的喜悦,永远在你右边也是我的福乐。
17:1 达味祷词。上主,请静听我的伸诉,俯听我的呼号,请倾听我出自绝无虚伪唇舌的祈祷。
17:2 愿我的案件在你面前判决,愿你的眼睛细察何为清白!
17:3 任你考验我的心灵,夜间来视察我,以火锻练我,你总找不到我的邪恶:因我的口总未象人一样犯了罪过。
17:4 我依照你的训令,遵行法律的正道。
17:5 我的双脚紧随了你的脚印,我的脚步决不致蹒跚不定。
17:6 天主,我向你呼号,请你回答我,求你侧耳听我,俯听我的祈祷。
17:7 请你彰现你奇妙的慈爱,将投奔到你身右边的人,从敌人的危害中救出来。
17:8 求你护卫我有如眼中的瞳仁,在你双翼的庇护下叫我藏身,
17:9 使我脱离谋害我的暴民,及那企图消灭我的仇人。
17:10 他们关闭了铁石的心肠,口中语言尽是夸大狂妄,
17:11 他们的脚步现已把我紧逼,瞪着眼务要将我推倒在地。
17:12 他们好似急于掠食的猛狮,他们又如伏在暗处的壮狮。
17:13 上主,起来迎击制服我的仇敌,上主挥动利剑救我脱离恶徒。
17:14 上主,求你亲手将他们治死,杀死他们,使他们离开此世,灭绝他们,使他们不再呼吸。求你使义人享用你的财富,使他们的子女也心满意足,再把剩余的给自己的子女。
17:15 愿我因我的正义能享见你的圣面,愿我醒来能尽情欣赏你的慈颜。
18:1 交与乐官,上主的仆人达味作,达味在上主救他脱离一切仇敌,尤其撒乌耳的毒手时,向上主唱了这篇诗歌,
18:2 说:上主,我的力量!我爱慕你。
18:3 上主,你是我的磐石、我的保障,我的避难所;你是我的天主,我所一心依靠的磐石;你是我的护盾,我救恩的角,我的堡垒。
18:4 我一呼求应受颂扬的上主,我便会从仇敌的手中得救。
18:5 死亡的狂涛环围着我,凶恶的险波惊吓着我,
18:6 阴府的绳缰缠绕着我,丧命的罗网拘绊着我。
18:7 我在急难难当中呼求了上主,向我的天主求助;他由殿中听我祷告,我的声音进入他的耳鼓。
18:8 因为上主愤怒填胸,大地立即战栗震惊,山基连根摇撼移动。
18:9 由他的鼻孔涌车楔烟,由他的口中喷出烈炎,由他的身上射出火炭。
18:10 他使诸天低垂,亲自降临,在他的脚下面密布浓云。
18:11 他乘坐革鲁宾飞扬;借着风的翼羽翱翔。
18:12 他四周以黑暗作帷帐,以含雨的浓云为屏障。
18:13 闪电在他前辉煌,红炭发出了火光。
18:14 上主由高天发出雷鸣,至高者吼出他的呼声。
18:15 他射出羽箭,将人驱散;他发出闪电,使人逃窜。
18:16 上主的呵斥一呼,鼻孔的怒气一出,沧海的海底出现,大地的地基露绽。
18:17 他由高处伸手将我拉住,他由洪水之中将我提出;
18:18 救我脱离了我的敌手,摆脱了强于我的仇敌。
18:19 他们在我困厄之日袭击我,然而上主却作了我的城堡;
18:20 他引领我步入广阔的平原,他因喜爱我,而给了我救援。
18:21 上主照我的正义酬答了我,按我双手的清白赏报了我;
18:22 因我遵行了上主的道路,没有作恶背弃我的天主。
18:23 他的一切法令常在我的眼前,他的任何诫命我总没有弃捐;
18:24 我在他前常保持成全,我自知防范各种罪愆。
18:25 因此,上主我在他眼前的正道,并照我双手的清白给了我赏报。
18:26 仁慈的人,你待他仁慈;正直的人,你待他正直;
18:27 纯洁的人,你待他纯洁;乖戾的人,你待他乖戾。
18:28 卑微的人,你必要救起;傲慢的人,你必要轻视。
18:29 上主,是你使我的灯笼放光,我主,是你把我的黑暗照亮。
18:30 仗着你的助佑,我冲上了战场;靠着我的天主,我跳过了城墙。
18:31 天主的道路是完善的;上主的言语是精练的;凡是投奔他的人,他必作他的后盾。
18:32 除了上主以外,还有谁是天主?我们天主以外,还有谁是磐石?
18:33 是天主使我腰缠英武,使我的道路平坦无阻;
18:34 使我的双脚敏捷与鹿蹄相同,使我能稳立于高山的危峰;
18:35 是他教导我的手上阵进攻,使我伸出臂膊开张了铜弓。
18:36 你把救生的盾赐给了我,你的右手不断扶持了我,使我日渐强大因你爱我。
18:37 你为我的脚步拓展了道路,我的双脚总没有颠簸踌躇。
18:38 我追击我的仇敌,并且把他们捕捉,决不返回,直到将他们除尽灭绝。
18:39 我将他们打得一败涂地,叫他们在我的脚下倒毙。
18:40 你使我腰缠英武奋勇作战,叫敌对我的人都向我就范;
18:41 使我的敌人在我前转背逃窜,使我把一切仇恨我的人驱散。
18:42 他们呐喊,却没有人救援,呼号上主,也得不到矜怜。
18:43 我粉碎他们象风吹的灰尘,我践踏他们似道上的粪土。
18:44 你救我脱离了判乱的人民,又封立了我为列国的元勋,我不认识的民族,也都来给我服务。
18:45 外邦的子民向我谄媚奉承,一听到是我,即刻向我服膺。
18:46 突锝的子民惊惶失色,战战兢兢走出了堡垒。
18:47 上主万岁!愿我的磐石备受赞颂!救我的天主备受尊崇!
18:48 天主,是你为我伸冤复仇,求你使万民都向我屈服;
18:49 是你拯救我脱离了我的仇敌,从凌驾我者的拳下把我提起,救我免于向我施暴人的劫持。
18:50 上主,为此,我要在异民中称谢你,我要对你的圣名赞颂不已:
18:51 因为是你使你的君王大获胜利,对你的受傅者:达味和他的后裔,广施了仁爱慈惠,至于无穷之世。
19:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
19:2 高天陈述天主的光荣,穹苍宣扬他手的化工;
19:3 日与日侃侃而谈,夜与夜知识相传。
19:4 不是语,也不是言,是听不到的语言;
19:5 它们的声音传遍普世,它们的言语达于地极。天主在天为太阳设置了帷帐,
19:6 它活象新郎一样走出了洞房,又象壮士一样欣然就道奔放。
19:7 由天这边出现,往天那边旋转,没有一物可以避免它的热焰。
19:8 上主的法律是完善的,能畅快人灵;上主的约章是忠诚的,能开启愚蒙;
19:9 上主的规诫是正直的,能悦乐心情;上主的命令是光明的,能烛照眼睛;
19:10 上主的训诲是纯洁的,永远常存;上主的判断是真实的,无不公允;
19:11 比黄金,比极纯的黄金更可爱恋;比蜂蜜,比蜂巢的流汁更要甘甜。
19:12 你仆人虽留心这一切,竭尽全力遵守这一切,
19:13 但谁能认出自已的一切过犯?求你赦免我未觉察到的罪愆。
19:14 更求你使你仆人免于自负,求你不要让骄傲把我占有;如此我将成为完人,重大罪恶免污我身。
19:15 上主,我的磐石,我的救主!愿我口中的话,并愿我心中的思虑,常在你前蒙受悦纳!
20:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
20:2 愿上主在忧患之日,俯允你,雅各伯天主的名,保佑你!
20:3 愿他从圣所救护你,愿他由熙雍扶助你!
20:4 愿他追念你的一切祭献,愿他悦纳你的全燔祭献!
20:5 愿他满全你心中的志愿,愿他玉成你的一切筹算!
20:6 我们要因你的胜利而欢舞,奉我们天主的名竖立旗鼓:你的一切请求,愿上主成就!
20:7 我深信上主必赏他的受傅者获胜,以无敌右手救拯,从神圣高天俯听。
20:8 他们或仗恃战车,他们或仗恃战马;我们只以上主,我们天主的名自夸。
20:9 他们必将倒地丧命。我们却将挺身立定。
20:10 上主,求你赐于君王获胜,我们求你时,请俯允我们。
21:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
21:2 上主,君王因你的威能而欣喜,因你的救助狂欢而快乐无比。
21:3 你满全了他心中的渴想,没有拒绝他口中的愿望。
21:4 因为你已赐给了他超卓的福宠,且以纯金的冠冕加在他的头上;
21:5 他虽只向你乞求确保性命,你却赐他万世无疆的永生。
21:6 你协助他获得了伟大的光荣,你加给他无比的荣耀与尊崇;
21:7 你使他成了万世的福源,使他在你面前踊跃喜欢。
21:8 君王既已全心对上主信赖,凭至高者的慈爱不再移改。
21:9 愿你的手将你的一切仇敌搜罗,愿你的右手将憎恨你的人捕捉!
21:10 当你显示你尊容的时候,处置他们有如放在火炉;愿上主以震怒消灭他们,让火焰也尽情吞灭他们!
21:11 愿你从地上灭尽他们的子女,使他们的后裔全绝迹于人世!
21:12 他们虽为陷害你而设计,策划的阴谋却无济于事;
21:13 因为你朝他们张弓搭箭,已使他们吓得转身逃窜。
21:14 上主,请起来,显示你的英勇,让我们歌颂称扬你的威能。
22:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官,调寄「朝鹿」。
22:2 我的天主,我的天主,你为什么舍弃了我?你又为什么远离我的恳求,和我的哀号。
22:3 我的天主,我白天呼号,你不应允;我黑夜哀祷,你仍默静。
22:4 但是你居于圣所,作以色列的荣耀!
22:5 我们的先祖曾经依赖了你,你救起他们,因他们依赖你;
22:6 他们呼号了你,便得到救赎,他们信赖了你,而从未蒙羞。
22:7 至于我,成了微虫,失掉了人形;作人类的耻辱,受百姓的欺凌。
22:8 凡看见我的人都戏笑我,他们都撇着嘴摇着头说:
22:9 「他既信赖上主,上主就应救他;上主既喜爱他,就该拯救他。」
22:10 是你使我由母腹出生,使我在母怀享受安宁。
22:11 我一离开母胎,就已交托于你,尚在母怀时,你己是我的天主。
22:12 因为大难临头,求你不要远离我,求你来近,因为无人肯来扶助我。
22:13 成群的公牛围绕着我,巴商的雄牛包围着我;
22:14 都向我张开自己的嘴,活象怒吼掠食的狮子。
22:15 我好象倾泻的水一般,我全身骨骸都已脱散;我的心好象是蜡,在我内脏中溶化。
22:16 我的上颚枯干得象瓦片,我的舌头贴在咽喉上端;你竟使我于死灰中辗转。
22:17 恶犬成群地围困着我,歹徒成伙地环绕着我;他们穿透了我的手脚,
22:18 我竟能数清我的骨骼;他们却冷眼观望着我,
22:19 他们瓜分了我的衣服,为我的长衣,彼此拈阄。
22:20 上主!请不要远离我,我的勇力,速来助我。
22:21 求你由刀剑下抢救我的灵魂,由恶犬的爪牙拯救我的生命;
22:22 求你从狮子的血口救我脱身,由野牛角下救出我这苦命人。
22:23 我要向我的弟兄,宣扬你的圣名,在盛大的集会中,向你赞美歌颂:
22:24 「你们敬畏上主的人,请赞美上主,雅各伯所有的后裔,请光荣上主,以色列的一切子孙,请敬畏上主!
22:25 因为他没有轻看或蔑视卑贱人的苦痛,也没有向他掩起自己的面孔,他一呼号上主,上主即予俯听。」
22:26 我在盛大的集会中要向他颂赞,我在敬畏他的人前还我的誓愿。
22:27 贫困的人必将食而饱饫,寻求上主的人必赞颂主;愿他们的心灵生存永久!
22:28 整个大地将觉醒而归顺上主,天下万民将在他前屈膝叩首;
22:29 因为唯有上主得享王权,唯有他将万民宰治掌管。
22:30 凡安眠于黄泉的人都应朝拜他,凡返回于灰土的人都要叩拜他。我的灵魂存在生活只是为了他,
22:31 我的后裔将要事奉上主,向未来的世界传述我主,
22:32 向下代人,传扬他的正义说:「这全是上主的所作所为!」
23:1 达味诗歌。上主是我的牧者,我实在一无所缺。
23:2 他使我卧在青绿的草场,又领我走进幽静的水旁,
23:3 还使我的心灵得到舒畅。他为了自己名号的原由,领我踏上了正义的坦途。
23:4 纵使我应走过阴森的幽谷,我不怕凶险,因你与我同在。你的牧杖和短棒,是我的安慰舒畅。
23:5 在我对头面前,你为我摆设了筵席;在我的头上傅油,使我的杯爵满溢。
23:6 在我一生岁月里,幸福与慈爱常随不离:我将住在上主的殿里,直至悠远的时日。
24:1 达味诗歌。大地和其中的万物,属于上主,世界和其间的居民,属于上主。
24:2 是他在海洋上奠定了大地,是他在江河上建立了全世。
24:3 谁能登上上主的圣山?谁能居留在他的圣殿?
24:4 是那手洁心清,不慕虚幻的人,是那不发假誓,不行欺骗的人。
24:5 他必获得上主的降福;和拯救者天主的报酬。
24:6 这样的人是寻求上主的苗裔,追求雅各伯天主仪容的子息。
24:7 城门,请提高你们的门楣,古老的门户,请加高门扉,因为要欢迎光荣的君王。
24:8 谁是这位光荣的君主?就是英勇大能的上主,是那有力作战的天主。
24:9 城门,请提高你们的门楣,古老的门户,请加高门扉,因为要欢迎光荣的君王,
24:10 谁是这位光荣的君主?其实这位光荣的君主,就是万军之军的上主。
25:1 达味作。上主,我向你把我的心举起,
25:2 我的天主,我全心要倚靠你。恳求你不要使我蒙受羞耻,也不要容许我的仇人欢喜。
25:3 凡期望你的人绝不会蒙羞,唯冒昧失信的人才会受辱。
25:4 上主,求你使我认识你的法度,并求你教训我履行你的道路。
25:5 还求你教训我;引我进入真理之路,我终日仰望你,因你是救我的天主。
25:6 上主,求你忆及你的仁慈和恩爱,因为它们由亘古以来就常存在。
25:7 我青春的罪愆和过犯,求你不要追念;上主,求你纪念我,照你的仁慈和良善。
25:8 因为上主仁慈又正直,常领迷途者归回正路,
25:9 引导谦卑者遵守正义,教导善良者走入正途。
25:10 对待持守上主的盟约和诫命的人,上主的一切行径常是慈爱和忠诚。
25:11 上主,为了你圣名的缘故,求你赦免我重大的愆尤。
25:12 不论是谁,只要他敬畏上主,上主必指示他应选的道路,
25:13 他的心灵必要安享幸福,他的后裔必能继承乐土。
25:14 上主亲近敬畏自己的人民,也使他们认识自己的誓盟。
25:15 我的眼睛不断地向上主瞻仰,因为他使我的双脚脱离罗网。
25:16 求你回顾,求你怜悯,因为我是孤苦伶仃。
25:17 求你减轻我心的苦难,救拔我脱离我的忧患;
25:18 垂视我的劳苦和可怜,赦免我犯的一切罪愆。
25:19 请看我的仇敌如何众多,他们都凶狠地痛恨着我。
25:20 求你保护我的生命,向我施救,别叫我因投奔你而蒙受羞辱。
25:21 愿清白和正直护卫我!上主,因我唯有仰望你。
25:22 天主,求你拯救以色列,使他脱离一切的祸灾。
26:1 达味作。上主,求你替我主持正义,因我行动无辜,我曾毫不犹豫地全心依赖了上主。
26:2 上主,你尽管对我试验,对我查考,你尽管对我的五内和心脏探讨;
26:3 原来你的慈爱常摆在我眼前,我常遵照你的真理行走盘桓。
26:4 我决不与虚伪的人同坐,也决不与欺诈的人合作;
26:5 我常痛恨败类的集会,我也决不与恶人同席。
26:6 上主我要洗手表明无罪,我环游在你的祭坛周围,
26:7 为能高声向你称扬赞颂,传述你的一切奇妙化工。
26:8 上主,我喜爱你所住的殿堂,就是你那荣耀寄居的地方。
26:9 求你不要把我的灵魂,和罪人们一起收去;求你不要把我的生命,与流血者一起铲除。
26:10 因为他们的手中尽是罪污,他们的右手满是贿赂;
26:11 我却一向行动无辜,求你救我,求你怜恤。
26:12 我的脚站立于平坦大路,在集会中我要赞颂上主。
27:1 达味作。上主是我的光明,我的救援,我还畏惧何人?上主是我生命稳固的保障,我还害怕何人?
27:2 当恶人前来攻击我,要吃我的肉时,我的对手,我的仇敌,反而跌倒断气。
27:3 虽有大军向我进攻,我的心毫不战栗;虽然战争向我迫近,我依然满怀依恃。
27:4 我有一事祈求上主,我要恳切请求此事:使我一生的岁月,常居住在上主的殿里,欣赏上主的甘饴慈祥,瞻仰上主圣所的堂皇。
27:5 因为在我困难的时日,他将我藏在他的帐棚里;将我藏在他帐幕的深处,并将我高举置于磐石。
27:6 现在我可昂首抬头,卑视我周围的大仇;要在他帐幕里,献欢乐之祭,要向上主讴唱赞美的诗词。
27:7 上主,求你俯听我的呼号,上主,求你怜悯我,垂允我。
27:8 论及你,我心中时常在想:「你应该寻求他的仪容。」上主,我在寻求好的仪容。
27:9 求你不要向我掩住你的脸面,你发怒时不要将你仆人赶散。你向来就是我唯一的救援;救我的天主,不要弃我不管。
27:10 我的父母虽舍弃了我,然而上主却收留了我。
27:11 上主,求你给我指示你的正路,为了我的仇敌,引我踏上坦途。
27:12 求你不要将我交于仇人的私欲,因为残暴的假见证来向我攻击。
27:13 我深信在此活人地区,定会享见上主的幸福。
27:14 你要鼓起勇气,期望上主!你要振作精神,期望上主!
28:1 达味作。上主,我在向你呼号;我的磐石,不要置若罔闻;你若对我沉默不语,我便无异向阴府里沉沦。
28:2 当我朝着你的圣所向你呼号,高举我手时,请俯听我的哀祷!
28:3 求你不要把我同败类一起剿绝,不要把我同作恶的人一同消灭:他们与人口谈平安,但心中却十分阴险。
28:4 愿你按他们的作为,照他们行为的邪恶,报复他们;按他们手中的事业,给他们应得的报应,处罚他们!
28:5 他们不关心上主的工程和他手中所行,但愿上主粉碎他们,不要再使他们复兴!
28:6 上主理应享受赞颂,因他听了我的祷声。
28:7 上主是我的力量,我的护佑,我对他全心依赖,必获扶助;为此我满心欢喜,赞颂歌舞。
28:8 上主是自己人民的力量,他是受傅者得救的保障;
28:9 求你拯救你的人民,降福你的百姓,求你牧养他们,提携他们直至永恒。
29:1 达味诗歌。天主的众子,请赞美上主,请将赞美光荣,归于上主。
29:2 请将主名的荣耀,归于上主,穿上圣洁的华服,朝拜上主。
29:3 上主的声音响彻水面,天主雷鸣在显示庄严,上主临到澎湃的水面。
29:4 上主的声音具有威权,上主的声音具有庄严。
29:5 上主的声音劈断了香柏,上主折断了黎巴嫩香柏;
29:6 使黎巴嫩象牛犊一样舞蹈,使息尔翁象小牛一样跳跃。
29:7 上主的声音放射出火舌。
29:8 上主的声音震动了旷野,
29:9 上主的声音摇撼橡树,剥光森林;凡在他殿中的都齐声高呼:「光荣」。
29:10 上主坐在洪水之上,上主永远高坐为王。
29:11 上主必将勇力赐给他的百姓,上主必以平安降福他的人民。
30:1 祝圣圣殿诗歌。达味作。
30:2 上主,我称扬你,因为你救拔了我,你也没有使我的仇敌向我自夸。
30:3 上主,我一向你呼号,我主,你便医治了我。
30:4 上主,你由阴府中把我救出,又使我安全复生,免降幽谷。
30:5 上主的圣民,请向上主歌颂,称谢他的圣名。
30:6 因为他的忿怒,瞬息消散;他的恩爱却要终生绵延。晚间虽令人哭涕,清晨却使人欢喜。
30:7 我曾自夸过说:「我永不会动遥。」
30:8 上主,你恩待了我,使我立足于稳固的山岗;但是你一掩面,我便立即感觉到失措惊惶。
30:9 上主,我曾向你呼号,我曾向我主哀求说:
30:10 「我如果降入阴府,我的血于你何益?灰土岂能赞美你,或宣扬你的忠义?
30:11 上主,请俯听我,怜悯我;上主,求你前来助佑我。」
30:12 你把我的哀痛,给我变成了舞蹈,脱去了我的苦衣给我披上喜乐;
30:13 为此,我的心灵歌颂你,永不止息;上主,我的天主,我要永远称谢你!
31:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
31:2 上主,我投靠你,总不会受辱,求你凭你的公义将我救出;
31:3 求你侧你的耳听我,速来救我:作我避难的磐石,获救的城堡。
31:4 因为你是我的磐石,我的城堡,为你的名,求你引导我指教我。
31:5 求你救我脱免暗布的网罗,因为唯有你是我的避难所。
31:6 我将我的灵魂托于你的掌握,上主,忠实的天主,你必拯救我。
31:7 拜虚无偶象的人,你深恶痛绝。上主,然而我却对你全心信赖。
31:8 我要因你的慈爱喜乐欢畅,因为你曾俯视了我的惨状,体会了我心灵所受的悲伤;
31:9 你没有将我交于仇敌之手,反而使我稳立于广阔之处。
31:10 上主,求你可怜我,因为我陷入困苦状况,我的眼睛、心灵和肺腑,全因忧伤而颓丧。
31:11 我的生命因忧伤而耗尽,我的岁月在涕泣中消逝,我的精力因悲伤而衰退,我的骸骨也已枯槁腐蚀。
31:12 我的仇敌都辱骂我,我的四邻都耻笑我,我的知己憎恨我,路上的行人都远避我。
31:13 我被人全心忘掉,有如死人,活象一个破旧抛弃的器皿。
31:14 当我听到许多人在呼啸,恐怖弥漫四境,他们在群集商议攻击我,谋夺我的性命;
31:15 我仍旧依靠你,上主,我说:「你是我的天主!」
31:16 我的命运全掌握于你手,求你救我脱离我的敌手,摆脱一切迫害我的仇敌。
31:17 求以你的慈容,光照你仆,求以你的仁慈把我救出。
31:18 上主,因为我呼号了你,求你莫让我蒙羞;愿恶人备受耻辱,默默然归入阴府!
31:19 愿那些骄傲自大,口出妄言,说谎攻击义人的唇舌哑喑!
31:20 上主,你为敬畏你的人所保留的恩泽,是何等丰盛!你在人前施予投奔于你者的慈惠,又是何等宽宏!
31:21 你将他们掩护在你仪容的影下,免遭世人的重创;又将他们隐藏在你帐幕的里面,免遭口舌的中伤。
31:22 愿上主受赞美,因为他在坚固的城内,向我特别显出他那奇妙无比的慈爱,
31:23 我虽在惶恐中曾说:「我已被驱逐离开你前。」但我一呼求你,你即刻俯允我的呼声哀叹。
31:24 众圣徒!你们应爱慕上主,因他保佑信徒,但是他对蛮横的人,必加以严厉的报复。
31:25 凡一切信赖上主的人们,请勇敢鼓起你们的心神。
32:1 达味作,训诲诗。罪恶蒙赦免,过犯得遮掩的人,有福。
32:2 上主不归咎,心中无诈欺的人,有福。
32:3 就在我缄默不语的时期内,我的骨骸因常伤叹而憔悴;
32:4 因为你的手昼夜在重压着我,我的力量象在盛暑中而消耗。
32:5 我终于向你承认我的罪过,丝毫也没有隐瞒我的邪恶,我说:「我要向上主承认我的罪孽,」你即刻便宽赦了我的罪债。
32:6 为此,虔敬的人在困厄时,都应向你哀祷,纵使大水泛滥成灾,他也不会遭受波涛。
32:7 你是我的避难所,救我脱离灾祸,你以拯救我的喜乐,常环绕着我。
32:8 「我教导你,指示你应走的正道,双眼注视你,亲自作你的向导。」
32:9 不要象骡马一般糊涂,需要缰辔来加以管束;不然,不向你跟前趋赴。
32:10 邪恶的人,必要受许多的痛苦;仰望上主的人,必有慈爱围护,
32:11 正义的人们!你们应在上主内欢欣喜乐。
32:12 心正的人们!你们应在上主内欢呼踊跃。
33:1 义人,你们应向上主踊跃欢呼,因为正直的人,理应赞美上主。
33:2 你们该弹琴,称谢上主,弹奏十弦琴,赞颂上主。
33:3 你们应向他高唱新歌,在欢呼声中奏琴吟哦,
33:4 因为上主的言语是正直的,他的一切作为都是忠实的;
33:5 他爱护正义和公理,他的慈爱弥漫大地。
33:6 因天主的一句话,诸天造成;因上主的一口气,万象生成。
33:7 他把海水好似聚于皮囊,他将汪洋好似贮于池塘。
33:8 愿整个大地敬畏上主,愿普世居民畏惧上主,
33:9 因为他一发言,万有造成,他一出命,各物生成。
33:10 上主使异邦的计划无绪,使万民的策略废去。
33:11 上主的计划却永恒不变,他心中的谋略万世常传。
33:12 尊上主为自己天主的民族,真是有福!上主选为自己产业的百姓,真是有福!
33:13 上主由高天监临,注视亚当的子孙;
33:14 他由自己的居处,视察大地的众庶:
33:15 他既创造了众人的心灵,当然知晓人的一切言行。
33:16 帝王不是因兵多而取胜,勇士不是因力大而保命。
33:17 为获胜利,骏马仍是徒然,气力虽大,依旧难获安全。
33:18 请看上主的眼睛常关注敬畏他的人,他的双目常眷顾靠他仁慈的人,
33:19 为使他们的性命,脱免死亡,使他们在饥馑时,生活如常。
33:20 我们的灵魂仰望着上主,他是我们的保障和扶助;
33:21 我们的心灵要因他而喜乐欢畅,在他的圣名内寄托我们的希望。
33:22 上主,求你向我们广施慈爱,有如我们对你所存的期待。
34:1 达味在阿彼默勒客前佯狂,被逐逃走时作。
34:2 我必要时时赞美上主,对他的赞颂常在我口;
34:3 愿我的心灵因上主而自豪,愿谦卑的人听到也都喜跃。
34:4 请你们同我一起赞扬上主,让我们齐声颂扬他的名字。
34:5 我寻求了上主,他听了我的祈求:由我受的一切惊惶中,将我救出。
34:6 你们瞻仰他,要喜形于色,你们的面容,绝不会羞愧。
34:7 卑微人一呼号,上主立即俯允,并且救拔他出离一切的苦辛。
34:8 在那敬畏上主的人四周,有上主的天使扎营护守。
34:9 请你们体验,请你们观看:上主是何等的甘饴慈善!投奔他的必获真福永欢。
34:10 上主的圣民,你们该敬畏上主,因敬畏他的人不会受到穷苦。
34:11 富贵的人竟成了赤贫,忍饥受饿,寻求上主的人,却不缺任何福乐。
34:12 孩子们,你们来听我指教,我要教你们敬畏上主之道。
34:13 谁是爱好长久生活的人?谁是渴望长寿享福的人?
34:14 就应谨守口舌,不说坏话,克制嘴唇,不言欺诈;
34:15 躲避罪恶,努力行善,寻求和平,追随陪伴。
34:16 因为上主的双目垂顾正义的人,上主的两耳听他们的哀声。
34:17 上主的威容敌视作恶的人民,要把他们的纪念由世上灭尽。
34:18 义人一呼号,上主立即俯允,拯救他们出离一切的苦辛。
34:19 上主亲近心灵破碎的人,他必救助精神痛苦的人。
34:20 义人的灾难虽多,上主却救他免祸;
34:21 把他的一切骨骸保全,连一根也不容许折断。
34:22 邪恶为恶人招来死亡,憎恨义人者应该补偿。
34:23 上主救助他仆人的生命,凡投奔他的必不受处刑。
35:1 达味作。上主,求你斗争那斗争我的人,求你攻击那攻击我的人;
35:2 求你手持藤牌盾橹,振奋起来予我救助;
35:3 挥舞长矛,阻止追逐我的人,愿你向我说:「我是你的救星!」
35:4 愿谋害我生命的人蒙受耻辱,愿企图磨难我的人含羞退走!
35:5 愿上主的天使迫他们逃跑,有如随风飘零的糠枇禾草!
35:6 当上主的天使追逐他们时,愿他们的路,又漆黑又滑漓!
35:7 因为他们无故为我暗设网罗,他们无故为我挖掘坑窖。
35:8 愿不可预料的灭亡突然降临,使他们暗布的网罗缠住他们,使他们挖掘的坑窖陷害他们。
35:9 如此我的心灵要欣悦于上主,要因获得上主的救援而欢舞。
35:10 我每根骨骸要说:「上主!谁能和你相比?是你拯救弱小于强权,挽救贫困于盗匪。」
35:11 蛮横的证人纷纷立起,质问与我无关的事宜。
35:12 他们对我是以怨报德,这正是我心灵的创痍。
35:13 他们患病时,我身着苦衣,不断虔心祈祷,守斋克己;
35:14 我待他们,有如自己的亲友骨肉,苦闷忧虑,有如哀悼自己的慈母。
35:15 但我一遇难,他们即群集相庆,突然来攻击欺凌我,肆虐不停。
35:16 他们戏弄我,并向我狂喜,他们朝着我咬牙又切齿。
35:17 上主,你坐视这一切要到何时?求你救我身免受他们的欺凌,求你救我命脱离少壮的猛狮;
35:18 使我在盛大的集会中歌颂你,使我在众多的民族中称扬你。
35:19 不要让那无理敌对我的人沾沾自喜,不要让那无故仇恨我的人扬眉吐气。
35:20 因为他们从不谈论和平,捏造谎言欺压地上良民。
35:21 他们对我张开大口说:「哈哈!我们亲眼看见了!」
35:22 上主你看见了,不要缄口不言,上主,求你千万不要离我太远。
35:23 我上主,求你醒来为我辩护;我天主,求你起身为我伸冤。
35:24 上主,求你审断我要照你的公义,我主,不要让他们对我洋洋得意。
35:25 不要让他们心中想:「哈哈!这正是我们的意愿!」也决不要让他们说:「我们已经将他活活吞咽。」
35:26 愿庆幸我遭难的人,都面红惭愧,愿高傲攻击我的人,都蒙受羞耻!
35:27 愿爱护我正义的人,时常高兴欢呼说:「愿爱护自己仆人安宁的上主受赞美!」
35:28 我的口舌将歌颂你的正义,我的唇舌必将终日赞美你。
36:1 上主的仆人达味作,交与乐官。
36:2 恶人从心里就喜爱不义,他毫无敬畏天主的诚意。
36:3 他只是在自己的心里自慰:无人发现他的罪,无人惩治。
36:4 他满口尽是虚伪与诈欺,早已把智慧与善行抛弃。
36:5 他在床上筹划作恶,立于邪道,不怕罪过。
36:6 上主,你的慈爱高达青天,你的忠义上彻云间。
36:7 你的正义有如摩天的高山,你的公平有如无底的深渊;上主,是你使人畜生命安全。
36:8 天主,你的慈爱多么可贵可珍,人子们都向你的护翼下投奔。
36:9 他们不但饱尝你宫殿中的盛筵,你还赐他们畅饮你人怡乐的溪川。
36:10 因为在你那里有生命的泉源,借你的光明才能把光明看见。
36:11 求你为恭敬你的人保留恩宠,并为心地正直的人保持公平。
36:12 求你不要让高傲人的脚践踏我,求你不要让罪恶人的手骚扰我。
36:13 请看!作恶的人己经一败涂地,他们既已倾倒,无法重新兴起,
37:1 达味作。不要因作恶的人而忿怒,也不要对歹徒心生嫉妒;
37:2 因为他们有如青草,快要枯槁,他们有如绿叶,行将零凋。
37:3 你该信赖上主,致力行善,你必安居乐土,享受康宁。
37:4 你只管在上主内喜欢,他必满全你心的意愿。
37:5 将你的行径委托于上主,寄望于他,他必使之成就。
37:6 他必使你的义德如光出现,他必使你的仁义如日中天。
37:7 你应该在上主面前安心依靠,不要因万事顺当的人而烦恼,不要因图谋不轨的人而暴燥;
37:8 你应控制愤恨,消除怒火,不要动怒,免得再犯罪过。
37:9 因为作恶犯罪的人必被铲除;唯有仰望上主的人继承乐土。
37:10 再过片刻恶人就不知所在,详察他的住所,也不复存在。
37:11 但善人将继承乐土,必将乐享平安幸福。
37:12 恶徒设计谋害忠义,常朝着他咬牙切齿。
37:13 上主却朝着恶人发笑,因见他的时日已经来到。
37:14 恶人拔剑张弓,想毁灭贫困微弱的人,想屠杀操行正直的人;
37:15 他们的剑反刺穿他们的心肝,他们的弓将被折得破烂不堪。
37:16 义人占有的幸福虽少,但却胜于恶人的富饶。
37:17 因为恶人的手臂将被折断,义人却有上主作支援。
37:18 上主眷顾善人的岁月,他们的产业永远常在。
37:19 在患难之时,他们必不蒙羞,在饥馑之日,他们必得饱饫。
37:20 恶人和上主的仇人必要沉沦,必要象沃野的鲜花一样凋零,必要象烟雾一般消散得无影。
37:21 恶人借贷总不偿还,义人却常好施乐善。
37:22 的确,蒙上主降福的人将继承福地,受上主咒骂的人将被除灭迹。
37:23 上主稳定善人的脚步,上主欣赏义人的道路:
37:24 他纵或失足,也不致颠仆,因为上主扶持着他的手。
37:25 我作过幼童,现今已经年老,从未见过正义的人被遣弃。也未见过他的后裔行乞讨。
37:26 他既终生施惠怜恤,他的子孙必蒙祝福。
37:27 你若避恶行善,你必存留永远。
37:28 因为上主爱慕正义,必不抛弃自己的圣徒,乖戾歹徒必被消灭,恶人的子孙必被铲除,
37:29 义人将要承受乐土,必在那里永远居住。
37:30 义人的口倾吐智慧,他的舌头讲论公义。
37:31 天主的法律在他心田,他的脚步必坚定不偏。
37:32 恶者窥伺义者,设法将他杀害;
37:33 上主绝不将义人弃于恶人手中,上主审判时,也决不判义人受刑。
37:34 你当仰望上主,遵循他的道路:他必要举扬你,使你承受乐土;当铲除恶人时,你将欣然目睹。
37:35 我曾见过恶人横极一时,象茂盛的绿树滋长不息。
37:36 当我再经过时,竟已不在眼前,我虽到处寻觅,再也没有寻见。
37:37 求你对正人注视,对君子观看,爱好和平的人,子嗣必定连绵。
37:38 行凶的人必尽数灭亡,恶人的后裔必全沦丧。
37:39 义人的救护是来自上主,他是他们困厄时的护守;
37:40 上主必扶持助佑,解救他们脱离恶人,上主必予以挽救,因他们曾向他投奔。
38:1 达味纪念歌。
38:2 上主,求你不要在你的震怒中责罚我,求你不要在你的气愤中惩戒我。
38:3 因为你的箭射中了我,你的手重压了我。
38:4 因了你的盛怒,我已体无完肤;因了我的罪行,我已粉身碎骨。
38:5 因为我的罪过高出我的头顶,好似重担把我压得过分沉重。
38:6 我的创痍溃烂流脓,完全由于我的愚蒙。
38:7 我悲伤得身已佝偻,终日行动满怀忧愁。
38:8 因为我的腰肢焦灼难受,我的肉体已无完肤。
38:9 我已筋疲力尽,奄奄一息;我已心痛欲绝,嗟叹不已。
38:10 我主,我的呻吟常在你的面前,我的悲叹不会向你隐瞒;
38:11 我的心颤栗,我的精力衰退,我眼目的光明也已经消逝。
38:12 我遭难时,我的友朋都袖手旁观,我的亲人都站得很远。
38:13 追寻我命的人,张设网罗,设法害我的人,散布恶谋,他们要行诡计,日夜思索。
38:14 但我好象是一个有耳听不见的聋子,我又好象是一个有口不能言的哑巴。
38:15 我竟成了一个没有听觉的人,成了一个口中没有辩词的人。
38:16 因为我唯有仰望你,上主,你必应允我,我主我天主!
38:17 我原来说过:「不要让他们洋洋得意,不要让他们因我的失足而沾沾自喜。」
38:18 我生来就易于失足,因此我常心怀痛苦。
38:19 我的确承认我犯了罪愆,我为了我的过恶而忧惭。
38:20 无故加害我的人,力强凶暴,无理憎恨我的人,成群结伙;
38:21 他们都以怨报德而对待我,因我追求正义而恼恨我。
38:22 上主,求你不要舍弃我,我主,求你不要远离我。
38:23 我的上主,我的救助,求你速来,给我护佑。
39:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官耶杜通。
39:2 我已决定:「我要谨遵我的道路,免得我以口舌犯罪,当恶人在我面前时,我以口罩笼住我嘴。」
39:3 我默不作声,以免口出恶语,但我的痛楚,更因此而加剧。
39:4 我的心在腔内滚滚沸腾,我愈沉思愈觉得烈火如焚;我的舌头便不耐烦地说:
39:5 「上主,我恳求你明白启示我:我的终期和寿数究有几何,好使我知道我是何等脆弱。」
39:6 看,你使我的岁月屈指可数,我的生命在你前算是虚无。世人的生存,只是一口呵嘘。
39:7 人生实如泡影,只是白白操劳,他们所有积蓄不知谁来得到。
39:8 我主,现今我还有什么希望?我的希望寄托在你的身上!
39:9 求你救我脱离我的种种罪愆,不要使我受愚人的耻笑侮慢。
39:10 我静默不言,有口不开,因为这事是由你安排。
39:11 求你由我身上除去这场灾患,因你手的打击,我已消瘦不堪。
39:12 你为了罚罪而把世人惩治,你象蛀虫将他的珍宝侵蚀;至于人,不过只是一口气。
39:13 上主,求你俯听我的祈祷,求你侧耳静听我的哀告,莫要作聋不听我的哭号。因为我在你前只是旅客,如我列祖一样只是路过。
39:14 求你转移你的目光,不要怒视我,使我一去不返之前,能得享安乐。
40:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
40:2 我热切诚恳地期待了上主,他便垂顾俯听了我的哀诉。
40:3 他把我从祸坑与污泥中救出,放我在磐石上,稳定我的脚步。
40:4 他将新歌置于我口,为赞美我们的天主;众人见了起敬起畏,都将全心信赖上主。
40:5 凡全心依靠上主,不对傲慢倾慕,且又不依附虚伪的,真是有福!
40:6 上主,我的天主!你行的奇迹异事,真令人不知几许!你对我们的计划,无人能与你相辅,我纵愿宣扬伸述,也多得不可胜数。
40:7 牺牲与素祭已非你所喜,就开了我的耳朵;全燔之祭以及赎罪之祭,也己非你所要。
40:8 于是我说:「你看,我已到来!关于我,书卷上已有记载:
40:9 我的天主,承行你的旨意为我所喜爱,你的法律常存于我的心怀。」
40:10 在盛大的集会中,我宣扬了你的正义,看,我并没有闭口不言,上主,你全知悉。
40:11 我从没有将你的正义隐蔽在心间,对你的忠厚和救援时时各处宣传;对于你的慈爱和忠义,在盛会中我没有隐蔽,
40:12 上主,求你对我不要撤回你的怜悯,愿你的慈爱和忠诚对我时加保存。
40:13 因为,四周困迫我的灾祸,实不可胜数;我的罪过紧握着我,使我无法目睹;数目比我头发还多,真使我心痛苦。
40:14 上主,求你开恩救我,上主,求你速来助我。
40:15 愿那些图谋害我的人,一同蒙耻受辱,愿那些喜欢我遭难的人,一起含羞退走!
40:16 愿那些哈哈戏笑我的人,都满面羞惭地惊惶失神!
40:17 愿那些寻求你的人,都因你欢欣鼓舞,愿恋慕你救恩的人,都常说:「大哉上主!」
40:18 我虽然卑微贫苦,我主却对我眷顾;你是我的助佑,我的救援,我的天主,求你不要迟延。
41:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
41:2 眷顾贫穷人的人,真是有福,患难时日,他必蒙上主救助。
41:3 上主必保护他,赐他生存,在世上蒙福,决不将他交给他的仇敌而任敌所欲。
41:4 他呻吟床榻,上主给他支援,他患病时,使他转危为安。
41:5 我曾哀求你:「上主,求你怜悯我,求你治愈我,因为我得罪了你。」
41:6 我的仇敌反而恶言辱骂我说:「他何时死,他的名字几时泯灭?」
41:7 前来探访我的人,只以虚言相待,其实是心怀恶意,出去便说出来。
41:8 恨我的人,个个窃窃私议,咒我遭殃生疾:
41:9 「愿他身患恶疾!愿他一病不起!」
41:10 连我素来信赖的知心友好,吃过我饭的人,也举脚踢我。
41:11 上主,求你可怜我,使我病除,使我能对他们给以报复。
41:12 我以此作为你真爱我的记号:就是不让我的敌人向我夸耀;
41:13 你时常保持我无灾无难,使我永远站在你的面前。
41:14 愿上主,以色列天主,受赞颂,自永远直到永远,阿们,阿们!
Psalms Volume 1 (Ps.1-41) ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
JB PSALMS Volume 1 (1 – 41)
JB PSALMS Chapter 1
The two ways
1:1 Happy the man who never follows the advice of the wicked, or loiters on the way that sinners take, or sits about with scoffers,
1:2 but finds his pleasure in the Law of Yahweh, and murmurs his law day and night.
1:3 He is like a tree that is planted by water streams, yielding its fruit in season, its leaves never fading;
1:4 It is nothing like this with the wicked, nothing like this! No, these are like chaff blown away by the wind.
1:5 The wicked will not stand firm when Judgement comes, nor sinners when the virtuous assemble.
1:6 For Yahweh takes care of the way the virtuous go, but the way of the wicked is doomed.
JB PSALMS Chapter 2
The messianic drama
2:1 Why this uproar among the nations? Why this impotent muttering of pagans –
2:2 kings on earth rising in revolt, princes plotting against Yahweh and his Anointed,
2:3 ‘Now let us break their fetters! Now let us throw off their yoke!’
2:4 The One whose throne is in heaven sits laughing, Yahweh derides them.
2:5 Then angrily he addresses them, in a rage he strikes them with panic,
2:6 ‘This is my king, installed by me on Zion, my holy mountain’.
2:7 Let me proclaim Yahweh’s decree; he has told me, ‘You are my son, today I have become your father.
2:8 Ask and I will give you the nations for your heritage, the ends of the earth for your domain.
2:9 With iron sceptre you will break them, shatter them like potter’s ware.’
2:10 So now, you kings, learn wisdom, earthly rulers, be warned:
2:11 serve Yahweh, fear him,
2:12 tremble and kiss his feet, or he will be angry and you will perish, for his anger is very quick to blaze. Happy all who take shelter in him.
JB PSALMS Chapter 3
Morning prayer of the virtuous man under persecution
Of David
When he was escaping from his son Absalom
3:1 Yahweh, more and more are turning against me, more and more are rebelling against me,
3:2 more and more saying about me, ‘There is no help from him in his God’. (pause)
3:3 But, Yahweh, my encircling shield, my glory, you help me hold up my head.
3:4 Loudly I cry to Yahweh, and he answers me from his holy mountain. (pause)
3:5 Now I can lie down and go to sleep and then awake, for Yahweh has hold of me:
3:6 no fear now of those tens of thousands posted against me wherever I turn.
3:7 Rise, Yahweh! Save me, my God! You hack all my enemies to the cheekbone, you break the teeth of the wicked.
3:8 From Yahweh, rescue. On your people, blessing! (pause)
JB PSALMS Chapter 4
Evening prayer
For the choirmaster
For strings
Of David
4:1 God, guardian of my rights, you answer when I call, when I am in trouble, you come to my relief; now be good to me and hear my prayer.
4:2 You men, why shut your hearts so long, loving delusions, chasing after lies. (Pause)
4:3 Know this, Yahweh works wonders for those he loves, Yahweh hears me when I call to him.
4:4 Tremble: give up sinning, spend your night in quiet meditation. (Pause)
4:5 Offer sacrifice in a right spirit, and trust Yahweh.
4:6 ‘Who will give us sight of happiness?’ many say. Show us the light of your face, turned towards us! Yahweh,
4:7 you have given more joy to my heart than others ever knew, for all their corn and wine.
4:8 In peace I lie down, and fall asleep at once, since you alone, Yahweh, make me rest secure.
JB PSALMS Chapter 5
Morning Prayer
For the choirmaster
For flutes
Of David
5:1 Yahweh, let my words come to your ears, spare a thought for my sighs.
5:2 Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God! I say this prayer to you,
5:3 Yahweh, for at daybreak you listen for my voice. and at dawn I hold myself in readiness for you, I watch for you.
5:4 You are not a God who is pleased with wickedness, you have no room for the wicked;
5:5 boasters collapse under your scrutiny. You hate all evil men,
5:6 liars you destroy; murderers and frauds Yahweh detests.
5:7 But I, so great is your love, may come to your house, and before your holy Temple bow down in reverence to you.
5:8 Yahweh, lead me in the path of your righteousness, for there are men lying in wait for me; make your way plain before me.
5:9 Not a word from their lips can be trusted, deep within them lies ruin, their throats are yawning graves; they make their tongues so smooth!
5:10 Pronounce them guilty, God, make their intrigues their own downfall! Hound them for their countless crimes, since they have rebelled against you.
5:11 But joy for all who take shelter in you, endless shouts of joy! Since you protect them, they exult in you, those who love your name.
5:12 It is you who bless the virtuous man, Yahweh; your favour is like a shield covering him.
JB PSALMS Chapter 6
Prayer in ordeal
For the choirmaster
For strings, for the octachord
Of David
6:1 Yahweh, do not punish me in your rage, or reprove me in the heat of anger.
6:2 Pity me, Yahweh, I have no strength left, heal me, my bones are in torment,
6:3 my soul is in utter torment. Yahweh, how long will you be?
6:4 Come back, Yahweh, rescue my soul, save me, if you love me;
6:5 for in death there is no remembrance of you: who can sing your praises in Sheol?
6:6 I am worn out with groaning, every night I drench my pillow and soak my bed with tears;
6:7 my eye is wasted with grief, I have grown old with enemies all round me.
6:8 Away from me, all you evil men! For Yahweh has heard the sound of my weeping;
6:9 Yahweh has heard my petition, Yahweh will accept my prayer.
6:10 Let all my enemies, discredited, in utter torment, fall back in sudden confusion.
JB PSALMS Chapter 7
Prayer of the virtuous under persecution
Of David, who sang it to Yahweh about Cush the Benjaminite
7:1 Yahweh my God, I take shelter in you; from all who hound me, save me, rescue me,
7:2 or, like a lion, he will carry me off and tear me to pieces where no one can save me.
7:3 Yahweh my God, if I ever soiled my hands with fraud,
7:4 repaid a friend evil for good, spared a man who wronged me[*a],
7:5 then let the enemy hound me down and catch me, let him stamp my life into the ground, and leave my entrails lying in the dust! (pause)
7:6 Rise, Yahweh, in anger, awake, my God! Confront the raging of my enemies, you who demand that justice shall be done.
7:7 Let the nations muster round you in a body, and then return, high over them.
7:8 (Yahweh is arbiter of nations[*b].) Give judgement for me, Yahweh: as my virtue and my integrity deserve.
7:9 Bring the maliciousness of evil men to an end, set the virtuous on his feet, you righteous God, assessor of mind and heart.
7:10 God is the shield that protects me, he preserves upright hearts,
7:11 God the righteous judge is slow to show his anger, but he is a God who is always enraged
7:12 by those who refuse to repent. The enemy may sharpen his sword,
7:13 but the weapons he prepares will kill himself and his arrows turn into firebrands.
7:14 Look at him, pregnant with wickedness, conceiving Spite, he gives birth to Mishap.
7:15 He dug a pit, hollowed it out, only to fall into his own trap!
7:16 His spite recoils on his own head, his brutality falls back on his own skull.
7:17 I give thanks to Yahweh for his righteousness, I sing praise to the name of the Most High.
JB PSALMS Chapter 8
The munificence of the creator
For the choirmaster
On the … of Gath[*a]
Of David
8:1 Yahweh, our Lord, how great your name throughout the earth! Above the heavens is your majesty chanted
8:2 by the mouths of children, babes in arms. You set your stronghold firm against your foes to subdue enemies and rebels.
8:3 I look up at your heavens, made by your fingers, at the moon and stars you set in place –
8:4 ah, what is man that you should spare a thought for him, the son of man that you should care for him?
8:5 Yet you have made him little less than a god, you have crowned him with glory and splendour,
8:6 made him lord over the work of your bands, set all things under his feet,
8:7 sheep and oxen, all these, yes, wild animals too,
8:8 birds in the air, fish in the sea travelling the paths of the ocean.
8:9 Yahweh, our Lord, how great your name throughout the earth!
JB PSALMS Chapter 9
PSALM 9-10
God crushes the wicked and saves the humble[*a]
For the choirmaster
For oboe and harp
Of David
9:1 I thank you, Yahweh, with all my heart; I recite your marvels one by one,
9:2 I rejoice and exult in you, I sing praise to your name, Most High.
9:3 My enemies are in retreat, stumbling, perishing as you confront them:
9:4 you have upheld the justice of my cause from the throne where you sit as righteous judge.
9:5 You have checked the nations, you have crushed the wicked, blotted out their name for ever and ever;
9:6 the enemy is finished, in everlasting ruin, you have overthrown cities, their memory has perished.
9:7 See, Yahweh is enthroned for ever, he sets up his throne for judgement;
9:8 he is going to judge the world with justice, and pronounce a true verdict on the nations.
9:9 May Yahweh be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold when times are hard.
9:10 Those who acknowledge your name can rely on you, you never desert those who seek you, Yahweh.
9:11 To Yahweh with his home in Zion, sing praise, tell the nations of his mighty actions;
9:12 he, the avenger of blood, remembers them, he does not ignore the cry of the wretched.
9:13 Take pity on me, Yahweh, look on my suffering, you who lift me back from the gates of death,
9:14 that in the gates of the daughter of Zion I may recite your praises one by one, rejoicing that you have saved me.
9:15 The nations have sunk into a pit of their own making, they are caught by the feet in the snare they set themselves.
9:16 Yahweh has made himself known, has given judgement, he has trapped the wicked in the work of their own hands. (Muted music)
9:17 May the wicked return to Sheol (pause), all the nations forgetful of God.
9:18 For the needy is not always forgotten, the hope of the poor is never brought to nothing.
9:19 Rise, Yahweh, let not man have the upper hand, let the nations stand trial before you!
9:20 Strike terror into them, Yahweh, let the nations know they are only men! (pause)
JB PSALMS Chapter 10
10:1 Yahweh, why do you stand aside, why hide from us now the times are hard?
10:2 The poor man is devoured by the pride of the wicked, he is caught in the wiles that the other has devised.
10:3 The evil man boasts of his soul’s desires, the grasping man blasphemes[*a], the wicked spurns Yahweh.
10:4 ‘His anger is up there, he will not make me pay! There is no God!’ This is the way his mind works.
10:5 At every moment his course is assured, your rulings are too lofty for his notice; his rivals? He sneers at them all.
10:6 ‘Nothing can shake me’ he assures himself. Himself untouched by disaster,
10:7 he curses others.
Fraud and oppression fill his mouth,
spite and iniquity are under his tongue;
10:8 there in the reeds he lies in ambush to kill the innocent where no one can see.
Peering and prying for the out-of-luck,
10:9 lurking unseen like a lion in his hide, lurking to capture the poor man, the poor man seized, he drags him away in his net.
10:10 Questing of eye, he stoops, he crouches, and the luckless wretch falls into his power
10:11 as he thinks to himself, ‘God forgets, he hides his face, he does not see at all’.
10:12 Rise, Yahweh, God raise your hand, do not forget the poor!
10:13 Why does the wicked man spurn God, assuring himself, ‘He will not make me pay’?
10:14 You yourself have seen the distress and the grief, you watch and then take them into your hands; the luckless man commits himself to you, you, the orphan’s certain help.
10:15 Break the power of the wicked, of the evil man, seek out his wickedness till there is none to be found!
10:16 Yahweh is king for ever and ever, the pagans are doomed to vanish from his country.
10:17 Yahweh, you listen to the wants of the humble, you bring strength to their hearts, you grant them a hearing,
10:18 judging in favour of the orphaned and exploited, so that earthborn man may strike fear no longer.
JB PSALMS Chapter 11
PSALM 11 (v 10 )
The confidence of the virtuous
For the choirmaster
Of David
11:1 In Yahweh I take shelter. How can you say to me, ‘Bird, fly back to your mountain:
11:2 ‘see how the wicked are bending their bows and fitting their arrows to the string, ready to shoot the upright from the shadows.
11:3 When foundations fall to ruin, what can the virtuous do?’
11:4 Yahweh is in his holy Temple, Yahweh whose throne is in heaven; his eyes look down at the world, his searching gaze scans all mankind.
11:5 The virtuous and the wicked are under Yahweh’s scrutiny, and his soul hates anyone who loves brutality.
11:6 He rains coals of fire and brimstone on the wicked, he serves them a scorching wind to swallow down.
11:7 Yahweh is righteous, he loves virtue, upright men will contemplate his face.
JB PSALMS Chapter 12
PSALM 12 (v 11)
Against a deceitful world
For the choirmaster
For the octachord
Of David
12:1 Save us, Yahweh! There are no devout men left, fidelity has vanished from mankind.
12:2 All they do is lie to one another, flattering lips, talk from a double heart.
12:3 May Yahweh slice off every flattering lip, each tongue so glib with boasts,
12:4 those who say, ‘In our tongue lies our strength, our lips have the advantage; who can master us?’
12:5 ‘For the plundered poor, for the needy who groan, now will I act’ says Yahweh. ‘I will grant them the safety they sigh for.’
12:6 The words of Yahweh are without alloy, nature’s silver coming from the earth seven times refined.
12:7 And you, Yahweh, hold us in your keeping, against that breed protect us always.
12:8 The wicked prowl on every side, baseness stands high among the sons of men.
JB PSALMS Chapter 13
PSALM 13 (v12)
A confident appeal
For the choirmaster
Of David
13:1 How much longer will you forget me, Yahweh? For ever? How much longer will you hide your face from me?
13:2 How much longer must I endure grief in my soul, and sorrow in my heart by day and by night? How much longer must my enemy have the upper hand of me?
13:3 Look and answer me, Yahweh my God! Give my eyes light, or I shall sleep in death,
13:4 and my enemy will say, ‘I have beaten him’, and my oppressors have the joy of seeing me stumble.
13:5 But I for my part rely on your love, Yahweh; let my heart rejoice in your saving help. Let me sing to Yahweh for the goodness he has shown me.
JB PSALMS Chapter 14
PSALM 14 (v 13)
The godless men
For the choirmaster
Of David
14:1 The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God!’ Their deeds are corrupt and vile, there is not one good man left.
14:2 Yahweh is looking down from heaven at the sons of men, to see if a single one is wise, if a single one is seeking God.
14:3 All have turned aside, all alike are tainted; there is not one good man left, not a single one.
14:4 Are they so ignorant, all these evil men who swallow my people as though they were eating bread, and never invoke Yahweh?
14:5 They will be struck with fear, fear without reason, since God takes the side of the virtuous:
14:6 deride as you may the poor man’s hopes, Yahweh is his shelter.
14:7 Who will bring Israel salvation from Zion? When Yahweh brings his people home, what joy for Jacob, what happiness for Israel!
JB PSALMS Chapter 15
PSALM 15 (v14)
The guest of Yahweh
Of David
15:1 Yahweh, who has the right to enter your tent, or to live on your holy mountain?
15:2 The man whose way of life is blameless, who always does what is right, who speaks the truth from his heart,
15:3 whose tongue is not used for slander, who does no wrong to his fellow, casts no discredit on his neighbour,
15:4 looks with contempt on the reprobate, but honours those who fear Yahweh; who stands by his pledge at any cost,
15:5 does not ask interest on loans, and cannot be bribed to victimise the innocent. – If a man does all this, nothing can ever shake him.
JB PSALMS Chapter 16
PSALM 16 (v15)
Yahweh, my heritage
Of David
16:1 Look after me, God, I take shelter in you.
16:2 To Yahweh you say, ‘My Lord, you are my fortune, nothing else but you’,
16:3 yet to those pagan deities in the land, ‘My princes, all my pleasure is in you’.
16:4 Their idols teem, after these they run: shall I pour their blood-libations? – not I! Take their names on my lips ? – never!
16:5 Yahweh, my heritage, my cup, you, and you only, hold my lot secure;
16:6 the measuring line marks out delightful places for me, for me the heritage is superb indeed.
16:7 I bless Yahweh, who is my counsellor, and in the night my inmost self instructs me
16:8 I keep Yahweh before me always, for with him at my right hand nothing can shake me.
16:9 So my heart exults, my very soul rejoices, my body, too, will rest securely,
16:10 for you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor allow the one you love to see the Pit;
16:11 you will reveal the path of life to me, give me unbounded joy in your presence, and at your right hand everlasting pleasures.
JB PSALMS Chapter 17
PSALM 17 (v16)
The innocent man pleads his cause
Of David
17:1 Yahweh, hear the plea of virtue, listen to my appeal, lend an ear to my prayer, my lips free from dishonesty.
17:2 From your presence will my sentence come, your eyes are fixed on what is right.
17:3 You probe my heart, examine me at night, you test me yet find nothing, no murmuring from me: my mouth has never sinned
17:4 as most men’s do. No, I have treasured the words from your lips; in the path prescribed
17:5 walking deliberately in your footsteps, so that my feet do not slip.
17:6 I invoke you, God, and you answer me; turn your ear to me, hear what I say,
17:7 display your marvellous kindness, saviour of fugitives! From those who revolt against you
17:8 guard me like the pupil of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings
17:9 from the onslaughts of the wicked. My enemies cluster round me, breathing hostility;
17:10 entrenched in their fat, their mouths utter arrogant claims;
17:11 now they are closing in, they have eyes for nothing but to see me overthrown.
17:12 They look like a lion eager to tear to pieces, like a young lion crouching in its hide.
17:13 Rise, Yahweh, subdue him face to face, rescue my soul from the wicked with your sword,
17:14 with your hand, Yahweh, rescue me from men, from the sort of men whose lot is here and now. Cram their bellies from your stores, give them all the sons that they could wish for, let them have a surplus to leave their children!
17:15 For me the reward of virtue is to see your face, and, on waking, to gaze my fill on your likeness.
JB PSALMS Chapter 18
PSALM 18 (v17)
Song of triumph for the king
For the choirmaster
Of David, the servant of Yahweh, who addressed the words of this song to Yahweh at the time when Yahweh delivered him from the power of his enemies and of Saul. He said:
18:1 I love you, Yahweh, my strength (my saviour, you rescue me from violence.)
18:2 Yahweh is my rock and my bastion, my deliverer is my God. I take shelter in him, my rock, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold and my refuge. From violence you rescue me.
18:3 He is to be praised; on Yahweh I call and am saved from my enemies.
18:4 The waves of death encircled me, the torrents of Belial burst on me;
18:5 the cords of Sheol girdled me, the snares of death were before me.
18:6 In my distress I called to Yahweh and to my God I cried; from his Temple he heard my voice, my cry came to his ears.
18:7 Then the earth quivered and quaked, the foundations of the mountains trembled (they quivered because he was angry);
18:8 from his nostrils a smoke ascended, and from his mouth a fire that consumed (live embers were kindled at it).
18:9 He bent the heavens and came down, a dark cloud under his feet;
18:10 he mounted a cherub and flew, and soared on the wings of the wind.
18:11 Darkness he made a veil to surround him, his tent a watery darkness, dense cloud;
18:12 before him a flash enkindled hail and fiery embers.
18:13 Yahweh thundered from heaven, the Most High made his voice heard;
18:14 he let his arrows fly and scattered them, launched the lightnings and routed them.
18:15 The bed of the seas was revealed, the foundations of the world were laid bare, at your muttered threat, Yahweh, at the blast of your nostrils’ breath.
18:16 He sends from on high and takes me, he draws me from deep waters,
18:17 he delivers me from my powerful enemy, from a foe too strong for me.
18:18 They assailed me on my day of disaster, but Yahweh was my support;
18:19 he freed me, set me at large, he rescued me, since he loves me.
18:20 Yahweh requites me as I act justly, as my hands are pure so he repays me,
18:21 since I have kept the ways of Yahweh, nor fallen away from my God.
18:22 His judgements are all before me, his statutes I have not put from me;
18:23 I am blameless in his presence, I keep sin at arm’s length.
18:24 And Yahweh repays me as I act justly, as my purity is in his sight.
18:25 Faithful you are with the faithful, blameless with the blameless,
18:26 pure with the one who is pure, but crafty with the devious,
18:27 you save a people that is humble and humiliate eyes that are haughty.
18:28 Yahweh, you yourself are my lamp, my God lights up my darkness;
18:29 with you I storm the barbican, with my God I leap the rampart.
18:30 This God, his way is blameless; the word of Yahweh is without dross. He it is who is the shield of all who take shelter in him.
18:31 Who else is God but Yahweh, who else a rock save our God?
18:32 This God who girds me with strength and makes my way without blame,
18:33 who makes my feet like the hinds’ and holds me from falling on the heights,
18:34 who trains my hands for battle, my arms to bend a bow of bronze.
18:35 You give me your saving shield (your right hand upholds me), with care you train me,
18:36 wide room you make for my steps under me, my feet have never faltered.
18:37 I pursue my enemies and overtake them, nor turn back till an end is made of them;
18:38 I strike them down, and they cannot rise, they fall, they are under my feet:
18:39 You have girt me with strength for the fight, bent down my assailants beneath me,
18:40 made my enemies turn their backs to me; and those who hate me I destroy.
18:41 They cry out, there is no one to save, to Yahweh, but there is no reply;
18:42 I crush them fine as dust before the wind, trample them like the mud of the streets.
18:43 You deliver me from a people in revolt, you place me at the head of the nations, a people I did not know are now my servants,
18:44 foreigners come wooing my favour, no sooner do they hear than they obey me,
18:45 foreigners grow faint of heart, they come trembling out of their fastnesses.
18:46 Life to Yahweh! Blessed be my rock! Exalted be the God of my salvation,
18:47 the God who gives me vengeance and subjects the peoples to me,
18:48 who rescues me from my raging enemies. who attack me, you deliver me from the man of violence.
18:49 For this I will praise you, Yahweh, among the heathen and sing praise to your name.
18:50 His king he saves and saves again, displays his love for his anointed, for David and his heirs for ever.
JB PSALMS Chapter 19
PSALM 19 (v 18)
Yahweh, the sum of righteousness
For the choirmaster
Of David
19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, the vault of heaven proclaims his handiwork;
19:2 day discourses of it to day, night to night hands on the knowledge.
19:3 No utterance at all, no speech, no sound that anyone can hear;
19:4 yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their message to the ends of the world. High above, he pitched a tent for the sun,
19:5 who comes out of his pavilion like a bridegroom, exulting like a hero to run his race.
19:6 He has his rising on the edge of heaven, the end of his course is its furthest edge, and nothing can escape his heat.
19:7 The Law of Yahweh is perfect, new life for the soul; the decree of Yahweh is trustworthy, wisdom for the simple.
19:8 The precepts of Yahweh are upright, joy for the heart; the commandment of Yahweh is clear, light for the eyes.
19:9 The fear of Yahweh is pure, lasting for ever; the judgements of Yahweh are true, righteous, every one,
19:10 more desirable than gold, even than the finest gold; his words are sweeter than honey, even than honey that drips from the comb.
19:11 Thus your servant is formed by them, observance brings great reward.
19:12 But who can detect his own failings? Wash out my hidden faults.
19:13 And from pride preserve your servant, never let it dominate me. So shall I be above reproach, free from grave sin.
19:14 May the words of my mouth always find favour, and the whispering of my heart, in your presence, Yahweh, my Rock, my Redeemer!
JB PSALMS Chapter 20
PSALM 20 (v 19)
Prayer for the king
For the choirmaster
Of David
20:1 May Yahweh answer you in time of trouble, may the name of the God of Jacob protect you!
20:2 May he send you help from the sanctuary, give you support from Zion,
20:3 remember all your oblations and find your holocaust acceptable; (pause)
20:4 may he grant you your heart’s desire, and crown all your plans with success;
20:5 may we shout with joy for your victory, and plant our banners in the name of our God! May Yahweh grant all your petitions!
20:6 Now I know that Yahweh saves his anointed, and answers him from his holy heaven with mighty victories from his own right hand.
20:7 Some boast of chariots, some of horses, but we boast about the name of Yahweh our God;
20:8 theirs to crumple and fall, but we shall stand, and stand firm!
20:9 Yahweh, save the king, answer us when we call.
JB PSALMS Chapter 21
PSALM 21 (v 20)
Thanksgiving for the king
For the choirmaster
Of David
21:1 Yahweh, the king rejoices in your power; what great joy your saving help gives him!
21:2 You have granted him his heart’s desire, not denied him what his lips entreated. (pause)
21:3 For you have met him with choicest blessings, put a crown of pure gold on his head;
21:4 he asked for life, and you gave it him, length of days for ever and ever.
21:5 Great his glory through your saving help, you have loaded him with splendour and majesty;
21:6 yes, you confer on him everlasting blessings, you gladden him with the joy of your presence.
21:7 Yes, the king puts his trust in Yahweh, by grace of the Most High he reigns unshaken.
21:8 Your hand will unmask all your enemies, your right hand all who hate you;
21:9 you will make them like a blazing furnace, the day that you appear, Yahweh will engulf them in his anger, and fire will devour them;
21:10 you will wipe their children from the earth, their descendants from among the sons of men.
21:11 Plot though they do to harm you and weave their plan as they may, they cannot win;
21:12 since you will make them turntail, by shooting your arrows in their faces.
21:13 Rise, Yahweh, in your power! We will sing and play in honour of your strength.
JB PSALMS Chapter 22
PSALM 22 (v 21)
The sufferings and hope of the virtuous man
For the choirmaster
To the ‘Doe of the Dawn’
Of David
22:1 My God, my God, why have you deserted me? How far from saving me, the words I groan!
22:2 I call all day, my God, but you never answer, all night long I call and cannot rest.
22:3 Yet, Holy One, you who make your home in the praises of Israel,
22:4 in you our fathers put their trust, they trusted and you rescued them;
22:5 they called to you for help and they were saved, they never trusted you in vain.
22:6 Yet here am I, now more worm than man, scorn of mankind, jest of the people,
22:7 all who see me jeer at me, they toss their heads and sneer,
22:8 ‘He relied on Yahweh, let Yahweh save him! If Yahweh is his friend, let Him rescue him!’
22:9 Yet you drew me out of the womb, you entrusted me to my mother’s breasts;
22:10 placed on your lap from my birth, from my mother’s womb you have been my God.
22:11 Do not stand aside: trouble is near, I have no one to help me!
22:12 A herd of bulls surrounds me, strong bulls of Bashan close in on me;
22:13 their jaws are agape for me, like lions tearing and roaring.
22:14 I am like water draining away, my bones are all disjointed, my heart is like wax, melting inside me;
22:15a my palate is drier than a potsherd
22:15b and my tongue is stuck to my jaw.
22:16 A pack of dogs surrounds me, a gang of Villains closes me in; they tie me hand and foot
22:15c and leave me lying in the dust of death.
22:17 I can count every one of my bones, and there they glare at me, gloating;
22:18 they divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothes.
22:19 Do not stand aside, Yahweh. O my strength, come quickly to my help;
22:20 rescue my soul from the sword, my dear life from the paw of the dog,
22:21 save me from the lion’s mouth, my poor soul from the wild bulls’ horns!
22:22 Then I shall proclaim your name to my brothers, praise you in full assembly:
22:23 you who fear Yahweh, praise him! Entire race of Jacob, glorify him! Entire race of Israel, revere him!
22:24 For he has not despised or disdained the poor man in his poverty, has not hidden his face from him, but has answered him when he called.
22:25 You are the theme of my praise in the Great Assembly, I perform my vows in the presence of those who fear him.
22:26 The poor will receive as much as they want to eat. Those who seek Yahweh will praise him. Long life to their hearts!
22:27 The whole earth, from end to end, will remember and come back to Yahweh; all the families of the nations will bow down before him.
22:28 For Yahweh reigns, the ruler of nations!
22:29 Before him all the prosperous of the earth will bow down, before him will bow all who go down to the dust. And my soul will live for him,
22:30 my children will serve him; men will proclaim the Lord to generations
22:31 still to come, his righteousness to a people yet unborn. All this he has done.
JB PSALMS Chapter 23
PSALM 23 (v 22)
The Good Shepherd
Of David
23:1 Yahweh is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
23:2 In meadows of green grass he lets me lie. To the waters of repose he leads me;
23:3 there he revives my soul. He guides me by paths of virtue for the sake of his name.
23:4 Though I pass through a gloomy Valley, beside me your rod and your staff are there, to hearten me.
23:5 You prepare a table before me under the eyes of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, my cup brims over.
23:6 Ah, how goodness and kindness pursue me, every day of my life, my home, the house of Yahweh, as long as I live!
JB PSALMS Chapter 24
PSALM 24 (v23)
Antiphonal psalm for solemn entry into the sanctuary
Of David
24:1 To Yahweh belong earth and all it holds, the world and all who live in it;
24:2 he himself founded it on the ocean, based it firmly on the nether sea
24:3 Who has the right to climb the mountain of Yahweh, who the right to stand in his holy place?
24:4 He whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure, whose soul does not pay homage to worthless things and who never swears to a lie.
24:5 The blessing of Yahweh is his, and Vindication from God his saviour.
24:6 Such are the people who seek him, who seek your presence, God of Jacob! (pause)
24:7 Gates, raise your arches, rise, you ancient doors, let the king of glory in!
24:8 Who is this king of glory? Yahweh the strong, the valiant, Yahweh valiant in battle!
24:9 Gates, raise your arches, rise you ancient doors, let the king of glory in!
24:10 Who is this king of glory? He is Yahweh Sabaoth, King of glory, he! (pause)
JB PSALMS Chapter 25
PSALM 25 (v24)
Prayer in Danger
Of David
25:1 To you, Yahweh, I lift up my soul,
25:2 O my God.
I rely on you, do not let me be shamed, do not let my enemies gloat over me!
25:3 No, those who hope in you are never shamed, shame awaits disappointed traitors.
25:4 Yahweh, make your ways known to me, teach me your paths.
25:5 set me in the way of your truth, and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.
All day long I hope in you
25:7c because of your goodness, Yahweh.
25:6 Remember your kindness, Yahweh, your love, that you showed long ago.
25:7a Do not remember the sins of my youth;
25:7b but rather, with your love remember me.
25:8 Yahweh is so good, so upright, he teaches the way to sinners;
25:9 in all that is right he guides the humble, and instructs the poor in his way
25:10 All Yahweh’s paths are love and truth for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.
25:11 For the sake of your name, Yahweh, forgive my guilt, for it is great.
25:12 Everyone who fears Yahweh will be taught the course a man should choose;
25:13 his soul will live in prosperity, his children have the land for their own.
25:14 The close secret of Yahweh belongs to them who fear him, his covenant also, to bring them knowledge.
25:15 My eyes are always on Yahweh, for he releases my feet from the net.
25:16 Turn to me, take pity on me, alone and wretched as I am!
25:17 Relive the distress of my heart, free me from my sufferings.
25:18 See my misery and pain, forgive all my sins!
25:19 See how my enemies multiply, and how violent their hatred has grown.
25:20 Watch over my soul, rescue me; let me not be shamed: I take shelter in you.
25:21 Let innocence and integrity be my protection, since my hope is in you, Yahweh. Redeem Israel, God, from all his troubles.
JB PSALMS Chapter 26
PSALM 26 (v25)
Prayer of the blameless
Of David
26:1 Yahweh, be my judge! I go my way in my innocence, My trust in Yahweh never wavers.
26:2 Test me, Yahweh, and probe me, put me to the trial, loins and heart;
26:3 for your love is before my eyes, and I live my life in loyalty to you.
26:4 No sitting with wastrels for me, no associating with hypocrites;
26:5 I hate the society of evil men, I refuse to sit down with the wicked.
26:6 I wash my hands in innocence and join the procession round your altar,
26:7 singing a hymn of thanksgiving, proclaiming all your wonders.
26:8 I love the house where you live, the place where your glory makes its home.
26:9 Do not let my soul share the fate of sinners, or my life the doom of men of blood,
26:10 men with guilt on their hands, whose right hands are heavy with bribes.
26:11 But I live my life in innocence, redeem me, Yahweh, take pity on me;
26:12 my foot is set on the right path, I bless you, Yahweh, at the Assemblies.
JB PSALMS Chapter 27
PSALM 27 (v26)
In God’s company there is no fear
Of David
27:1 Yahweh is my light and my salvation, whom need I fear? Yahweh is the fortress of my life, of whom should I be afraid?
27:2 When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, they, my opponents, my enemies, are the ones who stumble and fall.
27:3 Though an army pitched camp against me, my heart would not fear; though war were waged against me, my trust would still be firm.
27:4 One thing I ask of Yahweh, one thing I seek: to live in the house of Yahweh all the days of my life, to enjoy the sweetness of Yahweh and to consult him in his Temple.
27:5 For he shelters me under his awning in times of trouble; he hides me deep in his tent, sets me high on a rock.
27:6 And now my head is held high over the enemies who surround me, in his tent I will offer exultant sacrifice. I will sing, I will play for Yahweh!
27:7 Yahweh, hear my voice as I cry! Pity me! Answer me!
27:8 My heart has said of you, ‘Seek his face’. Yahweh, I do seek your face;
27:9 do not hide your face from me. Do not repulse your servant in anger; you are my help. Never leave me, never desert me, God, my saviour!
27:10 If my father and mother desert me, Yahweh will care for me still.
27:11 Yahweh, teach me your way, lead me in the path of integrity because of my enemies;
27:12 do not abandon me to the will of my foes – false witnesses have risen against me, and breathe out violence.
27:13 This I believe: I shall see the goodness of Yahweh, in the land of the living.
27:14 Put your hope in Yahweh, be strong, let your heart be bold, put your hope in Yahweh.
JB PSALMS Chapter 28
PSALM 28 (v27)
Petition and thanksgiving
Of David
28:1 I cry to you, Yahweh, my Rock! Do not be deaf to me, for if you are silent, I shall go down to the Pit like the rest.
28:2 Hear my voice, raised in petition, as I cry to you for help, as I raise my hands, Yahweh, toward your Holy of Holies.
28:3 Do not drag me away with the wicked, away with the evil men who talk of peace to their neighbours while malice is in their hearts.
28:4 Repay them for their actions, Yahweh, for the evil they commit, for their handiwork repay them, let them have what they deserve!
28:5 How blind they are to the works of Yahweh, to his own handiwork! May he pull them down and not rebuild them!
28:6 Blessed be Yahweh, for he hears the sound of my petition!
28:7 Yahweh is my strength, my shield, my heart puts its trust in him; I have been helped, my flesh has bloomed again, I thank him with all my heart.
28:8 Yahweh is the strength of his people, a saving fortress for his anointed.
28:9 Save your people! Bless your heritage! Shepherd them; carry them for ever!
JB PSALMS Chapter 29
PSALM 29 (v28)
Hymn to the lord of the storm
Of David
29:1 Pay tribute to Yahweh, you sons of God,[*a] tribute to Yahweh of glory and power,
29:2 tribute to Yahweh of the glory of his name, worship Yahweh in his sacred court.
29:3a The voice of Yahweh over the waters!
29:3c Yahweh over the multitudinous waters!
29:4 The voice of Yahweh in power! The voice of Yahweh in splendour!
29:5 The voice of Yahweh shatters the cedars, Yahweh shatters the cedars of Lebanon,
29:6 making Lebanon leap like a calf, Sirion[*b] like a young wild bull.
29:7 The voice of Yahweh sharpens lightning shafts!
29:8 The voice of Yahweh sets the wilderness shaking. Yahweh shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
29:9a The voice of Yahweh sets the terebinths shuddering
29:9b stripping the forests bare.
29:3b The God of glory thunders.
29:9c In his palace everything cries, ‘Glory!’
29:10 Yahweh sat enthroned for the Flood, Yahweh sits enthroned as a king for ever.
29:11 Yahweh gives strength to his people, Yahweh blesses his people with peace.
JB PSALMS Chapter 30
PSALM 30 (v29)
Thanksgiving after mortal danger
Canticle for the Dedication of the House
Of David
30:1 High praise, Yahweh, I give you, for you have helped me up, and not let my enemies gloat over me.
30:2 Yahweh, my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
30:3 Yahweh, you have brought my soul up from Sheol, of all those who go down to the Pit you have revived me.
30:4 Play music in Yahweh’s honour, you devout, remember his holiness, and praise him.
30:5 His anger lasts a moment, his favour a lifetime; in the evening, a spell of tears, in the morning, shouts of joy.
30:6 In my prosperity, I used to say, ‘Nothing can ever shake me!’
30:7 Your favour, Yahweh, stood me on a peak impregnable; but then you hid your face and I was terrified.
30:8 Yahweh, I call to you, I beg my God to pity me,
30:9 ‘What do you gain by my blood[*a] if I go down to the Pit? Can the dust praise you or proclaim your faithfulness?
30:10 ‘Hear, Yahweh, take pity on me; Yahweh, help me!’
30:11 You have turned my mourning into dancing, you have stripped off my sackcloth and wrapped me in gladness
30:12 and now my heart, silent no longer, will play you music; Yahweh, my God, I will praise you for ever.
JB PSALMS Chapter 31
PSALM 31 (v30)
Prayer in time of ordeal
For the choirmaster
Of David
31:1 In you, Yahweh, I take shelter; never let me be disgraced. In your righteousness deliver me, rescue me,
31:2 turn your ear to me, make haste! Be a sheltering rock for me, a walled fortress to save me!
31:3 For you are my rock, my fortress; for the sake of your name, guide me, lead me!
31:4 Pull me out of the net they have spread for me, for you are my refuge;
31:5 into your hands I commit my spirit, you have redeemed me, Yahweh. God of truth,
31:6 you hate those who serve worthless idols; but I put my trust in Yahweh:
31:7 I will exult, and rejoice in your love! You, who have seen my wretchedness, and known the miseries of my soul,
31:8 have not handed me over to the enemy, you have given my feet space and to spare.
31:9 Take pity on me, Yahweh, I am in trouble now. Grief wastes away my eye, my throat, my inmost parts.
31:10 For my life is worn out with sorrow, my years with sighs; my strength yields under misery, my bones are wasting away.
31:11 To every one of my oppressors I am contemptible, loathsome to my neighbours, to my friends a thing of fear. Those who see me in the street hurry past me;
31:12 I am forgotten, as good as dead in their hearts, something discarded.
31:13 I hear their endless slanders, threats from every quarter, as they combine against me, plotting to take my life.
31:14 But I put my trust in you, Yahweh, I say, ‘You are my God’.
31:15 My days are in your hand, rescue me from the hands of my enemies and persecutors;
31:16 let your face smile on your servant, save me in your love.
31:17 I invoke you; Yahweh; do not let me be disgraced, let the disgrace fall on the wicked! May they go speechless to Sheol,
31:18 their lying lips struck dumb for those insolent slurs on the virtuous, for that arrogance and contempt.
31:19 Yahweh, how great your goodness, reserved for those who fear you, bestowed on those who take shelter in you, for all mankind to see!
31:20 Safe in your presence you hide them far from the wiles of men; inside your tent you shelter them far from the war of tongues.
31:21 Blessed be Yahweh, who performs marvels of love for me (in a fortress-city)!
31:22 In my alarm I exclaimed, ‘I have been snatched out of your sight!’ Yet you heard my petition when I called to you for help.
31:23 Love Yahweh, all you devout: Yahweh, protector of the faithful, will repay the arrogant with interest.
31:24 Be strong, let your heart be bold, all you who hope in Yahweh!
JB PSALMS Chapter 32
PSALM 32 (v31)
Candid admission of sin
Of David
32:1 Happy the man whose fault is forgiven, whose sin is blotted out;
32:2 happy the man whom Yahweh accuses of no guilt, whose spirit is incapable of deceit!
32:3 All the time I kept silent, my bones were wasting away with groans, day in, day out;
32:4 day and night your hand lay heavy on me; my heart grew parched as stubble in summer drought (Pause)
32:5 At last I admitted to you I had sinned; no longer concealing my guilt, I said, ‘I will go to Yahweh and confess my fault’. And you, you have forgiven the wrong I did, have pardoned my sin. (Pause)
32:6 That is why each of your servants prays to you in time of trouble; even if floods come rushing down, they will never reach him.
32:7 You are a hiding place for me, you guard me when in trouble, you surround me with songs of deliverance. (Pause)
32:8 I will instruct you, and teach you the way to go; I will watch over you and be your adviser.
32:9 Do not be like senseless horse or mule that need bit and bridle to curb their spirit (to let you get near them).
32:10 Many torments await the wicked, but grace enfolds the man who trusts in Yahweh.
32:11 Rejoice in Yahweh, exult, you virtuous, shout for joy, all upright hearts.
JB PSALMS Chapter 33
PSALM 33 (v32)
Hymn to Providence
33:1 Shout for joy to Yahweh, all virtuous men, praise comes well from upright hearts;
33:2 give thanks to Yahweh on the lyre, play to him on the ten-string harp;
33:3 sing a new song in his honour, play with all your skill as you acclaim[*a] him!
33:4 The word of Yahweh is integrity itself, all he does is done faithfully;
33:5 he loves virtue and justice, Yahweh’s love fills the earth.
33:6 By the word of Yahweh the heavens were made, their whole array by the breath of his mouth;
33:7 he collects the ocean waters as though in a wineskin, he stores the deeps in cellars.
33:8 Let the whole world fear Yahweh, let all who live on earth revere him!
33:9 He spoke, and it was created; he commanded, and there it stood.
33:10 Yahweh thwarts the plans of nations, frustrates the intentions of peoples;
33:11 but Yahweh’s plans hold good for ever, the intentions of his heart from age to age.
33:12 Happy the nation whose God is Yahweh, the people he has chosen for his heritage.
33:13 Yahweh looks down from heaven, he sees the whole human race;
33:14 from where he sits he watches all who live on the earth,
33:15 he who moulds every heart and takes note of all men do.
33:16 A large army will not keep a king safe, nor does the hero escape by his great strength;
33:17 it is delusion to rely on the horse for safety, for all its power, it cannot save.
33:18 But see how the eye of Yahweh is on those who fear him, on those who rely on his love,
33:19 to rescue their souls from death and keep them alive in famine.
33:20 Our soul awaits Yahweh, he is our help and shield;
33:21 our hearts rejoice in him, we trust in his holy name.
33:22 Yahweh, let your love rest on us as our hope has rested in you.
JB PSALMS Chapter 34
PSALM 34 (v33)
In praise of God’s justice
Of David. When, after pretending to be mad in front of Abimelech, he was dismissed by him and made his escape
34:1 I will bless Yahweh at all times, his praise shall be on my lips continually;
34:2 my soul glories in Yahweh, let the humble hear and rejoice.
34:3 Proclaim with me the greatness of Yahweh, together let us extol his name.
34:4 I seek Yahweh, and he answers me and frees me from all my fears.
34:5 Every face turned to him grows brighter and is never ashamed.
34:6 A cry goes up from the poor man, and Yahweh hears, and helps him in all his troubles.
34:7 The angel of Yahweh pitches camp round those who fear him; and he keeps them safe.
34:8 How good Yahweh is – only taste and see! Happy the man who takes shelter in him.
34:9 Fear Yahweh, you his holy ones: those who fear him want for nothing.
34:10 The young lion may go empty and hungry, but those who seek Yahweh lack nothing good.
34:11 Come, my sons, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of Yahweh.
34:12 Which of you wants to live to the full, who loves long life and enjoyment of prosperity?
34:13 Malice must be banished from your tongue, deceitful conversation from your lips;
34:14 never yield to evil, practise good, seek peace, pursue it.
34:16 The face of Yahweh frowns on evil men, to wipe their memory from the earth;
34:15 the eyes of Yahweh are turned towards the virtuous, his ears to their cry.
34:17 They cry for help and Yahweh hears and rescues them from all their troubles;
34:18 Yahweh is near to the broken-hearted, he helps those whose spirit is crushed.
34:19 Hardships in plenty beset the virtuous man, but Yahweh rescues him from them all;
34:20 taking care of every bone, Yahweh will not let one be broken.
34:21 Evil will bring death to the wicked, those who hate the virtuous will have to pay;
34:22 while Yahweh himself ransoms the souls of his servants, and those who take shelter in him have nothing to pay.
JB PSALMS Chapter 35
PSALM 35 (v34)
Prayer of a virtuous man under oppression
Of David
35:1 Accuse my accusers, Yahweh, attack my attackers;
35:2 grip shield and buckler, up, and help me;
35:3 brandish lance and pike in the faces of my pursuers. Tell my soul, ‘I am your salvation’.
35:4 Shame and dishonour on those who are out to kill me! Back with them! Cover with confusion those who plot my downfall!
35:5 May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of Yahweh to chase them!
35:6 May their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of Yahweh to hound them!
35:7 Unprovoked they spread their net for me, they dug a pit for me;
35:8 but Ruin creeps on them unawares, the net they have spread will catch them instead, and into their own pit will they fall.
35:9 Then my soul will rejoice in Yahweh, exult that he has saved me.
35:10 All my bones will exclaim, ‘Yahweh, who can compare with you in rescuing the poor man from the stronger, the needy from the man who exploits him?’
35:11 Lying witnesses take the stand, questioning me on things I know nothing about;
35:12 they repay my kindness with evil, there is desolation in my soul.
35:13 Yet, when they were sick, I put sackcloth on, I humbled my soul with fasting, murmuring prayers to my own breast
35:14 as though for a friend or brother; and, like a person mourning his mother, went about dejected and sorrowing.
35:15 Now I have fallen, they crowd round delighted, flocking to jeer at me; strangers I never even knew with loud cries tear me to pieces,
35:16 riddling me with gibe after gibe, grinding their teeth at me.
35:17 How much longer, Lord, will you look on? Rescue my soul from their onslaughts, my dear life from these lions.
35:18 I will give thanks in the Great Assembly, praise you where the people throng.
35:19 Do not let my lying enemies gloat over me, do not let those who hate me for no reason exchange sly glances.
35:20 Peace is not what they discuss with the peaceloving people of the land; they think out false accusations,
35:21 their mouths wide to accuse me, ‘Aha! Aha!’ they say ‘With our own eyes we saw it!’
35:22 Now break your silence, Yahweh, you were looking too, Lord, do not stand aside,
35:23 up, wake up, come to my defence, Lord my God side with me!’
35:24 Yahweh my God, you are righteous, so give verdict for me, and do not let them gloat over me.
35:25 Do not let them think, ‘Just as we hoped!’ Do not let them say, ‘Now we have got him down!’
35:26 Shame and dishonour on all who gloat over my misfortune; shame and discredit cover all who profit at my expense!
35:27 But shouts of joy and gladness for all who take pleasure in my virtue; give them constant cause to say, ‘Great is Yahweh, who likes to see his servant at peace!’
35:28 Then my tongue will shout your goodness, and sing your praises all day long.
JB PSALMS Chapter 36
PSALM 36 (v35)
The wickedness of the sinner, the goodness of God
For the choirmaster
Of the servant of Yahweh, David
36:1 The wicked man’s oracle is Sin in the depths of his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes.
36:2 He sees himself with too flattering an eye to detect and detest his guilt;
36:3 all he says tends to mischief and deceit, he has turned his back on wisdom. How best to work
36:4 mischief he plots, even when he is in bed; he persists in his evil course, he never rejects what is bad.
36:5 Your love, Yahweh, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds;
36:6 your righteousness is like the mountains of God, your judgements like the mighty deep. Yahweh, protector of man and beast,
36:7 how precious, God, your love! Hence the sons of men take shelter in the shadow of your wings.
36:8 They feast on the bounty of your house, you give them drink from your river of pleasure;
36:9 yes, with you is the fountain of life, by your light we see the light.
36:10 Do not stop loving those who know you, or being righteous to upright hearts.
36:11 Do not let arrogant feet crush me or wicked hands expel me.
36:12 The evil men have fallen, there they lie, beaten down, never to stand again!
JB PSALMS Chapter 37
PSALM 37 (v36)
The fate of the virtuous and the wicked
Of David
37:1 Do not worry about the wicked, do not envy those who do wrong.
37:2 Quick as the grass they wither, fading like the green in the field.
37:3 Trust in Yahweh and do what is good, make your home in the land and live in peace;
37:4 make Yahweh your only joy and he will give you what your heart desires.
37:5 Commit your fate to Yahweh, trust in him and he will act:
37:6 making your Virtue clear as the light, your integrity as bright as noon.
37:7 Be quiet before Yahweh, and wait patiently for him, not worrying about men who make their fortunes, about men who scheme
37:14c to bring the poor and needy down.
37:8 Enough of anger, leave rage aside, do not worry, nothing but evil can come of it:
37:9 for the wicked will be expelled, while those who hope in Yahweh shall have the land for their own.
37:10 A little longer, and the wicked will be no more, search his place well, he will not be there;
37:11 but the humble shall have the land for their own to enjoy untroubled peace.
37:12 The wicked man plots against the virtuous, and grinds his teeth at him;
37:13 but the Lord only laughs at the man, knowing his end is in sight.
37:14a Though the wicked draw the sword,
37:14b and bend their bow, to kill the upright,
37:15 their swords will only pierce their own hearts and their bows will be smashed.
37:16 The little the virtuous possesses outweighs all the wealth of the wicked,
37:17 since the arms of the wicked are doomed to break, and Yahweh will uphold the virtuous.
37:18 Yahweh takes care of good men’s lives, and their heritage will last for ever;
37:19 they will not be at a loss when bad times come, in time of famine they will have more than they need.
37:20 As for the wicked-they will perish, these enemies of Yahweh; they will vanish like the beauty of the meadows, they will vanish in smoke.
37:21 The wicked man borrows without meaning to repay, but a virtuous man is generous and open-handed;
37:22 those he blesses will have the land for their own, those he curses will be expelled.
37:23 Yahweh guides a man’s steps, they are sure, and he takes pleasure in his progress;
37:24 he may fall, but never fatally, since Yahweh supports him by the hand.
37:25 Now I am old, but ever since my youth I never saw a virtuous man deserted, or his descendants forced to beg their bread;
37:26 he is always compassionate, always lending: his children will be blessed.
37:27 Never yield to evil, practise good and you will have an everlasting home,
37:28 for Yahweh loves what is right, and never deserts the devout.
Those who do wrong will perish once and for all, and the children of the wicked shall be expelled;
37:29 the virtuous will have the land for their own, and make it their home for ever.
37:30 The mouth of the virtuous man murmurs wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is right;
37:31 with the Law of God in his heart his steps can never falter.
37:32 The wicked man spies on the virtuous, seeking to kill him;
37:33 Yahweh will never leave him in those clutches, or let him be condemned under trial.
37:34a Put your hope in Yahweh, keep his way,
37:40b and he will save you from the wicked,
37:34b raising you until you make the land your own and see the wicked expelled.
37:35 I have seen the wicked in his triumph towering like a cedar of Lebanon,
37:36 but when next I passed, he was not there, I looked for him and he was nowhere to be found.
37:37 Observe the innocent man, consider the upright: for the man of peace there are descendants,
37:38 but sinners shall be destroyed altogether, the descendants of the wicked shall be wiped out.
37:39 The salvation of the virtuous comes from Yahweh, he is their shelter when trouble comes;
37:40a Yahweh helps and rescues them, he saves them because they take shelter in him.
JB PSALMS Chapter 38
PSALM 38 (v37)
Prayer in distress
Of David
In commemoration
38:1 Yahweh, do not punish me in your rage, or reprove me in the heat of anger.
38:2 Your arrows have pierced deep, your hand has pressed down on me;
38:3 no soundness in my flesh now you are angry, no health in my bones, because of my sin.
38:4 My guilt is overwhelming me, it is too heavy a burden;
38:5 my wounds stink and are festering, the result of my folly;
38:6 bowed down, bent double, overcome, I go mourning all the day.
38:7 My loins are burnt up with fever, there is no soundness in my flesh:
38:8 numbed and crushed and overcome, my heart groans, I moan aloud.
38:9 Lord, all that I long for is known to you, my sighing is no secret from you;
38:10 my heart is throbbing, my strength deserting me, the light of my eyes itself has left me.
38:11 My friends and my companions shrink from my wounds, even the dearest of them keep their distance;
38:12 men intent on killing me lay snares, others, hoping to hurt me, threaten my ruin, hatching treacherous plots all day.
38:13 But I am like the deaf, I do not hear, like the dumb man who does not open his mouth;
38:14 I am like the man who, hearing nothing, gives no sharp answer in return.
38:15 For I put my trust in you, Yahweh, and leave you to answer for me, Lord my God.
38:16 I have already said, ‘Stop them gloating over me, do not let them take advantage of me if my foot should slip’.
38:17 And now my fall is upon me, there is no relief from my pains
38:18 yes, I admit my guilt, I am sorry for having sinned.
38:19 There are more and more to hurt me for no reason, There are more to hate me unprovoked,
38:20 repaying my kindness with evil, arraigning me for trying to do right.
38:21 Yahweh, do not desert me, do not stand aside, my God!
38:22 Come quickly to my help, Lord, my saviour!
JB PSALMS Chapter 39
PSALM 39 (v38)
The insignificance of man before God
For the choirmaster
For Jeduthun
Of David
39:1 I said, ‘I will watch how I behave, and not let my tongue lead me into sin; I will keep a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked man is near me’.
39:2 I stayed dumb, silent, speechless, though the sight of him thriving made torment increase.
39:3 My heart had been smouldering inside me, but it flared up at the thought of this and the words burst out,
39:4 ‘Tell me, Yahweh, when my end will be, how many days are allowed me, show me how frail I am.
39:5 ‘Look, you have given me an inch or two of life, my life-span is nothing to you; each man that stands on earth is only a puff of wind, (Pause)
39:6 every man that walks, only a shadow, and the wealth he amasses is only a puff of wind – he does not know who will take it next.’
39:7 So tell me, Lord, what can I expect? My hope is in you.
39:8 Free me from all my sins, do not make me the butt of idiots.
39:9 I am dumb, I speak no more, since you yourself have been at work.
39:10 Lay your scourge aside, I am worn out with the blows you deal me.
39:11 You punish man with the penalties of sin, like a moth you eat away all that gives him pleasure – man is indeed only a puff of wind! (Pause)
39:12 Yahweh, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for help, do not stay deaf to my crying. I am your guest, and only for a time, a nomad like all my ancestors.
39:13 Look away, let me draw breath, before I go away and am no more!
JB PSALMS Chapter 40
PSALM 40 (v39)
Song of praise and prayer for help
For the choirmaster
Of David
40:1 I waited and waited for Yahweh, now at last he has stooped to me and heard my cry for help.
40:2 He has pulled me out of the horrible pit, out of the slough of the marsh, has settled my feet on a rock and steadied my steps.
40:3 He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; dread will seize many at the sight, and they will put their trust in Yahweh.
40:4 Happy the man who puts his trust in Yahweh, and does not side with rebels who stray after false gods.
40:5 How many wonders you have done for us, Yahweh, my God! How many plans you have made for us; you have no equal! I want to proclaim them, again and again, but they are more than I can count.
40:6 You, who wanted no sacrifice or oblation, opened my ear, you asked no holocaust or sacrifice for sin;
40:7 then I said, ‘Here I am! I am coming!’ In the scroll of the book am I not commanded
40:8 to obey your will? My God, I have always loved your Law from the depths of my being.
40:9 I have always proclaimed the righteousness of Yahweh in the Great Assembly; nor do I mean to stop proclaiming, as you know well.
40:10 I have never kept your righteousness to myself, but have spoken of your faithfulness and saving help; I have made no secret of your love and faithfulness in the Great Assembly.
40:11 For your part, Yahweh, do not withhold your kindness from me! May your love and faithfulness constantly preserve me.
40:12 More misfortunes beset me than I can count, my sins close in on me until I can hardly see, they outnumber the hairs on my head; my courage is running out.
40:13 Oh come and rescue me, Yahweh, Yahweh come quickly and help me!
40:14 Shame and dishonour on all who are out to kill, to destroy me! Down with them! Disgrace on those who enjoy my misfortune!
40:15 May they be aghast with shame, those who say to me, ‘Aha! Aha!’
40:16 But joy and gladness for all who seek you! To all who love your saving power give constant cause to say, ‘God is great!’
40:17 To me, poor wretch, come quickly, Lord! My helper, my saviour, my God, come and do not delay!
JB PSALMS Chapter 41
PSALM 41 (v40)
Prayer of a sick and lonely man
For the choirmaster
Of David
41:1 Happy the man who cares for the poor and the weak: if disaster strikes, Yahweh will come to his help.
41:2 Yahweh will guard him, give him life and happiness in the land; ah, do not let his enemies treat him as they please!
41:3 Yahweh will be his comfort on his bed of sickness; most carefully you make his bed when he is sick.
41:4 I for my part said, ‘Yahweh, take pity on me! Cure me, for I have sinned against you.’
41:5 My enemies say of me with malice, ‘How long before he dies and his name perishes?’
41:6 They visit me, their hearts full of spite, they offer hollow comfort, and go out to spread the news.
41:7 All who hate me whisper to each other about me, reckoning I deserve the misery I suffer,
41:8 ‘This sickness is fatal that has overtaken him, he is down at last, he will never get up again’.
41:9 Even my closest and most trusted friend, who shared my table, rebels against me.
41:10 But Yahweh, take pity on me! Raise me up, and I will pay them back;
41:11 and by this I shall know that I enjoy your favour, if my enemy fails to triumph over me;
41:12 and I, whom you uphold, go unscathed, set by you in your presence for ever.
41:13 Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, from all eternity and for ever! Amen. Amen![*a]
JB PSALMS Chapter 42
PSALM 42-43 (v41-42)
Lament of a Levite in exile
For the choirmaster
Of the sons of Korah
42:1 As a doe longs for running streams, so longs my soul for you, my God.
42:2 My soul thirsts for God, the God of life; when shall I go to see the face of God?[*a]
42:3 I have no food but tears, day and night; and all day long men say to me, ‘Where is your God?’
42:4 I remember, and my soul melts within me: I am on my way to the wonderful Tent, to the house of God, among cries of joy and praise and an exultant throng.
42:5 Why so downcast, my soul, why do you sigh within me? Put your hope in God: I shall praise him yet, my saviour,
42:6 my God. When my soul is downcast within me, I think of you; from the land of Jordan and of Hermon, of you, humble mountain![*b]
42:7 Deep is calling to deep as your cataracts roar; all your waves, your breakers, have rolled over me.
42:8 In the daytime may Yahweh command his love to come, and by night may his song be on my lips, a prayer to the God of my life!
42:9 Let me say to God my Rock, ‘Why do you forget me? Why must I walk so mournfully, oppressed by the enemy?’
42:10 Nearly breaking my bones my oppressors insult me, as all day long they ask me, ‘Where is your God?’
42:11 Why so downcast, my soul, why do you sigh within me? Put your hope in God: I shall praise him yet, my saviour, my God.
END OF JB PSALMS Volume 1 (1-41) [Total 150 Chapters].