1:1 哈巴谷先知在神视中所得的神谕。
1:2 上主,我呼救而你不予垂听,要到何时﹖向你呼喊「残暴」,而你仍不施救﹖
1:3 为什么你仗我见到邪恶,人受压迫,而你竟坐视﹖在我面前,只有压害和残暴,争吵不休,辩论迭起。
1:4 为此法律松驰,正义不彰,恶人包围了义人,因而产生歪曲的审判。
1:5 你们应观察列邦,且应注意视,你们必要詑异惊奇,因在你们的日子内,我要做一件事,纵然有人述说,你们也不相信。
1:6 看,我要激起加色丁人──那残暴凶猛的民族,向广大的地区进发,侵占别人的居所。
1:7 这民族独断独行,目中无人,实令人恐怖。
1:8 他们的马捷于虎豹,猛于夜狼;他们的马队由远方飞奔而来,像扑食的老鹰;
1:9 大事摧残,而面目焦燥,有如烈风;聚集的俘虏,多似尘沙。
1:10 他们嘲笑列王,讥讽诸侯,嗤笑任何堡垒只堆一堆土,即可攻下;
1:11 然后鼓起勇气向前猛进,以自己的力量为神。
1:12 吾主,你自古不就是我的天主,我的圣者﹖你决不会死亡!上主,你派他们来是为审判;盘石,你立定他们是为惩罚。
1:13 你的眼睛这样纯洁,以致见不得邪恶,见不得折磨!你为什么垂顾背信的人﹖当恶人吞噬较他们更义的人,你又为什么缄默﹖
1:14 你竟把人当作海里的鱼,当作没有主宰的爬虫!
1:15 他们把所有的一切用钩子钩上来,用网拉上来,用罟收集起来,为此欢欣踊跃,
1:16 向网祭献,向罟焚香,因为给他们带来了富裕的财物,丰美的饮食。
1:17 难道因此他们就应时常倒空自己的罗,无情地屠杀万民﹖
2:1 我要立在我的守望台上,置身于堡垒上窥探,看他对我说什么,看他怎样答复我的怨诉。
2:2 上主回答我说:「你写出这神视,清楚地刻在版上,使人能顺利诵读。
2:3 因为这神视有一定的时期,最后必要实现,决无欺诈;若迟廷了,你应等待;它必再来,决不误期。
2:4 看,心术不正的,必然消逝;人必因他们的信赖而生活。
2:5 的确,财物使人失信,使人骄傲,不能仗人安息;它张开自己像阴府的咽喉,又如不知餍足的死亡,聚集万民,汇合列国,归属自己。
2:6 那时,这些人民岂不都吟讽刺诗,以隐语嘲弄他说:祸哉,那只顾聚敛他人财物的人,堆积抵押于自己家中,要到何时﹖
2:7 你的债岂不要忽然起来,追债者岂不要醒起,你必成为他们的掠物!
2:8 因为你抢掠过许多民族,各民族的遗也必要抢掠你;因为你流了人的血,使地域、城市和其中所有的居民遭受了摧残。
2:9 祸哉!那取重利,而给自家招祸,并在高处设置窝巢,想避免灾祸的人!
2:10 你消灭许多民族,正是为自家遭来羞耻,危害自己的性命,
2:11 因为石头必由墙中呼喊,栋零梁必由屋脊应和。
2:12 祸哉,那以血债建造城市,以邪恶建立城镇的人!
2:13 这岂不要出于万军上主的意愿:列国只为火而勤劳,万民辛苦只是一场空﹖
2:14 因为大地要充满对上主光荣的知识,就如水充满海洋。
2:15 祸哉,那以搀有毒物的酒给自己近人喝,使他酣醉,图见他裸体的人!
2:16 你必饱尝耻辱,而毫无光荣。如今应该你喝,显露你未割损之物。上主右手中的杯已轮到了你,耻辱要遮盖你的光荣。
2:17 你加于黎巴嫩的摧残,必临于你;你施于走兽的虐待,必使你恐惧,因为你流了人的血,使地域、城市和其中所有居民遭受了摧残。
2:18 雕像有何用处,竟使工匠雕刻它﹖铸像,即撒谎之师,又有何用,竟值得制造它的人依赖它﹖他不要为自己制造了哑像﹖
2:19 祸哉,那对木头说:「醒来,」对石头说:「起来」的人!这样的东西岂能施救﹖看,它只是涂了一层金银,内却毫无气息。
2:20 但上主却住在自己的圣殿内,整个大地在他面前都应肃静。
3:1 哈巴谷先知的祷辞。调寄「流离之歌。」
3:2 上主,我听到了你的报道;上主,我见到你的作为;求你在岁月的过程中,彰显你的作为,求你在岁月的过程中,宣布出来!但愿你发怒时,也怀念仁慈。
3:3 天主自特曼而来,圣者由帕兰山而至(休止;)他的威严遮盖诸天,他的荣耀充满大地。
3:4 他的光辉明耀如日;他手中射出的光芒,蕴藏着他的威能。
3:5 瘟疾在他面前开路,热症随在他的足后。
3:6 他一停立,大地就动摇;他一注视,万民就战栗;太古的山岳崩裂,久远的丘陵沉没;他自永远即在其上行走。
3:7 我曾见雇商的帐幕恐慌,米德扬的帐幕震勫。
3:8 上主!当你骑着马,乘着凯旋车时,是否是向河流发怒﹖或是向海洋泄愤﹖
3:9 你抽出了你的弓弩,囊中装满了箭羽(休止);你劈地成河,
3:10 丛山见你而战栗;骤雨由云中降下,深潚发出巨响,太阳龀了升起,
3:11 月亮停于居所:这是因了你放射箭羽的光芒,你枪矛闪烁的光亮。
3:12 你怀怒踏遍大地,含恨蹂躏了万邦。
3:13 你出征是为了你的百姓,是为了你的受傅者;你折毁了恶人的屋顶,使屋基露出,直到盘石(休止。)
3:14 你用箭射透了他战士的头,因为他们冲来要驱散我们,且高兴得有如在暗中吞食贫民的人。
3:15 你却将他的战马投入深海,投入多水的沼泽中。
3:16 我一听见,我的我的脏腑发抖;对此消息,我的口唇打颤;痲痹侵入下骨骸,我的步伐在我下面已零乱。我在静待那困难的日子,因为那日子必要临于进攻我们的民族身上。
3:17 纵然无花果树不发芽,葡萄树不结实,橄榄树一无所产,麦田不出产食粮,羊栈内没有羊,牛栏中没有牛,
3:18 我仍然喜乐于上主,欢欣于我的救主天主。
3:19 我主上主是我的力量,他使我的脚有如鹿脚,引我在高处步行——交于乐官,和以弦乐
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
1:1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet received in a vision.
First complaint of the prophet: lawlessness prevails
1:2 How long, Yahweh, am I to cry for help while you will not listen; to cry ‘Oppression!’ in your ear and you will not save?
1:3 Why do you set injustice before me, why do you look on where there is tyranny? Outrage and violence, this is all I see, all is contention, and discord flourishes.
1:4 And so the law loses its hold, and justice never shows itself. Yes, the wicked man gets the better of the upright, and so justice is seen to be distorted.
First oracle. The Chaldaeans the instrument of God’s justice
1:5 Cast your eyes over the nations, look, and be amazed, astounded. For I am doing something in your own days that you would not believe if you were told of it.
1:6 For now I am stirring up the Chaldaeans, that fierce and fiery people who march miles across country to seize the homes of others.
1:7 A people feared and dreaded, from their might proceeds their right, their greatness.
1:8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves in the dark; their horsemen gallop on, their horsemen advance from afar, swooping like an eagle to stoop on its prey.
1:9 They come for plunder, all of them, their faces scorching like an east wind; they scoop up prisoners like sand.
1:10 They are a people that scoff at kings, and laugh at princes. They make light of all fortresses: they heap up earth and take them.
1:11 Then the wind changes and is gone… Sinful, he who makes his own strength his god.
Second complaint of the prophet: the tyranny of the conqueror
1:12 Are not you, from ancient times Yahweh, my God, my Holy One, who never dies? Yahweh, you have made this people an instrument of justice, set it firm as a rock in order to punish.
1:13 Your eyes are too pure to rest on wickedness, you cannot look on at tyranny. Why do you look on while men are treacherous, and stay silent while the evil man swallows a better man than he?
1:14 You treat mankind like fishes in the sea, like creeping, masterless things.
1:15 A people, these, who catch all on their hook, who draw them with their net, in their dragnet gather them, and so, triumphantly, rejoice.
1:16 At this, they offer a sacrifice to their net, and burn incense to their dragnet, for providing them with luxury and lavish food.
1:17 Are they then to empty their net unceasingly, slaughtering nations without pity?
Second oracle: the upright man will live by faithfulness
2:1 I will stand on my watchtower, and take up my post on my battlements, watching to see what he will say to me, what answer he will make to my complaints.
2:2 Then Yahweh answered and said, ‘Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets to be easily read,
2:3 since this vision is for its own time only: eager for its own fulfilment, it does not deceive; if it comes slowly, wait, for come it will, without fail.
2:4 ‘See how he flags, he whose soul is not at rights, but the upright man will live by his faithfulness.’
2:5 Wealth is indeed a treacherous thing. Haughty and unable to rest is he who is as greedy as Sheol, who is like death, insatiable, who assembles all the nations for his own ends, collects all the peoples to his own advantage.
2:6 On him, will not all men make satires, and turn an epigram against him? They will say:
Five imprecations
Trouble is coming to the man who amasses goods that are not his, (for how long?) and loads himself with pledges.
2:7 Will not your creditors suddenly rise, will not your duns awake? Then you will be their victim.
2:8 Since you have plundered many nations, all that remains of the peoples will plunder you; for you have shed men’s blood and ravished the country, the city and all who live in it.
2:9 Trouble is coming to the man who grossly exploits others for the sake of his House, to fix his nest on high and so evade the hand of misfortune.
2:10 You have contrived to bring shame on your House; by making an end of many peoples you have worked your own ruin.
2:11 For the stone from the very walls cries out, and the beam responds from the framework.
2:12 Trouble is coming to the man who builds a town with blood and founds a city on crime.
2:13 Is it not the will of Yahweh Sabaoth that the labouring of peoples should end in fire, and the toiling of nations come to nothing?
2:14 For the country shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh as the waters swell the sea.[*a]
2:15 Trouble is coming to the man who makes his neighbours drink, who pours his poison until they are drunk, to look at their nakedness.
2:16 You are drunk with ignominy, not with glory. Your turn now to drink and show your foreskin. The cup from Yahweh’s right hand comes round to you, and disgrace will overshadow your glory.
2:17 For the violence done to Lebanon is going to overwhelm you, so will the slaughter of terrified beasts, for you have shed men’s blood and ravished the country, the city and all who live in it.
2:19 Trouble is coming to the man who says to the piece of wood, ‘Wake up!’ to the dumb stone, ‘On your feet!’ (And that is the oracle.) Plated it may be with gold and silver, but not a breath of life inside it.
2:18 What is the use of a carved image, or for its maker to carve it at all? lt is a thing of metal, a lying oracle. What is the use of its maker trusting this and fashioning dumb idols?
2:20 But Yahweh is in his holy Temple: let the whole earth be silent before him.
3:1 A prayer[*a] of Habakkuk the prophet; tone as for dirges.
3:2 Yahweh, I have heard of your renown, your work, Yahweh, inspires me with dread. Repeat it in our own time, reveal it in our time. For all yourwrath, remember to be merciful.
3:3 Eloah is coming from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran.[*b] (Pause) His majesty veils the heavens, the earth is filled with his glory.
3:4 His brightness is like the day, rays flash from his hands, that is where his power lies hidden.
3:5 Plague goes in front of him, fever follows on his heels.
3:6 When he stands up he makes the earth tremble, with his glance he makes the nations quake. Then the ancient mountains are dislodged, the everlasting hills sink down, his pathway from of old.
3:7 I have seen the tents of Cushan terrified, the pavilions of the land of Midian shuddering.[*c]
3:8 Yahweh, is your anger blazing against the rivers, or your fury against the sea, that you come mounted on your horses, on your victorious chariots?
3:9 You uncover your bow, you ply its string with arrows. (Pause) You trench the soil with torrents;
3:10 the mountains shiver when they see you; great floods sweep on their way, the abyss[*d] roars aloud, high it lifts its hands.
3:11 Sun and moon stay in their houses, avoiding the flash of your arrows, the gleam of your glittering spear.
3:12 Raging, you stride the earth, in anger you trample the nations.
3:13 You have marched to save your people, to save your own anointed; you have beaten down the wicked man’s house, bared its foundations to the rock. (Pause)
3:14 With your shafts you have pierced the leader of his warriors who stormed out with shouts of joy to scatter us, as if they meant to devour some poor wretch in their lair.
3:15 You have trampled the sea with your horses, the surge of great waters.
3:16 I have heard. My whole body trembles, my lips quiver at the sound; decay creeps into my bones, my steps falter beneath me. Calmly I awaitthe day of anguish which is dawning on the people now attacking us.
3:17 (For the fig tree is not going to blossom, nor will there be any fruit on the vine, the yield of the olive will fail, the fields afford no food; the sheep will vanish from the fold, nor will there be any cattle in the stalls.)
3:18 But I will rejoice in Yahweh, I will exult in God my saviour.
3:19 Yahweh my Lord is my strength, he makes my feet as light as a doe’s, he sets my steps on the heights. (For the choirmaster; on stringed instruments.)
END OF JB HABAKKUK [3 Chapters].