







1:1 那时,上主的话传给阿米泰的儿子约纳说:
1:2 「你起身往尼尼微大城去,向他们宣布:他们的邪恶已达到我前」。
1:3 约纳却起身,想躲开上主的面,逃到塔尔史士去;遂下到约培,找到一只要开往塔尔史士的船,缴了船费,上了船,同他们往塔尔史士去,好躲开上主的面。

1:4 但是上主却使海上起了大风,海中风浪大作,那只船眼看就要被击破。
1:5 水手们都惊慌起来,每人呼求自己的神,并将船上的货物拋在海里,为减轻载重。约纳却下到船舱,躺下沉睡了。
1:6 船长走到他跟前,向他说:「怎么,你还在睡觉﹖起来!呼求你的神吧!你的神也许会眷念我们,使我们不致丧亡」。

1:7 他们彼此说:「来,我们抽签,以便知道,我们遇到这场灾祸,是因谁的缘故」。他们便抽签,约纳竟抽中了。
1:8 他们向他说:「请告诉我们:我们遇到这场灾祸,是因什么缘故﹖你是干什么的﹖从那里来﹖你是什么地方的人﹖属于那一个民族﹖」
1:9 他回答他们说:「我是个希伯来人,我敬畏的,是那创造海洋和陆地的上天的上主天主。」
1:10 那些人都很害怕,就对他说:「怎么你做了这事﹖」人们都知道,他是从天主面前逃跑的,因为他已经告诉了他们。

1:11 他们又向他说:「我们该怎样处置你,才能使海为我们而平静﹖」因为,海越来越汹涌了。
1:12 他对他们说:「你们举起我,将我拋在海里,海就会为你们平静下来,因为我知道,这场大风暴,临到你们身上,只是因了我的缘故。」
1:13 众人虽然尽力摇橹,想回到海岸,却是不能,因为海上风暴,越来越汹涌。
1:14 所以他们便呼求上主说:「上主!求你不要因这一个人的性命,使我们全部丧亡;不要将无辜者的血,归在我们身上,因为你是上主,就按你的意愿作吧!」
1:15 他们于是举起约纳,将他拋在海里,海遂平静。
1:16 众人都极其敬畏上主,遂向上主献祭,许下誓愿。

BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

B OBADIAH Chapter 1


Title and prologue

1:1a Vision of Obadiah: about Edom.

1:1c I have received a message from Yahweh, a herald has been sent throughout the nations, ‘Up! Let us march against this people. Into battle!’


Sentence pronounced on Edom

1:1b The Lord Yahweh says this:

1:2 Now I am going to reduce you among the nations, and make you utterly despised.

1:3 Your pride of heart has led you astray, you whose home is in the holes in the rocks,[*a] who make the heights your dwelling, who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’

1:4 Though you soared like the eagle, though you set your nest among the stars, I would still fling you down again – it is Yahweh who speaks.


The annihilation of Edom

1:5 If robbers came to you, or plunderers at night, they would steal to their heart’s content. If grape-gatherers came to you, they would leave no gleanings behind them. How you have been pillaged!

1:6 How Esau has been looted, his hidden treasures rifled!

1:7 They have driven you right to the frontiers, they have misled you, all your allies. They have deceived you, your fine friends. Those who ate your bread now set traps for you, ‘He has no intelligence now’.

1:8 When that day comes – it is Yahweh who speaks – shall I not deprive Edom of sages, the Mount of Esau of intelligence?

1:9 Your warriors, Teman,[*b] will be seized with terror until not a single one is left in the Mount of Esau.


The guilt of Edom

For the slaughter,

1:10 for the violence done to your brother Jacob[*c], shame will cover you and you will vanish for ever.

1:11 On the day you stood by as strangers carried off his riches, as barbarians passed through his gate and cast lots for Jerusalem, you behaved like the rest of them.

1:12 Do not gloat over your brother on the day of his misfortune. Do not exult over the sons of Judah on the day of their ruin. Do not play the braggart on the day of distress.

1:13 Do not pass through the gate of my people on the day of its misfortune. Do not, in your turn, gloat over its disaster on the day of its misfortune. Do not lay a finger on its treasures on the day of its misfortune.

1:14 Do not take your stand at the crossroads to cut off its fugitives. Do not hand over its survivors on the day of distress.

1:15 For the day of Yahweh is near for all the nations. As you have done, so will it be done to you: your deeds will recoil on your own head.


The day of Yahweh. Israel revenged on Edom

1:16 [*d] Yes, as you have drunk on my holy mountain, so will all the nations drink unsparingly; they will drink, and drink deep, and will be as if they had never been.

1:17 But on Mount Zion there will be some who have escaped – it shall become a holy place – and the House of Jacob will despoil its own despoilers.

1:18 The House of Jacob shall be a fire, the House of Joseph[*e] a flame, the House of Esau stubble. They will set it alight and burn it up, and no member of the House of Esau shall survive. Yahweh has spoken.


The new Israel

1:19 Men from the Negeb will occupy the Mount of Esau, men from the Lowlands the country of the Philistines; they will occupy the land of Ephraim and the land of Samaria, and Benjamin will occupy Gilead.

1:20 The exiles from this army, the sons of Israel, will occupy Canaan[*f] as far as Zarephath; and the exiles from Jerusalem now in Sepharad will occupy the town of the Negeb.

1:21 Victorious, they will climb Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esau, and the sovereignty shall belong to Yahweh.


END OF JB OBADIAH [1 Chapter].



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